The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)

WED'SDAY, AUG. 10, 1921 THE SELMA TIMES-JOURNAL PAGE Five grounds not far inside the Golden MARKETS THE EXCHANGES oo won condition 82; Irish potatoes, bushels, condition 64; Sorgham syrup, 14,996,000 gallons, condition 81; sugar cane syrup, 10,988,000 gallons, condition 82; oats, 9,160,000 bushels, condition 80; wheat, 567,000 'bushels, condition 81. txate. It came from stockholders who decline to accept their dividend and put the money into the property to give to th city. It is probable the tract will be converted into a marine park and boulevard.

SELMA COTTON, AUG. 10 Strict Good Middling ..13 7-16 Good Middling ..11 11-16 Firs And Only Expo Company To Pay Cash Dividend San Francisco, Aug. 10. One of the few cash dividends ever declared by a world's fair was announced here recently by trustees of the Panama Pacific International Exposition, which attracted thousands from all parts of the world to San Francisco in CLASSIFIED New House For Sale Modern cottaee in Highland Park Addition, opposite Mr. B.

H. Perrin's home. On large lot and finished in modern style, such as rift sawn flooring and of best plumbing and electric fixtures. Ready for occupancy in two weeks. BOWIE SMITH Mf INCREASES CQRN YIELD OF STATE Bar Wilkinson Judge Horace C.

Wilkinson of Bir Strict Middling 11 15-16 Middling 11 3-16 Strict Low 9 11-16 Low Middling 8 3-16 Another Mystery Ship Haunting Atlantic Coast New York, Aug. 10. Another ship has been added to the string of mystery craft sighted recently off the Atlantic coast and uspected.of ev New York Cotton New York, Aug. 10. Higher Liverpool cables continued1 favorable, reports from the goods trade and the expectations of a bullish weekly review of weather conditions in the belt led to renewed buying in the cotton market at the opening First prices were sttady at an advance of 8 to 11 points and active months sold 1 to 20 points above last night's clos ing during the early trading.

The advance was accompanied by rumors that returns to a southern authority mingham was barrpd from membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars until he isjjovenjnnocent, Governor Kilby was requested to remove him from the prosecution of the nine guardsmen, and the Alabama Bar N. O. Cotton New Orleans, Aug. 10. The closed steady unchanged to 3 points up net.

erything from piracy to rum running. Chambliss Keith of Selma Appointed Chairman Committee of Alabama Bar Association Judge Wilkinson Association was requested to bring disbarment proceedings in formal resolutions adopted by the Smith-Wynn The latest, described as a 12,000 ton steamer, was sighted August six about sixty miles southeast of Cape Hatteras by the steamship West GLASSES Gray Brothers can make con far on A rtn urirt nno rvoil I made the mid-month condition of the 1280 1320 1330 1352 1367 1276 1315 1324 1349 1360 Oct 1306 December 1346 January 1355 March 1375 May 1385 jfost oi veterans ot Foreign Wars. Barred From Foreign Wars Keene, which arrived yesterday from Pacific coast ports. Veteran Ass The Keene's officer said the stran 1315. The dividend, the first and last paid by the exposition company, was for eight per cent on the stock approximately $5,500,000.

Checks covering the dividend were sent to stockholders August 1. The exposition company also gave the city of San Francisco the huge exposition auditorium here and its organ. The last Democratic national convention was held in the audito- Another gift to the city resulting romtbe exposition is an area of four blocks along the Marina, a bay-front stretch of the exposition N. Y. Cotton New York, Aug.

10. The cotton Keith Chairman Committees which will have charge of the work of the Alabama State Bar Association during the next year were made public by Col. Alex M. Troy, secretary, today, following the receipt of a list of appointments made by W. O.

Mulkey of Geneva, president of the association. Some of crop 59.4 against the official figures of 64.7 for late month. December contracts sold up to 13.92 or 36 points above the low prices touched on the reaction yesterday and within five points of the recent high levels. Liquidation was promoted by reports of an unsettled tone in the stock market during the early afternoon and price sold from 10 to 15 of glasses, and save you money. John L.

