Eating well on peritoneal dialysis | North Bristol NHS Trust (2024)

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This information will help you choose foods to keep you well on dialysis. You may also be given some extra information if needed. Your dietitian may change the advice in the future if your health, blood tests, or appetite changes.

You will be able to talk to your dietitian regularly about your eating. You can contact your dietitian any time. see the end of the page for contact details.

What can I eat?

Beans, lentils, fish, eggs, meat, and other protein foods

These are high protein foods. They are essential:

  • For strong muscles.
  • To fight off infections.
  • For healthy skin and blood.

Before starting dialysis, you may have been advised to eat smaller portions of protein foods. Now your body is losing some protein during dialysis. You need to eat extra protein foods to replace what you are losing.

These are high protein foods:

ProteinRecommended portions
Meat, chicken, and turkeyPalm size portion
FishHand size portion
Beans, lentilsHalf a tin/6 tablespoons
Quorn, tofu, tempeh, soya, proteinPalm size portion

Dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks and yoghurts)

Milk, cheese, yoghurt and fortified soya milk are great sources of protein and calcium. They also contain a lot of phosphate.

Phosphate levels in the blood may be high when the kidneys are not working properly; this can increase your risk of heart disease, cause weak bones and itching. Your dietitian will advise if you need to limit these foods to lower phosphate levels in the blood. See page 10 for more information about phosphate.

Potatoes, yams, cassava, plantain, bread, rice, pasta, cereals, and other starchy carbohydrates

These foods give us energy.

Try to include one serving at every meal.

Wholegrain varieties are high in fibre. Fibre helps to keep your bowels healthy and prevent constipation. Constipation can prevent your dialysis from working well. Try to choose these wholegrain foods:

  • Wholemeal or granary bread.
  • Wholegrain cereals such as shredded wheat or Weetabix.
  • Wholewheat pasta.
  • Brown rice.

You may have been advised to always boil potatoes, yam, cassava and plantain; this reduces the potassium. Your dietitian will advise you if you still need to do this.

Fruit and vegetables

Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables per day.

You may have been advised not to eat some fruit and vegetables because your potassium levels in the blood have been high.

Your dietitian will advise you if you still need to do this.

Fatty and sugary foods

Foods high in fat and/or sugar include pastry, fried foods, cakes, biscuits and chocolate.

Dialysis fluid usually contains glucose (a form of sugar). Some of this glucose will get into your blood and give you extra calories which may cause unwanted weight gain.

If your appetite is good and you want to manage your weight and eat to keep your heart healthy, you could:

  • Eat smaller portions of high fat/high sugar foods.
  • Choose low fat options where possible such as lean meats.
  • Choose lower fat dairy foods such as milks, yoghurts and cheeses.
  • Use smaller amounts of unsaturated fats and oils such as vegetable oil and olive oil spread.


Fluid mainly comes from liquids you drink.

When most people start dialysis, they are still passing urine. Fluid is removed from the body by dialysis and by passing urine. Many people find that after a while on dialysis they pass less urine; they begin to rely on dialysis to remove most of the fluid.

If you are drinking more fluid than can be removed, you will become fluid overloaded (oedema). The extra fluid puts a strain on your heart and lungs. It is often difficult to remove extra fluid by dialysis.

Signs you are overloaded are:

  • Rapid weight gain.
  • Swollen ankles.
  • Feeling breathless.
  • Higher blood pressure.

Weigh yourself daily and this helps you quickly notice rapid weight changes due to fluid.

If you are gaining too much fluid your doctor, dialysis nurse or dietitian may advise you to limit the fluid you drink.

Tips if you need to have less fluid:

  • Try to have fewer drinks and spread your fluid throughout the day.
  • Use a small cup or glass for drinks.
  • If eating sloppy or liquid foods such as such as soup, custard, yoghurt, ice-cream, reduce how much you drink.
  • Spicy and salty foods can make you thirsty so try to reduce these foods.
  • Try using plastic ice cubes in drinks to save extra fluid.
  • Rinsing your mouth, gargling with mouthwash and brushing your teeth can help freshen your mouth.
  • You can quench your thirst with slices of lemon, orange, frozen grapes, pineapple cubes, boiled sweets, sugar free mints and chewing gum.
  • If you have a dry mouth, artificial saliva sprays may help such as Glandosane (available on prescription).
  • Keep a record of all liquids you are having including all drinks, soups, gravies, jelly, yoghurts, and ice-cream.

