SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (2024)

Table of Contents
How to Start the Flashpoint and its Story Bonus Mission: Vanguards Phases 1 and 2 Bonus Mission: Comlink Disruption First Boss: HXI-54 Juggernaut Veteran Mode Differences Master Mode Differences Mini-Boss 1: Major Alvena Second Boss: Sakan Do’nair Veteran Mode Differences Master Mode Differences Bonus Mission: Vanguards Phase 3 Mini-Boss 2: Lieutenant Menerus Command Deck Shortcuts Optional Bonus Boss: Chief Engineer Kels Veteran Mode Differences Master Mode Differences Final Boss: Storm Squadron Veterans Veteran Mode Differences Master Mode Differences Achievements for Boarding Party Defeat Storm Squad Veterans (Veteran Mode) Elite: Now Boarding (Master Mode) Decoration Drop SWTOR The Esseles Flashpoint Guide SWTOR The Black Talon Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Hammer Station Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Athiss Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Taral V Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint Guide SWTOR The Foundry Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Cademimu Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Colicoid War Games Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Mandalorian Raiders Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Directive 7 Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Kuat Drive Yards Flashpoint Guide SWTOR The Battle of Ilum Flashpoint Guide SWTOR The False Emperor Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Kaon Under Siege Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Lost Island Flashpoint Guide SWTOR The Red Reaper Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Czerka Corporate Labs Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Czerka Core Meltdown Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Assault on Tython Flashpoint Guide (Republic) SWTOR Assault on Tython Flashpoint Guide (Empire) SWTOR Korriban Incursion Flashpoint Guide (Republic) SWTOR Korriban Incursion Flashpoint Guide (Empire) SWTOR Depths of Manaan Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Legacy of the Rakata Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Battle of Rishi Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Blood Hunt Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Crisis on Umbara Flashpoint Guide SWTOR A Traitor Among the Chiss Flashpoint Guide SWTOR The Nathema Conspiracy Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Objective Meridian Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint Guide by Endonae SWTOR Secrets of the Enclave Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Ruins of Nul (Elom) Flashpoint Guide SWTOR Shrine of Silence Flashpoint Guide FAQs

This guide will tell you how to start and complete the SWTOR Flashpoint, Boarding Party, in any difficulty mode, what achievements you can unlock and the rewards you can earn.

This flashpoint is only available for players within the Empire Faction. This guide covers Story Mode, Veteran Mode, and Master Mode.

How to Start the Flashpoint and its Story

Boarding Party was designed as a mid-level flashpoint during SWTOR’s initial release. For specific levels, it is designed to be for level 32 characters.

In terms of story, this flashpoint is tied very closely to The Foundry Flashpoint. The events in Boarding Party take place before The Foundry.

For this flashpoint, you are part of a boarding party that’s boarding a Republic ship known as the Dorin’s Sky. The ship is to be secured and any relevant information to The Foundry is to be obtained. The ship shall act as a vessel for Imperial forces to get past Republic lines to locate The Foundry.

To get the story arc for Boarding Party (and by extension, The Foundry), you’ll need to go to The White Nova at the Imperial Fleet. At the northernmost part of the Command Deck, you’ll find the astromech X1-09. Talk to this droid to gain the story for Boarding Party.

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (1)

To start the Boarding Party Flashpoint without the story arc, you can find the NPC that gives the quests in the Command Deck of the White Nova. Sergeant Tebar will grant the mission for Boarding Party in all difficulty levels and he’ll be in the northeast part of the Command Deck.

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (2)

This flashpoint is also available in the Activity Finder under the Group tab. It’s available for Veteran and Master Mode, but you can find a Solo version in the Solo tab. The Solo version offers a guaranteed decoration drop from the flashpoint should you complete it.

Read our SWTOR Story Progression Guide to learn where this story fits in. The guide will help you experience the game’s narrative in the proper intended order of events and aid and assist you if you are not sure what to do and where to go next.

Bonus Mission: Vanguards Phases 1 and 2

The first bonus mission you’ll be able to start, Vanguards, will eventually lead to the Bonus Boss of Boarding Party if you complete all phases. For the first phase, you’ll need to defeat 50 Republic Forces. Once you do this, you can begin with phase two of the bonus mission.

Phase two of the bonus mission will require you to defeat 10 Jedi. They shouldn’t be hard to point out as they’re the only ones carrying lightsabers. You should be able to complete this right before you fight the second boss, Sakan Do’nair.

Bonus Mission: Comlink Disruption

This bonus mission does not lead to the optional bonus boss.

You’ll be able to start this mission during your first encounter with a Comlink Relay right when you board the Dorin’s Sky. These are tall, skinny relays that glow blue and you’ll need to disable six of them found throughout the ship.

These are actually useful to activate as they’ll summon Imperial Marines to aid you in combat. If you’re in a group, a DPS can disable them to help the team. The tank and healer should focus on their respective jobs as disabling one of these takes five and a half seconds.

