Question Bank-On MBA Subjects - [PDF Document] (2024)

Question Bank-On MBA Subjects - [PDF Document] (1)





IN MANAGEMENT & COMMUNICATIONS LTD. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SEMESTER – END EXAMINATIONS The format of the question papers will be as follows: Each question paper is marked out of 75 marks.

All questions will carry equal marks.

There will be 8 questions in each paper.

Students are required to answer total no. of 5 questions.

Question no.1 and question no. 8 are compulsory questions.

From question no. 2 to 7 student must answer any 3 questions. is a case study or a numerical problem.

Q no.8 is a question on short notes on 5 topics out of which the student must answer any 3.

Question Bank-On MBA Subjects - [PDF Document] (2)

MDB 101: FOUNDATIONS OF MANAGEMENT Q1. Mr. Arun had just graduated from Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad, and joined his

family’s small business, which employs 55 semi-skilled workers. After observing Arun during the first week on the job, his father called him and said, “Arun, I have had chance to observe your working with the workers for the past two days, and although I hate to say something, I must. You are just too nice to people. I know you have learned human relations at the IIM, but it just does not work here. I remember when Hawthorne Studies were first reported and everybody in that era, in the academic field, got all excited about them, but believe me, there is more to managing people than just being only nice to them. Question: 1) Do you think Arun’s father understands and interprets Hawthorne Studies correctly? 2) Do you agree with Arun’s father?

Q2. The Manager of an engineering unit is informed on phone at midnight by the President of a local

labour union of the factory that there is tension in the factory and absence of prompt action may lead to physical assault on the supervisor who has sent a worker home from work, charging him with insubordination. Similar actions have been taken by the same supervisor against other workers in the past. Also, in the past some supervisors have been physically assaulted. At the same time the President of the local labour union of the factory is also known to grossly exaggerate the problem in his reporting. Questions: 1) What is the problem about? 2) What do you think would be the appropriate course of action for the Manager immediately and

in due course and also in future to avoid such situations? Q3. Mr. Deepak is the manager of information systems in Deepa Corporation Ltd. In a discussion, he

tells his President that with the installation of modern computer system in the department, availability of up-to-date information to all concerned and prompt exchange of information and timely reports to all concerned could be expected. So control on all operations including control on time at disposal was possible and therefore management of all the desired levels or standards was going to be a reality. The president replied, "I do hope that you are right. But I am not so sure". Questions: a) Do you think the manager, Deepak is right? Why? Why not? b) Do you think the President is right? Why? Why not? c) What, if anything, should be done in your opinion, to ensure that "Management at desired level"

is a reality? Q4. “Managing by objectives is nothing new in our police department ” said Commissioner Ram Tupe of

the Metropolitan Police. “ We have always established objectives towards which everyone in our department strives. Our job is varied and diverse but encompasses the maintenance of law and order, firmly but fairly. In addition, we have to protect human lives and property, and also be the conscience of general welfare of the millions of people who inhabit our city and call it home. Every man in our department is aware of these objectives and knows he has to strive towards it. I am fully aware that, being a service operation, we can not be measured by yardsticks of profits, costs, sales, or product output, as is done in manufacturing concerns. However, I reiterate very strongly that this does not mean we are not managing by objectives. Ask anyone in my department.”

Commissioner Ram Tupe was speaking to a management consultant who had come to discuss ways and means of improving the efficiency of the police force by introducing Management by Objectives in his department.

Analyse the above incident in the context of MBO techniques. Q.5 “Career planning is a joint responsibility of the employee and the management.” Do you agree with

this statement? Also explain the steps in career planning. Q.6 What is ‘decision-making’? Explain the process of decision-making in a business organisation. Q.7 Define the terms motivation and motivators. What are the special motivational techniques? Q.8 What is MBO? Explain the concept and importance of MBO in a modern business organisation.

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Q.9 “Authority-responsibility relationship is of extreme importance for the efficiency and effectiveness

of the manager”. Discuss. Q.10 Discuss the meaning and nature of business communication. What are the barriers and breakdowns

in communication? Q.11 What do you understand by external environment of business? Explain the features of technological

and political environment. Q.12 Assess the role of F. W. Taylor and Henry Fayol in the development of Management Thought. Q.13 Explain the concept of Line and Staff organisation. Discuss its features, merits and demerits. Q.14 “Planning and Control are complementary to each other” - Elaborate this statement and explain the

process of Planning and Control. Q.15 Describe the purpose, need and importance of communication. What are the barriers in

communication? Q.16 Explain the concept of Total Quality Management. How is it useful in Business Management? Q.17 Distinguish between Traditional Management and Professional Management? Q.18 Describe the steps and administrative problems involved in Decision-Making. Q.19 Discuss the need and nature of Planning. What are the important steps involved in the Planning

process? Q.20 Give your opinion regarding the requirement of Education and Training to employees and also

discuss various methods of Training. Q.21 Compare and contrast the contribution of F.W. Taylor and Henri Fayol. Q.22 Discuss the importance of quality circles in the total quality management. Q.23 Describe the steps and administrative problems involved in decision-making. Q.24 Define ‘Group Dynamics’. Critically examine individual goals v/s group goals. Q.25 What is departmentation? Explain in detail departmentation by functions and by products. Q.26 Define leadership. What are the ingredients of leadership? Describe the various types and styles of

leadership? Q.27 What do you mean by communication? Explain the process and need for different types of

communication. Q.28 "Decision making is the primary task of the Manager". Explain the process of decision making in the

light of this statement. Q.29 State the importance of quality circles in Total Quality Management. Q.30 “Management is a blend of various factions which are independent as well as interdependent”-

Critically examines and explains the role of the manager in a modern business organization. Q.31 Explain controlling as a function of management and describe briefly any three controlling

techniques used by management. Q.32 Discuss the principles of management given by Henri Fayol and explain the universality of them.

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Q.33 Explain the nature and importance of the planning process in a business organization. Discuss why people fail in planning.

Q.34 Write short notes:

1. Steps in organisation. 2. Importance of motivation 3. Need of communication 4. Methods of training 5. Limitations of planning 6. Types of Planning 7. Control Process 8. Functions of a Manager 9. Kinds of Tests. 10. Matrix Organization. 11. Hierarchy of Needs.

12. Business Environment. 13. Total Quality Management. 14. Contribution of Henry Fayol. 15. Line Organisation. 16. Functions of a Manager. 17. Control Process. 18. Methods of Training. 19. Quality Circles 20. Formal Organization. 21. External Environment of Business.

Question Bank-On MBA Subjects - [PDF Document] (5)

MDB 102: QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR BUSINESS Q.1 A nationalized bank wants to start a branch in your city. It has appointed you as a consultant to

suggest a Research Design to help in its decision-making. What research design would you suggest? Give reasons.

Q.2 Explain the importance of report writing. Discuss the different steps in writing a research report. Q.3 Compute the index numbers of price by a suitable method from the data given below:-

Base Year Current Year Commodity Price Quantity Price Quantity A 6 300 10 560 B 2 200 2 240 C 4 240 6 360 D 10 300 12 288 E 8 320 12 432

Q.4 Define the term hypothesis. What are its characteristic features? What is its importance in research? Q.5 Discuss the various sources of data collection. State the importance of interview techniques in data

collection. Q.6 a) Define Cumulative Frequency Curve and explain the construction of less than O give Curve. b) Draw a less than O give Curve from the following data. Marks : 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60 Students : 3 9 15 30 18 5 Determine the value of Median and check the result by actual calculations. Q.7 Discuss the meaning of Arithmetical Mean and Mode. Which is a better measure of Central

Tendency and why? Q.8 What is an Index number? Define different types of Price Index Numbers. Q.9 Explain the role and importance of Scientific Approach to Research. Q.10 Write a detailed note on Research Methodology and Research Design. Q.11 Draw a less than O give Curve from the following data Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 No of Students 3 9 5 30 18 5 Determine the value of Median and check the result by actual calculations. Q.12 Explain the term research. What are the kinds of Applied Social Research? Q.13 Describe the planning and organisation of a Research Report. What are the important contents of a

research report?

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Q.14 What is data collection? State the importance of Observation and Survey Method in data collection. Q.15 a) Define cumulative frequency curve and explain the construction of less than ogive curve. b) Draw a less than ogive curve from the following data: Marks: 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60

No. of students: 3 9 15 30 18 5 Q.16 Explain the term arithmetic mean and mode. Which is the good measure of central tendency and

why? Q.17 a) What is the meaning of regression. Explain regression lines and regression coefficients. b) From the following data find two regression lines: X : 60 65 69 74 79 Y : 132 145 160 179 189 Q.18 Define data analysis. Explain the process and importation of tabulation, codification and

interpretation of data. Q.19 Discuss the need and importance of forecasting and correlation analysis in research. Q.20 London Bank Ltd., London desires to start a branch in your city. You have been appointed a

consultant to make a survey and prepare a research design based on your survey, which would be helpful for the bank management in taking a decision regarding setting up a branch in your city. Explain the research design and the process of the research design.

Q.21 Discuss the meaning of probability. Explain briefly the nature and functions of marginal, joint and

conditional probability. Q.22 Explain the concept of quantitative techniques. What are the quantitative methods? State their

advantages. Q.23 Describe the nature and scope of frequency distribution. Give the meaning of relative and

cumulative frequency and its application in business statistics. Q.24 What is a research report? Discuss the formal and graphical presentation of data in a research

report? Q.25 Age distributions of the following 180 workers are given: Age (years) Below 30 30-40 40-50 50-60 above 60. 20 35 50 45 30 Find an appropriate measure of central tendency? Also state its importance. Q.26 Define sampling. Discuss the theory and types of sampling. Q.27 What is a research project? Explain the purpose, objectives and limitations of a research project. Q.28 Explain the term tabulation. What are the various parts of a statistical table? Q.28 What do you understand by mean deviation and standard deviation? Briefly explain its role in

quantitative methods.

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Q.29 Write short notes on any three of the following: 1. Operations Research. 2. Types of Hypothesis. 3. Research Report. 4. Correlation Coefficient. 5. Hypothesis. 6. Ogive Curve. 7. Systems Analysis. 8. Standard Deviation. 9. Methods of data collection. 10. Index number. 11. Business statistics.

12. Role of Tabulation. 13. Quantitative Methods 14. Conditional Probability 15. Research Design 16. Data Sources. 17. Frequency Distribution 18. Population Parameters. 19. Stratified Random Sampling. 20. Qualities of a good questionnaire. 21. Regression analysis.

Question Bank-On MBA Subjects - [PDF Document] (8)

MDB 103: MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING TECHNIQUES Q.1. Mr. Amol, manufacturer of an electronic product, sells his product at Rs.10/- each, variable cost

being Rs.4/- per unit and fixed cost amounting to Rs.60, 000/-. 1) Calculate the Break Even Point. 2) What will be the profit if Mr. Amol sells 30,000 units? 3) What will be the BEP, if Mr. Amol spends Rs.6000/- on advertising? 4) Calculate the amount of sales for making a profit of Rs.30, 000/-. Q.2 Prepare a batch cost sheet for Poona Company Ltd., from the details given below: Particulars Rs. Opening Stock of Materials. 5000.00 Purchases 135000.00 Freight 2500.00 Wages 12000.00 Factory Cost 55000.00 Office Expenses 25500.00 Selling Cost 12500.00 Postage and Telephone 2100.00 Factory Light and Power 5500.00 Closing Stock of Materials 3000.00 Transportation Cost 16500.00 Sales Commission 4250.00 Total Sales 395000.00 Calculate the prime cost, factory cost, cost of production and net profit of the company. Q.3 A Ltd. is considering two projects for investment purpose. Only one of which can be accepted. The

data in respect of these two are given below: Project X (Rs.) Project Y ( Rs.) Outlay 10,000 50, 000 Net Inflow (yearly) 1 5,000 10,000 2 5,000 15,000 3 3,000 25,000 4 2,000 25,000 5 1,500 21,000 10 % Discount Factor Year 1 2 3 4 5 Value 0. 909 0.826 0.751 0.681 0.621 Calculate: 1) The payback period. 2) Net present value at 10% 3) Suggest which project should be selected by the firm. Q.4 Compute price, usage and mix variances from the data given below:


Kgms. Unit Price Rs.

Total Rs.

Quantity Kgms.

Unit Price Rs.

Total Rs.

Material A 6 1.50 9.00 5 2.40 12.00

Material B 2 3.50 7.00 1 6.00 6.00

Total 8 2.00 16.00 6 3.00 18.00

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Q.5 The following is the Trading and Profit and Loss Account of ABC Ltd. Company for the year ended 31st March 2000.

Trading Profit and Loss Account Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. To Stock 76,250.00 By Sales 5,00,000.00 To Purchase 3,15,250.00 By Stock 98,500.00 To Carriage 2,000.00 To Wages 5,000.00 To Gross Profit 2,00,000.00 _______________ _____________ 5,98,500.00 5,98,500.00 __________________ ________________

To Administrative Expenses 1,01,000.00 By Gross Profit 2,00,000.00 To Finance Expenses By Non-Operating income Interest 1200 Interest 1500 Discount 2400 Dividend 3750 Bad Debts 3400 7,000.00 Profit on sale of Shares 750 To Selling Expenses 12,000.00 6,000.00 To Non-Operating Expenses Loss on Sale of Securities 350 Legal suit Provision 1650 2,000.00 To Net Profit 84,000.00 ________________ _________________

2,06,000.00 2,06,000.00 ______________ ______________ Calculate 1) Expenses Ratio 2) G.P. Ratio 3) N.P. Ratio 4) Operating Net Profit Ratio 5) Stock Turnover Ratio 6) Operating Ratio Q.6 You are required to calculate from the following data: a. Gross Profit Ratio b. Net Profit Ratio c. Return on total assets d. Inventory Turnover e. Working Capital Turnover f. Net Worth to Debt Particulars Rs. Sales 25, 20, 000 = 00 Cost of Sales 19, 20, 000 = 00 Net Profit 3, 60, 000 = 00 Inventory 8, 00, 000 = 00 Other current assets 7, 60, 000 = 00 Fixed assets 14, 40, 000 = 00 Net Worth 15, 00, 000 = 00 Debt 9, 00, 000 = 00 Current Liabilities 6, 00, 000 = 00

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Q.7 What does management accounting mean? Explain briefly, its scope, nature and advantages. Q.8 “The budgets for tomorrow never work out just as planned. Conditions always change, so why make

them.”- Comment. Q.9 What is marginal costing? Discuss its usefulness in managerial decisions. Q.10 What is capital budgeting? What are the methods of capital budgeting? Discuss in detail. Q.11 What do you understand by ‘cost-volume profit relationship? Explain its importance in business

management. Q.12 Discuss the need and objectives of budgeting and budgetary control. Q.13 What is standard costing? State the advantages of a standard cost system. Q.14 Discuss the meaning and nature of ratio analysis. State the role and importance of liquidity and

solvency ratio. Q.15 Explain the concept of marginal costing. Enumerate the circ*mstances when it may be necessary to

sell at or below the marginal cost. Q.16 What do you understand by profit and loss account and balance sheet? State their importance in

managerial accounting. Q.17 “A sound costing system must place the same emphasis on cost control as on cost ascertainment”

Comment on this statement. Q.18 “Management Accounting is the presentation of accounting information in such a way as to assist

management in the creation of policy and in the day to day operations of the undertaking”: - Elucidate this statement.

Q.19 Explain the meaning of financial statements, discussing their nature, importance and limitations. Q.20 What do you understand by cost-volume-profit relationship? Why is this relationship important in

business management? Q.21 What do you understand by Financial Planning? Also explain the elements of Planning Process. Q.22 "These Budgets for tomorrow never work as planned, conditions always change; so, why bother to

make them?" Explain and enumerate the points, which you would make with the argument expressed in the above quotation.

Q.23 Explain the meaning of a Report and the necessity of Reporting to the Management. What are the

general Principles of Reporting? Q.24 "Ratio Analysis is a tool in the hands of Management for measuring achievements in efficiency and

guiding for future business policy" - Explain. Q.25 What is Standard Costing? What preliminaries will have to be compiled with before introducing a

technique of Standard Costing? Q.26 What are Accounting Principles? Give the rules for debit and credit in accounting process. Q.27 Define the term Variances. What are the kinds of Variances? How are they useful in cost control?

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Q.28 Elaborate the concept of Break-Even-Point. Discuss the areas where the technique of Break-Even-Analysis can be applied.

Q.29 Write short notes on any three of the following:

1. Reporting System 2. Pay Back Method 3. Margin of Safety 4. Manufacturing Account 5. Importance of Balance Sheet 6. Variances. 7. Solvency Ratios. 8. Production Budget. 9. Capital Gearing. 10. Break-Even analysis 11. Intangible assets.

12. Batch costing. 13. Rules for debit and credit. 14. Liquidity and solvency ratio. 15. Planning process. 16. Accounting Rules. 17. Process Costing. 18. Reporting Systems in Management

Accountancy. 19. Financial Planning. 20. Sales and Purchase Journal

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Q1. Explain the characteristics of MIS? Q2. What is the role of Executive Information System? Q3. Briefly explain the evolution of MIS? Q4. Describe the various types of management information systems. Q5. What is Office Automation? Describe some of the areas in office automation. Q6. Describe the role of management information systems in a business organisation. Q7. Mention the importance of Management Information Systems. Q8. Distinguish between MIS and Business Data Processing. Q9. Discuss the structure of Management Information System on the basis of operating elements of an

information system. Q10. Explain with the help of a suitable diagram the conceptual structure of a Management Information

System. Q11. What is public information system? How is it different from private information system? Q12. “Planning information is different from control information.” Do you agree? Q13. Information requirements of top management are different from that of bottom level management”.

Substantiate. Q14. How does MIS provide decision support to top management? Q15. What are the physical components of MIS? Q16. What is systems integration? What are the methods of system integration? Q17. “MIS is a confederation of subsystems”. Elaborate. Q18. “The physical structure of MIS need not be the same as the conceptual structure.” Do you agree? Q19. How does information requirement change with levels of management? Q20. What are the characteristics of Information? Q21. What is data reduction? How is it done? Q22. How do you determine the value of Information? Q23. How do you assess the quality of Information? What factors affect the quality of Information? Q24. Describe how an analysis of the organisation system is important to information system

development? Q25. What are the methods of decoupling of system?

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Q26. Describe the elements of negative feedback control system? Q27. What is law of requisite variety? Q28. Explain how the system concepts are useful in designing and implementing MIS? Q29. Explain the important system characteristics? Q30. What do you understand by systems approach to problem solving? How is it applicable to installation

of MIS? Q31. Explain the phases of MIS development and implementation in detail. Q32. Discuss the key issues and management challenges in MIS. Q33. What do you mean by Technical evaluation? Why evaluation is important in MIS implementation? Q34. Identify three common types of Personnel Administration Data Systems and list the important files

involved. Describe briefly the personnel status reporting System. Q35. Name all the subsystems of Personnel Administration Data Systems. Explain Placement data system. Q36. What is the purpose of Personnel Administration Data System? Mention the three Common types of

Personnel Administration Data System and list the important files involved. Q37. What are the systems involved in personnel action data systems. Q38. What is the basic function of the payment system? Describe briefly the five data groups involved in

any payment system. Q39. Identify the groups of data, which constitute payment systems. Q40. Explain the three sets of procedures of payroll system. Q41. Explain the basic functions of accounts payable systems. Q42. Explain briefly the accounts payable system with reference to the important files and procedures

involved. Q43. What are the basic functions of the accounts receivable system with reference to the important files

and procedures involved? Q44. What is the major purpose of financial control data systems? Q45. Explain the basic functions of financial control data systems. Describe briefly the processing system

need in financial control data system to update the general ledger. Q46. Examine the role of general ledger in financial control data systems. Q47. Explain the procedures involved in updating the general ledger accounts. Q48. Why do you require processing systems in the financial control data systems? Explain the role of

processing systems in functioning of financial control data systems. Q49. Describe briefly the processing systems needed in financial control data systems to update the

general ledgers and to produce financial reports.

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Q50. Explain in detail the reporting system in financial control data systems. Q51. Explain the purpose and contents of fixed assets file. Q52. Examine the role of cost center file in enhancing the effectiveness of responsibility accounting. Q53. How does the financial control systems provide financial status and status change information to

management, investors and government agencies? Explain. Q54. Discuss the role of various subsystems of operation data systems. Q55. What are the different ways in which data systems can support operations? Q56. What you mean by product catalogue file? List the contents. Q57. Examine the contents of inventory file with particular reference to effective management of

inventory in an organization. List all the data items. Q58. Discuss the contents and the role of forecast allocation file in improving the effectiveness of planning

function. Q59. Discuss the purpose and content of work order file. Q60. Examine the contents of vendor file and customer file. Q61. List the main data items in the shipment file. Q62. Discuss operation file, production control file and purchasing file. List the data items. Q63. Describe briefly receipts file and purchase contents file. Q64. Explain the purpose of quotation systems. Discuss the files and procedures involved. Q65. Describe the order entry system and order processing system with reference to the files and

procedures involved. Highlight the role played y computer applications in these systems. Q66. What are the basic functions of MRP system? Describe the role of each at the subsystems involved

in MRP. Highlight the role of computers in MRP system. Q67. Discuss materials resource planning (MRPII) in detail. Q68. Describe briefly the purchase order system with reference to the files and procedures involved. Q69. Mention the procedures involved in operation data collection system. Q70. Describe the major operation data systems found in a manufacturing organization. Q71. Mention the purpose of Marketing planning systems. Q72. Briefly explain the files involved in marketing planning systems. Q73. Discuss the marketing planning system and highlight the role played by computers in this system?

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Q74. How does the marketing planning system help the management to deal with uncertainties in marketing?

Q75. Discuss the subsystems involved in logistics planning system. How the subsystem supports logistics

planning. Q76. Briefly explain Optimal Facilities Location Programs (OFLP), shop load projector and inventory

policy evaluator. Q77. Write short notes on:

1. Management Information System 2. The scope of MIS 3. Basic subsystems of MIS 4. DSS 5. IRM 6. Expert System 7. The subsystems of MIS. 8. The Pyramid structure of MIS.

