Identify The Risk Associated With A Pretest. Group Of Answer Choices It Tends To Cause Subjects To Behave (2024)

Social Studies High School


Answer 1


The correct answer is - It tends to cause subjects to behave differently than they would without the pretest.


In psychology, a pretest is an assessment for measuring or finding the characteristics of the participant or subject before introducing the treatment or intervention in the research or study. It is designed to have an idea about the behavior or knowledge of the subject.

The major risk of the pretest is that it leads to subjects acting or behaving differently than they would act without this pretest. This leads to errors in research as they can manipulate the study.

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Why did many people support the Vietnam war and its beginning stages


People felt threatened by communism and were afraid it could eventually reach the US and they would then loose their personal freedom. So they believed communism must be contained - and the war was a step towards containing the war.

In the movie As Good As It Gets, actor Jack Nicholson plays the character of Melvin Udall, a gifted writer who always eats in the same restaurant, brings his own plastic utensils, and engages in strict patterns of behavior, such as repetitive handwashing or walking carefully on the sidewalk to avoid stepping on a crack. Failure to follow these ritual behaviors results in extreme anxiety and distress. The character Nicholson was portraying would probably be diagnosed with _____ disorder.


The eating disorder I've read this before, and I got a 100 for answering eating


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4 examples:

Economic cost

Maintenance cost

Fuel cost

Vehicle cost

Variable costs are those which fluctuate do to various conditions. This would be like replacing a flat tire. A fixed cost would be fuel because it is a constant need that is consumed at a mostly constant rate.


For his installation En la Barberia no se Llora (No Crying Allowed in the Barbershop), Pepon Osorio combined a barbershop with various types of imagery primarily in order to make the audience aware of the consequences of colonialism make the audience aware of the consequences of colonialism A promote pride in the audience about their cultural heritage promote pride in the audience about their cultural heritage B engage the audience in a reflection about cultural gender norms engage the audience in a reflection about cultural gender norms C confront the audience with the legacy of dictatorships



Engage the audience in a reflection about cultural gender norms


The En la Barbería no se Llora (No Crying Allowed in the Barbershophas its Origin or it is the work of Pepon Osorio in the year 1994 CE. It form is said to comprise of mixed media, installation art, covers the whole barbershop and other kitsch-y component. It is said to represent nuyoricans. nuyorican is known as a reference word that is related to Puertoo Rican person/community. The general context of it is an imagery on walls, some sexually explicit; relationships and concept of masculinity being passed down through the generations title refers to masculinity, serves as a comment on masculinity; abundance of Puerto Rican flag

Its context was made for the Puerto Rican people and it was taken out of its context to be displayed. The work of Osorio's has to do with everything about his life experience, social work, and Latin American culture. He was known to be of Puerto Rican origin and a sociologist who became a social worker in the South Bronx.

Ajude a Mônica e o Cebolinha elaborar em um plano infalível para prevenção ao coronavírus se precisar convoca sua família para essa Força Tarefa resistir todas as ações para o combate no texto abaixo


Answer and Explanation:

Olá. Um plano infalivel seria estimular a familia e toda a comunidade, do cebolinha e da monica, a lavar as mãos com frequencia, não ficar tocando no rosto, utilizar algo nas superficies da casa não sair de casa sem usar uma mascara de proteção. O cebolinha e a monica poderiam espalhar cartazes pela vizinhança com essa informação, ou cirar um grupo em um aplicativo, onde essas informações fossem vinculadas com frequencia.

É importante que o cebolinha e a monica ressaltem como a mascara utilizada pelas pessoas não deve estar folgada e não deve permitir espaços entre a pela e o tecido.

Obs: Perguntas em português devem ser postadas no camp o "World Languagens." Esse não é o servidor brasileiro.

3. The Supreme Court's official ruling in a particular case (signed by 5 or more justices) is typically
presented in the form of a written statement known as the: *
(1 Point)
concurring decision
O majority opinion
O constitutional statement
legal brief



How to Prepare Yourself to Present Your Case

Read the Complaint. ...

Find copies of contracts and any other written communications between you and the other side. ...

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your case. ...

Prepare your documents and evidence for trial. ...

Identify and prepare any witnesses. ...

Practice, Practice, Practice your presentation.


What does the government do in order to manage revenue and spending?
O ask for public feedback
lower taxes
O create laws
O set a budget


What does the government do in order to manage revenue and spending?

They create laws


D, set a budget



“Trade union, also called labour union, association of workers in a particular trade, industry, or company created for the purpose of securing improvements in pay, benefits, working conditions, or social and political status through collective bargaining.”

The Gadsden Purchase



The Gadsden Purchase is a 29,670-square-mile region of present-day southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico that the United States acquired from Mexico by the Treaty of Mesilla, which took effect on June 8, 1854


Gadsden's Purchase provided the land necessary for a southern transcontinental railroad and attempted to resolve conflicts that lingered after the Mexican-American War. ... In 1853, Mexican officials evicted Americans from their property in the disputed Mesilla Valley

What is a conversion?

