Neil Armstrong dies at age 82 | (2024)

The first man to walk on the Moon during the 1969 Apollo 11 mission passed away August 25 following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures.

ByNASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. | Published: August 27, 2012| Last updated on May 18, 2023

Armstrong in the lunar module Eagle on the surface of the Moon, July 20, 1969.


Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon during the 1969 Apollo 11 mission, has died, following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. He was 82.

Armstrong’s words, “That is one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind,” spoken on July 20, 1969, as he became the first person ever to step onto another planetary body, instantly became a part of history.

Those few words from the Sea of Tranquillity were the climactic fulfillment of the efforts and hopes of millions of people and the expenditure of billions of dollars. A plaque on one of the lander’s legs that concluded, “We came in peace for all mankind,” further emphasized that Armstrong and fellow astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin were there as representatives of all humans.

In a 2001 oral history interview, Armstrong credited those behind the scenes for the mission’s success: “When you have hundreds of thousands of people all doing their job a little better than they have to, you get an improvement in performance. And that’s the only reason we could have pulled this whole thing off.”

Armstrong is survived by his wife, two sons, a stepson, a stepdaughter, 10 grandchildren, and a brother and sister.

“Neil Armstrong was a hero not just of his time, but of all time,” President Barack Obama said via Twitter. “Thank you, Neil, for showing us the power of one small step.”

Armstrong’s family released the following statement on Saturday: “Neil Armstrong was also a reluctant American hero who always believed he was just doing his job. He served his nation proudly, as a navy fighter pilot, test pilot, and astronaut. He also found success back home in his native Ohio in business and academia and became a community leader in Cincinnati.

“While we mourn the loss of a very good man, we also celebrate his remarkable life and hope that it serves as an example to young people around the world to work hard to make their dreams come true, to be willing to explore and push the limits, and to selflessly serve a cause greater than themselves.”

“As long as there are history books, Neil Armstrong will be included in them, remembered for taking humankind’s first small step on a world beyond our own,” said NASA Administrator Charles Bolden.

“Besides being one of America’s greatest explorers,” Bolden added, “Neil carried himself with a grace and humility that was an example to us all.”

Apollo 11 lunar module pilot and fellow moonwalker Buzz Aldrin on Armstrong’s passing: “I am very saddened to learn of the passing of Neil Armstrong today. Neil and I trained together as technical partners but were also good friends who will always be connected through our participation in the Apollo 11 mission. Whenever I look at the Moon, it reminds me of the moment over four decades ago when I realized that even though we were farther away from Earth than two humans had ever been, we were not alone.”

Apollo 11 command module pilot Michael Collins said simply, “He was the best, and I will miss him terribly.”

One of the few photos that show Armstrong during the Apollo 11 moonwalk.


As news of Armstrong’s death became widely known, many NASA officials offered their thoughts on the agency’s best-known representative:

“The passing of Neil Armstrong has shocked all of us at the Johnson Space Center,” said Center Director Michael Coats. “The whole world knew Neil as the first man to step foot on the Moon, but to us he was a co-worker, a friend, and an outstanding spokesman for the Human Space Program. His quiet confidence and ability to perform under pressure set an example for all subsequent astronauts. Our role model will be missed.”

“Neil Armstrong was a very personal inspiration to all of us within the astronaut office,” said Bob Behnken, chief of NASA’s Astronaut Office. “His historic step onto the Moon’s surface was the foundation for many of our personal dreams to become astronauts. The only thing that outshone his accomplishments was his humility about those accomplishments. We will miss him as a friend, mentor, explorer and ambassador for the American spirit of ingenuity.”

Armstrong’s single sentence, though it was focused above the national divisions and quarrels of Earth, still signified unquestionably the U.S. victory in the desperate space race with the Soviet Union.

Neil A. Armstrong was born August 5, 1930, in Wapakoneta, Ohio. He earned an aeronautical engineering degree from Purdue University and a master’s in aerospace engineering from the University of Southern California.

He was a naval aviator from 1949 to 1952. During the Korean War, he flew 78 combat missions.

In 1955 he joined the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), NASA’s predecessor, as a research pilot at Lewis Laboratory in Cleveland.