Your dietitian can give you more ideas to help.


Eating less salt can help you to feel better. Reducing salt helps your dialysis remove fluid, can improve your blood pressure and make you feel less thirsty. Most of the salt we eat comes from processed and ready prepared foods. Tips to reduce salt:

  • Have more home cooked foods. Cook from scratch where you can.
  • Try to reduce processed foods. Sausages, bacon, ham, ready meals, jars of mustard, sauces, pickles, and table sauces are salty.
  • When shopping, check food labels. Aim to eat mainly foods which have less than 0.3g salt per 100g or with a green traffic light symbol for salt. If you are choosing ready meals, aim for less than 1.8g per portion.
  • Consider having higher salt foods (more than 0.3g salt per serving, or amber or red traffic light) less often and in smaller amounts.
  • Free apps such as FoodSwitch or NHS Food Scanner can help.
  • Flavour your food with herbs, spices, lemon, garlic, vinegar, dry mustard powder.
  • Try to avoid using salt in cooking. Taste food first as you may not need it.
  • Try not to add any salt at the table.
  • Avoid salt that has ‘low in sodium’ written on the label as these contain potassium. This includes LoSalt, Solo, Saxa So-low.

Your dietitian can give you more help to reduce the salt you eat.


Potassium is a mineral found in many foods. It helps our nerves, muscles and heart to work properly. Our kidneys usually control the level of potassium in the blood. Extra potassium is passed out in the urine.

Dialysis removes potassium but you may still have high levels in the blood, especially if you start to pass less urine or have problems with dialysis. Your levels of potassium in your blood will be checked regularly.

The target range for potassium in your blood is 3.5 – 5.4mmol/l. A high level of potassium can be dangerous, as it can affect your muscles and heart.

Your dietitian will advise if you need to eat less potassium to keep your blood levels safe.

These are foods and drinks higher in potassium:

  • Some fruits such as apricots, avocado, bananas and dried fruit.
  • Some vegetables such as mushrooms, parsnips, spinach and tomatoes.
  • Potatoes which have not been boiled such as chips and jacket potatoes.
  • Snacks such as potato crisps, nuts, chocolate and liquorice.
  • Drinks such as coffee, malted milk drinks and fruit juices.
  • Alcoholic drinks such as cider and strong ales.
  • Soups containing tomatoes and vegetables.
  • Salt substitutes such as Losalt, Saxa So low and Solo.
  • Only limit high potassium foods if you have been advised to.

If you have diabetes, you may have been recommended to eat more fruit, vegetables and nuts. Your dietitian can advise you on appropriate quantities and help you choose lower potassium options.

Rarely blood potassium levels may be too low. Your dietitian will advise you what to eat to help with this.


Phosphate levels in the blood can be high when the kidneys are not working properly; this can increase your risk of heart disease, weaken your bones and cause itching.

Dialysis is poor at removing phosphate from the blood. Your levels of phosphate in your blood will be checked regularly.

The target range for phosphate in your blood is 0.8 – 1.5mmol/l. If your levels are high, eating less phosphate can protect your bones and heart, and help you feel less itchy.

High phosphate food and drinks include:

  • Cola drinks and other dark coloured fizzy drinks which contain phosphoric acid.
  • Processed foods containing phosphate additives such as ready meals, processed meats and cake mixes. Check the ingredients label for additives with ‘phosphate’ in the name such as diphosphates, triphosphates, sodium phosphate.
  • Nuts and chocolate.
  • Products with raising agents such as muffins and scones.
  • Malted milk drinks, drinking chocolate and cocoa.
  • Evaporated and condensed milk.
  • Fish with edible bones such as sardines, pilchards and whitebait.
  • Shellfish such as fresh crab and scampi.
  • Offal products such as liver, liver sausage and pate.

Other high phosphate foods such as dairy products, milk, fish and meat are good sources of protein and other nutrients. Some recommended portion sizes are below.

Your dietitian can guide you on how many servings to have per day or per week. For most people 2 servings per day of dairy foods and up to 6 eggs per week will limit the amount of phosphate you’re eating.

FoodRecommended portion sizes
Yoghurt1 small pot
Cheese1 small matchbox size portion
Eggs6 per week

If you are already following a low phosphate diet your dietitian will advise if you need to continue. Only limit high phosphate foods if you have been advised to.

