Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (2024)

Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (1)
This article is about the story of The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword HD for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn the plot summary of Skyward Sword, as well as the timeline of The Legend of Zelda series!

Warning: There are no spoilers ahead for the game, but read with caution as it contains spoilers from other games in the series!

List of Contents

  • Skyward Sword Story Synopsis
  • Timeline of the Legend of Zelda Series
  • Skyward Sword HD Related Links

Skyward Sword Story Synopsis

Beginning of the Legend of Zelda

Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (2)
Skyward Sword is located at the beginning of the timeline of the entire Legend of Zelda series. The story that takes place in Skyward Sword will influence the entire Legend of Zelda series.

Important things to note in Skyward Sword are the Master Sword and Triforce, as well as the last boss, which is connected to every other game in the series.

Link as the Main Character

Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (3)
The main character of this game, as with the other games from The Legend of Zelda series is Link. Link in this game is a knight apprentice who attends a Knight Academy and has a red Loftwing, which is different from those who live in Skyloft.

Also, as is customary in the series, Link has a hard time getting up from bed.

Chasing Zelda to the Surface

Zelda suddenly appears at the beginning of the story and is swallowed by a black tornado that disappears under the clouds.

After that, Link sees the sword hidden in the statue of the goddess and the spirit Fi who dwells in the sword, and begins an adventure to descend to the vast land under the sea of clouds in search of Zelda.

Link: Character Profile and Story Information

Zelda, the Heroine

Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (4)
Zelda is the heroine of Skyward Sword. She is the daughter of the headmaster of Knight Academy and Link's childhood friend. With a lively personality, you can see a glimpse Zelda that is barely visible in other works, such as pushing Link off the bridge to fly with his Loftwing.

Not Yet a Princess (Pre-Kingdom of Hyrule)

In Skyward Sword, the kingdom of Hyrule does not exist yet so Zelda is not a princess. However, the Zelda in this game has a fate that she does not know and becomes an important key figure later in the story.

Zelda: Character Profile and Story Information

Fi and the Master Sword

Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (5)
Link will meet Fi's spirit in the Goddess Sword at the beginning of the story. In addition to being one of the most important characters in the story of this game, she is like a companion who gives advice during Link's adventures. The probability that the advice given will be useful is about 80%.

Fi's Influence in Other Zelda Games

In The Legend of Zelda's latest game, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, there is a scene that makes you feel Fi in the last memory of the Link.

Fi is an important character who you will see throughout the Legend of Zelda series.

Fi: Character Profile and Story Information

Beginning at Skyloft

Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (6)
A long time ago, after a war between evil beings and humans, the goddess appeared on the ground carrying the surviving humans up to the Sky. The story of Skyward Sword begins on the island Skyloft, which floats on the far end of the sky beyond the reach of monsters.

Skyloft is the main hub of the game that allows you to explore the skies, which is the main feature of this game.

Complete Story Walkthrough

Timeline of the Legend of Zelda Series

Timeline Diagram

Timeline of Zelda Games

Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (7)Enlarge

Click / tap to enlarge the image.

Note that only playable Legend of Zelda games are shown in the above diagram.

Zelda Games in Chronological Order

From Skyward Sword to Ocarina of Time

Title Overview
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (8)Skyward Sword Era: The Oldest StoryThe story of the creation of the Master Sword. A story set in the vast sky and the earth.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (9)The Minish Cap Era: A long time after the founding of the Kingdom of Hyrule Princess Zelda has been turned to stone by Vaati, who freed the Light Force from the seal.To cure Zelda, Link meets the magic hat Ezlo that makes Link's body Minish-sized. Together with Ezlo, he sets out on a journey to fix the Picori Sword and defeat the Vaati.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (10)Four Swords Era: Vaati is resurrectedVaati is resurrected, and Princess Zelda is kidnapped.With the sword that sealed Vaati, Link embarks on a journey to rescue Zelda.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (11)Ocarina of Time Era: After the Hyrule Unification WarThis is the first game that features Ganondorf, which is said to be the enemy of fate. Link uses the power of the Master Sword to go back and forth between childhood and adulthood to prevent Ganondorf from conquering the world.

From Skyward Sword to Ocarina of Time, the timeline can be told with a single line.

However, due to the time-consuming events that happened in Ocarina of Time, three parallel worlds are born.