Armstrong later transferred to NACA’s High Speed Flight Research Station at Edwards Air Force Base in California. As project pilot, he was in the forefront of the development of many high-speed aircraft, including the X-15, which flew at 4,000 mph (6,400 km/h).

He flew more than 200 aircraft models. They included jet and rocket-powered planes, helicopters, and gliders.

Armstrong was selected as an astronaut in 1962.

His first space flight was Gemini 8, which he commanded. He was the first civilian to fly a U.S. spacecraft. With fellow astronaut David R. Scott, Armstrong performed the first docking in space, with an Agena target satellite.

Less than an hour later, their spacecraft began an unplanned rolling motion. After undocking, it increased to one revolution per second. One of the Gemini’s 16 thrusters had stuck open because of an electrical short circuit.

Armstrong used reentry thrusters to control the capsule, and after a 30-minute struggle, it was stabilized. Flight rules required a return to Earth after use of the reentry thrusters, so the crewmembers fired retrorockets that sent Gemini 8 to a contingency landing zone in the Western Pacific.

The eventful flight on March 16, 1966, had taken just over 10 hours, 41 minutes.

Apollo 11 astronauts, from left, Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong, and Buzz Aldrin stand during a recognition ceremony at the U.S House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technology tribute to the Apollo 11 astronauts at the Cannon House Office Building on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, July 21, 2009, in Washington.

NASA/Bill Ingalls

Apollo 11 lifted off July 16, 1969, with Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins aboard. Collins remained in lunar orbit in the command module while Armstrong and Aldrin descended in the lunar module they had named Eagle to their historic landing on the Moon’s surface.

“Houston, Tranquillity Base here. The Eagle has landed,” Armstrong said, telling a tense and waiting Earth that men had finally reached the lunar surface.

He and Aldrin spent about two hours exploring, gathering more than 50 pounds (23 kilograms) of Moon rocks and setting up three scientific experiments. The next day, after 21 hours and 37 minutes on the Moon, they fired Eagle‘s engine to begin the return to Collins and the command module.

The crew returned to Earth, landing near the USS Hornet in the Pacific after a mission of just over eight days. President Richard M. Nixon was on the aircraft carrier’s deck to welcome them.

“This is the greatest week in the history of the world since the creation,” Nixon told the three.

After 16 days in quarantine to protect Earth from any returned Moon germs, the crew went on U.S. and international tours. Millions greeted them as heroes.

Armstrong later served as deputy associate administrator for aeronautics in the Office of Advanced Research and Technology at NASA Headquarters. He resigned from the space agency in 1971. As a professor at the University of Cincinnati from 1971 to 1979, he was involved in both teaching and research.

He later went into the business world. Among other positions, he served for 10 years as chairman of Computing Technologies for Aviation Inc. of Charlottesville, Virginia, and later as chairman of AIL Systems Inc., an electronic systems company based in Deer Park, New York.

Armstrong was a fellow of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots and the Royal Aeronautical Society, and an honorary fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the International Astronautical Federation.

He was a member of the National Academy of Engineering. He served as a member of the National Commission on Space in 1985 and 1986, and in 1985 was vice chairman of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident. He also was chairman of the Presidential Advisory Committee for the Peace Corps from 1971 to 1973.

Seventeen countries decorated Armstrong. He received many special honors, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Congressional Gold Medal, the Congressional Space Medal of Honor, NASA’s Ambassador of Exploration Award, the Explorers Club Medal, the Robert H. Goddard Memorial Trophy, the NASA Distinguished Service Medal, the Harmon International Aviation Trophy, the Royal Geographic Society’s Gold Medal, the Federation Aeronautique Internationale’s Gold Space Medal, the American Astronautical Society Flight Achievement Award, the Robert J. Collier Trophy, the AIAA Astronautics Award, the Octave Chanute Award, and the John J. Montgomery Award.

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Neil Armstrong dies at age 82 | (2024)


Neil Armstrong dies at age 82 | ›


Neil Alden Armstrong (August 5, 1930 – August 25, 2012) was an American astronaut and aeronautical engineer who in 1969 became the first man to walk on the Moon. He was also a naval aviator, test pilot, and university professor. › wiki › Neil_Armstrong
in the lunar module Eagle on the surface of the Moon, July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon during the 1969 Apollo 11 mission, has died, following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. He was 82.

