- The Eisenhower Extension is slated to relieve traffic on Route 116.
- Alternative options include "no-build" or updating the existing Route 116.
Nick McDaniel, owner of Nick's Garage in Conewago Township, had plans to expand his business.
But withthe possibility that one of the proposed routes for theEisenhower Extension could cut through theproperty, he has to reconsider.
McDanielplanned to create a parking lot in the field next to his garage to create more space for his RV business.The compensation that the state would offer for the land wouldn't make a difference, McDaniel said.
"They are still taking something thatI might grow into," he said.
PennDOT officials say that with the continued development of theHanover area, the extension will help relieve traffic on Route 116.
But unless PennDOT chooses a "no-build" option or an option to updatethe existing Route 116, residents of Conewago Township are at risk of losingrural views,peace and quiet, and for some, their property and homes.
More: History of the Eisenhower Extension project
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Investigations, public feedback to help determine route
The Eisenhower Extension project is the construction of a limited access road that would divert traffic around McSherrystown and reduce traffic on Route 116 and in downtown Hanover.
Without the extension, by year 2040 it could take more than 20 minutes to drive through Route 116 to get to Eisenhower Drive. With the extension, by year 2040, the drive to Eisenhower Drive and Carlisle Street from Bender Roadwould take seven to eight minutes, according to PennDOT.
"I want to see that this road is used for alleviating traffic, and that's it,"said Adams County CommissionerMarty Qually, who wants to make sure that the extension stays a limited access road.
"And where it starts and finishes can be very controversial."
On a limited access road, the only location the road is accessible to vehicles is where it intersects with existing roads.
Since the late 1980s, the traffic throughMcSherrystown has been identified as a problem, especially with the development of Hanover. It was then that the extension was first suggested as a solution, according to Andrew Merkel, assistant director of the planning office in Adams County.
After years oftraffic studies, conversations between PennDOT and local officials, and the creation of Pennsylvania Act 89, which establishedstate funds for the extension, theproject becamea serious possibility.
PennDOT is doing preliminary investigations and taking feedbackfrom the public to determine which route — if any— will be used as the extension,said Ben Singer, PennDOT project manager.
There are three route alternatives for the extension and two route options for how to connect the extension to Route 116 in McSherrystown. There is also the option to make improvements to the existing Route 116, and there is the option to do nothing or "no-build."
Depending on theroute chosen, the project can cost between $25 and $35 million. This project will use a combination of state and federal funds.
Residents concerned about losing property, rural views
Once community membersGene Krausand Charlotte Shafferrealized that this project could cutthrough some of their backyards, they started a Facebook page,went knocking door to door, handed out flyers and started a petition to stop the extension. The petition currently has more than 360 signatures.
More:What's up with the cameras being installed on Hanover traffic lights?
Krausand Shaffer also organized a closed meeting for community members to discuss their frustrations about the project, and 60 people attended.
"We just wanted to get that information out to people. We went door to door for several days and most people had no idea (about the extension)," Kraus said.
Shaffer said local officials are not clearlypresenting the "no-build" option of the extensionto residents, and she feels that they are not being represented.
"Part of the goal of going out and canvassing for signatures is to let people know that they are not alone, that we are coming together as a community," she said.
PennDOT held an open house at the Southeastern Adams Volunteer Emergency Services on June 21 to answer questions and get feedback from the public about the extension.
More:Traffic circle and parking garage? Hanover talks ideas for downtown's future
Zach Heiland, a Penn Township resident,went to the SAVES meeting and noticed, despite his excitement,everyone seemed "down" on the project.
"I remember one guy talking about how it is a waste of money," Heiland said."PennDOT has got that money; if we don't use it, they are giving it to another township."
Jackie Barham convinced her sister, Gainell Glascoe, to move in together in Conewago Township seven years ago. Her sister lived previously in Marylandbut spent very little time outside because of her asthma.
With the extension possibly being right in Barham's backyard, she fears it will not only be noisy andruin her backyard rural landscape, but Glascoe won't get outside much.
