Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (2024)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (1)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (2)Founded date unknown

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (3)Switzerland

SmartAgri has developed a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) based, real-time monitor and control for effective farm irrigation and management of other vital farming resources. Agriculture depends on the weather conditions. Water scarcity has led to a great decline in agricultural output which in turn has led to poverty. Sadly the suicide rate has increased amongst farmers especially in developing countries due to the decline in agricultural yield. The available area of cultivation land is also declining because of increased building developments. So the need for more yield from a smaller area of land whilst maintaining the fertility of the soil has become the major problem for farmers. If agriculture is looked at from an individual perspective, farming is becoming increasingly subject to less interest from younger generations due to the problems involved such as sinking profitability, scarcity of water, electricity, labour etc. SmartAgri addresses these problems by using WSN technology in agriculture to support the effective utilisation of resources such as water, fertilisers and pesticides at the right location and at the right time.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (4)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (5)Acquired/Merged (Assumed)

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (6)Founded 2009

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (7)Unknown

Founded by growers, for growers, CropMetrics is a precision agriculture company focused on advanced agronomic solutions while specializing in precision irrigation management. Our mission is to develop and supply precision management technology solutions that increase water, nutrient and energy use efficiency while fostering natural resource conservation. CropMetrics is a leader in Precision Irrigation Management with the introduction of the first commercially available full-service Variable Rate Irrigation program. CropMetrics continues it’s pursuit in innovation and strives to deliver ultimate value to the grower customer. The seamless integration of these unique offerings provides the framework for large-scale, data-driven, precision agronomic services that are readily marketed and supported by professional trained Precision Data Specialists.

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Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (9)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (10)Founded 1982

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (11)Greece

AGROLOGY is currently active in the following areas: Plant Protection; Plant Nutrition and Fertilization; Analytical Services; Precision Agriculture; Industrial Production Services.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (12)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (13)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (14)Founded 2015

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (15)Switzerland

Gamaya develops high-value crop solutions for its partners and customers based on drone and satellite imagery. Gamaya is an innovator in hyperspectral imaging, embedded cameras, and artificial intelligence. It has developed a unique hyperspectral camera and IP around the translation of spectral imaging data into actionable insights using machine learning. Gamaya works with partners to complement its outstanding technological capabilities with local agronomy knowledge and market access. At Gamaya we reimagine the future of precision agriculture. Transform your field operations with added intelligence.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (16)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (17)Acquired/Merged (Assumed)

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (18)Founded 2004

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (19)France

FORCE-A designs and commercializes innovative plant diagnostic tools and solutions for real-time crop monitoring and management, for precision agriculture. The DUALEX® SCIENTIFIC sensor measures the content of chlorophyll and the nitrogen status as well as the flavonols and the anthocyanins* of the leaf. This leafclip performs instant and non-destructive mesurements. Its internal GPS is used for the geolocalization of the blocks. The MULTIPLEX RESEARCH™ sensor is a portable field fluorometer. This sensor does instant and non-destructive measurements of the chlorophyll and the polyphenols (anthocyanin, flavonols) in leaves and fruits. The MULTIPLEX® 330 sensor is a MULTIPLEX® RESEARCH optimized for the detection of the blue fluorescence excited under UV. It particularly measures an index of fluorescent phytoalexins induced by the plant in the presence of pathogen agents, making the MULTIPLEX® 330 sensor a field fluorometer for disease detection.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (20)

Farmers Edge

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (21)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (22)Founded 2005

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (23)Canada

Farmers Edge has nearly 300 employees who specialize in data science, precision agronomy, GIS, hardware engineering, software development, soil science and sustainability. By remaining an independent and unbiased company, Farmers Edge supports growers around the world by providing industry-leading VRT, field-centric data management and analysis, along with reliable boots-on-the ground support.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (24)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (25)n/a

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (26)Founded date unknown

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (27)Germany

Precision agriculture hardware and software.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (28)

Remote Signals

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (29)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (30)Founded 2016