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WASHINGTON – The following is a statement from the Armstrong family regarding the death of former test pilot and NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong. He was 82. “We are heartbroken to share the news that Neil Armstrong has passed away following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures.

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Neil Armstrong, who made the “giant leap for mankind” as the first human to set foot on the moon, died on Saturday. He was 82. His family said in a statement that the cause was “complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures.” He had undergone heart bypass surgery this month in Cincinnati, near where he lived.

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After leaving NASA, he joined the faculty of the University of Cincinnati as a professor of aerospace engineering. Armstrong remained at the university for eight years. Staying active in his field, he served as the chairman of Computing Technologies for Aviation, Inc., from 1982 to 1992.

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Neil Armstrong was asked by James Hansen, the author of his only authorized biography titled “First Man”, if he left anything special on the Moon for his family or his daughter and he said “No.” He was a very personal man and might have denied actually leaving something, but I believe him when he said no.

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The public memorial was held at the National Cathedral, with fellow Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins among the hundreds attending.

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After Apollo 11, and Armstrong's death. After his time as an astronaut, Armstrong was deputy associate administrator for aeronautics at NASA headquarters.

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Four of America's moonwalkers are still alive: Aldrin (Apollo 11), David Scott (Apollo 15), Charles Duke (Apollo 16), and Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17). In all, 24 American astronauts made the trip from Earth to the Moon between 1968 and 1972.

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The founder of astrogeology, Gene Shoemaker, is the only person to date whose ashes have been buried on the moon. Despite being a scientist of great esteem, Shoemaker's health problems and early death in an automobile accident caused him to be unsung.

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Apollo 17 commander Eugene Cernan is covered in lunar dust after the mission's second moonwalk. On December 14, 1972, Cernan took his final steps on the moon and no one has been back since. Protected inside a glass case are some precious boots.

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But living in an emotional vacuum eventually took its toll on Janet, and the couple quietly divorced in 1994 after four decades of marriage, during which time Janet once said: “Silence is Neil Armstrong's answer. "The word 'no' is an argument. He is a very solitary man.”

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Neil Armstrong was buried at sea from the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea, in the Atlantic Ocean off Norfolk, Virginia on Sept 14, 2012. However, burials at sea today are the dignified scattering of ashes; the body isn't simply put over the side as in former times.

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Armstrong married Janet Shearon on January 28, 1956. The couple soon added to their family. Son Eric arrived in 1957, followed by daughter Karen in 1959. Sadly, Karen died of complications related to an inoperable brain tumor in January 1962.

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Throughout the movie, Armstrong is seen holding his daughter's bracelet — and even takes it to the moon and throws it into a giant crater there before returning home. But how factual is that part? Did Armstrong really throw his daughter's bracelet into the crater? Long story short, no one really knows.

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The radiation has rendered the nylon thread in the flags very brittle, and the Apollo 14 and 15 flags may have disintegrated. However, LRO photography has positively confirmed the Apollo 12, 16, and 17 flags are still erect on the Moon.

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But in 1970 future Apollo missions were cancelled. Apollo 17 became the last crewed mission to the Moon, for an indefinite amount of time. The main reason for this was money. The cost of getting to the Moon was, ironically, astronomical.

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Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, died last Saturday at the age of 82. The pioneering American may be remembered as a humble hero, steering clear of the spotlight despite his monumental accomplishments, but the skilled spaceman was one tough man.

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Aldrin and Armstrong spent more than 21 hours on the lunar surface collecting moon rocks and taking photographs. Along with Michael Collins, the command module pilot, the Apollo 11 astronauts returned safely to Earth on July 24 and were hailed as heroes.

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In 1962, American astronaut Neil Armstrong's 2-year-old daughter, Karen, died from DIPG. Nothing has changed in the treatment options or survival rate for this disease in the almost 60 years since her death. DIPG is terminal upon diagnosis.

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Astronaut Eugene Cernan is known to be the last man to walk on the Moon in 1972, and his record is safe for another few years before the first batch of humans returns to the lunar surface to etch their names n the history books.

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