9. Security and International issues in MIS

10. Information network 11. MIS Planning 12. MIS Design 13. MIS Implementation 14. Economic Evaluation 15. Information

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MDB 105: ORGANIZATIONS AND THEIR ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Q1. What is demand forecasting? Explain the various methods of demand forecasting? State their merits

and demerits? Q2. How is the demand for new products estimated? Discuss the role of price and elasticity of price in

determining the price of a new product. Q3. Explain the term break-even-analysis. Discuss the importance of break-even-analysis in managerial

economics. Q4. What is meant by monopolistic competition? How does a firm take its pricing and output decisions

in the short-run? Q5. “Trade cycle is a purely momentary phenomenon” - Do you agree with this statement? Explain your

views in detail. Q6. Describe the meaning and nature of the decision making process. What are the factors influencing

managerial decisions? Q7. What is production function? Critically examine the law of variable proportion. Q8. What is Managerial Economics? Discuss the nature and scope of managerial economics. Q9. Define Demand. What are the techniques of demand forecasting? Q10. Explain the need and importance of capital budgeting and the methods of preparing and evaluating

the capital budgets by managers. Q11. Discuss the meaning of Production Cost. Explain the various elements of Product Cost Analysis. Q12. What is Pricing? What are the different factors affecting the price of a product? Q13. How will you calculate and use the marginal cost and break-even-cost in different market conditions. Q14. Describe the various types of Demands. What are the methods of Demand Analysis. Q15. What do you understand by theory of Price Determination? Explain how price and output decisions

of a firm are taken under perfect conditions in the long run. Q16. Describe the importance of Capital Budgeting to the management of a Business Organisation. Q17. Define Law of Demand. Explain briefly the Income Elasticity of Demand. Q18. Distinguish between Accounting Costs and Economic Costs. Q19. Briefly discuss the meaning, nature and scope of Managerial Economics. Q22. Explain the meaning and nature of decision-making. What are the factors influencing managerial

decisions. Q23. What is elasticity of demand? State its practical uses. Q24. What is meant by cost? Distinguish between accounting costs and economic costs.

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Q25. Describe the importance of capital budgeting to business organisation. What are the various methods of evaluating alternative investment decisions?

Q26. Explain briefly the price theory and their factors. Q27. Discuss in detail the meaning, nature and scope of managerial economics. Q28. “Static analysis is different from the dynamic analysis.” Comment. Q29. What are the various types of demand? Explain their merits. Q30. What is managerial economics? Explain the nature and scope of managerial economics. Q31. Explain briefly the price elasticity of demand. Discuss how it is measured and describe its practical

significance in decision-making. Q32. What is price discrimination? Mention the forms of price discrimination. Q33. Discuss the meaning of demand forecasting. What are the different methods of demand forecasting? Q34. What do you understand by capital budgeting? Describe the methods of capital budgeting and their

principles. Q35. Explain the importance of ‘time element’ in the determination of price. Q36. Discuss the meaning of elasticity of demand. Explain the various types of price elasticity of

demand. Q37. Explain the concept of managerial economics. Discuss the nature and scope of managerial

economics. Q38. What does managerial decision making mean? How does economic theory help the process of

decision-making? Q39. What are the principles of capital budgeting? Q40. Write short notes:

1. Price Theory. 2. Accounting Cost and Economic Cost. 3. Cash Budget. 4. Production Functions. 5. Demand Elasticity. 6. Pricing policy. 7. Types of demand. 8. Scope of managerial economics. 9. Accounting cost. 10. Capital budgeting. 11. Price and Market Conditions. 12. Total Cost and Marginal Cost.

13. Pay Back Method. 14. Types of demand. 15. Break-even price. 16. Methods of forecasting. 17. Cost-plus Pricing. 18. Input-out Analysis. 19. Opportunity Cost. 20. Marginal Utility. 21. Incremental Pricing. 22. Break-Even- Analysis. 23. Market Price and Cost Price.

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MDB 106: CORPORATE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Q.1 Laxmi Plastic is considering replacing one of its plastic molding machines with a new more efficient

machine. The old machine has a book value of Rs. 40,000 and can be sold today to net Rs. 16,000 or it can be sold in five years to net Rs. 10,000. The old machine is being depreciated on straight-line basis at Rs. 8,000 a year, down to a zero book value. The existing machine can run for 5 more years producing annual revenues of Rs. 1,20,000 with cash expenses of Rs. 60,000. The replacement machine will cost Rs. 1,00,000 plus Rs. 40,000 to transport it to the factory and install it. It will generate revenues of Rs. 1,80,000 but will have cash expenses of Rs. 80,000. It will be depreciated using the straight-line method over a 5-year period, at which time it will have a book value of Rs. 40,000 and cash salvage value of Rs. 50,000. The replacement machine will require additional working capital of Rs. 10,000 to be tied up permanently. The company is in the 50% tax bracket. What is the differential after tax cash flow stream?

Prepare a Cash Budget for the three months ended 30th September 2000 based on the following information.

Cash Balance on 1st July 2000 Rs. 50,000 Monthly Salary Rs. 10,000 Interest Payable - August 2000 Rs. 5,000 Estimated June July August September Cash Sales (Rs.) - 1,40,000 1,52,000 1,21,000 Credit Sales (Rs.) 1,00,000 80,000 1,40,000 1,20,000 Purchase (Rs.) 1,60,000 1,70,000 2,40,000 1,80,000 Other Expenses - 20,000 22,000 21,000 Credit sales are collected 50% in the month of the sales and 50% in the following month. Collection from Debtors is subject to- - 5% discount, if payment are received during the month of sales. - 2.5 % discount, if payments are received in the month following the sales.

Creditors are paid either on a "Prompt" or "30 days" basis. It is estimated that 10 % of the creditors are in the prompt category.

Q.2 Shri Ganesh has given the sales forecast for January to July 1995 and actual sales for November,

December 1994 were as under. With other particulars given, prepare a Cash Budget for five months, January 1995 to May 1995.

Sales Rs. November 1994 80,000 December 1994 70,000 January 1995 80,000 February 1995 1,00,000 March 1995 80,000 April 1995 1,00,000 May 1995 90,000 June 1995 1,20,000 July 1995 1,00,000 Sales 20% Cash and 80% Credit payable in the third month (Jan, sales in March) Variable expenses 5% on turnover time lag 1/2 month. Commission 5% on credit sales payable in the third month. Purchase 60% of the sales of third month. Payment 3rd month of purchase. Rent and other expenses Rs. 3000/- paid every month. Other payments: Fixed Assets purchased - March Rs. 50,000. Taxes April Rs. 20,000. Opening Cash Balance Rs. 25,000.

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Q.3 What do you understand by financial statements? Discuss the utility and limitations of financial statements.

Q.4 Compare and contrast equity shares and debentures as a source of long-term funds. Q.5 Describe the major deviations of the commercial system of audit and accounts as compared to the

Government system of audit and accounts. Q.6 Define capital budgeting. What are the important steps involved in a capital budgeting process? Q.7 Discuss the meaning and importance of optimum capital structure. Elaborate the significance of the

same. Q.8 Explain the various determinants of dividend policy and briefly explain the features of Walter's

Model. Q.9 Describe the major deviations of the commercial systems of Audit and Accounts as compared with

the Government system of Audit and Accounts Q.10 How do you measure the cost of Equity Capital? "Equity Capital is cost free," do you agree? Give

reasons. Q.11 Explain the significance and limitations of Debentures as a source of Financing. Q.12 "Inadequacy of Working Capital may lead to bankruptcy of a business earning huge profit"- do you

agree with this statement? Give the causes of this possible situation. Q.13 Discuss the role of the manager in Corporate Planning and explain the steps involved in Corporate

Planning. Q.14 "Wealth Maximization Objective is superior to the Profit Maximization". Do you agree with this

statement? Justify your point of view. Q.15 Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of over-capitalization and under-capitalization from the

point of view of a company and its shareholders. Q.16 What is meant by Debentures? What are the various kinds of debentures? Also discuss the

limitations of Debenture Finance. Q.17 Explain in detail the difference between Government Accounting and Commercial Accounting

Functions. Also state the objectives of Government Audit. Q.18 What are the methods of Project Evaluation? Explain the merits and demerits of Pay Back Method? Q.19 Discuss the meaning and nature of Working Capital Management. State the two important issues in

formulating the Working Capital Policy. Q.20 What is Cash Budget? What are the major motives of holding cash? Q.21 What is “Operating Cycle Concept” of working capital? Is it superior to the balance sheet approach?

Illustrate your answer with the help of an example. Q.22 Define the term capitalisation and explain the effects of over capitalisation and under capitalisation. Q.23 Briefly explain the general structure of financial administration. Also state the difference between

government and commercial accounting functions.

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Q.24 What is cash management? What are the determinants of optimum cash balance? Q.25 Explain the major sources of finance. State the significance of cost of capital in financial decision-

making. Q.26 Discuss the objectives of credit management. What is an optimum credit policy? Q.27 “Walter’s Model is the best model for determination of dividend policy.” Do you agree with this

statement? Explain your point of view and also comment on the advantages and limitations of Walter’s Model.

Q.28 What are the goals of credit management? Explain the optimum credit policy and credit procedures

for individual accounts. Q.29 Define the term capitalisation. Explain the meaning of under-capitalisation and over-capitalisation.

Discuss the causes, effects and remedies of under-capitalisation. Q.30 What are the goals and objectives of financial management? Write a note on the changing role of

the financial manager. Q.31 Explain the features of an appropriate capital structure. What are the major determinants of capital

structure? Q.32 What is inventory management? Discuss the techniques of selective inventory control. Q.33 Explain the difference between government and commercial accounting functions and audit

procedures. Q.34 “Finance as a functional area is usually relegated to a support role in non-financial organisations”.

Discuss this statement in the light of objectives of management finance. Q.35 What is capital structure? What are the major determinants of capital structure? Q.36 Define and explain the concept of working capital. What are the different approaches of working

capital? Q.37 What is goodwill valuation? What are the factors affecting the value of goodwill? Q.38 Discuss the meaning and objectives of auditing. Explain the role and powers of the Controller and

Auditor General. Q.39 What is lease finance? What are the forms of lease finance? Explain the tax considerations of lease

finance. Q.40 Write short notes on any three of the following:

1. Degree of Financial Leverage. 2. Over-Capitalisation. 3. Cost of Credit Policy. 4. Inventory Management. 5. Dividend Policy. 6. Types of Shares. 7. Capital Rationing. 8. ABC Analysis. 9. Planning and Control of Capital


10. Importance of Cash Forecasting. 11. Lease finance. 12. Types of debentures. 13. Bonus shares. 14. Valuation of goodwill. 15. Equity Shares and Preference Shares 16. Selective Inventory Control 17. Determinants of Dividend Policy 18. Safety Stock. 19. Goals of Financial Management.

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MDB 107: PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Q.1 Your factory buys and uses a component for production at Rs.10 per piece. The annual requirement

is 2,000 numbers carrying cost of inventory is 10 % per annum, and ordering cost is Rs.40 per order. The purchase manager argues that as the ordering cost is very high it is advantageous to place a single order for the entire annual requirement. He also says that, if we order 2,000 numbers at a time we can get a 3% discount from the supplier. Evaluate this proposal and make your recommendation.

Q.2 What is meant by quality circles? Explain in brief the benefits of quality circles in quality

management. Q.3 Describe the various objectives of production planning and control and also explain the functions of

routing, scheduling, and dispatching. Q.4 What do you mean by materials management? State the various elements of materials management. Q.5 Explain briefly the meaning and nature of cost planning and control. Give its importance in

production management. Q.6 What is meant by factory automation? State the role of computers in factory automation. Q.7 Discuss the meaning of project management. Explain the importance of project management for cost

estimation? Q.8 Compare Production Planning and Production Control. State their objectives with suitable

illustrations. Q.9 What is meant by programming of CNC machine? What are the programming methods and

languages available for this purpose? Q.10 Distinguish between Revenue and Capital Budgets. Prepare a typical revenue and capital budget for

a bakery unit. Q.11 Explain the functions of a Plant Maintenance Department. What are the techniques for planning the

workload of a maintenance department? Q.12 What are the uses of computers in Production Planning and Control Department? Explain the

functions of any three PPC Modules. Q.13 An inventory system for supplies has been using a perpetual inventory system, but with arbitrarily

defined order quantities. Recently, the paper work due to order transactions has begun to increase, and the boss is looking for a way to control this trend. One suggestion was to increase in order quantities of 25% for all items.

A) Explain why this will reduce paper work. B) Explain why this will increase inventory. C) Suggest a method for reducing paper work without increasing total Inventory cost. Q.14 Describe briefly the importance, scope and responsibility of Quality Control in production

management. Q.15 Draw an organisational chart of Production Management indicating the place of it in an overall

organisation and discuss major responsibilities of a Production Manager. Q.16 A Company demands 1,00,000 Units of materials which costs Rs. 20 per Unit. Ordering cost is Rs. 200 per order and carrying cost is 15% per year.

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1) Find out EOQ and total inventory including the cost of the materials. 2) Sketch the relevant Inventory cycle. Q.17 What are the various elements of Production Planning and Control? State the significance of

Production Planning in factory management. Q.18 Define the term 'Work Measurement'. What is its importance in Production? Discuss the various

techniques of Work Measurement. Q.19 The plant manager is calling you, the purchasing agent on the telephone, about production hold ups.

He says that several jobs are being held up in the factory because of the failure of delivery of purchased parts. The plant manager has called the supplier, who has told him that the supplier could easily have got the parts delivered if he had only known that they were needed. The problem occurred, because of production trouble with materials, therefore an unusual number of items were spoiled in process and more were needed. The factory’s production control department, being forbidden to call suppliers directly, had called the buyer in the purchasing department asking for a rushed shipment. But the buyer was absent for two days and he did not get the call and none gave him the message.

Questions: 1) Analyse the case systematically 2) Should the factory’s production control department ever call suppliers directly? What reasons

are there for and against their doing this? Q.20 Define materials management. Explain its importance and discuss the various activities carried out

by materials management. Q.21 Briefly explain the purpose of budgeting in a production organisation. How are production budgets

prepared? Q.22 Describe the various elements of the cost of an engineering product, bringing out the concept of

fixed and variable costs. Q.23 What are the methods adopted to monitor and control production? What are the documents used for

this purpose? Q.24 Explain the meaning, nature and scope of production management. Also describe how products are

classified. Q.25 What factors are taken into consideration while selecting plant layout? Distinguish between fixed

position layout and line layout. Q.26 What is project management? How does it differ from product management? Q.27 Explain the concept of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Discuss the computer technologies and

developments, which are responsible for the evolution of CIM. Q.28 What is quality management? Explain the role and importance of quality circles in quality control. Q.29 A manufacturer of motorcycles buys spark plugs at Rs 15 each. Now he wishes to manufacture the

plugs himself. The estimated fixed cost for the manufacture of spark plugs is around Rs. 50,000 and the variable cost comes to Rs. 5 per spark plug.

Q.30 The production manager advises the manufacturer regarding the decision of manufacturing the spark

plugs instead of procuring them from the open market.

List out reasons for his decision.

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Q.31 Explain the role of computers in factory automation. How will you make use of the flexible manufacturing system in factory automation?

Q.32 Define the term quality management and explain the evolution of quality control and the role played

by statistical quality control in it. Q.33 What is budgetary control? Discuss the objectives of working capital budget. Q.34 Define the concept of inventory control. Explain its objectives and importance in production

management. Q.35 Write short notes on any three of the following:

1. Manpower Planning. 2. Operational Research. 3. Shop Process. 4. Role of Supervision in Quality Control. 5. Inventory Control. 6. Product Design and Research. 7. Project Cost. 8. Safety Engineering. 9. Work Study. 10. CAD and CAM Systems 11. Project life cycle. 12. PERT network.

13. SWOT analysis. 14. Production processes. 15. Master process sheet. 16. Stores Inventory Control. 17. Quality Circles. 18. Risk Analysis. 19. Performance Budgeting 20. Bath Tub Control 21. Rejection and Rework 22. Methods of Planning 23. Factory Automation 24. Purchase budget.

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MDB 108: MARKETING MANAGEMENT Q.1 Baramati Textile (P) Ltd. are manufacturers of “Dhoti” in rough and premium quality. Their sales

are confined mostly to the rural markets in Maharashtra. For the last three years their sales are declining. There are at least three other textile units manufacturing and selling Dhotis in the same market.

As a marketing manager, devise the marketing research plan to investigate the reasons for the decline in sales.

Q.2 What is physical distribution? What channels of distribution would you select for marketing soft

drinks? Give reasons for the selection. Q.3 Discuss the meaning and nature of marketing organisations. What are the different types of

marketing organisations? Q.4 “Advertising sells the product”- Do you agree with this statement? In the light of this statement

explain the functions performed by advertising. Q.5 What is a marketing system? What are its components? Q.6 What do you mean by marketing environment? Explain the characteristics of marketing

environment. Q.7 Explain briefly the meaning and scope of product decisions? What are the various product decisions? Q.8 Mr. B. Ramesh has passed his M.D. examination recently and is desirous of starting a paediatric

clinic in Pune. Since medical practitioners are not allowed to advertise their services, he has a concern to get established as early as possible in lieu of heavy investment in land building and equipments. His younger brother Mr. B. Suresh is undergoing a MBA programme in a foreign University and is excited with the basic knowledge in marketing and always talks about it. After listening much from Suresh, Ramesh asks him to prepare a total plan for promotional strategies he would use in order to achieve his objective.

Questions: 1) If you were Suresh, how would you prepare the promotional strategies applying your basic

knowledge in marketing? 2) Enumerate important factors to be considered while developing a marketing plan for medical

services. 3) Which modern media is available to medical practitioners to promote themselves and their

services? Q.9 What is marketing management? Discuss the responsibilities of a marketing manager. Q.10 What do you mean by the term “Buyer Behaviour”? Why is it a problem solving behaviour? Q.11 What is the basis for market segmentation? Describe the people oriented approach in segmentation. Q.12 What are the typical pricing objectives? Describe the various internal and external forces that

influence the pricing strategy of a firm. Q.13 What do you understand by marketing planning? How would you plan for the launch of a new brand

of two-wheelers?

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Q.14 Describe the need and importance of product development in marketing management. Also state the role of branding and packaging in product development.

Q.15 The Indian two-wheeler market is broadly segmented into scooters, motorcycles, scooterettes and

mopeds. Till 1980 the market share of scooter in two wheeler markets was more than fifty percent followed by motorcycles and mopeds. The slow growth of motorcycles till 1980 was due to customer perception that motorcycles are less fuel-efficient. But with the introduction of the 4-stroke technology in motorcycles, the growth rate of motorcycles market share is increasing year after year.

There are following players in the two-wheeler market: In the scooter category there are two players - Bajaj Auto and LML Ltd., manufacturing various types of scooters? In the motorcycles category there is Hero Honda, Escorts, Yamaha, Bajaj Kawasaki and TVS Suzuki. In mopeds and scooterettes category there are Kinetic Engg, TVS Mopeds and Hero Motors etc. In each of the broad category of scooters, motorcycles and mopeds every company is trying to offer various variants of products so as to appeal different market segments. Every company has tried to position itself distinctly over its competitors in the market. You are appointed as the market analyst by the Two Wheeler Manufacturers Association for analysing market segmentation and position strategy of various companies. Analyse the above case: 1) What are the bases of segmentation of markets? 2) What market segmentation and position strategy has Hero Honda adopted in introducing Hero

Honda CD, Hero Honda SS, Hero Honda Sleek and Hero Honda Splendor and Street? Comment briefly.

Q.16 Describe in brief controllable and non-controllable factors influencing Marketing Decisions. Q.17 "Promotional Programs are economic wastes and usually unethical"- Do you agree with this

statement? Give reasons. Q.18 Discuss briefly the social responsibility of Marketing. What are the social functions of Marketing? Q.19 What do you understand by Marketing Strategy? Briefly explain the various factors affecting

Marketing Strategy. Q.20 L. G. Electronics from South Korea wants to launch its digital CTV as a colour television in Indian

market. As a marketing consultant advise the company on segmentation and positioning strategy to be adopted for identifying the right groups of customers in India.

Q.21 Define Marketing. Discuss in detail the evolution of different concepts of marketing and their

importance in the context of today's business environment. Q.22 Explain the meaning of Product Life Cycle. What challenges the Marketing Manager has to face in

introducing any new consumer product? Q.23 What is Marketing Strategy? Indicate the role and importance of marketing strategy. Q.24 Discuss in detail the need and importance of social responsibility of marketing. Q.25 What is Pricing? Explain the different methods of pricing the product in Marketing Management?

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Q.26 Explain the meaning of Sales Promotion. What are the methods of sales promotion? Q.27 “Selling tooth-paste is far easier than selling a social concept of family planning.” Do you agree

with this? Discuss your point of view in detail. Q.28 Define the term marketing. Explain the nature and scope of marketing. Q.29 What do you understand by market segmentation? What is its relevance and role in marketing? Q.30 Discuss the meaning of product and product life cycle. State the importance of classification of

product development. Q.31 Describe the role and importance of advertising in sales promotion. What are the methods of sales

promotion? Q.32 Explain how prices are quoted. Describe the objectives and role of pricing in marketing. Q.33 As a marketing manager of a company, you are given the task of launching a new herbal tooth-paste

in the Indian market. Prepare a detailed plan of the activities that you will undertake to achieve your target successfully.

Also explain the various marketing functions involved in your marketing strategy for launching the herbal tooth-paste.

Q.34 What do you understand by marketing environment? Discuss the importance and characteristics of

the marketing environment. Q.35 Explain the concept of promotional mix. Describe the objectives and methods of developing a

promotional mix. Q.36 Is there any difference between marketing and selling? If so, how do these two functions differ from

each other in scope and activities? Q.37 Discuss the meaning and importance of advertising in marketing management. Q.38 What does ‘physical distribution’ mean? Discuss the scope and components of the physical

distribution system. Q.39 Write short notes on any three of the following:

1. Marketing Ethics. 2. Role of a Marketing Manager. 3. Marketing Mix. 4. Consumer Behaviour. 5. Product Development Policy. 6. Marketing Mix. 7. Physical Distribution. 8. Competitive Positioning. 9. Consumer Behaviour. 10. Marketing Ethics. 11. Importance of Advertising 12. Marketing Audit 13. Channels of Distribution 14. Marketing Communication 15. Factors of Consumer Behaviour

16. Marketing Mix. 17. Role of Advertising. 18. Market Segmentation. 19. Pricing Objectives. 20. Marketing Audit. 21. Sales budget. 22. Marketing mix. 23. Social responsibilities of marketing. 24. Marketing communication. 25. Channel management. 26. Marketing strategy. 27. Social responsibility of marketing. 28. Marketing mix. 29. New product pricing. 30. Marketing and sales.