Hero wins: Child Era

Title Overview
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (12)Majora's Mask Era: Sequel to Ocarina of Time, set a few months after the game.After saving Hyrule from Ganondorf, Link, who returned to his original era, set out on a journey with his beloved horse, Epona, in search of his friend Navi, who had left him. Along the way, while passing through the forest, he is attacked by a demon Skull Kid who wears a strange mask and is invited to another world called Termina.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (13)Twilight Princess Era: Hundreds of years after Majora's MaskStrange shadow monsters appear and kidnap the children of Ordon Village. Link chases the monsters to save the children, but transforms into a wolf and passes out. Link is dragged to prison and finds Hyrule shrouded in Twilight. A mysterious imp named Midna frees Link, and an adventure to save the world of light, Hyrule and the world of shadow , Twilight begins.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (14)Four Swords Adventures Era: Centuries after Majora's MaskPrincess Zelda visits the sanctuary where the Four Sword is sealed with six shrine maidens. However, a shadow similar to Link kidnaps Princess Zelda and the shrine maidens. Link pulls out the Four Sword to save Princess Zelda, but at the same time breaks the seal of Vaati.

These are works derived from the timeline of Ocarina of Time, where the Hero of Time returns to his original time and stops Ganondorf's ambitions from taking shape.

Except for Majora's Mask, the gap between these games are hundreds of years, but all of them are works closely related to Ganondorf.

Hero wins: Adult Era

Title Overview
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (15)Wind Waker Era: After the Hero of Time wins and Hyrule Kingdom is submerged hundreds of years laterA boy born on an island where the folklore of the hero of the time remains, travels over the ocean to save his sister who has been kidnapped by a monster bird.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (16)Phantom Hourglass Era: A few months after Wind WakerA story set by the sea area next to Hyrule, which is governed by a great spirit, who visits with the pirates led by Tetra in search of a new world that can become a new Hyrule. Tetra gets kidnapped by a ghost ship, so Link travels with Linebeck in order to find the ghost ship and rescue his friend.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (17)Spirit Tracks Era: Future of Phantom Hourglass, after establishing the new Kingdom of HyruleA story about a place where the railway network had developed before people moved in, and the vast land was made into the new Kingdom of Hyrule.

These are works derived from when the Hero of Time progresses from adulthood after winning the battle with Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time. Ganon returns, but the hero does not. To prevent the destruction of the world, the goddesses submerge and seal Hyrule beneath the Great Sea. After Hyrule is sealed and flooded, the era progresses to Wind Waker.

Since time has not progressed much between the games, it is often talked about how the times progressed from Wind Waker to Spirit Tracks.

Hero Fails

Title Overview
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (18)A Link to the Past Era: The Hero of Time is defeated in Ocarina of Time and Ganon is imprisoned in the Sacred Realm in his Dark Beast form.On a stormy night, Link hears a mysterious voice in his dreams. Ganondorf is resurrected and an adventure to save Hyrule begins to prevent Hyrule from being covered in the darkness.
BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets Era: 6 Years after A Link to the Past.A Japan-only downloadable Zelda game released in the Satellaview, an add-on for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In this game, the player controls a male or female avatar dubbed as the Hero of Light instead of Link. The hero then must acquire the eight stone tablets and save Hyrule from Ganon. Due to the nature of the games' platform, it is no longer commercially available.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (19)Link's Awakening Era: A story after subduing Ganon and embarking on a journey to train.After completing his training journey, Link loses consciousness due to a storm on his way back to home. He woke up to the call of the girl Marin at Koholint Island, an island holding a huge egg on the top of the mountain.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (20)Oracle of Ages
Oracle of Seasons
Era: Hundreds of years after Link's Awakening.Link with a Triforce is challenged to see if he is worthy to handle its power.This work is divided into a Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages. In addition to different stories being developed, there are also endings that can be unlocked by playing both.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (21)A Link Between Worlds Era: Set in Hyrule and Lorule, Hyrule's dark twin.The triforce remains a legend. Suddenly, Yuga who plans to revive Ganon appears and seals the descendants of the Seven Sages in the painting. Link will also be sealed in graffiti, but with the power of a special bracelet, he has the power to move freely on the wall, and with that power Link chases Yuga and reach the world of Lorule.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (22)Tri Force Heroes Era: A few years after A Link Between Worlds.The game takes place in Hytopia, a kingdom whose citizens are into fashion. Princess Styla holds reigns free on Hytopia until a witch known as The Lady curses her, forcing an unremovable brown jumpsuit upon her. The king recruits legendary heroes to break the witch's curse, and three young people who come there are selected as heroes and are tasked with subduing the witch.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (23)The Legend of Zelda Era: After the Kingdom of Hyrule has declined, time has passed, and divided into several smaller countries.The army of Ganon, the Great Demon King, rushes into a small country in the Hyrule region, and the national treasure Triforce of Power is robbed. Link, who was traveling at the same time, helps Zelda's nanny Impa who is being attacked by monsters. Impa tells Link that he is looking for someone who can defeat Ganon, and Link goes on a journey to find the Triforce of Wisdom to subdue Ganon.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (24)The Adventure of Link Era: 6 Years after The Legend of Zelda.Link subdued the Great Demon King Ganon and regained the Triforce of Power and Wisdom. On his 16th birthday, a Triforce emerges on the back of his hand, and Impa instructs him to head to the North Castle. At the castle, he finds a sleeping Zelda from a distant era and is ordered to look for the Triforce of Courage to wake her up from her long slumber.

