County Savings Bank, - [PDF Document] (2024)



Hancock County Savings Bank, ORGANIZED MARCH 17, <873,

has paid regular semi-annual dividends amounting to $201,811.0] Surplus above all liabilities ..... 33,806.71 Loans only on unquestionable security (not names alone).

N. B. Coouixik, President, C. C. Bi nniLL, treasurer,

John F. Whitcomb, vice-president, F. C. licit itn-L, assistant treasurei.


| _



General Insurance and Real Estate. ELLS WORTH and BAR HARBOR. ME

LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. We close Saturdays at 1 o'clock |

0. w. TAPLEY, insurance of all kinds. We represent sue*)

oomp&nies as the following: “.Etna,” "Hartford," “National,” “Royal,” “Western," “Commer- cial Union,” "New York Underwriters," “Hamburg-Breinen,” “Norwich," “Manchester," “Mer- cantile,” and “Williamsburg City." They are the largest companies and write at thef lowest rates. Clive us a call.


Do not put off until to-morroiv that which you can do to-day Come in and buy your

Hats, Coats, t

• Dress Skirts and Furs. Do • not go to Bangor for these

goods, when you can buy them for less money at home. I carry a good line of Dry Goods, Boots, Rubbers and Overshoes. If you want Boys’ Boots that will wear and not

rip, you will find them here. Try a pair and you will buy no other.


Teeth! ^ AH my work guaranteed in writing? for ten years.

FREE—Painless extracting when others are

needed. I use nothing but the REST of material

_ __ in all my work, which is completed as quickly as

FULL SET, $7. possible. GOLD CROWNS. 22-karat, each $5. BRIDGE ’

WORK according to number of teeth, each $5. RICHMOND CROWNS, half porcelain and hall gold, J8. LOGAN CROWNS, all porcelain, $4. GOLD FILLINGS, JI.2S np.

ELLSWORTH DENTAL PARLORS, Dr. F. O. BROWNE, Mgr. First National Bank Bldg., Ellsworth,


Joy Studio by Eenley would make a very appro- priate and acceptable Christmas pres- ent. We would suggest that all con-

templating pictures for the holidays drop in early and avoid the rush which

generally occurs at this period. What Sam l’reble, of Watervitle,

said: To the public in general: — This

is to certify that I have known Mr.

Eenley for a long time and consider bim a Crackerjack.

Sam L. Fkeblk. Watervitle, Oct. 20, 1003.



E. J. DAVIS’ A splendid rcDMC now ready assortment of rEK PI ^ at the

EllsworthGreenhouse Telephone connection.

« A «* WOMAN’S TOIDEA<X> is to get ::::::


Simmons Watcls Chains

The best gold-filled chains made. As good as

all gold and very much cheaper.

Thanksgiving is past, and we have had our “T. T. and other tixin's. Next come* Christmas with its

merry-making and gift giving. If you have not made selection of the pres- ent;, you are to give, call at No. 5 Main st., and you will find lots of them, and at right prices, too.

A. W. GKEELY, 5 Mum Street

■mhmimWMHWMW A

MISS N. F.DRUMMEY, Public Stenographer ...and Typewriter...

Reasonable Prices. ProraptCServlee.

0l|a." »«■■«. nun K »"> '* HI—«■»■«»».

The Ellsworth American

[The only county paper.]


Abble F Salisbury—Libel for divorce. Probate notice—feat dary M Adams Eastern Steamship Co—Change in eel edule. G A Parcher—A pothccary. Wlggin A Moore—Apothecaries. Alexander C Hagerth/—Notice of foreclosure. A ’V Ureely- Simmons watch chain. Sta des, Smith A Moody— Musical inetru-

m. ,twS Bangor:

Bangor Pub Co.


In effect October 72, 7003.

Going East—7.16 a m and 6.18 p m. Going West—li.fifi a m, vs and 9.46 p m.

MAIL CLOSES AT TOST-OFFICE. Going East—6 80 a m and 5.30 p m. Going Weat—11.20 a m and .*» and 9 p m.

No Sunday trains.

THE AMERICAN is on sale in EllsworOi at tlie news stands of C. H. belaud, J. A. Thompson and H. W. Estey. (Single copies, 5 cents; subscription price, $ 1.50 per year In ad van ce.

Mrs. James reau well is the guest of Mrs. S. A Goodwin.

Mrs. Goodwin, of O'd Town, is the

guest of C. R. Foster and wife.

Mrs. G. Frank Newman is seriously ill with broncbitis and the grip.

Miss Inez L. Kingman, of Bangor, spent Thanksgiving at home.

Alfred A. Farland, banjo virtuoso, ap- peared at Hancock ball last Friday even-

ing. ^ Miss Frances Grant left for Baltimore

Monday to spond the winter with rela- tives.

Tbe junior league will have • supper at the Methodist vestry next Wednesday, Dec. 9.

Cyras Moulton and wife, of Hampden, spent Thanksgiving with J. F. Royal and

wife in this city. Mrs. George E. Grrely pleasantly enter-

tained a part of her lady friends yesterday at afternoon tee. y

Miss Marion W. Wcoster, cf West Franklin, was the guest Friday of Henry H. Higgins and wife.

Several of the young men who were

home from college gave a dance at Man*

ning hail Friday evoning. There will be a dance at Odd Fellows

ball Friday evening. Monaghan’s orchestra wilt furnish tbe oniBic.

Tbe December meeting of tbe Associ-

ated Charities will be held in the grand jury room Monday afternoon, Dec. 7, at

3 o’clock.

Capt. Samuel L. Lord and wife, who

spent Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. Fred S. Smith, in Gardiner, have

returned. Tbe concert by the Edison Moving

Picture Co. in Hancock hall, Thanks-

giving afternoon and evening was well

attended. There will be a sale of small articles

and home-made candy at the Pine street

school, room 2, next Friday afternoon from 2 lo 4.

Enner S. Hayce*, formerly with Rand & Skinner, architect**, Boston, but now of

Ballardvale, Mass., was iu tbe city Mon-

day ou business.

The members of Sunrise council, D. cf L., are arranging for a fair and supp* r

which they will give at Odd Fellows ha 1

Friday evening, Dec. 11.

Tbe “Wrsley Abbott” has discharged a

toad ol hard coal this week for Frank

Lord. She will load lumber for Whit-

comb, Haynes & Co. lor Salem.

Owing to the manlfett Interest and

success of the evangelistic services held at Manset. Rev. D. Kerr has gone back to

conduct another week’s service*.

The annual ball and supper of the Columbia hook and ladder compsny wil' be held in Hancock hall Thursday even-

ing, Dec. 31. It will be a masque ball.

The regular monthly meeting of

Lygonia lodge will be held this evening. After the regular business the first degree will be worked on two or more candidates.

Merrill I. McFarland, of Hancock, and

Miss Lena Joy, of Franklin, were married at the Methodist parsonage last Wednes

day evening by Rev. J. P. Simontou.

The Ariel quartette, ot which Miss M

he I Monaghan is a member, waB enter-

tained a tew days ago at Norfolk, Va., on

hoard the U S. S. “Olympia” as guests of

Capt. and Mrs. Lyon. The literature club met with Miss Mary

H Black Monday evening. There was a

afc&Ertisraunts. -----


There are many people who wish to make Xmas gifts which will be of real use. Our store offers many things in the way of sensible gifts— Hot Water Bottles, Brushes, and Combs, Clothes Brushes, Whisk Brooms. Soap Cases, Leather (foods. These are but a few suggestions of our

line. A visit to our store will give many more.

Wiggin & Moore, DRUGGISTS. I

Corner opp Post Office, Ellsworth. M

4"—■—— -•?

gO )d attendance hi spite of the storm, nd an interesting meeting wasbeid. The

n xt meeting will be held with Miss M. A. Greely Monday evening, Dec. 14, at her home op Bridge bill.

The regular montjily meeting of Eso- teric lodge veil) be held to-morrow even-

ing. The third degree will be worked on

two candidate* alter rguiar business.

Supper will be served after the work. -/

Miss I ia M. Jude, who has been spend- ing a two weeks’vacation with relatives in this city, returned to Lynn Friday. She was accompanied by her sister Florence, who will be employed there.

The Annual sale and fair of the Unity alliance will be held at the Unitarian vis^y, Thursday Dec. 10, afternoon and

evening. Supper will be served as usual at 6 o’clock by the members of tiie club.

M. B. Gerrlab, who taaa been employed in J. W. Nealley’s barber shop for several

years, has gone to Kittery, where he will

spend a month with bis parents before

going to Boston to spend the winter.

The quarterly conference of tho Metho- dist church was held in the vestry Satur- day evening. Rev. F. L. I-lnyward pre- sided. Sunday morning and evening Rev. Mr. Hayward occupied the pulpit.

The next attraction for Hancock hall is Dan and Dolly Mann in “Mtindy Haw- kins”, Dec. 15. This company i* highly spoken of by both press and public. It comes to the city under the management of Charles P. Halpin.

Harry Joy, Charles Knowlton, George Parcber and Fulton Redman, who spent the Thanksgiving recess at home, have returned to Bowdoin. Charles W.

Campbell and Harvard Lord have re-

turned to the University of Maine. The report that James P. Whitmore had

accepted a position as station agent at Brewer is unfounded. Mr. Whitmore was

at the Brewer station substituting, but has returned to his duties as baggage master at the Maine Central station here.

Miss M. A. Clark and Mies M. A. Stock- bridge will make their annual Christmas exhibition of decorated | -hina at the store formerly occupied by the late John A. Hale, at the corner of Main and Hancock streets.

Harry H. Austin, son of Alderman A. W. Austin, who, with his bride, is spend- ing bis honeymoon in England, was

obliged to undergo an operation for appendicitis. At last accounts he was

doing well.

The Odd Fellows’social which was an-

nounced for this eveuing has been post- poned to next Tuesday, Dec. 8. All Odd Fellows end their families are invited Supper will be served. Music will be furnished by Higgins’orchestra.

The union Thanksgiving meeting at the Congregational vestry last Thursday afternoon was

well attended. Rev. S. W. Sutton deliv- ered the sermon, Rev. J. P. Simonton offered prayer, and Rev. David Kerr read the scripture. | Mr. Justice Emery has changed his head-

quarters for the winter from the judge’s chambers in Ellsworth to the chambers in the new court-house at Bangor. He will reside at the BaDgor house. All communications should be addressed to him at Baugortintil April.

Voters who intend to participate in caucuses hereafter are urged not to over-

look the requirements of the new caucus

law regarding registration. The city committees are desirous of having tbe list complete by Dec 10, and they mutt be completed by Jan. 1.

The annual concert and ball of the

Dirigo athletic club last Wednesday evening was a success in every way. Tbe concert was good, and each number was

well received. The dance and supper were well patronized. Monaguan s

orchestra furnished tbe music.

A. M. Phillips, of Melrose, Mass son of Hosea B. Phillips, of this city, has been nominated by the republicans of his ward as alderman. His nomination is endorsed by the municipal league, and his election is practically assured. Mr. Phillips was

graduated from the Ellsworth high school in 1881, and from Williams college in 1885. He studied law, but has been in commercial business for the past flftten or

eighteen years.

Benjamin E. Cole, senior member of the Arm of B. E. Cole & Co., of Boston, former owners of the State street shoe

factory in this city, died at his home In Boston last Monday. He whs seventy-snv* n

years of age. He began the shoe munu

featuring business in 1848 and continued in it without a break up to the time of bis death. He was married twice and is survived by a widow and one son, Ed- ward B. Cole.

Mrs. L. A. Emery leaves to-day for Bos-

ton, where she will meet her daughter. Miss Annie C. Emery, dean of the woman’s college of Brown university. They sail Saturday on the “Romanic” for Rome where Miss Emery will spond the winter in special study. Mrs. Emery will be accompanied from here to Boston by her sister, Miss Elizabeth Crosby, who

wiP, after the sailing, proceed to her home in Topeka, Kansas.

Miss Laura O daughter of Wesley Sal-

isbury and wife, and Arthur J. Falls were

married at the home of the bride’s parents oq Fourth street Wednesday evening,

ov 25, by Rev. J. P. Slmonton, of the Methodist church. Tiering service was

used. The house was prettily decorated, and especially the parlor, the bridal

couple standing beneath an arch of ever-

green and flowers. After the ceremony refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs.

Falls went Immediately louseheeping in the Edgar Moore house on State street,

■ which had bten newly 3tled for them.






The regular meeting of the city govern- ment was held Tuesday evening iu ibe aldermen’s room in Hancock bail. The mayor was in the chair, and Aldermen

Tripp, Hooper, McCarthy, Moore and Austin were present.

The meeting was quite lengthy, the time being taken up with discussing several matters that were brought to the board’s attention. After the reading of the records of the previous meeting the board proceeded to business by passing tbs several rolls of accounts, which fol- low:


Police, John Sllvy, $45 00 O 1! Morrison, 45 OO

Library, C K Lauriat Co, 112 40 Library bureau, 32 28 Charles I Welch, 10 50 Elizabeth A Belcher, 89 00

Fire dept, A J Morse A Son, 27 00 David Lynam, 1 80 Arthur Salisbury, 11 50 Charles W Eatou, 50

High school, Charles I Welch, 22 91 Wiggln A Moore, 1 65

Schooll.ouse, Jeremiah Hurley, 6 00 School, Jo8lah A. Phillips, 2 00

Laurel Poor, 3 00 Elmer F Smith, 6 00 Willis Eaton, 14 00 Edward Haney, 27 00 Mrs Emma B Holt, 20 00 Mrs Stevens aud Mrs Ander-

son, 5 00 Florence L Jordan, 5 oO

Contingent, Thomas E Hale, 60 27 L D Patten, 6 00 Almon G Jelllson, 2 00 A O Whittaker, 31 50 John H Brimmer, 2(0 C K Foster, 33 00 M J Drummey, 10 5 Edwin M Moore, 1«5 it J Leach, 5 81 George E Higgins, i (0

Electric light, B H A U R Power Co. 150 00


Highways. $156(8 Sidewalks. 26 10


City schools. $677(0 High school. 233 7

Total, #910 67

A communication was read from Mrs. John C. Reed in regard to an abatement of her taxes. The matter was referred to Aid. Tripp, who is tax collector.

Chief Eaton reported in regard to the

hydrant in front of the American home on Main street. The chief was instructed at tbe last regular meeting of the board to have tbe hydrant either moved out to the curbing or to have it raised to its

proper height. As the hydrant now sets it is almost

useless, being so near the ground and rei

dering it almost impossible to make con-

nections in case of fire. It is true tbi t connections could be made as it is now, but during the hurry and bustle of a firr, it would be nearly impossible to do so

without the loss of valuable time. When tbe new sidewalk was laid on

Main street tbe hydrant was moved back to its present position instead of being put to the curbiug where it should have been.

Tbe water company naturally does not want to stand the expense of moving the

hydrant again, but seems perfectly willirg to if the city will stand tbe expense. It

was tbe opinion of tbe board that tbe hydrant should be at tbe curbing and that tbe city ought to stand the expense.

However, the matter was left with the committee on fire department consisting of Aid. McCarthy, chairman, Austin and

Hooper, with full authority to do as they see fit.

Tbe chief engineer also called the at- tention of the board to a request be had received from Dr. J. S. Sanger and sev-

eral others interested, in regard to lend-

ing fire hose. Tne hose is wanted to fill a

couple of skating rinks which these gentlemen are building. This was also referred to the committee ou fire depart- ment.

Jeremiah Hurley appeared before the board asking the city to reimburse him for damages nis horse had received on the Stabawl road.

Early in the spring and when Mr. Hur- ley was doing much driving between his farm and his home, t he road got in a bad condition, and in coming in bis horse had stuck his loot under a culvert, throwing the horse, breaking the harness and the wagon. Mr. Huney said be bad pre- viously notified the street commissioner of the had stiane the road was in, and asked him to fix it.

According t> Mr. Hurley the street commissioner did not repair the road, and his (Mr. Hurley’s) horse received an in- jury from which he has not recovered. The matter was left to the commiltee on

streets, consisting of Aid. Moore, Tripp t n 1 Hooper.


\ Absolutely Pure.

THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE I—— ————— II mmmmmmmm—i,

Skating Club Formed. A new club in town is the Nokomls

skating club, organized mainly throagh the efforts of Dr. J S Sanger, of the Bar Harbor & Union River Power Co. The club has leased tbe field in front of the H. M. Hall estate, built a four-foot bank around it, and is flooding it. Tbe en-

closure is 225x120 feet. A small building, 8x12, is being erected for the qse of mem-

bers. Tbe triangular lot opposite at

the junction of School and State streets, has also been leased, is being flooded, and will be placed at tbe disposal of the cbi'dren of the city. Among the mem- bers are Judge A. P. Wiswell, Col. H. E. Hamlin, M. Gallert, H. M Hall, L. M. «

Moore, W. H. Bnr)en,G H. Hardman, J. T. Giles, E. H. Greel.v, H W. Cushman, *

Dr. A. C. Hagert by. Dr. Caldwell, Henry Whiting, Dr. F. O. Brown, F. W. Hop- kins. Each member may invite as many ladies as he chooses.


Saturday, Dec. 5, at room 18, Manning block—Fond sale by Mrs. W. W. Morrison and Mrs. H. C. Woodward.

Wednesday, Dec. 9, at Methodist vestry —Junior Epworth league supper from 6 to 7. Price, 15 cents.

Thursday, Dec. 10, at Unitarian vestry— Annual sale and supper of Unity club.

Thursday, Dec. 10, at Surry — Seaside local union and Epwortb league. (Post- poned from Dec. 3.)

Friday, Dec. 11, at Odd Fellows ball—• Fair and supper of Suurise council, D. of L.

Hancock hall, Tuesday, Dec 15—Dan and Dolly Mann in “Mandy Hawkins”.

! Tickets 35 and 50c.


Beads Beads Beads Apache Beadwork

I now have a stock of Beads, Looms, Books of Instruction with patterns for Purses, Watch Fobs and Chains. Also Purse Tops and Fob

Trimmings at 25 and50 cents.

Send me your orders and make your selection of Xmas

gifts now.


S We are Headquarters for ^ J Fine Perfumes. 2 7 Have you seen our stock of Holi- ■ I day Perfumes, in fancy boxes, | ■ for gifts? It is certainly a very 7 7 tine collection of all the best ■ 1 imported and domestic perfumes 2

Sq. a. parcher, \ ■ APOTHECARY, £ m 14 MAIN STREET, ELLSWORTH 7


V L. w. 2


| > u <■ s ELLSWORTH.


Both in good condition.

SEVERAL ORGANS from $ lO up.

These instruments must bo sold at once, as we need tbe room for new goods.




Topic Kor the Week Brclllllliir Hee. tt— (.'nmment by Km. S. H. 1);

Topic.--What tlle hcrtsea of t±ltt BB.—Heb. xi, 1-40.

The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is

one of great Interest ami In pirailon. Here we have recorded a long list of

the ancient patriarchs, whose lives were in harmony with the will of God and who because of their faith in Him j made their lives count and “obtained a good report." Heroes ividt d and j heroes of faith! Not by might nor by ;

power, but by faith in God. tlmy “sub- 1

clued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stoppetl the mouths >

of lions, quenched the violence of lire. \ escaped the edge of the swor.U out of j weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in light, turned to flight the! armies of aliens.” As heroic denis in-

spire to emulation, so also should the j faith of heroes, and from a study o£ j this chapter our faith in God through I Jesus Christ should tie more firmly es-

tablished. The fat'.h of these ancient heroes pos-

sessed several important characteris- tics. (1) It was faith In God. The faith defined and illustrated here is not distinctive Christian faith. Saving faith In Jesus Christ is something en-

tirely different. This was faith in God. In His power and in His promises. Such faith always proceeds Christian faith. It Bhould exist In every human heart and prepare the way for saving faith in Christ. (2) It was a practical faith. Some religious faith is not practical. It la not applied to the daily affairs of life. We believe, but do not live by oar beliefs. Not so was it with these Old Testament worthies. They based their lives upon their faith. Dangers, difficulties, trials and afflictions had no

terrors for them because of their faith In God. Our faith should be practical. It should sustain us in difficulty, in- Optra us to duty and comfort us in trial and affliction. A fruitless faith is a -worthless faith. (3) It was an adapta- ble faith. The experiences of none of tbeae worthies were exactly alike, yet faith in God was adaptable to every experience. Nor is there any condition or experience in life where faith in God will not sustain us. It is able to Beet the wants and needs of every human heart and life.

The numbers of the heroes of faith are alao worthy of our attention. Many young people have the erroneous idea that but few of the world's great men

have been men of faith. The Impres- sion somehow prevails that religious faith has been for the most part ex-

ercised by children and women. Rut nothing could be further from the truth, as we see illustrated here. All of Israel’s great men from Abel to Malachi are included in tills list of faith heroes. Nor has the Jewish na-

tion been peculiar In this respect. The world’s truly great men have all be- lieved in God. Therefore, we should not hesitate to believe nnd to act up to onr faith. “Seeing we also are com-

passed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us * * * run with pa- tience the race that is set before us. looking unto Jesus, the author and fin- isher of our faith.”


Gen. iv. 4; v, 21-24; vi. 11-22: xii. 1-5; xxil, 1-19; Ex. ii. 1-15; Josh. vi. 12-21; Matt lx, 27-31; xvii. 14-21; Gal. ii. 20.

Enlargement. Let us increase our working forces.

Every manufacturing plant when it de- cides to do more business adds to its horse power. The soul power of the Christian Endeavor society is the ac-

tive membership. Enlarge your active membership. Every real active mem-

ber won Is a new force added to the dynamics of the kingdom of heaven. Do not overwork the story of Gideon and his 300. It does not teach that God prefers to work with the few rather than the many. Ten thousand Gideonites are better than 300—only see that they are Gideonites. Let ns

get away forever from the heresy that a Christian Endeavor society is a

little clnb of like minded yonng peo- ple who meet together once a week for a pleasant little conclave of a re-

ligions character. A good Endeavor society may be very small, but it is always as large as Its field allows.— Rev. Dr. Francis E. Clark In Presi- dent's Annual Address at Denver Con- vention.

