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Renovations 2014 - [PDF Document] (1)

RENOVATIONS2014 NARI of CeNtRAl ohIo RemodelINg ResouRCe mAgAzINe

2013 NARI CotY WINNeRsTips from the Pros • Remodeling Guide • Remodeled Homes Tour

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You Dream. We Build.

614.594.0004 • Grove City,

Renovations 2014 - [PDF Document] (3)


You Dream. We Build.

614.594.0004 • Grove City,

A greyhound retired from racing and was rescued by a man who loved the breed. He asked the racetrack owner if anything was wrong with the dog.

“Nothing!” the track owner said.“Well, he wasn’t very fast?” asked the rescuer.“Oh yes,” said the owner. “He was the champion among champions. He won

more races than any other hound I have ever owned. He is the most sought-after greyhound in the industry.”

“So he must have made you a lot of money?” “Of course. He is worth my whole stable of dogs.” “Then why are you retiring him?” The owner sadly whispered, “He finally figured out the rabbit he has been

chasing isn’t real.”A common complaint we hear during a remodeling project is that a company

says its employees were the best, fastest, most proficient and that they could fix anything. These companies will have you chasing their promises, but are they real professionals? More often than not, we find — like the greyhound — that companies do not always live up to our expectations or to the reality of a project.

The word profession stems from Latin for promise — but not just any promise. That benefit accrues from certain hallmarks of a profession, which include associations that provide training and licensing in a specialized body of knowledge and a particular set of skills, and also a code of ethics that establishes certain duties and responsibilities toward employees, clients and society. A Professional Association admits members who meet its criteria and disciplines or dismisses members who don’t. This is who NARI is — a Trusted source for those professionals who are truly REAL.

NARI represents professional remodeling and renovation contractors, product manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, lending institutions and related service providers.

As a homeowner, you will find professional, NARI-qualified firms to guide you through your remodeling project. Within these pages, you will find outstanding examples of the high-quality workmanship typical of NARI members, as well as articles to help you understand the remodeling process.

Our local chapter continues to grow and has been serving the community for 29 years. Our members provide jobs, are active in continuing education, help increase your home’s value and enhance the quality of life for clients.

Each member company must comply with a code of ethics and maintain a good record with the Better Business Bureau. We are proud to have 16 member companies receive the BBB Integrity Awards/Torch Awards over the past 16 years.

By selecting a NARI professional, you will have peace of mind knowing you are working with the best in the business.

Whether the scope of your remodeling project consists of a single replacement window or a major design build project, the members of NARI of Central Ohio look forward to serving you. I am entrusted to serve as the 2014 president, and I look forward to our continued growth together as an organization of remodelers and trusted partner suppliers.

A MessAge froM the President of nAri of CentrAl ohio

Steve Watters, President, NARI of Central Ohio Sales manager, Hamilton Parker Company

nAtionAl AssoCiAtion of the reModeling industry

CentrAl ohio ChAPter

285 N. State Street, Suite 102Westerville, Ohio 43081

614-895-3080Fax: 614-895-3085


ExEcutivE DirEctor

Shari BateS, [emailprotected]



regina readd


EDitor/DEsignErreBeCCa WalterS

spEcial sEctions coorDinatorMelanie houSer

vicE prEsiDEnt salEs aBBy Clark

custoM publishing salEs ManagEr deBorah JaCkSon

account ExEcutivEaMy Fargo

The 2014 NARI of Central Ohio Renovations magazine

is published by The Columbus Dispatch, 5300 Crosswind Drive,

Columbus, Ohio 43228.

Renovations 2014 - [PDF Document] (4)


Contents RENOVATIONS 20146 cOdE Of EThIcS




14 TIpS fROm ThE pROS


20 dOING yOuR hOmEwORk



30 ShOppER’S GuIdE

36 mEmbERShIp dIREcTORy







PAGES 22-27


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on the Cover

RENOVATIONS2014 NARI of CeNtRAl ohIo RemodelINg ResouRCe mAgAzINe

2013 NARI CotY WINNeRsTips from the Pros • Remodeling Guide • Remodeled Homes Tour

Gary Winkler, 1985George Frank,* CR, 1986, 1987, 1989 Ron Wingler, 1988Neil Lichtman, 1990, 1991William Ellis,* CR, 1992Geoffrey E. Albrecht, 1993Patty Cottone Borg, CR, retired, 1994Gregory Rhinehart, 1995Ronald C. Damon, 1996David Marsh, CR, retired, 1997Michael W. Campbell, CR, retired, 1998, 1999Brad Sibley, 2000Landa Masdea Brunetto, IDS, 2001, 2002Ivan White, CR, 2003Jim Turner, 2004, 2005Mike Lange, 2006, 2007Doug Brownfield, 2008Bryce Jacob, CR, UDCP 2009, 2010

Todd Schmidt, CR, UDCP 2011, 2012

PAst Presidents

* Deceased

2014 nAri of CentrAl ohio offiCers And


offiCers president

Steve WattersHamilton Parker Company

Vice president Joel Walter, CR

NJW Construction

Vice president Bill Maibach

Custom Home Works

TreasurerMarc Aubry

GreenScapes Landscape Architects & Contractors

SecretaryMarty ReedFrog Hauling

direCtorsAngela BonfanteAngela Bonfante Kitchen Designs

Brian FarleyBenchmark Insurance

Jeff Reasinger, CROrganized Home Remodeling

Mike RosatiRosati Windows

Charlie GroezingerSGO Designer Glass of


Carol Ricks Worly Plumbing Supply

Photo CourtesyDave Fox Design Build Remodelers

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From the moment you walk into the showroom of The Hamilton Parker Company, you’ll see design come home. With expert guidance from our knowledgeable design team, we’ll work with you to transform your home into a place that re� ects your style, taste and personality.

We strive to create the single best experience for your home project and design needs.

1865 Leonard AvenueColumbus, Ohio

188 E. William StreetDelaware, Ohio

Tile • Fireplaces • Garage Doors • BrickStone • Landscaping Materials


Each member of NARI has pledged to observe high standards of honesty, integrity and responsibility in the conduct of business:

1. Promoting in good faith only those products and services which are known to be functionally and economically sound, and which are known to be consistent with objec-tive standards of health and safety.

2. Making all advertising and sales promotion factually accurate, avoid-ing those practices which tend to mislead or deceive the customer.

3. Writing all contracts and war-ranties such that they comply with federal, state and local laws.

4. Promptly acknowledging and taking appropriate action on all cus-tomer complaints.

5. Refraining from any act in-tended to restrain trade or suppress competition.

6. Attaining and retaining insur-ance as required by federal, state and local authorities.

7. Attaining and retaining licens-ing and/or registration as required by federal, state and local authorities.

8. Taking appropriate action to preserve the health and safety of em-ployees, trade contractors and clients as required by federal, state and local authorities.

thE nari coDE of Ethics

OuR VISION: To be the primary resource for the remodeling industry and its consumers.OuR mISSION: To develop the premiere organization with integrity, that advances remodeling professionals’ knowledge through education and industry involvement and serves as a trusted resource for consumers.OuR VAluES: Integrity, family, honesty, Respect, Education

Our Values integrity • family • honesty respect • education

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master certified Remodeler (mcR)

certified Remodeler (cR)

certified Remodeler Specialist (cRS)

certified kitchen & bath Remodeler (ckbR)

certified lead carpenter (clc)

Green certified professional (Gcp)

universal design certified professional (udcp)

certified Remodeling project manager (cRpm)

Have you settled for a home that doesn’t meet your needs or refl ect your interests?At Kresge we design and build your space to refl ect your needs, your dreams, your passions...because your space should be more than just a room.

Custom, creative redesign with www.KresgeContracting.comVisit Our Showroom or Call (614) 794-9222

It’s more than just a room...make it uniquely you.

Mark Kresge, CKD, CR, CRPM

2013Regional Winner

Residential Interior Under $100,000

YOU CAN TRUST REMODELING PROFESSIONALS WITH NARI CERTIFICATION BECAUSE THEIR invest-ment in continuing education assures you are choosing individuals with years of experience, dedication to ongoing training and a commit-ment to ethical conduct. Only serious professionals with a desire to excel in the industry participate in NARI’s rigorous certification programs that teach and test skill sets, safety issues and ethical business practices. When you see the verification seals, you’ll know that the affiliated remodeling pro-fessional has invested the time to learn busi-ness practices that surpass industry standards.

nari cErtifiED profEssionals

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nari cErtifiED profEssionals

American dream ExteriorsRandy R. McGarvey, CR

campbell builders, Inc.Jon Gansor, CLC Michael Campbell, CR Retired

collamore built Residential design & constructionNathan Porter, CLC

custom classic RenovationsMatthew Ray, CR

custom home worksDavid Walker, CLC

dave fox design build RemodelersDaryl N. Chronaberry, CLC Dennis Nelson, CLC Dur Foulis, CLC Greg Reis, CLC Michael Todd Showalter, CLC Mike Tenney, CLC Paul Boehler, CLC Gary Demos, CR Wendy Sorenson, CRBryce Jacob, CR, UDCP Michael Gharrity, CR, GCP

finish line building, Inc.Joshua Barlow, CRAndrew Hrynkow, CR

G. whitley painting, Inc.Garry D. Whitley, CRS

Great Scott kitchens & Remodeling, llc Scott Hurlburt, CKBR

harrison construction, Inc.J. Steve Bonnette, CR Daniel C. Harrison, CR, GCP

J. S. brown company, Inc. David West, CLC Monica Miller, CR

kresge contracting, Inc.Kevin Hittepole, CLC, CRPM Mark Kresge, CR, CRPM Justin Shreffler, CRPM Andy Leighninger, CRPM

kuhns contracting, Inc. Daniel R Pilcher, CLC

mark Troyer Remodeling, Inc.Mark Troyer, CR

Nicholson builders, Inc. Brian Stone, CR

NJw construction, Inc. N. Joel Walter, CR

Organized home Remodeling Jeff Reasinger, CR Richard Markley, CLC

peter A. Robinson Remodeling, llcJohn Andrachek, CLC, CRPM Peter A. Robinson, MCR, CKBRJeff Frank, CLC

Renovations unlimited Frank Dondelinger, CLC Todd A. Schmidt, CR, UDCP

The cleary company John F. Speese, CLC Matthew Kowalski, CLC Robert W. Lindeboom, CLC George Cleary, CR

The JVb Group, Inc. Jon R. Buskirk, CRPM

Thompson building Associates Tim Thompson, CR

T-Square builders Scott Tubbs, CR

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Great ExpectationsBe realistic when embarking on a home-remodeling project. Know that it’s a process with a definite beginning, middle and end.

Photos Courtesy of dave fox design build remodelers

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As you flip through the pages of this magazine and others like it, you will see picture after picture of beautiful home-remodeling projects. What you will not see by looking at those beautiful pictures, is how they got that way and what the homeowner went through.

Remodeling presents an interesting scenario for homeowners that can have a number of outcomes. As the homeowner, it is important to understand what’s ahead of you.

I have heard more stories than I care to remember of homeowners who have had nightmare remodeling experiences.

However, there was more money invested nationally in home remodeling in 2012 than in new home building, so there’s obviously something attractive about the remodeling process. The experience all boils down to setting expectations.


First and foremost it is important to understand that remodeling occurs in the space you are currently living. This simply means that your home becomes a construction site, and life will be temporarily inconvenienced. This inconvenience goes a long way toward your future appreciation of the new space.

Experienced remodelers are skilled at anticipating the inconveniences you will encounter, and they will make accommodations to limit your stress and inconvenience.

Whether it is a need for daily communication, dust protection, noise control, protection of existing floors and furniture or pet care, it is important that you discuss these measures prior to the start of your project.

If you just broke into a sweat after reading “dust protection,” you pass the sanity check, and it takes us to my second tidbit.

duSTThere will be dust. Anyone

who tells you otherwise is either embarking on their first remodeling project, or their attention to cleanliness is well below acceptable standards.

The bulk of dust occurs during demolition and drywall finishing, but don’t allow this concern to prevent you from moving forward with your project.

Measures can be taken to contain dust to limit its effects. Return-air vents should be closed and covered in the work area, and all door openings should be covered with plastic with zipper openings.

pATIENcEA third reality that may come as

a surprise is that remodeling takes time. Contrary to what you may see on television, a remodeling project cannot be done in one or two hours or even days. T

he typical project will require a permit, which means there will be inspections conducted that are outside the controllable timeframe of your contractor.

Your project should have fairly consistent activity to keep the production timeframe at a reasonable length, but it is important to understand that the special care taken to protect your existing home will impact the overall timeframe.

We have all heard “Home is where the heart is.” In the case of remodeling, a more accurate statement couldn’t be made.

Your connection with your home will increase greatly having lived through a remodeling project, and a sense of accomplishment will overcome you confirming your decision to take the journey.

By NARI member Bryce Jacob, CR, UDCP of Dave Fox Design Build Remodelers

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Finding the perfect remodeling con-tractor can be a challenge if you are not sure how to go about it. Websites

and advertisem*nts may help narrow your focus, but it is sometimes difficult to tell one contractor from another by simply looking at attractive photos of their projects.

For some, looking at pictures helps get the ball rolling. For others, this just isn’t enough.

Consumers are inundated with informa-tion on design trends, new innovative prod-ucts and a multitude of methods in which they can be installed.

Television programs have glamorized the remodeling process and, at the same time, paralyzed a segment of the market from tak-ing action on their own homes. As such, con-

sumers are wary about quality, the length of time a project takes and who they can trust.

Now take a deep breath, sit back and exhale. There is hope. One of the best ways to gain a level of comfort with a remodeling contractor is to see his or her work — first hand.

This year, NARI will hosts two tours of newly remodeled homes. The first NARI Home Improvement Showcase will be held in spring and the second in September. Both will feature some of the finest examples of home remodeling in central Ohio. Watch for dates for both tours at

NARI’s goal is to help consumers who need a more hands-on approach to their remodeling research. In April, tour guests

Dates for the NARI Home Improvement

Showcase A Tour of Central

Ohio’s Finest Remodeled Homeswill be announced

soon at

Seeing is Believing

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will be able to visit multiple homes and see a wide variety of project types.

If quality is your hot button, this is the best way to inspect the quality of the craftsmanship and materials used on a project.

You will be able to identify perfec-tions or imperfections of the project that Photoshop removes from a photograph. Take time to ask questions about the materials used and the reasons behind the specific design solution for that project.

In all cases, the contractor who per-formed the work will be available at the project home to introduce you to their work and explain their process.

There is no doubt the work will be

impressive, but this is the most important part of your research. Listen carefully to the processes of each contractor as they can vary considerably. Some will have design services available, while others will work from plans you provide to them. Some will use subcontractors, while others have carpenters and skilled professionals on their staff.

It is important to understand what these differences mean, so take your time collecting information and thinking it through.

While none of these comparisons are necessarily better than the other for the end result, it is what is most important and comfortable to you that counts.

So if you are ready to embark on a remodeling journey and don’t know how to get started, a home tour may be just what you need. After all, a picture may be worth a thousand words, but experiencing the real thing is worth a life with peace of mind.

For complete details of this year’s tours visit and see Home Improvement Showcase, or call the NARI office at (614) 895-3080.

We hope to see you there.

By NARI member Bryce Jacob, CR, UDCP of Dave Fox Design Build Remodelers

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Proper planning and

asking the right quest ions are


Tips from the Pros


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Before starting any remodeling project, determine your need and location. Decide what you want and need, and be specific.

Make a list, and number your priorities. Use popular magazines that reflect

your ideas, and sketch a simple plan. They don’t have to be perfect, but it will help you communicate with your contractor and might save time and money in the long run.

Think ahead, and determine your future needs. Do you need an additional bedroom, a refurbished bath or a modern kitchen?

Professional remodeling contractors can help you in your planning by outlin-ing options and discussing the improve-ments.

Consult a NARI professional. A NARI professional remodeling contractor should be consulted about the design and func-tion of any remodeling project. He or she

also can help you with time- and money-saving hints.

Is an archItect necessary?

If your concept involves major struc-tural work and architectural redesign, then you might need an architect. If the job is fairly simple, such as a kitchen or bath remodel, you might want to con-sider consulting a kitchen or bath design specialist.

An architect can provide detailed drawings representing the finished product and specifications, which will aid competing contractors in giving you firm bids without surprises. Whether using an architect or a design specialist, detailed specifications are a must.

A reputable remodeling contractor will not give you a sketchy proposal hast-ily drawn on the back of an envelope. A reputable remodeling contractor prepares

a comprehensive plan carefully estimat-ing costs based on material and labor specifications.

Study all plans carefully when they are required for your remodeling job. Insist that you approve them before the work begins.

role of the homeowner

• Make sure the contractor has access to your home in order to complete his or her work on time and on budget.

• Select one person to be the contact with the contractor, keep informed of job progress and answer questions as they arise.

• Don’t stand and visit with workers or subcontractors, or confusion may result. They cannot resolve problems since they, too, answer to one boss.