This is the timeline where Ganondorf defeats the Hero of Time and steals the Triforce of Wisdom and the Triforce of Courage. With the hero defeated, Princess Zelda and the six sages seal Ganondorf in the Sacred Realm in his dark beast form.

In this timeline, the Kingdom of Hyrule slowly declines and was divided into smaller countries.

Games with no known timeline

Title Overview
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (25)Hyrule Warriors Era: Unknown time and route.
There is a theory that the beginning of time is different here compared to older games.A work released as Zelda's first Warriors game. Although it is set in Hyrule, it is a festive work with various Zelda characters.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (26)Breath of the Wild Era: The exact route is timeline is unknown. We only know that it is the last in the history of Hyrule.Link answers a woman's call and wakes up in a regenerative shrine. With the guidance of the voice, he picks up the Sheikah Slate and leaves the shrine. Set in the land of Hyrule that spreads beyond, Link embarks on a journey to save Princess Zelda while learning how to fight.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (27)Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Era: A story about a 100-year-old calamity set before Breath of the Wild.Unlike the Breath of the Wild, it is a Warriors game, and it is a story in which Link, Zelda, and heroes of various races fight against a large number of monsters that can be expressed only in the Warriors series.It's a story in which the "defeat" that leads to the Breath of the Wild was decided.

The above series are games whose timeline is unknown in the currently known Hyrule Hystoria. Breath of the Wild and Age of Calamity are connected stories, but since we do not know which timeline the Breath of the Wild is in, we expect that future releases will reveal this information.

Also, since the sequel of Breath of the Wild is scheduled to be released in 2022, there is a great possibility that the timeline will be revealed there.

The Timeline may change in the future

The timeline described above are current collected knowledge about the games.

The Hyrule Historia has officially stated that the setting of each era may change someday, and every time a new game appears, the setting of the era changes due to new discoveries and new interpretations like a history textbook.

Skyward Sword HD Related Links

Zelda: Skyward Sword HD News

  • Rating and Review | Is It Worth It? Updated 8/24/2021 See our staff's thoughts and reviews of Skyward Sword HD!
  • Release Date Guide Updated 7/16/2021 See when Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is coming to the Nintendo Switch for purchase!
  • Pre-Order Guide Updated 6/18/2021 Learn how to pre-order Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, and see all pre-order bonuses from participating retailers!
  • How to Get the Skyward Sword Joy Cons Updated 8/24/2021 Learn how to pre-order the Skyward Sword Joy Cons and see which retailers carry this accessory!
  • New Features and Changes Updated 7/28/2021 Learn whats new and the list of changes for Skyward Sword HD!
  • HD Graphics Comparison Updated 7/21/2021 See a graphics comparison between the original Wii and the Switch versions in this article!
  • How to Preload Updated 8/19/2021 Learn how to preload Skyward Sword HD on your Nintendo Switch ahead of the release date!
  • Is Skyward Sword HD Open World? Updated 6/24/2021 Learn whether or not Skyward Sword is an open world game.
  • Is Skyward Sword HD a Remake? Updated 6/24/2021 Learn what makes Skyward Sword HD a remake or a remaster in this article!
  • Is there a Demo? Updated 7/6/2021 Read about the demo availability of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD for the Nintendo Switch.
  • Plot Summary and Story Synopsis Updated 8/24/2021 Learn more about Skyward Sword HD's plot and the timeline of all Legend of Zelda games.
  • Updates and Patch Notes Updated 8/11/2021 Learn more about Skyward Sword HD's recent updates and how to install the patch.
Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8 (2024)


Plot Summary and Story Synopsis | Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (Switch)|Game8? ›

The Goddess gathered the surviving humans on an outcropping of earth and sent it skyward, beyond the reach of the demonic hordes. The Goddess joined forces with the remaining tribes on the surface to seal away the evil, restoring peace. After thousands of years, the surface world was forgotten by the humans above...

What is the storyline of Skyward Sword? ›

Born on an island suspended in the sky, a young man, Link, accepts his destiny to venture to the world below to save his childhood friend, Zelda, and the land from evil forces through the use of a mysterious sword.

What is considered 100% in Skyward Sword? ›

Like the Three Heart Challenge and Speedruns, 100% Completion is an optional challenge for The Legend of Zelda series. In order to have a 100% completed file, it must contain all Heart Containers, upgrades, items, and collectibles.