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (3)

You can find two relays in the Engineering Deck, two relays in the Hangar Deck, and two more in the Command Deck.

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SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (5)
SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (6)

First Boss: HXI-54 Juggernaut

The first boss is a large battle droid found a the end of the Engineering Deck. This droid will create a lot of environmental hazards, so be sure to have good situation and remain mobile throughout this battle.

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This droid can be rather annoying as it’ll grapple random targets and place them around itself. This doesn’t seem like much of a problem as by itself, it deals no damage. However this becomes an issue if it draws you into an area and begins to drain the generators around it.

Standing in the arcing electricity while it’s using the “Generator Drain” ability will damage you and anyone else within it. It should go without saying that you shouldn’t stand in here but the droid’s grapples might place you in here before hand. This is why you should remain mobile throughout the boss fight.

In Story Mode, it’ll only drain power from from of the six generators in the area. As it loses more health, it’ll begin to drain power from two generators.

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (8)

After it drains the generators, the droid will pull targets near it and use its “Electric Discharge” ability. This ability will have the droid fire out four arc of electricity around it. It is impossible to tell what the orientation of this will be, so be prepared to move after it has finished draining the generators.

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The fight is very simple once you can work around the arcs of electricity. This droid is prone to resetting aggro so the tank needs to taunt it should aggro reset.

Veteran Mode Differences

Veteran mode introduces a new ability for the droid, the ability to create arcs on the ground in a circular area. Multiple circles will spawn beneath your feet as seen by a red circle. If you see this, move out of them to avoid taking damage.

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (10)

Additionally, the droid will drain between three to four generators when using its Generator Drain ability. You’ll need to be more mindful of your positioning in Veteran Mode.

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Master Mode Differences

There are no mechanical differences in Master Mode compared to Veteran Mode, but the arcs and AoEs hurt significantly more. Do your best to stay out of these areas to make your healer’s job easier.

Mini-Boss 1: Major Alvena

Major Alvena is a mini boss who does one thing very well, and that’s shooting things. She’s accompanied by two battle droids on her flanks but don’t be too hasty with defeating them all as soon as possible.

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (12)

Major Alvena’s only ability is “Full Auto”. She’ll charge it at first and a large yellow AoE will follow her target. Once she’s done charging, she’ll unload blaster bolts in that direction, damaging any players in the area. The tank needs to face this AoE away from the DPS and healers.

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The first thing you need to do is defeat one of the battle droids with Alvena. Once you defeat them, a nearby door will open and release adds on you. This is why you don’t want to immediately destroy both droids, it’s possible to get overwhelmed by the adds paired with Alvena’s Full Auto ability.

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (14)

Once you defeat the droids and the adds, the fight becomes much more manageable. The tank needs to point the AoE away from the others while the DPS dish out the damage. Her damage increases on Veteran Mode and she is very deadly on Master Mode. There is no shame in using stealth to walk around her to avoid this encounter on Master Mode.

Second Boss: Sakan Do’nair

Sakan Do’nair is a Kel Dor Jedi Knight that is accompanied by two Jedi Healers. This is a very simple fight where you need to utilize interrupts on the healers to reduce their healing output that can prolong the battle.

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (15)

The tank should focus on Sakan to keep him busy while the DPS should take out the Jedi Healers. Sakan is simple and uses melee attacks that add a stacking armor buff. The Jedi Healers will use the Disturbance and Healing Trance abilities. The DPS should use DCDs against Disturbance casts if needed but save their interrupts for Healing Trance.

Once the Healers are defeated, everyone can then focus on Sakan. It’s a very easy fight overall.

Veteran Mode Differences

There are no mechanical differences in Veteran Mode, the boss and adds are more durable and deal more damage.

Master Mode Differences

Like Veteran Mode, the battle is only tougher.

Bonus Mission: Vanguards Phase 3

When you defeat Sakan Do’nair, you should have access to phase three of the bonus mission assuming you didn’t miss any Jedi or defeat NPCs out of order. For phase three, you’ll need to disable six Reactor Security Terminals found in the Command Deck.

Once you’ve disabled six terminals, a path leading to the lower levels will open in the middle of the Command Deck. This leads to the bonus boss, Chief Engineer Kels. Though before you can reach this area, you’ll need to deal with the second mini boss, Lieutenant Menerus.

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SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (17)

Mini-Boss 2: Lieutenant Menerus

Lieutenant Menerus can be an incredibly dangerous mini boss if you’re not careful. He’s accompanied by several adds and likes to utilize plasma and flamethrowers in combat.

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (18)

Lieutenant Menerus will use a flamethrower that has long reach. Taking damage from this flamethrower will add stacks of a DoT on targets hit by it. The tank should face this away from the team and try to step out of range themselves.