A.a colonial settlement
B.a form of government
C.a change of religion
D.a type of religious conflict



Change of religion



It's C (a change of religion)


D is wrong for the people who wanted to know

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Citrus fruits that grow in Pakistan are mandarins (pakistan calls them “kinnow”), oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes

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I would say maybe stress but also succes becuase its bringing them earnings


If there is suffrage or natural disaster causing less things made making the value higher .... I’m not sure sorry if I’m wrong

Help me!
Section #4-History

Research 4 different events in U.S history that impacted our Government or government policies. Then select an image or video of the event and provide a brief description of what it was and how it affected our government.

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national identity in early U.S. history, and how that relates to views
of American identity today.
Geography- SS.6-8.EUSH.35. Utilize and construct maps and images to explain and analyze regional, environmental, and cultural characteristics in early U.S history.
Economics- SS.6-8.EUSH.41. Evaluate how economic policies impact individuals,
businesses, and society including, but not limited to: Louisiana Purchase, the slave trade, plantation economy, Reconstruction.
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Multicultural- SS.6-8.EUSH.26. Assess the impacts of cultural diffusion when diverse groups interact within early U.S. history.

Name of artifact
(What will you title it?)
Required Information per Directions
National Identity

early U.S History

Louisiana Purcahse

Current National Issue



Ima awnser this with one word



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Which best describes Dante’s symptoms?





The best that describes Dante’s symptoms is probably the high fever

Describe and explain an example from the video when hackers used their power to do something good.
plz answer


Can you please show me the video?

What is happening in this picture?

Constant water flow has caused the rocks to fall down the hillside.

Wind blew the rocks over the edge of the hillside.

Rocks have been thrown over the side of the hill and landed at the bottom.

Gravity has caused the rocks to fall down the hillside.

Rock Slide on Hillside



rock sliding is happening

how did the enslavement of black people help white americans?



The enslavement of black people help white americans by doing the work that the white people. The whites had no one else to compete with. The whites had better opportunities.


I hope this help

This newspaper was printed in Houston, Texas, in 1982. It could BEST be used in a report on which of these topics?
"The Cold Wat's Lasting Impact
"Ethnic Communities in the United States
Latin American influences in the Southwest
"The Efect of World War Il on the United States


D it make so much since just got to read it carefully fr

united sates Explanation:

just believe me it is on usa test prep

What are five of the social changes that took place between 1450 and 1770?



democracy was restored as civilization stop within that period

critically evaluate the role of the media in enhancing democratic processes in South Africa


The South African media has played an important political and social role in the two and a half decades since the end of apartheid. Benefiting from strong Constitutional guarantees of freedom of expression and a vibrant civil society, the South African media have contributed to a culture of democratic debate while playing a watchdog role to keep political power to account through investigative reporting into corruption and malfeasance. Despite these positive developments in the

What impact did conversion most likely have on indigenous peoples?

A.They had to leave their homeland.
B.They had to change how they farmed.
C.They had to abandon all of their customs.
D.They had to change how they worshipped.

which one?



C- They had to abandon their customs

What should be included in analysis statements?

your opinions in your own words

support for your opinions

the writer or speaker's opinions

a restatement of the facts








3). Define rule law in your own words and write down the features of rule of law.


Answer: Rule of a law is a system that puts everyone into check, even the system itself.


Rule of a law is a system that puts everyone into check, even the system itself. They are laws which places everyone including institutions under accountability. No one is above the laws and no one is treated partially when they law is considered very well even those elected into positions that implement the law; they are all under the law. The rule of law helps to keep the society in a sane condition, mainly to avoid unfair treatment between one another.

The various features of rule of law are;

1) Equality and non-discrimination

2). Legal certainty

3) Transparency

4) Access to justice

True or false that lake Texcoco still exists today?





lake Texcoco was drained and built over by the Spaniards in what is now present day Mexico City




Summary of the Battle of Chancellorsville



Fou ght i n Spot sylvania Co unty, Vir ginia, Le e 's da ring deci sion t o fac e a for ce twic e hi s si ze—Un ion Ge neral Jos eph Hoo ker's Ar my o f t he P otomac—b y splitti ng hi s ow n arm y i n tw o ma de th e B attle of Chanc ellorsville g o own in his.tory a s Le e's mo st sign ificant tactic al vi ctory.

What was Spain's response to the Reformation? (Hint: Spain rejected the ideas of the Reformation. What did Spain do to combat these ideas?)


Answer and Explanation:

Hello. I believe you are referring to Protestant reform. If that is the case I hope the answer below can help you.

Spain did not accept the Protestant reform and considered this as a strong heresy that should be fought not only in Spain, but throughout the world. The king of Spain, Philip invested an immense amount of money in the Spanish Inquisition, which started to be financed by the monarchy to combat any sign of Protestantism and to condemn anyone who converted to it.

In addition, Philip invested in campaigns to conquer territories, as he wanted the entire world to be under the dominion of Spain, which would compel them to be Catholic.

Need help brainliest



false and false


Roma don't have any brithish island and gernica it's from Pablo Picasso

When you compare different species, how can you tell which species are more closely related than others?