Gray. 1-lmJ APARTMENTS FOR RENT ---fti LAMAR COURT APARTMENTS For immediate occupancy or October 1st Three, Four and Five Room Apartments, with Hot and Cold Water, Steam Heat and Gas Stoves furnished free. See' Joe S. Lamar, or telephone No. 123.

ger had remained four miles distant. She carried three masts and two funnels. Two cargo booms usually snuggled down while ships are at sea, were rigged to the foremast. An effort to exchange radio messages failed when the ship refused to answer. Montgomery Bureau Times-Journal Fred H.

Gormjay, Correspondent Montgomery, Aug. 10. (Special) Favorable weather conditions during the past few weeks have increased the prospective yield of corn in Alabama about five million bushels, ac market closed quiet. October 1348 December 1394 January 1395" March 1420 May 1425 1325 1371 1374 1399 1406 1315 1361 1364 1391 1399 points below last night's closing. De state have been given assignments cording to the summary of crop, con of 4 points of that price around 2 anions made uuuiic Tuesday after mm wmmi o'clock.

noon, by S. W. Gist, agricultural WALL STREET statistician, following the receipt of a telegram confirming the estimate BUTTER-KIST Popcorn, alted peanuts, cooked fresh every day. Butlers Book Store. 15-31t President Mulkey appointed, among other committees, the following Jurisprudence and law reform Virgil Bouldin, chairman, Scottsboro; Gregory L.

Smiths-Mobil John C. Eyster, Albany; Byrd G. Farmer, Dothan; E. P. Beddow, Birmingham.

N. O. Cotton New Orleans, Aug. 1 0 rhe worst $5.00 JERSEY PETTICOATS, ALL COLORS 1 i i crop reports yet received this season Dy tne bureau crop estimates. Cotton 440,000 Bafefe Mr.

Gist estimates the total yield of rnthisyearat 74,376,000 bushels New York, Aug. 10. The stock market started in the same spiritless fashion as was noticed of from Texas put the cotton market strongly higher in the early trading LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN- Correspondence Chambliss. Keith, THURSDAY $129 -L leuow uonie nog, nas been clip tne --arefive months- rtsirrg 23 effected by the cut in prices of the to 29 points by the end of the first andef "City; N. D.

Denson, Ope Cotton should produce 440,000 bales this year according to the estimate. lika J. Fletcher, Andalusia; ped recently, except on neck and tip of tail. Finder notify L. H.

Smith, Minter, and get reward. 7-6t. hour, tarrying- October upto- 13.06 cents a pound. Better cables than the condition on the same date being i W. B.

Merrill, Hef lin. due were a help to the market on the I I i Quality Shop STEW, STEW, STEW product, Atlantic Gulf by its poor annual statement and railroads on the large indicated shrinkage in crop yields. Studebaker, Chandler Motors, Atlantic Gulf, Mexican Petroleum, Houston Oil, General Asphalt, and Baldwin Locomotive fell 1 to 1 with Reading. Northern Pacific, American Sumatra Tobacco and American- call losing Vf ftointa. placed at per cent ot normal.

Peanuts are 82 per cent of normal and the estimated yield is 8,520,000 bushels. Estimates of yield and the condition of other principal crops follow: i Sweet Potatoes Thursday to be stew day at th opening, as, were also reports of a larger business at higher prices doing wholesale goods markets of this country. The weekly crop reports from the government about net conservative Best Market. Stew 10c lb. Shelled Butter Beans, Snap Beans.

Ice rnlA watfrmolrtna Raat- OK FOR SALE OR RENT Furniture High grade and medium grade. For living rooms, dining rooms, bed rooms, halls and kitchen, also a number, of refrigerators. Oil and gas stores; Witt-furnish apartments at reasonable rental, Mrs. C. C.