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MDB 109: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Q1. Mr. Sachin Ahuja, 26, took charge as Jt. Managing Director, Ahuja Pistons Ltd., as soon as he

returned from USA after completing his MBA degree.

After taking the charge, he noticed the following situation. Workers’ Union had given a notice of strike for non-compliance of promises given by management for revision of wages one year before.

Supervisors complained that workers are not obeying their orders and many a times displayed insubordination resulting into the reduction in the total production of the ring division of the company.

Managers complained that there was overall indiscipline among the employees since union was aggressive and overprotective towards workers even at the cost of company’s interest.

He noticed a number of letters received from valued customers who expressed their annoyance and dissatisfaction towards the company for non-execution of orders on time.

Questions: 1) How would you assess the situation? 2) What steps will you take to integrate interests of all concerned? 3) Establish priority list to revive the situation and enlist courses of action to be taken to build up

trust in the company. Q2. Mr. Anthony is an engineer in a large engineering company. He comes from a rural background and

a low-income family. He worked hard to earn his college degree. He is an intelligent and capable employee. His fault is that he does not want to take risks and hesitates to take decisions for himself. He often takes small and routine matters to the boss or to other engineers.

Since he is a capable person, his boss wants to motivate him to be more independent in his work. The boss believes that such an approach will improve Mr. Anthony's performance and give him self-confidence. However, the boss is not sure how to go about motivating Mr. Anthony to improve his performance.

Questions: 1. As the boss, how will you plan for motivating Mr. Anthony? 2. Discuss the various related theories of motivation. Point out the most suitable theory in the

above case. Q3. Mr. Ghosh, the Trade Union leader met the workers and asked them to form Unions. However the

old employees refused to form a Union as they said they were very happy with their job and their relations were cordial with the proprietor Mr. Gupta. Somehow the young employees also did not join the Union. Naturally no Union was formed.

In the course of time, due to trade recession and continuous power cuts, Mr. Gupta had to reduce the business to a great extent. This resulted in reduction of employees by almost 50%. Of course, Mr. Gupta gave good amount of gratuity to all those who were removed. But now those who were in service felt insecure and formed a Union. They observed a "one-day token strike" to show their strength to Mr. Gupta. He was shocked to find the situation in which he was trapped and closed the business totally and the rest of the people also lost their jobs.

1) What do you think went wrong with the business of Mr. Gupta? 2) Was closing the business an answer to the situation? Give reasons. 3) What role should the Trade Union have played to avoid closure of the business?

Q4. Amita Sinha applied for a job of clerk-typist in a large-scale organisation. She did not fill up many

questions on the application form provided by the company, and saw the Personnel Manager in this connection. During the discussion she protested against the following questions:

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1) Birth date and age 2) Marital status 3) Changes in name 4) Number of children and their ages 5) Height? Weight?

Amita protest that the above items were none of the company’s business. The Personnel Manager argued that it was the company policy that all information on the form is furnished if the candidate wants to be considered for employment.

Questions: 1. Provide a rationale for each of the above items. 2. Do these questions violate citizen’s right of privacy? 3. Which of the company policies conflict with the freedom of privacy.

Q5. Elaborate machinery for fixing wages. What are the main factors influencing the wages and salary of

the employees? Q6. Describe in brief the essentials of performance appraisal. Discuss the various conventional and

modern methods of performance appraisal. Q7. State the importance of training. Discuss in brief the various methods used in training and

development. Q8. Define human resources management. What is integration function of HRM? What are the factors

responsible for growth of human relations? Q9. What do you understand by team building? State the pros and cons of team building. Q10. Discuss the meaning of motivation. Explain the steps in motivation and rules of motivation. Q11. Explain the steps taken in job evaluation. Also explain the importance and role of job evaluation in

Human Resource Management. Q12. What is meant by Quality Circle? Compare it with quality of work life. Explain in brief the benefits

of Quality Circles. Q13. Why do industries need training to their employees? What are the types and techniques of training

and development? Q14. Describe the importance of compensation in Human Resource Management. What factors are

considered in wage determination? Q15. What is Leadership? What are the qualities of a good leader? Q16. Distinguish between Factor Comparison Method and Point Method of Job Evaluation. Q17. "Fringe Benefits have a psychological and social base"- Explain this statement. Q18. Explain briefly the concept of 'Morale'. Discuss the relationship between Morale and Motivation. Q19. Distinguish between Personnel Management and Human Resources Management. Q20. "Training is a short term process utilising a systematic and organised procedure by which non-

managerial personnel acquire technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose". Explain this statement in the light of the method of Training.

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Q21. Discuss the need of Human Resource Planning. Give the steps involved in the plan. Q22. Why is communication necessary? What are the key elements of communication? State, in brief, the

functions of communication. Q23. What is Discipline? Distinguish between positive and negative discipline. Q24. “Before you think of inviting people to apply for a job you have to decide the type of people you

want to invite and what should their characteristics be.” Explain this statement from the point of view of preparing a job recruitment programme.

Q25. Discuss the major aspects of human resource planning as a pre-requisite to human resource

development. Q26. What do you mean by job analysis? Distinguish between job analysis and job description? Q27. Describe the importance of compensation management in Human Resource Management. Explain

the various factors considered in wage determination. Q28. How do performance appraisals and reward systems contribute to HRD? Q29. “Career planning and career developments are essential ingredients of HRD systems.” Explain this

statement. Q30. “As the world is coming closer and economies of countries across the globe are getting integrated,

human resources management is expected to play a crucial role in the process of internationalisation of business.” Explain the statement in the light of the role played by the HRD Manager in a business organisation.

Q31. Describe the various evaluation techniques used in performance appraisal. Q32. Explain the characteristics essential for a human resource manager. Q33. What is a grievance? Why do grievances arise? Explain in brief the procedure handling grievances

in the business world. Q34. Write short notes:

1. Elements of Communication 2. Team Building. 3. Organisational Development. 4. Objectives of Discipline 5. Classification of Wages 6. Theories of Motivation 7. Principles of Group Dynamics 8. Grievance Procedure 9. Principles for Maintenance of

Discipline 10. Qualities of a Leader 11. Living wages

12. Job evaluation 13. Morale and motivation 14. Managerial grid. 15. Body language. 16. Wage and Salary Administration 17. Human Relations Movement 18. Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory 19. Group Dynamics 20. Organisation Conflict 21. Leadership styles. 22. Line and staff organisation

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MDB 110: BUSINESS LAW Q. 1 Comment on the following statements:

i) The law of contracts is not the whole law of obligations. ii) All contracts are not the whole law of obligations. iii) In commercial and business and business agreements the presumption is that parties intend to

create legal obligations. iv) A contract is a contract from the time it is made and not from the time its performance is due.

Q. 2 Define contract. What are the essential elements of a valid contract? Q. 3 “An agreement enforceable by law is contract.” Discuss. Q. 4 Define agreement. Point out the difference between a contract and an agreement. Q. 5 Distinguish between:

a) Void contracts and unenforceable contracts. b) Void and voidable contracts. c) Executed and executory contracts. d) Express and implied contracts e) Void agreement and voidable contract f) Void and illegal agreements g) Illegal and unenforceable agreements.

Q. 6 Write short notes on:

a) Illegal agreement b) Valid contract c) Void agreement

Q. 7 Define the term ‘offer’. Explain the legal rules regarding a valid offer. Q. 8 “An invitation to offer is not an offer.” Elucidate the statement. Q. 9 Discuss the circ*mstances under which an offer lapses and stands revoked. Give e.g. Q. 10 What do you understand by the term ‘acceptance’? what are the essentials of a valid acceptance? Q. 11 “A mere mental acceptance, not evidenced, by words or conduct is, in the eye of law, no

acceptance.” Explain by giving e.g. Q. 12 Discuss briefly the law relating to communication of offer, acceptance and revocation. Is there any

limit of time after which offer and acceptance cannot be revoked? Q. 13 Define offer and acceptance. When are offer and acceptance deemed to be complete if made

through post? Q. 14 “Acceptance is to an offer what a lighter match is to a train of gun powder. It produces something

which cannot be recalled or undone” - Anson. Comment on the statement and briefly discuss the essentials of a valid offer and acceptance.

Q. 15 Define Consideration? What are the legal rules regarding Consideration? Q. 16 In what cases a contract without consideration is not void. Q. 17 Consideration may be past, present or future, explain with e.g.

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Q. 18 “Under the Indian Contract Act, consideration may proceed from the promise or any other person.” Critically examine this statement.

Q. 19 Can a stranger to a contract enforce it? If yes, under what circ*mstance. Q. 20 Define the term capacity to contract. State the law relating to contracts entered into by a minor. Q. 21 What is legal effect of a minor’s mispresentation of age while entering into an agreement? Q. 22 Minor’s agreements are void. Is there any agreement with a minor which van be enforced in court

of law. Q. 23 A person who is usually of unsound mind but occasionally of sound mind may make a contract

when he is of sound mind. Explain. Q. 24 Name the persons, other than minor who are not competent to contract. Q. 25 “Two or more persons are said to consent when they agree on the same thing in the same sense”.

Explain the statement and give illustrations. Q. 26 Discuss the law relating to the effect of mistake on contracts. Q. 27 Explain, with illustrations, the effect of mistake of fact on an agreement with reference to (a)

mistake relating to subject matter (b) mistake relating to identity of the parties and (c) mistake relating to the nature of the transactions.

Q. 28 What is misrepresentation? Distinguish it from fraud? Q. 29 What remedies are available to a person induced to enter into a contract by (a) Misrepresentation,

which is not fraudulent, (b) fraud? Q. 30 Define fraud and point out its effect on the validity of an agreement. Give suitable examples to

illustrate your answers. Q. 31 When is a contract said to be induced by “Undue influence”? When is a party deemed to be in a

position to dominate the will of the other? What is the effect of undue influence on a contract? Q. 32 When is consent said to be given under “coercion”? What is its effect on the contract? Also

discuss the position of the parties to a contract entered into under coercion. Does a threat to commit suicide amount to coercion?

Q. 33 Under what circ*mstances is the object or consideration of a contract unlawful? Illustrate with

suitable examples. Q. 34 Explain the doctrine of public policy? What are the heads of public policy? Do you agree with the

view that the heads of public policy are not closed? Q. 35 Discuss the different types of arguments opposed to public policy. Q. 36 What do you understand by an illegal agreement? What are the effects of illegal agreements on

main transactions and collateral transaction? Q. 37 “No action is allowed on an illegal agreement”. Explain and state the exceptions to this rule. Q. 38 Discuss the valisity of agreements partly legal and partly illegal.

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Q. 39 Explain the meaning of a contingent contract. What are the rules relating to contingent contracts? Q. 40 What do you understand by a contingent contract? Discuss how far the contingency may be

dependent on the act of a party. Q. 41 Distinguish between a wagering agreement and a contingent contract. Discuss the rules regarding

enforcement of contingent contracts. Q. 42 When is a contract said to be discharged by performance? Discuss the rules relating to

performance. Q. 43 What do you understand by performance of a contract? State the persons by whom the contract

should be performed. Q. 44 What are the essentials of a valid tender of performance? What is the effect of refusal by promise

to accept correct tender of goods and money? Q. 45 Discuss the law relating to the rights and duties of joint promisors in a contract. Also explain the

devolution of joint liabilities. Q. 46 What do you understand by time and place of performance of a contract? Understand what

circ*mstances is time deemed to be of the essence of the contract in performance of the contract and with what consequences?

Q. 47 Narrate the rules regarding performance of reciprocal promises. Q. 48 When does the problem about appropriation of payment arise? What are the rules regarding

appropriation? Q. 49 Discuss the rule in Hallet’s estate case and state the provisions of the Indian Contract Act which

incorporate the rule. Q. 50 Write a short note on Assignment of contracts. Q. 51 What are the various ways in which a contract may be discharged? Q. 52 Write a note on discharge of a contract by consent? Q. 53 Discuss fully the law relating to novation of contracts. Q. 54 “Impossibility of performance is, as a rule, not an excuse for non-performance of a contract”.

Discuss. Q. 55 Discuss the effects of supervening impossibility on the performance of a contract. Q. 56 Does an impossibility, which arises subsequent to the formation of a contract excuse the promisor

from performing the contract in all cases? Q. 57 How far is liabilities of the parties to a contract affected by supervening impossibility? Q. 58 Explain, with illustrations, what is meant by the frustration of a contract? Q. 59 “The doctrine of frustration has often been said to depend on adding a term to the contract by

implication”. Comment. Q. 60 Explain ‘Breach of contract’ as a mode of discharge of contract.

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Q. 61 What do you understand by ‘Anticipatory breach of contact?’ State the rights of the promise in case of such breach.

Q. 62 What remedies are available to an aggrieved party on the breach of a contract? Q. 63 State briefly the principles on which damages are awarded on the breach of a contract. Q. 64 “If a contract is broken, the law will endeavour, so far as money can do it, to place the injured

party in the same position as if the contract has been performed.” Comment. Q. 65 Examine critically the rule in Hadley v. Baxendale, and indicate to what extent the said rule is

applicable in India. Q. 66 “The damages which the other party ought to receive in respect of breach of a contract should be

such as may fairly and reasonably be considered either arising naturally from such breach of contract itself or such as may reasonably by supposed to have been in the contemplation of both the parties at the time they made the contract, as the probable result of the breach it.” Comment.

Q. 67 Define special Damages; Exemplary Damages; Nominal Damages; Liquidated Damages;

Injunction. Q. 68 Explain and illustrate the circ*mstances in which a party may maintain action for breach of a

contract without having himself fully performed his own obligation under the contract. Q. 69 “Where a party to a contract refuses altogether to perform, or is disabled from performing his part

to it, the other party has a right to rescind it.” Discuss fully this statement in the light of the provisions of the Indian Contract Act, 1872.

Q. 70 “In certain cases the law imposes an obligation and allows and action to be brought on it as if it

arose out of a contract though none was present infact.” Explain. Q. 71 “A quasi contract is not a contract at all. It is an obligation which the law creates.” Analyse this

statement. Q. 72 “Quasi contracts are not contracts in the strict sense of the term. These are only the obligations

created by law.” Explain stating the provisions of Indian Contract Act. Q. 73 “Quasi contracts rest on the ground of law of equity that a person shall be allowed to enrich

himself at the expenses of the other”. Explain. Q. 74 What are Quasi contacts? State the circ*mstances in which quasi-contractual obligations arise. Q. 75 Define Bailment. Discuss the rights and responsibilities of a paid and gratuitous bailee. Q. 76 How does bailment differ from a pledge? Q. 77 Explain how a bailment may result without the owner actually delivering the goods to the bailee. Q. 78 What are the rights and duties of a bailor and bailee in a bailment for hire and in a bailment by

way of pledge. Q. 79 What are the rights and obligations of a finder of goods? What is the nature of lien he has over the

goods? Q. 80 Distinguish between ‘General lien’ and ‘Particular lien’?

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Q. 81 Define pledge. What are the rights and duties of Pawnor and Pawnee? Q. 82 Define the term ‘agency’. What are the essentials and legal rules for a valid agency? Q. 83 No one can become agent of another except by will of the person. Comment. Q. 84 Briefly explain the various modes by which an agency may be created. Q. 85 “An agency by holding out is as god as an express agency”. Comment. Q. 86 What is meant by agency by ratification? State the conditions that must be fulfilled before the

doctrine can apply to an act of the agent. Q. 87 State the rights and duties of an agent. What is the degree of skill required of him? Q. 88 Discuss the rights and duties of the principal. Q. 89 Discuss the extent to which an agent can delegate his authority. What are the consequences of

such delegation? Q. 90 Define the term ‘sub-agent’. When he can be appointed? State the position of sub agent in relation

to the agent, principal and third parties. Q. 91 Define the term ‘substituted agent’. State the comparison between sub-agent and substituted agent. Q. 92 Define the term ‘contract of sale’. State the essentials of a valid contract of sale. Q. 93 Explain the difference between sale and agreement to sell. When does an agreement to sell ripen

into a sale? Q. 94 Distinguish between: a) Sale and hire purchase agreement b) Sales and contract for work and labour c) Sale and

bailment Q. 95 How is a contract of sale made? State briefly the necessary formalities of such a contract. Q. 96 Define ‘goods’. Distinguish between specific, ascertained and unascertained goods. Q. 97 What is the subject matter of a contract of sale. What is effect of destruction of specific goods in a

contract of sale? Q. 98 Define the term price. What are the different modes of determination of price? Are the stipulations

as to time of payment of the essence of the contract of sale? Q. 99 Define condition and warranty. Q. 100 Under what circ*mstances breach of condition will be treated as breach of warranty. Q. 101 Explain and enumerate the implied conditions and warranties stated under the Sales of Goods Act. Q. 102 What is meant by Caveat Emptor? State its exceptions.

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Q1. Arunodaya Printing Press of Solapur has three hand operated treadle machines. Six workers are working in the press. The whole unit is just like a family and the proprietor; Mr. Vinod Doshi has excellent relations with the workers. The press has a large order book. There is a good demand and it can increase its operations, if the proprietor wishes to do so.

The proprietor has come across four treadle machines in a small press in Pune, which is closed due to death of the owner. If the proprietor of Arunodaya Printer purchases these machines, then the total number of workers would have to increase to twenty and then the local political trade union would come forward and build a union of workers. It is difficult to anticipate whether the wage rates could be maintained at the same level in such an eventuality.

One alternative is to import a capital-intensive automatic printing machine from Germany. Then the number of workers would be limited, but the total cost is very high. Besides, skilled technicians will have to be appointed to run the automatic machine. The cost of production is expected to be very heavy.

Questions: 1) Critically analyse the case. 2) Should the proprietor increase his operations or should he maintain the present set-up as it is? 3) If he wants to increase his operations which alternative should he select? Why? 4) What is your advice for further business policy?

Q2. Herbal Cosmetics India. Ltd., a company manufacturing several cosmetic products, is interested to

know the attitude of consumers towards their products in general and wants to prepare a strategic plan for future expansion. In addition, it would like to know the amount of expenditure incurred on different items of cosmetics by households. It feels that such information would be extremely helpful in improving its existing products as well as bringing new products into the market. The marketing manager of Herbal Cosmetics India Ltd. has approached you to help him in the preparation of a strategic plan in this connection.

Prepare such a plan specifying ‘situation analysis’, mentioning marketing objectives and pointing at

definite market targets considering market demands. Q3. Discuss the concept of corporate strategy. State its significance in the Indian situation. Q4. What do you understand by business environment? Explain the factors of internal and external

environment of business. Q5. What do you mean by combination strategy. What are the merits and demerits of takeovers and

mergers? Q6. Assuming that an automobile industry is interested in implementing certain strategies in the present

cutthroat competition, what plans and programmes could it undertake? Q7. Explain briefly the need and importance of research, development and innovation of product in the

business organisations. Q8. What is meant by strategic marketing planning? State also the role of market segmentation in

business planning. Q9. "An appropriate strategy and organisational structure are essential prerequisites for effective

implementation of strategy". Do you agree with this statement? Explain your point of view with proper illustrations.

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Q10. What do you understand by the term Globalization of Business? What are the salient features of International Business Environment?

Q11. Define Joint Ventures. What are the conditions for joint ventures? Also state their benefits and

drawbacks. Q12. What are the main features of a business strategy? Explain the process of formulating a strategy. Q13. What are the technological issues involved in projecting Japan as world leader in industry and

business? Q14. "This is an era of mergers and acquisitions" - Elaborate this statement by discussing strategies

adopted for mergers and acquisitions. Q15. Explain the role played by SWOT - Analysis in strategy formulation. Q16. "Effective implementation of strategy requires the right organisational structure" - Do you agree with

this statement? Give reasons. Q17. What is Business Environment? What are the factors affecting Business Environment? Q18. Discuss the role and importance of Evaluation and Control of Strategy. Also state Evaluation

Techniques for Strategic Control. Q19. “Business policy is the study of the functions and responsibilities of senior management concerning

the crucial problems and conceptual foundations that determines direction of the total enterprise and shapes its future.” Explain this statement.

Q20. What do you understand by environment in relation to business policy? What are the characteristics

and components of environment? Q21. Who are the strategists in formation and implementation of business policy? Explain their roles. Q22. Discuss the meaning and purpose of takeovers and mergers. What are the merits and demerits of

takeovers and mergers for a business organisation? Q23. “Social responsibility as a policy of business is essential for image building of a company”- Discuss. Q24. Define the concept of corporate strategy. Explain how does a strategy differ from a policy. Q25. What are the essential characteristics of a mission statement? What are the different ways in which

mission statements can be formulated? Q26. “This is an era of mergers and takeovers.” Do you agree? Explain your point of view. Q27. Discuss the meaning of strategic control. What evaluation techniques are used for strategic control? Q28. “Strategic management is concerned with establishing the proper organisational environment fit for

matching the organisational factors with the environmental factors.” Elaborate on this statement. Q29. Define the terms objectives and mission statement. Describe the importance of objectives and the

factors influencing the objectives. Q30. “Strategy is a blueprint indicating the courses of action to achieve the desired objectives.” Explain

in the light of this statement the concept of strategy and describe the steps and approaches of strategic planning.

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Q31. Discuss the meaning and scope of strategic evaluation and control. Also explain the process of strategic evaluation.

Q32. Write short notes:

1. Types of Joint Ventures 2. Emergent Strategy. 3. Target Markets. 4. Financial Strategy. 5. Expansion Strategy. 6. Situation Design. 7. SWOT Analysis. 8. The Role of Board of Directors 9. Modernisation Strategies and Diversification 10. Technology and Man-Machine Relationship

11. Techniques for strategic control 12. Retirement strategy. 13. Portfolio analysis. 14. Product Life Cycle 15. Personnel Strategy. 16. Innovation & New Products 17. Types of Strategies 18. Mission Statement 19. Portfolio Analysis 20. Features of technology

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Q1. Discuss the meaning and importance of modern marketing concept. Briefly state the various stages in the evolution of marketing.