Worth the ('out. The Epworth Leaguers cheerfully

footed bills to the amount of $9,000 for their recent international gathering at Detroit, and confidently counted It “worth every cent of it.” We have not seen the figures of the Denver commit- tee. but we know they paid every item with a glad heart and felt that they were putting their money where it would bring large and lasting returns for the advancement of the cause of Jesus Christ.—John R. Clements in

“Empire State Notes.”

Denver Snap Shot*. The man who has been thinking that

the sun of Christian Endeavor is set-

ting will have to think again. We art

not looking back upon our Egypts. lint we are looking forward, with our faces toward the land of promise. — Kev. .tames Alexander.

The best way to get new members into the Christian Endeavor society is to have a first class prayer meeting.— II. A. Kinports.

'Hie teacher is the one who "wakes tin:” the scholar Is the one who re-

sponds. Let our motto be. “A junior society connected with every Endeav- or society.”—Kev. George F. Kenngott.

We keep the Idea strongly to- the front that Christian Endeavor Is appli- cable to every denomination —Kev. Dr. F E. Clark.

A plan in the Christian Krd"-rrnr World is j-.od. bt t a plan in the bris- lian End-e-er member is better.— William Siuiiv.

mutual lftcnrtit violumu,


It* Motto: Helpful and IIopt/*!'’'

The mirt>oM‘* of thl- column arc sucdwctly j Mat'd In th title and molts*-ft I* or the mutual J lavtciH, a*.*d aim* to t*e helpful and hfwful. j ffcdttg f r the common gt*•*«*, li I- lor the com | won uw-t puh'bf nervant, t pur»< *W of !«• >

fv>rmatiott ai>-t suggc-tio*'. a isnllsm for tin- ln- terettange of idea* 1« this capacity it solicit- j communication*, a»«© I;* i-uccts** •h.-gends largely \ on ihe Kuppuri glvet it In this rt"*.fct Coin- uiunlcadoit* mud l»e signed, •»■%!' toe name of j writer »1'1 «u»t »n* jointed »x yt by p-rmi si-m

Communlealloos will •*} to .-pprotal or >

r•jivtiou by the i-diior of the e<duma, but none J will l*c r» jccu-i without gwd reason Address all couniiuideation* to

THK AMl.lllCAW. Ellsworth, Me.

Weaving them into a work-a-dav life. Beautiful threads of gold! A thread of jov. with a strand of suite, And yet, the hands that hold

May fashion them Into patterns rare,

De-ign* of beauty, new and fair. TUI the Master-Weaver find* them there. Id ireautifu! threads of gold.

— Selected-

Dear M. K. Friends: I give you first out of my rich stor hou^e

for this week a practicable and aval able

and what would mem to te a *en»ib e

remedy for smallpox which *‘8” kindly send*.

Mari avi llk.

I have not written for some time for Aunt

Madge's column, as I thought some one else per-

haps could write something that would be of more Interest to the readers, but as smallpox is

now going the rounds, perhaps It would be of interest to know of a cure.

Edward Hines wrote that be was willing to lose his reputation as a public man If the worst

case of'smatlpox could not be cured in three

days, simply by the aid of cream of tartar used as follows:

One ounce of cream of tartar dissolved In a

pint of water; drink at Intervals when cold. This Is a certain, never-fniU** remedy.

I think U is nice to have a home doctor column in each paper. If I see this In print will write more. *•

We ahall be glad to beer from you again*

To the dear onee of the M B. Column: How are you all? And why don’t some of

you sisters, aunts and grandmas of long stand-

ing tell us what the something new Is to be for our column? I’ve been waiting with patience si nee Aunt Madge spoke of it, for some one to

propose a new theme, or subject, and while we

wait, one for the other, let’s talk about what rests us most when we are dead tired of house work and all the care that goes with It. is It a

good long sleep that rest nerves and body, or

good music, a nice book, a bright, breeay friend to talk with, a long ride with lots to look at, or a

long visit away from home? For my tonic and

rest, first. I’d like to look at a lot of flowers new kinds, especially, end rar*j plants; then l*d like a bunch of sweet peas to bold and smell, and then I’d be rested.

And let’s hear from all hands, which they had rather have If they couldn’t have both—a whole lot of dress-up clothes or plenty of fresh oprons, wrappers and good-looking house shoes for

every day ? About that poem of R. W. Emerson that Aunt

Madge didn’t understand, I think he must have been so full of good feelings that he sort of hummed Inside, like a sewing machine at work, or a range In full heal; any how I am very glad 1

! don't always hear a song In the mud ami scum

i of things. If 1 did my kitchen floor would slug 1 most of th** time.

Yes, I must tell you that I have a new range.

I can rush the cooking now and no smoke to

bother. I think the apple pies are nicer cooked in an oven that will keep hot after the fire Is down, and that makes me think, what kind of

spice is best to flavor apple pie® with? isn’t there something new about the apple pie busi- ness, if there Is let’s hear U, for l make lots of them, and would line a change In the taste. 1 use clove and <-a.~*la together for mine. Yes, and 1 build up round them just as we do for a

custard, then cut the top paste by a plate that 1* the size of try pie tin and lay it on alter making slils in it, pressing it on to the apple; that leaves a vent all round the edge and the pie won’t run

out at all, unless one has a too hot oven, then It

only spatter® out a llule. Here is a nine way to make rolls for breakfast

Three cups of rolled oat®, 1 cup of flour or

flouright, 1 egg, 1 cup of buttermilk, 1 heaping teaspoon of soda, small teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoonful of sugar. 1 tablespoonfai of creagn, lard or cottolene, sweet milk enough to

make a soft dough or batter, a real hot oven, and they will come out light and crisp. This is enough for a family of four. Try U.

••May,” you dear new slater, there shall be no

delay when you get to the white gate, because

you learned us bow to make fudge. Come again, please.

Aunt Madge, you must have been aweary when you said we were born to be self-satisfied; you arc way off sure. The shortcomings, mis- takes, the chances to do good, the little helps we

might give and do not, the letters we shoul 1

write, and the calls we should make. Ah, me! Wluit a list there is! No, 1 don’t think anyone is ever ful'y satisfied with himself. Give us

something easier to think about next time. 1 like the column in this week’s pipe

(Nov. '8) very much. Aunt Madge, you do

nob’y, and If you feel self satis fled, 1 say you have a perfect right to. “Esther,” that was such

a nice letter you wrote to the new beginners. 1

got lv»ts ot new Ideas from U, and 1 am an old

beginner. See that you write us another good long letter very soon.

isn’t this a dreary lime of year? Dark days anti slush. Just the time, though, to take one’s

knitting work and run into the neighbor’s and talk it over. How many of us do It? Not many, 1 reckon. Those days seem to be or the past, when there was lime for a whole afternoon of

knitting; now it’s the grange, fairs, clubs, lodges, camping out. going to Europe, and ao

on, and along with all the rest, there is no sweet

molase- B and no dear okl ladles.

Yesterday I had a house full of company had

roast chicken for dinner and a lovely time all j round, and the best of It was I didn’t know they j were coming so didn’t get tired getting ready | for them, and one of the young Uoles from

Itangor had such a lore*}* hat. Yes, that hat did

me solid good; it was a licit deep blue velvet

with plumes and buckles, and the girl was full

of life and tun, so she and the hat made a poem, see; just it for this dark weather.

Why. I guess this is a 1 ng letter. Here’s love

to vOU an and good-bye till I come again. Yours I tru v. Apst Maria.

I* s. Why, 1 haven’t said a wont about

Thanksgiving, and It’s light here, and weaie

invited i<ut to a drake dinner. W hat full

stomach* we shall have! I hope you all will

have a very etjoj aLle Thatksgivlngday. Ta ta

The 'otter from “Aunt Maria” will do

yen all good in any kind of a day, shad-

owed or sunlit. I wish I cou'd rep.y right Hereto some of her thoughts, but I am

sure she pie*et ted some iceaa which wilt hr ng ft mpODM from the mater*.

No “Aunt Maria.” “May” nn’t the

“May” you thought ,l e might be. 1 hanks

for ytur enjeyablo. personal l tter. It c t,. me a tno di< ner table Thft M-

giving day. AUNT Madoe.


t IN the wa':;e C? A t | SiDS C0i3 I e o O By SYLVIA LKK O • * a o -— o • a O ivu a sSo. ;s \/• ? T, f. .’<vi7wnp O a a 0«0a0« }eC*C*CQ*0«0*0«0»0sO

Wlicii t ie girl one loves ns one has never lor si before 11rows her arms

about one's nook and says. "And I think it would be so lovely to ha re

diamond side combs Instead of a soli- taire. if y. J don't mind, dear.” and blushes—

Well, one buys the side combs with- out a question, and later perhaps one

reflects. Hut then it's too late. It thus befell witli Hark new. and

Leila wore tlie two starry bunds so

deftly poseii amid tbe knotted tangles of her sunny curls that they suggested, a diadem and in nowise led any man

to the conclusion w hich time honored custom bas drawn from tbe solitaire. In fact, before the betrothal was a

week old Harkness himself began to

wonder. Aud when, at a dance at the I.ake-

side club, young Wrycroft. the very famous half hack. Invited Leda to go. out for a moonlight row around the pier with him and Leda accepted and went Harkness not only wondered, but grit his teeth as well. No man who has spent ten years dancing attend- ance on other men's fiancees and other men's wives is going to enjoy life while ills own personal finncee and future wife is ofT with a fellow whose name has headed newspaper columns and whose chest can hardly find space for all his medals. The couple were

gone an hour and seven minutes by a

watch which had come down through three generations of the Harkness fam- ily. and when they did reappear the owner of the watch stood at the bead of the wide stair and claimed the young lady for the next waltz. Wry- croft. happily oblivious to his crime, strolled off. and Harkness led the girl around the wide promenade to a place which was quiet and retired enough for private conversation. He was boil- ing within, but nothing could have been more sweetly calm than the way in which he put his arm about her and asked with careless placidity:

"Did you row far. dear?" “I didn't row at all.” said Leda. “He

rowed." Harkness kissed her with exceeding

gentleness. “Did you land anywhere, darling—on the Point, for instance?''

"N-u-u-o." said Leda. Harkness passed his finger over her

pretty hair in silence for a few min- utes. and then lie suddenly gave a

siiurp exclamation: "Good God. Leda. you've lost one of

.your combs!" Leda put both hands to her bead and

almost shrieked as she realized the truth.

“Perhaps you forgot to put one in?" said her lover.

“No; I had them both. I'm sure.” She began to cry. Harkness scratched matches, and they both looked ull over

the floor, but uot a diamond glittered in the general gloom of the hour.

Very much later in the evening while Harkness was twostepping with Mrs. Lancaster a sudden turn showed him Leda speaking earnestly to Wrycroft. Wrycroft looked terribly used up. ami Harkness smiled grimly.

"Oh. what a smile!” said Mrs. Lan- caster. "It's both impressive and frightening. You make me afraid of you. and yet I admire the smile."

Harkness wondered if he wasn’t a

fool to he contemplating the addition of another wife to the assemblage.

"Y'ou look like a cross between Meph- Istopheles and Machiaveill.” went on

Mrs. Lancaster, who was sleuder and never lost tier breath. "Which do you favor?"

“1 can't spell either.” replied Hark- ness shortly. He felt Inclined to join the next expedition to the north pole.

The dance endured exceedingly late. It was quite 3 when the last woman

retired, and a half dozen men were

still lounging on the piazzas when the first gray streaks of dawn appeared above the Point. Harkness sprang up when he perceived them and yawned vigorously.

“I’m going to bed.” lie declared, "and I shall not tarry long upon the order >f my sleeping, either.”

Young Wryeroft stood up. too. and passed his band over his forehead.

“I dou't feel very fit." he said slowly. “I believe I'll go for a little row and maybe take n dip from the Point."

He went down the steps as Hnrkness entered the house. Later curiosity led the latter to wander to the window aud look to see If Wrycoeft was really car-

rying out bis purpose. A rowboat lay on the sandy stretch

opposite, and the rosy light of the ris- ing sun Illumined a figure which paced restlessly up and down the rustic paths skirting the shore.

”1 shouldn't call that exactly swim- ming?” said Hnrkness to himself a lit- tle grimly. He pulled down the shade with a violent jerk and got Into bed. ***••*•

It was quite noon when lie nwoke. The day was glorious, and the bosom of the lake was dotted with sailing parties. He gave the bell '.wo punches for hot water and twisted the dressing case toward the window as a prelimi- nary to shaving. The mirror reflected the Point, and us Ilarktess started to

tip it lie saw a girl disembarking alone. He unhung his Held glasses. Yes. it was Leda! He threw the glasses on the bed and

went on with his toilet. Every one was at Jkneheon when be

went down, and as he stopped by Leda’* chair to remind her that she Was to drive out with him at :• he

could not help seeing bow wretched she looked. Her hair l*ore no sign of j skip comb.

When they went out Inter there seemed to be .0 species of shadow mix- fd with the preliminary s'lenee.

The man spoke tlrst (and he waited a good While!.

“You haven't found it. have you?” “Oh. dear, no.” “liou't you think perhaps it fell out

In the boat?” “Why. there was nothing in the boat

to loosen it." darkness felt the corners of Ills

mouth suddenly give way even while his temper rose. lie looked off to the right for n long minute uud then asked severely:

“Was there anything at the Point to

loosen it?" I-eda's mouth flew open In undis-

guised fright. "Who told yon wo were to the

Point.' "I knew it all the time.” She began to cry. ”1 never will again, truly.” “How conk) you behave so?” said the

lover, launching himself suddenly into the full tide of ills righteous wrath. "You put me beyond all patience: go- ing off like that with Wryeroft. when yon know iierfectly well that you lie-

long to some one else, and then actually letting him"—

I.eda seized bis arm.

“Only once.” she protested earnestly, "only once.”

"Oity-e is once too often.” said Hark- ness, a great and exceeding bitterness welling up In his tone. “Once is a great, great many times too often, consider- ing the situation. Now. Leila. listen to

me.” he continued sternly, “Either promise me tlist you will never, never

again do anything In the slightest de- gree questionable or we'll call It all off. and yon can give me back the comb that you still have.”

“Oh, I'll promise!” said Leda. with a

submissive choke “I’ll never, never do so again. Truly, truly. Upon my word and honor.”

Harkneas looked to the tight and left and behind. Then he leaned down and kissed her.

Leda smiled happily, almost forget- ting the side comb.

“She’s a dear little giri.” said her lover, and. taking all the driving appa- ratus into Ills right hand, be thrust the loft into his breast pocket and drew forth the missing comb.

I.eda screamed. “Ob, where did you find it?” "I didn't find it anywhere." he said

coolly, as he adjusted the reins ngain. “I took it out of your hair myself last night.”

A Dok'i Fidelity. In the upper part of the famous Se-

quatchie valley. In east Tennessee, a

man and his wife settled when the country was new and wild. One of the first crops that they raised was a con-

siderable field of cotton. When it was

ready to be picked, they went out to- gether. prepared to make a holiday out of this pleasant labor. Their one baby was left in n cradle at the edge of the field, and the faithful old dog was

instructed to wnteli the tiny sleeper. After a considerable time they looked

toward the cradle to see if all wus well there. They were startled by the dis- covery that the little eoucli had been turned completely over. Tile dog was

making queer dives underneath and yelping as If in anger. As they hasten- ed to the place they were horrified to find the animal's jaws covered with blood and instantly came to the con-

clusion that he had been rending the child with his teeth.

The angry father hit the animal a

deathblow with a cudgel and then hastily turned the cradle right side up. Then' was the baby all unbanned, and there in the bedding was an enormous

rattlesnake, killed by the faithful dog after a fierce fight, in which both com

bntants had received many wounds.— Springfield Republican.

bun* That Saved Llvn. Ouns have plenty of uses apart from

killing. For instance, the signal gun of a ship is intended solely for an-

nouncing her arrival on a coast. Again. In desert countries, where water is often difficult to collect out of a mere

dampness of sand, a gun barrel sunk into the ground will collect moisture in the bore, and many a life lias been saved by a timely suck at the muzzle.

Minute guns are tired for public mourning, and national rejoicings tuke the form of a royal salute.

A slaver captured with a cargo of slaves in the tropics was put in charge of a prize crew. On her voyage the wa-

ter ran short, and the slaves, slavers and prize crew were dying of thirst. This set one of the marines, a sergeant, thinking, and he hit upon a brilliant idea.

After regaining reluctant consent from the captain he took all the availa- ble gun barrels, plugged up the breech ends of a few of them, filled their bores witli sea water and set them end up among the coals of the galley fire. As tbe steam rose he ran it through other gun barrels until it got cool. The i-ool- iug steam collected in the shni>e of ex- cellent fresh water, of which lie pro- cured a steady though small supply.— London Telegraph.

Strictly Regular. Tiie darky’s fondness for chicken is

only equaled by bis dexterity in getting possession of the birds. Weak consider- ations of mine and thine do not trouble him in the least. In any event bis logic is equal to the strain of a good excuse. Witness the following conversation:

“I see you have chicken for dinner." ‘‘Yessiili.’’ says Mr. Erastns I’inkley. “I hope you bought the chicken.” "Well. no. but tiie transaction were

strictly regular. Dat chicken lias been restin' on my fence wifont payin’ miff- in'. an’ I reckoned It were 'bout tint" to foln lose;’’—Kansas City Independent

A Peer's Pastime.

It wa« not only as a boy that Words- worth, Bhod with steei, hissed along the polished


He Was a skater of skill in his man-

bowl. “A girt skater; norm better in these parts.” was the testimony of a

Dales man, quoted by Canon Hawns

ley in his "Lake .Country Sketches.” On one occasion the poet went by

himself to figure a hit upon tlie White Moss tarn, and a man sent a boy to

sweep the snow from the lee for hint. Win n the boy returned from his labor, the man asked:

-Well, did Mr. Wodsworth gte ye owti”

"Nay,” rejoined the boy, With a grin of content from ear to ear. "I sit'd him tumniie tho’.”

But tlie lad, who had thought the tnmble a fair equivalent for a tip. had been much impressed by the quiet way

In which Wordsworth had borne bis

fall. His skate had caught in a stone

when he was in full swing, and be came down with a crash.

"He didn't swear nor say nowt.” said

the boy. “but lie Jnst sot up an' said.

•Eh, boy, that was a bad fall, wa.n t

ltT ’’ _

An Impadeot Indorsement.

During one of his busy reception hours, when I‘resident Lincoln was

talking first to one, then to another, of the many who filled the room In the White House, a gentleman asked if any news had been received from John Mor-

gan. whose Confederate cavalry were

raiding Kentucky and Ohio. "We’ll catch John aome of these

days,” replied Lincoln. "I admire him. for be is a bold operator. He always goes after the mail trains In order to

get information from Waahington. On his last raid he opened some mail bags and took possession of the official corre-

spondence. "One letter was from the war depart-

ment to a lieutenant in Grant's army. It contained a captain's commission for him. Right under the signature of A. Lincoln the audacions Morgan wrote, ‘Approved, John Morgan,' and sent the commission on its way. So there is one

officer in our army whose commission bears my signature with the approval of that dnredevil rebel raider.”

Lordly Dlaraell. Disraeli once told a lady that two

possessions which were Indispensable to other people he had always done without. “1 made,” she said, "every kind of conjecture, but without suc-

cess. and on my asking him to en-

lighten me he solemnly answered that they were a watch and an umbrella. •But bow do you manage,’ I asked, ‘If there happens to be no clock in the room and you want to know the time?' ‘I ring for a servant.’ was the magnilo- quent reply. ’Well,’ I continued, ’ami wliat about the umbrella? What do you do, for Instance, If you are in tho park and nre caught in a sudden show- er?' ‘I take refuge.' he replied with a smile of excessive gallantry, 'under the umbrellu of the tirst pretty woman

I meet.'

Two Standards. One of the strangest illustrations of

the ups aud downs of fortune comes from I’aris.

A rich Parisian banker became re- duced through unlucky investments to the sum of 10.000 francs. That amount was poverty to him, and, overwhelmed by bis loss nnd the hopelessness of the situation, he committed suicide.

The 10,000 francs then fell to his brother, who had Ix-en for years a pau- per, estranged from his family. Hut to him sticli a sum represented incred- ible riches, and his reason was over- thrown. In a moment of delirium be jumped into the Seine and was drown- ed.

Where lie W’aa Gulnc. “There was u Scot.” said an Kiigllsh-

nian. “who on ned a line orchard sur-

rounded by a hedge. One day us he en-

tered this orchard he saw a neighbor of his creeping on hands anil knees through the hedge so us to steal some

fruit. ‘Satvni y. hoot. hoot, mou!' exclaim-

ed the Scot reproachfully, ’whnur are ye gangin’?'

“Tile discreet Sawney answered: ’Rock ilg

Jim Lane'll til-rfer to Ilecrnila. During the civil war a lot of young

fellows-at Osknlci. it wanted to enlist in tlie cavalry. Jim Lane toid them they would make a mistake if they Joined a “hose” regiment. ”1 tel! you. boys.” lie said, “it will cost you a boss apiece to join the cavalry. As infan- trymen you will l.e ordered to Missouri, and yon can ride one horse and lead another when you come hack.’’—Atchi- son Globe.

Discreet. Mrs. Dove- Henry. 1 think y-n ure

positively cruel! Here I've tried so

hard to conk you a nice dinner, and you haven t had a word to say to me

about it. Mr. Dove—Darling. I love you too

much for that. If I'd said wtiat 1 thought, you'd never speak to pie again.—Boston Transcript.

The Future Utn of OI<l A*<-. Oat Id nru arr y<>iuy to >ur our future

"<»r*«r», wj# Succent, If wv «,« to credit a theory propounded In n recent work of Profi**or Ed Matcbutkofl, of tb. Pasteur lost Ho to t« Parle.

He reminds us that. In tbe case of some of the n:o*i I i»tt umrioun of the lower e^atures, such e* ant* end be«», the workers are a hr met Iro n the breeders, * r It’rn i>r n«. ;.i m \ Phv tin; be# n evolved by in-adI0e«lfoii of out* or both ot the ot tiers.