• Don’t make verbal requests and changes to contractual agreements. Sign

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a work order change, and avoid misunder-standings or surprises, such as receiving “extra” bills.

role of the contractor

• Furnish a written contract, including all work to be done.

• Complete all phases of the job from start to finish — scheduling, labor and materials.

• Perform all work according to specifications, obtain building permits and arrange with subcontractors for required inspections.

• Comply with building codes and stan-dard construction practices.

• Leave the job site clean and free of construction debris upon completion.

• Keep homeowner posted on progress.

a well-wrItten contract Is essentIalDetail what the contractor will and

won’t do — such as protection of your household goods surrounding the job site and daily cleanup after completion of the job. Since this is an additional labor cost for the contractor, it might slightly raise the cost of your job, but it is well worth the price.

Specify all materials. A contractor should detail a list of all materials for the project in the contract.

Understand the financial terms. Make sure the terms are spelled out in the con-tract. The total price, payment schedule and a cancellation policy (if there is one) should be clear.

Think carefully before you sign a contract.

• Do you understand everything? • Does it have a start and completion

date? • Are you getting what you really

want? • Are you paying a fair price? • Do you have a copy? Read the contract again. If it is incom-

plete, don’t sign it. If an item you want isn’t written in the contract, you probably won’t get it.

Know all of the facts before you spend

your money.Warranties should be in writing. Make

sure any warranties offered are written into the contract. A warranty must be identified as either full or limited. If it is a full warranty, all faulty products must be repaired, replaced or your money returned.

If it is a limited warranty, this indicates all replacements and refunds of damaged products are limited in some regard.

The name and address of the party who will honor the warranty (contrac-tor, distributor or manufacturer) must be identified.

Make sure the time period is clearly specified for which the warranty is offered.

Codes and restrictions should be fol-lowed. Be certain that your contract with a professional remodeler spells out any code or permit restrictions, as well as any fees involved in the work on your home.

Building codes are established in most cities, towns and counties and vary con-siderably from one jurisdiction to another.

A professional remodeler works in your city or town every day and knows the local requirements.

You pay any fee required by your municipality, and you are responsible for penalties resulting from any failure to file required permits.

fInancIng your project

You may wish to obtain financing for your remodeling project. There are various financing plans available to homeowners, many of which base the loan amount on equity in the home or other assets.

Your local professional remodeling contractor is familiar with many of the financing options available and often can help you arrange the financing you need.

There are many ways to obtain financ-ing for your home-improvement project. Some types of financing available are home equity loans, no equity loans, refi-nancing, FHA loans and margin loans.

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Preparation is key when it comes to any home-remodeling proj-ect. Finding the right contractor must be approached with con-

sideration to the concept and skills needed to make the job a success.

Depending on your needs, the size and complexity of the project, you have several options to explore before finalizing your plans.

Here are some key questions to ask before signing any contracts.

how long in business? Look for a company with an established

business history in the community. This shows if the company has both the craft skills and good business practices.

specialty or full-service? If your job is small and specialized,

such as a bathroom or kitchen remodel, then a specialty company would be the right choice.

But if the project includes structural changes, entire rooms and additions, then

a full-service firm would offer the services needed.

For large or involved projects, you might need design services.

If the contractor does not have design-build capabilities, consider hiring an architect, design firm or professional designer.

how is your firm organized? Do you have employees or do you hire

subcontractors? You should know what parts of your

project will be handled by staff or indepen-dent contractors.

may i have a list of references?

The contractor should supply you with at least three references.

Ask how long ago the project was completed and whether the contractor can arrange a visit to see the finished job. Also ask for professional references from suppli-ers, financial institutions or subcontrac-tors to verify sound business practices.

is there a warranty? Get any warranties offered by the

contractor for labor and materials in writ-ing. It should specify which parts of the work are covered and the duration of the warranty.

You also should request any written warranties offered by the manufacturers of materials or appliances installed by the contractor.

Make certain everything is in writing. Assume nothing. Do not sign anything until you completely understand what you are signing, and agree to all the terms.

External factors such as the weather or the availability of supplies might cause delays.

who is the project supervisor?

Ask who you should contact if the supervisor is not available.

what is the time frame for the project?

Your contract should specify an ap-proximate start and completion date for your project.


Take The Time To inTerview remodelers

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Get details of the work schedule: What time does the crew begin and end the work day? Who will contact me about schedule delays or changes?

do you carry workers’ compensation and

liability insurance? Ask for copies of insurance certifi-

cates to verify coverage. If your state has construction licensing laws, ask for your contractor’s registration and license.

Confirm the license number and expi-ration date with your local jurisdiction.

are employees certified? Trade certifications are good indica-

tors of dedication, professionalism and knowledge of the industry. Remodelers are required to meet certain industry criteria to maintain their certifications.

NARI offers eight designations: Master Certified Remodeler (MCR), Certified Remodeler (CR), Certified Remodeling Specialist (CRS), Certified Remodeling Project Manager (CRPM), Universal Design Certified Professional (UDCP), Certified Kitchen & Bath Remodeler (CKBR), Certified Lead Carpenter (CLC) and Green Certified Professional (GCP).

what percentage is repeat or referral business?

This gives an indication about cus-tomer satisfaction. According to research conducted by NARI, most remodeling businesses attribute more than 50 percent of their annual volume to customer refer-rals.

how many projects like mine have you completed?

This helps determine a contractor’s familiarity with your type of project. Confirm that a good portion of those projects are similar to the project you are proposing.

is a permit needed? Most municipalities require permits

for building projects. Failure to obtain the necessary permits or to arrange inspec-tions can be illegal.

A qualified remodeling contractor will be conscious of the permit process, and

ensure that all permits have been obtained before initiating any work.

what’s in the written contract?

One of the best ways to stop problems before the job begins is with your contract. The contract binds you and the contractor to the project.

It should include everything you have agreed upon and the extent of work to be done.

Get verbal promises in writing, and spell out exactly what the contractor will and will not do.

Never sign a blank or partially blank contract. Get a copy of the contract as soon as you sign it, and keep it for your records.

Be sure the financial terms are clear. The contract should include the total price, when payments will be made and whether there is a cancellation penalty.

The contract should specify all materi-als to be used, such as the quality, quan-

tity, weight, color, size or brand name as it might apply.

The law requires a contractor to give you written notice of your right to cancel a contract within three business days of signing it, provided that it was solicited at some place other than the contrac-tor’s place of business (your home, for instance).

Don’t assume that a “contract” should look like a contract. Anything you sign could be used by a contractor as authori-zation to go forward with a project.

This means that any bid you sign may become the contract. Do not sign anything until you completely understand what you are signing and agree to all the terms.

do i feel comfortable with and trust the person i am

about to hire?Your answer to this question should

make the hiring decision a little easier.


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Day after day, I receive calls from remodeling-ready homeowners in a quandary about how to find a reputable contractor for their project.

These consumers are doing their homework, but there is always that little question in the back of their minds, “Have I done enough?”

calling nari is a good first step.

As the only professional trade associa-tion exclusively dedicated to the residen-tial remodeling industry, the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) exemplifies integrity and ethics in our industry.

Members of NARI of Central Ohio must have a satisfactory record with the Better Business Bureau.

They must have been in the industry

for at least one year, and they have volun-tarily commit-ted to our strict code of ethics and standards of practice. NARI members are properly licensed to do work in their area of business.

obtaining consumer referrals is the next best step.

Who better to ask than someone who has been there? And what better refer-ral than one that comes directly from the consumer?

That is why NARI of Central Ohio is

asking for your input about our members, and any home-improvement company on which you would like to report.

Based on your comments, we will compile the scores, and consumers will be able to see who makes the grade. You can submit your satisfaction survey online.

For more information on the NARI ACE (Achievement in Consumer Excellence) Award, visit our website at

Watch for the NARI ACE Award logo (see pages 36-50) to help locate a profes-sional, reliable contractor for your work.

The 2013 ACE Awards were presented in December 2013 from scores that you and other consumers reported during that year.

Look for the winners at Shari Bates, CAE, executive director, NARI of Central Ohio

Doing your homework


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Renovations 2014 - [PDF Document] (21)


Finding a professional remodelerThe most important

decision you will make in a remodeling project is selecting a professional contractor.

Look for your contrac-tor to be a member of NARI – The National Association of the Remodeling Industry. The NARI logo is the mark of a professional.

Employ a contractor with an estab-lished business in your local area. Local firms can be checked through past customers. They are tax-paying members of your community and are compelled to perform satisfactory work for local homeowners in order for their businesses to survive.

Ask for homeowner references, and follow up by calling the references. Ask if they were satisfied with all aspects of

the contractor’s performance. Ask to see finished projects. Check the remodel-ing contractor with the Better Business Bureau to see if there is an adverse file on record.

Interview contractors until you find one with which you feel comfortable. Don’t blindly accept the lowest bid. Ask why the bid is so low or so high. Sometimes a higher price may be worth the cost of better quality materials or better service. Make sure you have a thorough under-standing of all materials to be used.

Finding a qualified, professional remodeling contractor need not be a difficult or unpleasant task. By following the basic guidelines, you not only will make the selection process easier, but you also will be more prepared to make an informed decision that best suits your needs.

Ways to find professional and reliable

contractors in central Ohio:

• Visit

• Attend NARI’s Home Improvement Showcase

April 26 & 27

• Attend NARI’s Remodeling Marketplace at the Build

Remodel & Landscape Expo Jan. 17-19

• Look for the NARI logo

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CommerCial exteriorthe Cleary Company

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The National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) Contractor of the Year (CotY) Awards are the most prestigious awards given in the remodeling industry. Winners are recognized for excellent workmanship and professional achievements.

This competition enables NARI members to compete in 26 categories locally, re-gionally and then nationally.

Winners are selected by a panel of judges who are experts in remodeling and re-lated fields. Entries are judged based on problem solving,

functionality, aesthetics, craftsmanship, innovation, degree of difficulty and entry presentation.

Congratulations to the fol-lowing contractors for proj-ects for which they received an award in their respective categories.

residential kitChen over $120,000dave fox design build remodelers

residential addition $100,000-$250,000dmo builders

residential bath $30,000-$60,000griffey remodeling

residential historiCal restoration/renovationrenovations unlimited

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residential interior under $100,000dmo builders

residential exterior under $100,000finish line building

residential interior element — illuminationbuCkeye basem*nts


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residential kitChen $40,000-$80,000organized home remodeling

residential kitChen $80,000-$120,000griffey remodeling

residential addition under $100,000dave fox design build remodelers

CotYAwArds2013 residential interior

over $100,000 honorable mentiongriffey remodeling

Renovations 2014 - [PDF Document] (26)

residential kitChen under $40,000angela bonfante kitChen designsCornerstone ConstruCtion & remodeling

residential bath over $60,000dave fox design build remodelers

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entire house $250,000-$500,000dave fox design build remodelers







residential interior over $100,000buCkeye basem*ntsresidential bath under $30,000

organized home remodeling

Renovations 2014 - [PDF Document] (28)

Anyone would agree that having a bathroom in their home is an absolute necessity, but what they may not know is that the bathroom is the No. 1 location for injuries to occur in the home. That’s because it’s the one place in our homes where we consistently combine bare feet and wet surfaces.

Bathrooms function as the place where we typically start and end our days. The very nature of the tasks we carry out in this room call for products that protect against water damage to the home. Materials are generally hard and can

become slippery when wet. Slips and falls can occur easily, and the older we get, the more likely falls may occur.

Every generation of aging adults has cherished their individuality and indepen-dence for decades. As the years go by, there is a natural effect that aging has on our bodies. We become less agile and develop physical challenges that can become con-cerning in areas such as the bathroom.

Some people rush out and buy grab bars and install them thinking that will cure the risk for falling. The reality is grab bars are only part of the solution and will

not eliminate risk alone. Fortunately, bathrooms today can be

designed or remodeled to provide a safe and stylish environment in which to func-tion. There have been significant advances in product development such as tile, plumbing fixtures, shower bases and grab bars to reduce the number of injuries that occur in the bathroom.

Tile has evolved greatly from the 4-by-5-inch ceramic tile commonly found in homes. New products such as porcelain or stone are used to provide a surface with better texture and grip when wet. These

Bathrooms that maximize safety without sacrificing style



Renovations 2014 - [PDF Document] (29)

safer tiles also come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes to produce an artistic element to the room. Larger tiles limit the number of grout lines in the space, making it easier to clean and maintain.

Plumbing fixtures now extend well beyond the world of simple handles and shower heads. Shower valves are now built with a standard scald-preventing safety feature.

They are also designed with lever handles for easier operation by all mem-bers of the family regardless of age, size or physical ability. Hand-held units are more common for use by those in a seated position, someone who wants to clean the

shower walls easily, or to give the dog a quick rinse.

Shower bases have become the most significant safety change in bathrooms. Walk-in showers commonly have a 3- to 4-inch threshold at the entrance. Any time you lift your feet to step over a barrier between wet surfaces you increase the risk of slipping.

Showers are now being built to elimi-nate the threshold and become barrier free. Product technology has advanced so shower bases can be recessed into the subfloor with minimal modification to the floor framing.

Tile can now run from the bathroom

floor directly into the shower without any obstacles, and the shower will drain with-out spilling over onto the bathroom floor.

Before you rush into remodeling your bathroom, think about who will use the space and what future challenges you want to prevent if you plan to live in the home long term. Thinking ahead and pre-paring for the future will get you a better solution and a safer environment that will stand the test of time.

By NARI member Bryce Jacob, CR, UDCP, Dave Fox Design Build



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Your resource for trusted professionals in remodeling.Ad SpeciAltieSMarketing Galore . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-890-8818

AdditionSBath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

C . Roy Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-348-9257

Cleary Co ., The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-459-4000

Collamore Built Residential

Design & Construction . . . . . 614-565-1377

Custom Home Works, LLC . . . . . 614-423-4096

Dave Fox Design

Build Remodelers . . . . . . . . . 614-459-7211

Davidson Builders . . . . . . . . . . . 740-965-5089

DMO Builders, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-431-6400

Eagle Specialty Remodeling . . . 614-326-0011

Finish Line Building, Inc . . . . . . . 614-734-9886

Fry Contracting Co . . . . . . . . . . . 614-486-3002

Griffey Remodeling . . . . . . . . . . 614-751-6920

Hale Construction Co ., The, LLC 614-939-5260

Hamilton Remodeling LLC . . . . . 614-586-8995

Heflin Remodeling, LLC . . . . . . . 937-644-0446

J .S . Brown & Co ., Inc . . . . . . . . . 614-291-6876

Keefer Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . 614-920-2004

Kuhns Contracting, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-873-8230

Mark Troyer Remodeling, Inc . . . 614-873-4456

Miller Troyer Custom Amish

Cabinets & Remodeling . . . . 614-595-7789

Nicholson Builders, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-846-7388

NJW Construction, Inc . . . . . . . . . 740-654-8227

Owens Construction . . . . . . . . . . 614-846-1149

Pomante Contractors, Inc . . . . . . 614-262-1112

Punch Out Plus, LLC . . . . . . . . . 614-871-5985

Renovations Unlimited . . . . . . . 614-594-0004

Rick Kelley Builders, LLC . . . . . . 614-437-2013

Suncraft Corp ., Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-475-0000

T-Square Builders, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-504-4577

WMB Builders, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-891-9100

AdvertiSingCityScene Media Group . . . . . . . 614-572-1252

Columbus Radio Group . . . . . . . 614-451-2191

Housetrends Magazine . . . . . . . 614-620-3520

Local Internet Leads . . . . . . . . . 614-602-5200

ReachLocal, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-361-2179

RSVP Publications of

Ohio and Kentucky . . . . . . . . 614-336-7787

AppliAnceSFerguson Bath, Kitchen

& Lighting Gallery . . . . . . . . . 614-876-8555

The Andersons, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-204-9281

ASbeStoS AbAtementOhio Technical Services, Inc . . . . 614-372-0829

bAsem*nt remodelingAllphase Restoration and

Construction, Inc . . . . . . . . . . 614-261-0000

Basem*nt Doctor, The . . . . . . 1-877-379-8463

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Buckeye Basem*nts, Inc . . . . . . 740-368-5888

C . Roy Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-348-9257

Champion Window Co .