Lieutenant Menerus also uses plasma probes to create small, circular AoEs that also damage with stacking DoTs. This paired with the flamethower DoTs can prove exceptionally deadly in Veteran and Master Modes. Deal with the adds first, summon the Imperial Marines if you can, and avoid the flames.

Fortunately you don’t need to fight him as there’s quite literally a way around him.

Command Deck Shortcuts

If you want to, you can skip Lieutenant Menerus entirely as well as another area with NPCs in the Command Deck. If you jump up the ledge on the left or right sides of the two rooms pointed out on the map, you can avoid these encounters.

This is not recommended if you’re trying to do the bonus mission as there are terminals in this area you’ll need to fight for.

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SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (20)

Optional Bonus Boss: Chief Engineer Kels

You know the phrase “We can do this the easy way or the hard way”? This battle is more of a “We can do this the long way or the quick and dangerous way”. Chief Engineer Kels isn’t the biggest threat in this encounter, its his Modified Assault Droids.

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (21)

Kels is rather squishy and his droids are incredibly durable, this is all part of the trap this boss battle sets up. Kels has a “Self Destruct Kill Switch” passive buff that causes the droids to self destruct upon his death. It’s not an immediate self destruct, but when they do blow up, it will hurt.

This leaves you the options of taking out the droids and then finish off Kels last, or the more common route, defeat Kels first and wait out the droid’s self destruct sequence. If you defeat Kels first, the droids will begin to leap to random targets and dealing damage to them. They will repeat this process until they self destruct in around 26 seconds after Kels’s death.

Pop any DCDs when they explode and hope for the best. Once defeated, you can complete the Bonus Mission by shutting down the reactor.

Veteran Mode Differences

In Veteran Mode, one of the four generators in the room can charge up and explode, pushing and damaging anyone close to them. You can tell when a generator is about to blow as it’ll have a bluish orb of electricity charging within it. This can be hard to spot as it’s rather subtle, so keep a careful eye on the generators.

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Kels gets a new ability in Veteran Mode, he can grant a Reflective Shield to one of this droids. This reduces incoming damage on them and reflects damage to anyone attacking it.

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Aside from this, the group of enemies are tougher and deal more damage.

Master Mode Differences

In Master Mode, the generators in the room will be even more crazy as three of them will explode at the same time. You’ll need to keep an eye out and go into the corner with the generator that isn’t charging up.

If Kel dies and the droids self destruct, they’ll survive the explosion and attempt to finish you off if the initial blast didn’t defeat you. Fortunately most of their health is gone so you just need to finish them off to proceed.

Final Boss: Storm Squadron Veterans

The final boss in Boarding Party is a group of three Storm Squadron Veterans. These are Commander Jorland, Security Chief Massey, and Medical Officer Alon.

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (24)

Medical Officer Alon is the healer of the group, so you’ll need to focus him first. If he’s using the “Restorative Scan” ability, use your interrupt to cancel it. Once he’s defeated, focus Security Chief Massey next.

Security Chief Massey is the melee DPS and support member of the group. So long as he’s alive, he’ll grant Commander Jorland a shield that reduces incoming damage and reflects some damage back to the attacker. Once defeated, finish off Commander Jorland.

Commander Jorland can deal a good chunk of damage with Full Auto, but he’s nothing without Massey’s shield. Defeat him to wrap up the flashpoint.

Veteran Mode Differences

In Veteran Mode, each member of Storm Squad gets access to a new ability.

  • Medical Officer Alon gets the Medical Probe ability. This is another heal that will need to be interrupted.
  • Security Chief Massey occassionally gets the Adrenaline Rush passive that increases his movement speed.
  • Commander Jorland gets the Explosive Surge ability. This creates an AoE centered around him that pushes away and damage anyone close to him

Apply the same strategy as you would in story mode by focusing and interrupting Alon, then defeating Massey, and finishing off Jorland.

Master Mode Differences

This fight is the same as Veteran Mode but the squad members are much more durable with a higher health pool. Massey is prone to resetting aggro so the tank needs to save their taunts for them.

Achievements for Boarding Party

The majority of the achievements for this flashpoint are for defeating the bosses 1 time, 10 times, and 25 times. Though here are two that grant item rewards:

Defeat Storm Squad Veterans (Veteran Mode)

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (25)

Defeated the Storm Squad Veterans in the “Boarding Party” flashpoint.
You’ll gain the Storm Squad (Story) Trophy Decoration.

Elite: Now Boarding (Master Mode)

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (26)

Defeated all bosses in the “Boarding Party” flashpoint 25 times on master mode.
You’ll gain the Storm Squadron (Master) Trophy Decoration.

Decoration Drop

The bosses in Boarding Party have a chance at dropping the Science Station (Field) decoration. This will fit in a Large hook.