Q2. What is meant by market planning? Describe the elements of market planning. Q3. Define the term strategy. Indicate the role and importance of marketing strategies. Q4. What are the benefits of integrated and coordinated strategic marketing plans? Q5. Explain briefly the causes of growing consumerism and consumer legislation. Q6. Discuss the meaning and nature of consumer behaviour. Why is it problem solving behaviour? Q7. What is meant by industrial marketing? Explain the role of advertising in industrial marketing. Q8. What do you mean by consumerism? Describe the role of legislations in consumerism. Q9. Explain briefly how does consumers buying behaviour affect the decisions relating to production

price and sales promotion? Q10. Discuss the importance of strategic planning and control in modern business. Q11. What are the benefits of integrated and co-ordinated strategic marketing plans? Q12. Describe the need and importance of consumer protection? Explain the role of voluntary regulations. Q13. Explain the different factors affecting consumer behaviour. Q14. Discuss the role and importance of consumer legislations for consumer protection. Q15. What are the kinds of consumer goods? State the need for advertising of the product for industrial

marketing. Q16. How will you select and implement marketing strategy for consumer goods and industrial goods? Q17. What is marketing planning? Discuss its role and implication in strategic formulation. Q18. Explain the meaning, nature and scope of organisational behaviour. Q19. Examine critically the differences and similarities between Industrial Marketing and Consumer

Goods Marketing. Q20. Define the concept of Marketing. Discuss the problems of marketing in a developing economy. Q21. What do you mean by Marketing Strategy? Explain in brief the factors to be considered in

formulating overall Marketing Strategy. Q22. What do you mean by Organisational Buying? Explain the elements affecting Organisational

Buying. Q23. Explain how Consumer Behaviour affects decisions relating to Production, Price, Channels of

distribution and Sales Promotion.

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Q.24 “Marketing comprises of both buying and selling activities”. Explain this statement with reference to strategic planning.

Q.25 Explain how the concepts of self-image and brand image help in the study of buyer behaviour. Q.26 Discuss the steps involved in strategic corporate planning. Comment on the concept of market

opportunity analysis. Q.27 What are the different types of industrial products? Q.28 What is a marketing strategy? Discuss the steps involved in strategic management and explain its

importance in marketing management. Q.29 Define the term ‘Strategic Marketing Planning’. Explain the importance of market planning in

corporate strategy. Q.30 Explain the role-played by environmental influences in the development of marketing strategy. Q.31 What are the characteristics of a good brand name? Explain in detail. Q.32 Discuss the meaning of channels of distribution. What are the important considerations in

developing a channel strategy? Q.33 What are the essentials of promotional strategy? Explain how to prepare a budget for promotional

strategy. Q.34 Explain the concept of ‘consumer protection’ in detail. Q.35 Write short notes:

1. Social Responsibility of Marketing 2. Product Life Cycle 3. Marketing Mix. 4. Marketing Planning 5. Industrial Marketing. 6. Organisational Buying. 7. Strategy Process. 8. Marketing Functions. 9. The Role of a Marketing Manager 10. Segmentation Strategy 11. Role of Advertising in the Industrial Market

12. Research Strategy 13. Buying Motives 14. Importance of Pricing 15. Distributional Channels 16. Promotional Strategy 17. Financial Strategy 18. Consumer Protection Act 19. Buyer process. 20. Social class. 21. Culture and style 22. Types of industrial goods

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MDB 202: MANAGEMENT OF SALES AND ADVERTISING Q1. “Achievement of the sales objectives depends on how effectively the company’s sales programme is

implemented. The salesmen are primarily responsible for implementation of sales programmes. The management must continuously keep track of the implementation to ensure that the final objectives such as sales volume, profit target, and continued customer satisfaction are achieved.”

Discuss with reference to supervision and control of sales persons. Q2. What is advertising? Elaborate the important steps in advertising a new product in the national

market. Q3. Define the term sales management. What are the important functions involved in sales management? Q4. Explain briefly the meaning and nature of sales forecasting. What are the factors affecting sales

forecasting? Q5. Discuss various policies regarding re-imbursem*nt of sales expenses. What are the various methods

of re-imbursem*nt of such expenses? Q6. What is sales budget? Discuss the nature and scope of sales budget. Q7. Explain in detail the concept of leadership. Discuss the conditions of sales leadership. Also explain

the relation between leadership and motivation. Q8. "The main task of Sales Management is to manage sales and a Sales Organisation is an instrument to

execute this job effectively." Explain this statement. Q9. What qualities should a Sales Executive possess to be an effective Sales Manager? Q10. Define the term Sales Organisation. Discuss its scope and importance. Q11. Explain the process of selection of sales personnel, which is generally followed in a large-scale

business concern. Q12. Write a detailed note on the career aspect of Advertising. Q13. "It is said that the investigator can build his forecast on the basis of what people say, what people do

and what people have done" - Discuss and analyse the various methods of forecasting demand in light of this statement.

Q14. Describe any four methods of training salesmen. What are the advantages of training salesmen? Q15. Define the sales force management. Also explain the objectives of establishing sales territories. Q16. Explain the meaning and nature of Advertising. What are the factors affecting advertising? Q17. What is a Sales Grid? Discuss the significance of grid positions. Q18. Define Leadership. Explain the nature of leadership behaviour and styles of leadership. Q19. How do you determine advertising outlays? Explain the role of advertising. Q20. Discuss the need and importance of training a salesman. Which are the various areas in which a

salesman needs training?

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Q21. “The money spent on advertising is an investment and is not a waste” - Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.

Q22. What do you understand by sales territories? What are the reasons for establishing sales territories?

Why is it sometimes necessary to revise territories? Q23. What is a sales grid? Explain the significance of grid positioning. Q24. Explain the various functions involved in launching a new detergent soap in Maharashtra state by

preparing a promotional plan for the first year. Q25. What is sales management? Explain in brief the process of sales management. Q26. Discuss the concept of sales territory. What are the objectives of establishing sales territory and

what factors affect the size of a sales territory? Q27. Explain the concept of personal selling. What are the objectives and strategies of personal selling? Q28. Describe the methods of sales forecasting and their importance in sales management. Q29. “It is understood that there is a good market for Indian paintings both in the domestic and global

market.” How will you prepare a plan of sales management and sales organisation for establishing a permanent world market for Indian paintings?

Q30. Discuss the main requirements of a sound compensation plan. Explain the different plans of giving

remuneration to the sales personnel. Q31. What is Customer Grid? Explain the factors influencing customer decisions. Q32. Discuss the concept of advertising elasticity of demand. What are the different factors affecting

advertising? Q33. Explain the meaning and purpose of marketing communications. What are the functions of

marketing communication? Q34. What do you understand by sales territory? Explain the main reasons for establishing sales

territories? Q35. Write short notes on any three of the following:

1. Career Aspects of Advertising 2. Leadership Style in an Indian Organisation 3. Qualifications Required for a Successful

Sales Manager. 4. The Selling Cycle 5. Use of Colours in Advertisem*nts 6. Qualities of a Good Salesman 7. Sales Grid 8. Quota System 9. Brand budget 10. Industrial advertising

11. Leadership styles 12. Sales promotion 13. The Role of Promotional Strategy 14. Sales Organization 15. Personal Selling 16. Product Policy 17. Planning Public Relations 18. Advertisem*nt Layout 19. Customer Grid 20. Territory Design 21. Product promotion

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MDB 203: CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR AND MARKET RESEARCH Q1. “There is nothing new about market research. What is new today is the growing importance of it to

tackle the various complex problems of modern business world.” Critically evaluate the statement. Q2. What do you understand by consumer behaviour? What is its importance in marketing? Q3. Explain the importance of consumer behaviour and consumer psychology in marketing and

marketing research. Q4. Briefly discuss the concept - desk research and field research. Explain their comparative merits and

demerits. Q5. Define product research. What is the importance of advertising research in consumer behaviour? Q6. What are the methods of data collection and analysis? State their merits and demerits. Q7. Explain how the concepts of Self Image and Brand Image help explain consumer behaviour. Q8. "Consumer Behaviour is concerned with the activities and actions of the people and organisations

that purchase the goods and services"- Explain this statement. Q9. Bring out the difference between consumer and industrial buying behaviour. Q10. Define Market Segmentation. What variables would you use in segmenting the market? Q11. What is meant by Advertising Research? Discuss its role in Consumer Behaviour. Q12. Why do new consumable products fail in the market? Enumerate measures that you would suggest to

avoid such product failure. Q13. Explain the meaning of Marketing Research and distinguish between Distributional Research and

MIS. Q14. Discuss briefly the significance and relationship of Marketing Management and Behavioural

Environment. Q15. "Hero Cycles Ltd. would like to conduct a research to know whether to position bicycles as means of

physical fitness or a means of reducing air pollution." Prepare the research proposal on behalf of the company for bicycle promotion programme. Q16. What are the various stages in a buying process? Also explain the roles of deciders, buyers and users

in the buying process. Q17. Explain the advantages of advertising to both the producers and consumers. Q18. What do you understand by Motivation Research? What kind of research is required in motivational

research? Q19. Discuss the meaning and nature of Marketing Research. What are the objectives of marketing

research? Q20. “In India, family and social class and caste play a considerable role in shaping consumer behaviour.”

Discuss this statement and highlight the role of the other sociological determinants of consumer behaviour.

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Q21. Explain how do the stages of product life cycle affect the marketing strategy of a company manufacturing consumer durables.

Q22. Explain the marketing research process. Q23. Explain briefly the need and role of advertising. Elaborate the important steps in advertising

research. Q24. Discuss the meaning of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. How is consumer behaviour directed towards

satisfying basic needs? Q25. What do you understand by product research and development? Explain its role in consumer

behaviour. Q26. Discuss the factors to be considered while selecting data collection methods for any marketing

research. On the basis of the factors suggested by you, recommend a suitable data collection method for a toothbrush manufacturing company. Give reasons for your recommendations.

Q27. How do the consumer behaviour theories help in understanding the consumer? Q28. List the different media of advertising consumer products and discuss their individual advantages

and disadvantages. Q29. Define the term market segmentation. Explain its use in sales promotional activities. Q30. Explain the need and importance of tabulation and data analysis. Q31. “One of the key trends today is that organisations are becoming market driven”. Do you agree with

this statement? Explain your point of view by giving examples. Also prepare an outline of a market research plan for a company, manufacturing home appliances, willing to become market driven.

Q32. Discuss the need and importance of marketing research. Also explain the marketing research

process. Q33. What are the P's in marketing? Describe their nature and scope in marketing. Q34. Discuss the concept of motivation. Explain Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Q35. Write short notes on any three of the following:

1. Behavioural Inheritance. 2. Learning Theory. 3. Consumer Psychology. 4. Market Segmentation. 5. Product Research. 6. Learning Theory and Market

Applications. 7. The Marketing Research Process 8. Associating the Product with a

Special Group. 9. Marketing Use of the Motivational


10. Data analysis. 11. Motivational functions. 12. Information source. 13. Role of Advertisem*nts 14. Types of Research 15. Sources of Data Collection 16. Learning theory of consumer behaviour. 17. Shopping goods. 18. Market segmentation. 19. Product appeals.

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MDB 204: INDUSTRIAL AND INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Q1. “If the Indian firms have the facility to obtain the latest technology in the world, to raise finance

from the cheapest source and procure the materials from the best source in the world, they are on equal footing with foreign firms in many respects.”

Discuss. Q2. In March 1996, Philip Anderson, marketing manager of the Latin American division of Marshall

Industries Inc. (MII) was considering the recent introduction of the company’s powdered soft drink product line into the Indian Market. MII was a major producer of processed and convenience foods (dried and powdered preparations). Sales in 1995 amounted to over $ 4 billion, with Latin American markets representing 15 % of this total. Marshall was involved in a licensing agreement with an Indian company, whereby Marshall provided the recipe for its powdered soft drink product and the Indian company was to provide the manufacturing, packaging and distribution of the product.

Marshall faced two large, well-entrenched competitors in the Indian powdered soft drink market. One was a foreign company with production facilities in India. Together these competitors accounted for nearly 100 % of the market, although one company alone accounted for 81 % of this market. A recent market research effort by Marshall indicated that these two competitors enjoyed large consumer awareness in the Indian cities that featured strong advertising and promotional campaigns. The weaker competitor was found to be considerably less aggressive in its advertising and promotional efforts than the dominant competitor.

Indian foreign investment policy encouraged foreign investors who wished to establish business in India. Priority generally was to those investors who were involved in the export of goods and services and in general to activities benefiting the balance of payments. However, net profits remitted abroad should not exceed 25 %, any amount over 25% would remain in India in rupees for whatever use the company deemed appropriate.


a. Should the company (Marshall) launch the product in the Indian market? Justify your answer. b. What additional information should be called for by Philip Anderson to reinforce his decision? c. As a marketing consultant, how would you see through the successful launching of the product

in India? Q3. Japanese markets have always been hard to penetrate for years. Most of the western nations have

accused Japan of exporting too much and importing too little. Where the foreign companies failed in the Japanese markets, one would imagine a Japanese company could succeed in importing foreign products.

Internationally minded Nikita Corporation decided to do just that. Nikita took big ads in Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, London's Financial Times and Le Monde of Paris proclaiming that Nikita wants to sell American, British or French, products in Japan. Nikita formed a trading company, which promised to help companies market, their products in Japan.

After 10 years of trying, it became clear that even for Nikita importing in Japan was more difficult than exporting. Nikita's experience illustrates some of the frustrations encountered by foreign concerns that want to sell their products in Japan. If something can be copied and the market for it appears large enough, it almost certainly will be turned out by Japan's competitive industry.

Despite the competition, Nikita Trading has pushed its annual sales to about 52 million basically by keeping ahead of the imitators. Nikita first imported home appliances from P.G. Corporation of U.S. A. Refrigerator's sales grew steadily for about three years until Japanese manufacturers- Suzuki Electric Industrial Co., Pitachi Ltd., and Baba Corp.- jumped into the market. Their models were identical to PG imports in size and price. Although the market has grown to about 4,00,000 units a year, imports have fallen to a dismal 40,000 units annually.

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Nikita concentrated on home products because it rated foreign made home appliances as superior to those available in Japan and these goods complemented its own product line. As a result of Japanese domestic competition, Nikita moved from consumer goods into commercial market. It succeeded to a degree with product such as laundry and dry cleaning equipment. The sales of commercial products accounted for half of the revenues. 1) What should be the strategy of Indian Companies? 2) Give the analysis of the problem. 3) Is Nikita trading successfully? 4) Give strategic suggestions to Nikita for the future.

Q4. In March 1996, Philip Anderson, marketing manager of the Latin American division of Marshall

Industries Inc. (MII) was considering the recent introduction of the company’s powdered soft drink product line into the Indian Market. MII was a major producer of processed and convenience foods (dried and powdered preparations). Sales in 1995 amounted to over $ 4 billion, with Latin American markets representing 15 % of this total. Marshall was involved in a licensing agreement with an Indian Company, whereby Marshall provided the recipe for its powdered soft drink product and the Indian companies provide the manufacturing, packaging and distribution of the product.

Marshall faced two large, well-entrenched competitors in the Indian powdered soft drink market. One was a foreign company with production facilities in India. Together these competitors accounted for nearly 100 % of the market, although one company alone accounted for 81 % of this market. A recent market research effort by Marshall indicated that these two competitors enjoyed large consumer awareness in the Indian cities that featured strong advertising and promotional campaigns. The weaker competitor was found to be considerably less aggressive in its advertising and promotional efforts than the dominant competitor.

Indian foreign investment policy encouraged foreign investors who wished to establish business in India. Priority generally was to those investors who were involved in the exports of goods and services and in general to activities benefiting the balance of payments. However, net profits remitted abroad could not exceed 25 %. Any amount over 25% would remain in India in rupees for whatever use the company deemed appropriate.


a) Should the company (Marshall) launch the product in the Indian market? Justify you answer. b) What additional information should be called for by Philip Anderson to reinforce his decision? c) As a marketing consultant, how would you see through the successful launching of the product

in India? Q5. What is industrial marketing? Explain the various types of industrial products. Q6. Discuss the factors impacting the choice of mode of entry. Explain the trade barriers and government

regulations in this respect. Q7. Define International marketing. What are the reasons for the increasing interest in International

marketing? Q8. Write a detailed note on International marketing strategies. Q9. “Industrial buyers are subjected to many influences when they make their buying decisions.”

Explain. Q10. Discuss in detail the present trend towards globalisation with special reference to the movement of

U.S. companies abroad and the growth of the Japanese challenge. Q11. Describe the meaning and nature of industrial marketing. Also explain the different kinds of

industrial goods.

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Q12. What is organisational buying? What are the factors influencing organisational buying? Q13. Explain the role of multinational corporations in International marketing and give reasons for the

emergence for third world multinationals. Q14. What is the importance of strategy formation in International marketing? Explain the steps involved

in strategic planning for International marketing. Q15. Discuss the role and importance of pricing in International marketing. How do industries price their

goods? Also explain the price monitoring system. Q16. Develop a relationship between the buy-phases and buy-classes of industrial buying behaviour. Q17. How does the concept of industrial marketing differ from consumer marketing? Q18. Briefly explain the important environment factors relevant to international marketing. Q19. Discuss the major ways of entering a foreign market. Also state their merits and demerits. Q20. Explain the procedural steps to be followed in the segmentation criteria suitable for classifying world

markets. Q21. Also state the importance of strategy formulation in the global market. Q22. Why should a Business operating in Indian Domestic market be concerned with happenings in the

International Business environment? Q23. Define and distinguish between the Industrial Market and Consumer Market. Briefly explain the

various channels of distribution for Industrial Marketing. Q24. Write a detailed note on the growth of the Japanese challenge and its impact on Indian Market. Q25. Are Channels of Distribution necessary to sell products in International Marketing? Discuss with

examples. Q26. Explain briefly the various types of payment terms available to an exporter. Q27. Amit International Pvt. Ltd. Kolhapur wants to export their "Kolhapuri chappals" to Europe and

America. As a marketing consultant, prepare a detailed export plan for the company, explaining the factors involved in the export and giving advice regarding the mode of entry in the foreign market.

Q28. Explain the concept of Industrial Marketing. What are the different types of industrial products? Q29. What are the Price Objectives? How do the industries price their goods? Q30. Define the term 'International Marketing'. Discuss the various reasons for the increased interest in

international marketing at present. Q31. Describe in detail the role and importance of strategy formulation in international marketing. Q32. Explain the concept of Globalisation. Discuss the various trends towards globalisation. Q33. Industrial markets have certain features that contrast sharply with consumer markets. Discuss with


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Q34. What is meant by culture? How does it differ from organisational culture? Also state its importance in industrial marketing?

Q35. Explain the major ways of entering a foreign market. Enumerate their merits and demerits. Q36. Discuss the important environment factors relevant to international marketing. Q37. “The exporting activities involve several commercial and regulatory procedures” Elucidate. Q38. Write short notes:

1. International market segmentation 2. Accessory equipments. 3. Trade barriers. 4. Global marketing strategy 5. Organisation for market research 6. Trade Barriers 7. Role of Market Research in International

Marketing 8. Elasticity of Demand 9. Business Environment 10. Global Marketing Strategies 11. Joint Venture. 12. Accessory Equipment. 13. Organisational Buying Behaviour. 14. Foreign Exchange Control. 15. Product Modification. 16. Customer shopping pattern.

17. Types of industrial products. 18. Market planning. 19. Pricing objectives. 20. Role of MNCs. 21. The Concept of Franchising. 22. Political Environment and International Marketing. 23. Economic Forces and International Marketing. 24. Market Planning for International Marketing. 25. Customer’s Motives. 26. International Distribution Structure. 27. Factors Influencing Organisational Buying. 28. The Role of Pricing in International Marketing

Strategy. 29. International Business Environment. 30. Consumer Market Segmentation in International


Question Bank-On MBA Subjects - [PDF Document] (48)

MDB 211: FINANCIAL DECISION POLICY Q1. What do you understand by corporate financial planning? Explain the role of a financial planner in

corporate financial planning. Q2. Explain the various tools of financial analysis. Also discuss the objectives and advantages of funds

flow statement. Q3. What is capital structure? What are the factors that determine the optimum capital structure of a

company? Q4. Describe the term bonus shares. What are the financial and legal provisions for the issue of bonus

shares? Q5. “Cost – volume – profit analysis are the most important tools to assess project viability.” Explain

this statement with reference to the problem of ranking the projects. Q6. Discuss the concept of mergers and acquisitions. Explain the legal formalities involved in them. Q7. Discuss the meaning and nature of a projected balance sheet. How will you prepare the projected

balance sheet of a business firm? Q8. Explain the meaning of income from salary. Discuss the steps involved in computing income from

salaries. Q9. Explain the importance of portfolio management. Discuss the points to be considered by the

portfolio managers while analysing a security. Q10. A company expects to have Rs. 38,500 cash in hand on 1st April 1998 and requires you to prepare

an estimation of cash position during three months from 1st April to 30th June 1998. The following information is supplied:

Month Sales Rs.

Purchase Rs.

Wages Rs.

Factory Expenses Rs.

Office & Selling Expenses Rs.

Feb. 75,000 45,000 9,000 7,500 10,500

March 84,000 48,000 9,750 8,250 10,500

April 90,000 52,500 10,500 9,000 11,250

May 1,20,000 60,000 13,500 11,250 12,570

June 1,35,000 60,000 14,250 14,000 14,000

Other information: 1) Period of credit allowed by suppliers is 2 months. 2) 20% of sales are for cash and period of credit allowed to customers is 1 month. 3) Plant has been ordered and expected to be received in May. It will cost Rs. 1,10,000. 4) Delay in payment of all expenses, one month. 5) The company is to pay dividends to share holders and bonus to workers of Rs. 15,000 and Rs.

22,500 respectively in April. 6) Income tax of Rs. 57,500 is due to be paid on the 15th June 1998

Q11. What do you understand by adequate working capital and optimum working capital? State their role

in financial decision policy.

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Q12. Explain the meaning, nature and importance of capital budgeting. Discuss briefly the capital budgeting process.

Q13. How would you analyse the financial position of a company from the point of view of: a) An investor b) A creditor c) A finance executive Q14. State the different classes of audit. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of various types of

audits. Q15. A Company is considering to purchase a machine. Two machines each costing Rs. 4,00,000 are

available. Earnings after taxation, but before charging depreciation are-

YEAR CASH FLOW Machine A Machine B

1 1,20,000 80,000 2 1,80,000 1,60,000 3 2,00,000 2,40,000 4 1,50,000 1,80,000 5 1,00,000 1,40,000

Evaluate the two alternatives according to

a) Pay Back Method b) Return on Investment Method c) Net Present Value Method (Cost of capital at 10%)

Q16. What is the meaning and role of Financial Forecasting? Explain briefly the various tools of Financial

Forecasting. Q17. Discuss the influence of Tax on Dividend Policy, Capital procurement Policy and Depreciation

Policy. Q18. Explain the significance and limitations of Ratio Analysis. Q19. Explain in brief the various methods of ranking investment proposals in Capital Budgeting. How

will you evaluate a proposal for risky investment? Q20. Explain the role of a financial manager in Inventory Control. Discuss the different aspects of

management needed for controlling investments in inventories. Q21. Explain the functional areas of Financial Management. What are the objectives of financial

management? Q22. "A high financial leverage with a low operating leverage is a sign of healthy financial management".