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (31)Ireland

Monitor, measure and track what you care about. Remote Signals offers the complete IoT solution, allowing sensors on your assets to inform business decisions. The company provides solutions across multiple sectors: Precision Agriculture; Logistics & Cold Chain; Smart Cities; and Industrial Applications.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (32)

Ag Leader Technology

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (33)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (34)Founded 1992

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (35)USA

Ag Leader produces high quality, innovative precision agriculture tools that improve decision making, efficiency and solve agronomic challenges around the globe. Ag Leader's products are the most complete, user-friendly package of precision farming technologies. Its precision products are designed to help farmers plan, plant, apply and harvest more accurately, efficiently and profitably. In addition, Ag Leader has comprehensive data management software with the SMS™ software family. Ag Leader also offers knowledgeable technicians who are dedicated to supporting Ag Leader's products and customers.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (36)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (37)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (38)Founded 2013

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (39)Croatia

The food production is one of major global problems and although there is a lot of effort present to fix that problem, the progress is too slow. There is a huge lack of knowledge within producers all around the world in how to make their production effective and sustainable. The consequences of that are shocking numbers about hunger, production efficiency and natural resources exploit. We believe that knowledge must be available to all agriculture producers and with help of intelligent but affordable technology, they can make significant change and improve their production. Driven by our beliefs, we are creating an intelligent and knowledge-based farm management software that helps agriculture producers to: Optimize their production by enforcing agriculture best practices; Increase profit by increasing yield quantity and improving quality; Find buyers for produced goods to ensure sales and reduce food waste.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (40)

Prime Meridian

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (41)n/a

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (42)Founded date unknown

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (43)USA

Precision agriculture data has been called the new currency of 21st century agriculture. And rightly so. But ever since the first yield maps started appearing in the mid-90’s, a persistent problem has plagued growers: There has never been one place where growers could store, secure and share their original precision agriculture data. Prime Meridian can help you grow your precision ag retail business by delivering custom precision agriculture data management and consulting services via the web.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (44)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (45)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (46)Founded 2016

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (47)Singapore

Avirtech provides crop intelligence, including plantation control systems for monitoring site conditions through aerial and ground information, such as topography, crop health, soil quality, rainfall, farm operations activity, and other processes necessary for production cycles. Through the digital representation of farm assets and enabling data-driven insights, Avirtech accelerates supply-side R&D, precision agriculture, yield prediction, and microinsurance, automating compliance to international standards.Our three core crop intelligence solutions, smart plantations, imagery, and precision spraying, provide owners with actionable data intelligence to reduce cost and improve yield. Avirtech operates across a wide range of crops, from large-scale plantations such as palm oil, sugarcane to smallholders such as rice, corn, coffee, cocoa to promote sustainable agriculture for a better future.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (48)

The Yield

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (49)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (50)Founded 2014

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (51)Australia

The Yield, Building IoT solutions for aquaculture and agriculture in Australia and transforming the food industry. The Yield is an agriculture technology company. It helps improve customers' yields. It does this by providing on-farm sensors & a customised information service to make faster decisions. The Yield works with agriculture's leading growers.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (52)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (53)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (54)Founded 2014

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (55)USA

Mayim, LLC is the leader in making sensor data useful and actionable. Mayim has teamed up with multiple vendors to provide you with complete solutions for monitoring farms, the environment and controlling irrigation. Sensorweb is the product of a five-year USDA NIFA project run by the University of Maryland to bring together researchers and growers to develop methods of precision agriculture. Sensorweb was developed at Carnegie Mellon University by David Kohanbash and Dr. George Kantor, and has been licensed by Mayim. It was field tested in almost two dozen sites throughout the United States as part of the initial development. Mayim’s Sensorweb gives you the tools to monitor your crops and automatically control irrigation based on real time data from wireless sensors in the field. Using Sensorweb you can view the current conditions of your crops, control irrigation settings, configure alerts, and view prior data from anywhere over the internet. Irrigation control is done using plant models as well as other growing tools to evaluate if individual solenoids should be activated. Sensorweb is also an important tool for monitoring green roofs and measuring how much storm-water is captured.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (56)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (57)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (58)Founded 1984

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (59)Austria

For more than 30 years, Pessl Instruments has been offering tools for informed decision-making. A complete range of wireless, solar powered monitoring systems under the METOS® brand, and an online platform are applicable in all climate zones and can be used in various industries and for various purposes – from agriculture to research, hydrology, meteorology, flood warning and more.