How is Skyward Sword played on switch? ›

Link's in-game movements will correspond to the angle of each strike you make with the Joy-Con™ controller, creating immersive swordplay that relies on strategy and accuracy. Movements feel smoother and more immediate thanks to the Nintendo Switch system's increased processing power and HD graphics.

How long is Skyward Sword main story? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is about 38 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 58 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What is the plot twist of Skyward Sword? ›

It turns out that Ghirahim is the spirit of Demise's Demonic Sword, and once his master is destroyed in the present, the Demon Lord drags Zelda back to the past so that he can change the course of time. Ghirahim uses Zelda's power to release Demise in the past, with the Demon King recovering his humanoid force.

Who is the main villain in Skyward Sword? ›

Ghirahim (Geer-Ah-Him) is the main antagonist for the majority of Zelda: Skyward Sword. His attempt to kidnap Zelda by conjuring a tornado sets the story in motion.

What happens if you get 43 cuts in Skyward Sword? ›

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

If so what happens? Nothing happens. and there's a glitch that doubles your count every time you cut the tree.

What happens when you 100% totk? ›

NOTE: It is important to know that there is NO REWARD for a 100% completion rate. This exists for bragging rights alone - and for the die-hard completionists!

What is the strongest sword in Skyward Sword? ›

1 Master Sword

The Blade of Evil's Bane, Link finally upgrades to the Master Sword after completing the Fire Sanctuary and absorbing all three sacred flames. Befitting The Legend of Zelda's iconic sword, the Master Sword is twice as strong as the Goddess White Sword and will slaughter most enemies in your path.

What to do at the start of Skyward Sword? ›

Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Beginner's Guide - Essential Tips For New Players
  1. Get Out Of Skyloft As Soon As You Can. ...
  2. Practice Your Sword Controls. ...
  3. Get A Bug Net. ...
  4. Focus On Side Quests. ...
  5. Invest In Bigger Wallets. ...
  6. Keep A Shield (And A Potion To Repair It) ...
  7. Clear Out All The Goddess Cube Chests You Can In Skyloft.
Jul 16, 2021

What happens to Zelda in Skyward Sword? ›

Zelda tells Link that as the reincarnation of Hylia, she must remain in a deep sleep for thousands of years to keep Demise imprisoned within his seal. She seals herself into a crystal and tells Link that he must find and use the Triforce to destroy Demise so that she will be able to wake up in their own time.

Why is Skyward Sword for the switch so expensive? ›

Skyward Sword, a 10-year-old Wii game, is more expensive than it was when it first came out a decade ago -- and it's going to stay expensive, because first-party Nintendo Switch games almost never get price drops.

What is the longest Zelda game? ›

All Zelda Game Lengths, At A Glance
GameMain Story TimeCompletionist Time
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker29 Hours63.5 Hours
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess37.5 Hours55.5 Hours
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword38.5 Hours59 Hours
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild50 Hours182 Hours
22 more rows

How many hearts can you have in Skyward Sword? ›

There are a total of 24Heart Pieces in Skyward Sword, making up a total of 6 extra Heart Containers. You'll find the locations for all 24 Pieces of Heart, cataloged by area, below (two Hearts are gained from equipping Life Medals, which brings the total to 20 Hearts).

What happens after Skyward Sword? ›

The other main things to occur after Skyward Sword are the sealing away of the Triforce in the Sacred Realm and the return of the mortals to the surface of the planet, where they formed the nation of Hyrule.

How are Skyward Sword and breath of the wild connected? ›

Although the narratives of these two games are not directly intertwined, "Breath of the Wild" does include subtle references and allusions to "Skyward Sword." For instance, there are familiar locations and characters from "Skyward Sword," including the Temple of Time and appearances by the Goddess Hylia.

Is Skyward Sword a prequel to Ocarina of Time? ›

For a long time, there was no official order the games were set in, since each entry was only loosely connected, but now The Legend of Zelda's famously confusing timeline definitively starts with Skyward Sword, an honor originally intended for Ocarina of Time.

Why did Zelda seal herself in Skyward Sword? ›

Skyward Sword

Following the plan originally devised by Hylia, Zelda puts herself into a suspended animation in order to sustain the seal placed upon Demise, while Impa becomes the guardian of the temple, watching over Zelda during her slumber.

Is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword a prequel? ›

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is officially labeled as a prequel—an exploration of how Link's Master Sword came to be—but as soon as the green-clad hero's love interest is snatched up into the sky by a mysterious magical twister, well, fans will slip into the action as comfortably as they would a favorite sweater ...

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