of Columbus, LLC . . . . . . . . . 614-841-1616

Custom Classic Renovations, Ltd . 614-890-3493

Dave Fox Design

Build Remodelers . . . . . . . . . 614-459-7211

Davidson Builders . . . . . . . . . . . 740-965-5089

Direct Home Improvements . . . . 740-862-8500

DMO Builders, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-431-6400

Eagle Specialty Remodeling . . . 614-326-0011

Griffey Remodeling . . . . . . . . . . 614-751-6920

Hale Construction Co ., The, LLC 614-939-5260

Keefer Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-920-2004

Organized Home Remodeling . . 614-754-8234

Pat Scales Remodeling . . . . . . . 614-505-6084

Peter A . Robinson

Remodeling, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-855-2914

Punch Out Plus, LLC . . . . . . . . . 614-871-5985

Renovations Unlimited . . . . . . . 614-594-0004

RH Homes, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-206-4724

Rick Kelley Builders, LLC . . . . . . 614-437-2013

Structured Homes, LLC . . . . . . . 740-548-6115

Suncraft Corp ., Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-475-0000

T-Square Builders, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-504-4577

bAthtub refiniShing/reglAzingColumbus Glass Block . . . . . . . . 614-252-5888

Miracle Method of Columbus . . 614-801-0432

brick/pAverS/concrete1st Choice Glass Block, LLC . . . 614-777-8887

Environmental Management Inc ./

Garden Escapes by EMI . . . . 614-876-9988

Greenscapes Landscape

Architects & Contractors . . . . 614-837-1869

Hamilton Parker Co . . . . . . . . . . 614-358-7800

cAbinetry/millworkAngela Bonfante Kitchen

Designs, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-582-5821

Cabinet Shop Inc ., The . . . . . . . 614-885-9676

Christopher’s Cabinets . . . . . . . 614-882-4747

Custom Home Works, LLC . . . . . 614-423-4096

Interior Wood Products . . . . . . . 614-504-5486

Jones Lumber & Millwork Co . . . 614-274-1109

Lowe’s Companies . . . . . . . . . . 614-558-9049

Miller Troyer Custom Amish

Cabinets & Remodeling . . . . 614-595-7789

Peter A . Robinson

Remodeling, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-855-2914

Signature Cabinetry, Inc . . . . . . . 614-252-2227

Wellborn Cabinet Inc . . . . . . . . . 513-659-9656

cerAmic tileAmerica’s Floor Source . . . . . . . 614-237-3181

Floor & Decor Outlets of America 614-777-6170

Florida Tile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-436-2511

Hamilton Parker Co . . . . . . . . . . 614-358-7800

Levi’s 4 Floors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-846-4441

Renovations Unlimited . . . . . . . 614-594-0004

Ryan Wilbur

Custom Remodeling . . . . . . . 614-781-0281

The Andersons, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-204-9281

cleAning ServiceSK & M Kleening Service, Inc . . . . 614-737-3750

cloSet interiorSCalifornia Closets . . . . . . . . . . . 614-431-0011

Closets By Design . . . . . . . . . . . 740-965-4567

Eastway Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . 614-252-0974

RKH & Associates . . . . . . . . . . . 614-206-4797

Swan Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-308-9900

The Andersons, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-204-9281

commerciAl/light commerciAlCampbell Builders, Inc ./

Campbell DKI . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-833-1943

Riley Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-753-1777

computer ServiceSBlair IT, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-898-9925

concrete reSurfAcingBenchmark Construction

& Development . . . . . . . . . . 614-989-8281

Columbus Garage Floor Coating 614-732-5697

Renovations 2014 - [PDF Document] (31)


concrete ServiceSBenchmark Construction

& Development . . . . . . . . . . 614-989-8281

Columbus Garage Floor Coating 614-732-5697

DelCol Concrete Countertops . . 614-889-9915

countertopS/concreteDelCol Concrete Countertops . . 614-889-9915

countertopS/lAminAteFlagg, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-834-5656

Miracle Method of Columbus . . 614-801-0432

Skeeles Manufacturing, Inc . . . . 614-274-4700

The Andersons, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-204-9281

countertopS/Solid SurfAce/grAniteCambria Natural

Quartz Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . 614-800-5641

Flagg, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-834-5656

Jones Lumber & Millwork Co . . . 614-274-1109

Konkus Marble & Granite, Inc . . . 614-876-4000

Modlich Stoneworks, Inc . . . . . . 614-276-2848

Mont Granite, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-876-6677

Signature Cabinetry, Inc . . . . . . . 614-252-2227

Skeeles Manufacturing, Inc . . . . 614-274-4700

The Andersons, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-204-9281

cultured StoneCarr Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-252-7883

JVP Stucco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-764-0282

deck/porch/pAtioAce Fence & Deck, LLC . . . . . . . 614-751-8054

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Cellar Lumber Co ., The . . . . . . . 614-882-2323

Greenscapes Landscape

Architects & Contractors . . . . 614-837-1869

Keefer Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-920-2004

Renovations Unlimited . . . . . . . 614-594-0004

Suncraft Corp ., Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-475-0000

deSign & drAftingAAA Engineering, LLC . . . . . . . . 614-383-8022

Jones & Associates, LLC . . . . . . 740-548-3608

Professional Design Services, LLC 614-365-1823

Residential Designed Solutions 614-430-0027

deSign centerA & D Building/Perma View . . . . 614-885-9678

AAA Engineering, LLC . . . . . . . . 614-383-8022

Cabinet Shop Inc ., The . . . . . . . 614-885-9676

Cleary Co ., The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-459-4000

Dave Fox Design

Build Remodelers . . . . . . . . . 614-459-7211

The Andersons, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-204-9281

Worly Plumbing Supply, Inc . . . . 614-445-1000

deSign/buildBath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

C . Roy Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-348-9257

Change My Place . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-571-6114

Cleary Co ., The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-459-4000

Collamore Built Residential

Design & Construction . . . . . 614-565-1377

Creative Housing Inc . . . . . . . . . . 614-418-7725

Dave Fox Design Build

Remodelers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-459-7211

Davidson Builders . . . . . . . . . . . 740-965-5089

Encore Contractors, Inc . . . . . . . 614-882-1342

Finish Line Building, Inc . . . . . . . 614-734-9886

Greenscapes Landscape

Architects & Contractors . . . . 614-837-1869

Hale Construction Co ., The, LLC 614-939-5260

Harrison Construction, Inc . . . . . 740-373-7000

Heflin Remodeling, LLC . . . . . . . 937-644-0446

J .S . Brown & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-291-6876

Keefer Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-920-2004

Kresge Contracting, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-794-9222

Landa’s INTERDESIGN . . . . . . . . 614-579-1150

Michael Matrka, Inc . . . . . . . . . . 614-486-7707

Miller Troyer Custom Amish

Cabinets & Remodeling . . . . 614-595-7789

Nicholson Builders, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-846-7388

Owens Construction . . . . . . . . . . 614-846-1149

Renovations Unlimited . . . . . . . 614-594-0004

Rick Kelley Builders, LLC . . . . . . 614-437-2013

Scott Hall Remodeling . . . . . . . . 614-806-3200

Sullivan Builders . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-846-1305

T-Square Builders, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-504-4577

door & cAbinet hArdwAreFlagg, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-834-5656

InHome Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . 614-885-8420

Northern Window & Door, Inc . . . 614-890-6776

Premium Hardware, LLC . . . . . . 614-755-4419

RKH & Associates . . . . . . . . . . . 614-206-4797

drywAllHome Sweet Home

Custom Painting . . . . . . . . . . 614-777-7771

dumpSterSAAA Affordable Dumpsters, Inc . 614-476-3626

FROG Hauling, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-258-3764

electricAlCountryside Electric, Inc . . . . . . . 614-478-7960

Jess Howard Electric . . . . . . . . . 614-861-1300

Riley Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-753-1777

embroidery/Screen printingMarketing Galore . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-890-8818

energy AuditSR-Pro, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-458-8526

excAvAting1st Choice Glass Block, LLC . . . 614-777-8887

Smith & Associates

Excavating, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 740-362-3355

fenceSAce Fence & Deck, LLC . . . . . . . 614-751-8054

Lowe’s Companies . . . . . . . . . . 614-558-9049

Remodel America, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-436-5556

finAnciAl ServiceS/lendingCommerce National Bank . . . . . 614-583-2121

Delaware County Bank . . . . . . . 740-657-7488

First Data Independent

Sales Central Ohio . . . . . . . . 614-206-8332

The Arlington Bank . . . . . . . . . . 614-486-0717

fireplAceSHamilton Parker Co . . . . . . . . . . 614-358-7800

Konkus Marble & Granite, Inc . . . 614-876-4000

floor coveringSAmerica’s Floor Source . . . . . . . 614-237-3181

Deible’s Hardwood Floors, Inc . . 614-497-0118

Floor & Decor Outlets of America 614-777-6170

Florida Tile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-436-2511

Levi’s 4 Floors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-846-4441

Lowe’s Companies . . . . . . . . . . 614-558-9049

Sherwin-Williams Co . . . . . . . . . . 614-841-7723

The Andersons, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-204-9281


Your resource for trusted professionals in remodeling.

Renovations 2014 - [PDF Document] (32)




’S G


E —







foundAtion repAir1st Choice Glass Block, LLC . . . 614-777-8887

Basem*nt Doctor, The . . . . . . 1-877-379-8463

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Ever-Dry of Columbus . . . . . . . . 614-850-5600

foundAtionS1st Choice Glass Block, LLC . . . 614-777-8887

DelCol Concrete Countertops . . 614-889-9915

gArAge doorSHamilton Parker Co . . . . . . . . . . 614-358-7800

Northern Window & Door, Inc . . . 614-890-6776

gArAge orgAnizAtionCalifornia Closets . . . . . . . . . . . 614-431-0011

Closets By Design . . . . . . . . . . . 740-965-4567

Eastway Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . 614-252-0974

generAl contrActorAAA Affordable Dumpsters, Inc . 614-476-3626

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Beacom Construction Co ., LLC . 419-560-5030

Benchmark Construction &

Development . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-989-8281

C . Roy Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-348-9257

Campbell Builders, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-833-1943

Cornerstone Construction &

Remodeling, Inc . . . . . . . . . . 614-840-0922

Davidson Builders . . . . . . . . . . . 740-965-5089

Domain Building Concepts, LLC 614-873-1600

Frontier Remodeling Co ., Inc . . . 614-332-1055

Fry Contracting Co . . . . . . . . . . . 614-486-3002

Gemini Corp . Building Solutions 740-327-1115

Gossing Construction Co . . . . . . 740-965-0822

Harrison Construction, Inc . . . . . 740-373-7000

Hope Restoration &

General Contracting . . . . . . . 614-286-1903

Keefer Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-920-2004

Midwest Roofing & Furnace Co . 614-252-1184

Miller Troyer Custom Amish

Cabinets & Remodeling . . . . 614-595-7789

Neverman Construction Co ., Inc . 614-294-1100

NJW Construction, Inc . . . . . . . . . 740-654-8227

Organized Home Remodeling . . 614-754-8234

Owdom Contract Labor, LLC . . . 614-493-8247

Pat Scales Remodeling . . . . . . . 614-505-6084

Peter A . Robinson

Remodeling, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-855-2914

Pomante Contractors, Inc . . . . . . 614-262-1112

Reliance Remodeling LLP . . . . . 614-397-6916

Renovations Unlimited . . . . . . . 614-594-0004

RH Homes, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-206-4724

Riverstone Construction, Inc . . . . 614-882-1340

Ryan Wilbur Custom Remodeling 614-781-0281

Select Services Property

Solutions, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . 614-507-2797

Sullivan Builders . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-846-1305

Thompson Building Associates . 614-863-9650

generAtorSJess Howard Electric . . . . . . . . . 614-861-1300

Nutter Handyman Services . . . . 614-459-8864

Renovations Unlimited . . . . . . . 614-594-0004

Riley Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-753-1777

glASS & mirrorSClassic Glass & Mirror, Inc . . . . . 614-253-0030

Precision Glass and Shower, LLC 614-267-8280

SGO Designer Glass of Columbus 614-529-8400

Swan Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-308-9900

Trio Insulated Glass, Inc . . . . . . . 614-276-1647

glASS block1st Choice Glass Block, LLC . . . 614-777-8887

Columbus Glass Block . . . . . . . . 614-252-5888

grid & tile ceilingSPanel Center, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-274-6000

gutterS/SpoutingAPCO Wholesale Co . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-2951

Ascent Roofing Solutions . . . . . . 614-392-2785

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Everlasting Roofing, Inc . . . . . . . 614-322-7663

Professional Gutter & Drain, Ltd . 614-989-3326

Remodel America, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-436-5556

hAndicApped remodelingBasem*nt Doctor, The . . . . . . 1-877-379-8463

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Bath Works by Plumbers &

Factory Supplies, Inc . . . . . . . 614-478-2645

Creative Housing, Inc . . . . . . . . . 614-418-7725

Renovations Unlimited . . . . . . . 614-594-0004

ShelfGenie of Columbus . . . . . . 937-243-5848

hAndymAn ServiceSBill Davis/Mr . Fix-it . . . . . . . . . . 614-394-7104

Nutter Handyman Services . . . . 614-459-8864

hArdwood floorSAmerica’s Floor Source . . . . . . . 614-237-3181

Baird Brothers Sawmill, Inc . . . . 330-533-3122

Deible’s Hardwood Floors, Inc . . 614-497-0118

Floor & Decor Outlets of America 614-777-6170

Levi’s 4 Floors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-846-4441

Panel Center, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-274-6000

hAuling & demolitionAAA Affordable Dumpsters, Inc . 614-476-3626

FROG Hauling, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-258-3764

heAting/ventilAtion/AcCarr Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-252-7883

Midwest Roofing & Furnace Co . 614-252-1184

Starner’s Heating & Cooling, Inc . 614-866-7576

hiStoricAl renovAtionSDMO Builders, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-431-6400

Everlasting Roofing, Inc . . . . . . . 614-322-7663

Finish Line Building, Inc . . . . . . . 614-734-9886

G . Whitley Painting, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-873-8442

Hope Restoration &

General Contracting . . . . . . . 614-286-1903

tom Builders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-587-4442

Regency Wallcraft, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-865-9370

Renovations Unlimited . . . . . . . 614-594-0004

Sullivan Builders . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-846-1305

home orgAnizAtionCalifornia Closets . . . . . . . . . . . 614-431-0011

ShelfGenie of Columbus . . . . . . 937-243-5848

SHER SAGAR Interiors . . . . . . . . 614-784-0675

humAn reSource ServiceSGroup Management

Services (GMS) . . . . . . . . . . 614-372-7011

inSulAted glASSClassic Glass & Mirror, Inc . . . . . 614-253-0030

Precision Glass

and Shower, LLC . . . . . . . . . 614-267-8280

Trio Insulated Glass, Inc . . . . . . . 614-276-1647

inSulAtionB & T Roofing Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-882-6397

Energy Tech Insulation, Inc . . . . . 614-487-8884

Hamilton Parker Company . . . . . 614-358-7800

R-Pro, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-458-8526

inSurAnce AgencyBenchmark Insurance . . . . . . . . 614-891-7791

Brower Insurance Agency, LLC . . 614-918-2270

inSurAnce reStorAtionAdvanced Construction . . . . . . . 614-758-1005

Allphase Restoration and

Construction, Inc . . . . . . . . . . 614-261-0000

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Campbell Builders, Inc ./

Campbell DKI . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-833-1943

Carney Building Systems, LLC . . 614-793-4357

Domain Building Concepts, LLC 614-873-1600

Neverman Construction Co ., Inc . 614-294-1100

Thompson Building Associates . 614-863-9650

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interior deSignAngela Bonfante Kitchen

Designs, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-582-5821

Anne Rogers Interiors . . . . . . . . 614-736-6844

Change My Place . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-571-6114

Landa’s INTERDESIGN . . . . . . . . 614-579-1150

SHER SAGAR Interiors . . . . . . . . 614-784-0675

kitchen/bAth remodelingAngela Bonfante Kitchen

Designs, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-582-5821

Basem*nt Doctor, The . . . . . . 1-877-379-8463

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Bath Works by Plumbers &

Factory Supplies, Inc . . . . . . . 614-478-2645

Beacom Construction Co ., LLC . 419-560-5030

Bill Davis/Mr . Fix-it . . . . . . . . . . 614-394-7104

Buckeye Basem*nts, Inc . . . . . . 740-368-5888

Builders Unlimited . . . . . . . . . . . 614-725-3999

C . Roy Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-348-9257

Cabinet Shop Inc ., The . . . . . . . 614-885-9676

Cambria Natural

Quartz Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . 614-800-5641

Cleary Co ., The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-459-4000

Collamore Built Residential

Design & Construction . . . . . 614-565-1377

Cornerstone Construction &

Remodeling, Inc . . . . . . . . . . 614-840-0922

Creative Housing Inc . . . . . . . . . . 614-418-7725

Custom Classic

Renovations, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . 614-890-3493

Custom Home Works, LLC . . . . . 614-423-4096

Dave Fox Design

Build Remodelers . . . . . . . . . 614-459-7211

Davidson Builders . . . . . . . . . . . 740-965-5089

Direct Home Improvements . . . . 740-862-8500

DMO Builders, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-431-6400

Doc Thompson Plumbing . . . . . 614-736-2001

Domain Building Concepts, LLC 614-873-1600

Eagle Specialty Remodeling . . . 614-326-0011

Encore Contractors, Inc . . . . . . . 614-882-1342

Ferguson Bath, Kitchen

& Lighting Gallery . . . . . . . . . 614-876-8555

Finish Line Building, Inc . . . . . . . 614-734-9886

Fry Contracting Co . . . . . . . . . . . 614-486-3002

Gemini Corp . Building Solutions 740-327-1115

Gossing Construction Co . . . . . . 740-965-0822

Great Scott Kitchens &

Remodeling, LLC . . . . . . . . . 614-864-3145

Griffey Remodeling . . . . . . . . . . 614-751-6920

Hamilton Remodeling LLC . . . . . 614-586-8995

Heflin Remodeling, LLC . . . . . . . 937-644-0446

Hope Restoration &

General Contracting . . . . . . . 614-286-1903

J .S . Brown & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-291-6876

Jones & Associates, LLC . . . . . . 740-548-3608

Ketron Custom Builders . . . . . . . 740-587-4442

Kresge Contracting, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-794-9222