Do you agree with the statement? Give reasons. Q23. What do you mean by Working Capital? Also explain the relationship of working capital

components with sales. Q24. Explain the determinants of Dividend Policy in a growing company. What is the impact of the

statutory provisions on the dividend payments? Q25. What do you mean by capital budgeting? Explain the importance and process of capital budgeting.

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Q26. From the following particulars, calculate the amount of gross profit and sales. Average stock - Rs. 80,000 Stock turnover ratio - 6 times Selling price - 2 % above cost

The debt equity ratio of a company is 1:2. Which of the following suggestions would increase, decrease or stabilize the debt equity ratio.

a) Issue of shares. b) Cash received from debtors. c) Redemption of debentures.

d) Purchase of goods on credit. Q27. What are funds flow analysis? How does cash flow statement differ from funds flow statement?

Discuss. Q28. “Inadequacy of working capital may lead to bankruptcy of a business earning huge profits” - Do you

agree with this statement. Explain briefly the possible causes. Q29. Explain the Walters approach and also state the legal and financial factors affecting the dividend

policy. Q30. Write short notes on any three:

1. Salary deductions. 2. Bonus shares. 3. Inter-company loans. 4. Zero budgeting. 5. Financial planning. 6. Tax Audit 7. Portfolio Management 8. Cash Budget 9. Role of SEBI. 10. Areas of Financial Management. 11. Valuation of Shares.

12. Mergers and Acquisitions. 13. Inter company loans. 14. Bonus shares. 15. Depreciation Methods. 16. Dividend Policy. 17. Need of Working Capital. 18. Funds Flow Statement. 19. Taxable Capital Gains. 20. Types of Risks. 21. Budgetary Control. 22. Ratio Analysis.

Question Bank-On MBA Subjects - [PDF Document] (51)

MDB 212: ADVANCED MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Q1. With the following ratios and information, prepare a trading account; profit and loss account and

balance sheet of M/s ABC Ltd. 1) Gross Profit Ratio: 25% 2) Net Profit Ratio: 20% 3) Stock Turnover Ratio: 10. 4) Capital to Liabilities: 1/2 5) Net Profit to Capital: 1/5 6) Fixed Assets to Capital: 5/4 7) Fixed Assets to Total Current Assets: 5/7 8) Fixed Assets: Rs. 100000/- 9) Closing Stock: Rs. 100000/-

Q2. Balance sheet of M/s Black and White as on January 01, 1999 and December 31, 1999 were as



01/01/1999 Rs.

31/12/1999 Rs. Assets 01/01/1999

Rs. 31/12/1999


Creditors 38,000 43,000 Cash 10,000 6,000

Mrs. White’s loan 25,000 — Debtors 30,000 50,000

Loan from bank 40,000 50,000 Stock 35,000 26,000

Outstanding Expenses 2,000 1,000 Machinery 80,000 55,000

Capital 1,25,000 1,53,000 Land 40,000 50,000

Building 35,000 60,000

Total 2,30,000 2,47,000 2,30,000 2,47,000

1) During the year, a machine costing Rs.10, 000 (total depreciation written off Rs. 3,000) was

sold for Rs. 5,000. 2) The provision for depreciation against machinery as on 01/01/1999 was Rs. 25,000 and as on

31/12/1999 was Rs. 40,000. 3) Net profit for the year 1999 amounted to Rs. 45,000. Prepare a cash flow statement.

Q3. The standard cost of a certain chemical mixture is as under:- 40% of material A at Rs. 20 per Kg 60% of material B at Rs. 30 per Kg

A standard loss of 10% is expected in production. The following actual cost data is obtained for the recent month:

180 Kg of material A at Rs. 18 per Kg 220 Kg of material B at Rs. 34 per Kg The weight produced is 364 Kg. You are required to calculate:

a) Material price variance b) Material mix variance c) Material yield variance d) Material cost variance and e) Material usage variance

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Q4. The following information relates to a Building Contract for Rs. 10,00,000 of Amit Construction Ltd., Pune.

_______________________________________________________________________________ Year Particulars ________________________________________________ 1999 2000 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rs. Rs. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Materials Used 3,00,000 84,000 Direct Wages 2,30,000 1,05,000 Direct Expenses 22,000 10,000 Indirect Expenses 6,000 1,400 Work Certified 7,50,000 10,00,000 Work Uncertified 8,000 -- Materials at site 5,000 7,000 Plant Issued 14,000 2,000 Cash Received 60,000 4,00,000 _______________________________________________________________________________

The value of the plant at the end of year 1999 and 2000 was Rs. 7,000 and Rs. 5,000 respectively. You are required to prepare contract account for 1999 and 2000.

Q5. The Sales turnover and profit during two years were as follows:- Year Sales Profit Rs. Rs. 1991 1,50,000 20,000 1992 1,70,000 25,000 You are required to calculate: 1) P/V ratio 2) Break-even-point 3) Sales required to earn a profit of Rs. 40,000. 4) Profit made when sales are Rs. 2,50,000. 5) Margin of safety at a profit of Rs. 50,000. Q6. Explain the meaning of financial statements. Discuss the techniques of analysis of financial

statements. Q7. What is costing? What are the methods of costing? State their uses and advantages. Q8. Explain the concept of marginal costing? Enumerate the circ*mstances when it may be necessary to

sell at or below the marginal cost. Q9. Carefully examine the concept, scope and objects of management accounting. Distinguish between

management and financial accounting. Q10. Define responsibility accounting. Discuss its principles and prerequisites. Q11. What is Management Accounting? Distinguish between management accounting and financial

accounting. Q12. What is Ratio Analysis? Discuss the importance and limitations of ratio analysis.

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Q13. Explain the concept of Management Information System. What are the characteristics and prerequisites of a good management information system?

Q14. What are the objectives of Funds Flow Statement? Describe the various sources and uses of funds. Q15. Discuss the meaning and nature of Cost Accounting. What are the different methods of costing? Q16. Discuss the advantages and limitations of Standard Costing. What is the use of Standard Costing in

Business Management? Q17. "Management Accounting is the blending together into a coherent whole, Financial Accounting,

Costing and all aspects of Financial Management." Elucidate the Statement. Q18. From the following information prepare the Balance Sheet with as many details as possible and

show all your workings. 1) Current Ration : 2.5 2) Liquidity Ratio : 1.5 3) Fixed Assets to Proprietary Fund : 0.75 4) Working Capital Rs. 6,00,000 5) Reserve and Surplus Rs. 4,00,000 6) Bank Overdraft Rs. 1,00,000 7) There is no long-term loan or any Fictitious Assets. Q19. What is meant by ratio analysis? Discuss its limitations and explain its importance in management

accounting. Q20. What is Marginal Costing? Give its advantages. Q21. Explain the concept of Responsibility Accounting and its advantages and limitations. Q22. Explain briefly the different techniques used for the analysis and interpretation of financial

statements. Q23. “Cost accounting is so closely allied to management that it is difficult to indicate where the work of

a cost accountant ends and management control starts” - Discuss. Q24. What do you understand by responsibility accounting? State briefly its principles and pre-requisites.

Q25. Discuss the meaning, nature and scope of ratio analysis. Also explain classification of ratios. Q26. What is trend analysis? What are its limitations? Also explain the role played by trend analysis in

the interpretation of financial statements. Q27. Explain the meaning of funds flow statement. What is the difference between a funds flow

statement and a cash flow statement? Q28. Discuss the meaning and significance of break-even analysis by giving suitable illustrations. Q29. Explain the concept of responsibility accounting. What are its advantages and limitations? Q30. “Management accounting is the presentation of accounting information in such a way as to assist the

management in policy decisions and day-to-day operations of the undertaking.” Elucidate. Q31. Explain the concept of break-even-point. What are the advantages and assumptions of break-even-

point? Discuss how and where the BEP analysis can be applied.

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Q32. What is management accounting? Discuss its scope and functions. Q33. Discuss the various aspects of cost. Explain in brief the methods of costing and its application in

business organisations. Q34. Explain the various types of variances. How are they useful in cost-control? Q35 Write short notes:

1. Labour Variances. 2. Cash Flow. 3. Types of Reports. 4. Trend Analysis. 5. Management Audit. 6. Break-even analysis. 7. Functions of management accounting 8. Methods of costing 9. Reporting systems. 10. Material variances. 11. Standard cost. 12. Need for communication. 13. Types of reports 14. BEP analysis. 15. Management audit.

16. Process Costing. 17. Trend Analysis. 18. Marginal Costing. 19. Standard Costing. 20. Reporting System. 21. Types of Management Reports. 22. Methods of Costing. 23. Advantages of Marginal Costing. 24. Management and Cost Accounting. 25. Management Audit. 26. Functions of Management Accounting 27. Trend Analysis 28. Break-Even-Point 29. Responsibility Accounting 30. Types of Reports

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MDB 213: FINANCIAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Q1. What is meant by project appraisal? Explain the various methods of evaluating investment

proposals. Q2. Explain the meaning and nature of an export contract. What are export payment terms? Q3. What is capital market? Discuss the role of capital market and explain its present growth. Q4. Discuss the sources of industrial finance. Explain the functions and area of operations of Industrial

Finance Corporation of India. Also discuss the functions of IFCI. Q5. What do you understand by mortgage and hypothecation? Explain their role in industrial finance

and also discuss the various documents necessary for them. Q6. Define a sick industry. What are the provisions for the rehabilitation of sick industries? Q7. Discuss the objectives, role and functions of the World Bank. Q9. Explain the role and functions of intermediaries in foreign trade. Also state the objectives of risk

management in foreign trade. Q10. Define the term ‘export costing’. What are the methods of export costing? Q11. Explain the objectives and role of I.M.F. and World Bank. Q12. Explain the concept of funds flow statement. What are the objectives of a funds flow statement? Q13. Discuss the objectives, scope and functions of Industrial Finance Corporation. Q14. Define letter of credit. Explain its procedure and documentation. Q15. Briefly explain the working of Industrial Credit and Investment Co-operation of India. Q16. Describe the role of promoters and underwriters in capital market. Also explain the role of capital

market. Q17. What is Exim Bank? Briefly discuss the role of Exim Bank in industrial finance. Q18. Explain in detail the functions and role of World Bank in international business environment. Q19. What is Export Finance? Discuss in detail the areas where Export Finance is needed. Q20. Explain the functions and role of ICICI in Industrial Finance. Q21. Discuss the need and importance of International Monetary Fund in International Financing. Q22. What are Term Loans? Explain briefly the characteristics of short-term loans and long-term loans. Q23. Describe the Excise and Customs Clearances and also state the procedure and documentation of

Duty Drawback. Q24. What do you understand by Funds Flow Statement? State its significance in Business Finance. Q25. Discuss in detail the working of International Monetary Fund.

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Q26. What are the elements of Export Pricing? Explain the various methods of pricing in the global market.

Q27. Explain briefly the procedure of excise and customs clearance. Q28. Discuss the role of capital market in company finance. What are the functions of promoters and

underwriters in it? Q29. What is meant by international monetary system? Explain in brief, the international exchange rate

system. Q30. Explain the significant role of stock exchange in mobilisation of capital funds in business

management. Q31. State the need and role of foreign capital in a free economy and give the limitations of foreign

capital. Q32. Define the term funds. State the objectives and role of a funds flow statement in export finance. Q33. Discuss the various methods of pricing and their advantages. Q34. Discuss the sources of pre-shipment and post-shipment finance. State also the necessary documents

in import of goods. Q35. Writes short notes:

1. Export contract. 2. Role of IMF 3. EXIM bank. 4. Export costing. 5. Financial leverage. 6. IDBI 7. Objectives of Funds Flow Statement 8. Basic Export and Import Documents 9. Financial Leverage 10. Project Appraisal 11. Letter of Credit 12. World Bank. 13. Exchange Control & RBI.

14. Role of Capital Market 15. Sick industries and finance. 16. Documentation of mortgage. 17. Loan by banks. 18. Leasing company. 19. Export Pricing. 20. Import Documents. 21. Shipment Credit. 22. Term Loans by Indian Banks 23. Shipment Credit. 24. Documentation for Duty Drawback 25. New Issue Market 26. Social Cost-Benefit Analysis

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Q1. What are the steps involved in a typical investment decision? Q2. Explain the three elements of Investment environment? Q3. What is a primary market for securities how does it differ from a secondary market? Q4. Torrent and company estimated the probability and the expected returns for the five observations as

follows: - Probability 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 Possible return - 10% 5% 20% 35% 50% What are the expected values of return and standard deviation?

Q5. X expects to earn a nominal rate of 10% on his investments next year. If the rate of inflation is

expected to be 6% next year, what expected real rate of return will he earn? Q6. Rs. 500 debentures earn a coupon rate 15% p.a. inflation rate expected in the covering one-year

period is 12%. Compute the real rate of return? Q7. Compute expected return and statement deviation of return if all funds are invested

a) One in security X or in security Y. b) If funds are invested in portfolio of security X and Y, (i) in equal proportion or (ii) in the

proportion of 60% in X and 40% in Y. Q8. ABC has issued a dividend of Rs. 2 last year. The dividend is expected to grow at 5% per year an the

next 3 years, the price of stock three years hence is say Rs. 34.72 which means P3 = Rs. 34.73 discounted at 12% rate. Calculate the present value of dividend stream and expected future price, given above?

Q9. XYZ had issued a series of 3.4%- 30years bond with annual interest payment in the year 1995, at a

par value of Rs.1000. ten years later, the price fell to Rs. 650. What is the yield to maturity of bond in 2005? Assuming that interest rate fells again later to 2.4%by 2010, what is the price of bond in the year 2010?

Q10. Mark Ltd. is paying a dividend of Rs. 3.50, which is expected to grow at 15% for the next four years

and then it levels of at 8%. If the capitalization rate is 12%, what is the market value of equity share? Q11. Onent Co. Ltd. Is paying a dividend of Rs.5 per share. The market expects the divided to grow at

10% in the next three years and then at 5%. The market capitalization rate is 13% for earnings of similar companies; calculate the share value of this company?

Q12. Pluto Ltd. has a sales turnover of Rs. 25 Crore in the coming two years, sales are expected to grow at

20% and 10% respectively. The company is expected to maintain a profit margin of 8% and the dividend payout at 5%. The no. of equity shares is 10 lakhs. It is expected that the same will trade at a multiplier of 15 at the end of stock, if the investor required rate of return is 8%.

Q13. Assume a Rs. 10000 par value zero-coupon bond with a term to maturity at issue of 10 years and a

market yield of 8%. a) Determine the duration of the bond. b) Calculate the initial issue price of the bond at a market yield of 8%, assuming semi annual

compoundary. c) Twelve months after issue, this bond is selling to yield 12%. Calculate its then current

market price; calculate your pre-tax of return assuming you owned this bond during the 12 months period.

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Q14. Polycon Ltd. has sales of Rs. 6 Crores and asset turnover ratio of 6 for the latest year. Given the net profit at Rs. 12 Lakhs. a) What is the company’s return on asset or earning power? b) For expanding and increased efficiency the company hopes to install a new

equipment leading to an increase in investment in asset by 20% an a rise in net profit margin to 3% (from 2% earlier). If the sales remain unchanged, what is the new earning power of the company?

Q15. How is the moving average used in analyzing stocks prices? Can it be meaningfully calculated in

different ways? Explain.

Q16. What significance do technical analyst attribute to the volume of odd lot trading? Explain. Q17. How are data on the number of shares that advance and decline on a given trading day used by

technical analyst? Does knowing the number in advance and declines for only one day convey meaningful information? Explain.

Q18. Are the technical analysis tools presented useful for analyzing individual securities, market indexes

or both? Explain. Q19. “Experienced technical analysts usually have one favorite tool that they follow closely”. Is the

statement true, false or Questionable. Q20. Consider the following 14 days of data for the Hemmel Corporative Common Stock. On which day

do you think the market received important new information affecting the value of Hemmel’s stock? Day Closing Price Volumes of Stock traded 1 Rs.29.25 1000 2 Rs.31.125 11000 3 Rs.32.50 3000 4 Rs.33.125 2000 5 Rs.33.75 500 6 Rs.32.875 2000 7 Rs.32.125 1000 8 Rs.31.50 14000 9 Rs.31.75 2000 10 Rs.33.125 500 11 Rs.34.50 2000 12 Rs.34.00 3000 13 Rs.33.75 2000 14 Rs.35.625 500 Q21. Calculate a 5-day moving average from the Hemmel Corporation closing price data from problem

no.20. Note: You will be able to calculate only 10 moving average price, since it is impossible to calculate the average for the first 4 days. Over what range do the moving average values of Hemmel’s price range?

Q22. Calculate the covariance and the coefficient of correlation from the following data. Stocks are X and Y and their returns and expected returns are given below: Returns Expected returns Stocks X 14 18 Stocks Y 26 18 Stocks x 22 18 Stocks y 10 18

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Q23. Given the data below on two companies A and B, Calculate the expected return from the companies and standard deviation as a risk measure of companies.

Which one is better for return and risk estimate? Company A Company B

Outcome Expected Probability Expected Probability Return Return 1 6 0.3 8 0.2 2 10 0.5 14 0.5 3 12 0.2 18 0.3 Q24. Given below are the values on IBM and BSE Sensex for a five-year period. Calculate Beta, Alpha,

Residual variance and correlation: Year Return on IBM Return on BSE

(Y) (X) 1 0.2 0.1 2 0.3 0.2 3 0.5 0.3 4 0.4 0.4 5 0.6 0.5 Q25. Stocks A and B showed the following returns for the last two years: Year Stock A Stock B 2003 10% 12% 2004 16% 18%

a) What is the expected return on a portfolio made up of 50% of A and 50% of B Stock and what is the portfolio risk?

b) What is the standard deviation of each stock? c) What is the covariance of stock A and B? d) Determine the coefficient of correlation of stocks A and B?

Q26. An investor holds two equity shares X and Y with the following risk and return characteristics:

E (Rx)=24% E (Ry)=19% Standard deviation Standard deviation Of X =28% of Y =23% The returns of these securities have a positive correlation of 0.6; you are required to calculate the portfolio return and the risk. Further, suppose that the investor wants to reduce the portfolio risk (Standard deviation – P) to 15%. How much should the correlation coefficient be to bring the portfolio risk to the desired level?

Q27. A portfolio consists of three securities P, Q and R with the following parameters: P Q R Expected Return (%) 25 22 20 Standard Deviation (%) 30 26 24 Correlation Coefficient PQ -0.5 QR +0.4 PR +0.6

If these securities are equally weighted, how much is the risk and when of the portfolio of these three securities?

Q28. P Ltd has an expected return of 22% and standard deviation of 40%. Q ltd has an expected return of

24% and standard deviation of 38%. P has a beta of 0.86 and for Q is 1.24. The correlation between

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the return of P and Q is 0.72. The standard deviation of the market return is 20%. (a) Is investing in Q better than investing in P? (b) if you invest 30% in Q and 70% in P, what is your expected rate of return and how much is the risk free rate? (d) What is the beta of portfolio if P’s weight is 70% and Q is 30%?

Q29. The Sunrise and Sunset companies have the following probability distribution of returns: Returns (%) Economic Condition Probability Sunrise Sunset

High Growth 0.1 32 30 Normal Growth 0.2 20 17 Slow Growth 0.4 14 6 Stagnation 0.2 -5 -12 Decline 0.1 -10 -16 You are required:

a) To determine the expected covariance of return and b) The correlation of return between the Sunrise and Sunset companies.

Q30. You have a portfolio of the following four shares Share Beta Investment (Rs.) A 0.80 1,00,000 B 1.25 1,00,000 C 1.00 75,000 D 0.60 1,25,000 ________ 4,00,000

What is the expected rate of return on your portfolio if the risk free rate of return is 9%and the expected market rate of return is 16%?

Q31. Republic Forge has a beta of 1.45, the risk free rate is 10% and expected return on market portfolio I

s16%, this company pays a dividend of Rs. 2 per Share and expected growth in dividend is 10% p.a. a) What is the stock’s required rate of return according to CAPM? b) What is the stock’s market price, assuming the required return?

Q32. The Beta coefficient of Standard Company is 1.2. The company is maintaining a 5% rate of growth

in earning or dividend. The last dividend paid was Rs. 2 per share. The risk free rates of return on market portfolio are 10% and 15% respectively. The current market price of the company is Rs. 14. What will be the equilibrium price per share of standard company?

Q33. What does Arbitrage Pricing Theory tell investors about the risk factor that determines the return

from asset? Be specific about what the theory does and does not specify? Q34. “All Components of an asset total risk should be considered by Arbitrage Pricing Theory in

determining the asset expected rate of return”. Is the preceding statement true, false or Questionable? Explain.

Q35. The rate of return and the risk for the three growth oriented firms were calculated over the most

recent 5 years and listed below: Growth Firm Return Risk M 15% 16%

N 13% 18% O 12% 11% Rank each firm by Sharpe’s index of portfolio performance if the risk free rate is 7% Q36. Rank the three Firms with the Treynor performance index, given the following data:

Growth Firm Return Risk Beta Risk free Rate M 15% 16% 1.15% 7%

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N 13% 18% 1.25% 7% O 12% 11% 0.90% 7%

Q37. Determine the target Treynor’s and Jensen’s measures of portfolio performance from the following

information: Average rate of return on market portfolio =18% Average rate of return on this portfolio =19% Average risk free return =12% Standard deviation of this portfolio =14% Beta of portfolio, under consideration =0.95 Q38. Given the information on two mutual funds Tatas, Birla’s and the performance of these from the

available measures of Treynor’s and Sharpe? Tata’s Birla’s Market Return on portfolio 16 12 15.7 Standard Deviation On portfolio 13 9 13.0 Beta 0.83 0.66 1.0 And risk free rate =6.2% Q39. Explain why ranking mutual fund by rate of return is par way to evaluate performance? Q40. Assume you have been put in charge of a mutual fund with a large staff of fundamental analyst an

million of rupees spread over more than 150 different common stock’s. The fund’s gross return is about average for the industry, but its management expenses are high, so its net yield to its investors as slightly below – average, the previous management did not try to specialize as a growth or income fund, but ran the firm as a growth purpose fund. What do you plan to do with your fund? Explain why?