Daniel and Elaine Studymoved to Conewago Township to be closer to their daughter. The second reason they chose their property on Friendly Drive is for the privacy that came with the rural backyard view.
Besides losing his quiet backyard, Study has other frustrations and doesn't thinknew roads should be built when the current infrastructure is "pathetic."
"The roads and the infrastructure of Pennsylvania is past the point of being ridiculous. They build sidewalks and not even work on the damn roads," Daniel Study said."If you ride from here to Manchester,if you have a wrist watch on, it vibrates off your wrist."
No matter whichextension option is chosen, it would go right through Tom and Sandy Klunk's property and home, at Centennial Road and Sunday Drive, that Tom builtwith the help of his family more than 30 years ago.
The entire Klunk family came together to build the houseto have it in the family for years to come.
"It would be a shame to lose it," Klunk said."We have a lot of memories here. To just have a road through here would just ruin it."
Officials to suggest alternate routes for extension
If the extension is built, the township is responsible for the traffic signals, and because it is a state road, the state will be responsible for the maintenance of the road.
Barbara Krebs, the Conewago Township manager, said that the township was informed of the alternative route options the same night they were presented to the public, at the SAVES meeting.
“The township hasn’t discussed being against or for the extension, so we are taking the position to go in and do what’s best for everybody,” Krebs said.
The township has some concerns of their own to share with PennDOT, said Krebs. The next time the township meets with PennDOT, they plan to suggest some alternate routes forthe extension to try to avoidhomes. Additionally, they would suggest to limit sidewalks on the extension, keeping it a limited access road and creating more space for sound barriers.
Because ofthe 15.7 acres of preserved farmland along route option No. 3, it is unlikely that the extension will be built there, Qually said.
It is possible that the project will be stopped, as history has shown, Merkel said. But "it would take a very loud outcry from the public,"Singer said.
Doing maintenance to Route 116, as opposed to building the extension, would require more land via eminent domain, because the road would have to be widened, said Singer.
"People want the bypass, they just don't want it in their backyard," he said.
"No matter which existing road youtake, somebody is going to feel like they are being impacted," said Merkel, referring toroute alternatives for the extension.
PennDOT plans to have the route selected by the end of this year or early next year, and as of right now they plan to bid the contract by October 2021, according to Singer.
"If you are concerned, make your voice heard," Qually said. "Absolutely respond to PennDOTand talk to local officials. I want to know as many concerns that people have and look into them and address them."
Route alternatives
The numbered routes are how the bypass connects with Eisenhower Drive in Hanover. The lettered route alternatives are how Route 116 gets connected to the bypass in McSherrystown.
Route alternative No. 1is the "transportation system management" option that would, instead of building a new road, make structural improvements to Route 116 by widening it and making intersections more navigable.
Option No. 3 is the northern route option where the extension runs directly next to the current Eisenhower Drive.
Option No.4 is different from route No. 5 in that it cuts through Oxford Avenue to meetwith Eisenhower Drive and route option No. 5 meets with Eisenhower Drive closer to Hanover.
For the lettered options, option B connects Route 116 to the extension via Sunday Drive. Option C connects the extension to Route 116 via Bender Road.
There is also the "no-build" option in which no construction would take place.
Infrastructure in Pennsylvania
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) puts together a report card every four years grading each state on the status of its infrastructure. In the 2014 report card, Pennsylvaniagot an overall C-. The ASCE grades the states on several categories that make up the overall rating. Pennsylvania's lowest rated category was "Roads," receiving a D-.
The D rating means that the "condition and capacity (of the roads)are of serious concern with strong risk for failure," according to the ASCE. Pennsylvania has more than 120,000 miles of roads, 32 percent of which are in poor condition. It costs $606 per motorist per year from driving on roads that need repair.
In order for Pennsylvania to improve its rating, the ASCE said that Pennsylvania should not wait to fix the infrastructure, as waiting worsens problems, costs more and will disrupt more lives when it comes time to solve it. The ASCE also said passing Act 89 to create funding for infrastructure was a good first step.