Witt* mar, no neutral sea has appeared but both »*xesce«*Gthe work of reproduc- tion at a fixed period of life. This, then is the must favorable period for work and, when science has eliminat'd lue to firm it lea of age. as Professor Metchni- kotf believes It is now able, or soon will be able to do, the aged will be our most vigorous and efficient toilers. This is a

paradoxical conclusion, and one that will hardly gain tbe consent ot all pbysiolo* Rtata.


Why the Lord Made so Many. On Lincoln’s lips, the words that often

csroc were these—“The common people,” To those who lived with him and talked with him, especially during the Civil war, U set tried as if be could never cease t liiuking of tbo e who were just human beings, unlettered, unknown, Inglorious.

A congressman from a western district approached him during his term as Presi- dent, and apologized for prim ming « j*,. tit ion from bln constituents, because they were eery common people.

"Weil,” said Linton*, pleasantly, “God must love the common people, He’s made •o many of ’am.”—Success.

Women are bound to have tbe last word —eweu If they have to turn to tbe loat page of a book first.

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Helene Wood 1 S 'i 8 Oapurim. tuna, by T. c. .VcCbin '1 CdeSkJtJKaStSeieig

"Elizabeth, the eternal feminine will assert Itself."

Elizabeth rmt on her long blue paint- ing apron without replying ami began to stretch a canvas. She was adorable so, her gray -yes'defiantly averted and a flush of anger on her cheeks.

"There you go again. If I don’t know my own mlml at twenty-six when will I?”

“At twenty-seven or eight perhaps. 1 hope sooner. Y our Ideas art all wrong Believe me, the day will come when you will long for a home of your own

and some one nearer than a girl friend or masculine admirer.”

He had the last word, for the nr

rival of the model, a thin, shabby look- ing girl, put an end to the discussion.

"Tomorrow at 5. then?” Elizabeth gave a brisk little nod.

She was nirendy sketching In the out- lines of her study, and Phil was for- gotten before he had dosed the door.

The young man was unite accustom- ed to such treatment. Admitted as ho was to her most Intimate friendship on an understanding of strict camarade- rie, he broke over the traces every year, was invariably refused and lx>re his defeat with easy atiount. Some day she was bound to cbuuge her mind, and lie might he the lucky man.

Elizabeth's own opinion was very different. She bad un time for thought until her work was laid aside for tho day. Then she sank into a nest «t cushions to think luxuriously.

No, Plill was wrong. She would nev- er care to leave her studio—above all. to marry. Had not the art school girls who married censed developing intel- lectually? Shut up in their own tout wall*, they became entirely absorbed In dear Tom or Hick and the children

Children! Elizabeth shuddered. A •child In a hook or picture was ver, delightful, but tbe reality, n dirty lit tie creature always orying-or being 111. She would never leave her work, hei studies, her pleasures, for a deadly stupid family life. Never!

A cry of warning. The trolley cm

stopped with a lurch. In an instant the conductor and motorman were down in the street, followed by most of the passengers. Elizabeth, impa- tient at the delay, resolved to walk the block or two remaining, ller mod- el would he waiting for her at the studio.

When she left tlie car she found her- self the only woman in a large group collected about a sickening black mass which had splashed ear wheels and

-cobblestones with blood. The con- ductor, a good natured looking young Irishman, Stood with tears rolling down his face. He was holding a golden hair- ed baby, a toddler of a year or two. The motorman, white and frightened, wil* telling how the baby had sudden !

ly run lit front of the ear and the moth- er had thrown the little one out of the way, only to be crushed herself.

The child began to cry, and the con-

ductor turned to Elizabeth imploring- ly. "You take the baby. mum. The ambulance Is cornin’. The cops will be after tiudin’ Its relatives.”

Before she could reply he had put the baby In her unresisting arms.

Some moments later, hardly know-

ing how it had all happened, she found herself walking into her studio build- ing carrying a little child. In her purse was a bit of paper Inscribed "U> I’lum- 1

ley alley.” It was the |>oor woman’s j address, to which she had promised to ; tuk\ him. A man she knew, who was

passing along the corridor, smiled and remarked, "Bather a small model. Miss Blair.” Elizabeth flushed as if sue bail

committed a crime ami was relieved to

close the studio door behind her. Then she put down her burden and

looked at her watch. Ten o’clock! The model had come and gone. No

hope now. She herself would have to

take the child home. A short confer- ence at the phone told her the where- abouts of riutnley alley, eight squares south and just off the —th street ear

line. When site left the phone she found

the little one standing close by. Eliza- beth Studied ldm witli half shut eyes.

“Not bad,” she thought—"a I>ona-

tello, if the forehead were a little high- er and the eurls not so tine and tight, llow X should like to paint him! Come,

here, little one. What’s your name?” “Alan Campbell naughty.” “Are you naughty?” “’Es. I want my muvver.” His mother! Elizabeth felt a quick

pang of horror. “Come here, and 1

will show you something pretty.” She held out her watch. The silver

and gold ornameuts on its loug chain

jingled attractively. Alan Campbell slowly drew' near the shining object, lie seized it just as a little stray dog would have done a hit of cake seized it and walked away. Then Elizabeth brought out pictures. It was surpris- ing how' quickly they were friends,

sitting on the floor side by side look-

ing at “pussies” asd "doggies.” It was after 11 when Alan Camp-

\ Ill’s face began to look doleful. “I want a cup of mlllik,” he an-

nounced. There wore a pitcher of cream, some

biscuits and a glass of Jelly ,n

stock of tea table provisions, with

this tunchoon spread out before h m,

Alan Campbell was soon installt on

the edge of the model stand. When he had drunk all the cream

except that which soaked into her pret-

ty rug. ' face wua gory with currant jelly, nml biscuits bad lost their attraction. Ell?*Seth took one sticky little liniiil in hers and led him flrmly to the waslistaud. After he was clean and dry she sank Into a chair, ex hausud.

i “1 want up on •up.” cried a little 1 voice appealingly.

She drew him up. For awhile he was a mused by her velvet blouse; tlieu

j his eyes began to close. Alan Cump- ; bell's head was on Elizabeth's shout- ! <Ier Hta right linial clasped berstight-

'y- He was fast asleep. Elizabeth hail the true artistic nature

! which when it feels does so with aban- don. 1 lie soft little body in arms,

i (he warm, sweet breath on her face,

j touched the very depths of her heart. Never In her life had she felt so

strangely happy—happy and yet trou- bled. She was embarrassed before tier own emotions and bent her head, clasp- ing him more tightly. The .world thought of her as a woman. She had a

womanly poise and n strong character, but her heart, a girl's heart, could not understand this awakening of mysteri- ous Instincts, tlie motherhood beneath her culture anil ambition and stronger tlmn both. Tbe Hying moments, her beloved work, everything was forgot- ten as she held tlie sleeping child.

A half hour passed, an hour. Alan Campbell suddenly opened a pair of questioning blue eyes. Startled by tbe strange face, lie cried: "Where's my muvver? I want my muvver!” Ilis little body shook with sobs.

ltudoly aroused from her dream, Elizabeth felt a quick pang of jcnl- ousy. Yes, she was jealous of tlie wo-

man whose hold on tbe child even death was powerless to break. Silent- ly she put on her wraps, gathered Alan CampN-11. sobs and ail. into her arms and hurried down to tbe —tb street cars.

l’lumley alley proved to be a neat j flagged court and No. 10 a tiny white ! house with green shutters. A little old

mail, whose eyes were swollen with weeping, came to answer her ring. Alan Campbell called "Iluddo Grum- py.” The |KMir old fellow tried in vain to control Ids grief. The girl shook tlie trembling old baud and turned away.

| unable to express her sympathy. Alan Campbell smiled after her like a sun- ueniu.

Elizabeth closed her stuillo door with a shiver. Never had it looked more

beautiful, more orderly or more cold and still.

“I want my mower,” a little voice kept sounding in her ear. Ah. these mothers she had been pitying, how she envied them now! It was ridiculous to feel so, and yet. and yet she knew her arms would always be empty and her whole body hungry for the presence, the caresses of a little child, something of her own, her very own, to love.

There was hardly time to arrange her hair and light the spirit lamp bo- fore Phil knocked. Hoping that he would not notice her red eyelids, she concentrated her attention on the tea

things. She thought she was succeed-

ing until Phil said, “What’s up, Eliza- beth?”

“Oh,” site replied, “I saw a frightful accident this mortiiug. I can't seem to

forget it.” Tears rolled down her Cheeks.

Phil longed to take the sensitive girl info his arms, but lie only said cbeer-

ingly: "There are many cruel things in this

world. We can't help them. Try to forget all this. Put on your hat and come out to dinner with me. I’ll teil

you what—we'll go and see Wilson in

•The Matador;' make you laugh; do you good.”

She only sobbed. Phil knelt beside her chair and took

her hand. “Please don’t cry. It hurts me to see

It.” It was very nn-EIlzabeth-Iike, but

somehow she let her head droop on his shoulder and dosed her eyes, as Alan

Campbell had done. It was so good to

feel some one near, some one who was

strong and who loved her. Phil could not understand, but was grateful for the miracle which had made the girl he loved seel; his arms like a child, lie spoke low and tenderly.

“Dear, won’t you let me be your con-

soler always?" lie bent Ids head to her tear stained

cheek and her little word of reply was

not so loud as the glad beating of his heart.

“Only,” said Elizabeth, when she had recovered something of her usnal

spirit, "don't Batter yourself it was

your conquest. It was nothing at all hut the eternal feminine.”

The Independent Cat.

'“There Is nothing I admire in a cat

so much as her absolute independ- ence,” said a man as he watched a big Angora sweep haughtily around the

room. “You are bound to treat a cut

kindly. If you abuse her or ill treat

her she cares nothing more for you. Now, a dog will lick the hand that

beats him. but a eat will have only the

utmost contempt for you. This tenden-

cy of n dog to love its master even aft-

er it has been kicked may appeal to

some, but I like the cat’s high, proud spirit better. This independent spirit of the cat crops out in many ways. You may slap her for stealing milk,

but the next time she gets a chance

she will steal milk. She will appro-

priate the best chair In the room and

endure with a supercilious air your po-

lite hints or stern commands to her to

get down. But she will never budge until the spirit moves her or you re

move her by force. If she is crazy to

get in the window and you open it for

her, she takes her time, stops to sniff

a bit and does not allow you to think

for one Instant that she was at all con-

cerned over the opening of that win-

dow. They are beautiful animals, and

they know it and if you don't like

them they don't care a hang.”—New York Times.


Weurridat, December 2,1903. ■AIRS LAW >KOA*l>IRG WRIGHTS AND NKA*t;*ft A bushel of Liverpool salt shall weigh «i

pounds, and a bushel of Turks Islaud salt sha weigh "o pounds.

the standard weight of a husnni ol notHto* m good order and lit for shipping, Is Ho pou b of applet*. 44 pounds

The standard weight of a bushel of Deans It good order and lit for shipping, Is 82 pound* Of wheat, beets, rula-bags turnips and peas, 6 pounds; of corn, .*i« pounds; of onions, .v, bounds; of carrots, Eng Ban turnip?, rye an. Indian meal, 50 pounds; of parsnips,46 pounds of barley ana buckwheat, 48 pound*; of oats 12 pounds, or even measure as by agreement. The prices quoted below aru the retail price at Ellsworth. Farmers can easily reckon front these wlmt they are likely to receive In trad, or cash for their products.

Conntry Produce, Hatter.

Creamery per ft. 2# °*lry..

Cheese. Uesi factory (new) per 1».16 Best dairy (new)...pi Dutch (Imported). 90 Ncufchatel. w

KfCfte. Fresh laid, por dos. §35

Poultry. Chickens. 20 S0*1.14 g m Turkey...728 Geese. 2. Ducks.7.7. 2-

Hay. Best loose, per ton.12 a 14 Baled. *j8


. 8 Sll Baled. jg Vegetables.

Potatoes pk 20 Tomatoes, pk 25 Squash, 15 Turnips, a* C2 lomaioes, ft 08 Beets, ft 08 Sweet potatoes, 1b 03 Cabbage. 04 Lettuce, 1) Carrots, ft 02 Spinach, pk 30 Beana-perql—

Yellow-eye 12 gift Pea, 10

Fruit. Anples. pk 25 Oranges, doz .359.46 Cranberries, qt 12 Lemons.doz 25®80

Groceries, Coilee—per ft Rice, per ft .06®.08

«°. .10 8 25 Picklea, per gal .45 £.65 Mocha, 35 Olives, bottle [emailprotected] Java, 35 Vinegar—per gal— T^—per ft— Pure cider, .20

Japan, .458-65 Cracked wheat, .05 Oolong, .80 9 65 Oatmeal, per Jb .04

Sugar—per ft— Buckwheat, ukg .20 Granulated, 05* Graham, .04 Coffee—A A B, .05* Rye meal, .04 Yellow, C .05 Granulated meal, 1b 02*

Molasses—per gal— OH—per gal— Havana, .35 Linseed, .658.77 Porto Rlc», .50 Kerosene, 13 §16

Syrup, .60 Lumber and Building Materials,

Lumber—per M— Spruce, 1 25 Hemlock, 13814 Hemlock, 135 Hemlock boards, 13^1* Clapboards—per M— Spruce, 16 g20 Extra spruce, 2* £96 Snruco floor, 20§25 Spruce, No. 1, 20 £40 Pine, 20 £f0 Clear pine, 25«60 Matched pine, 20 £25 Extra pine, 50

Shingles—per M— Laths—per M— Cedar, extra 3 25 Spruce, 2.50

" clear, 2 75 Ilemlock, 2 00 M 2d clear, 2 25 NhIIb, per lb [emailprotected] " extra o*.e, 1 60 Cement, per cask 1 50 *' No. 1, 125 Lime, per cask 95 •* scoots. .75 Brick, per M 7@11

White lead, pr ft [emailprotected] Provisions.

Beef, !b: Pork, 1b. Steak, .15 £.30 Steak, 1b is Roasts, 12 £.26 Chop, 16 Corned, .084.10 Pigs’feet, .C€ Tongues, 18 Ham, per ft [emailprotected] Tripe, .05 £08 Shoulder, .13

Veal: Bacon, 18 Steak, 20 8alt *0 Roasts, [emailprotected]| Lard, 10

Lamb: Tongues, each Mutton, 10 £15 Spring lamb, 10 £18

Fresh Fish. This week the supply of fish Is good.

Cod, 06 Clams, qt 20 Had lock, 06 Oysters, qt 50 Halibut, 16 £18 Lobsters, ft 25 Mackerel, each 25£30 Blaellsh, 14<jl6 Finnan ILiddte 12 Sea trout, 14

Smelts, 12* Fuel.

Wood—per cord Coal—per ton— Dry hard, 5 00 £6 50 Broken, ”50 Dry soft, 3 00@5 00 Stove, 7 50 Roundings per load Egg, 7 §0

1003125 Nut, 7 50 Buttings, hard 5.00 Blacksmith’s 7 04

Flour, Grain and Feed.

Flour—per bbl— Oats, bo 60 £55 4 25 @5 75 Shorts—bag— 1.15@1 25

Corn, 100 ft bag 1 30 Mixed feed, bag Corn meal, bag 1 30 1 25@1 30 Cracked com, 130 Mid Kings, bag 1.60

Drtrnsjnjile Fair.

An annual fair at Barnstaple, Eng- land. has been held for hundreds of

years. It was originally held In July, tut the time was altered to September by a charm* granted by Queen Mary. Barnstaple f<!r is inaugurated with a

ceremony iu the town hall, where a

special meeting of the town council is

held and spiced ale and toast (prepared in the council chamber by the beadles and mace bearersi are dispensed to all who crowd the building. Appropriate toasts are proposed and speeches made by the local member of parliament and others, after wbieli the mayor proceeds in procession to three points of the town, at each of which is read his proc- lamation opening the fair and enjoin- ing all concerned to keep the peace dur- ing Its continuance. Not until this ceremony has been performed can the business and fun of the fair proceed. On the inauguration of the fair a huge stuffed white glove, adorned with flow- ers, is thrust on a po'e from one of the upper windows of the town hall and remains In evidence during the contin- uance of the festival as the symbol of open handed welcome.

Went Rnck on HI* Authority. Freeman, the historian, was natural-

ly familiar in the spirit to readers of the Saturday Review. In the flesh Mr.

Leslie Stephen’s single meeting with the historian was in the nature of a

collision. “I came In contact with him only

onco, and at a later period. He wrote

a life of Alfred for the Dictionary of National Biography under my editor-

ship, but declined to do more because we had a difference of opinion as to

whether Athelstane should be spelled with an ‘A.’ That was, I confess, a

question to which I was culpably in- different, but X had taken competent advice, and my system (I forget what

It was) had been elsewhere sanctioned

by the great historian Stubbs. Now. as Freeman was never tired of assert-

ing the infallibility of Stubbs, I inno-

cently thought that I might take ref-

uge behind so eminent an authority. The result was that for once Freeman

blasphemed Stubbs aud refused to co-

operate any longer In an unscholarlike enterprise.’’

Stops the Cough aud Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo-Qulntne Tablets care a cold

n one day. No Care no Pay. Price 2ft cents.

Subscribe for The American

A SURPRISE [Original.]

Marguerita, wife of Prince Sergius Searoff, chief of police at St. Peters- burg. possessed a rare intellect Her husband admired her vigor of brain, but was A>ot sure that it was leading her in safe charnels. However, the two were very happy together, and fortune smiled on them.

One day Searoff received a terrible shock. Among a number of intercepted letters that had fallen Into the hands of the police and were laid before him was one written by his wife. It read:

tiring U to the rear door at 11 o’clock tenight—that is. if the emperor’s trip has been begun as announced on that day. If the trip is postDoned act accordingly.

Searoff was unnerved. It was plain that his own wife was in league with nihilists to assassinate the cznr. After awhile he tapped a silver bell on his desk. An attendant entered, and the chief directed him to pass the inter- cepted letter. Then lie ordered his car- riage and drove to the Winter palace.

“Your majesty,” he said as soon as

admitted to the emperor, “I beg that you will excuse me from attending you this evening.”

\\ hy so, prince™ "My spies lmve intercepted a letter

indicating that a bomb is to be deliv ered to a certain person at 11 o'clock on the ’k,:ht of your departure. It is doubtles# to be used on your return. Your majesty will be safe, at least, from this danger on your outward jour- ney, and I wish to attend personally to the capture of the bomb and its bearer myself. 1 consider it too important a

matter to leave to any one else.” “As you think best, prince.” Searoff returned to his house at 4

o'clock, threw some things into his valise and bid his wife goodby. She had known that he was to accompany the czar—it was ids custom to do so

whenever his master journeyed—and there was no surprise.

“The trip not being put off, I pre- sume there is no suspicion of danger,” remarked the princess.

"None whatever.” Without looking at his wife he start-

ed to go. He had reached the door when he heard her call him:

“Sergius"’ He turned. She was looking at him

reproachfully. "You have forgotten,”

i “Pardon me, dear. My mind is pre- occupied. These nihilists who are con-

stantly conspiring against the life of the czar keep me always thinking.”

He returned and kissed her. “How cold your lips are!" she said.

“Something is wrong. A blow is sure

to fall somewhere before morning. Some person or persons will go to the scaffold. I wish you were engaged in another occupation.”

"The chief horror of it is that we

officers of the police never know when it will be our duty to turn over to the executioner some one near and dear to

us. Last week one of my deputies was

obliged to arrest his own sister.” “Dreadful.” The prince passed out. Well might

his wife call Ills lips cold. It was a

wonder that he could control himself as well as he did. since he was going to watch for a bomb to be delivered to

his own wife. Starting in the direction of the railway station, he soon gave his coachman orders to turn and drive to his private office, which was sepa- rate from that in the headquarters of police. There he dismissed his car-

riage, telling his coachman that he would go to the station later and on

foot. Entering his office, he remained there till the clock struck 10, then emerged, disguised as a peasant, and directed his stops to bis own house. Taking position near by where he would be unobserved, he waited and watched.

At a quarter to 11 a man came down the street and without looking about him to see if he was watched was mak- ing straight for the rear door when a

hand was laid on his shoulder, and one in rough peasant garb covered him

witli a revolver. His captor led him to a short distance from the house, out 1dm into a carriage and the two were

driven to the private office of the chief of police. As soon as they were alone in the office Searoff threw off his peas- ant’s costume and revealed ids iden- tity.

"Valerlteh!” he exclaimed. The other stood mute. “I told my wife tonight that the hor-

ror of my career was never knowing when we must arrest some one we

know—some one dear to us. I'ut down the bomb.”

Valevitch, the brother of the princess, placed the box on a table. Sergius ap-

proached it and put his ear to it.

“Oh, heavens!” he exclaimed bitterly. "It is so. I hear the click of the clock- work that is to regulate the explosion. You, Valevitch, to lead your own sister

to the scaffold!” Valevitch stood meekly looking at the

prince with a peculiar expression: then he went to the box, drew a sliding cover and took out a clock of antique workmanship.

“What, the Ivan clock—the clock of the terrible czar which 1 have so long desired?”

“Yres. Marguerite has Intended a sur-

prise for you.” Scaroff stood astounded, a great re-

lief spreading over his face Then he took out his watch.

“Eleven five.” he said. “If you hur- t you'll not be far behind time. If

you tell Marguerite of this I’ll send you to Siberia.”

The next morning the prince at break- fast time, on seeing an antique clock on

the mantel, manifested the most de- monstrative surprise, and when told that it was a present to him from his wife embraced her with far more ten- derness than the occasion seemed to require. WESTCOTT ATWELL.

liValt Whltmns. its a JoarnnliMt. WnJt Whitman teas ,v.t much of a

journalist. Ho had too much repose. His employers called It laziness. He .was nmwrned with permanences. The nearer to nature, the more repose. Trees and hills •’./> not dunce except for urging. Whitman, elemental, strong, placid, bovine, did not urge them.