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Will be put in shortly.

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Q. 1 Describe the main characteristics of an effective leader. Q.2 Why knowledge and ability to do hard work is not enough for success in an organization. Q.3 What kind of behaviour enables managers to gain trust of their colleagues and subordinates? Q.4 Describe various kinds of behaviour that make people loose trust. Q.5 Describe the appropriate ways of receiving criticism from others. Q.6 What are the problems of offering criticism? How can you offer criticism to others without causing

unnecessary offence to them? Q.7 How can leaders motivate their followers? Q.8 What is the role of high expectation in motivation? Q.9 What can you do to make your instructions to subordinates understood correctly and completely? Q.10 What are the characteristics of goals that are accepted and pursued willingly by subordinates? Q.11 What is the effect of participation on a team’s performance? Q.12 What is the importance of good organization in success of a project? Q.13 How can you organize effectively for a project? Q.14 What do you understand by delegation? When is delegation essential? Q.15 How can you delegate effectively? Q.16 Explain the importance of objectivity for good leadership? Q.17 How does planning affect the performance of a team? What methods can you use to plan the work of

your team? Q.18 Describe various methods you can use to monitor and control progress of work of your team. Q.19 How does appearance of a person influence effectiveness at work? How can a person learn the

appropriate way to dress suitable for his work environment? Q.20 How can you become an effective speaker as a leader? Q.21 Can leadership skills be acquired? If not, why not? If yes, how can one acquire these skills? Q.22 Write short Notes on:

1. Importance of Sensitivity in Leadership 2. Effective Supervision 3. Role of “Expectations” in Subordinate Success 4. Team Participation 5. Assigning Tasks – It’s importance and requirements for effective task assignment 6. Steps to a Successful Project 7. Body Language and Leadership 8. Role Models

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MDB 223: HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Q1. Explain the meaning of manpower planning. What are its traditional techniques? Explain why long-

term manpower planning suffers from accuracy. Q2. Why do industries need training for their employees? State its importance in human resource

management. Q3. What is meant by performance appraisal? What are the essentials of a good appraisal system? How

is it related to productivity? Q4. Explain in detail the role and functions of an HRD manager. Q5. Discuss the objectives and purpose of career planning. State its significance in HRD. Q6. Critically examine the role of human resource management in implementing total quality

management in an organisation. Q7. What are the various methods of training employees and executives? Discuss their merits and

demerits. Q8. "Development is a long term educational process utilising a systematic and organised procedure by

which managerial personnel get conceptual and technical knowledge" - Explain in the light of this statement the methods of the development.

Q9. "Job changes have a definite role in career planning" - Elaborate the statement. Q10. What do you mean by Job Analysis? Distinguish between Job Analysis and Job Description. Q11. What is Human Resource Development? Discuss the objectives and role of HRD in Man Power

Planning. Q12. Enumerate the objectives of Organisational Development and state its significance in Business

Management. Q13. How do you identify training needs? State its importance in human resource development. Q14. Discuss the meaning and purpose of Organisational Development. Q15. What are the duties and responsibilities of a manager in a Human Resource Development

department? Q16. Explain the importance of training in human resources development and discuss the various methods

of training and development. Q17. Describe the meaning, purpose and steps in the executive development programme. Q18. “Job changes have a definite role in career planning.” Elaborate this statement. Q19. “Development is a long term educational process utilising a systematic and organised procedure”-

Do you agree? In light of this explain the methods of development. Q20. Define the term organisational development? Discuss its importance in HRD. Q21. Explain the meaning and nature of Human Resource Development. State its role in personnel


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Q22. What do you understand by ‘giving training’ to the workers? Is there any difference between

‘education’ and ‘training’? Describe in brief the different methods of training. Q23. Discuss the objectives of executive development. What are the effective methods of development of

managers? Q24. Explain the concept of merit rating. State the merits and demerits of merit rating. Q25. What is career planning? Explain the role and importance of career planning in Human Resource

Development. Q26. Discuss the concept of managerial personnel appraisal. What are its objectives? Q27. What are the various methods of job evaluation? Which method will you prefer? Why? Q28. “Performance appraisal is not merely for appraisal but is for accomplishment and improvement of

performance.” Comment. Q29. Explain the difference between human resource development and human resource management.

Discuss the role of a manager in human resource development. Q30. What are the methods of training? How are they useful for human resource development? Q31. Discuss the meaning and nature of organisational development. What are its benefits to the

organisation? Q32. What do you mean by a learning organisation. How does this differ from a traditional organisation? Q33. Write short notes on any three of the following:

1. Organisation and Culture 2. Systems Approach and Organisational

Development. 3. Training for Creativity. 4. Job Analysis. 5. Job Rating Methods 6. On the Job Training 7. Conferences. 8. Promotional Appraisal. 9. Organisational Development. 10. Functions of a Manager in Respect of Human

Resource Development 11. Quality of work life 12. Future of HRD 13. Essentials of careers planning

14. Job evaluation. 15. Merit rating. 16. Scope of Human Relations 17. Recruitment Programme. 18. Training by Supervisors. 19. Job Satisfaction. 20. Motivation Theory. 21. On-the-Job Training. 22. Incentive Plans. 23. Fringe Benefits. 24. Improving efficiency. 25. Industrial relations 26. Personnel management and human

resource management

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Q.1 Describe the objectives and main provisions under the Factories Act, 1948. Q.2 What are the main causes of industrial disputes? Explain the procedure of settlement of disputes as

per the Industrial Disputes Act. Q.3 Define the concept of Employees State Insurance and explain the main features of the Employees

State Insurance Act, 1948. Q.4 Discuss the objectives and characteristics of the Trade Unions Act, 1926. Q.5 Explain the concept of payment of bonus. Discuss how the payment of Bonus Act is applicable

while calculating the bonus. Q.6 Critically examine the main provisions of The Indian Factories Act, 1948. In your opinion does it

require any improvement? If yes, discuss these improvements. Q.7 Explain the legal provisions of The Minimum Wages Act. Explain the procedure for the fixation of

minimum wages under The Minimum Wages Act, 1948. Q.8 What are the labour welfare facilities under The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948? Q.9 Briefly explain the need and importance of labour laws in personnel management. Q.10 What is a grievance? What are reasons for a grievance? Give the procedure for grievance handling. Q.11 “Merit rating of an employee is the process of evaluating the employees performance on the job in

terms of the requirements of the job” - Comment. Q.12 What are the statutory obligations under the legislation? Explain their significance in personnel

management. Q.13 Write a detailed note on first aid and emergency action code for fire. Q.14 Discuss the need and importance of operative mangers in personnel and administrative department. Q.15 Explain the role of field staff in the marketing department. Q.16 What are the forms used in personnel department for day-to-day work? State its importance in

management. Q.17 Define safety measures and point out their legal and economic significance in India. Q.18 How would you introduce an effective merit-rating programme in your organisation? Q.19 What do you understand by labour legislation? Discuss its role in personnel management. Q.20 Explain the need and importance of storage and materials control management. Q.21 What are the main features of Industrial Disputes Act - 1947? Explain the different sections under

the Industrial Disputes Act. Q.22 Explain the purpose behind the Trade Union Act - 1926. What are the rights and duties of trade

unions as per this Act?

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Q.23 Explain the concept of fair wages. What are the deductions which can be made from wages as per the Payment of Wages Act?

Q.24 Discuss the concept of worker's compensation and explain the nature and scope of Worker's

Compensation Act - 1923. Q.25 Discuss the need and importance of Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. What are the major provisions

under this Act? Q.26 What do you understand by Merit Rating of the Employee? Discuss in brief the procedure of Merit

Rating. Q.27 Explain in detail the features and importance of Labour Laws. Q.28 What are the Legal Provisions regarding declaring of strike and lock out in a public utility service. Q.29 Define the concept of Safety Measures. State the Legal provisions regarding Safety of Employees. Q.30 When does the employer become liable to pay compensation to the employee under the provisions of

Compensation Act? Q.31 Write short notes on any three.

1. Traveling Expenses Rules. 2. Materials Control Management. 3. First Aid. 4. Manual for Managers 5. The Factories Act 1948 6. Provident Fund 7. Maternity Benefits 8. Employment Under Apprenticeship 9. Trade union legislation. 10. Action code for fire. 11. Grievance settlement authority. 12. Labour welfare. 13. Forms used for merit rating. 14. Safety measures. 15. Labour law and trade unions. 16. Merit rating procedure. 17. The Role of Employment Exchange. 18. Provisions of Provident. 19. Medical Facilities. 20. Worker’s Compensation. 21. The Concept of Fair Wages.

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MDB 231: ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT Q1. “Advertising is economically beneficial but socially unjustifiable”. Do you agree with this

statement? Explain your point of view and discuss the utility of advertising in the modern business world.

Q2. Describe the methods used for allocating budgets for advertising. Give suitable illustrations. Q3. Describe the essentials of a good advertising copy. Draft a copy for the print media. Q4. Define the term advertising. Describe the significance of advertising as an element of marketing

mix. Q5. What do you mean by industrial marketing? Explain the nature and importance of industrial

marketing. Q6. Critically evaluate the role of different departments in an advertising agency. Q7. Discuss the meaning and scopes of advertising also explain the important steps involved in

advertising management. Q8. What is sales promotion? Describe the various methods of sales promotion other than advertising

and publicity. Q9. “The money spent on advertising is an investment and is not a waste.” Discuss. Q10. Distinguish between advertising and publicity. What is the different forms business publicity? Q11. What is advertising research? Explain the need and importance of research in advertising

management. Q12. Write a detailed note on ‘a good advertisem*nt copy’. Q13. Explain the role and significance of advertising in industrial marketing. Discuss the steps involved in

media decision in respect of industrial advertising. Q14. Discuss the various yardsticks used to measure the impact of any advertising programme. Q15. What is industrial advertising? Explain the scope and importance of advertising in industrial

marketing. Q16. "Decisions about the media to be used to transmit advertising messages are amongst the most

important choices that an advertising manager must make."- Discuss this statement. Q17. Enumerate the important advertising media and point out their relative role and advantages. Q18. What do you understand by advertising budget? What are the methods of advertising budget? How

are funds allocated for advertising? Q19. Explain the meaning of advertising research. Discuss the role and importance of advertising research

in marketing activities. Q20. "Advertising is any form of paid non-personal presentation of ideas, goods or services for the

purpose of inducing people to buy" - discuss. In the light of this statement explain the objectives of Advertisem*nt.

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Q21. What can be the possible media of Business Advertisem*nts? Discuss their merits and demerits. Q22. Explain what points you would consider while preparing a good copy of Advertisem*nt. Q23. What is Marketing Communication? Explain the role and importance of Advertising in Marketing

Communication. Q24. Give the meaning and importance of Public Relations Advertising. Q25. Explain the meaning and nature of Sales Promotion and state the role of Advertising in Promotional

Activities. Q26. What are the various types of advertisem*nts? Also state the functions of advertisem*nt. Q27. "Advertising is a necessary economic function in the modern business world". Discuss and explain

the social and ethical objectives of advertising. Q28. Explain the meaning and role of Press Advertising and Direct Mail Order Advertising. What are

their limitations? Q29. What different points will you consider in the preparation of an advertisem*nt copy. Q30. Describe the need and importance of advertising research and discuss its role in sales promotion

activities. Q31. “Advertisem*nt is a wasteful luxury in India where we suffer from shortage of food” - Do you agree

with this statement? Q32. What can be the possible media of a business advertisem*nt? Briefly describe the forms of business

publicity. Q33. How does advertising enable a firm to develop brand preference and brand loyalty? Q34. Explain the meaning and nature of an advertising layout and an advertising copy. Also explain its

importance in marketing promotion. Q35. Briefly explain the economic and social implications of advertising a product in a free market. Q36. Write short notes:

1. Industrial advertising. 2. Advantages of research 3. Publicity. 4. Role of mural advertising 5. Advertising Agency 6. Television Coverage 7. Qualities of a Good Advertising Copy 8. Outdoor Publicity 9. Media Planning 10. Advertising Agents. 11. Corporate Advertising. 12. Campaign Development. 13. Brand Images.

14. Press publicity. 15. Benefits of community 16. Advertising strategy 17. Qualities of advertising copy 18. Marketing communication. 19. The Role of Advertising Strategy 20. Direct Mail Media. 21. Functions of Advertising 22. Advertising Budget. 23. Advertising and Public Relations. 24. Media Decisions. 25. Social Aspect of Advertising

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MDB 232: ADVERTISING ART AND PRODUCTION Q1. Is advertising an art or science? Discuss all the features of advertising in detail to support your

argument. Q2. Discuss the concept of product positioning. Explain the ways and means of product differentiation. Q3. Discuss the concept of creativity in communication. Also discuss the creativity process in

advertising. Q4. What are the functions of ‘headlines’ in an advertisem*nt? Discuss the essentials of a good headline. Q5. Describe the concept of a broadcast copy. Discuss the essentials of good copywriting for radio and

television. Q6. What is ‘balance in a layout’? What are the requisites of effective balance in a layout? Q7. What are ‘illustrations’? Explain the different methods of illustrating an advertisem*nt. Q8. What is advertising? Briefly explain the evolution of advertising. Q9. Discuss the meaning and nature of radio advertising. Describe the ways and means of preparing an

effective clip for radio advertising. Q10. Explain the major components of the copy of advertising. Give the procedure of creation of

newspaper advertising. Q11. How can you increase the effectiveness of an advertisem*nt? What is the role of typography and

lettering in effective advertising? Q12. Distinguish between radio and television advertising in respect of their cost, coverage and impact on

consumers. Q13. Describe the essentials of a good advertising copy. Draft a copy for the print media to advertise

liquid toilet soap. Illustrate your presentation. Q14. Explain the role and importance of ‘finishing’ and ‘binding’ an advertisem*nt. State their

relationship with the printing process. Q15. What qualities should a good advertisem*nt copy possess? State its role in advertisem*nt. Q16. Explain the meaning and importance of advertising, theme and copy, and also describe the printing

process. Q17. "Advertisem*nt is printed salesmanship." - Critically examine this statement. Q18. Distinguish between press and television advertising in the context of their cost, coverage and

impact on consumer. Q19. What is meant by typography and lettering? Explain their role and importance in advertising art. Q20. What are the important components of radio advertising? State its merits. Q21. What is printed matter? Explain the various techniques of designing printed matter. Q22. What are the types of Newspaper Advertising? State its advantages and disadvantages.

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Q23. Explain the meaning and nature of TV Advertising. What are the merits and demerits of TV Advertising?

Q24. What are the elements of Layout? Explain the principles of a layout. Q25. Explain in detail the Advertising Production Process and state the various models of the creation and

production process. Q27. What is meant by media planning? Explain fully the Key factors influencing media planning. Q28. How will you design printed matter? Also discuss its role in effective Advertising. Q29. What is Scientific Advertising? Explain the essentials of a scientifically drafted copy of an

advertisem*nt. Give illustrations if necessary. Q30. Describe the make up for the fundamental components of the copy of advertising. Q31. Discuss meaning, nature and scope for creativity in advertising. Also explain the need and objectives

of creativity in advertising. Q32. Explain in brief the role and importance of finishing and binding in an advertising copy. Q33. What are the elements of the layout of an advertisem*nt? Give a suitable illustration of a good layout

of an advertisem*nt. Q34. Prepare a advertisem*nt copy for a consumable product for T.V. and Radio media. Q35. What is meant by advertising production? Describe the steps and process of production. Q36. What is the meaning of creativity in advertising? Explain its role in advertising management. Q37. “Today radio advertising has become out of use” - Do you agree with this statement? Give your

experience. Q38. Write short notes:

1. Balance in layout. 2. Direct marketing. 3. Creativity in advertising 4. Printing process. 5. Designing printed matter. 6. The Role of Colours in Advertising 7. Printing Process of an Advertisem*nt. 8. Radio Advertising. 9. Preparation of an Advertising Copy

for T.V. 10. Direct Marketing. 11. Radio Programme.

12. Importance of Segmentation 13. Qualities of Good Advertisem*nt 14. Product process. 15. Finishing and binding 16. Elements of layout. 17. Elements of an Advertising Copy. 18. Advertising Agencies. 19. Industrial Advertising. 20. Preparation for an Advertisem*nt Layout 21. Movement in Layout. 22. Finishing and Binding.

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MDB 241: PUBLIC RELATIONS: CAMPAIGNS AND EVENT MANAGEMENT Q.1 Define the term public relations. What are the different methods of public relations? Q.2 Explain the fundamental principles of public relations and state its importance in advertising. Q.3 Explain how public relations could improve the effectiveness of marketing communication? Q.4 Discuss the meaning of ethics. Explain the importance and role of ethics in advertising. Q.5 What are the duties and responsibilities of a Public Relations Officer? Q.6 Discuss the need and purpose of public relations planning and steps of implementing a public

relations campaign. Q.7 What are the methods of Public Relations? Enumerate their merits and demerits. Q.8 What is Code of Conduct? Explain the importance of Code of Conduct in Public Relations. Q.9 How will you implement a Public Relations Campaign? State its significance in Advertising and

Public Relations. Q.10 How will you improve Public Relations with the help of Quality Advertising? Q.11 Write a detailed note on specialised public relations. Q.12 Discuss in detail the functions of Public Relations. Q.13 What is relevant public? Explain its role in planning a public relation campaign. Q.14 Discuss specialized Public Relations and practice of Public Relations. Q.15 Describe briefly the scope and functions of public relations. Q.16 “Advertising creates monopoly.” Do you agree? Explain your point of view. Q.17 “Business ethics is a reality rather than a myth.” Do you agree with this statement? Justify your

point of view. Q.18 Write short notes on any three of the following:

1. Media Planning. 2. Brand Development. 3. Nature of Public Relation. 4. Advantages of Public Relations. 5. Scope for Public Relations in an

Industry. 6. Allied Concepts of Public Relations. 7. Code of Conduct in PR. 8. Methods of Public Relations. 9. Need of a Public Relations Officer in

an Industry. 10. PR campaign. 11. Duties of a public relations manager.

12. The relevant public relations. 13. Publicity. 14. Media choice. 15. Elements of Planning. 16. Relevant Public. 17. Specialised public relations. 18. Purpose of Public Relations. 19. Target Group. 20. Public Service Advertising. 21. Role of Agencies in Public Relations. 22. Practice of Public Relations.

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MDB 251: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Q.1 Define the concept of multinational corporations. What are the merits and demerits of multinational

corporations? Q.2 Explain the meaning and functions of Export Houses and Trading Houses. Discuss their benefits. Q.3 Discuss the meaning and nature of counter trade. What are the reasons for the growth of counter

trade? Q.4 What are the aims and functions of the International Monetary Fund? To what extent has IMF helped

in India? Q.5 Discuss the meaning of quotas. What are the objectives of quotas? To what extent is their use

justified in developing countries? Q.6 What type of product market analysis has to be done in case of International Marketing? State the

role of Pricing in a Foreign Market. Q.7 Define the term 'Balance of Payment'. What are the various components of Balance of Payment? Q.8 Explain the functions and objectives of GATT. Q.9 What are the major problems of India's Export Sector? Give suggestions for improvement of the

export situation. Q.10 Explain briefly the meaning, scope and important features of the Eurodollar Market. Q.11 Define the concept of Exchange Control and what are its objectives? Discuss the methods of

exchange control. Q.12 Discuss the functions of commodity boards. How are they helpful in international business? Q.13 What are the major problems of India’s export sector? Give your suggestions for the improvement of

export in India. Q.14 Examine the changing pattern of India’s foreign trade during the last decade of the 20th century. Q.15 Discuss the need and the functions of the World Bank in international business. Q.16 What is International trade? Explain in brief the various theories of International trade. Q.17 Discuss the role of State Trading Corporation in export promotion. What are the incentives offered

by The State Trading Corporation for export of indigenous goods? Q.18 What do you understand by foreign exchange market? What are the methods of effective

International payments? Q.19 Discuss the role and functions of Asian Development Bank. Q.20 Explain the objectives and functions of the foreign exchange market. What are the methods of

effective International payments?

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Q.21 Write short notes:

1. Export-Import Policy. 2. Merits of MNCs. 3. Types of Quotas. 4. Eurodollar Market. 5. Export Processing Zones. 6. Export Oriented Units. 7. Tariff Vs Quotas. 8. Export Houses. 9. Exim Policy. 10. Opportunity cost theory. 11. Role of free trade area. 12. Functions of UNICO.

13. Methods of exchange control. 14. State Trading 15. Emerging Global Scenario 16. Role of World Bank in International Trade 17. Components of Balance of Payments 18. Impact of Tariffs. 19. IMF. 20. Countertrade. 21. International Cartels. 22. Optimum tariff. 23. Gains from trade. 24. Export-import policy

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MDB 252: MANAGEMENT OF IMPORT AND EXPORT Q1. “Political risk analysis is essential in the situation of today’s world.” Discuss this with reference to

modern import and export management. Q2. What is export management? Explain the process of procedure of Export. Q3. Explain the factors affecting organisational design. Discus the different types of export

organisations. Q4. How does the tariff system operate? What are the various ways of measuring the effects of tariff? Q5. What are the essentials of successful sales letters? Explain the need and importance of the

development of the letter series. Q6. Explain in detail the import procedure. What are the various types of imports? Q7. What are the purposes and objectives of warehousing? Explain the role of warehousing in import

and export management? Q8. Discuss the meaning of a sales letter. What are the essentials of successful sales letters? Q9. What is tariff? How does the tariff system operate? Explain the tariff barriers. Q10. Explain the drawbacks of India’s export sector. Give your suggestions for improvement. Q11. What are the duty exemption schemes? State their role in marketing development. Q12. What is import management? Describe the various types of importers.

Q13. Explain the objectives and purpose of export marketing organisations. What are the factors affecting

organisational design?

Q14. What is meant by personal selling? Describe the importance and advantages of personal selling.

Q15. Discuss the current trends of textile and readymade garments exports.

Q16. How do you develop exports through correspondence? Give the objectives and comparative advantages of export correspondence.

Q17. Describe the need and significance of import of petroleum and related products. Q18. Explain the meaning and need of Sales Letters. What are the essentials of successful Sales Letters? Q19. Define 'Foreign Exchange Control'. Discuss the role of FERA in Exchange Control. Q20. Write a detailed note on Import of Fertilizers and Edible Oil.