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Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (61)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (62)Founded 2002

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (63)USA

For more than a decade, Hortau has been an industry leader in precision soil moisture monitoring, developing one of the first web-based irrigation management systems on the market and helping growers take the guesswork out of irrigation management. Using soil tension to determine the precise amount of water to be applied, Hortau’s proprietary system has helped growers of countless crop types improve plant health, boost yields and cut irrigation costs. Hortau’s wireless irrigation field technology, combined with its simple, cloud-based software, securely reports to owners and ranch managers how crops are faring in real time. The patented soil tension sensors allow growers to detect plant stress, which is the driving factor in crop yield and quality before the damage is done. This proven technology greatly increases a grower’s water-use efficiency and cuts down on fertilizer leaching, thus improving the bottom line.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (64)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (65)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (66)Founded 2015

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (67)USA

UAV-IQ provides state of the art remote sensing products to help farmers improve improve their ROI. Our mobile enterprise software enables you to turn your drone-acquired precision agriculture data into actionable information. Mitigate loss, optimize resources and improve your yields.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (68)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (69)n/a

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (70)Founded 2015

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (71)Mexico

Luxelare is a precision agriculture company with an integrated web and mobile platform, combined with local experience. CAPTUM - The platform will save, process and analyse information received from the agriculture operation and precision agriculture devices.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (72)

Farm Intelligence

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (73)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (74)Founded 2011

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (75)USA

Transforming Precision Agriculture into Decision Agriculture.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (76)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (77)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (78)Founded 2014

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (79)United Kingdom

Pycno is bringing continuous data monitoring and system control to agriculture. Our wireless sensors provide a revolutionary simple and low cost way to collect real-time weather or soil data from a field or greenhouse, visualise it using cloud-driven analytics, and drive different control systems.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (80)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (81)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (82)Founded 2013

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (83)Canada

Resson uses the rapidly expanding trend of drone application in agriculture and large scale cloud-based predictive analytics to optimize agricultural productivity. The RAMAS (Resson Agricultural Management and Analytics System) integrates large scale cloud-based data analytics with sensor fusion and robotic platforms to provide agricultural producers with an unequalled view of crop production and field conditions.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (84)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (85)n/a

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (86)Founded date unknown

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (87)Unknown

UAV-IQ is an early-cycle entrant into the precision agriculture industry offering a unique cost effective full service solution that utilizes data collected from unmanned aerial vehicles to provide actionable high resolution imagery and analysis delive

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (88)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (89)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (90)Founded 2013

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (91)Brazil

Welcome to the future of agriculture. Strider provides reliable information, gathered by scouts and sensors, offered on a decision-supporting platform. Upgrading your pest control and crop protection processes. Unplanned sprayings, stronger products and larger dosages might have a huge impact on overall crop protection costs. Strider helps growers master their pest scouting process, understand how their fields react to each product and strategy and take control over sprayings.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (92)

HoneyComb Corporation

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (93)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (94)Founded 2012

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (95)USA

HoneyComb is an Oregon-based company with a diverse team of dedicated employees focused on drone-based aerial imaging solutions for precision agriculture and forestry.

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (96)


Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (97)Privately Held

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (98)Founded 2014

Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (99)USA

We offer a variety of geospatial solutions and information services that provide decision makers with the data they need to make informed decisions. OmniEarth specializes in image processing, data fusion, big data and predictive analytics, answering the questions most pertinent to industry, government, and consumers. We produce a reliable, constant data stream and enhanced decision making tools for subscribers in the agriculture, forestry, energy, civil and military markets.

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Similar companies to BayWa (Eurosoft/FarmFacts) (2024)
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