In the Brooklyn Eagle office Whit- man is a clearer memory than in the office of its contemporary. Vet it is oddly hard to secure facts. There is a

genera! and joking reference to his serenily as idleness. He was not a

typical newspaper man, for he was not to be pressed or hurried, and in our

day of precision and speed lie would have been impossible. He never felt that stress from which the veriest bo- hemian suffers. He did not want mon-

ey enough to work hard for It. One of the coterie of writers and actors which used to squander Its much wit and lit- tle wealth at PfafFs tells me that of the whole party Whitman was the only one who was never tipsy and never “broke.” lie always hud a market somewhere for fugitive writings. Edi- tors were friendly to 1dm. He drank his beer with the rest, hut its effect was to make him thoughtful, even sad, while the others were merry. Accord- ing to that narrator, he was an easy borrower, though it does not appear that he asked for large amounts or

made needless delays in his repay ments.—Charles M. Sldnner in At Ian-' tic.

Him lie "Won Her. “Then you will be u sister to me?” “That Is all 1 can be.” lie paused and looked at her thought

fully. “I already have seven sisters,” hi.

said, “and I am not quite sure X can

make room for you. They are very kind to me, and on several occasions my socks have been darned a half doz- en times in the same spot. They are so

thoughtful too. Each of them has pick- ed out a wife for me; but, strange to say, not one of them mentioned you. Of course you won’t feel hurt if 1 add that there is a general and deep rooted im- pression among them that you are not half good enough for me. Sisters are

like that sometimes, you know.” The girl flushed hotly. “Not good enough!” she cried. “I’ll

show them. Consider my refusal with- drawn.”

And so she married the foxy fellow out of spite and made him very happy. —Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Hi* Estimate oi' Froude. Hannis Taylor, in liis argument be-

fore the Alaskan boundary commis- sion, told a stcry of Edward A. Free- man, the English historian, whom he knew well. On one occasion, when dining with him at a hotel in St. Louis, Mr. Taylor innocently asked him, “Mr. Freeman, what is your estimate of Froude as a historian?” Said Mr. Tay- lor: “He looked at me in a strange kind of way, and then he replied: ‘I will tell you what I think about Froude. If ever you read anything lie writes read it with care. Itead it over and over

again and fix it in your mind so that you will never forget it. for then you will know one thing for certain, and that is that by no possibility did it ever happen in that way.’

Tlie Red Lobster. The question is often asked, says the

Lancet, without a satisfactory answer

being supplied. Why do lobsters and certain shrimps and prawns turn red on boiling? One reason may be that the black pigment of the lobster is an

iron compound in the lower state of oxidation, which boiling oxidizes to

the higher state. Ited human hair is said to owe Its brilliance to iron exist-

ing in the higher oxidized state, and by means of reducing agents, such as

pyrognllie acid or nutgall, the color

may he modified. In short, oxygen is

a great painter and probably accounts for the beautiful autumnal tints of

plant life.

WhUmt to Help Him.

Clerk—1 am to be married shortly. Couldn't you manage to increase my

salary a little? Employer—Couldn’t, really. But I’ll

tell you what I'll do for you. my boy. I'll shorten your hours during the first three months, so that you can spend your evenings at home, and after that I’ll lengthen them again so that you will have an excuse to get away.

Pupfl’M Heat bon.

Mamma—Georgie, where is the 5 cents I gave you to put in the contribu- tion box for the heathen?

Georgie—I’m saving it for Aunt Het- ty when she comes.

“Why?” Georgie—’Cause I heard papa say,

“Is the old heathen coming here again?”

Probably babies talk that way because

they want to guy their lady friends.



(Many ddldren are troubled with worm*,

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Dr. True’s Elixir I will expel wormslf theyexist, andprovea valu- I abletonicifthereareno worms. 85c at druggists. ■

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No matter how bad your conditio* or how long continued Dr. Greene's Nervura will surely help and probably

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crutches, don’t suffer with pains, aches and nervous disorders when

Dr. Greene's Nervura

will restore you to health and youth- ful strength.

Mr. William Whittaker, of ih South Arsenal Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind., crawled around with a cane iu each hand, but Dr. Greene’s. Nervura cured him. Mr. Whittaker says:

“I was a victim of nervousness, pains in my back and sides, and extreme nervousness. The pains from my back would begin at my hips and extend to my forehead. For six or seven weeks 1 could not walk without the aid of a cane in each hand.

could not obtain any rener from my doctor or any medicine. I wu

told by a friend to try a bottle of Dr. Greene’s Nervura, and if I found no relief from it he would give my money back. I at once began taking it, and have never regretted the day, although I had taken three bottle* before I saw any change in my condi- tion. Then I bought one more, and it made such a vast change in my con-

dition, I bought another, and so on, until I had used seven bottles. n

When I began taking the Nervura I weighed io pounds, and at the end- ing of the seventh bottle I weighed 145 pounds and am improving every day, and I think as stout and healthy as a youth of 16 years.”

Druggists everywhere recommend and sell Dr. Greene’s Nervura. For free medical advice write to Dr. Greene, 34 Temple Place, Boston* Mass.

Are jond of it Brown’s Instant Relief is a safe, sure remedy for Colds, Coughs, Croup, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Diphtheria.

Physicians endorse it. Honey [Refunded if it fails

when used as directed. All dealers sell it.

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Norway, Maine. V„__—

Dr, Emmons* Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women, 'there Is positive, ly no other remedy known to medical scienc® that will so quickly and safely do the work. Longest and moat obstinate irregularities from any cause relieved immediately. Success guar, anteetl at any st:iire. No fain, iinnprcr,or inter, fcrencc with work. Have relieved hundreds of cases where others have railed, lhe most uitn.

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Advertising brings the customers and assists the salesman.


FATHER SAID “HURRAH”! In a letter from Mias Annie V. Koberts of W. Southport. Me., whose father had taken one hot-

tie of U ri cehe. the new Rheumatic Cure, she writes: '‘Father says -Hurrah’’ he feels better. He gets up out of his chair without help and goes out of doors, walking about quite a little. We are certain that U-ri-cene is driving the Rheumatism out of his, system.”

U-ri-cene is sold and guaranteed at Parcher’s Drug store. Ellsworth, Me., and money willgbe re-

funded if a fair trial fails to cure Rheumatism. In tablet form only. Price 50c. THE WOODBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY, Boston.

| axative T&remo Quinine o on every

Cures a Cold in One Day, Grip in 2 Days to*. 25c

<£t)c <£U5u>ort!) American. A LOCAL AND POLITICAL JOURNAL







F. W. Rollins, Editor and Manager.

Subscription Price—$3 00 a year; >1 00 for six month*; 60 cent* for three months; if paid Strictly in advance, 50, 75 and 38 cents

reepectiv*ly Ait arrearages are reckoned at the rate of $2 per year.

Advertising Rates—'.re reasonable, and will be made known on application.

Business communications should be addressed to, ami all monev orders made payable to The Hancock county Publishing tXk, Ella worth Maine.

1903 DECEMBER I903j M||||| |M||| ... |M ..I

Su. Mo. Tu. We. TU. Fr. Sa.

ZZIIIII _6__7__8__9_J0 _M 12

J[3 j4_l5J6J7J8J3 20^1 22 23124 25 26 27j28 29 30 311 1

MOON S PHASES. «JTull A 1:12 si/Moon p. m. gr Third •. 5:53 14. Quarter 11 a.m.

A**ew -i q 4:2< ^p'Moon 10 p. m

^ Fiipt -ye 9:21 y Quarter CiO p. m


To Protect the President. (Kennebec Journal.)

One of the first bills introduced at the special session, and one which is receiving wide attention irom the press of the country, is that of Con- gressman Littlefield, of Maine, impos- ing the death-penalty for the crime of killing a President, vice-president, or

any ambassador, and for imposition of a fine and imprisonment for teaching anarchistic doctrines, and for con

spiring to kill the ruler of any foreign country.

The new law which this bill proposes is in line with the recommendation made by President Roosevelt in his message’ to the fifty-seventh Con- gress. A similar bill was introduced at the last session, but constitutional lawyers in the Senate got to wrang- ling over some of the details of its provisions with the result that it was side tracked instead of being passed as it should have been.

It was a delicate matter for Presi- dent Roosevelt to recommend such a

law, because a certaiu class of his en-

emies would seek to make capital out of it by asserting that be whs afraid of his life, and desired a body guard. But the American people generally are anxioUB for every possible protec- tion that can be given our President, and those in line of succession to the presidency, and that there may be no

possible loophole of escape tor the murderers of a President, or for those who spread the poison of anarchistic doctrines.

Three times within the memory of man the ruler of ttiis free country has been stricken down in death by the hand of an assassin, a record unparal leled in any other country on the earth. Congress should leave nothing undone which will tend to prevent another such terrible calamity from falling upon our country.

As u is now, the murderer of a Pres- ident or an anarchistic agitator is sub ject only to the laws of the state In which the crime is committed. Thus, if President McKinley bad been mur

dered In Maine, instead ot New York, his assassin couid not have been put to death but would have been sent lo Thomaston for life. Ail that tbe new law proposes is that the killing of a

President shall be made punishaole by- death by tbe laws of tbe Unhid States.

This will make the crime friable in tbe federal courts and wiil take such a matter wholly out oi the bands of the local and slate authorities. Surely there should be a law applicable throughout the entire country impos ing the severest penalty known in civ- ilized society for the murderer of a President, it is hard to see how there can be any opposition to Mr. Little- field’s bill in Congress.

It cannot too soon become a law.

Cuba as a State? A joint resolution lias been intor-

duced in the Senate Inviting Cuba to

join the American union as a state.

Senator Newlauds, of Nevada, is the author of the resolution, which pro- vides further that Porto Kico shall be- come a county of the state of Cuba, and that the president and vice-presi- dent of the republic shall become the

governor and lieutenant-governor, and that the new loan wiiich Cuba is about to make, shall be raised by is-

suing state bonds. The advantages to Cuba of joining

the union, as pointed out by Senator

Newiands, are that she would have free trade with this country, and that the receipts from her exports would be nearly doubled. She is now offer-

ing $33,000,000 of bonds at 5 per cent,

at 90, and fiuds difficulty in getting buyers. If they were state bonds, guaranteed by the United States, she could sell them easily at 3 per cent.

Mr. Newiands says that the present is a good time to make Cuba the offer, as the condition of the island is being discussed by Congress, and that we

should make it plain to her that we

invite her to join us on absolute equal- ity, as a state. It would be union rather than annexation, and'she would be one of us, and not subject to us.

He believes that the people of both

countries will realize that the argu- ment for union is irresistible. Texas

might be cited as a precedent.

Senator Ne wlands’ invitation to Cuba to join the Union was opposed by Sen- ators Lodge, Hale and O. H. Platt, who

poiuted out, in the debate, that such an invitation would be looked upon as a command, that it would expose this country to the suspicion of desir-

ing to annex Latin-American terri-

tory, and that it would weaken the hands of the present administration of Cuba, under which the island has

enjoyed such remarkable prosperity. Many interesting and important points were brought out in the dis- cussion. Senator Hale said that he believed that the men who were

listening to him would live to see

Canada and the Uni'ed States united. Senator Lodge expressed the same

sentiment, by saying he hoped all the

European flags on this continent would return to Europe as did Spain’s. Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, the au-

thor of the Platt amendment, de- clared that this government exercised no protectorate over Cuba, and that Cuba was not our ward. Quoting McKinley, he said: “We are neigh- bors, we must be close friends.” Senator Teller said that without en-

tering into the debate, he wished to

state positively that Cuba was in no

way a dependency of the United

States, and that any international

lawyer would declare such a conten- tion ridiculous.

The annual report of the governor of Hawaii has been received by the

secretary of the interior. It shows that there has been an increase in commerce in the territory, advises that a limited immigration of Chinese be allowed, and recommends a slight duty on coffee to protect the native

planter who is unable to compete with the foreign importers. The

population of the territory is com-

posed of Hawaiian, Portuguese, Jap- anese, Chinese, Scandinavian, Span- ish, British, German and American. There are many marriages between Hawaiian women and white men and a few between Hawaiian women and Chinamen. The offspring of both classes of marriages seem to be an

improvement on the pure Hawaiian. Unless theie is an increased immigra- tion from America, there is grave danger that owing to the numerical

inferiority of Anglo Saxons, the is- lands wiii come under the complete control of the Oriental races. The

public schools have done more than

auything else to lessen race prejudice in the territory, and the mixed popu- lation seems to get on well together. Under the recent militia law passed by Congress, the Uawaiians have uu

dertaken to build up a strong and efficient national guard.

Dr. A. C Ilagertby, mayor of Ells-

worth, authorizes the announcement

of his candidacy for the republican nomination for representative to the next legislature from this city. Dr.

Hagerthy is one of the best known

pbjsiciiius in Hancock county. Be- sides achieving success in his vocation, his advocations are many and success-

ful. He is a large land-owner, is in- terested in several important manu-

facturing plants, and is probably the

lirgest individual bolder of residence

property in the county. Until he en-

tered the local field last spring, he had never taken part in politics. In his first battle with his democrat friends, he put them to rout in a manner

that utterly dazed them.

The politicians of Illinois, who have been booming Speaker Cannon for the vice* presidential nomination, have received a setback by a state-

ment issued by tbe speaker’s secre-

tary, which says: “As speaker of the House the full mead of his ambition, so far as public office is concerned, is satisfied. Even if he would be an

available candidate, his nomination is not to be thought of for a moment.” He added that the speaker had no

desire for the place now occupied by Senator Frye, president pro tern, of the Senate.

The treaty ceding the Isle of Pines to Cuba has been ratified by the Sen- ate. The treaty of Paris left this island for future determination as to

its ownership. In return for naval and coaling stations in Cuba, the United States government confirms the title of the insular republic to the Isle of Pines.

Caucer Cured by Radium. That remarkable new metal, radium,

has scored another victory, if w« are lo

credit tbe reports that it ha been suc-

cessfully u-ted to cauterize malignant growths, says Success. It has been known since the discovery of this sub- stance that the emanations from it, like the X-rays, are able to inflict a serious burn.

This according to a receut medical writer on tbe subject, is because Us rays interfere with the action of certain nerves, and apparently its ability to cause can- cerous growths to disappear Is due to action of a similar kind, since maiignaut growths are now supposed to be con- trolled lu some way by influences trans- mitted from the central nervous system. At present tbe high price of the radio- active substances prevents general ex-

periment along this line, and it is to be hoped that the cost of production may soon be lessened by the discovery of new ores and of simpler methods of extraction.


On Mount, Desert island the black foxes pre petting numerous. Three of the valuable animals have been shot there this fall.


The first pig story to reach the gossip- er came from G. t?. r;Uook. He has re

cent iy killed a hog which tipped the scales at an even 500 pounds. The big fellow was thirteen months, old and girted five and one-half feet.

One of the doctors of West FrAnklin, who was making a free vaccination tour, called at a house and Inquired of the lady in charge if she wished to be vaccinated, tv hereupon she replied: “No, I was vacci- nated forty years ago, and it did not take until two years ngo. I think that I am

fully protected against smallpox.”

The American is in receipt of a pam- phlet from Porto Rico with the compli- ments of Everett W. Lord, acting commis- sioner of education. Ilia entitled: Ejer- cicios para ia celebracion del dia del arbol; one chapter 1* addressed: “A los manatroa

de las escueias publics* de Puerto Rico.” This chapter ia evidently written by Mr. Lord, and closes aa follows: “Descendo que Vd. obtengs un exito complete en la del corrtente ano, me repito de Vd.” Just think of an Ellsworth boy,ex high school

teacher, ex-superintendent of schools, etc„ etc., writing eucb lingo as that, and

expecting us to understand it!

The many friends of Mrs. Rebecca S. Warren, of South Deer Isle, will learn with regret of her death at tbe Maine general hospital in Portland, Nov. 24, where she was under treatment. Mrs. Warren has, for many years, been The American’s correspondent from that

town, and many an article over the

signature of “Ego” has held the attention of our readers. Mrs. Warren was a promi- nent worker in the Hancock county W. C. T. U., and will be sorely missed by the White Ribbouers. During her connection with Thh American she has made many friends, and her articles were always read with interest. Ail readers of The American will join us in extending sympathy to her family in this their time of bereavement._

The skating season is now on, and many a boy—aud some men—may be seen stroll- ing along in the moonlight with his best

girl, going to some pond or river to while away an hour or so in this popular sport. The height of many a boy’s sporting ambition is to get on bis knees on the cold, cold ice and strap on the skates of the best-looking girl in tbe bunch; but when said girl gets up aud skates off with one of tbe young meu wno has stood by looking on, tbe boy on his knees wish's the ice might break under him aud let him into the chilly water. The ice will 1

not break, however, and the boy gets up, grabs a polo club and starts ofi to get Into a game. He watches for a chance as a cat watches a mouse, aud when tbe little -phere rolls up in front of his rival, the

boy makes an attempt to bit the bail, but, 1

m I j u 4 g i:: g tbe distance, takes his rival in I the shins and lays him up for repslra. i The boy then takes his girl and away they ; go as happy as you please.

Hancock county certainty has its share 1

of smart old ladies. Hardly a week parses but reports reach the editor’s desk telling of the doings of some woman who has reached and passed the allotted three ! score and ten. This week the report i comes from Cranberry Isles—one of tbe


many islands lying off Mt. Desert-and tbe lady is Mrs. Annie Feruald, eighty- seven years old, who resides with Ler daughter, Mrs. Kimball Stanley. Mrs. i Fernatd is one that cannot sit around ail day with her hands folded. She says she ; likes to I tout of idleness. W tn u she is not assisting her daughter with her house I od tl title* she may bo found In* the corner or about the tire v\itn her '■

needle aud fancy work. Bhe has recently j made two large patchwork quilts, and two sofa pillows worktd in a beautiful style. One of tl e quills has several 1

pieces on which are worked designs of i flowers a id fruit. All her eadle work Is j executed to such a manner as to make j many a younger v.o:uau envious, h is a

pleasure to bear reports of the doings of these grand old peopl*, of whom Han- cock county ha* so many, for it Is a good j pattern for our younger generation to j follow.


METHOD'*! CPl'^OOPAL Rev. J. i*. iim-iuiurt,

Sunday, Dec. ©—Morning nurvf ® «i

10.30. Sunday school fit 1145. Evening service at 7.

Prayer meeting Friday evening at 7.3T. Trenton—Preaching Sunday at 2 30 p. no.


Sunday, Dec. 6—Sunday senool at 1130 | a. m.

Weekly prajar meeting Friday evening at 7.30.


Rev David Kerr, pastor. Sunday, Dec. 6 -Moruiug service at

| 10.30. Sunday school at 1145 Junior | C. E. at 6 p. m. No evening service.

Prayer meeting Friday at 7.30 p. m.

! Tren/on—Service Suuday at 2 30. UNITARIAN.

Rev. 18. IV. Sutton, pastor. Sunday, Dec. 6—Service at 10.30 a. m.

Sunday school at 11 45 a. n>. CONGREGATIONAL.

Rev. J. M. Adams, pastor. Friday, Dec. 4—Prayer and conference

meeting at 7 30.

Sunday, Dec. 6—Morning service at 10.30 Collection taken for bo*rd of mis- sions. Sunday school at 11.45 a. m.

Teas—Your sister’s trimming her hat with feathers only, isn’t she? Jess—On, no, the usual combination is there. Tees —What combination? Jess—Foss and feathers.

Choily—I weally believe I’ve contracted a cold. Miss Pepprey—Yes? Choily— Yaaa, I feel it in my head. Miss Peppry —Ah! If it’s in your head it must be con- tracted, for a fact.



[Owing to several error* In Mrs. Bowden**

obituary as printed In The Amkkicaw three week* ago, the following, written by Mr*. J. A.

Chatto, a daughter Of tho deceased, is now


Mr*. Tryphena Bowden, who died Nov.

13, was born In Penobscot, Feb. 22, 1811. She was the daughter of Edward and Tryphena (Lawrence) Saunders, one of a

large family moat of whom lived to a ripe o:d age several living to be ninety or

past. One brother, Darius Saunders, now

living, is eighty-nine. She was married June IX), 1831, to

Nathaniel Bowden, of Penobscot, who

died Jan. 22, 1879. They began tbeir mar-

ried life In th" town of Surry where they lived more than twenty year*, then moved

to Penobscot. Fifteen children were born to them; one

died in infancy, one at one year of age; the others were Mary A., wife of R. B.

Carter,of Ellsworth; E i*ba R. of Penob* scot, who died In 1897; Tryptuna, wife of Sullivan Dunham, Orlaud, who died in

1872; Nathaniel, of Bluehill; Bailey W., of Bluehill; Henry 8., who was tbe first soldier of the Rebellion to die from the town of Penobscot; he ditd Dec. 21, 1881. Sue drew a mother’s pension for him, re-

ceiving from «he government 14,860. When

spoken to about the comforts this money afforded her, she would reply with tears;

“Yes, but oh. I’d rather have my son.” Busan A. Is tbe wife of David Mosley, of

Hancock; Lucy M. died at the age of twenty two; Julia A., wife of M. D. Cbalto, of Burry; Almira 8., wife of George A. Snow, of Woodbury, Vt.; AlzadaB., wife of Prinoe Stapes of Pen-

obscot, who died In 1897; Clara A., widow of Jason P. Fogg, of Powosl; Irving W. d ed at tbe age of six years.

since the death of her husband, Mrs. Buwoeii has lived among her children. For the larger part of her widowhood sue lived In tbe family of her son, E. R. Bow-

den, and was tenderly cared for by Mrs. C ara Bowden, now bis widow. For sev-

eral y-cara she lived with Prince Stapes until the death of his wife. For the past three years her home bad been at R. B. Carter’s. Even at her advanced age she was plannir g to spend tbe winter witn her son Bailey where she spent part of 1 ot winter.