Grayson, Phone" 356. 6tf. Hay, tons, condition 75; I Ol COO AAA iluM.1 1 i opinion indicating poor progress irmmpmr miBiimn, Washington Sfc- Phone 1313. deterioration in' most important sec tions of the belt, but did not seem The market exhibited more general -weakness in the early afternoon -after-Jthe-jniMkalion the. JMted As Japs Worship Deceased to be.

sufficiently, strong to brings in Don't Throw CHARCOAL FURNACES AH size just received. Robbins Hardware o. Phone 23. 7-lw, new buying of consequence, the market eased off gradually and at 1 1 o'clock stood 7 to 11 points higher than the alose-of yestesdfty October dropped back to 12.87. States tonnage figures and the announcement of the passing of the quarterly dividend on American su-'ars Lower record for the year were registered by various industrials and Momey FOR RENT To gentlemen or couple specialties, including American-, sw-1 one well furnished room adjoin Away ing bath.

Phone 1048-J. 418 Union St. 7-lw. gar. w.hich lost three points.

The closing was weak. Sales approximated 475,000 shares. Cotton Seed Oil New York, Aug. 10. The cotton seed oil market closed weak.

Prime summer yellow 870 bid; prime crude 700 nominal, August 865; September 869; October 878: November Cabbage, Collard and Tomato plant. your old lsh Can Don't throw ti 1 Especially grown for. fall gardens. DEATHS 8d5; December 832; January 835; Prepaid mail 300, 500, 1000, $2.50. Expressed 2000, February 838; March 860.

Total a(M), Parker 410 iSi; News was received here todav of J. O. HAIN RETURNS the death at Homestead, of J. H. Barnes, which occurred at 7 a.

m. Mr. Barnes was for years a resident of Selma, removing from this city two years ago to Florida. Two brothers, Ed. and George Barnes of Selma were witl him at the end, and a sister, Mrs.

Jesse Rhodes also survives him in Selma. Funeral arrangements have hot been completed. J. O. Hain, Jr.who has served in the Navy, reached home today, after receiving his discharge at Norfolk, and will spend some time with his parents, and Mrs.

J. Hain at Sardis. Young Hain will 'enter the Chata-nooga Law School at Chattanooga this fall. Jttinay save your money and' Shoes too. Bring them here and we'll rebuild them, adding months of comfort and satisfaction to their service.

Shoes are better quality today than formerly, and consequently more expensive. They are worth repairing and you'll find that by bringing them here you'll get double the wear out of your Shoes and find them less costly in the long run. 1 The very best work at the very lowet prices. 'i Goulds at Atlantic Qtv. moht Atlanta, Ga.

7-7t. FOR RENT 3 upitair Coom back and front porch, private bath, trunk room. Broad St. near Parle. Prefer parties without children.

C. P. C. care Times-Journal. 8-3t.

FOR SALE One farm wagon 2 and 3-4 inch, Bain nearly new. Address Wagon, Times-Journal. 8-3. 1 1 FOR RENT Five unfurnished room suitable for one or two families, all modern conveniences. 1615 Selma Ave.

8-t WANTED Two pair tingle waron harness, in yood Jim Emerson. Phont 421 or 124. 9-21. WE Repair, Sewing Machine, Typewriters, Locks, Keys, Guns, Pistols Bicycles, Phonographs, Cash Registers, Adding Machine, Sharpens Scissors, Anything and everything that needs rebuilding or repairing. Alabama Repair 21 Broad Street, Phone 214, next to Cawthon Coleman Drug Co.

SHOE ijSHOP LESTER, PROP. 110 LAUDERDALE STREET -PHONE' 130 xhrwV," piSture ot daiIy worship at a 'ffapanese "family the famiiv offerie ot rood for the deceaSwd mombTrs Week-End Specials mi mi WANTED Two or four first class mules for logging, to weigh about 1200 pounds, about six years old. Anyone wanting to sell or trade, apply at once to J. Foster Finklea, Bfuna Vista, Alabama. 9-3t.