Kuhns Contracting, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-873-8230

Lowe’s Companies . . . . . . . . . . 614-558-9049

Mark Troyer Remodeling, Inc . . . 614-873-4456

Miller Troyer Custom Amish

Cabinets & Remodeling . . . . 614-595-7789

Miracle Method of Columbus . . 614-801-0432

Mont Granite, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-876-6677

Nicholson Builders, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-846-7388

NJW Construction, Inc . . . . . . . . . 740-654-8227

Organized Home Remodeling . . 614-754-8234

Owens Construction . . . . . . . . . . 614-846-1149

Pat Scales Remodeling . . . . . . . 614-505-6084

Peter A . Robinson

Remodeling, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-855-2914

Punch Out Plus, LLC . . . . . . . . . 614-871-5985

Reliance Remodeling LLP . . . . . 614-397-6916

Renovations Unlimited . . . . . . . 614-594-0004

RH Homes, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-206-4724

Rick Kelley Builders, LLC . . . . . . 614-437-2013

Riverstone Construction, Inc . . . . 614-882-1340

Ryan Wilbur

Custom Remodeling . . . . . . . 614-781-0281

Scott Hall Remodeling . . . . . . . . 614-806-3200

Select Services Property

Solutions, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . 614-507-2797

ShelfGenie of Columbus . . . . . . 937-243-5848

Simple Bath Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . 614-781-1970

The Andersons, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-204-9281

T-Square Builders, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-504-4577

Worly Plumbing Supply, Inc . . . . 614-445-1000

lAndScApe lightingEnvironmental Management Inc ./

Garden Escapes by EMI . . . . 614-876-9988

Greenscapes Landscape

Architects & Contractors . . . . 614-837-1869

Northern Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-891-7600

lAndScApingEnvironmental Management Inc ./

Garden Escapes by EMI . . . . 614-876-9988

Greenscapes Landscape

Architects & Contractors . . . . 614-837-1869

Hamilton Parker Co . . . . . . . . . . 614-358-7800

K & M Kleening Service, Inc . . . . 614-737-3750

lighting fixtureSCapital City Daylighting . . . . . . . 614-733-9786

Ferguson Bath, Kitchen

& Lighting Gallery . . . . . . . . . 614-876-8555

Northern Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-891-7600

Panic Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-262-8527

The Andersons, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-204-9281

lumber/building mAteriAlSBaird Brothers Sawmill, Inc . . . . 330-533-3122

Cellar Lumber Co ., The . . . . . . . 614-882-2323

Interior Wood Products . . . . . . . 614-504-5486

Jones Lumber & Millwork Co . . . 614-274-1109

Panel Center, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-274-6000

mArble/culturedWorly Plumbing Supply, Inc . . . . 614-445-1000

mArble/grAnite/QuArtzCambria Natural Quartz Surfaces 614-800-5641

Konkus Marble & Granite, Inc . . . 614-876-4000

Modlich Stoneworks, Inc . . . . . . 614-276-2848

Mont Granite, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-876-6677

Skeeles Manufacturing, Inc . . . . 614-274-4700

mArketingCityScene Media Group . . . . . . . 614-572-1252

Columbus Radio Group . . . . . . . 614-451-2191

Housetrends Magazine . . . . . . . 614-620-3520

Local Internet Leads . . . . . . . . . 614-602-5200

ReachLocal, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-361-2179

mASonry/brick1st Choice Glass Block, LLC . . . 614-777-8887

Able Roofing/444-ROOF . . . . . . 614-205-8946

model energy code compliAnceEnergy Tech Insulation, Inc . . . . . 614-487-8884

mold AbAtementBasem*nt Doctor, The . . . . . . 1-877-379-8463

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Ohio Technical Services, Inc . . . . 614-372-0829

pAinting/wAllpAperingEveritt Painting & Papering . . . . 614-888-6411

G . Whitley Painting, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-873-8442

Home Sweet Home

Custom Painting . . . . . . . . . . 614-777-7771

Regency Wallcraft, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-865-9370

Sherwin-Williams Co . . . . . . . . . . 614-841-7723

pAtio roomS/AwningSBath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Champion Window Co .

of Columbus, LLC . . . . . . . . . 614-841-1616

perSonAl property & content reStorAtionCampbell Builders, Inc ./

Campbell DKI . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-833-1943

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peSt controlVarment Guard Environmental

Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-794-8169

plumbing/plumbing SupplieSBath Works by Plumbers &

Factory Supplies, Inc . . . . . . . 614-478-2645

Carr Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-252-7883

Doc Thompson Plumbing . . . . . 614-736-2001

Eastway Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . 614-252-0974

Ferguson Bath, Kithen

& Lighting Gallery . . . . . . . . . 614-876-8555

InHome Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . 614-885-8420

Limes Plumbing, Inc . . . . . . . . . . 614-451-6811

The Andersons, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-204-9281

Worly Plumbing Supply, Inc . . . . 614-445-1000

printingMarketing Galore . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-890-8818

reStoreSHabitat for Humanity — MidOhio 614-737-8673

Habitat for Humanity of

Delaware County . . . . . . . . . 740-363-9950

roofingAble Roofing/444-ROOF . . . . . . 614-205-8946

Allphase Restoration and

Construction, Inc . . . . . . . . . . 614-261-0000

American Dream Exteriors . . . . . 614-207-0197

Ascent Roofing Solutions . . . . . . 614-392-2785

B & T Roofing Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-882-6397

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Campbell Builders, Inc ./

Campbell DKI . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-833-1943

Cellar Lumber Co ., The . . . . . . . 614-882-2323

Everlasting Roofing, Inc . . . . . . . 614-322-7663

Hanawalt Co ., The, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-476-5691

Lowe’s Companies . . . . . . . . . . 614-558-9049

Midwest Roofing & Furnace Co . 614-252-1184

Pomante Contractors, Inc . . . . . . 614-262-1112

Professional Gutter & Drain, Ltd . 614-989-3326

RKH & Associates . . . . . . . . . . . 614-206-4797

Roofing Supply Group . . . . . . . . 614-239-1111

ShelvingClassic Glass & Mirror, Inc . . . . . 614-253-0030

Closets By Design . . . . . . . . . . . 740-965-4567

Eastway Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . 614-252-0974

Shower doorS/heAvy glASS encloSureSClassic Glass & Mirror, Inc . . . . . 614-253-0030

Eastway Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . 614-252-0974

Precision Glass

and Shower, LLC . . . . . . . . . 614-267-8280

SGO Designer Glass of Columbus 614-529-8400

Swan Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-308-9900

Worly Plumbing Supply, Inc . . . . 614-445-1000

Siding/SoffitS/fASciAAble Roofing/444-ROOF . . . . . . 614-205-8946

American Dream Exteriors . . . . . 614-207-0197

APCO Wholesale Co . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-2951

Ascent Roofing Solutions . . . . . . 614-392-2785

B & T Roofing, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . 614-882-6397

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Build O .H .I .O, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . 614-535-8085

Champion Window Co .

of Columbus, LLC . . . . . . . . . 614-841-1616

Frontier Remodeling Co ., Inc . . . 614-332-1055

Hanawalt Co ., The, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-476-5691

Professional Gutter & Drain Ltd . 614-989-3326

Remodel America, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-436-5556

Rick Kelley Builders, LLC . . . . . . 614-437-2013

Royal Building Products . . . . . . . 614-754-3400

SkylightSBath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Capital City Daylighting . . . . . . . 614-733-9786

Encore Contractors, Inc . . . . . . . 614-882-1342

SolAriumS/SunroomSCustom Home Works, LLC . . . . . 614-423-4096

StAin & cuStom finiSherSG . Whitley Painting, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-873-8442

Home Sweet Home Custom

Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-777-7771

StAined/leAded glASSSGO Designer Glass of Columbus 614-529-8400

StoneFlorida Tile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-436-2511

JVP Stucco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-764-0282

Modlich Stoneworks, Inc . . . . . . 614-276-2848

StuccoJVP Stucco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-764-0282

thermAl imAgingEnergy Tech Insulation, Inc . . . . . 614-487-8884

R-Pro LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-458-8526

toolSThe Andersons, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 614-204-9281

tub linerS/wAll SurroundSBath Fitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-785-1040

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

InHome Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . 614-885-8420

Simple Bath Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . 614-781-1970

upScAle remodelingBath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Buckeye Basem*nts, Inc . . . . . . 740-368-5888

Change My Place . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-571-6114

Dave Fox Design

Build Remodelers . . . . . . . . . 614-459-7211

Finish Line Building, Inc . . . . . . . 614-734-9886

Gemini Corporation

Building Solutions . . . . . . . . 740-327-1115

Great Scott Kitchens &

Remodeling LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-864-3145

Ketron Custom Builders . . . . . . . 740-587-4442

Mark Troyer Remodeling, Inc . . . 614-873-4456

Michael Matrka, Inc . . . . . . . . . . 614-486-7707

Miller Troyer Custom Amish

Cabinets & Remodeling . . . . 614-595-7789

NJW Construction, Inc . . . . . . . . . 740-654-8227

Nutter Handyman Services . . . . 614-459-8864

Peter A . Robinson

Remodeling, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-855-2914

Renovations Unlimited . . . . . . . 614-594-0004

Rick Kelley Builders, LLC . . . . . . 614-437-2013

Scott Hall Remodeling . . . . . . . . 614-806-3200

T-Square Builders, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-504-4577

wAter extrActionAllphase Restoration and

Construction, Inc . . . . . . . . . . 614-261-0000

Basem*nt Doctor, The . . . . . . 1-877-379-8463

Campbell Builders, Inc ./

Campbell DKI . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-833-1943

Thompson Building Associates . 614-863-9650

wAterproofing1st Choice Glass Block, LLC . . . 614-777-8887

Basem*nt Doctor, The . . . . . . 1-877-379-8463

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Ever-Dry of Columbus . . . . . . . . 614-850-5600

web Site deSignLocal Internet Leads . . . . . . . . . 614-602-5200

ReachLocal, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-361-2179

whole houSe renovAtionSC . Roy Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-348-9257

Campbell Builders, Inc ./

Campbell DKI . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-833-1943

Cleary Co ., The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-459-4000

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Cornerstone Construction &

Remodeling, Inc . . . . . . . . . . 614-840-0922

Custom Classic

Renovations, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . 614-890-3493

Dave Fox Design

Build Remodelers . . . . . . . . . 614-459-7211

Davidson Builders . . . . . . . . . . . 740-965-5089

DMO Builders, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-431-6400

Finish Line Building, Inc . . . . . . . 614-734-9886

Fry Contracting Co . . . . . . . . . . . 614-486-3002

Gossing Construction Co . . . . . . 740-965-0822

Great Scott Kitchens &

Remodeling, LLC . . . . . . . . . 614-864-3145

Hamilton Remodeling LLC . . . . . 614-586-8995

Harrison Construction, Inc . . . . . 740-373-7000

J .S . Brown & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-291-6876

Keefer Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . 614-920-2004

Ketron Custom Builders . . . . . . . 740-587-4442

Kresge Contracting, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-794-9222

Kuhns Contracting, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-873-8230

Michael Matrka, Inc . . . . . . . . . . 614-486-7707

Miller Troyer Custom Amish

Cabinets & Remodeling . . . . 614-595-7789

NJW Construction, Inc . . . . . . . . . 740-654-8227

Peter A . Robinson

Remodeling, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-855-2914

Punch Out Plus, LLC . . . . . . . . . 614-871-5985

Renovations Unlimited . . . . . . . 614-594-0004

Rick Kelley Builders, LLC . . . . . . 614-437-2013

Sullivan Builders . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-846-1305

T-Square Builders, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-504-4577

window treAtmentSSHER SAGAR Interiors . . . . . . . . 614-784-0675

windowS/doorS1st Choice Glass Block, LLC . . . 614-777-8887

A & D Building/Perma View . . . . 614-885-9678

American Dream Exteriors . . . . . 614-207-0197

APCO Wholesale Co . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-2951

Bath Relax, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-2284

Bill Davis/Mr . Fix-it . . . . . . . . . . 614-394-7104

Build O .H .I .O, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . 614-535-8085

Capital City Daylighting . . . . . . . 614-733-9786

Champion Window Co .

of Columbus, LLC . . . . . . . . . 614-841-1616

Columbus Glass Block . . . . . . . . 614-252-5888

Direct Home Improvements . . . . 740-862-8500

Frontier Remodeling Co ., Inc . . . 614-332-1055

Fry Contracting Co . . . . . . . . . . . 614-486-3002

Hanawalt Co ., The, Inc . . . . . . . . 614-476-5691

J .S . Brown & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-291-6876

Jones & Associates LLC . . . . . . . 740-548-3608

Lowe’s Companies . . . . . . . . . 614-558-9049

Northern Window & Door, Inc . . . 614-890-6776

Peter A . Robinson

Remodeling, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 614-855-2914

Renewal by Andersen . . . . . . . . 614-602-8100

Rosati Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-777-4806

Select Services Property

Solutions, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . 614-507-2797

Window Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-781-9600

woodworkingBaird Brothers Sawmill, Inc . . . . 330-533-3122

Interior Wood Products . . . . . . . 614-504-5486

workerS’ comp. group rAtingFrank Gates Service Co . . . . . . . 614-791-7698

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1st Choice Glass Block, LLC Matt Hildebrand 3159 Berlin Station Rd., Delaware, OH 43015 614-777-8887 Fax: 740-417-8082 [emailprotected] 1st Choice Glass Block is a full-service masonry company specializing in glass block, egress windows, paver patios, waterproofing and foundation repairs. We deliver award winning quality with over a decade of experience.

A&D Building/Perma View Jim Stewart 561 Schrock Rd., Columbus, OH 43229 614-885-9678 Fax: 614-885-4222 [emailprotected] A & D Building/Perma View is a full service replacement window and door specialist. With over 30 years of experience in the Columbus market, we specialize in providing both replacement and new construction services for all of your window and door requirements.

AAA Affordable Dumpsters, Inc.David Orrell947 East Johnstown Rd., PMB 103Gahanna, OH 43230614-476-3626 Fax: [emailprotected] Affordable Dumpster is a family owned and operated business. We have been in the trash business for over 20 years. We were one of the first trailer dumpster companies in Columbus.

Specializing in providing fast delivery and pickup for our customers. AAA Engineering, LLCAlan Albrecht206 Chapelfield Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230 614-383-8022 [emailprotected] AAA Engineering, LLC is involved in the structural review of new and existing residential and commercial structures to comply with current building codes and accepted engineering practices. There is a licensed engineer (PE) on staff with the ability to provide sealed documents to aid in the permit and inspection process.

Able Roofing/444-ROOF Mike Lange 4777 Westerville Rd., Columbus, OH 43231 614-205-8946 Fax: 614-750-0134 [emailprotected] Able Roofing has serviced central Ohio for more than 30 years, is the largest roofing contractor in the area and has won the Consumers’ Choice Award 15 years in a row. In addition to roofing, they offer replacement siding, windows and more. Call Able For The Proof 444-Roof. Accredited Home ImprovementsBob PrevittPO Box 163882, Columbus, OH 43216614-260-1300 Fax:

Ace Fence & Deck, LLC Robert Bruno, Jr. 4459 Carroll Southern Rd. Carroll, OH 43112 614-751-8054 Fax: 740-756-4899 [emailprotected] ACE Fence & Deck, LLC is central Ohio’s No. 1 recommended fence and deck company. We install all types of fence, decks, porches, gazebos, handrails, awnings and patio enclosures. ACE Fence is licensed, bonded and insured. We offer free estimates and financing options are available.

Advanced ConstructionTerry Conant937 E. Johnstown Rd., No. 111, Gahanna, OH 43230614-758-1005 Fax: [emailprotected]

Allphase Restoration and Construction, Inc. Hassan Ayoub 6293 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 614-261-0000 Fax: 614-340-7926 [emailprotected] Quality you can trust! With 30 years of experience, our services include remodeling, additions, roofing, commercial and insurance restoration. Our clients can count on us to always put their needs first. We will assist you every step of the way.

The NARI ACE AwardsThis consumer-rated awards program honors NARI members who provide

exemplary products and/or services. The ACE Awards program allows con-sumers to rate work provided for them by NARI members and provides others with assurance that they have selected a reliable professional who produces top-quality work. Companies who are ACE Award recipients are judged for the award based on four criteria: quality of work, professionalism, reliability and timeliness.

Find out which NARI members are ACE Award winners by browsing our membership listings. To grade a NARI professional, visit or ask your NARI remodeler to provide you with the official rating card.