Her hauds were always bu*y even to the last; every child and grandchild and most of her great-grandchildren h*ve

quilts made by her wuich will be held in sacred remembrance. She, with her hus- band, was among the band of Christians who formed the Surry Baptist cuurch which was once a branch of the B uebill church. At her ueatti she was the old »t m"Hiher.

| Her remains were taken to tbe home of

j her son N -tbaniel where the fuueral ee

: vices were conducted by Rev. E. S Drew, j pastor of the Baptist church of Peuob- ! scot. She was laid to rest beside h r

j husband and several of her children at North Penobsco

She was a do ir’y-loved mother, grand- mother and friend, wh > wilt long be re-

member, d for her kind deeds. Even w ith her very Urge family, several orphans found a home beneath her roof—some for years at a t ine.


! Mrs. Rebecca 8. Warren, of South Deer j Isle, died at the Maine general hospital In

; Portland Tuesday, Nov. 24, where ©be hud

j been taken forlrea»merit. Mrs. Warren bad a lar^e circle of friends

! throughout Hancock county, many of them made through her connection wish toe W. C. T. U of which she wa» an

etruest worker. Sue also made many acquaintances

through her writing* tu J HE AMERICAN, i of which the had been a correspondent | for many years, always writing over the

j 4-g nature of “Ego**. She whs a valued member of the Metho-

dist church of ner native town, ever in-

terested in hi*v measure that pertained to tnc advancement of too community.

For ©everal years she was the buperin- | under-t of schools.

Tbe funeral was be;d at the Methodist church, South Deer Isle, Thursday after- noou. Rev M. Jacknon and Rev. Mr. Avery officiated.

Mrs. Warren .e»ves two children, Mrs. Joetpb Bobbin* ana Allison Warren, both of Massachusetts, and one sister, Mrs. V. Goss, of South Deer bne, and a brother, Courtney Sunil', of Massachusetts.

Members of the different societies of wuich the (Wceated was a member, at- unded the funeral iu a body. Tbe re-

mains were laid at rest beside those of ber husband, wno died several years ago.

MRS LULA E GHINDLE. Lola E wile of Dr. R P. Grindle, of

Bluehili, died Tuesday, Nov 24, after a

ilugeriug 11 n css of cougu nipt loti. la tbe death of Mrs. Griudle Hancock

county io*es another of us well-known Christian women. 8be and Mrs. R. 8. Warren, whose death is recorded this week, will be sadly rninsert from the ranks of the W. C T. U. In this .State.

Mrs Griodle'wits president of the local W. C. T. U. for many years. She was a

number of the Baptist church, and an

earnest and faitpful worker in the Christian Endeavor society and Sunday school. She was also connected with the woman's relief corps.

Her ChristIsu life and example will long be remembered. She haves besides her parents and sisters, a husband, two daughters and one son.

The FsnrnrV* Wife la very careful about her churn. She scaMa It thoroughly after using, sod given it a suu bath to »weet*'ii it .She knows that if her churn la sour it will taint the butter that is made in It. The stomach ia a churn. In the stomach ami digestive and nutritive trac’s are performed processes which are exactly akin to the churning of butter Is it not apparent then that if this stomach churn is “sour'’ it sours all which is put into it? The evil of a foul stomach is not the bad ta-te in the mouth and the foul breath caused by it, but the corruption of the pure current of the bl kkJ and the dissem- ination of disease throughout the body. Dr. i'terct Golden Medical Discovery makes the sour stomach sweet- li does for the stomach what the washing and sun bath do lor the churn— absolutely removes every taiutiua or corrupt- ing element. “Golden Medical Discovery” contains no alcohol, whisky or other Intoxicant, and no narcotic.

Clow Time on Moose. The open time on mooae closed Monday,

though that on deer has two weeks longer to run. As far as the reports have been

received, they indicate that more moose

have been killed in the Maine woods tbia year than in any previous season.

The shipments through Bangor, which Is the great game centre and whoa? figures are Indicative of conditiona throughout the State, show lhat seventy eight moose

were received at Bangor during October, and ninety-One for the firat twenty-one days of November, e total of 169 The time since N^vomher 21 is yet to be re-

ported to the fish and game department, j In 1902 there were eighty-four moose r«-

ceivtd at Bangor in October, and seventy- niue for the first twenty-one days In No- vember, a total of 163.

“This”, said the young benedict, who was just real fling that he had caught a'

tartar, Mto whet I cell real married llfeM. "I’m glad you’re satisfied with some-

thing”, she snapped. “Ort! I’m not. I merely meant to inform you that it la >

not Ideal”. _i

j Sfibrtttsnnrnts.

Peptiron PiUs (Chocolate-coated)

Strengthen the Nerves Tone the Stomach

\ Feed, the Brain \ And cure nervousness, neuralgia, sfe— : dyspepsia, anemia, anil that long train of aches and pains attendins

an overworked and underfed brain. They are a happy combination of

I the best nerve tonics, digestives and : brain and blood nutrients; are pleasant

to take and readily assimilated. Peptiron PillS| (choeolateeoated I w

*1 the latter a full month’s tmatimt l*repared by C. I. HOOD CO., Lowell, Selling Agent In Ellsworth:

Q. A. Parcher, 14 Main Street.

Save $3 on Teeth! In order to make December one of our busiest months of the year, and to in trodnce our high-grade dental work still more extensively throughout Hancock county, wo will make a cash discount of $.'t on any or #10 set of Tooth ordered of us during the month of December. All orders must lie in and registered with us before Dec. 31 in order to receive the benefit of this big discount. AVe guarantee to use strictly high-grade materials, and give our best work on all orders; in fact, lo give actual $s and $10 value for $5 and $7. You can't earn $'-t any easier than to let us have your order for Teeth TO-DAY.

Sawyer Dental Co., BRING THIS COUPON.

Xo.. Name.

Address.. This coupon entitles the holder to a cash discount of

>.'! on one set of or $10 Teeth, if presented during the month of December, tno:5; and a corresponding discount on all otherdentat work.

57 Main St.,



tthofrosioual Carog. nR. BUNKER,

OF BAR HARBOR, wishes to announce that hereafter lie will give special attention to the treatment of diseases of the

Eye, Nose, Throat aud Ear. Office equipped with all the modem instru-

ments and appliances lor the examination a no

treatment of these diseases. :j Easy accent to Bar Harbor hospital, where

patients receive the best of cart* at reasonable rates.

jj\ F. SIMON TON, M. D. PHYSICIAN- and sriUiEON,

Offices in Manning Bloek. formerly occupied by l>r ,1. F. Manning. Office open Hay ami night, vxoept when absent on professional calls. TELFFHoN K.

£)K. H. QBRKLY, 1) E NT 1ST.

•JraduAte of the Philadelphia Denial Offisit •A -- ? r»f *7&

»ririoc iw lilt*as' klocx. Ku4W„a .. > dosed W(*dne«*iav afterncan* unit) furthc,



F? t acock, ss.: —Nov. 3,1903. \ITK, the undersigned, having been duly f f appointed by the Honorable O. P. Cou- ntngpam, judge of probate for a.»H c-unity, commi utf oners to receive and examine t it claim* of the creditors of Asenaih Chipman, lute of Bucksport, iu sai l couuty, deceased, who*-estate ha* been represented insolvent, hereby give public notice agrecabh to the order of ft id judge of probate, that six months from and after the first Tuesday in November. 19Ct. have beeu allowed to said ! creditors to pre-tent aud prove their claims; an t that we will attend to the ervice as ! signed us ai the office of T. H. 8m th. in said Bucksport, on the fourth day of January. 19C-4. and the third da of Mav, yci. at ten of the clock In the forenoon of each of said days.

S' w. IS., { CARD OF THANK*.

\\TE ^#*ire to express <>ur thauka through ?» Thk Ambbican to all tho»e uho so

kindly assisted us during the sickness and burial of our beloved son aud brother; also to the Foresters, to the Maine Central bridg- I crew, to friends in Bangifr, and to others, for beautiful floral trioutes.

William F. Cousins, Culmckn Cousins. Mas. Belle Mubch. Mas. Augusta Cousins, Mas. W in nib Bfrinobb.

_ Mas. Millie Wilbur.

West Franklin, Nov. 28. IMS.


WHEREAS Howard H. Hooper, ol Ell*. worth, ill Hancock county by hi* mort-

gage deed dated December 16. l»5i, and re- corded tn the registry ol deeds lor Hancock cou. ty >u book saa. page .w. cooveycd tome the undersigned certain real esiaie situated >t> Ellsworth aloresaid, par icularly described in eaid mortgage deed a* [allow*, to wit:

Beginning at a rock in the mill pond at ! Brauch pond on the Gore line; thence run- I niug south forty one degrees west to the head 1 liueof the lots on the Buckiport road: thence north forty; seven degrees west on the head line of said lota four hundred and eighty rods; thence north forty*oue degrees east to Branch pond; thence by sa d pond to place of beginning.

Being the same premises conveyed to V. P. | Hooper by James Holmes by deed dated Marcb 7.1882, recorded In book 201, page 172. of Hancock registry. Also another parcel of land in (said Ells- worth descrioed as follows, to wit: The mil), mill privilege, machinery and 1

buildings and laud at Brauch pond aforesaid, and the lots of land around sa d pond esti- mated to coutain eleven hundred and thir- teen -cres. Said mill, privilege and land be- *£jf th* 8**®e conveyed to James Holmes by «et.eflLMc0Pwn* ir oy deed d*trd November 25,1870, and conveve 1 by James Holmes to V. said°°Per 67 thC 5fed f March 7’ 1882* *fore-

Exc: pting from the above premises that parcel conveyed to W. R Parker et al., trus- L€*8o£y,£eed °* ^’ill‘ani A. Mason dated Octo- ber 2d, 1891. recorded in book 259, pace 45 of said registry. v * Ul

Also excepting the island in Branch pond conveyed to Edward O. Mason by William A. Mason, by deed of October 22, 18®i, recorded in said registry, in book 259, page 15. For further description reference is made H

A Maacm to Howard "• Hooper, dated August 18, 1898. recorded in book 32i, page 51, of Hancock registry. And whereas, the condition of said mort- gage has been broken, now. therefore, by rea- son of the breach of the condition thereof, I claim a foreclosure of said mortgage.

Alkxandkh O. Hagkktuy. December 2, a. d. 190a.

JUgal Notices. To the Supreme Judicial Court:

RE#ECTFCLLt represent* Abbi* F. Sal- isbury. of B uehilt, Hancock Couutv, Maine, wife of Kendall K Salisbury. whose

residence is to yottr petitioner now unknown, that she way murrDri to her said husband. on the eighth «a of October A. D. 1*75, at Scdf- wick in our said County of Hancock, v the Hev. Mr. Bartlett, a Clergyman outhoriz*d to solemnize marriage*. That she and her said husband have lived together as hdohan and wife in our said too. ty of Hancock. ..early seven years alter their said marriage, and then moved »o M i«sachu**-tLs where they lived u til tne firs of August>. Your peti- tioner allege lhat she has si wavs been a true and faithful wife, but ih »t her sai 1 husband, the said K>; dal! K. Salisbury, ha* tr- vied her, your petitioner, since their said marriage, and during th* wb ’to of (he period of their said mturird life while they lived together, with iUieuii! cruelty, and ba# been guilty of cruel and abusive treatment > I her.

She fqrther alleges that her sail busbind on he first of Angus. A. U. IW9, ^without any fault or c.iuse on hef part, utterly deserted her and has continue, to utterly desert her from that day to the date of thiijdfbel.

She further alleges that one child has been born of said marriage, Charles VV. Halls bury, who is now of full age; she also alleges that there is no collusion between her and her said nusband to obtain a divorce.

Your libellant fu tber allege* that the resi- dence of the libellee, the said Keuoalt K. Sal- isbury, is not known to your petitioner, the 1 bellant. and that it can not be ascertained bv reasonable di fgence, the resilience of said libeLce, which fact she hereby states uuJer oath, and *he further alleges that she has used reasonable diligence and made search and inquiry of every person of whom 'he could expect to learn anything cone ruing her said husband's whereabouts, and has been unable to ascertain his residence or where he is.

W fit ref ore sh* asks this Honorable Court to grant to her a divorce from her said husband for the cause of extreme cruelty and cruel and abusive treatment»f hei by him. and for the c*u&e of utter desertion of her by him continued for a period of three consecutive years and u ore prior to the filing of this libel, and that such farther and other decrees may l>* made aa to the court may seem u.ccs- aarv anti proper in the premises.

Dated at Ellsworth this aid day of October A. D. Itiu3. A hit in F. SaLIsiuky.

8TATE OF MAINE. Hancock as.:—Ellsworth, Maine, Oct. 3,1903.

Personally appeared Abbie F. Salisbury, the perso » who signed the foregoing libel and being duly sworn made oath ibat she

«»es not know the residence of Kendall K. Saii-bury. the libellee named iu'said libel, a d that she cannot ascer afn his residence by reasonable diligence. Before me,

Akno W. King. (L.8.j Notary Public,

STATE OF MAINE. Hancock a*:— Supreme Judicia1 Court, in

Vacation. Ellsworth. Nov. 28, A. D. Itfu3. lrpou the foregoing libel, ordered. That the

libellant give notice to the said Libellee to appear before the Justice of our Su-

preme Judicial Court, to be holdeu ai Ells- worth, within and for the County of Hancock, on the third Tuesday of January A. D. lw». by publishing an attested copy of said libel am! this order thereon, three weeks succes-

sively in the Ellsworth American a news-

paper printed in Ellsworth in our County of

Hancock, the last publication to be thirty days at least prior to the third Tuesday of January next, that he may there and then in our said Court appear and answer to

said libel. andbkw P. Wiswell. Justice of the Sup. Jud.-Court.

A true copy of the Libel and Order of Court thereon.

Attest:—Joan F. Knqwlton. Clerk.__ STATE OF MAINE.

Hancock sh.—At a probate court held at

Bucksport. in and for s*id county of Hancock, on the tir t day of December, in the year m

our Lord one thousand nine hundred ana three.

A CERTAIN instrument purporting to be

ac py of the la» t w-li and testament ot Mary M. Adams. late of Badlands, in the

county of San Bernardino, and state of < ait-

lornia. deceased, and of the probate tbereo* in said state of California, duly autheut*- cated, having oten presented to the judge■ or

probate for ou- said county of Hancock to.

the purpose <rt being allowed, filed and re-

corded in th* probate court of our said coun-

ty of Hancock, bud for the appointment or

Arno W. King, of Ellsworth, county of Han-

cock, State of Maine, administrator, with wie

will annexed. Ordered, That notice thereof be given to

all persons interested therein, by publishing a copy of this older three weeks successive*} in the EiKwortb Araeri -an, a newspaper printed at Ellsworth, in said county of »an-

cock, prior to the fifth day of January, *#>4. that they may appear at a probate court

then to be held at Ellsworth, in audforsaia county of Hancock, at ten o'clock in the lore-

noon, and show cause, if any they have,

against the same. O. P. CUNNINGHAM, Judge of Probate.

A true copy. Attest:— Chas. P- I»<»kk. Kecu.e^


(1 ENEHAL AGENT FOR HANCOCK J COUNTY. An experienced house-lo-

house canvasser. New goods. B g money- Hood Mpo. Co., East Rocpeater1jLJCMMM,,,t


DO not trespass in Cuniculocus Par** *

demand protection to life and pr°Pfr*? from the county of Hancock, the state

Maine, and the United States of America. MiBY C. FkJBT* AUSTIN.



OppO^s Making Culm a State—Pre- (lictu that Canada will .Jola U. 8. Inaccurate reports of wbnt Senator Ha e

said o»« Nov. 23, when addressing the Sen- ate on tko Newiands resolution (Inviting Cuba to become «* slate of the American Union) have led to totne curious coni*

inents. For the ben?fit, therefore, of Thk

AMERICANS readers, lua remarks are

given in full below. Mr. Hale bad moved to reconsider the vote of the Senate by which the joint resolution invitii g Cuba to become a state bad been referred to the committee on relations with Cuba, and

spoke as followa: Mr. President, 1 shall take only a title time of

the Seoale, l»ut i <le«tre to submit a few ubser vatlons upon this resolution.

The experiment of self-government upon this continent In the couutrb* lying south of us

has not always had the happiest results and has hien none too successful; hut wherever It has Deen attempted It has been the pulley of the United States to encourage such self.govern ment, to support It, and wherever U has been

practicable to lend It a helping hand That ex

perl ment has been now going on for three years or more upon the Ulaud of Cuba, At the end of the war the Island lay at our racrey. By mill, tary conquest we had possessed ourselves of it. Had we determined to hold It under any form of colonial vassalage, no power in the world would have sought lo Interpose.

Hut, Mr. President, the war had been entered

upon under the limitation which In its declara- tion, at the Instance of the senator from Colo- rado fMr. Teller], had affirmed In the most solemn urnte that it was not to be waged for

conquest, and that so far as cubit was concerned the war did not should not luvoive the seizure of that island as a part of the United States. I do not quote the language of the Teller amendment, but that vras its purport. The purpose of the war as Indicated by Us declaration and the proposition of the senator from Colorado waa clear ami has been faith fully adbeied to.

The inland was !u many respects a desolate waste at the end of the war. It had been har- ried from one side to the other by lu^urri-ction, by transitory as well as regular military forces, and conflicts hardly amounting to battles, but involving all the wasteful results of actual war, ha<l devastated and brought rulo to a consider able part of Cuba

These conflicts had lift their mark and band

upon the island, and it was no light task that the patriotic men in Culm undertook when they eet up a free government and established and sent to the breeze tho fl »g of a new republic. 1 am glad to say that they dbl it, so far ne we

are concerned, without let or hiudranee on our

part Piactlcally every soldier was withdrawn, every insignia of military possession dtsap pea red, and we bade the Cubans god speed in thefr experiment of setting up an Independent republic, a, free ua ion, self government, for themselves.

I have been Impressed, Mr. President, thus far with the success of,this movement I have been agreeably disappointed In the evidence of that patience and self control and sound sense

and good management that have been rought out ny the Caban p ople bringing In this new

abler In the family of republics. No man who ha-* vi-lted Cuba can have failed to see there improvement in condition* that are not only gratifying but remarkable in their extent.

Peace hAs been restored and maintained, the

soldiery has departed, all i»rar ches or a civil

government arelu active, peaceful, useful oper- ation, and the tojourner in tnellsland to day, whatever may have been hi* skepticism hereto- fore about the capacity of It* i*oplc for self

government, is gratified by evidences on every hand of what 1* being done and well done

If there was but one tiling that the Cuban

government has done In whlcn It differs from

many buch experiments and widen entitle* It to

our sympathy and support, that one thing is found lo the frugal ly with which it ha* admin- istered government, ;th.' thoroughness with which U has enforced It* revenue collections, and, over and above all. when those collections have l*een enforced and pat Into the treasury, that they have been kept there a* a sacred fuud

upon which lo found ihe credit hereafter of the new republic. We do not see this every day In the governments among race* and people that

are at In to the Cuba u people. There has l>een no confiscation of the public funds; there has been no loot, no plunder, but all the surplus bn*

asfahhfully been kept lo the treasury of Cuba a* the United States of America keeps Us eur

plus lo Its own treasury. No mil tnry adven-

turer, no official, no president, no general has been allowed to coifl-*caie these funds, and

they stand to-day as a pi due to the world for the future, and the Cuban government ought to

have the benefit of this great accomplishment in the eyes of all the world.

But, Mr. President, the work In Cubu l* uot

all done. We can help It or bairn It. 1 see by the morning paper* that the Introduction and reference of the Newlands resolution hna caused «reat ferment ami auxlety there, and It Is not to be wondered at. There Is not a Un-

contented, malcontent spirit In the island of Cuba that want* a change ana wants something different from the present that 1* not In favor of the resolution. The ol 1 Spanish element, not wholly but considerably, is In favor of

anything but the present Cuoan government. The speculator In New York who wants to

lower the credit of the new republic ami weaken Us standing In the financial world so that It

BWwtttocnunt* <■■■* »*... .^

Ayer’s One dose of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents nignt coughs of children. No croup. No bronchitis. A

Cherry Pectoral

doctor’s medicine for all affections of the throat, bron- chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years.

I have used Ayer’s Cherry PectoraMn niT

faintly for eight years. There is notWoK equ*1 to it for coughs and <>lds, especially for < hi*

dreu.**—Mb*. W. H. Buyukb. Shelby, au.

2*.. 50c., SI.00. J. O- AVBR CO..


Night Coughs Keep the bowels open with one of Ayer’s Pills at bedtime, Just one.


EUaworth, Maine

must negotiate bonds at a disastrous rate of discount In order that hereafter on a annexa lion Fcheme the United States sha.l assume tiie bonds at par. and the Texas bonds performance of a half century ago repeated, not to our credit —all of these, Mr. President, aie behind thl- re solution.

1 do not say that*the senator from Nevada has any onnecilon with any of these sublet-,; be presumably has not. Some of us know him and appreciate his hoi orable record. But whether he knows It or not all of these Influ- ences that are hostile to Cuba and to the present government of Cuba are commendatory of his resolution.

Moreover, Mr. President, there Is something I may say, shabby In annoying and embarrass- ing a new and struggling republic. The sen- ator will say that this Is only an Invitation to Cuba to become a memtier ,of this great re. public, with provisions In detail to cover the whole subject. But, Mr. President, wo do not send out Invitations to Join this country to great and powerful peoples. This great repub. lie that has become —

Mr. Elkins. Will the senator allow me? Mr. Hale. I (hope tho senator will not Inter

rupt mu.

This <epubllc, that has become a great power In the world, ought to bo doing something be- sides Interfering with new and emergent and strugglli.g repuidles. Take tho case of Can. ada. I have little doubt that men here now Ms- tenlng to me will see the time when Canada will income a part—an Integral part—of the United -States. If bis plan Is curiiei out by the most adventurous of itritlsh politicians of colonial preference, a tariff war will be inaugurated be- tween Great Britain and the United States, and this English politician will seek to fet Canada up as a great rival to us, an agricultural rival. Out of that, Mr. President, will arise condi- tions, discussions, and considerations that will end in the union of the two peoples. But we do t ot Invito Great Britain to send Canada to us and join the Uulon. She Is too large a

power. Take Mexico. Plenty of people think that

the whole or a part of Mexico ought to be a

part of the United States, e^p.'daily tho north- ern states of that republic. But we do not in- vlio Mexico. What do senators think woul I he the reply of that great chieftain whose power over his people is as absolute as ever was that of Peter or Frederlck or the great English Pro- lector. If we should invite Mexico to join this republic? It would bo the same reply that would come from the foreign ofllce in Great Britain, In stern tones, too: “Mind your own business."