To help control phosphate levels, some people may be prescribed tablets called phosphate binders. Your dietitian will advise on the best way to take these to make sure they work well.


If you have peritonitis you will lose more protein than usual through the dialysis process. Eating extra protein foods at this time will help your recovery. Ask your dialysis nurse or renal dietitian for advice. The information below may help if your appetite is reduced.

Small appetite

If you have a small appetite, the following information may help:

  • Eat little and often throughout the day. Try three meals and 2 - 3 snacks every day.
  • Eat small nourishing snacks between meals such as cereal and milk, cheese and biscuits, cakes, biscuits, desserts, pastries.
  • Have a snack, sandwich or a milky drink if you cannot manage your normal meal.
  • Try easy to prepare high protein meals such as cheese, scrambled egg, poached egg on toast or omelette.
  • Use full fat and full sugar versions of foods and drinks such as full fat milk, full fat yoghurt instead of diet or low fat ones.
  • Try to eat more on days or at times you feel better.
  • Spread butter, margarine, honey, jam and marmalade thickly on bread, croissants, and crumpets.
  • Add honey or sugar to cereals and puddings.

Eating well is important to help you feel better and cope with dialysis.

Some of these foods are high in salt, sugar, phosphate and potassium which may not be in line with the diet you have previously been advised to follow. If you have diabetes or you are limiting potassium or phosphate speak to your dietitian for more information.


Water soluble vitamins are lost during the dialysis process.

Your GP can prescribe a multivitamin tablet (Renavit) suitable for people with kidney disease; this helps to replace the vitamins lost during dialysis.

Renavit contains a beef product so if you are unable to take this, we can recommend an alternative.

You will need to take Renavit once a day.

How can I eat more sustainably?

Many people want to eat food that is more environmentally friendly.

Below are some ideas you could consider:

  • Try some plant food sources of protein such as beans, lentils, soya mince, Quorn, tofu.
  • When buying fish look for the Marine Stewardship Council or Aquaculture Stewardship Council symbols.
  • Try calcium fortified plant milk such as soya or oat instead of cow’s milk.
  • Opt for wholemeal breads and wholegrain versions of pasta and cereals.
  • Choose local and seasonal produce.
  • Avoid chopped, ready prepared and packaged fresh fruit, veg and salads if you can.
  • Reduce food waste, especially of fresh fruit and veg, by choosing tinned and frozen alongside seasonal fresh produce.

Further informaiton

Patients Know Best is an easy-to-use online service that allows you to monitor your own blood test results.
Register to Patients Know Best - Patients Know Best

Information on kidney disease and food written by the kidney dietitians at North Bristol NHS Trust.

Education videos on how to eat less salt presented by the Kidney dietitians at North Bristol NHS Trust.
Educational videos on salt for kidney patients - YouTube

Diet and lifestyle information including recipe books to download.
Living with kidney disease | Kidney Care UK

Diet information including menus and recipe books to download.
Kidney Patient Guide - Diet

Website of the Edinburgh Renal Unit and contains useful dietary information.
Diet in renal disease –

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published March 2023. Review due March 2026. NBT003497.

Contact Nutrition & Dietetics

Kendon House
Kendon Way
Southmead Hospital

Telephone: 0117 414 5428

Related links

  • Renal (Kidney)

Eating well on peritoneal dialysis

Eating well on peritoneal dialysis | North Bristol NHS Trust (2024)


Eating well on peritoneal dialysis | North Bristol NHS Trust? ›

What should I eat to keep me well on Peritoneal Dialysis? You may need to eat more protein foods after you start dialysis. Eating less salt can improve your blood pressure and make you feel less thirsty. You may need to limit the amount you drink if recommended by your doctor, nurse or dietitian.

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Eating smaller meals five or six times a day can provide the calories you need during the first weeks on peritoneal dialysis. Over time, many people gain unwanted weight on peritoneal dialysis. The dialysis fluid used for exchanges contains a sugar called dextrose.