Renovations 2014 - [PDF Document] (37)


American Dream Exteriors Randy McGarvey, CR 569 Landover Pl., Columbus, OH 43230 614-207-0197 [emailprotected] American Dream Exteriors offers more than 25 years of experience in residential design, installation and repair to every project. We provide top-level business and personal character and ethics. We specialize in vinyl, wood, composites, fiber cement sidings, windows and doors. America’s Floor Source Todd Sandberg 3442 Millennium Ct., Columbus, OH 43219 614-237-3181 Fax: 614-237-3405 [emailprotected] America’s Floor Source is a service oriented floor-covering company that offers services to the builder, remodeler, designer, apartment replacement and wholesale trades. Since 2000, America’s Floor Source has become central Ohio’s No. 1 source for floor covering to the trade professional. Amicon, CharlesCharles Amicon, retiredHonorary Member

Angela Bonfante Kitchen Designs, LLC Angela Bonfante 1163 Millcreek Ln. Upper Arlington, OH 43220 614-582-5821 [emailprotected] Specializing in helping clients create beautiful, functional kitchens and baths. The goal is to improve the quality of each family’s day-to-day living by creating spaces that are uniquely functional through a collaborative and enjoyable process from concept to completion. Anne Rogers InteriorsAnne Rogers198 Rolling Acre Dr., Lithopolis, OH 43136614-736-6844 [emailprotected]

APCO Wholesale Co. Mark Mason 777 Michigan Ave., Columbus, OH 43215 614-224-2951 Fax: 614-224-8165 [emailprotected] APCO – The Architectural Products Company – distributes and installs siding, windows, doors, gutters and roofing from manufacturers like Marvin Windows and James Hardie siding. A local, family-owned company established in 1962, APCO has more than 50 years of experience. “Let’s Make Plans.”

Ascent Roofing SolutionsBrent Cornwell275 L Old County Line Rd., Westerville, OH 43082614-392-2785 Fax: [emailprotected] Ascent Roofing Solutions is highly committed to providing superior service to customers with a goal of 100% customer satisfaction; to be recognized for integrity, reliability and professional craftsmanship; to demonstrate pride in all aspects of business; and to deliver these services with a positive attitude through ethical and sound business practices. B&T Roofing, Ltd. Todd A. Muth 26 Israel St., Westerville, OH 43081 614-882-6397 Fax: 614-901-0395 [emailprotected] B&T Roofing, Ltd. has been a licensed contractor since 1998. Our primary focus is residential and commercial roofing. Our services also include siding, gutters, windows, soffit and fascia. B&T Roofing, Ltd. provides exceptional workmanship for a competitive price. Baird Brothers Sawmill, Inc. Steve Stack 7060 Crory Rd., Canfield, OH 44406 330-533-3122 Fax: 330-533-0781 [emailprotected] Baird Brothers Sawmill has been manufacturing hardwood lumber products in Canfield since 1960. Our products include hardwood interior doors, moulding, flooring and stair components. We also offer custom moulding and turning reproduction.

Basem*nt Doctor, The Ron Greenbaum 13659 E. Main St.Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 877-379-8463 Fax: 740-927-1271 [emailprotected] www.mybasem* The Basem*nt Doctor is Ohio’s expert in waterproofing, crawl-space vapor barriers, foundation repair, basem*nt finishing, mold clean-up and spray-foam insulation. With local offices in Columbus, Cincinnati and Lima, The Basem*nt Doctor provides families with drier, cleaner, healthier and more energy-efficient homes. Bath Fitter Aaron Gross 777-R Dearborn Park Ln., Worthington, OH 43085 614-785-1040 Fax: 614-785-1113 [emailprotected] Let Bath Fitter install a beautiful new tub and one-piece wall system right over the top of your existing unit. All typically installed in about a day. Ask about our limited lifetime warranty. Bath Relax, LLC Richard Hanson 549 Main St., Groveport, OH 43125 614-444-2284 [emailprotected] Licensed general contractor focused on central Ohio. Our mission is to aid in the development of remodeling — interior and exterior projects — from insurance to custom. We provide exceptional value, high-caliber professionalism and keen detail so you can RELAX, knowing we’re on the job.

Bath Works by Plumbers & Factory Supplies, Inc. Barb Turner 2645 Morse Rd., Columbus, OH 43231 614-478-2645 Fax: 614-478-4111 [emailprotected] Bath Works by Plumbers & Factory Supplies is a bath and kitchen plumbing showroom located just two miles west of Easton on Morse Road. Our company has been family owned and operated since 1932 and has operated a showroom since 1939 to serve the needs of builders, designers,


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remodelers, consumers and professional tradesmen. Bath Works represents numerous lines and is the only Premier Kohler Showroom in Columbus. Beacom Construction Company LLCAaron Beacom5437 County Rd. 25, Cardington, OH 43315419-560-5030 [emailprotected]

Benchmark Construction & Development Brian Chalfant 13130 Shipley Rd., Johnstown, OH 43031 614-989-8281 Fax: 740-892-3455 [emailprotected] We are a full-service concrete contractor specializing in stamped and decorative concrete. Services also include replacement of old concrete or blacktop, interior and exterior colored and stamped concrete and complete landscape packages. We take great pride in every project completed. Benchmark Insurance Brian Farley 515 Executive Campus Dr., Westerville, OH 43082 614-891-7791 Fax: 614-891-5801 [emailprotected] In this difficult economy, NARI members should contact Benchmark for substantial discounts on their business insurance as your liability premium is based on a cap per employee. Members also will appreciate the additional discounts available for their home and auto insurance. Better Business Bureau Kip Morse 1169 Dublin Rd., Columbus, OH 43215 614-486-6336 Fax: 614-486-6631 [emailprotected] A private non-profit organization formed by business to advance trust in the marketplace.

Bill Davis/Mr. Fix-it Bill Davis 7888 Flint Rd., Columbus, OH 43235 614-394-7104 Fax: 614-433-7002 [emailprotected] In 1998, Bill Davis/Mr. Fix-it was started to meet the needs of many wanting value-added home repairs, reliable service and guaranteed work. Over

the years, to better service our loyal customers, we have expanded our services to include full-service home remodeling. We were the featured Handyman expert for WBNS-10TV news in May 2010. Blair IT, LLC Dennis Blair 871 Eastwind Dr., Westerville, OH 43081 614-898-9925 [emailprotected] Blair IT provides computer services to small- and medium-sized businesses, focusing on the AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) market. With a background in architecture, founder Dennis Blair understands the unique needs of construction and design firms.

Brower Insurance Agency, LLCLisa Dawson-Knight8760 Orion Pl., Ste. 110, Columbus, OH 43240614-918-2270 Fax: [emailprotected] Contact us for NARI of central Ohio business insurance program — member discounts — liability premium based on cap per employee — low premium for license and permit bonds — and on-site service. We also now have a liability coverage for lead paint exposures. Buckeye Basem*nts, Inc. Jonathan Smith 406 Firestone Dr.Delaware, OH 43015 740-368-5888 Fax: 740-368-8999 [emailprotected] www.buckeyebasem* Buckeye Basem*nts, Inc. (Lic/Bonded/Ins) has been featured on NBC 4 TV and HGTV for excellence in the basem*nt remodeling industry. We offer free, in-home estimates for all of your basem*nt finishing, bath and kitchen remodeling needs. Build O.H.I.O., LLCMatthew Vanderpool944 Washington St., Pickerington, OH 43147614-535-8085 [emailprotected] C. Roy Homes John Roy P.O. Box 217, Sunbury, OH 43082 614-348-9257 [emailprotected] We are a licensed general contractor focusing on the home remodeling business. Our seasoned staff is able to blend the old with the new or start from the ground up to create a living space to satisfy the most ardent customer. Cabinet Shop, Inc., The Hans Jurawitz, CKD 7520 Reliance St. Worthington, OH 43085 614-885-9676 Fax: 614-885-9677 [emailprotected] The Cabinet Shop is a distributor of quality cabinetry, countertops and cabinet hardware. Our products, design expertise and excellent customer service are unmatched. We take great pride in the relationships with our clients and strive to become an integral part of their success. California Closets Juan Antunez 1502 Gemini Pl., Columbus, OH 43240 614-431-0011 Fax: 216-741-9064 [emailprotected] Custom storage systems including all areas of the home — closets, pantry, entertainment units and garages. Cambria Natural Quartz Surfaces Collette Gallagher 2141 W. Lane Ave., Columbus, OH 43221 614-800-5641 [emailprotected] Cambria is the only producer of natural quartz surfaces in the United States. As a leader in design innovation, Cambria offers more colors with unique design capabilities than any other surfacing company. Cambria is an everlasting product backed by a lifetime warranty.

Campbell Builders, Inc./Campbell DKI Eric Campbell 7433 Hill Rd. NW, P.O. Box 426Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-833-1943 Fax: 614-833-9267 [emailprotected] Campbell Builders DKI is an award-winning disaster restoration general contractor. Since 1980, we have specialized in the restoration and reconstruction of residential and commercial buildings that have been damaged by fire, water o







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storms. We take pride in delivering outstanding service, professionalism and craftmanship. Capital City Daylighting Todd Tamburino 238 Thurman Ave.Columbus, OH 43206 614-733-9786 [emailprotected] We are a woman- and veteran-owned family business providing premier Solatube Daylighting Systems and Solar Star solar attic fans. Our mission is to provide professional, yet personal, customer service to ensure every customer has a perfect Daylighting experience.

Carr SupplyMark Inks1415 Old Leonard Ave., Columbus, OH 43219614-252-7883 Fax:[emailprotected] For nearly a century, Carr Supply has been providing quality plumbing and HVAC products for central Ohio through its eight branches. Carr Supply takes pride in providing only the best. Cellar Lumber Co., The Tom Kramp P.O. Box 1410, Westerville, OH 43086 614-882-2323 Fax: 614-882-1521 [emailprotected] We are a retail lumber company that services contractors, builders, remodelers and DIY. We have been in business for 104 years, owned by the same family. We pride ourselves on the knowledge and service of our sales staff, which has more than 150 years of experience. Champion Window Co. of Columbus, LLC Victor Yanev 6325 Zumstein Dr., Columbus, OH 43229 614-841-1616 Fax: 614-841-1282 [emailprotected] Champion specializes in the manufacturing and installation of its own home-improvement products. For 58 years, Champion has been a leader in innovative technology growing to the nation’s largest window, siding and patio room company. We go the distance to ensure our customers’ complete satisfaction.

Change My Place Kathleen Horrigan 4949 Blendon Pond Dr. Westerville, OH 43081 614-571-6114 [emailprotected] Interior design firm specializing in fusion decorating; incorporating an eclectic mix of furnishings, art and accessories. Each project is a collaborative effort to assess the client’s wants, needs and functionality, presenting an appropriate design concept adhering to budget, finding the perfect balance between value and understated elegance and charm that is uniquely theirs alone. Christopher’s Cabinets Chris Gough 1032 Brimley Pl., Westerville, OH 43081 614-882-4747 Fax: 614-882-4747 [emailprotected] Christopher’s Cabinets has been building and selling cabinetry since 1986. We supply any type of cabinetry desired. Our specialty is custom cabinetry that truly is furniture for the kitchen, but not at the usual price. CityScene Media GroupNick Lannan781 Northwest Blvd., Ste. 202, Columbus, OH 43212614-572-1252 Fax: Local, independent publisher of CityScene Magazine, central Ohio’s largest distribution and readership regional magazine, includes a home section in each issue. Also publish Dublin Life, Westerville, Pickerington, Tri-Village and Healthy New Albany — all mailed for best readership and cost/thousand.

Classic Glass & Mirror, Inc. Brian Taylor 1574 Old Leonard Ave., Columbus, OH 43219 614-253-0030 Fax: 614-253-0031 [emailprotected] Classic Glass & Mirror, Inc. specializes in custom mirror, design, shower door and heavy glass shower enclosures, insulated glass and wire and wood shelving.

Cleary Co., The George Cleary, CR 4766 Kenny Rd.Columbus, OH 43220 614-459-4000 Fax: 614-459-4038 [emailprotected] Design/build/remodel company specializing in residential and light commercial projects. Established in 1994, we are dedicated to provide our customers quality craftsmanship with trust and integrity. Our employees are experienced professionals committed to excellence. Closets By Design Chris Marth 671 Kintner Pkwy., Sunbury, OH 43074 740-965-4567 Fax: 740-965-1085 [emailprotected] Since 1982, we’ve built our reputation as the industry leader on a commitment to complete customer service and total customer satisfaction. From our no obligation in-home consultation to custom tailored designs, our products offer the best value in the industry. Coakley, Orla Orla Coakley 1634 Cambridge Blvd., Columbus, OH 43212 Collamore Built Residential Design & Construction Justin Collamore 2015 W. 5th Ave., Columbus, OH 43212 614-565-1377 Fax: 614-246-0322 [emailprotected] Collamore Built is a residential design-build company specializing in additions and whole-house remodeling. We pride ourselves on listening carefully to our customers and delivering environmentally sensitive, beautifully crafted projects on time and on budget. Columbus Garage Floor Coating Rick St. Onge 1003 A Concord Ave. Columbus, OH 43212 740-645-3893 Fax: 614-732-5697 [emailprotected] Columbus Garage Floor Coating provides high-quality epoxy finishes to any concrete surface, old or new, including garages, basem*nts, porches and






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patios. Our finishes are durable and come with a lifetime warranty. Columbus Glass Block Mike Foti 3091 E. 14th Ave.Columbus, OH 43219 614-252-5888 Fax: 614-252-5661 [emailprotected] Columbus Glass Block is Ohio’s largest and oldest glass block distributor and installer of glass block. In business for 32 years with over 800,000 windows and walls installed. For basem*nts, bathrooms, and all around the house. Columbus Radio Group Erik Schmidt 4401 Carriage Hill Lane, Columbus, OH 43220 614-451-2191 Fax: 614-451-1831 [emailprotected] The Columbus Radio Group is your gateway to the baby boomer generation in central Ohio. With WSNY Sunny 95, WODB Bit Hits B107-9, and WJZA Smooth Jazz as well as many platforms with which to work, we can fine-tune a campaign that best meets your marketing objectives. Commerce National Bank Jennifer Wehrly 3650 Olentangy River Rd. Ste. 100 Columbus, OH 43214 614-583-2121 Fax: 614-583-2201 [emailprotected] Commerce National Bank was founded in 1991 to serve the banking needs of private and closely held businesses and their owners. All customers’ needs are handled by an experienced banker. Commerce National Bank is The Bank for Business. Cornerstone Construction & Remodeling, Inc. Scott Riegel 3300 Riverside Dr., Ste. 100Upper Arlington, OH 43221614-840-0922 [emailprotected] Cornerstone Construction & Remodeling continually earns the highest ratings for superior quality and service. Known for unique design solutions and integrating form with function, Cornerstone collaborates with customers to transform vision into reality, creating an exceptional building experience.

Countryside Electric, Inc. Glen Lehman 2920 Switzer Ave., Columbus, OH 43219 614-478-7960 Fax: 614-478-8419 [emailprotected] Countryside Electric, Inc. has been a licensed electrical contractor in central Ohio since 1988. We offer fast, friendly service at a reasonable rate and specialize in all types of electrical wiring for residential and commercial needs. Authorized Guardian Generator Dealer. Creative Housing, Inc. Critty Buenconsejo 2233 Citygate Dr., Columbus, OH 43219 614-418-7725 Fax: 614-448-7720 [emailprotected] Providing quality and innovative accessibility renovations since 1992. Helping you live independently in the comfort of your own home. Partnering with you for sound and sensible accessibility solutions. Serving specialty renovation needs in central Ohio. Custom Classic Renovations, Ltd. Matthew Ray, CR 1605 Shawnee Ave., Columbus, OH 43211 614-890-3493 Fax: 888-222-5591 [emailprotected] CCR is Christian, family-owned and operated and focuses on customer service and craftsmanship. Our quality, professionalism, efficiency and follow-through will earn your trust and your future business. We provide 3-D computer designs and free estimates. Custom Home Works, LLC William Maibach 6777 Ulry Rd.Westerville, OH 43081 614-423-4096 Fax: 614-259-0125 [emailprotected] Custom Home Works, LLC offers high-end remodeling products and services to residential and commercial customers in central Ohio. We dedicate ourselves to complete satisfaction and commit to exceed expectations by providing enduring craftsmanship, quality and value on every project.

Dave Fox Design Build Remodelers Bryce Jacob, CR, UDCP 1161 Bethel Rd., Ste. 204 Columbus, OH 43220 614-459-7211 Fax: 614-459-7133 [emailprotected] Dave Fox has been central Ohio’s first choice in remodeling since 1982. Our project expertise includes structural and interior design, kitchens, bathrooms, room additions, basem*nts, whole-house renovations and outdoor living. Davidson Builders Scott Davidson 6740 Africa Rd., Galena, OH 43021740-965-5089 Fax: 740-965-6619 [emailprotected] Davidson Builders has an award-winning reputation for client satisfaction and quality solutions. We offer remodeling services from whole house to additions, kitchens, baths and finished lower levels. With 30 years of building experience, we have the expertise to complete your work on time and on budget. Deible’s Hardwood Floors, Inc. Dale Deible 4000 S. High St., Columbus, OH 43207 614-497-0118 Fax: 614-497-0545 [emailprotected] In business for more than 30 years, we are experts in hardwood flooring installation and finishing, prefinished and custom. Our well-trained and experienced craftsmen are equipped to do the job right. Our professional sales team has the knowledge it takes to help you achieve the look you are after.