Therefore I object, with all these influences barking nt the heels of the new republic, to Congress In any way committing Itself to any proposition that *-hall Interfere with the honest, patriotic men who are engage'! In conducting a

good government lu Cuba I have no fear that the committee will report this resolution or that tho Senate will pa-a It, but Its introduction at.d reference have already put a dog and a hindrance In the wheels that were going for ward In Cuba, and for one I do uot fed like let ting It go without entering my prot. st.


Representative Sherman R. Downing, of Sorrento.

Sherman K. Downing, of Sorrento, representative to the State legislature, dropped dead Wednesday evening, Nov. 26.


Sherman R. Downing was born in 1846 on the farm on which he died, the son of Kahili* mid Priscilla (Cole) Downing. In bis younger du>s tie taught school, and cut stone in the beginning of that ii dun-

try. He had also been engaged in various mercantile pursuits, 1 a luding hotel and market keeping at Sorrento, but in late

years he had devoted bis whole attention to mirkcf gardening.

At the beginning of the Civil war he en-

lised. He wes prominent in D. L. Weare post at East Sullivan.

Last Wednesday evening Mr. Downing retired in his usual health, and while

conversing with his wife suddenly threw bis arms above his bead. It wa* found that he had died instantly.

Mr. Do wiling was well known as one of

the most genial of men; in social, fra-

ternal and political circles be was one of

the prominent men of Sorrento aud, in

fact, of this entire section.

He was a member of D. A. Hooper j lodge, K. and A. M., M. K. Stevens lodge, K.ot P., D. L. Weare post, G. A. R., aud

John Dority grange, all of Sullivan.

During the last session of the legisla- ture he represented the towns of Wal-

tham, Easibrook, Franklin, Sullivan, Sorrento, Gouldeboro and Winter Harbor,

lit? hud served the town of Sullivan as col-

lector, and since the incorporation of the

; town of Sorrento, be had been superin- | tendent of schools, and selectman, having

been charimau of that board in 1902.

He leaves a widow who has the deepest sympathy of a large circle of friends.


By the sudden termination on the

25th lust of the life of Mr. Sherman

Downing, all who knew him will

f •» 1 that they sustain a great personal loss.

And la view of bis association with this rcligi ous society, of the "Church of our Father, it Is

Resolved, That in this visitation of Divine

Providence that the State Is deprived of a just and wise councillor, community all that could

be required from his citizenship, and the church

of oue of Its most reverent, earnest and consla-

tent supporters. As an officer In this church he

was always found faithful and conscientious.

The wnole community, both public aud private would extend to his bereaved widow and to his

relatives and friends, an expression of sincere

ami heartfelt sympathy, ami trusting in One In

whose Justice and mercy all may And consola-

tion and comfort, It la further

Resolved, That a copy of thesejresolutious be

sent to Mrs. Downing and to be spread on the

society records. Thk Liberal Christian Society,

By Mrs. (Jeorgle Wilson, Secretary

Three hundred beautiful gifts will be

made to children by ttie Boston Sunday Herald lor the BOlution of the prize puzzle which wiil be printed in the isBue

of Dec. 6 The puzz'e is within the capa- bilities of the average child, and cau he

considered healthful amusement. The

prizes are very handsome, and many of

them useful. Buy the Sunday Herald of

Dec. 6. _____

When a woman of thirty looks into the

future it seems as brief as a rabbit’s tail.

Weary Willie—Yeh, de fust time I wsb

ever In Noo York a friend o’ mine took

me iu tow an’ made me acquainted wid

Bussell Sage. Hungry Hawkes-Aw, g’on!

Weary Willie-Sure. He pointed ’im

out ter me so’s I’d know ’im again if I

ever met ’itn an’ wouldn’t waste no time

t'yin’ ter touch ’em for a nickel.




1831—$90,000 IN STOCK


Fir© totally destroyed the plant of the

Hancock Leather Co. at Amherst Monday night bet ween 11 and 12 o’clock. Loan about 1100.000.

The fire i-trrted in the leach room

apparently from an endless chain. When it was discovered it had gained Bucb head

way that the small fores pump—the only apparatus on the ground—was unable to

cope with the dames, which spread with

great rapidity. Everything except the

boiler bouse and an old saw mill was

burned Hat to the ground. What brings the loss up to such a

high figure is the large amount of stock

the company had on hand—about £90,000 of leather. On the stock there was £40,- 000 insurance, and £12,000 on the build- ings.

At the time of the fire the company had bark enough on hand to keep the tan- nery running for the next fifteen years.

TANNERY BUILT IN 1831. This tannery was tbe oldest one in the

State and probably tbe oldest one in th^

country. It was built in 1831. In 1841 Charles O. Fanning bought the property and operated it.

Fourteen years later the tannery was

taken over by A. Hr Buzzeil who, with his son Oliver, carried on the business for a

long term of years. During that time tbe

tannery was enlarged and the output in- creased to such sn extent as to make it a

thriving industry. In 1891 James Rice, of Bangor, bought

an Interest in the business and worked with the Buzzells until 1898 when the laiter retired.

Upon the retirement of Buzzeil a stock

company was formed under the name of the Hancock Leather Co., Mr. Rice taking his sons into the business, and since that time the tannery has been operated under that name.


Since tbe lime the tannery was built in 1831 it lias not been closed down but once

In its long career of seveuty*two years, audtheu only for the short period of three weeks.

It employed about thirty hands, and at the time of tbe burning bad several men

and teams iu the woods getting out bark. It bas not been decided whether or not the company will rebuild.



Destroys Dwelling and Two Stables— Loss Estimated at $12,000.

Fire destroyed tbe dwelling and stable of Mrs. Joseph Corson and the* livery stable of Edwin S. Atwood early Saturday morning. The property loss is estimated at £12,000.

The tiro was discovered by Mrs. Corson about 3 a. ni., she being awakened by tbe noise made by the cattle and borse-i con-

fined iu her stable. Investigation showed that h"»r stable wa.j alt ablazs, also the

livery stable of Mr. Atwood, which ad-

joined her buildings. The Atwood stabies were closed for the

winter and contained only harnesses and

carriages. Nothing was saved from this stuble.

The Corson property constated of a

large livery stable and carriage shed and

a dwelling, lu the stable were several

horses and cattle, but these were safely got out. The remainder of the contents

of theBtabie was burned. Atwood’s loss is estimated at $6,000,

covered by insurance. The Corson loss la

about $5 000, also insured. The tire apparently originated In the

Corson stable and communicated to the

Atwood stable. The cause of the tire is

unknown. The Atwood stable was a new building,

only *>ein£ completed iu time for the past season’s business.

If it ha 1 not teen for the efficient ser-

vice of the fire department, there is no

telling where the flames would have

stopped, as the buildings were centrally located and surrounded by several wooden



By the Governor after Serving Fifteen Years in State Prison.

Charles Moore, aged forty-two, was

pardoned by the governor and council

last week after serving fifteen years in the

State prison at Thomastoo for breaking and entering and assault with intent to

kill. Since he was sent to prison Moore has

twicj attempted to escape, but both times

has been unsuccessful. The first attempt Moore made a dress from pieces of cloth

obtained from the harness room and in-

tended to get away with the annual ex-

cursion party. His dress was f£und be-

fore the event took place. The second attempt was made two years

a »o. This time he tiled away the bars of

his cell and replaced them by wooden

ones, which the officers claim as excellent

imitations. He gained an entrance to the

chapel and filed out the bars here only to

find that his rope was not near long enough.

The officers learned of his escape and

hunted all day for him before finding him

under the platform of the chapel. Owing to these two attempts at escape

Moore would have had to serve his whole

term if he bad not been pardoned: He

has left Maine for New York where his

father lives.

“Aren’t you attending Mr. Sharp aDy more?” inquired the wife of Dr. Price- Price. “No,” replied the doctor, “I can’t make anything out of the case at all. “Why, I thought you diagnosed it as a

simple cold.” “That’s what it is. That’s

why 1 can’t make anything out of it.”


Special Town Meeting—Thanksgiving Day Observances.

Bar Harbor, Dec 1 (-p ctal)—A spec- ial meeting of the town of Eden whs held >t the municipal court room at Bar Har- bor Friday morning, the resut of which will be that before very long Bar Harbor will hav** a government posfcofflje build- ing suitable for its needs.

The meeting was called

“To see if the town will vote to accept the report of the selectmen uti a town way hs laid out by them,. beginning at a point In Cottage street, near J. A. Rudlck'a store, and running in a northerly direction to land of Thomas Searles; thence westerly to land of A. H. Lynam; thence southerly to sal Cottage street."

Tbe meeting was called to order by Town Cleric W. H. Hbermau and Charles F. Paine, town treasurer, was elected moderator.

On motion of A. Stroud Rodick it was

voted that the report of the selectmen in laying out tho wav described »iu article 2 (as above) be accepted and tuat the said

way be accepted. The meeting was very brief, pr bably as short as any ever held in the town. Not more than five or six minutes were required for the proceed- ings from start to fiuish.

Fora number of years the buildings used as a postoffice have been far from

adequate for the large amount of postal business doue here, and theie is an imper- ative demand for larger quarters, which can be properly provided only by a good government building.

The town has been trying for a number of years to get a government post office

building, and its hopes are now in a fair

way of t:eing realized. At the session of Congress in 1901 02

|6,000 was appropriated to purchase a lot of laud here for a postoffice, and at last

year’s session an additional sum of $6 000 was appropriated for the same purpose.

The government then called for pro- posals for laud to be sold to t be govern- ment at a price not to exceed f12 000.

Government officials were sent here to look over lots which were offered, and after due consideration decided up in the J. A. Rodick lot on Cottage street, pro- vided certain conditions which the gov- ernment insisted upon were met. The chief of these was that a town road, thirty feet wide, be built around three sides of the lot which fronted on Cottage street.

This road was laid out by the se ectmen and the town accepted it Friday at the

special meeting, thus removing the only obstacle in the way of the sale of the lot to the government.

Only a few' formalities are needed to

complete the sale, and the papers will be passed within a few days.

The lot is owned by J. A. Rodick and is

very centrally located near the business

part of the town and only about two minutes’ walk from the present postoffice.

It is 125 feet on Cottage street and 130 feet deep. The price to be paid is |12 000. The Birch Tree inn occupies the site at

present and the work of removing or tear-

ing down the hotel will begin soon.

It is expected that an appropriation will be made at this session of Cougress for the erection of the postoffice building.

Thanksgiving services were held at the

Congregational and Episcopal churches

Thursday. Two services were held at the

Episcopal church, one at 7 30 a. m. at

which the holy communion was celt

brated, and morning prayer with a brief address by the rector, Rev. Stephen H.

Green, at 10 a. m.

Tbe service at the Congregational church Thanksgiving evening was a

un on service of the Congregational, Methodist and Baptist churches.

The sermon was delivered by Rev. Angus M. MacDonald, pastor of the Con-

gregational church, who chose for his

text, “Whatsoever a man soweth that

shall he also reap.”

Thanksgiving night there was an ex-

hibition of moving pictures at Music hall

by the Keith Moviug Picture Co., under

the management of C. E. Lindall. Dur-

ing the evening Miss Alice McFarland, a

pupil of Mr. Lindall, made her first ap-

pearance as a cornet soloist, aud illus-

trated songs were sung by J. Frauklid Anthony.

A thanksgiving ball was given at the

Casino. Refreshments were served by the

ladies’ pid society.

Arrangements are being made for a

course of five piano recitals to be given during the winter at the choir room of

St Saviour’s church by Maurice C. Ram-

sey, assisted by prominent Maine soloists. The first recital will be given Monday

evening, Dec. 14, and the other dates are

Jan. 11, Feb. 15, April 4 aud May 2. Mr.

Rumseyistbe well-known organist and

choir master of St. Saviour’s church and

the director of the Bar Harbor choral

society. The soloists who will assist at the

recitals are Miss Mabelle Monaghan, soprano, of Ellsworth; Francis Welch, v olinist, of Portland; Miss France* M, Drinkwater, contralto, of Bangor; Millard Bowdoin, baritone, of Portland ; Roland Sawyer, ’cellist, of Bangor.

Bar Harbor hunters continue to return

bringing in most cases all the big game the law allows.

William Feunelly, Charles H. Wood aud Fletcher T. Wood came Saturday from Ox Bow, iu Aroostook county with two deer apiece. Aaron Bunker got back Monday from a few days’ bunting at

Great Pond with two deer and a bear, while William R. Jordan returned Sunday with one deer.


James Emery, of tbe junior class at

Bowdolu, and Walter Llnscott, a Benior at

Coburn classical Institute, spent Thanks-

giving with tbeir parents in Bar Harbor.

Mamma—Just look at your olothes! O!

you careless boy! Tbsre’s no use talkiog to you. Tommy—Now tbat’s real sensi-

ble, ma. Why didn’t you think o’ that

long ago?

To Cure a Cold lu One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure.

I E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 28c.


There was an enterrainment In the school bouse last Wednesday evening. The room was tastefully decorated with evergreen and flags. The following pro- gramme was rendered:

Recitation, Tbp Fir** *»ppp(*h .. Daca ?ccds Recitation, Nettle Bentley’s Wishes,

Beulah Trim Dialogue, The Invitation,

Horace Lord, Frances 8ecd9 Rea ling, The Fire at Crown Folut Mine,

Amanda B-dley Recitation, Thankful Jimmie- Horace Lord Tableau, Yes or No.Amanda Bailey Dialogue, Brave Little Mary..Three little Girls Recitation, The Youug Man Waited,

Amanda Bailey Recitation, Found,

Lillian Gilbert and three children Tableau, Scrnpiug An Acquaintance

R. F. R mick and A. B. Smith Recitation, The Challenge.Vera Seeds Recitation, Mollle VVnlmp ’r.Frances Seeds Dialogue, A Slight Mistake,

Mrs Frazier, MU* Gilbert, Miss Bailey, Nora Smith, Myra Smitn.

Recitation, The Map of Europe.Vera Seeds Character Song—The Gipsy’s Warning,

Miss Gilbert, Mr. Frazier, Myra Smith Recitation, My Josiali .Mrs. Cora Frazier Recitation, The Life Boat.Miss Gilbert Tableau, This Beats All ....Freddie Smith

Nov. 29. Pen.

Men with bra lug make big money by marrying it.


BILLINGS—At Little Deer Isle, Nov 23, to Mr and Mrs Elmer J Billing*, a son.

BRIDGES At Tremont, Nov 24, to Mr and Mtb Fred B Bridges, a daughter.

H A MOR-At Cranberry leles, Nov 27, to Mr and Mrs John H H;mor. a sou.

LUNT—At Tremont, Nov 21, to Mr and Mrs KIweil P Lunt, a son.

LYMBURNER—At Brooksville, Nov 22, lo Mr and Mrs MyrI Lymburner, a son.

ROYAL—At Ellsworth, Nov 14, to Mr and Mrs Charles Royal, a s<*n.

REED—At Tremont, Nov 15, to Mr and Mrs Benjamin B Reed, a son.

TRUNDY—At Tremont, Nov 15, to Mr and Mrs H Alton Trundy, a son. [ Alton Elwell-i

YOUNG—At Tremont, Nov 28. to Mr and Mrs Fred E Young, a son. [Francis ]


BILLINGS—FOWLER—At Surrv, Nov 26, by Rev .J D McGraw. Ml~a Alice E Billing*, of Brooksville, to Lemuel O Fowler, of Surry.

CONDON—TAPLEY —At South Brooksville, Nov 2>, by Rev A B Carter, Miss Izetta Ruth Condon to Herman Parker Tapley, both of BrooKsvlil^.

-JOY—M'FaRLAND— At Ellsworth, Nov 25, by Rev J P Simon ton. Miss Lena Joy, of Frank- lin, to Merrill Irvin# .McFarland, of Hancock

JOY —RICH VRDSON—At Mt Desert, Nov 23, by Rev G E Kinney, Miss Nina May Jov, of West Eden, to Nathan Richardson, of Salis- bury Cove.

LEACH—T’lIOMBS— At Ca»tlne, Nov 2% by W < Pierce, e(*q. Miss Beulah Blaine Leach, of Penobscot, to John Eugene Thoinbs, of Cas- tlne.

PETTENGILL—HARVEY—At Ellsworth, Nov 26, by Rev .1 I* -Simonton, Mi-ts Evelyn A Pettengill to Alfreti I* Harvey, both of Han- cock.

RALPH MATTOCKS-At Albany, N Y. on Thanksgiving Day. Nov 26 Miss Martha Eliza- beth Ralph to A1 xauder McKenzie Mattocks, formerly of North Sullivan.

SA LISBURY— FALLS—At F.llsworth, Nov 25, by Rev J P Simonton, Miss Laura Ophe iu Salisbury to Arthur .Fumes Falls, both of Ells- worth

TRACY—JELLISON—At Sullivan, Nov 25, by Rev O G Barnard. Miss Itoxte l> Tracy to Herbert R Jcllison, both of Sullivan. HITE—THORNDIKE—At North Brooksvi’b*,

Nov 27, by Rev A B Carter, Miss Mary A White, of Brooksville, to James T Thorndike, of Liberty.

W A LI’ORT— LEIGHTON—At Gouldsboro, Nov 26, by A S Rolf, esq, Miss Alice M Waiport to Newell P Leighton, both of Gouldsboro.

WATTS—NICKEKSON—At Amherst, Nov 24, by J M Patten, esq. Miss Mittie B Watts to Sewall E Nickerson, both of Amherst.


COUSINS—At Franklin, Nov 21, William E Cousins, aged 34 years, 2 months, 2 days.

CHAMBERS—At Bar Hirbor, Nov 24, Mrs Addle May Chambers aged30 years, 8month-.

GRIN OLE— At Hluebil’, Nov 24. Lula E, wife of Dr K I’ Grlndle, aged 85 years, *4 days.

MKLLO—At Bluehill, Nov 30. Mrs Katie May Mello, aged 37 years, 6 months, 14 days.

roRREY—At Surry, Nov 25, Edwin H Torrey, aged 71 years, 6 months, 24 days.

WREN—At Penobscot, Nov 27, Mrs Harriet E Wren, aged 78 years.

^VARREN—At Maine General hospital, Port land, Nov 24, Mrs Rebecca S Warren, of Deer lele, aged Gi jears, G month-, 20 days.


mi for 3 Months!


The Bancor Daily News In order to fill the want you want and to make

you want your want with a greater want, the publishers of the Bangor Daily News are mak- ing a great mark-down holiday offer, and will furnish their paper for three*months for One Dollar to ail m vv subscribers who pay in ad- vance. After the first three months the paper will be sold at regular rates. ftC cents per mouth

The Bangor Daily News U Hie home paper of Eastern, Northern and Central Maine. Every issue contains a complete story of the world’s doings, together with fullest details about borne events. Fashion designs for the women, the best shipping news in Maine for the sailors, stories, for oi l and young, and a cheerful and hopeful view of things In general

Cut out this a<l. and mail to us with $tl.

The Bancor PnWisMnc Company, EXCHANGE STREET, BANGOR.


FOOTWEAR and CUiUli eu.


Lumbermen SS*»Sa 1 nity to get good outfits cheap, j _

The J. T. Crippen Store. Corner Main and Water streets.

Next door to postofllae



Catarrh Is a discharge from the mucous mem- brane of the nose, throat, stomach, bowels etc., when kept in a state of inflammation by an impure condition of tiie blood and a want of tone in the system.

Soothe the inflamed membrane, strengthen the weakened system, ana the discharge will stop —to do this purify the blood. “I was troubled with catarrh for years

and trbd various remedies but found noth- ing that would cure me. I then resolved to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla and took four bottles which entirely cured me. I hay* never been troubled with catarrh since. As a blood purifier I can find nothing else equal to Hood’s Sarsaparilla.” William Shkbmar, 1030 6th St., Milwaukee, Wis.

Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh radically and perma- nently—removes its cause and over* romps ell its effects.

SailroaOB anti Steamboat

fiiSii^lneir&lswflrl Steitfui


Commencing Wednesday, Noy. 4. GOING EA8TWARD.

Commencing Wednesday, Nov. 4, steamer “Juliette” will leave Rockland upon arrival of steamer from Boston, every Wednesday and Saturday for Dark Harbor, ILltile Deer Isl^ {South Brooksville, Sargentvllle. Deer IsI«l Sedgwick, Brooklln. ♦South Bluehlll, Bluohfl^ Surry and Ellswortt.

GOING WESTWARD. Leave Surry 6.?0 a m, every Monday and

Thursday making above landings and connect- ing at Rockland witii steamer for Boston.

♦Flag landing. t Stop Wednesdays going eastward and

Thursdays returning {Slop Saturdays going eas ward and Mon-

days returning Will stop at West Tremont Wednesdays go-

ing eastward. Note—This company will not be responsible

for delays arising from accidents or other un- unavoldable causes.

O. A. CROCKETT, Manager, Rockland, Me.

Rockland, Me., Nov. 4, 1903.