How do you lose weight on peritoneal dialysis? ›

The following are weight-loss diet tips for people on dialysis:
  1. Be aware of your shopping and eating habits.
  2. Exercise with your doctor's consent.
  3. Reduce calorie and fat intake.
  4. Be aware of your portion sizes.
  5. Reward yourself.
  6. Anemia.
  7. After-treatment affects.
  8. Peritoneal dialysis (PD)

How long does it take to feel better on peritoneal dialysis? ›

Unless you are very sick for reasons other than kidney failure, dialysis should help you feel better. Some people feel better the first week. Others notice a difference after a few months. If your dialysis treatments make you feel ill or tired, tell your care team your symptoms so they can help you feel better.

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An infection of the abdomen's inner lining is called peritonitis. This is a common complication of peritoneal dialysis. An infection also can start at the site where the catheter is placed to carry the cleansing fluid, called dialysate, into and out of the abdomen.

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Your kidneys are working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Each of your PD exchanges removes waste and excess fluid from your blood. Fluid buildup from missed treatments can have lasting negative effects, including heart damage, elevated blood pressure, and an increased risk of stroke or heart attack.

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People receiving peritoneal dialysis are at increased risk of developing a hernia. This is because holding fluid inside the peritoneal cavity for many hours puts a strain on the muscles of the abdomen. The main symptom of a hernia is the appearance of a lump in your abdomen.

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Bloating from the dialysis solution is common when you're on PD. Patients who need to carry fluid in their abdomen during the day (called a long dwell) will notice a bulge and may have an uncomfortable feeling of fullness.

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The percentage of body weight gain after 2 years of PD was 2.38 ± 8.31%. The average BMI was 23.9 ± 4.3 kg/m2 at the initiation of dialysis and 24.4 ± 4.4 kg/m2 after 2 years of PD (p < 0.001) [7]. The average changes in body weight and BMI after 2 years of PD were 1.2 ± 5.1 kg and 0.5 ± 2.0 kg/m2, respectively.

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Most dialysis patients need to limit their fluid intake to 32 ounces per day. Manage your thirst. Your dietitian can help you find ways to manage your thirst such as sugar-free hard candies, ice chips, or frozen grapes. This will help you avoid drinking too much fluid between dialysis treatments.

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Though kidney transplantation is the ultimate solution to kidney failure, the average life expectancy on peritoneal dialysis is 5-10 months in some cases. However, several patients have succeeded in living a well and improved lifestyle on peritoneal dialysis for about 20 to 30 years.

How long can a person stay on peritoneal dialysis? ›

How long you can stay on PD depends on many things, such as your overall health and how well you follow your treatment plan. Many people live on dialysis for years. If your health gets worse while you are on PD, you may have to switch to hemodialysis or get a kidney transplant.

What is the most frequent complication of peritoneal dialysis? ›

One of the most serious complications of peritoneal dialysis is infection, which can develop in the skin around the catheter or inside the abdominal cavity (called peritonitis). Another potential, but less serious, complication of peritoneal dialysis is the development of a hernia, a weakness in the abdominal muscle.

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The abdomen or belly of some people, particularly those who are morbidly obese or those with multiple prior abdominal surgeries, may make peritoneal dialysis treatments difficult or impossible. Peritonitis (infection of abdomen) is an occasional complication although should be infrequent with appropriate precautions.

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In this brief review, we discuss some of the factors underlying the low prevalence of PD. These include inadequate patient education, a shortage of sufficiently well-trained medical and nursing personnel, absence of infrastructure to support urgent start PD, and lack of support for assisted PD, among other factors.

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The causes of death were grouped into six categories: cardiac, infectious, withdrawal from dialysis, sudden, vascular, and “other.” The greatest number of deaths were due to infections, followed by withdrawal from dialysis, cardiac, sudden death, vascular, and other.

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The same thing happens when you eat during dialysis. Blood from your muscles, arms, and legs rushes to your gut for digestion, potentially causing cramps, low blood pressure, nausea, and vomiting.

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Can I drink more fluids on PD? Daily peritoneal dialysis sessions help prevent fluid buildup in the body, so you may be able to drink more fluids than you would if you were treating less frequently with another option. It is still important to keep your fluid intake to the amount recommended by your care team.

What are the dietary guidelines for peritoneal dialysis patients? ›

Limit takeaway and processed foods, as they are traditionally high in salt. Choose fresh, home cooked meals to reduce the salt intake. It is important to cut back your fluid intake so that excess fluid does not build up in your body. If you drink too much you may need to use stronger bags to pull off the fluid.

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