Delaware County BankCharles MooreP.O. Box 1001, Lewis Center, OH 43035740-657-7488 Fax: [emailprotected] Delaware County Bank offers all of the convenience and banking services of a big bank with the personal service and valued relationship of a trusted friend. We will work harder for your business than our competitors, always going the extra mile in our efforts to respond to your banking and lending needs and requests. At DCB. we create customized loan products to meet your customer and business needs.







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DelCol Concrete Countertops Mark DelCol 7627 Fishel Dr. N., Dublin, OH 43016 614-889-9915 Fax: 614-761-0669 [emailprotected] DelCol Concrete offers a full-service concrete countertop facility that specializes in conceptional design, forming and installation of countertops for new construction and remodeling contractors. Combining 71 years of experience, we can create remarkable, one-of-a-kind surfaces that will be unique for your home or business. Direct Home Improvements Jerome Davis P.O. Box 573, Pickerington, OH 43147 740-862-8500 Fax: 740-862-8500 [emailprotected] Being a licensed/bonded/insured general contractor we can provide you with all of your home-improvement needs: windows, basem*nts, kitchens, bathrooms and flooring. We take pride in offering quality products and professional installation. Free no-obligation estimates.

DMO Builders, LLC David Osmond 506 Vogt Ct. S., Powell, OH 43065 614-431-6400 Fax: 614-431-6412 [emailprotected] The experienced building team of DMO Builders specializes in renovations, additions, custom homes and basem*nts. In addition, we provide a variety of construction, design and consulting services. We strive to create an enjoyable building experience by bringing you exceptional quality, service and value. Doc Thompson Plumbing Matt Thompson 1120 Venetian Way, Gahanna, OH 43230 614-736-2001 Fax: 614-626-4913 [emailprotected] Doc Thompson Plumbing is a licensed plumbing company that has proudly served central Ohio since 1956. We offer quality plumbing services at reasonable prices.

Domain Building Concepts, LLC Michael Harber 8450 Rausch Dr., Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-1600 Fax: 614-873-1622 [emailprotected] Partners with 45-plus years experience in the insurance restoration industry, we will work with you and your insurance carrier to repair your property to an as-new condition. We also can provide you with quality service and satisfaction in your remodeling needs.

Eagle Specialty Remodeling, Inc. Clare Love 4920 Reed Rd. Ste. A, Columbus, OH 43220 614-326-0011 Fax: 614-442-3500 [emailprotected] Eagle Specialty Remodeling, Inc. has been a licensed general contractor since 1995. Our primary focus is whole-house remodeling, specializing in room additions, kitchens, bathroom and basem*nt remodeling. Eastway Supplies Bob Palmer 1561 Alum Creek Dr., Columbus, OH 43209 614-252-0974 Fax: 614-252-4569 [emailprotected] Eastway provides and installs custom glass shower enclosures, mirrors, bathroom accessories, ClosetMaid wood closet systems and garage systems. Our design team can prepare a proposal in the home or in our showroom. Our showroom display offers a wide variety of decorative plumbing products for the bath and kitchen. Encore Contractors, Inc. Mort Boland 1371 Community Park Dr., Columbus, OH 43229 614-882-1342 Fax: 614-882-7656 [emailprotected] A licensed general contractor for more than 30 years. We specialize in installing skylights — new and replacement. We help you design your interior or exterior remodel project. From planning to completion, we offer high-quality professional work.

Energy Tech Insulation, Inc.Glen Kubinski1118 Hepplewhite St., Westerville, OH 43081614-487-8884 Fax: [emailprotected] Energy Tech Insulation, Inc.: your energy conservation specialists. Serving the Greater Columbus area for more than 20 years. Offering blown, rolled and dry packed spray insulation to reduce your energy consumption. We also perform thermal infrared scans as well as blower door testing to locate drafts and air leaks. Environmental Management Inc./ Garden Escapes Dennis Karem 8220 Industrial Pkwy., Plain City, OH 43064 614-876-9988 Fax: 614-876-9986 [emailprotected] Environmental Management Services, Inc. was founded in 1992. Since then it has grown into central Ohio’s premier landscape maintenance company, serving both commercial and residential properties. In 1996, EMI added GardenEscapes, an award-winning landscape design/build division to its maintenance operations.

Ever-Dry of ColumbusKen Barnette4271 Weaver Crt. N.Hilliard, OH 43026614-850-5600 Fax: [emailprotected] Specialize in basem*nt waterproofing. We are the largest waterproofing company in the U.S., with more than 80,000 satisfied customers. We offer a transferable home warranty for the life of the service agreement. Call for a free inspection or visit our website at Remember it’s not Dry until it’s Ever-Dry! Everitt Painting/Papering Dave Stuckey 5354 N. High St., Ste. 3C, Columbus, OH 43214 614-888-6411 Fax: 614-888-6411 [emailprotected] “Love thy neighbor — paint thy house.” Our employees are professionally trained and are carrying on a tradition of excellence, which has enabled Everitt Painting to be one of the highest individually referred companies. Everlasting Roofing, Inc. Wesley Hawk 6475 E. Main St., Ste. 112Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 614-322-7663 Fax: 614-322-2955






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[emailprotected] Everlasting Roofing specializes in shingle, slate, metal and membrane roofing (residential and commercial). It has serviced Columbus since 1993. Everlasting Roofing’s commitment to a quality product has made us one of Columbus’ top-quality roofing companies. Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery Erin Tober 4363 Lyman Dr., Hilliard, OH 43026 614-876-8555 Fax: 614-876-0156 [emailprotected] As a national wholesale and retail distributor, Ferguson supplies a vast array of plumbing, appliance and lighting products. Ferguson Kitchen and Bath Galleries combine the latest in plumbing fixtures with the expertise of our consultants, making our showrooms the ideal choice for your next building project. Finish Line Building, Inc. Andrew Hrynkow, CR P.O. Box 96, Kilbourne, OH 43032 614-734-9886 Fax: 740-524-5118 [emailprotected] Finish Line Building, Inc. is a full-service design/build company. We work with our clients from design conception through the final product to customize their needs. We specialize in residential additions, renovations, finished basem*nts and custom homes. First Data Independent Sales central Ohio Mark Elliott 11 S. Main St., London, OH 43140 614-206-8332 Fax: 888-402-4440 [emailprotected] Merchant Services and Credit Card Processing. We have created a program specifically for NARI members to offer credit card, debit card, electronic check processing and warranty services at preferred rates. Flagg, Inc. Jon Locey 6535 Oley Speaks Way, Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-834-5656 Fax: 614-834-4280 [emailprotected] Flagg is a Wilsonart, Uniboard and Sugatsune Hardware distributor in central Ohio since 1971.

Our value-added services are of the highest standard for customers in the construction industry. Floor & Decor Outlets of America Ryon Cramer 3785 Park Mill Run Dr., Hilliard, OH 43026 614-777-6170 Fax: 614-658-3630 [emailprotected] Floor and Decor is a national flooring store equipped to handle all your hard-surface flooring needs, from laminate, bamboo, hardwood (exotics) to tile, ceramics, marble, granite, slate and travertine. Back splashes, kitchens, showers, listels and unique designs are our specialty.

Florida TileJason Tackett7029 Huntley Rd., Columbus, OH 43229614-436-2511 Fax: [emailprotected] Florida Tile is a wholesaler of ceramic, stone, glass and other decorative tiles. We have a full showroom, and offer free tile Design Services. We offer a wide range of products from residential to heavy commercial. Frank Gates Service Co. Paul f*ck P.O. Box 182364, Columbus, OH 43218 614-791-7698 Fax: 614-932-8237 [emailprotected] Frank Gates is the proud administrator of the NARI Workers’ Compensation Group Rating Program. The program provides NARI members with an impressive array of savings tiers up to the BWC maximum. FROG Hauling, LLC Martin Reed 1601 W. Fifth Ave. #127 Columbus, OH 43212 614-258-3764 Fax: 614-488-9598 [emailprotected] Frog Hauling is the largest mini roll-off dumpster company in Columbus. We service homeowners, remodelers, roofers and builders with a fleet of highly maneuverable trucks and five different dumpster sizes: 6-, 10-, 13-, 16- and 20-yard — only pay for the dumpster size you need.

Frontier Remodeling Co., Inc.Robert Justice4584 Blacklick Eastern Rd., Baltimore, OH 43105614-332-1055 Fax: [emailprotected] Frontier is a residential and multi-family remodeling company. From demo to siding and everything in between. One call does it all. Fry Contracting Co. Robert Fry 1014 Dublin Rd., Columbus, OH 43228 614-486-3002 Fax: 614-486-8774 [emailprotected] Fry Contracting has been remodeling homes for 28 years. We offer high-quality construction for a reasonable price. We are an award-winning, full-service contractor that does everything from kitchens and baths to whole-house renovations. G. Whitley Painting, Inc. Garry Whitley 4751 Kaufman Rd., Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-8442 Fax: 614-873-6792 [emailprotected] Serving the central Ohio area for more than four generations providing all interior and exterior painting and carpentry needs. Gemini Corp. Building Solutions Jason Pendola 22934 SR 206, Warsaw, OH 43844 740-327-1115 [emailprotected] Gossing Construction Co. Dominic Giordano 35 S. Galena Rd., Sunbury, OH 43074 740-965-0822 Fax: 740-965-0821 [emailprotected] Gossing Construction Co. has been building and remodeling quality custom homes since 1978. We take pride in our fine craftsmanship and attention to detail. We are a family-owned and operated business in our second generation. Great Scott Kitchens & Remodeling, LLC Scott Hurlburt, CKBR 1685 Huxley Dr.Columbus, OH 43227 614-864-3145 Fax: 614-864-3145 [emailprotected]







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Great Scott Kitchens will come to your home in a friendly, professional manner and help you with the design and completion of your remodeling project, whether it be a room addition or bathroom. We listen because it is your house, your home. Since 1990. licensed/bonded/insured. Greenscapes Landscape Architects & Contractors Marc Aubry 4220 Winchester Pike, Columbus, OH 43232 614-837-1869 Fax: 614-837-2393 [emailprotected] Celebrating 35 years of service, Greenscapes is one of the largest landscape contractors in central Ohio. As a full-service organization, GreenScapes offers landscape design, installation, construction and maintenance. Also included are outdoor living environments, irrigation, water features, lighting and snow removal. Griffey Remodeling Charlie Griffey 5730 Westbourne Ave.Columbus, OH 43213 614-751-6920 Fax: 614-751-3732 [emailprotected] Griffey Remodeling is a residential remodeling company in the central Ohio area that focuses on kitchen and bathroom remodeling, room additions and basem*nt finishing while possessing an impeccable reputation for quality and customer satisfaction.

Group Management Services (GMS)Jeff DiPirro855 Grandview Ave., Ste 140, Columbus, OH 43215614-372-7011 [emailprotected]

Habitat for Humanity of Delaware County Julie Lover 305 Curtis St., Delaware, OH 43015 740-363-9950 Fax: 740-363-0462 [emailprotected] Delaware County Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with all of God’s people to strengthen communities by building, renovating and repairing homes, and by advocating the value of, and need for, affordable and sustainable housing. ReStore accepts and sells new and used donated building

materials which supports the mission of Delaware County Habitat for Humanity.

Habitat for Humanity – MidOhio Jared VanDyne 3140 Westerville Rd., Columbus, OH 43224 614-737-8673 Fax: 614-414-0432 [emailprotected] Habitat’s ReStore is a home-improvement discount store that benefits Habitat for Humanity — MidOhio’s partner families. Donate, Shop, Volunteer. Habitat’s ReStore accepts appliances and other new or reusable building materials. Hours are Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sun., noon to 5 p.m. Visit our new second ReStore at 240 N. Wilson Rd., Columbus, OH 43204. Hamilton Parker Co. Steve Watters 1865 Leonard Ave.Columbus, OH 43219 614-358-7800 Fax: 614-358-2315 [emailprotected] Hamilton Parker provides a wide selection of materials for all of your building and remodeling needs. We offer a variety of brick, stone, fireplaces, garage doors, ceramic and porcelain tile. Voted one of House Beautiful’s 2004 Best Showrooms in America. Hamilton Remodeling, LLCBryan Hamilton3999 Parkway Lane, Hilliard, OH 43026614-586-8995 Fax: [emailprotected] Hamilton Remodeling is a family owned and operated business. We do all home and commercial remodeling inside and out big and small. We are a one stop shop and in order to provide optimal pricing we do free estimates.

Hanawalt ExteriorsJason Minehart 374 Morrison Rd. Ste. B, Columbus, OH 43213 614-476-5691 Fax: 614-476-1895 [emailprotected] Since 1979, The Hanawalt Co., Inc. has been central Ohio’s premier exterior home remodeling specialists. We offer our clients precise installation of our comprehensive range of innovative window, door, roofing, siding and gutter products.

Harrison Construction, Inc. Daniel Harrison, CR, GCP 1408 Colegate Dr., Marietta, OH 45750 740-373-7000 Fax: 740-373-7556 [emailprotected] Harrison Construction, Inc. is a full-service remodeling contractor operating since 1981. From design services to professional project construction, we have a “no limitations” philosophy and a commitment to total client satisfaction. Heflin Remodeling, LLC J. B. Heflin, III 15989 Paver Barnes Rd., Marysville, OH 43040 937-644-0446 Fax: 937-644-2923 [emailprotected] Heflin Remodeling was established in 1982. We are a design/build remodeling company specializing in all types of room additions, kitchens, bathrooms and custom remodeling projects. Our company prides itself on the fact we are an attention-to-detail contractor. Home Sweet Home CustomPaintingBill Sutkin4679 Hoffman Farms Dr.Hilliard, OH 43026614-777-7771 [emailprotected] A painting company you can trust; a painting company that does not drink, smoke or do drugs, that will call you back — and we love what we do. Whether you’re staging your home to sell, decorating your new home to move into, or updating and enhancing the home you presently live in, trust Home Sweet Home Custom Painting. Since 1985.

Hope Restoration & General ContractingTodd RengerP.O. Box 8373Columbus, OH [emailprotected]

Housetrends MagazinePam Patter1508 Hess St., Ste. B, Columbus, OH 43212614-620-3520 Fax: [emailprotected]






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Housetrends Magazine is central Ohio’s finest upscale local home & garden magazine. Every issue will be filled with dynamic photography and editorial featuring Columbus’ most exciting home and garden projects. For magazine and advertising information give us a call.

Improveit 360!, LLCJustin Showers130 E. Chestnut St., Ste. 200, Columbus, OH 43215614-421-3000 Fax: [emailprotected] InHome Concepts JoAnna Cavestri 683 E. Lincoln Ave., Columbus, OH 43229 614-885-8420 Fax: 614-885-4470 [emailprotected] InHome Concepts specializes in quality products and services. Our showroom consultants provide knowledge and experience in cabinet and door hardware, as well as bath accessories and plumbing. Interior Wood Products Steve Weinsz 7795 A Corporate Blvd., Plain City, OH 43064 614-504-5486 [emailprotected] Interior Wood products is a manufacturer and distributor of architectural millwork and select building products. Specializing in doors, mouldings, s/4/s, plywood, stair parts, hardwood flooring, cabinet doors and custom wood products. J.S. Brown & Co. Jeff Brown 1522 Hess St.Columbus, OH 43212 614-291-6876 Fax: 614-291-7090 [emailprotected] At J.S. Brown & Co., our goal is to create homes our clients love through a remodeling process they enjoy. And we’ve been doing it for more than 34 years! Whether it’s a whole-house remodel, an addition or a simple bathroom update, we are ready to serve you. Jess Howard Electric Tim Howard Sr. 6630 Taylor Rd., P.O. Box 95, Blacklick, OH 43004 614-861-1300 Fax: 614-861-1830

[emailprotected] Jess Howard Electric has been servicing the public need for electric construction since 1945. We do everything from the smallest to the largest electric installation or repair. Jones & Associates, LLC David Jones 4366 Lewis Center Rd., Galena, OH 43021 740-548-3608 [emailprotected] At Jones & Associates, our business focus is design/build kitchen, bath, basem*nts, room additions and windows and doors. Our exceptional 3-D CAD services bring your vision to life. We are passionate about service and attentive to the smallest detail. Jones Lumber & Millwork Company Tim Debus 57 N. Sylvan Ave., Columbus, OH 43204 614-274-1109 Fax: 614-274-9675 [emailprotected] Lumber and building materials supplier since 1928. Specializing in quality hardwood, treated and non-treated lumber, noncombustible and FSC certified lumber, hardwood and softwood plywood. Complete mill capable of custom cutting wood to fabricating custom casework and solid surface/laminate tops, molding profiles, sash and doors. No job is too small or too large. Professional staff to help you with your remodeling needs. We excel in customer service. JVP Stucco John A. Van Paepeghem Jr. 4160 Raccoon Valley Rd., Alexandria, OH 43001 614-764-0282 [emailprotected] JVP Stucco specializes in custom residential and light commercial stucco and cultured stone work. Since 1980, JVP Stucco has served central Ohio and surrounding communities. Call for a free estimate and let JVP Stucco beautify your next project. K & M Kleening Service, Inc. Morris Berkley 1391 Essex Ave., Columbus, OH 43211 614-737-3750 Fax: 614-443-4186 [emailprotected] K & M Kleening Service, Inc. has been providing custodial and cleaning services since 1986. Our

experience ranges from the cleaning of office buildings to labs, schools, churches and construction sites. Mowing, landscaping, light maintenance and repair are also provided.