Commencing Oct. 12, 1903. BAR HARBOR TO BANGOR

A M P M PH BAR HARBOR. 10 30 3 30 .. Sorrento ..1 4 05 ...... Sullivaft. .! 4 30 ...... Mt Desert Ferrv. 11 20 5 00 9 06 Waukeag S Fy. 11 26 5 07 9 07 Hancock. til 29 5 17 9 12 Franklin Road. til 87^ 5 19 9 20 Wash'gton June. 11 49 28 9 40 ELLSWORTH. 11 56 5 36 9 47 Ellsworth Falla. |12 01; 5 48 9 52 Nlcoltn. rl2 15 5 55 flO 06 Green Lake. tl2 24 6 05 tlO 14 Lake House. +12 82 f6 12 f 10 22 Holden. 11*2 40 f6 20 10 80 Brewer June. 1 00 6 40 10 BO Bangor, Ex St... 1 07| 6 47 10 SI BANGOR, J1C 1 10, 6 50 11 06

P M A M AM Portland. 1 05 4 26 Boston. 5 57 726


Boston. 7 40i. 9 00 12 40

Portland.. 10 45

BANGOR. 6 OO! 10 00 5 06 Bargor. Ex St..... 6 05 10 05 6 04 Brewer June .. 6 12 lu 12 5 11 Holden. |6 3- 110 34 t5 80 Lake IIouso. f6 39 flO 42 f5 *1 Green Lake. 6 47 f 1C 50 5 46 Nlcoltn. f6 56 T10 59 5 86 Ellsworth Falls.. 7 09, 11 13 6 06 ELLSWORTH. 7 lOj 11 18 6 IS Wa-h’cton June. 7 30 TU 27 6 28 Franklin Road. T7 38; 11 37 6 81 Hancock. f7 46 11 45 t6 89 Waukeag, 8 Fy 7 49 11 48 € 48 Ml Desert Ferry.. 7 55 11 55 6 66 Sullivan... 8 20.. *orrento.. 8 45 .. BAR HARBOR.. 9 2) 12 45 7 86

TStop on signal or notice to Conductor. These trains connect at Bangor, with through

trains on Main Line, to and from Portland, Boe- ton and St. John.

Tickets for ail points South and West for sale at the M. C. 11. B. ticket office, Ellsworth.

Passengers are earnestly requested to procni. tickets before entering the trains, and especially Ellsworth to Falls and Falls to Ellsworth.

GEO. F. EVANS, Vice Pres, and Gen’l Manager.

F. E. BOOTH BY, G. P. & T. A.


Steamship Company. Mt. Desert Division.

WINTER SERVICE. Two Trips a Week.

Commencing Thursday, Dec. 3, 1903, steamer leaves Bar Harnor Mondays and Thursdays at« a. m., touching at Seat Harbor, Northeast Harbor, Southwest Harbor and Stonlngton con- necting at Rockland with steamer for Boston.


From Boston Tuesdays and Fridays at 5. p.m. From Rockland Wednesdays and Saturdays

at ft 30 a. m„ touching at Stoulngton. Southwest Harbor, Northeast Harbor and Seal Harbor.

All freight via this line is insured against firs and marine risk.

E. 8. J. Morse, Agent, Bar Harbor. A. H. Hanscom, G. P. and T. A. Calvin Austin, Vice-president and

Gen’l Mgr.. Foster’s Wharf. Boston, Mass.

® EDWIN M. MOORE, g g dealer In all kinds of g 2 Fresh, salt,' Smoked and Dry 5


0 Cod, Haddock, Halibut, Bluelisb,| A Mackerel, OysterB; Clams, Scallops, j O Lobsters and Finnan Haddies. i

O Campbell A/True Bldg., East End Bridge, I ♦ ERLS WORTH, 1WK.


Subscribe for The American.

Thh American has subscribers at 106

of the 116 past offices in Hancock county: ail the other papers in the County com-

bined do not reach ho many. The Amer-

OAN is not the only paper printed in

Bancock county, and has never claimed to

be, but it is the only paper that can prop

mrly be called a County paper; all the

test are merely local papers. The circula-

tion of Thk American, barring the Bar

Harbor Record's summer list, is larger ffcan that of all the other papers printed »n Hancock county.

COUNTY NEWS. For additional County Xe v*. nee other pagts


Miss Etta Blake tain poor health.

Hollis Jordan shot a targe moose Friday. Wilson Googins was In Bar Harbor

recently. George Stanley and write have closed

their bouse tor the winter.

Alden Morse, of Bar Harbor, w ho has

been here hunting, has returned home.

Mrs. Almcn Jellison and daughter Ethel, of Ellsworth Falls, were in town

Sunday. Dr. J. H. Patten, of Amherst, was in

town vaccinating Thursday. About sixty were vaccinated.

School No. 2 closed Nov. 20 after a sue-

cessful term of twelve weeks taught by Miss Minerva Jordan, of Ellsworth Fatls. Those not absent were Carrie Jordan, Melvin Bragoon, Ormand Haslem, Austin

Jordan, Leota and Arthur Henderson, Sadie Haslem; absent one-half day: PhenaBialey, Those who won prizes in j spelling: Carrie Jordan, Melvin Brugdou, j Ormand and Ethel Haslem, Austin Jor- dan. Miss Jordan, the teacher, was

loved by ail, and each was remembered by a present, forgetting uoue; even the

superintendent was not overlooked. In return she was presented with several

presents, including a small purse of

money from the school. Nov. 24. H.


Wiunie Jellison has gone to Otis hunt-

ing. Granville Jellison, of Otis, was in town

Thursday. Miss Hazel Dority, of Otis, is employed

at John Hodgkins’. Miss Carrie Tibbetts, of Bar Harbor, has

been visiting friends here.

There will be a masquerade ball at Eden park hall, Tuesday, Dec. S.

Miss Ethel Thomas, who has been teach- ing at Mark island, has returned.

C. V. Leland’s bouse burned Nov. 24. All the furniture was saved. It was in-


Charlie King, with his family, spent Thanksgiving with his mother at North Ellsworth.

Helen Alby Thomas has closed her term of school at E'lswortb Falls and returned home. Miss Thomas is soon to go to

Farmington to school.

Black foxes are getting quite numerous

Chester Rich has one, and Edward Thomas and Rich Sm th, of Pretty Marsh. Alio them w ere shot .on the island.

The engagement is announced of S. L.

Burns, of this place, and Miss Edna

Brewer, of Hull’s Cove. The wedding will take place at the church at Hull’s Cove, Dec. 14.

Nov. 30. M. B.

HULLS COVE. Mrs. Mary Hinckley is ill.

Miss Edna Brewer is on the sick list. Mrs. Ethel Hamor is improving .slowly

from her long illness. Charles Shea and wife have moved to

Bar Harbor for the winter.

Winthrop Stanley Is home from Farm- ington for a short vacation.

Mrs. Annie Hamor and daughter Doro- thy spent a few days last week in Bar Har- bor.

Miss Agnes Brewer has returned from Bar Harbor, where she his been employed during the summer and autumn.

Hudson Kelley and family have moved from Ellsworth, and will live with Mrs. Kelley’s parents, John Pierce and wife.

Mrs. Mary Gardiner, who bas been at home for a few months’ rest, has re- turned to her work in Riverdale, N. Y.

Nov. 30.___ Anne.

GREAT POND. Mrs. Mary Williams has gone to Bangor

Tor the winter. Mrs. Rowe closed a very pleasant term

of school Friday. Mrs. Matthew Laughlin has rented the

N. U. Collar bouse.

Miss Mae Stephens, of Eddington, is a

guest of Mrs. Shumar:. Sewall Mitchell has gone to Sullivan for

his teams and more men.

Aaron Bunker, of Eden, has killed two deer and a bear this wee*.

John Laughlin is to lumber at Rocky t>ond for Whitcomb, Haynes A Co.

Albert Haynes and family and Guy Pat- terson have returned from Jo Mary lakes.

Joe Patterson and family arrived from

Fredericton, N. B., last week. They will have a housewarming Saturday evening.

Nov. 27. E.

ISLESFOKD. The Thimble club met with Mrs. Ida

Bryant last Wednesday. Mrs. Sarah Tucker, who has been ill

the past tew weeks, Is improving. Nathan Stanley, who broke his leg a

tew weekB ago, is able to get about.

School closed here last week, taught by Miss Hazel Durgin, of Cornish. The high school begins Uec. 14.

Everett Spurllng left here for Bidde- ford Thursday, where he has been chosen as seventh man In tbe life-saving station at Fletcher's neck.

Nov. 30. C.

COUNTY N EW> ** tadittonai Camnty Net?* *t« <*%e*

WEST BROOKSV1LLE. The conditton of Omar Lord, who has

b en ill for several month#, te U'»cbangc*d Frtd Jon s, of Belfast, passed Thanks-

giving with bis mother, Mrs. Lucy J. Jones.

Aid n Tapley left last evening for Cape Roster, wnere he is to teach the winter j term of school.

Dr. Farrow’s thirty foot sailing yacht “Na'nd** p'aced in winter quarters at Lord’s shore Friday.

John S. Tapley and his friend Carroll

Perkins, who spent Thanksgiving here, returned to Colby this morning.

Last Saturday the steamer “Tremont” made her last trip for the season, getting no farther up river than Bucksport.

Jerome P. Tapley, jr., who has been employed in Massachusetts for the past n'ne months, is home for the winter.

“Grassmere lodge,” which has been

occupied by the Smith family for the past forty years, has been closed and is now for

sale, Mrs. J. F. Smith and her children having left here last week for Portland, where they will reside in the future.

All schools in town are in session this morning. The teachers are: District No. 1, Charles Swan; grammar, Mrs. Skelton; primary, No. 2, Miss Gf ace Stover; No. 2*4, Miss Crissie Gott; No. 3, Brooks Grindle; No. 4, Miss Kate Tapley; No. 5. Miss S.

Jean Condon; No. 7, Miss Lillian Gray; No. 8, Alden Tapley.

Nov. 30. Tomson.


Misa Annie Dunbar is home from Bucks- port.

Frank Witham, who has been very ill, is j improving.

Irving Conner has gone to Biuehill, where he has employment.

Percy Wardwell has gone to Boston in

the schooner “Omaha’’, Capt. M. C. Perkins.

Misses Maud and Grace Ward well were

the gu sts of C. M. Leach and wife Thanksgiving.

Capt. George Blodgett and wife spent Thanksgiving with his daughter, Mrs. John S. Snow.

The school in the Dunbar district beean Monday, taught by Miss Cecile Hutchins, of Penobscot.

Mr. Fessenden and wife, of Fort Fair- field, are visiting their son, Rev. Thomas Fessenden, at the village.

Miss E«*tel!e Perry, who recently re-

turned from Gott’s Island, has gene to

Sandy Point to visit friends.

Miss Grace D. Leach came from Brewer

Wednesday to spend the remaining days of the week with her mother, Mrs. Augusta Leach.

Frank W. Hutchins came up from Vinal- haven last week fora short stay. Virgil P. Wardwell returned with him to iesume

his work of shore fishing. Nov. 30. L.

WEST SULLIVAN. Arthur Abe, of Hull Quarry, spent

Thanksgiving with his parents here.

Mrs. Howard Gordon spent Thanksgiv- ing with her sister, Mrs. Seth Scauunon, at East Franklin.

Frank Springer, who is employed at Bar Harbor, spent Sunday with his pa> rents, J bu Springer and wife.

Rev. F. L. ilaywaid held services at Uni n church Wednesday, Tuursdsy and Friday evenings in continuation of the revival meetings recently held here.

Many from this part of the town at-

tended the fuueralof Sherman K. Down- ing at Ea-t Sullivan Suuday. He was a number of David A. Hooper lodge, F. and A. M., and .>1. L. Stevens lodge, K. of P., oi this place.

Cards have been received announcing the wedding of Alexander M. Mattocks, formerly of this town, now of Albany, N. Ym to Miss Martha Eiiz-meih liaiph, of Albany, Thursday, Nov. 26.

Miss lioxie Tracy aud Herbert Jelli-on were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Havey last Wednesday morn-

ing by Rev. O. G. Barnard. The young couple have many friends here who juin in congratulations.

Nov. 30. B.

WEST TREM.ON i'. School ciosed this week.

Several attended the concert at Center last Thursday evening.

Miss Bartha Murphy, who has been visiting at McKinley, is home.

Waiter S. Lunt, who has been working at South Gouldsboro, is home.

Willie Sawyer and family nave moved into the Frauk Eaton cottage.

Rev. A. P. Thompson, who has beeu at work at South Gouldsboro, is home.

Fred Bridges and wife are receiving congratulations on me birth of a daugu- ter.

M. N. Davis, who has beeu visiting at Mil bridge and Prospect Harbor, has re- turned.

Misses Myra, Riila and Goldie Gott, who have been at work in the factory at McKinley, are home.

Misses Bernice Murphy, Minuie and Emma Thurstou, who have been work- ing at McKinley, returned Thursday.

Nov. 30. Thelma. !

TREMONT. Mrs. L. F. Gott, who has been ill for

several weeks, is sole logo out ailittle. The primary school, taught by Miss

Lulu Mayo, of Southwest Harbor, closes this week. Miss Mayo has taught several terms here and is a popular and efficient teacher. The grammar school will con- tinue another week.

Miss Elizabeth Peterson, of Philadel- phia, who has spent the summer at her cottage on Gott’s Island, was here Monday on her way home. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Lawrence Peterson. They formerly spent many summers here.

Dr. Watson's store was broken into Thursday night, Nov. 19, and about |50

worth of goods stolen, mostly clgsrs, jewelry aud jackknife*. The thieve- forced an entrance through one of the

cellar windows. Alvah Koch’s blacksmith shop was also broketi into, and a few articled taken. It was probably tho work

of hoys. Nov. 25. fc*PEC

Albert Eaton, w ho wan taken seriously ill while away oil a deer-bunt log trip, baa recovered sufficiently to return home.

Sidney Rich in aw’ay on a p'eanure trip. He has been visiting h*.a slater, Mrs. Mina ! Dyer, at Cornish, and was present at her silver wedding anniversary, Tnanksgiv ing Day. lie is now spending a week with friends in Lynn, Maas.

Rev. Dean A. Walker preached a very able and interesting sermon on the work of the church building society, Sunday, Nov. 29. Mr. Walker will be away tor I he next two weeks. He wiii accompany Rev. John Brown, who has been a mis-

sionary to Harpoot, Turkey, for mauy yeara, ’on a lecturing tour through Han- cock county.

Nov. 30. X. Y. Z

MARLBORO. Mrs. Clara Ford is In Houlton visiting

her daughter, Mrs. E. C. Alexander.

Percy Bragdon, of Millitiocket, is visit- ing his mother, Mrs. Warren Grover.

Miss Audrey Hodgkins is in Noitb Mariavilie visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred

Grover. V

Allen Hodgkins, who has been em-

ployed by Dr. C. C. Morrison at Bar Har-

bor, is at home.

Llewellyn Closson, of Bayslde, spent a

few days last week witu his grandmother, Mrs. Abide Bowden.

Melvin and Horner Wilbur have gone to Lakewood to visit their grandmother, Mrs. A. H. Wilbur.

Miss Grace Hodgkins, of Ellsworth, spent Tbaukhglving with her parents, B. F. Hodgkins aud wife.

Adelbert Hodgkins and Miss Elzetta ! Harvey spent thanksgiving with Mr. !

Hodgkins'sister, Mrs. Daniel McIntyre, in E.isworth.

i Nov. 30. Are.


I A. B. Foss is at work for S. J. Johnston. Mrs. Emma Carter is visiting relatives

at Nicoliu. Mis. Mary Meddocks, of Nicoliu, spent

i Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Emma


W. A. Crabtree and wife have returned. Mrs. Crabtree is lu poor health.

W. H. Pnilhps has been visiting at Northeast and Southwest Harbor.

Ivory Crabtree is visiting his family here. He will soon go lo Boaiou.

Mrs Edith Penney, Daisy Chester aud : Mrs. E. Carter were in Bar Harbor re-


| Howard Hodgkins and wife arid Mrs. Mae Ball and daughter Martha have re-

turned from Bo-ton. I Nov. 30. E.

NORra LVMOINE. Miss Banchc- Ilegao has returned from

Bht Harbor.

Miss Eunice Cock ins begins her second term of school at Marlboro this inoruii.g.

Alfred Frje, of Pr< spec*, Thanks- giving as the guest of Mrs U. Y. McFar* land.

Nov. 39. y

•a'Scnucfmmls. _


RUTS The walking- sick, what

a crowd of them there are:

j Persons who are thin and j weak but not sick enough j to go to bed.

“Chronic cases” that’s what the doctors call them,

| which in common*English ; means—long sickness.

'I o stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scott’s Emulsion. For the feeling of weakness they need Scott’s Emulsion.

It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system.

Scott’s Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food.

Scott s Emulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time.

1 here’s new strength ind flesh in every dose.

We will be glad to send you a few doses free.

Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE,

Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and $11 all druggists. 1

COUNTY NEWS For additional (bun!, Vw. »<■« olW pagrn


M. L. Eiwell has been quite III for a


Mra. Nellie Pierce scalded her arm quite badly last week. y

Maude Bracy, of Brooklin, Is visiting Mist Minnie Thurston.

Mrs. Annie Closton and sot* Erie re-

turned from Rockland a few days ego. M lea Beulah M. Iburtton has returned

from Boston, and is now teaching at

school No. 4.

Fred Atherton and Frank Maddox, of

Bluehill, and Horace Stinson, of Stoning- ton, were in town Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Evans, of Bluehill, were in

town last week visiting Mrs. Evans’

mother, Mrs. R. C. Abbott.

Miss Jennie Carter, who has been work-

ing at Addison, has returned and is now

working at South Bluehtli. Mrs. Hattie Clough and daughter Jen-

nie, of Bluebil, were in town last week visiting Mrs. Lucy Ciosson.

H. H. Allen, wife and children Maurice, and Virginia, spent Thursday with Mrs.

Allen’s mother, Mrs. M. L. Eiwell.

Q. M. Allen, wife and daughters Esther and Florence spent Thanksgiving in

Brooklin with Mrs. Allen’s mother, Mrs. G. A Uriudle.

R. C. Abbott has made many changes and rep-iira on bis house which have im-

proved it on the outside, and made it much more convenient and comfortable Inside.

Mrs. Lucy Closson and son Jacob. Mrs.

Hannah Allen and her adopt'd ton

Harry and Miss Sarah J. Coombs of Ban- gor, spent Thursday with Mrs. Ada

Allen, Mrs. Closson’a daughter. Rar.

LAMOINE. VV. K. Salisbury and wife visited in

I Marlaville last week.

Capt. Clifton Stratton Is at home for a

| few weeks' visit with his family. ; Miss Clara Hodgkins resumes her

| school at West Hancock to-day. i Irving Young at d wife and Mansel i Young, of Bangor, spent Thanksgiving j with their parents, Benjamin Young and


j The mission sale Friday night was well patronized. Over flS was received. The circle i* very grateful to all who aided it by their patronage.

Mrs. Nathan Boynton has returned from a visit In Massachusetts where she went to he present at the marriage of her daughter Sadie. »

Nathan W'. Hodgkins, who graduated j from the Philadelphia dental college last

; June, is receiving congratulations on his

j achievements in the preparations of hU i chosen profession. He passed success-

! fully the state examinations in New York ! and Maine and appeared before the state dental board of Massachusetts in October,

j and has very recently been notified that he passed a successful examination. This is especially gratifying to his friends and

worthy of commendation from the fact that only twelve of those who applied for

| the first time in October passed success

i fully, and each year a large pen t utege fail in the first examination,

j Nov. 30.___ H.

PEKOBSCQ r, Wells F. Ward well is homo from Ban-

! gor on a short vacation.

Earl F. Seilers is on Hi*' sick list, suffer- ing with & bad cold and bronchitis.

Capt. William Sellers has hauled bis schooner “Floia Coudou” up, and is home f jr the winter.

The* indies of the Willing Workers so ciety are preparing a hale to be given at grange hall Thursday evening, Dec. 3.

Ot^rge O. Littlefield, of the U. 8. N who h<ifi beeu at home on a three-mouths’ f jrlough, has been Resigned duty on th new battleship “Missouri”. Mr. Little- field left laid week for Newport News, Va., where he will join the ship.

Nov. 30._ SUBA.

fcOUTH PENOBSCOT. Cirroll N. Ptrk ns, of Waterville, spent

a few days here recently. Mrs. Robert Nichols and Mrs. Isaac

Goodwin, who have been ill, are improv- ing.

Sometime Friday uigbt Mitchell’s hotel wsb entered and between |12 and fl4 stolen. The thief entered through a

window in the ell, and made his exit from a door next the window, leaving it open, fue noise was beard by Mrs. Mitchell, but us she supposed it to be some member of the family moving around, no alarm was

given, consequently the thief got off un-

detected. Nov. 30. Climax.

EAST SURRY. E. C. Lord is still on the sick list. Miss Mattie Dow' has returned from

Southwest Harbor. Miss Inez Morgan, who has been visit-

ing her parents, has returned to Massa- chusetts.

Miss Sarah Stinson has gone to Brook- lin for a short stay with her aunt at Hotel Dority.

Miss Cora Turner has gone to Thomas- ton to spend a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Victoria Wilson.

Nov. 30. C.

NORTH DEER ISLE. Mrs. Mercy Torrey has gone to Boston. Meredith Ellis and wife were in Brooks-

ville last week.

Capt. “Jack” Stinson is building a

naphtha launch. Mrs. Sarah E. Torrey is spending a few

days iu Stonington. The sidewalk society will meet with

Mrs. “Jack” Stinson this week.

At the shooting match here Thanksgiv- ing Day the goose was won by Montafora Haskell.

The district school, which has been

tuncht by Ml«s Annie Demon, closed

Wedoesdey. MIm Helen Weed la .pending tbe winter

with her .1.ter, Mn. Kimball Barbour, In

Mass. The engagement Is announced of Miss

Alice Townsend, of Brewer, to Capt. Arthur H. Gray, of this place.

Nov. 30. __


EAST FKANKL1N. , Nason Spilnger will move into F. A.

Patten’s hou-e this week.

John H. Gordon has returned ^from Bar Harbor where be has been employed.

Calvin Springer and wife are keepfng house in the house recently vacated by J. C. Springer.

Hamlin Gordon received a deer Saturday j from his nephew, Howard Springer Gor- don, of Aroostook.

r E ioa Stover is moving from the F. A«

Patten house into a bouce near the bridge owned by J. H. West.

Rev. J. E. Lombald, a former Metho- dist pastor here, is in town and preached in the Methodiat chapel Nov. 29.

Harold Carter and wife, of West Ella-

worth, visited Mrs. Carter’s parents last

week. Her slater Angie and son Maynard returned with them.

%■ Several men from this vicinity have

found employment in Her Harbor for the

winter. Among them are F. E Blaisaell, John Wentworth, jr., Freeman Kinsman and Arthur Mattisori.