Q21. Explain the purpose and objectives of Warehousing for Imported goods.

Q22. Discuss the role and functions of Personal Selling and explain the Personal Selling Process.

Q23. Explain the various Trade Barriers in Export and discuss how the Tariff System operates. Q24. What are the functions of Commodity Boards? How are they helpful in international marketing?

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Q25. Explain in detail the profile of gems and jewellery export. What is the present position of this business?

Q26. Discuss briefly the Tariff and Non-tariff barriers. Why have Non-tariff barriers become more

important in recent years?

Q27. What is the need for export assistance and incentives to exports? What are the various facilities available today for exporters?

Q28. Discuss the objectives and comparative advantages of export through correspondence. Q29. Explain the roles of Department of Commerce and Commodity Boards in export promotion of

goods. Q30. What do you understand by cash compensatory support? Discuss the duty exemption scheme for 100

percent export oriented units. Q31. Briefly explain the purpose and objectives of warehousing. Also state the need and importance of

handling equipments in warehousing.

Q32. Discuss the meaning and objectives of developing export through correspondence. What are the comparative advantages of export correspondence?

Q33. What are the various types of importers? Explain the procedure for imports. Q34. Describe the meaning and scope of product planning for export. What factors should be considered

in choosing the correct strategy? Q35. Critically examine the export profile of leather goods. What are the various functions of export

promotion councils in the export of leather goods? Q36. Discuss the role and contributions of export credit and Guarantee Corporation in the export

promotion effort in India.

Q37. Write short notes on any three: 1. Import advisory committee. 2. Trade development authority. 3. Import of petroleum products 4. Role of tea board 5. Objectives of Warehousing 6. Import Procedure 7. EXIM Policy 8. Import of Fertilizers 9. Service Institutes 10. EXIM Scrip. 11. Advantages of Pass Book Scheme. 12. Export of Jewelry 13. Handling Equipments.

14. Export Corporations. 15. Checklist of information 16. Handling equipment. 17. Sales force management. 18. Foreign Exchange Control 19. Mailing List of Importers. 20. Indian Customs Duties 21. Import of Iron and Steel 22. Tea Board. 23. Import of Edible Oil 24. Management of Sales Force 25. Export Correspondence

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MDB 253: EXPORT - IMPORT PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTATION Q1. What is the significance of export documentation? Classify the various export documents. Q2. Describe the main provisions of The Customs Act 1962 and discuss their importance. Q3. What are the different modes of shipment? Explain their advantages and disadvantages. Q4. What are the pre-shipment formalities? Explain the role and functions of inspection agencies. Q5. Discuss the meaning of central excise. What are the main provisions of central excise relating to

exports and imports? Q6. What is project import? Explain the procedure for clearing of import cargo. Q7. What are the different modes of shipment of cargo in International trade? What are their advantages

and disadvantages? Q8. Explain briefly the need and importance of cargo Insurance. What are the different risks covered

under cargo Insurance? Q9. Explain the objectives of import policy. Discuss the structure of import policy. Q10. Discuss the main provisions of the Customs Tariff Act (1975). Q11. Define Central Excise. What are the main provisions related to exports and imports as per the

Central Excise and Salt Act 1974. Q12. What is an Insurance claim? Discuss the procedure and documents involved in an Insurance claim. Q13. What is meant by project import? Discuss the procedures for clearing import cargo. Q14. Explain the need and importance of cargo insurance in international marketing. Q15. Which are the different modes of shipment? Give briefly the advantages and disadvantages of the

various modes. Q16. Discuss the meaning and nature of letter of credit. What are the contents of a letter of credit and also

explain the types of the letters of credit. Q17. Define export order. Distinguish between the proforma invoice and commercial invoice. Q18. Describe the structure of import policy and the various duty exemption schemes. Q19. Critically examine the role of Customs Tariff Act. What are the main provisions of the Customs

Tariff Act. Q20. Prepare a quotation for an overseas buyer. State also the checkpoints of a quotation. Q21. Discuss the meaning of export order. State the processing of export order. Q22. What are the different modes of shipment? Explain their merits and demerits. Q23. Enumerate the objectives of import policy and also explain the structure of import policy. Q24. Discuss the importance and main provisions of the Customs Act - 1962

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Q25. Explain in detail the procedure for claiming special import licence. Q26. What are the different Risk Covers under Insurance? Explain the documents and procedures for

getting Insurance Claim. Q27. Explain the main provisions of the Customs Act and give its importance. Q28. What are the objectives of Import Policy? Also discuss the structure of Import Policy. Q29. Discuss the main provisions of the Central Excise Act relating to International Marketing. Q30. Define the term 'Letter of Credit'. What are the various contents of the Letter of Credit? Q31. Explain briefly the procedure for clearing Import Cargo. Q32. Explain the procedure of setting up an export company and getting a RBI code number. Q33. What is the use of Bill of Lading? Is it a negotiable instrument? How does it differ from a charter

party? Q34. Explain the various modes of shipments. Discuss their advantages and disadvantages. Q35. Discuss the concept of Project Import. What is the procedure for clearing of Import Cargo? Q36. Discuss the main provisions of Central Excise and Salt Act, 1974 related to export and import. Q37. Discuss Government's objective of Import Policy and the structure of Import Policy. Q38. Write short notes:

1. Duty Exemption Schemes under Import Policy

2. The Role of Forwarding Agents 3. ECGC - Policy 4. Freight Brokers 5. Custom Clearance of Export Cargo 6. Bill of Entry. 7. Advance License. 8. Freight Rate Structure. 9. Packing List. 10. ECGC-Policy. 11. Transport documents. 12. Bill of Exchange 13. Packaging list. 14. Role of forwarding agents

15. Contract terms. 16. Role of forwarding agents. 17. Procedure for clearing of import cargo. 18. Inspection certificate. 19. Contents of a Letter of Credit. 20. Proforma Invoice. 21. RBI Code Number 22. Terms of Shipment. 23. Duty Exemption Schemes. 24. Structure of Import Policy. 25. Importance of Insurance in the Shipment of

Cargo. 26. Customs Tariff Act. 27. Shipping Agents. 28. ECGC Policy.

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MDB 254: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Q.1 “If the Indian firms have the facility to obtain the latest technology in the world, to raise finance

from the cheapest source and procure the materials from the best source in the world, they are on equal footing with foreign firms in many respects.”

Discuss. Q.2 In March 1996, Philip Anderson, marketing manager of the Latin American division of Marshall

Industries Inc. (MII) was considering the recent introduction of the company’s powdered soft drink product line into the Indian Market. MII was a major producer of processed and convenience foods (dried and powdered preparations). Sales in 1995 amounted to over $ 4 billion, with Latin American markets representing 15 % of this total. Marshall was involved in a licensing agreement with an Indian company, whereby Marshall provided the recipe for its powdered soft drink product and the Indian company was to provide the manufacturing, packaging and distribution of the product.

Marshall faced two large, well-entrenched competitors in the Indian powdered soft drink market.

One was a foreign company with production facilities in India. Together these competitors accounted for nearly 100 % of the market, although one company alone accounted for 81 % of this market. A recent market research effort by Marshall indicated that these two competitors enjoyed large consumer awareness in the Indian cities that featured strong advertising and promotional campaigns. The weaker competitor was found to be considerably less aggressive in its advertising and promotional efforts than the dominant competitor.

Indian foreign investment policy encouraged foreign investors who wished to establish business in

India. Priority generally was to those investors who were involved in the export of goods and services and in general to activities benefiting the balance of payments. However, net profits remitted abroad should not exceed 25 %, any amount over 25% would remain in India in rupees for whatever use the company deemed appropriate.


a) Should the company (Marshall) launch the product in the Indian market? Justify your answer. b) What additional information should be called for by Philip Anderson to reinforce his decision? c) As a marketing consultant, how would you see through the successful launching of the product

in India? Q.3 Japanese markets have always been hard to penetrate for years. Most of the western nations have

accused Japan of exporting too much and importing too little. Where the foreign companies failed in the Japanese markets, one would imagine a Japanese company could succeed in importing foreign products.

Internationally-minded Nikita Corporation decided to do just that. Nikita took big ads in Time

Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, London's Financial Times and Le Monde of Paris proclaiming that Nikita wants to sell American, British or French, products in Japan. Nikita formed a trading company which promised to help companies market their products in Japan.

After 10 years of trying, it became clear that even for Nikita importing in Japan was more difficult

than exporting. Nikita's experience illustrates some of the frustrations encountered by foreign concerns that want to sell their products in Japan. If something can be copied and the market for it appears large enough, it almost certainly will be turned out by Japan's competitive industry.

Despite the competition, Nikita Trading has pushed its annual sales to about 52 million basically by

keeping ahead of the imitators. Nikita first imported home appliances from P.G. Corporation of U.S. A. Refrigerator's sales grew steadily for about three years until Japanese manufacturers- Suzuki Electric Industrial Co., Pitachi Ltd., and Baba Corp.- jumped into the market. Their models were identical to PG imports in size and price. Although the market has grown to about 4,00,000 units a year, imports have fallen to a dismal 40,000 units annually.

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Nikita concentrated on home products because it rated foreign made home appliances as superior to

those available in Japan and these goods complemented its own product line. As a result of Japanese domestic competition, Nikita moved from consumer goods into commercial market. It succeeded to a degree with product such as laundry and dry cleaning equipment. The sales of commercial products accounted for half of the revenues.

1) What should be the strategy of Indian Companies? 2) Give the analysis of the problem. 3) Is Nikita trading successfully? 4) Give strategic suggestions to Nikita for the future. Q.4 Amit International Pvt. Ltd. Kolhapur wants to export their "Kolhapuri chappals" to Europe and

America. As a marketing consultant, prepare a detailed export plan for the company, explaining the factors involved in the export and giving advice regarding the mode of entry in the foreign market.

Q.5 What is industrial marketing? Explain the various types of industrial products. Q.6 Discuss the factors impacting the choice of mode of entry. Explain the trade barriers and

government regulations in this respect. Q.7 Define International marketing. What are the reasons for the increasing interest in International

marketing? Q.8 Write a detailed note on International marketing strategies. Q.9 “Industrial buyers are subjected to many influences when they make their buying decisions.”

Explain. Q.10 Discuss in detail the present trend towards globalisation with special reference to the movement of

U.S. companies abroad and the growth of the Japanese challenge. Q.11 What is organisational buying? What are the factors influencing organisational buying? Q.12 Explain the role of multinational corporations in International marketing and give reasons for the

emergence for third world multinationals. Q.13 What is the importance of strategy formation in International marketing? Explain the steps involved

in strategic planning for International marketing. Q.14 Discuss the role and importance of pricing in International marketing. How do industries price their

goods? Also explain the price monitoring system. Q.15 Explain in brief the reasons for the trend towards globalisation and discuss the growth of the

Japanese challenge. Q.16 Develop a relationship between the buy-phases and buy-classes of industrial buying behaviour. Q.17 What is industrial marketing? How does the concept of industrial marketing differ from consumer

marketing? Q.18 Briefly explain the important environment factors relevant to international marketing. Q.19 Discuss the major ways of entering a foreign market. Also state their merits and demerits. Q.20 Explain the procedural steps to be followed in the segmentation criteria suitable for classifying

world markets.

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Q.21 Write a detailed note on the growth of the Japanese challenge and its impact on Indian Market. Q.22 Are Channels of Distribution necessary to sell products in International Marketing? Discuss with

examples. Q.23 Explain briefly the various types of payment terms available to an exporter. Q.24 What do you mean by Pricing? How do industries price their goods? Q.25 Explain the concept of Industrial Marketing. What are the different types of industrial products? Q.26 What are the Price Objectives? How do the industries price their goods? Q.27 Describe in detail the role and importance of strategy formulation in international marketing. Q.28 Explain the concept of Globalisation. Discuss the various trends towards globalisation. Q.29 Industrial markets have certain features that contrast sharply with consumer markets. Discuss with

illustrations. Q.30 What is meant by culture? How does it differ from organisational culture? Also state its importance

in industrial marketing? Q.31 “The exporting activities involve several commercial and regulatory procedures” - Elucidate. Q.32 Write short notes:

1. International market segmentation. 2. Accessory equipments. 3. Trade barriers. 4. Global marketing strategy. 5. Organisation for market research. 6. Role of Market Research in International

Marketing 7. Elasticity of Demand 8. Business Environment 9. Joint Venture. 10. Foreign Exchange Control. 11. Product Modification. 12. Customer shopping pattern. 13. Types of industrial products. 14. Market planning. 15. Pricing objectives.

16. Role of MNCs. 17. The Concept of Franchising. 18. Political Environment and International

Marketing. 19. Economic Forces and International

Marketing. 20. Market Planning for International

Marketing. 21. Customer’s Motives. 22. International Distribution Structure. 23. Factors Influencing Organisational Buying. 24. The Role of Pricing in International

Marketing Strategy. 25. International Business Environment. 26. Consumer Market Segmentation in

International Marketing

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MDB 261: HOSPITAL ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT Q1. “Health welfare services in India should stay as public services.” Do you agree with this statement?

Explain your point of view and give examples to support your argument. Q2. Jeevan Hospital, Bombay, is a state government run hospital having more than 700 beds and modern

equipments in all its departments. In the last twenty years of its existence, the hospital has not made any significant changes in respect of its administrative practices except for a few minor changes like instituting an Advisory Committee consisting of local M. L. A.s and a few social workers. Even the government administrators in the hospital have not made any changes in the hospital set up which is very traditional and outdated. As a result, in spite of boasting of having modern equipments, qualified staff and facilities, Jeevan Hospital cannot serve the purpose. Most of the patients prefer private owned hospitals to Jeevan Hospital for treatment. Even the advisory committee feels that there is something wrong with the hospital.


1. Suggest remedies for the general improvement in the administrative set up. 2. Prepare an ideal organisation chart for the administrative service.

Q3. A General Hospital in a large town has more than 700 beds and of modern equipments. It is a

Government run hospital, catering to the needs of people from all strata’s of the town. In the last thirty years, the General Hospital has not made any significant changes in administrative practices except for instituting a Public Advisory Committee consisting of local leaders and social workers. Due to the lethargy of the hospital staff, many life saving equipments are rusting in the godown. Patients prefer going to private hospitals instead of seeking admission in the General Hospital. As a result, the General Hospital, in spite of its huge structure, modern equipments and qualified staff, is in a sorry state mainly because of its traditional administrative system.

1) What would improve the efficiency of the General Hospital? 2) Prepare an ideal organisational diagram for the administrative staff of the hospital.

Q4. "Hospital planning in Indian context should be viewed in the light of: magnitude of the problem,

India's limited resources and level of technology in this country. Analysis of these factors will lead to the conclusion that health services in India should stay as public services."

Do you agree? Justify your stand. Q5. “A hospital organisation differs from other organisations in many ways. It is a service organisation”.

Discuss in detail. Q6. What are the different applications of modern technologies used in the field of diagnostic and

therapeutic modalities in the present hospitals? Q7. “Planning a new hospital requires as in-depth study of a number of factors”. Discuss the various

steps involved in hospital planning. Q8. Comment on the different types of classifications of hospitals. Q9. Compare the use of formal and informal groups in the management of a hospital organisation. Q10. “Equipment plays a major role in providing patient care in hospitals irrespective of its size”. Discuss

this in respect to equipment planning for a hospital. Q11. What is your opinion on the health welfare services in India? Should they remain public services or

private services? Explain your point of view by giving examples.

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Q12. Discuss the various steps involved in hospital planning. Q13. "The hospital management is said to be a management of Man, Material, Machinery, Minutes and

Maintenance." Discuss hospital management in light of this statement. Q14. Enumerate the different technologies used in diagnostic and therapeutic departments of a modern

hospital. Q15. Prepare a model schematic layout of an ICCU for a medium size hospital in a city. Q16. Discuss how computer has been an effective tool for doctors, nurses, administration and

management in hospital management. Q17. Explain the use of formal and informal groups in hospital management. Q18. Discuss the characteristics and organisational problems in a 'Community General Hospital.' Q19. "Health Welfare Services in India should stay as public services." Do you agree? Support your

argument with reasons and suitable examples. Q20. "There are three factors which, more than any others, influence modern hospitals - the continuous

advance of medical science, the constantly growing need for the care of the sick and the general social evolution." Explain.

Q21. Describe in brief the role played by modern technology in the field of Hospitals and Health Care. Q22. Describe in detail the types of services required in a "Pediatric Ward." Q23. Discuss, in detail, the basic principles of management applicable to service organisations like

hospitals. Q24. Describe how computers are useful in hospital administration. Q25. Discuss, in brief, the use of modern technologies in cardiology and neurology. Q26. Discuss, in detail, the steps involved in hospital planning. Q27. “The present practice in most hospitals is to have various operation theatres located in different

departments.” Elaborate and prepare a model design-schematic layout of operation theatres for a midsize hospital.

Q28. Explain the importance of adopting modern technologies in hospitals and health care units. Q29. Compare the use of formal and informal groups in the management of a hospital organisation. Q30. What is in your opinion the state of public health welfare services in India? As an expert health

administrator, suggest improvements in it. Q31. What are the basic principles of management applicable to service organisations such as hospitals? Q32. Discuss the nature and importance of modern technologies in the department of cardiology in a

hospital. Q33. Discuss how computers have proved to be a very effective tool for doctors, nurses, administrators

and managers in hospital management.

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Q34. Discuss the basic principles of management applicable to hospital organisation. Q35. “Planning requirements for a new hospital require an in-depth study of a number of factors”.

Elaborate. Q36. Discuss the various factors that influence management of modern hospitals. Q37. Comment on the various types of hospitals. Q38. Discuss the modern technologies that are used these days in the field of diagnostic and therapeutic

modalities in a hospital. Q39. Write short notes:

1. Hospital as Voluntary Organisation 2. An Ideal Diagram for the

Administrative Staff of a Mid-size Hospital

3. Planning a Paediatric Ward. 4. World History of Hospitals 5. Formal and Informal Groups in

Hospital Organisation 6. Classification of Hospitals 7. Planning an Accident Clinic. 8. World History of Hospitals 9. Radiology and Pathology Department

in a Hospital 10. The role of accident clinic 11. History of hospitals

12. Importance of Radiology Department in a hospital

13. Lay out of a Pathology Department. 14. Steps in Hospital Planning. 15. Modern Technology in Neurology 16. Hospitals as a Service Organisation. 17. World History of Hospitals 18. Modern Technologies in Neurology 19. A Schematic Layout of an Operation

Theatre 20. Hospital as a Service Organisation 21. Community general hospital 22. Services in pediatric ward 23. Use of computers in hospital administration 24. Ambulance Service. 25. Hospital as a voluntary organisation

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Q1. “Community health encompasses the entire gamut of community organised efforts for maintaining, protecting and improving the health of the people. It involves a shift from diagnosis and treatment of the individual to one of community diagnosis and treatment.” Elaborate and discuss the basic concepts of community health.

Q2. Explain how to apply proper management principles in organising community health programmes. Q3. “Health is multidimensional. The WHO definition touches upon three dimensions - the physical,

mental and social. Many more may be cited, viz. the spiritual, emotional, vocational and political dimensions”. Discuss.

Q4. Write a detailed note on immunization programmes for a developing country. Q5. Discuss the role of infection control committee explaining its importance in hospital organisation. Q6. What are ‘environmental health hazards? Discuss in detail. Q7. Define Health Development and discuss the indicators of health and the characteristics of the

indicators. Q8. Identify the factors, which constitute the uniqueness of the management of health care. Q9. What measures will you take in order to create awareness about Health and Hygiene among public? Q10. Define Health and discuss the various dimensions of Health. Q11. Explain the meaning of "Health Education" and establish the need for health education programmes

in hospitals. Q12. What do you understand by "Manmade Health Hazards"? Discuss in detail. Q13. Write a detailed note on how you will prepare a programme to create awareness about health and

hygiene among rural communities in India. Q14. Discuss the importance of immunization in the Indian context and prepare a detailed immunization

plan for your own district? Q15. "Ever since Independence, a great deal of development and expansion has occurred in health

services infrastructure in the country." Discuss this statement in view of the quality health care in India.

Q16. Prepare a plan for an efficient Out Patient Care Unit for a city based general hospital. Q17. “The aim and objective of health and medical science is to help achieve such a well-being that one

can function at his choice not only as an individual but also as a useful member of the family, social groups and community”. Discuss this in the light of health services planning and community health.

Q18. Explain the various measures to be taken in order to create awareness about health and hygiene

among the common man. Q19. What are the different determinants of quality of medical care? Discuss in detail. Q20. Prepare your own infection control plan for a government hospital located in a town.

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Q21. Make an exhaustive list of infective diseases, which can be controlled by vaccines. Explain the immunisation programme of these diseases to be undertaken by a community hospital.

Q22. Discuss in detail the indicators of health of a community. Q23. “The prevention of infectious diseases depends on controlling or eliminating the sources of infection,

breaking up the chain of transmission and on increasing the resistance of the individual to infection by general means or by immunities.” Elaborate with reference to eradication of communicable diseases in India.

Q24. Prepare a plan for an efficient OPD for a city based General Hospital. Q25. As a coordinator of a community health programme describe how you will apply proper

management principles to make your programme successful. Q26. “Health is on one hand a highly personal responsibility and on the other hand a major public

concern.” Comment. Q27. Explain the concept of ‘hospital infection control” and state the role of Infection Control Committee

in preventing hospital infection. Q28. Describe the various steps to be undertaken towards establishing better communication with the

patients. Q29. Write a detailed note on the management of hospitals as a non-profit organisation. Q30. What is health education? Explain the necessity of health education programmes in the rural as well

as urban communities in India. Q31. Discuss the importance of infection control in hospital organisations, discussing the various methods

of infection control. Q32. Write a detailed note on applying management principles while organising community health

programmes. Q34. Write short notes:

1. Determinants of Quality Health Care. 2. Necessity of Better Communication

Systems in Hospitals. 3. Philosophy of Health Services. 4. Manmade Health Hazards. 5. National Health Policy. 6. Types of Potential Environmental Health

Hazards. 7. Scope for Marketing of Community

Health Services. 8. Quality Health Care in India. 9. Polio pulse and DTP eradication

programme. 10. Importance of management principles in

community health programme. 11. Basic concepts of community health.