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (27)

This decoration can look good whether it’s out in the field or in a formal laboratory of your own design. The illuminated panels are nice but they don’t provide any actual light in the surrounding area.

This concludes my guide to the Boarding Party Flashpoint. You can find moreSWTOR Flashpoint Guideshere on VULKK.com. For anything else, a great starting point is ourSWTOR Guides Master Catalog!

SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (28)

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SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (48)

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SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (49)

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SWTOR Boarding Party Flashpoint Guide (2024)


Can you solo flashpoints in SWTOR? ›

Story Flashpoints can be entered alone or in a group - they exist to see the story, and give you a special droid that will help you during fights. Veteran Flashpoints are meant to be done with a group of four, with any combination of roles and can be done with a mix of levels.

Where is the boarding party flashpoint? ›

Location. Located in the Imperial Fleet, on The White Nova. Next to The Foundry.

What are flashpoint missions in SWTOR? ›

Flashpoints are action-packed, story-driven adventures that test a group of players to their limits, putting them up against difficult foes in volatile situations. You and your group need your wits, your skills, and all your resources to emerge victorious.

How do you leave the flashpoint in the Old Republic? ›

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

how to leave flashpoint? Teleport back to fleet. What Berserkr said is true. Just look on the mini map compass, on the top there is a button for exit and will allow you to leave.

Do all flashpoints have story mode? ›

Not all flashpoints have a story mode. Some just have a Veteran and Master Mode which require groups.

Can you use lightning as a Jedi Swtor? ›

Combat Styles are shaking up these restrictions by separating your story from the way you fight in-game, for example, in the expansion you can now play a Jedi Knight as a Shadow with a double-bladed lightsaber, or even as a Sorcerer, and use Force Lightning, all while playing the Jedi Knight origin story.

When was Flashpoint Cancelled? ›

The series debuted on July 11, 2008, and its final episode aired December 13, 2012. Episodes are listed by their official seasons per CTV episode lists and Canadian DVD releases, and include the original air dates in North America.

Can you solo call to arms swtor? ›

Of course, you can play through these flashpoints at any time individually, provided you're a high enough level - but the actual story that ties the two together is not repeatable. Rewards: In story/solo mode you are awarded a Rakata chamber and a wall trophy for completing The Foundry.

What city is Flashpoint set? ›

Setting. Aerial footage of Toronto, similar to this photograph from September 2008, is used in establishing shots in several episodes of Flashpoint. Flashpoint is set in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Can you delete Flashpoint? ›

A: As Flashpoint is a fully portable application, it can be uninstalled by simply deleting its main folder.

How important is Flashpoint? ›

The flash point is an important concept in fire investigation and fire protection because it is the lowest temperature at which a risk of fire exists with a given liquid. It is crucial in many circ*mstances to establish the presence of some liquids and to know their flash point during the investigation process.

How many flashpoints are there? ›

A team must capture three flashpoints to win. As soon as one flashpoint is captured, the next one becomes active. There are a total of five flashpoints, and the first flashpoint is always the one in the center of the map.

Does Flashpoint get reversed? ›

Reverse-Flashpoint was an alternate timeline that was created by Eobard Thawne, when he had traveled back to several different points in time so that he could usurp Barry Allen's role as the Flash. But with Damien Darhk's help, Barry ultimately prevented Reverse-Flashpoint from ever happening.

Can you save progress in Flashpoint? ›

Note: Flash save files can easily be backed up and restored with the Saves Manager found in the Extras of the Flashpoint Manager. When downloaded, it can be found in the Utilities folder.

Does everything go back to normal after Flashpoint? ›

The timeline was reset when Reverse-Flash ran back in time and killed Nora again, restoring everything pretty much to how it was before, albeit with some minor differences.

Can The Old Republic be played solo? ›

but yes, you can solo 99% of the game :) You can solo everything except; 1. Flashpoints (the non-story ones are generally optional anyway and offer nothing to the story, so can be mostly skipped.)

How do you summon a Droid in solo flashpoint? ›

In the mission tracker, of the quest which says "[STORY] Flashpoint:", there should be an icon (an item in your mission inventory) to summon the droid. Click it to resummon the droid. By 'reset', you mean the button under the "mission" panel("L") ? That would explain why it brought you so far back.

Can you have more than one character in swtor? ›

Free-to-Play players have 4 active character slots per server. If you are a Free-to-Play player, as soon as you make any Cartel Coin purchase, you're upgraded to Preferred Status. This means you will have a total of 12 character slots by default, just like current Preferred Status players.

Is Star Wars: The Old Republic worth it solo? ›

A Single-Player RPG vs MMO

While there are raids and PvP, they're very much optional, and players who prioritize loot, guilds, and raids more than story progression might not be happy with Star Wars: The Old Republic. Players who enjoy single-player RPGs will likely enjoy playing this game as one.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.