Keefer ContractorsTony Keefer P.O. Box 456Pickerington, OH 43147 614-920-2004 Fax: 740-756-4508 [emailprotected] A licensed contractor since 2001 specializing in kitchens, bathrooms, room additions, basem*nt conversions, remodeling and whole-house renovations. Ketron Custom Builders Travis Ketron 3611 Deeds Rd., Granville, OH 43023 740-587-4442 Fax: 740-587-4442 [emailprotected] Ketron Custom builders is a full-service remodeling company with capabilities ranging from single-room updates to whole-house renovations. We can make your dreams come true. Our focus is craftsmanship, quality, service and customer satisfaction. Konkus Marble & Granite, Inc. Cathy Hartnett 2786 Walcutt Rd., Hilliard, OH 43026 614-876-4000 Fax: 614-876-4442 [emailprotected] Konkus Marble & Granite is central Ohio’s premier natural stone fabricator. We have the highest quality of natural stone products available, a large slab inventory and the best selection of remnants for smaller projects. We provide excellent customer service from your initial contact through project completion. We offer a full line of quartz products. Kresge Contracting, Inc. Mark Kresge, CR, CRPM, CKD 5841 Emporium Sq.Columbus, OH 43231 614-794-9222 Fax: 614-794-0819 [emailprotected] Providing custom solutions for complete remodeling since 1983 with nationally recognized designer and owner Mark Kresge and a knowledgeable staff committed to professional







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craftsmanship. Specializations include designer kitchens, luxury bathrooms, additions and custom basem*nts. Winner of 18 local, regional and national NARI CotY Awards.

Kuhns Contracting, Inc. Anthony Kuhns 7931 Amity PikePlain City, OH 43064 614-873-8230 Fax: 614-873-5175 [emailprotected] Kuhns Contracting, Inc. is a family-owned business with four generations of experience in whole-house remodeling. We want to be the only contractor our customers will ever need by establishing a reputation of excellence in quality and professional workmanship for central Ohio. Landa’s INTERDESIGN Landa Brunetto, IDS 49 E. College Ave.Westerville, OH 43081 614-579-1150 [emailprotected] Interior designer providing residential and commercial interior and exterior design, including kitchen/bath design. Specialty is tile design. Levi’s 4 Floors Scott Brenot 6329 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-4441 [emailprotected] For 25 years, Levi’s 4 Floors has been a leader in the central Ohio area for carpet, hardwood, laminate, vinyl and tile. Excellent quality and customer service has been our hallmark. Be assured of unsurpassed value in all categories. Give us an opportunity to please you and your customers.

Limes Plumbing, Inc. Don Limes 1605 Scottsdale Ave., Columbus, OH 43235 614-451-6811 Fax: 614-451-6811 [emailprotected] Limes Plumbing began in 1996 after 20 years working in the “family business.” Our focus is working with remodeling contractors along with replacement and repair of residential plumbing.

Local Internet Leads Bryan Sirak P.O Box 4088, Dublin, OH 43016 614-602-5200 Fax: 877-580-5202 [emailprotected] Local Internet Leads generates leads online for local companies. Our clients dominate the search results when their prospects perform a search. We work exclusively with one company in any geographic area and have no long-term contracts. Our results speak for themselves. Lowe’s Companies Doug Brownfield 2345 Silver Dr., Columbus, OH 43211 614-558-9049 Fax: 614-447-2865 [emailprotected] Lowe’s is a Fortune 50 company and a national member of NARI. Lowe’s Companies use licensed and bonded installers. We stand behind our work, and we offer a choice of products and materials from major manufacturers.

Mark Troyer Remodeling, Inc.Mark Troyer, CR9720 Lafayette-Plain City Rd., Plain City, OH 43064614-873-4456 Fax: [emailprotected] Mark Troyer Remodeling, Inc. is a nationally recognized, national award winning residential remodeler specializing in upscale custom additions, kitchens and baths since 1986. Marketing Galore Elaine Reid 64 E. Main St., Westerville, OH 43081 614-890-8818 Fax: 614-898-0601 [emailprotected] Marketing Galore can put your company name on almost anything — from business cards to hot air balloons — and work with you to have fun and effective marketing for your business or organization. Clothing with a logo helps everyone in your company look professional; brochures help potential clients understand your business — pens, mugs and other promotional items remind people you want to work with them.

Menards — ColumbusDarrell McCoy1805 Morse Rd., Columbus, OH 43229614-375-1030

[emailprotected] Menards — Columbus EastKevin Dunkel6800 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43219614-729-2395 [emailprotected]

Menards — Lewis CenterAdam Myers7241 Graphics Way, Lewis Center, OH 43035740-548-9994 [emailprotected] Williams [emailprotected] Michael Matrka, Inc. Brett Harper 1211 Chesapeake Ave., Columbus, OH 43212 614-486-7707 Fax: 614-486-7721 [emailprotected] Since 1981, Michael Matrka, Inc. has specialized in quality craftsmanship in renovations, additions, restorations and new builds. Meticulous attention to detail ensures our client’s ultimate satisfaction. Our comprehensive design and prebuild planning process enhances value and optimizes the building experience.

Midwest Roofing & Furnace Co.Leon Hoover646 S. Nelson Rd., Columbus, OH 43205614-252-1184 Fax: [emailprotected] Founded in 1907, Midwest is a full-service Commercial and Residential Contractor with three divisions. ROOFING installs/services shingle and flat roofs. HEATING installs/services heating, cooling, humidifying and air cleaning/purifying systems. REMODELING offers many construction phases (i.e. additions, kitchens/baths, etc.). Miller Troyer Custom Amish Cabinets & Remodeling Troy Miller 4509 Candlewick Cir., Columbus, OH 43230614-595-7789 [emailprotected] At Miller Troyer — your partner for custom renovations, custom Amish cabinetry and design/build — our business practices are held to a higher






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standard, and judged by our Amish partners, arguably the most honest people in the world. Our Amish partnership works because we have an understanding that trust and integrity is the glue that holds our worlds together. Miracle Method of Columbus Leo Sayles 6264 Seeds Rd.Grove City, OH 43123 614-801-0432 Fax: 614-801-0006 Miracle Method professionally repairs, restores and refinishes porcelain, acrylic, fiberglass, ceramic, laminate and cultured marble fixtures. Our unrivaled quality service and reputation provide our clients with cost saving solutions for repairs and/or remodeling. Modlich Stoneworks, Inc. Chris DiRienzo 2255 Harper Rd., Columbus, OH 43204 614-276-2848 Fax: 614-276-3115 [emailprotected] Modlich Stoneworks, Inc. specializes in the custom fabrication and installation of granite, marble and other natural stones for kitchen countertops, baths, foyers and office. The Modlich family has been in the stone business since 1936. Mont Granite, Inc. Jessica Congrove 2365 Setterlin Dr., Columbus, OH 43228 614-876-6677 Fax: 614-876-6671 [emailprotected] Mont Granite is the largest supplier of fine surfaces in the Midwest for all residential and commercial applications. Our showroom and warehouse facility displays stone in both slab and finished form. We are open to the public as well as all industry professionals. Neverman Construction Co., Inc. Ken Neverman 908 N. 4th St.Columbus, OH 43201 614-294-1100 Fax: 614-294-1104 [emailprotected] Neverman Construction Co., Inc. is a full-service construction firm specializing in commercial, residential and catastrophic insurance loss restoration. Neverman Construction prides itself on professionalism and customer satisfaction with

every claim handled efficiently and responsibly no matter how large or small. Nicholson Builders, Inc. Bill Nicholson 768 Busch Ct.Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-7388 Fax: 614-846-7390 [emailprotected] Nicholson Builders is a design/build firm specializing in residential remodeling. We focus on serving our clients, providing quality craftsmanship and offering a personal approach from the start of design to the completion of all projects. NJW Construction, Inc. N. Joel Walter, CR P.O. Box 490Pickerington, OH 43147 740-654-8227 Fax: 740-681-5669 [emailprotected] NJW Construction, founded by N. Joel Walter, specializes in custom residential construction including renovations, restorations, room additions, kitchens and bath. On board with NJW are dedicated employees and tradesmen, having distinct standards of craftsmanship and pride of their quality of work. These high standards set us apart from the competition. Our promise to our clients: Total Client Satisfaction.

Northern Lighting Jeremy Drewry 5585 Westerville Rd., Westerville, OH 43081 614-891-7600 Fax: 614-891-7501 [emailprotected] Northern Lighting, Inc. serving the lighting needs of central Ohio for more than 30 years. We display more than 3,000 lamps and lighting fixtures. Northern Window & Door Inc. Justin Ciak893 Eastwind Dr., Westerville, OH 43081 614-890-6776 Fax: 614-890-6704 [emailprotected] Northern Window and Door is a privately owned, service-oriented wholesale window and door distributor in central Ohio. Our commitment is based on detailed customer service. We offer residential and commercial products with unique features for both. New construction and remodel/replacement.

Nutter Handyman Services Chuck Nutter 1177 Chesapeake Ave., Columbus, OH 43212 614-459-8864 Fax: 614-754-8131 [emailprotected] Nutter Handyman Services is the premier neighborhood handyman company serving greater central Ohio. Services include plumbing, electrical, standby generators, carpentry, painting, tile work, duct cleaning, gutter cleaning, roof repair, masonry, remodeling and general contracting for residential and light commercial clients.

Ohio Technical Services, Inc.Kirk Duffer1949 Camaro Ave., Columbus, OH 43207614-372-0829 Fax: [emailprotected] OTS is “the Premier Environmental Service Company in Ohio” focusing on asbestos, lead hazard paint and mold remediation. We were founded on the commitment to pursue long-term relationships with our clients and to offer full turn-key service, impeccable quality and cost. Organized Home Remodeling Jeff Reasinger, CR 885 West 5th Ave.Columbus, OH 43212 614-754-8234 Fax: 614-754-8288 [emailprotected] Organized Home Remodeling is a licensed design/build remodeling company with on-staff designers for all areas of the home. We have a 3,000 sq. ft. showroom, and we custom manufacture our own cabinetry at another company called Buckeye Custom Cabinets and Closets LLC. Owdom Contract Labor, LLC Renee Owdom 1491 Tenagra Way, Columbus, OH 43228 614-493-8247 [emailprotected] Established business since 2001. We are a Lead Safe EPA Certified Firm and EDGE Certified Firm. We specialize in residential and commercial improvements. Owens ConstructionBill Owens9890 Olentangy River Rd., Powell, OH 43065614-846-1149 Fax: 614-847-9242







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[emailprotected] Creating the ultimate remodel is more than a great look, it’s also the experiences along the way. For over 25 years we’ve provided solid design solutions and unparalleled attention to the process. Trust Owens to always put the client first.

Panel Center, Inc. Ben Nagel 850 Kaderly Dr., Columbus, OH 43228 614-274-6000 Fax: 614-279-0013 [emailprotected] Celebrating our 43rd year, Panel Center supplies building materials, including millwork, flooring, doors and commercial hardware, specializing in restaurant and retail interiors nationwide and home-improvement products to enhance your home or business. Visit our large showroom.

Panic LightingTheresa Fee3251 Silver Dr., Columbus, OH 43224614-262-8527 Fax: [emailprotected] Panic Lighting is a complete residential and commercial lighting source. Visit our showroom of over 2,400 items on display. Our knowledgeable staff has over 100 years cumulative experience in assisting your customer to make the right selection for their home or office. Pat Scales RemodelingPat Scales5880 Linworth Rd.Worthington, OH 43085614-505-6084 Fax: Pat Scales Remodeling is a family owned and operated commercial and residential remodeler located in Worthington, Ohio. They specialize in full kitchen, bath and basem*nt remodels, large commercial projects and more. Peter A. Robinson Remodeling, LLC Peter A. Robinson, MCR, CKBR 6299 Darling Rd.Blacklick, OH 43004 614-855-2914 Fax: 614-855-2980 [emailprotected] Peter A. Robinson Remodeling, LLC has been

associated with the construction and remodeling business for 30 years. We offer full-service remodeling — high-quality residential room additions and interiors, specifically kitchens and bathrooms, custom cabinetry and millwork. Pomante Contractors, Inc. Robert Pomante 949 Oakland Park Ave.Columbus, OH 43224 614-262-1112 Fax: 614-447-8579 [emailprotected] Pomante Contractors, Inc. has been a licensed contractor since 2001. It is our mission to deliverthe highest quality remodeling, construction and renovation experience to our customers at an affordable cost with our friendly, reliable, and profesional team. Precision Glass and Shower, LLC Jeffrey Sullivan 1904 Britains Lane, Columbus, OH 43224 614-267-8280 Fax: 614-453-8855 [emailprotected] Precision Glass and Shower, LLC is a full-service commercial and residential glazing company. Specializing in custom frameless shower enclosures, commercial storefronts and entrances, insulated glass replacement and glass repair of all types. Premium Hardware, LLC Linda Manket 271 Schofield Dr.Columbus, OH 43213 614-755-4419 Fax: 614-755-3844 [emailprotected] Premium Hardware supplies decorative door and cabinet hardware, bathroom and hardware accessories. With over 28 years of experience working in the building industry, we know how important it is to save you time as much as it is to stay within budget. With over 3,200 square feet of showroom, we will provide an enjoyable and comfortable experience for your client. Professional Design Services, LLC Tim Beeker 1537 Brice Rd., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 614-365-1823 Fax: 614-961-3239 [emailprotected] Professional Design Services, LLC is a residential

design company providing design and drafting services for remodels, additions, finished basem*nts, custom homes and more. We also provide 3-D drawings/renderings. Attention to detail for each project is our passion. Professional Gutter & Drain, Ltd. Kevin Fleahman 1065 Buckeye Park Rd., Columbus, OH 43207 614-989-3326 Fax: 614-445-9977 [emailprotected] We are a full-service gutter company providing gutters in a full range of colors and materials. Wealso have a full service underground drain division for all your drainage needs.

Punch Out Plus, LLCDavina LatimerP.O. Box 28068, Columbus, OH 43228614-871-5985 Fax: [emailprotected] Punch Out Plus, LLC is a local, family owned and operated, full service remodeling company with over 30 years experience. From basem*nt finishing, complete kitchen and bath remodeling projects to room additions, our team can fulfill your grandest design dreams. ReachLocal, Inc. Frank Cea 700 Taylor Rd., Ste. 220, Gahanna, OH 43230 614-361-2179 Fax: 614-472-4003 [emailprotected] We are the global leader for Internet marketing solutions. Our proprietary platforms for search-engine marketing, social media, online display advertising and other programs are the best in the country. Transparency of results is key — our clients can measure true ROI for all forms of media (both online and offline). Regency Wallcraft, Inc. Jim Turner 1933 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., Ste. 294 Columbus, OH 43229 614-865-9370 Fax: 614-823-4499 [emailprotected] Regency Wallcraft provides residential/comm- ercial wallcovering removal, drywall, plaster repair, surface preparation and installation. Serving home and business owners for more than 36 years, our expertise and knowledge result in customer satisfaction.






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Reliance Remodeling LLPGolnaz Motamedi2029 Riverside Dr., Ste. 103, Columbus, OH 43220614-397-6916 [emailprotected]

Remodel America, Inc. Robert Chapa 1150 Morse Rd., Ste. 335, Columbus, OH 43229 614-436-5556 Fax: 614-436-4010 [emailprotected] With more than 30 years of experience, we are a full-service general contracting business specializing in residential home improvements; light commercial development; and storm, fire and water damage. All work carries labor and material warranties. Licensed/bonded/insured. Renewal by Andersen Wes Race 5850 Sawmill Rd., Columbus, OH 43017 614-602-8100 Fax: 614-602-8101 [emailprotected] Replacement windows and doors by Renewal by Andersen of Columbus. We’re proud to serve the window and patio-door replacement needs of the Columbus area.

Renovations Unlimited Todd Schmidt, CR, UDCP 1933 Harrisburg PikeGrove City, OH 43123 614-594-0004 Fax: 614-594-0009 [emailprotected] Our commitment to our clients is to provide the highest quality remodeling experience in central Ohio. We can achieve this goal by utilizing sustainable products, highly skilled craftsmanship, knowledgeable design and an ethical approach to our environment. We will provide you with a beautiful, sustainable project that you and your family can enjoy for generations to come. Residential Designed Solutions James Wright, CPBD 7844 Flint Rd., Columbus, OH 43235 614-430-0027 Fax: 614-430-8071 [emailprotected] Residential Designed Solutions, Inc. specializes in working as a member of the remodeler’s team. We assist homeowners in designing a timeless and

carefully planned addition or remodel that meets all of their needs and budget. RH Homes, Ltd. John Ricks 9646 Sharron Dr. Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-206-4724 Fax: 740-994-9241 [emailprotected] R.H. Homes, Ltd. is a full-service general contractor specializing in custom homes, remodeling and additions. Our attention to detail and customer focus is second to none. We “do it right the first time.” Just ask our customers.