12. The concept of health services 13. Hospital Infection Control 14. Outreach Programmes of Hospitals 15. Management of the Not-For-Profit sector like

Hospitals 16. Determinants of Quality of Medical Care. 17. Difference between Profit and Non-Profit

Organisations. 18. Hospital Infection Control. 19. Health services philosophy. 20. Changing concepts of health. 21. Ways of controlling infectious diseases. 22. Measuring the efficiency of hospitals. 23. Methods of increasing patient’s recall and


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MDB 263: OPD, WARDS AND RECORDS MAINTENANCE Q1. “Ward is the heart of a hospital where patients are kept. If the ward arrangements are proper, the

patients are under good care and personnel in ward also are happy and satisfied”. Discuss this in the light of your own ideas of ward services you would provide in your hospital to be situated in a large city.

Q2. “The services of nurses in certain areas, such as I.C. U., Cardiology, Kidney Unit, Radiology, etc.,

should be specialised rather than generalised”. What is your opinion? Q4. Explain the various ways of management of tension in hospitals. Q5. Write a detailed note on casualty services in hospitals. Q6. Enumerate the objectives of OPD of a public hospital and discuss the various ways to fulfill the

objectives. Q7. What are the requirements of a diagnostic service department in a large size hospital located in a

city? Also explain their purpose. Q8. "The OPD is where many patients gain their first impression of a hospital. Much depends on how it

portrays itself by way of spacious and airy rooms, comfortable and individuals seats, attractive furnishings and an absence of unnecessary noise. The department should carefully create a feeling of welcome and reassurance for the patient. The OPD staff needs to show a helpful and courteous attitude towards the patients." Do you agree with these statements? Explain your point of view and discuss how as a hospital administrator you will fulfil the objectives of an ideal OPD in your own hospital.

Q9. Discuss the basic features of planning a Nursing Unit. Explain the steps involved in the

administration of a Nursing Unit. Q10. Explain in brief the importance of "Hospital Security System". Q11. Suggest guidelines for efficient ward services in a hospital. Q12. Establish the necessity of supervision in a hospital at OPD and ward services. Q13. Discuss the importance of diagnostic services and explain their major features. Q14. Explain the nature and purpose of the following documents at OPD.

a) Entry Register: b) Referral Register. Q15. “The medical record is a clear and accurate history of the patients’ life and illness, written from the

health and medical point of view. The story of the patient’s illness narrated by the patient, observations made by nurses and the comments and treatment given by the doctors are recorded in the medical record.” Discuss in the light of essentials and contents of medical records.

Q16. Explain the detailed procedure of management of patients in the OPD. Q17. Write a detailed note on the necessity of supervision in hospital at OPD and ward levels. Q18. Explain the management of emergency and casualty services in a hospital. Q19. “OPD is the most important service provided by all hospitals as it gives services to a large number of

patients at a low cost.” Discuss.

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Q20. Explain the need for maintaining medical records in hospitals. Also discuss the advantages of keeping medical records.

Q21. Write a note on the arrangement of wards and departments in a hospital. Q22. What guidelines will you suggest for better nursing and patient care in your hospital having 100

beds, an ICCU and a large OPD? Q23. Write a detailed note on medical records and related law. Q24. Write short notes:

1. Hospital Security System 2. Necessity of Supervision in the Hospital Departments 3. Types of Hospitals 4. Clinical Laboratories in a Hospital 5. Necessity of Hospital Security System 6. Maintenance of Form and Records of the Emergency Department 7. Routing Patients in an OPD 8. Disaster planning 9. Arrangement of wards and departments 10. Medical Records and the Related Law 11. Management of Tension in Hospital Situations 12. Casualty Services in a Hospital 13. Essentials of record maintenance 14. Entry registers and referred register

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MDB 264: MEDICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE Q1. “Ethics deals with right conduct. It helps in the distinction between what is considered right or

wrong at a given time, in a given culture, and with the moral consequences of the action. ” Discuss in the light of medical ethics.

Q2. Discuss the major Acts applicable to hospital work and management. Q3. Explain the provisions of Employees State Insurance Act - 1948 and discuss the benefits available to

the insured employees of the hospital under the provisions. Q4. What is your opinion regarding strike in a hospital? Is it legal or illegal? Justify your point of view. Q5. Write a note on International Code of Medical Ethics adopted by World Health Association. Q6. Discuss the provisions of major labour related Acts applicable to hospitals. Q7. What are the doctor’s obligations and rights while treating a patient? Q8. “Doctors and hospital managers have several moral, ethical and legal obligations in the performance

of their duties”. Discuss. Q9. Write a detailed note on various laws applicable to hospitals. Q10. Discuss the guidelines issued by the Indian Medical Council regarding the duties of a physician to

the public. Q11. Explain the rights and obligations of a doctor while treating a patient. Q12. What are the different labour related acts applicable to hospitals? Discuss in detail. Q13. Discuss Consumer Protection Act’s applicability to hospitals. Q14. Discuss Organ Transplantation Act 1994 referring to modern practices in hospitals. Q15. "The health care policy gives guidelines and helps build such strategies that it will be possible to

make optimal use of medical and health care service by using available resources." Explain. Q16. Explain the various aspects of Consumer Protection Act 1986 in relation to the medical profession. Q17. "A Strike involves stopping of work by common understanding." Give your opinion regarding

doctors going on a strike for their demands. Q18. Discuss the guidelines laid down by the Indian Medical Association regarding professional ethics of

doctors. Q19. Enumerate and discuss in brief the Social Acts and Labour Related Acts applicable to the medical

profession. Q20. Make a list of Laws a hospital administrator must know before entering the medical profession and

discuss them in brief. Q21. What are the rights and duties of patients according to Medical Laws? Q22. What are the objectives of a Health Care Policy? Explain their importance in hospital management.

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Q23. Explain the significance of The Minimum Wages Act in relation with hospital staff. Q24. Explain the concept of medical ethics and discuss the ethical problems in the medical profession. Q25. Enumerate and discuss in brief the various laws and statutes governing the medical profession. Q26. Explain the provisions of the Bombay Nursing Homes Registration Act. Q27. Write short notes on any three of the following:

1. Doctors Right to Go on a Strike. 2. Maternity Benefits for the Women Employees of a Hospital. 3. Medical Negligence. 4. The Employees Provident Fund Act, 1952 5. Doctors Obligations towards Patients and Rights of the Patients 6. Oath of Hippocrates 7. Strikes and Lockouts in Hospital 8. Bombay Nursing Homes Registration Act 9. Health Care Policy 10. International Code of Medical Ethics 11. Organ Transplantation Act 1994 12. Industrial Disputes Act 1947 13. Goals of Medical Care 14. Application of Consumer Protection Act for medical profession 15. Maternity benefits available to the women employees of a hospital.

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MDB 271: BANQUET SERVICES MANAGEMENT Q1. Discuss the basic policy decisions the food and beverages department has to consider for function

catering. Q2. Explain the duties of a banquet sales manager and a banquet service manager. How do they

compliment each other? Q3. Prepare a detailed list of service equipment required for banquet services. Q4. Make a list of function services staff and explain their responsibilities. Q5. Discuss the control measures to be considered for making a banquet successful. Q6. "Outdoor catering presents more of a challenge to the organising ability than any other." Discuss the

statement in the light of the necessary preparations for the organisation of outdoor catering. Q7. What preparations will you make for a Wedding Banquet? Q8. What are various activities involved in the organisation and execution of preparing a Banquet? Q9. Discuss the different marketing considerations for selling Banquet Services. Q10. What are the various control measures to be taken for making a Banquet successful? Q11. Explain your own plan for organising an indoor banquet for a club consisting of members from elites

of the society. Q12. Discuss in detail the various characteristics determining the policy decisions in a function catering. Q13. Write a detailed note on Banquet Sales and Services. Q14. Discuss the marketing considerations and catering considerations in hotel management. Q15. What are the different reasons for losing a banquet client? How will you avoid them and win over

the client? Q16. Prepare a comprehensive list of equipment generally required for arranging a standard dinner party. Q17. What is 'Mise-en-scene'? How will you arrange your 'Mise - en- scene' for about 200 persons? Q18. Discuss the various styles of food services. Q19. “A restaurant has a great reputation as the result of providing consistent quality food over 10 years.

The restaurant is full every week end and has above average business during the week. The manager claims that they do not practice marketing because they do not need marketing, they have more than enough business now.”

1) Do you agree with the manager saying that they do not practice marketing? 2) If the manager is true what will be the fate of the hotel in the future? 3) Analyse the case. Q20. Define the product the customer receives in the following: a) A fast-food restaurant. b) A sit-down service restaurant. c) A stay in a four star hotel.

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Q21. What preparations will you make for an out door catering? Give details. Q22. Discuss the different procedures of banquet co-ordination. Q23. What are the styles of food service? Explain giving examples. Q24. “The service of food is an art which can make or break the reputation of a catering establishment.”

Discuss the styles of food service. Q25. Discuss the marketing considerations and catering considerations in hotel management. Q26. Comment upon the reasons for losing a banquet client and suggest precautions to be taken regarding

those reasons. Q27. Prepare a list of service staff required for a marriage function dinner and explain their individual

responsibilities. Q28. What are the duties of a banquet sales manager and a banquet service manager? Also explain how

they compliment each other. Q29. Prepare an organisational plan for an indoor banquet for a club consisting of 100 members from the

elite of society. Q30. Discuss the various marketing considerations for selling banquet services. Q31. What are the different styles of food service? Explain with suitable illustrations. Q32. Discuss the reasons of losing a banquet client. What precautions will you take against losing a

client? Q33. Discuss the control measures to be considered for making a banquet a success. Q34. Prepare a list of function service staff and explain their individual duties. Q35. Write short notes:

1. Art of Function Catering. 2. Popular Garnishes and Accompaniments

in a Banquet. 3. Planning and Preparing a Banquet Menu. 4. Ordering and Serving Wines. 5. The Standard Table Setting. 6. Mise-en-scene and Mise-en-place. 7. Food Service Equipment. 8. Products Served at a Fast Food Centre and

a Sit-Down Service Restaurant. 9. Planning banquet staff.

10. Food service equipment. 11. Out-door Catering 12. Function Catering 13. Reasons for losing a Banquet Client. 14. Popular Garnishes and Accompaniments to

a Banquet. 15. Banquet Menu. 16. Tableware for a banquet. 17. Styles of food service. 18. Mechanics of waiter services.

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Q1. Prepare an organisation chart of the front office of a typical mid market hotel and also discuss the duties of personnel in charge of the front office.

Q2. “The job of a receptionist requires a lot more than a welcoming smile and neat appearance”.

Elucidate. Q3. What are the various systems of controlling reservation of rooms in the hotel industry? Q4. Explain the duties of an efficient front desk in a hotel. Q5. What are the various ways to be adopted by a receptionist when receiving guests of different types,

including nervous, angry or aggressive ones? Q6. Explain the duties and responsibilities of a head porter. Q7. "No matter how busy they may be, the front office personnel must perform their duties with

efficiency, accuracy and composure, maintaining an orderly flow of guests." Discuss this in respect of the multifarious duties of the front office staff.

Q8. What are the various systems of controlling reservations of rooms in a hotel? Q9. Enumerate the different uniformed staff required in a hotel and describe their duties. Q10. Write a detailed note on manners and etiquettes in greeting and escorting visitors in a hotel. Q11. What are the various sources of information in respect of the front office management? Q12. "The job of a receptionist requires a lot more than a welcoming smile and a neat appearance".

Discuss explaining in detail the multifarious job of a receptionist. Q13. Explain the important responsibilities of the Front Office in a Hotel. Q14. Prepare an Organisation Chart of the Reservation Department in a mid-sized Hotel. Q15. Write a detailed note on Reception techniques in respect of selling Accommodation. Q16. Enumerate the various uniformed staff required in a Hotel and explain their duties. Q17. How will you determine the availability of rooms in a Hotel? Also prepare a Room Availability

Work Sheet. Q18. Discuss the techniques of using the Telephone for receiving and connecting calls to extensions from

the Front Office of a Hotel. Q19. “The front office is the ‘nerve centre’ of the hotel and is responsible for greeting guests, managing

rooms and handling complaints.” Discuss this statement in the light of front office administration. Q20. Discuss in detail the role and activities of the receptionist in hotel organisation. Q21. How does the front desk determine the availability of rooms in a hotel? Explain the importance of

room availability work sheet. Q23. Explain the check-in and check-out procedures with illustrations.

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Q24. Make a list of uniformed staff required for a hotel and explain their duties. Q25. In what way are computers useful to the front office manager? Give illustrations. Q26. Describe the awkward situations the front office staffs have to face and also suggest ways to tackle

them. Q27. “The job of a receptionist requires a lot more than a welcoming smile and a neat appearance. No

amount of friendliness and charm will make up for careless administration.” Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the staff at the reception table.

Q28. Explain the duties and responsibilities of the head porter in a hotel. Q29. Discuss the system of handling reservations of rooms in a hotel. Q30. Prepare an organisation chart of the front staff in a hotel and explain their individual duties. Q31. Prepare a list of the uniformed staff required in a hotel and explain their duties. Q32. “As the receptionist you may be required to provide information such as a recommended place to

eat, directions to another part of the town or city, times of buses and trains, local places of interest or entertainment, etc.” What sources of information will you keep ready at the front desk to answer the queries of your customers?

Q33. Write short notes:

1. Selling Hotel Accommodation. 2. Use of Computers at the Front Office. 3. Manners and Etiquettes in Welcoming Guests

in the Hotel. 4. The Art of Receiving Telephone Calls and

Connecting Them to Room Extensions. 5. Telephone services at the front office. 6. Arrangements of the reception counter. 7. Room categories. 8. Duties of the Head Porter. 9. Controlling reservations. 10. Manners and Etiquettes in greeting and

escorting visitors.

11. Check-in and Check-out procedures. 12. Computer Systems in Reservations. 13. Recording new arrival. 14. Use of Computers at the Front Office 15. Handling Awkward Situations by the Front

Office Staff 16. Settlement of Accounts of the Guests 17. Procedure of Canceling Room Reservations 18. Room Availability Work Sheet 19. Settlement of accounts of the guests. 20. Receiving telephone calls and connecting

calls to extensions from the front desk.

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MDB 273: FOOD AND BEVERAGES: PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT Q1. “The functions of management for any operation, small or large, are basically the activities which a

manager performs to get people to work harmoniously towards organisational goals.” Discuss in the context of the functions of catering management.

Q2. Explain the methods of food production in ‘the cook-serve system’, ‘the cook-chill system’ and ‘the

cook-freeze system’. Q3. What is menu planning? Explain its importance in the catering operations of a hotel. Q4. Discuss the various factors influencing costs of production in the food and beverage department of a

hotel. Q5. What interdependent activities are involved in the process of food production in a hotel? Discuss in

detail. Q6. Give reasons for the growth of liquor services in hotels and explain how you will evaluate efficiency

of the liquor service manager. Q7. Write a detailed note on kitchen spaces and the ways to use them efficiently. Q8. As an incharge of food & beverages management, prepare a layout for a buffet for 300 members

from a highly reputed company partying for their success in launching a new product. Q9. What are the functions of catering management? How does it differ from other organisations in the

types of goods and services they offer? Q10. “Whatever the criteria employed for judging the quality of food prepared and served, what is certain

is that the customer demands acceptable quality.” What is then the acceptable quality? Discuss. Q11. Define the term kitchen spaces. Describe the various types of kitchen spaces. Q12. What is quality food? Briefly discuss the nutritional qualities of food.

Q13. Discuss the factors influencing cost of hotel food and beverages.

Q14. Discuss food laws for hotel industry with detailed discussion on FPA Act, 1954.

Q15. Compare the planning of beverage production with the planning of food production and discuss how beverage production planning is a simpler task than food production planning.

Q16. Explain the cost control methods in Food and Beverages Production.

Q17. "Good food production enhanced by appropriate garnishing plays a significant role in large scale catering." Discuss the importance of garnishing and suggest suitable garnishes for breakfasts, soups, eggs and seafood dishes and vegetable dishes.

Q18. Discuss the types of kitchen spaces and explain how to develop kitchen plans. Q19. Explain the various functions of catering management in detail. Q20. Discuss the role of prepared convenience foods in large-scale catering. Q21. Prepare an organisation chart for Food and Beverage operation of a mid-size hotel.

Question Bank-On MBA Subjects - [PDF Document] (98)

Q22. Discuss the functions of Catering Management and enumerate the objectives of Catering Operations. Q23. “The planning of Beverage Production is a comparatively more simple task than the planning of a

Food Production for a number of reasons.” Discuss. Q24. What are the various factors influencing costs of hotel Food and Beverages? Q25. Discuss Boyatziz's Competency clusters in respect of liquor skills.

Q26. “Catering management is the art of providing food and drink aesthetically and scientifically to a

large number of people in a satisfactory and cost effective manner.” Discuss. Q27. Draw and explain the organisation chart of a typical hotel food and beverage operation. Q28. Explain the food production process in a typical midsize hotel situated near the market place. Q29. Discuss the ways and means of effective food and beverage cost control. Q30. Give reasons for the growth of liquor service in hotels and explain how to evaluate Liquor Service

Manager’s efficiency and effectiveness. Q31. Discuss in detail the quality aspect of food. Q32. Explain the role of the Food and Beverage Manager in hotel management. Q33. What are the various factors influencing costs of hotel food and beverages? Q34. What are the functions of catering management? How does catering management differ from other

functions in hotel management? Q35. Discuss kitchen spaces explaining the different types of kitchen spaces. Q36. Write short notes on any three of the following:

1. Prepared Convenience Food. 2. Food Production Staff. 3. Food Laws Applicable to Hotel Industry. 4. Hotel Equipment Design. 5. Types of kitchen spaces. 6. Non-alcoholic beverages. 7. Garnishing food. 8. Cooking techniques. 9. Objectives of planning catering


10. Growth of Liquor Service. 11. Planning Menus. 12. Efficient Liquor Service in Hotels 13. Systems of Food Production 14. Quality Aspect of Food 15. Pre-prepared convenient food. 16. The Art of Garnishing Food. 17. Evaluation of Food Product.

Question Bank-On MBA Subjects - [PDF Document] (99)


Q1. You are appointed as the manager of housekeeping department at a three star hotel. Identify the responsibilities of your department and prepare a schematic plan for the efficient working of the housekeeping department.

Q2. Write a detailed note on the different types of stores required in a hotel for storing different foods

and beverages. Q3. What are the various measures of controlling expenses in the housekeeping department? Discuss in

detail. Q4. Establish the need for a periodic training programme for the housekeeping department staff and

discuss how as a manager in the housekeeping department you will organise one for your staff. Q5. Explain the meaning of storage spaces. Discuss the importance of preparing the layout of stores in a

hotel. Q6. Discuss how to determine the housekeeping standards and conduct a custodial survey to measure the

achievements of the standards in a hotel. Q7. As an executive housekeeper of a mid-size hotel, identify your housekeeping responsibilities and

prepare a working plan to carry out your responsibilities. Q8. What are ‘guest loan items’ in a hotel? Explain how to maintain inventory control of ‘guest loan

items’. Q9. “In a hospitality operation, safety refers to the actual conditions in a work environment. Security

refers to the prevention of theft, fire and other emergencies.” - Elaborate. Q10. Discuss the steps to optimise the efficiency of the cleaning department of a hotel. Q11. What are the seven key areas for establishing housekeeping standards?

Q12. “Locating and stocking custodial closets and cabinets properly, provide great opportunities and

conservation of actual work time.” Discuss.

Q13. Discuss the seven steps to optimise the efficiency of the cleaning department in a hotel. Q14. As a manager of the housekeeping department in a hotel how will you identify the responsibilities of

the department and prepare a plan for the work of the department?

Q15. Write a detailed note on housekeeping chemicals. Q16. "Knowledge of the principles of purchasing and the requirements for storage of the materials used is

essential for effective operation and successful outcome of any catering business." Elucidate. Q17. Discuss the objectives of training housekeeping staff and point out the result of the training program

triangle. Q18. What are the various measure of controlling expenses in the housekeeping department? Discuss in


Q19. “The general and specific improvement of housekeeping requires both long range and short range goals”. What are the ‘long-range’ and ‘short-range’ goals? Discuss how to achieve them by determining the needs of the housekeeping department.

Question Bank-On MBA Subjects - [PDF Document] (100)

Q20. Discuss the objectives of training housekeeping staff and point out the results of the training

programme triangle. Q21. What do you mean by storage spaces? Explain the various elements of layout of a store in a hotel.

Q22. “Housekeeping is not a revenue generating department. The controlling of its expenditure becomes

even more important from this point of view.” Discuss this with reference to controlling housekeeping expenses in a hotel.

Q23. What are the common housekeeping chemicals used in a hotel? How are they used? Q24. Explain the principles of purchasing and storing food articles in respect of a hotel. Q25. Discuss how to organise the central storage area, custodial closets and cabinets strategically.

Q26. “The success of your housekeeping programme will depend on the ability of your custodians to work

efficiently and effectively.” Discuss this in the light of managing human resource in hotels. Q27. Describe the objectives of purchasing and storing food items.

Q28. How will your organise a training programme for the personnel in the housekeeping department?

Give illustrations. Q29. Make a list of common housekeeping cleaners explaining their use.

Q30. Discuss in detail the management responsibilities of the housekeeping department in a large three star hotel.

Q31. Discuss the need and objectives of the department of purchasing and storing food items. Q32. What are the various ways of training the housekeeping staff? How will you organise a training

programme for your housekeeping staff? Q33. What is the meaning and importance of storage spaces? Explain the elements of the layout of a store

of a mid-size hotel. Q34. What do you mean by inspection? What are the various types of inspections that are undertaken as a

routine in a hotel? Q35. Write short notes on any three of the following:

1. Common Housekeeping Cleaners. 2. Safety Equipments for a Hotel. 3. Managing Inventories. 4. Safety equipment. 5. Job rating. 6. Capital budgets. 7. Guidelines for selecting a custodian. 8. Inventory Control of 'Guest Loan Items' 9. Safety Equipment in a Hotel 10. Conducting a Custodial Survey

11. Human Resource Planning in Housekeeping 12. Need for safety equipments. 13. Use of the operating budget as a control tool. 14. Laboratory oriented and officer oriented

inspection. 15. Need for inspection in the housekeeping

department. 16. Layout of a hotel store. 17. Safety Equipment in a Hotel. 18. Job Rating Sheets for the Housekeeping Staff.

Question Bank-On MBA Subjects - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.