Coming! Majcoff Big Clearance sale. Have you a circular? That Will Be Of I nterest To Eve These Price Cash Only LOST 'Brown Collie pup, white spots around neck, white tip on tail. Reward. Frank Childers, 507 Union St. 10-2t BARBECUE and Brunswick Stew, Saturday Aug.

13th. At number 29 Washington St. E. Cab Bayne. i 10-3t.

Man and Woman George Jay Gould, and his wife on the beach at Atlantic City. sanatorium in Millidgeville, for treatment under a noted nerve specialist, her condition is not improved, FOR RENT, Oct. lt, 1921 A five room house at 1524 Broad St. Screened throughout, everything in first class order; a large garden and fruit trees. Price $30.00 per month.

and little hope is held out for her the move to Milledgeville from Atlan Men's Genuine Palm Beach Suits Ladies Dotted Organdy Dresses MISS LEVERITT Iff ta being made as a last resort. i COMPOSER-MUSICIAN HERE ON VISIT TO HIS FATHER 'MILLEDGEVILLE HOSPITAL Friends of Miss Marie Leveritt here are alwavs seekinE" news of her. Mr. John Proctor Mills, Montarom cry composer, is here on a week's visit to his father, Mr. A.

D. Mills end he is renewing many pleasant since the distressing collapse which this lovely young woman suffered some months ago, and latest news, brought to Selma by Mr. Aubrey Leveritt, a brotHer, will be eagerly received. t- Miss Leveritt has been taken to a G. F.

Scruggs, 1524 North Broad St, 10-3t. FOR SALE My residence 509 Tre mont Street. B. S. Bibb.

lOlOt. FOR SALE One good harness mare 8 year old; one good saddle horse. A bargain. John M. Seymour.

10-tf. FOR RENT Two large connecting downstairs rooms private bath. Can 1be furnished as two bed rooms or bed room and sitting room, lights, phone, water included. Heater and gas plate convenient an don separate meter. References.

Phone 646. acquaintances in Selma. if lr. Mills has a wide and varied Last call on men's genuine Palm Beach Suits. All colors, extreme and conservative styles.

they go at Newest styles, all the wanted colors. Sure to make a hit with the ladies. Be in the rush and get one i list of friends, including many no tables in the world of music. Of these, the lamented Caruso was one and cherished amontr the most val uable of Mr. Mills' possessions are three autograph photographs of the great singer two of them showing THE SAFETY Of $11.95 $4.29 mm in nis most, famous roles.

Miss Louise Orr of Clanton is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. O. Stod FOR RENT Oct. lt.

Apartment 2 bed rooms, dining room, kitchen and bath. 900 Alabaa Ave. Phone 181 J. 10-6t. dard on Church street.

See Them in The Window For Thursday, Friday, Saturday Miss "I irgaret Jemison will spend several eeks at Lynbrook, L. Coming! Makoff Big (ale. Have you a circular? with friends, Mrs. Lester Grif Sea Our Window fith, in Washington and New York a pleasant vacation which will her away from Selma several it D-. a id Mrs.

D. P. Taylor have gone gone to Roanoke, to spend several weeks with relatives, and to give Depends Upon The Electrical Contractors BLAKELY ELECTRIC COMPANY 1101 Dalla Avenue Phone 1090 SELMA MATTRESS CLEANING CO. AH kinds of old mattresses Renovated and made like new. Makers of fine sanitary bed- ding.

Work called for and delivered same day. 322 Washington St. O. Box 795. Phone 1297-W Air.

iayior opportunity to rest from Jtis duties as pastor of- -tte- First Chr Church. LI AS BERG'S The friends of little Martha Ful ler, daughter of Mr. and Mra. E. P.

Fuller will he glad to hear that she is doing nicely after an appendicitus operaUon..

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.