Rick Kelley Builders, LLCJeremy Kelley7521 Concord Rd., Delaware, OH 43015614-437-2013 Fax: [emailprotected] Rick Kelley Builders has been building and remodeling homes for more than 33 years. We are a second-generation, family-owned business that offers custom design/build services. We also have unique experience with historical renovations and green remodeling projects. Riley Electric Dan Riley 1899 Harrisburg Pike, Grove City, OH 43213 614-753-1777 Fax: 614-594-2224 [emailprotected] Riley Electric is a family-owned and operated business with a passion for residential and commercial electrical service and remodeling. We provide reliable service with consistent pricing to property owners and general contractors. Riverstone Construction, Inc. Mike Stumpf 6295 Maxtown Rd., Ste. 600, Westerville, OH 43082 614-882-1340 Fax: 614-882-4562 [emailprotected] Riverstone Construction, Inc. has 25 years in the building and remodeling industry. Our typical projects are room additions along with kitchen, bathroom and basem*nt remodels. Our company is based upon professionalism and providing quality products and service.

RKH & Associates Rick Hoover 495 Woodard Pl., Powell, OH 43065 614-206-4797 Fax: 614-888-9777 [emailprotected] RKH & Associates is a manufacturer’s rep firm dealing with attic ventilation, home storage, doorlock, caulking, bath hardware and Sauder Wood Trac.

Roofing Supply Group Ron Vogelgesang 3550 E. 7th Ave., Columbus, OH 43219 614-239-1111 Fax: 614-239-1110 [emailprotected] Residential and commercial roofing. Wholesale distributor for SilverLine Windows.

Rosati Windows Michael Rosati 4200 Roberts Rd.Columbus, OH 43228 614-777-4806 Fax: 614-777-1105 [emailprotected] Rosati Windows is Columbus’ only vinyl window manufacturer. Winner of the 2003 Integrity Award from the Better Business Bureau of central Ohio.

Royal Building ProductsBrett Egbert1441 Universal Rd., Columbus, OH 43206614-754-3400 R-Pro, LLC Jennifer Reichow 12928 Stonecreek Dr., Unit E Pickerington, OH 43147 614-458-8526 Fax: 614-737-9150 [emailprotected] R-Pro provides superior insulation systems to Columbus and surrounding areas. Our services include spray foam, injection foam, radiant barriers, fiberglass, cellulose and insulation removal. Thermal imaging and energy audits are also available. Free inspections and estimates.

RSVP Publications of Ohio and Kentucky Anthony Sucato 806 E. Franklin St., Centerville, OH 45459 614-336-7787 Fax: 888-711-7787 [emailprotected]







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RENOVATIONS • 2014 49TRUSTNARI.ORG RSVP generates qualified leads for our clients by reaching upscale, owner-occupied homes with a unique, high-impact color postcard format. RSVP has a 25-year track record of delivering new customers to home-improvement companies in more than 100 markets nationwide. Ryan Wilbur Custom Remodeling Ryan Wilbur 1159 Ridgedale Dr. East, Worthington, OH 43085 614-781-0281 Fax: 614-781-0282 [emailprotected] Scott Hall Remodeling Scott Hall 5339 Victoria St.Groveport, OH 43125 614-806-3200 Fax: 866-924-5846 [emailprotected] Our specialty is bathroom remodeling with a unique focus on quality and overall customer satisfaction. Our specific experience with bathrooms, along with having won numerous awards for our customer service, demonstrates our ability to provide a superb experience to each of our clients. Select Services Property Solutions, LLC Lonnie Dearth 3080 Scioto Darby Executive Ct., Hilliard, OH 43026 614-507-2797 Fax: 614-529-4225 [emailprotected] Select Services Property Solutions, LLC is a licensed general contractor building equity in central Ohio homes since 1997. We specialize in kitchens, baths, renewable materials and energy efficiency. SGO Designer Glass of Columbus Charlie Groezinger 975 Old Henderson Rd. Columbus, OH 43220 614-529-8400 Fax: 888-688-7828 [emailprotected] SGO Designer Glass specializes in architectural, decorative glass for residential, commercial and religious applications in entryways, windows, skylights, cabinetry, shower enclosures, room dividers and more.

ShelfGenie of Columbus Michael Saunders 240 Lakeside Circle, Marysville, OH 43040 937-243-5848 Fax: 937-738-7218 [emailprotected] At ShelfGenie of Columbus, we custom design, build and install amazing glide-out shelving systems that turn cluttered cabinets and pantries into beautiful organized spaces. We provide more space, better organization and easier access resulting in less stress every day. SHER SAGAR Interiors Sher Sagar 3603 Emery Club Way, Columbus, OH 43219 614-784-0675 [emailprotected] Specializing in window treatments, furniture and 48-hour home makeovers, starting at $500.00. Includes home staging, remodeling, accessorizing and art. Commercial makeovers for churches, spas and doctors’ and law offices. Ideal for busy professionals, party, bar mitzvah, bedrooms, basem*nts, bathrooms and more. Sherwin-Williams Company Chris Winter4866 Evanswood Dr., Columbus, OH 43229 614-841-7723 Fax: 614-841-7728 [emailprotected] Your neighborhood Sherwin-Williams store is your place for expert advice, high-quality paint, a wide variety of wallpaper patterns, tools, faux finish techniques and more. Call 1-800-4-SHERWIN or visit our website to find a store near you.

Signature Cabinetry, Inc. Greg Hughes 1285 Alum Creek Dr., Columbus, OH 43209 614-252-2227 Fax: 614-252-2226 [emailprotected] Signature Cabinetry specializes in cabinetry for the kitchen/bath. Beautiful showroom with 30-plus displays. Laminate and solid-surface and granite countertops crafted in our own facility. See our new granite design center. Three qualified design teams available. Family owned/operated. Simple Bath Ohio Mary Rubin 6155 C Huntley Rd., Columbus, OH 43229 614-781-1970 Fax: 614-781-0110

[emailprotected] Simple Bath Ohio is an affordable, custom bathroom remodeler. We do not use liners but install new walls and bases, custom cabinetry and flooring. We are not a franchise but are locally owned with our own team of professional, experienced installers. Skeeles Manufacturing, Inc Rebecca Skeeles 4040 Fondorf Dr., Columbus, OH 43228 614-274-4700 Fax: 614-274-4721 [emailprotected] In business since 1991, Skeeles fabricates and installs granite, quartz, laminate and solid-surface countertops. We also do commercial casework and plastic fabrication.

Smith & Associates Excavating, Inc.Kenneth Belczak7257 Ste Rte 37, East, Sunbury, OH 43074740-362-3355 Fax: [emailprotected] Smith & Associates Excavating Inc. has been in business for over 25 years. We specialize in excavating, grading, utility lines, sanitary and storm sewers, ponds and septic systems. Starner’s Heating & Cooling, Inc. James Starner 1391 Brice Rd., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 614-866-7576 Fax: 614-864-3524 [emailprotected] Starner’s Heating & Cooling, Inc., a licensed HVAC contractor, has been proudly serving central Ohio since 1971. Our primary focus is heating, air conditioning and custom sheet-metal work. Quality and professional service is our main focus. Sullivan Builders Glen Sullivan 6296 Proprietors Rd., Worthington, OH 43085 614-846-1305 Fax: 614-433-9792 [emailprotected] Sullivan Builders, Inc. has been continuously operating for more than 36 years. Our mission is to provide our clients with the highest quality residential, commercial or design/build construction services.






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Suncraft Corp., Inc. Jeff Borovetz 122 W. Johnstown Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230 614-475-0000 Fax: 614-475-0986 [emailprotected] Specializes in the design and construction of sunrooms, patios, decks and porches as well as room additions, kitchens and baths. We employ a full-time design and construction staff. From concept through completion, Suncraft will meet and exceed your expectations. Swan Freedom Todd Hite 1320 McKinley Ave., Columbus, OH 43222 614-308-9900 Fax: 614-308-9700 [emailprotected] Swan Freedom has been central Ohio’s leading provider of shower doors, mirrors and closet shelving since 1954. We are a full-service provider with a spacious design center, experienced field consultation and installation.

The Andersons, IncNick Kellett7000 Bent Tree Blvd., Columbus, OH 43235614-204-9281 Fax: The Andersons has been your Ohio Neighbor for 50 years. We are committed to honest values, vast selection, brand name quality, and friendly service. We provide a showroom experience at a retail price. Wellborn and Cambria Authorized Dealer.

The Arlington BankChris Miller4621 Reed Rd., Columbus, OH 43220614-486-0717 Fax: [emailprotected]

The Hale Construction Company, LLCAndrew Hale5870 Zarley St., Ste. E, New Albany, OH 43054614-939-5260 Fax: [emailprotected] The Hale Construction Company LLC is a family-owned and operated company specializing in Residential Renovations & Repairs. We build lasting relationships with our customers, one project at a time. Our professional experience, quality craftsmanship and consistent communication sets us apart as a leader in the marketplace.

Thompson Building Associates Tim Thompson, CR 3333 Refugee Rd., Columbus, OH 43232 614-863-9650 Fax: 614-863-9377 [emailprotected] A fully licensed general contractor specializing in damage repair and private remodeling. Services include 24/7 emergency response for fire board-up, water extraction and structural drying, plus contents cleaning and storage. Offers high-end, custom design/build remodeling. Trio Insulated Glass, Inc. David Marburger 1094 McKinley Ave., Columbus, OH 43222 614-276-1647 Fax: [emailprotected] Trio Insulated Glass, Inc. custom manufactures and installs insulated glass in commercial and residential applications. T-Square Builders, Inc. Scott Tubbs, CR 8350 Industrial Pkwy., Stes. 7 & 8 Plain City, OH 43064 614-504-4577 Fax: 614-504-4074 [emailprotected] T-Square Builders delivers design/build and construction services to both residential and commercial industries throughout central Ohio. Residential services include custom home building, whole-house renovations, kitchen and bath design and construction, room additions and basem*nt finishes. Architectural and engineering services are available for both residential and commercial projects. T-Square Builders is a member of NARI and Angie’s List. Varment Guard Environmental Services Denise KestnerP.O. Box 297797, Columbus, OH 43229 614-794-8169 Fax: 614-891-9111 [emailprotected] Varment Guard Environmental Services has more than 30 years of experience in the residential and commercial pest-management business. Our complete line of services also includes wildlife management, termite management, exclusion services and bird management. Wellborn Cabinet Inc.Travis Pierce6334 Belmont Rd., Loveland, OH 45140

513-659-9656 Fax: [emailprotected] WindowPro Tracie Sanderfur400 Lazelle Rd., Ste. 01, Columbus, OH 43240 614-781-9600 Fax: 614-781-9619 [emailprotected] Do it right the second time with WindowPro replacement windows and doors. State-of-the-art products, expertly installed. Revolutionary Fibrex material combines the strength and stability of wood with the low maintenance of vinyl. Backed by a company you can trust: WindowPro. Worly Plumbing Supply, Inc. Carol Ricks 400 Greenlawn Ave., Columbus, OH 43223 614-445-1000 Fax: 614-445-4904 [emailprotected] Worly Plumbing Supply, celebrating more than 60 years of excellence in supplying quality plumbing and HVAC products. Through our professional sales people and showroom consultants, let us supply your plumbing & HVAC product needs at competitive prices. Locations in Columbus, Delaware, Cincinnati and Chillicothe.







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Renovations 2014 - [PDF Document] (51)


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Renovations 2014 - [PDF Document] (52)


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Renovations 2014 - [PDF Document] (2024)


How do I fulfill a PDF form? ›

How to fill and sign a PDF form: Open a PDF document in Acrobat. Click the “Fill & Sign” tool in the right pane. Fill out your form: Complete form filling by clicking a text field and typing or adding a text box.

How do you check for alterations in a PDF? ›

If you go to the document properties of a PDF file (control or command d), if the proper metadata is available, it will list the creation date and time and modified date and time. This can help you determine if a pdf file has been modified since creation.

How do you write an answer in PDF? ›

If you need to change some information, you can edit existing PDF text from your PC in three simple steps.
  1. Open the file in a PDF editor like Adobe Acrobat.
  2. Click the Edit PDF tool in the upper-right corner.
  3. Choose the text you want to edit and start writing.

How do I solve a problem in PDF? ›

Update Adobe Acrobat Reader. One of the reasons a PDF might not display properly is because your Adobe Acrobat Reader isn't up to date. Launch the app and go to Help > Check for updates. Repair installation.

Why can't I fill in a PDF form? ›

Make sure that the security settings allow form filling. (See File > Properties > Security.) Make sure that the PDF includes interactive, or fillable, form fields. Sometimes form creators forget to convert their PDFs to interactive forms, or they intentionally design a form you can only fill in by hand.

How do I complete a form in PDF format? ›

Save the form on your computer, and then open it directly in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. For instructions, see Fill out your PDF form. Save form, open in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, and then choose Tools > Fill & Sign. Save form, open in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, and then choose Tools > Fill & Sign.

Can you see edits made to a PDF file? ›

Adobe Acrobat's 'compare' tool for PDFs

Open the original PDF. In the View tab, choose Compare Files. Use the New File option that pops up to choose the PDF you want to compare the original to. Click the blue Compare button to view Acrobat's report comparing the documents side-by-side, highlighting all the changes.

Can you track changes in a PDF document? ›

Once the PDF document is open, you need to enable the track changes feature. This feature might be located in different menus depending on the software you are using. Look for options like “Review” or “Comments” to access the track changes functionality.

How do I show corrections in a PDF? ›

… for Reader: Click on the 'Comments' button at the top right of your screen and then open 'Annotations' by clicking on the arrow next to it. Also open List of Comments, so you can keep track of inserted comments. … for Acrobat: Go to the menu item View > Toolbars > Comment & Markup to have it appear on your screen.

How do I modify a PDF document? ›

How to edit PDF files:
  1. Open a file in Acrobat.
  2. Click on the “Edit PDF” tool in the right pane.
  3. Use Acrobat editing tools: Add new text, edit text, or update fonts using selections from the Format list. ...
  4. Save your edited PDF: Name your file and click the “Save” button. That's it.

What is PDF answer? ›

Answer. PDF stands for "portable document format". Essentially, the format is used when you need to save files that cannot be modified but still need to be easily shared and printed. Today most devices have a version of Adobe Reader or can open a PDF in an Internet Browser.

How do I get answers from a PDF? ›

LightPDF has dozens of tools for converting, protecting, and editing PDFs, including an AI chatbot for reading PDF files. The tool provides quick answers to your questions and generates summaries, outlines, and tables from the uploaded document.

How do I resolve a PDF problem? ›

Here's a simple step-by-step guide on how to repair PDF online:
  1. Go to the Repair PDF tool.
  2. Select and upload the PDF you want to repair from your computer, Google Drive or Dropbox account.
  3. Click the Repair PDF button.
  4. Click Download file to download your repaired file.

How to fix a PDF document? ›

Here are some methods you can try to repair a corrupted PDF file:
  1. Use Adobe Acrobat: Adobe Acrobat includes a repair feature that can attempt to fix a corrupted PDF file. ...
  2. Use a third-party PDF repair tool: There are several third-party PDF repair tools available that can attempt to repair a corrupted PDF file.
Apr 11, 2023

How do I edit a mistake in a PDF? ›

Follow these steps to use this feature:
  1. Login to your pdfFiller account.
  2. Go to the 'My Forms' page.
  3. Select the PDF document you want to correct.
  4. Click on the 'Correct' button.
  5. The document will open in the pdfFiller editor.
  6. Use the various editing tools to make the necessary corrections.

How do I fill out a PDF that was sent to me? ›

On your Android device, open the Google Drive app. Tap the PDF that you want to fill out. Form Filling . If you don't see the option, you may not be able to fill out this PDF.

How do I fill out a form online that was emailed to me? ›

Most forms are sent in pdf format, alas the most common the pdf reader does not let you type in. If this the case you can download install and use this free reader. Otherwise print the form, fill it in by hand, scan it to as a file, and send back the scanned file.

What is the easiest way to fill out a PDF form for free? ›

The Acrobat online PDF filler tool lets you go paperless by completing fillable fields and signing documents online. After uploading a PDF, use the form filler toolbar to fill PDF form fields, including checkboxes.

How do you make a PDF so you can fill it out? ›

It's easy to create fillable PDF form in Adobe Acrobat.
  1. Open Acrobat.
  2. Select a file or scan a document.
  3. Add new form fields.
  4. To change existing text boxes or images, click Edit in the toolbar.
  5. Save your fillable PDF.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Views: 5459

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.