The pattern of branching in a phylogenetic tree reflects how species or other groups evolved from a series of common ancestors. In trees, two species are more related if they have a more recent common ancestor and less related if they have a less recent common ancestor.


In what year did poet Claude McKay describe racism in America as “so intensely bitter”?



I think the year was in 1996.



1996 claude McKay describe racism in America.


i look it up

If you don't have an experience that shows your point of view, you should—

make something up

use another person's experience

use positive and negative words to show your view

use a similar but completely unrelated experience



use another person's experience


Point of view is the means to providing a perspective to the narrative. It helps in building a definition and providing a perspective altogether. Point of view is the result of the experiences and knowledge a person has gathered. In situation when a person do not have his own point of view, then he can give references from another person's experience and create the perspective out of them.

Identify The Risk Associated With A Pretest. Group Of Answer Choices It Tends To Cause Subjects To Behave (2024)


Which of the following is a risk associated with a pretest? ›

A pretest does not accurately depict whether the people who withdrew were any different from those who completed the study. A pretest tends to induce subjects to behave differently than they would without the. Identify the risk associated with pretests.

What is a common risk with using a pretest? ›

The interaction of pretesting and treatment can threaten the external validity of a randomized control group design. External validity is the degree to which effect of the treatment can be concluded across populations, settings, variables, and instruments.

What is a drawback of giving a pretest in a research study? ›

One drawback of a pretest is that it fails to provide a researcher with an assessment of the attrition effects.

What threat to internal validity occurs when something happens between the pretest and posttest that caused the change? ›

This is called attrition. History - History threat to internal validity occurs when some event, other than the intended treatment, happens between the pretest and posttest measurements and influences the study's outcome.

What is a major possible problem in using a pretest? ›

One potential problem with a pre-test preceding a post-test is that subjects may be sensitised to the purpose of the experiment, and hence bias their post-test scores (i.e., a maturation effect).

What are pre-testing effects? ›

In sum, research indicates that pre-testing can yield positive learning outcomes, even if the questions are answered incorrectly, especially when feedback and/or subsequent instruction guides students toward the correct information (Richland et al., 2009).

What is the effect of pre testing? ›

The pretesting or prequestion effect refers to the counterintuitive finding that taking tests on information that one has yet to learn, during which many erroneous responses typically occur, can benefit learning relative to nontesting methods (e.g., reading) if the correct answers are studied afterwards.

What are the disadvantages of pretesting in research? ›

It can help you identify and fix potential problems with your survey design, such as unclear wording, ambiguous instructions, or irrelevant questions. But it can also have some drawbacks, such as increasing the time and cost of your research, or introducing bias or error in your results.

What five things can pretesting do? ›

Pretesting your survey is an important way to pinpoint problem areas, reduce measurement error, reduce respondent burden, determine whether or not respondents are interpreting questions correctly, and ensure that the order of questions is not influencing the way a respondent answers.

What are the cons of pre-test post-test? ›

The main problem with this design is that it improves internal validity but sacrifices external validity to do so. There is no way of judging whether the process of pre-testing actually influenced the results because there is no baseline measurement against groups that remained completely untreated.

What is one drawback to the pretest-posttest design? ›

d) Cannot be divided into two equivalent groups. One problem with the pretest-posttest design is that participants. This implies that they might become more conscious of what is being studied, which can potentially lead to changes in responses on the posttest.

What are the pretest threats to internal validity? ›

Testing is a threat to internal validity in which the fact that participants take a pretest–not the intervention–affects their score on the post-test. The Solomon Four Group and Post-test Only designs are used to reduce the testing threat to internal validity.

What are the problems with pretest-posttest design? ›

A testing effect can inflate your results and make it appear like the intervention had a larger effect than it actually did. To counteract testing effects, you can use a control group that takes the same pretest and posttest as the experimental group, but does not receive the intervention.

Which of the following is a threat to internal validity in a pretest-posttest design? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Between a pre-test and a post-test, mental or physical changes in the participants (maturation) or changes in the environment (history) can occur. If the participants retake the same test twice, then testing effects are a threat as well.

What is the most common threat to internal validity? ›

There are eight threats to internal validity: history, maturation, instrumentation, testing, selection bias, regression to the mean, social interaction and attrition. How does attrition threaten internal validity? Attrition bias is a threat to internal validity.

What are risk factors in test plan? ›

Definition of Project Risks and Factors Affecting the Project
  • Project issues. Late changes may result in substantial re-work. ...
  • Organizational and Political issues. Personnel issues may cause conflict and problems. ...
  • Technical issues. The test environment may not be ready on time. ...
  • Supplier issues.
Apr 22, 2024

What is the pretest effect? ›

The pretesting or prequestion effect refers to the counterintuitive finding that taking tests on information that one has yet to learn, during which many erroneous responses typically occur, can benefit learning relative to nontesting methods (e.g., reading) if the correct answers are studied afterwards.

What are the critical issues involved in pretesting a questionnaire? ›

Pretesting your survey is an important way to pinpoint problem areas, reduce measurement error, reduce respondent burden, determine whether or not respondents are interpreting questions correctly, and ensure that the order of questions is not influencing the way a respondent answers.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.