T. M. Blalsdell is building a new store

which will better accommodate hi* stead- ily increasing business and trade. He baa shut down bis quarry for the winter but

has quite a force of men at work in

motions. ,

J. C, Springer has moved his family Into

the woods with him for the winter. Merta Vivian, the youngest daughter, will stop with Pastor Slhiev’s family and

goto school. The two oldest girls are in

Ellsworth. His son Ellis will go with


The home union sewing society served

dinucr in the chapel Thauksgiviug day. A goodly number availed themselves of the chance to get one of tt e society’s famous dinner*, among them Pastor

i Petersen and former Pastor Lombard, Col. Cozens, the evangelist, and Mr.

J Noh!e w ho assists in ttie revival service*

i with bis singing. The proceeds will go

[ towards paying for the utw chairs for the

j chapel. Nov. 30. B.

FRANKLIN. Frank A. Crabtree is over from Ells-

worth for another hunting jaunt. Hav- ing secured his two deer he will turn his attention to other game.

The ladies in charge of the Christmas bazaar are working early and late for the sale which occurs Dec. 9. 10 and U. A

supper is proposed for each evening. H. C. Hunker has bought from the Gor-

don heirs a lumber lot, and is operating it this season. Oliver McNeil is also in the same business, having secured land in an adjoining section#

Mrs. S. 8. DeBack is the recipient of a

flue I vers A Fond piano, purchased of M. tl. Audrews, Bangor, as a tenth wedding anniversary present from her parents, Capt. and Mrs. Asa Dyer.

Toe hum of the saw-mill at Donnell's ! pood has taken on added life since the

I totftfy Ann put in. H a Udell A H<aisdei| j are kept busy Ailing orders. Operations t in t be woods are soon to foilow.

C jI. Ci sens closed a series of special services at the Methodist church last Thursday even‘ng. The attendance throughout was good. The evangelist was

ably assisted by the gospel singer. Noble. Misses llincks and Guptlll closed the

fall term of school in district No. 2 Fri- day. Miss Guptlll left for her home in

j Gjuld»boro the same day. Miss llincks stopping over until Monday, wbtn she left for Orringtou.

Rev. J. E. Lombard, of Athens, boa spent a week in town among fonm r par- Uhloner* who extended glad hands. For

; several terms he hna been the successful

| principal of Somerset academy. That, in

j connection with his janoral work at ; Athens and Harmony, has kept him a

| very busy man. Sunday afternoon he 1 preachnd for Rev. C. E. Petersen, and

gave his hearers a flue sermon. Nov. 30. H

! —-


j Daniel Cole apent Sunday here. Mra. Nellie Herrtek spent Sunday here

j with friends.

I Lawls Stanley has been con lined to the bouae for the past week with a scalded foot.

Edward Lunt, of Maneet, has been raakiug some repairs at the light station here.

The village Improvement aoctety held a business meeting st Mrs. B. F. Stinson’s Friday.

Capt. Seth W. Greenlaw, of Deer Isle, has been here a few days with his sister! Mrs. L. B. Stanley.

Capt. Charles Spraguo and wife will live with Mrs. Sprague’s mother, Mrs. Sarah A. Gott, for the winter.

Presiding Eider Hayward preached ari Interesting sermon here Sunday, Nov. 22. There was a large aud appreciative au- dience.

Not-29- __


CENTER. Clarence Kicbardeon was in town laBt


J. C. Farrell and wife and aon Howard, of Bar Harbor, were the guests of Mrs! W. W. Hodgdoa Thanksgiving.

The concert given under the manage- ment of Herbert Butler Thanksgiving eveulng was a success. The proceeds were <16 96 which are to help pay for repairs on the Methodist church.

Nov. 30.

Every family should have Its household modi, clue chest—and the drst bottle In It should he Dr. Wood’s Norway Plue Syrup. Nature’s remedy for coughs aud colds_Add.

COUNTY NEW t-n Additional County tleun,


REACH. WlliUm F. Annla la hotne from rich, lug. 1

Mra. I .aura Oamou ia vlaltlng ln ~ 1 iligtOU. /

Charles Foater ia suffering K)th matlam. “'*•

1). W. Torrey la superintending conatructloD of a bridge at Little h Iaie. *•

8. T. Lowe’s power-boat|is nearing com plat Ion. It la expected to proveatM« craft.

Samuel Eaton and wife, of Oak p0|»i vlalted reiatlvea at Little Deer laleSatj/ day and Sunday.

Mra. 8. F. Torrey, with her little daugh- ter Both, la vlaltlng friends aud relative! In Boston and vicinity.

Miss Anita Torrey la at home this week The high school is closed, the te«her being called home by tbe death ol hh mol her.

Mra. Angelins Torrey has returned from the Greenlaw district wbsre she baa been visiting her stater, Mrs. Sareh J. Greenlaw.

Mrs. Levi Knight spent a few days j0 Casline this week, the guest of her daugh- ters, Mlssea Mary and Martha, wboattsm] the normal achool them.

Mias Carrie Gray picked a nice mss, of mustard greena In a fleid owned by 3, T. Lowe, this week. The greens wereai fresh and green as If no breath of snow ever touched them. j

Nov. 21 M.L

WEST HANCOCK. Claude W illard, w bo baa been .in Bos-

ton, has returned.

V*ctor R. Smith, who 1m employed in Bar Harbor, spent Saturday and Sundij with relatives here.

Mia* Augusta Smallldge, of Northeast Harbor, spent Saturday and Sunday in town, the guest of W. K. Springer am wife.

J. M. Miiliken and wife, of Bar Harbor, El bridge Miiliken and wife, of K Haworth, apent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mr*. H. C. Miiliken. j

Irving McFarland, one of our bwt- known young men, and Mi** Lena Joy, of FratikMp, tpfrMeC by Rv, j. p, Simonton, at the parsonage in L.Usvorth, Nov 25.

Nov. 29 M'Mac.

First and foremost In the lit-Id of modlctM li Hood's 'arsnparllla. It utn**|iulied merit and cure* all <■ iu-*d or promousl by Impure or impoverished bloo-.l-inclu-Jlax rbeumati-ni. dyspepsia, catarrh.

All liver BH are cured by Hood's Pills. 23c. —Advt.


j rnoK. EDWAIUJ £. 1’UEU'i, St. D., LL.D.

Greatest of All Physicians Eminent Discoverer of


Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. I> I.I« D. wa< l>orn in Connecticut and graduated a

Yale. 1 Its unusual talent soon brought him reputa

tion anti prominence. First he was electedtt the professorship of anatomy ami surgery u

; the Vermont University. Next he was aP ! pointed lecturer in Dartmouth Colic:: T™ | following year lie was chosen to the 1005

important professorship in the corn try, 1

place that he occupied when he mane bt

worid-famed discovery of Paine’s Celery Com-

pound. This infallible cure for those fearful ills tha

result fr<*m an impaired nervous 401

impure blood, has endeared the great dodo* to the world. ___



Dresses, cloaks, suits, ribbons, coats feathers, stockings,—everything wearable Diamond Dyes make to look like new. We !,«%. a ,j.cinl <le|>artiiie!it 'it advice, nnd answer free any ijueetiotii, aiiuut dyeing, rew

sample of gtsuda when possible. Direction bonk and 4.r» dyed sample* f r,-€•

DIAMOND DYEtf, Burlington, M.


Ellsworth, Maine-

Bilious? Dizzy? Headache? Pa'n back of your eyes? It’s your liver! Use Ayer’s Pills.

Want your moustache cr heard a

beautiful brown or rich black ? Use

Buckingham’s Dye 50 cts. of druggistscr R. P. Hall ft Co., Nsshus^-^j

COUNTY NEWS. fpr Additional County Xetca nee other page*


Mr«. Matg**®* Alien left Saturday for

Boston- Mr-. J ^ who has been visiting In

BOBU-", w Home. y,

E. M. Bievona and wifo hove moved to

Mr<« E. B. Shaw’s for the winter.

Mr-. Sophia Haven is Rt home, called

bere by tbe illness of her father, William

Wood. Mr. Marlin has moved from Prosper*

Harbor and will commence canning dim* tn b few weeks.

Cap! and Mrs.Smith have moved borne

from iron Bound island, where they have

been for the summer.

Arthur Young was in town Saturday after bis daughter May, who has been

attending school here.

Henry Hammond and family have

move* home from South Gouidsboro where they have been at work.

Mrs. Julia StrothinRii, of Minneapolis, and Mrs. Mary Hill, of Somenvilte, are

?t#iting tbe!r mother, Mrs. Mary Kings ley.

Mrs. Arthur Kingsley and daughter Blanche were in Ellsworth last week.

Miss Blanche remained for a short vaca-

tion. E. H. Sargent received a severe shock

Saturday. As he was leading a strange borse by his in the stable, his horse

kicked him, breaking a rib. Nov. 30._L.

j FRANKLIN. Resolutions adopted by Coart Tagwaa-

Mb, I. O. F., on the death ot William E. Cousins:

Whereat. The Supreme Ruler of the uni-

verse, In Ills lninlte wisdom, having removed

from this earth to the heavenly courts above

ourdearly beloved brother, William E. Cou'lns; Retolved, That la the death of this brother

this coart has sustained a lose which time can-

not efface, one whose memory will always be cherished so long as brotherly love exists.

Retolved, That this court has been moved to

its inmost depths by the sad visit of death to a

young, vigorous worker In the cause.

Retolved, That we appreciate the sacrifice more deeply than ever before which he made to

attend the meetings of the order to which he was so loyal.

Retolved, That these tokens of respect and •steer, voice not only the sentiment of his brother Foresters, but of the entire community In which be lived.

Retolved, That this court extends its heart- felt «ympatby to the bereaved relatives In this loss of one who was a man among men, ami whose fidelity to his parents was a shining ex-

ample to hta brothers. Retolved, That In memory of tho decease 1.

the regalia and courtroom of Court Tugwaa*ah be draped In mourning for a period of one

month. Retolved. That a copy of these resolutions

be published in the Kli.swortii America«, and a copy presented to the parents of me de- ceased and placed on the records of the court..

8. 8. Scammon, p. w. Debeck, W. L. Butle*.

Committee on reside ions.

B1KCH HARBOR. Miss Addle Huntly, of Boston, Is here

caring for her mother, Mrs. Mary Joy, who is critically ill with typhoid fuver.

Mr*. Zida Lindsey, of Otter Creek, in

visiting here.

Amos Leighton has moved into N. A Pettee’* bouse.

Lola Hancock is attending high school at Winter Harbor.

Mrs. Ann Tracy, of Steuben, recent Ij visited here.

Frank Trunriy and bride, of Btuebill. visilei the bride’s mother, Mrs. J. W.

Pettee, last week.

Miss Flossie Hancock spent Thanks'

Riving with her uucle, John Hancock, in Winter Harbor.

On Thanksgiving morning a bell was

placed m the belfry of the Baptist church. It rang out Its drat welcome peal as a sort of benediction, thus giving another cause

for thankfulness. The society is very grateful to E. D. Chase, of Prospect Har- bor, who so kindly assisted in getting the beil into position.

Nov. 30. C.

ATLANTIC. The Joyce family held its Thanksgiving

dinner LhU year with Llewellyn Joyce. The young people gave a surprise party

to Dr and Mrs. li. W. Small Friday even-

ing Htid a very pleasant evening was

passed. A crystal wedding party was given to

Alfred Staples and wife Saturday even-

It was well attended and a tin* time is reported.

Austin Joyce, who has been attending Ibe Farmington normal school, is spend tag hi* week’s vacation witn bis parent* Bo will graduate next spring.

Dr. H. W. Small leaves next week for New York where he is to take a course in tbs po't graduale hospital. Dr. Hanso >

expected to substitute. Mrs. Small and tu« cniidreu will spend the winter in Portland.

Nov. 30. S.O

8UKRY. I’tiere are a few coses of chicken-pox in

to*u. Mrs.. David Kerr, of Elis worth, preached

in the Baptist church Sunday. Presiding Elder Hayward will preach in

the Methodist vestry Tuesday evening. The Baptist, society is having a wood

furnace pot m position under ths church.

During the cold wave last week the head of the bay was frozen over, and the 8rnelte-« improved the opportunity to Pht their on the ice, and some of D'pni got good catches.

Nov. 30. G.

A* a remedy for croup, we hare no hesltency

!** that Urowi.’e Instant Relief heads the llH.


COUNTY NEWS. For nddHiona County Sewn are other png

BROOK UN. Miss Edna Parker is i Hurry. H. A. Uri die Lias sold his horse to J. F.

Staple*. Maud Perry, of Bluehlll, is in town for 1

a few days. A son was born to Mr. mil Mrs. Bert j

Anderson Friday, Nov. 27. MissMaboi Richardson, of Csstine, is

visaing hi Mrs. Emma Kane’s. A. R. Cunningham, of Bar Harbor, is at

Hiram Bartieu’d for a few week.-*.

Mrs. Belle Blako is to lake Miss Hattie Htanley’s place an Cierk in J. J. Bridges’ store.

Miss Surah Stinson, of Sorry, Is with her aunt, Mrs. O. H. Dorlty, lor a few weeks.

Miss May Herrick is home from Blue- hill, where she has bceu attending the academy.

Roy A. Kane is home from Charleston | w here he is a teacher in Higgins classical institute.

Blanchard Bowden and write went to j South B.uealil to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. Bowden’s parents.

George Ingalls uud wife, of Sargent- ville, have moved into Capt. J. H. Tib- betts’ house for the winter.

A. F. Blake, of Bar Harbor, arrived in town from Hargentville Sunday. He Is with his nephew, C. D. Blake.

Alton Herrick and Albert Hill picked ; 116 blue violets Nov. 23. They also found dandelions and strawberry blossoms.

Nov. 30. Une Femme.


C«pt. A. P. Dyer bee arrived borne from »e» for tbe wloter.

E. Q. Barnbam goes, with a crew of men, on tbe Cline lot tble week.

Tbe thermometer ranged low last wetik. On Friday morning zero waa reached.

Samuel Butler arrived borne last week from Seal Harbor, where he baa been

employed. Since Tbaokeglvlog morning tbe pond

ban been a aceue of continuous activity. Tbe abaters are making long days.

Nov. 30. Ch’e’kb.

Power of the I nltrd Stale* Senate. The senate is today the most jiower-

ful single chamber in any legislative body in tlie world, but this power, which Is shown daily by the wide at- tention to all that is said and done in the senate of the United States, is not the product of selfish uml cunning usur-

pations on the part of an ambitious body. It is due to the original consti- tution of the senate, to the fact that the senate represents states, to the pow- ers conform! upon it at the outset by the makers of the constitution, to its permanency of organization and to the combination of legislative, executive and judicial functions which sets it apart from all other legislative bodies. Without the assent of the senate no

bill can become law. no office can be filled, no treaty ratified.—Henry Cabot Lodge in Scribner's.

A ItuMint'MM I'm-nution. A caller at the.Aoarding house of

Mrs. Irons was surprised to see a line

greyhound basking in the sun outside the kitchen door. "I didn't know you hail a dog she said. "lie’s a beauti- ful animal. How long have you had him?"

"Two or three years." "How does it happen I have never

seen him in passing along here?" "We don't allow him to leave the

back yard." replied Mrs. Irons, with emphasis. "What kind of an adver- tisement would it lie for a hoarding house to have a creature as lean as

that dog is standing round in front of it?”

Julcii Romance.

The story of Jules Verne's courtship and marriage Is a most romantic one.

Verne was u shy young fellow who had a great dislike to tlie society of wom-

en, and it was only his affection for his brother which led him to go to the latter’s wedding. Verne, however, ar-

rived too lute and found that the whole bridal party had left for the church with the exception of the bride's sister, a charming young widow, who explain- ed the matter. The friendship thus ac-

cidentally begun rapidly developed into

a warmer feeling and ended in a mar-

riage which may be described as ideal.

Interesting; Norwegian Custom.

Men attending state balls in Norway are not left in doubt ns to whether or

not the women can be counted on for

dancing. The custom of the court de-

crees that those women who intend to

dance shall wear white, while those

not desiring to trip the light fantastic

toe shall appear in black. It is an

idea which American men would like

to see adopted.

A Hard Problem.

A certain debating society is discuss-

ing the question as to which is the an-

grier—the husband who goes home and

finds that the dinner i9 not ready or

the wife who has dinner ready and

whose husband does not come home.

It is believed th&t the debate will end

in a draw.

Provoking;. “Yes, dear, he caught me in his

arms”— “How shocking!” —“and was just going to kiss me”—

“How awfully horrid!” _“when ilia came in the room.”

“Oh, how provoking!” A Little Glutton.

Papa—Tommy, you mustn’t eat so

much. Everybody will be calling you n

little “glutton.” Do you know what

that is? Tommy—I suppose it’s a big glutton s

little boy .-Philadelphia Ledger.


[Original.] "] think.” said Mrs, Trotter, '‘that we

had better get some nice young girl to live with us. Not a boarder. Some one

who will be a member of the family, play a game of whist with us occasion- ally in the evening and make herself generally agreeable.”

“Where do you expect to find such a

person?” asked Mr. Trotter. “Leave that to me. We women know

women who know other women. I’ll ask my friends to help me.”

"I don’t approve of the plan,” said Mr. Trotter.

Mrs. Trotter, who was really looking to a slight addition to the income in- stead of companionship, would not give up her point, and her husband at last yielded. A young woman was found who wanted a home, and she wenf to live with the Trotters. She filled the bill completely, being kind hearted, cheerful, amiable and paid her “quota,” ns she had the consideration to call her board, regularly.

“I told you so,” said Mrs. Trotter to her husband. “You think you know more about domestic affairs than I. When a man leaves his business for the household he usually gets beyond his aeptn.

"Since you are satisfied.” said the husband, "I see no occasion to be dis- satisfied. Miss Smead seems jo be a

charming girl.” Months went by—months that bore

proof that Mrs. Trotter was right in the matter of Miss Smead. Several disagreeable episodes occurred, but nothing that could be even remotely traced to Miss Smead. One of these was a matter of business. One of Mr. Trotter’s creditors suddenly came down on him for the amount due him and when paid confessed that he had heard that his debtor was in straitened cir- cumstances.

One morning when the postman de- livered the mail Miss Smead, who was

expecting a letter, was watching for him from the parlor window. Mr. Trotter left the house as the postman came up the front steps, and Miss Smead saw him hand Mr. Trotter a

letter. Furthermore, she was near

enough to see that the address was in a woman’s hand. Mr. Trotter thrust the letter in Ills coat pocket and spoke sharply to the postman, who evidently apologized for something and went on

to the next house. It was plain that Mr. Trotter was receiving mail that he hnd instructed the postman not to leave at the house, but Miss Smead was not the person to make trouble in a family, and the last tiling she would have thought of was revealing the mat- ter to Mrs. Trotter. Besides, Mrs. Trot- ter had a few days before presented her husband witli a daughter, and it would be cruelty and might be mur-

der for any one to excite any suspi- cions at such a time.

A few (lays later Miss Smead, wish- ing to borrow a pattern for a baby’s pinning blanket—for in her kindness of heart she was making clothes for the newcomer—went across the street to

Mrs. Prior, who lived directly opposite, to borrow one.

“Since you want the pattern for Mrs. Trotter.” said the lady, “you are wel- come to it, but that abominable Trot- ter should not have it on any account."

“What’s the matter with Mr. Trot- ter?”

“Matter? Matter enough. He's cor-

responding with some woman. Didn't I see him receive a letter from the post- man the other day, thrust it in his

pocket and scold the postman for de-

livering it at the house?” Miss Smead stood aghast. Mrs. Prior,

who had an object in view—to find out

if the missive were really from a wo-

man—went on: “You saw it yourself and were near

enough to sec that the address was in a woman’s hand.”

Miss Smead was tempted to deny the

fact, but hesitated. Hesitating, the se-

cret was lost, tlie information gained. Not long after this Mrs. Trotter re-

ceived an anonymous note in which the writer said. “You ought *o know

that your husband is corresponding secretly with a woman not his wife." Then there were tears and crimina- tions in the Trotter family. Mrs. Trot-

ter was still in a condition rendering such ail affair dangerous, and h»r hus- band found himself on the horns of s

dilemma, lie had been receiving let- ters concerning his wife’s mother, wlio was dying a lingering death, lie must now siiow tlie letters or virtually ad- mit that the charge was correct, tie

produced the letters. Mrs. Trotter stood the shock fairly well.

The matter was kept from Miss

Smead till Mrs. Prior had admitted that she was the author of the anony-

mous letter and hail gained tlie infer mation from Miss Snead. The Trot- ters also discovered that when M’.ss

Smead had come to live with them Mrs. Prior, seeing that they had “taken a hoarder," had inferred that they were iu straitened circumstances and had so informed tlie creditor who bad called for a settlement.

Tlie first intimation Miss Smead had of the trouble was a curt note from Mrs. Trotter requesting her to leave the house. The blow was somewhat mollified hy Mr. Trotter, who said to

her: “Y’ou are not to blame for tills, nor is

(iy wife. I alone am the culprit. Tt > a false principle for a family to have under their rooftree any one hut them-

selves. When my wife insisted on tak-

ing you In. 1 should have had the

strength of character to decline on this

ground. I regret that you us well as

we should have been a sufferer.” Miss Smead never ceased to feel the

wound, and Mrs. Trotter never ex-

onerated her from blame. GRACE A. HERSEY.

The 1/omlon Dun Driver, Catch a driver when a clumsy dray-

man has to: 'il his wheels or Id k.d his way or when a rival bus has stolen 1 ii nliifell on 1 ini. T1k?h you will untie?'* stand the Londoner's boast that the cockney is the readiest, the wittiest, of | i.4 not hi 14 oil,* vx apoiL I remember j once starting from the Mansion House ! on a bus the driver of which had been maddened by some remark of the con-

ductor on the bus just in front of him. The two be'onged to rival companies and were traveling the same route. They talked it over with pungency and lest from the Mansion House to St. Haul's. At the top of Ludgate hill, one

of the regular stopping places, the driv- er made up his mind he could stand it no longer. He got down from his sent and pommeled the conductor heartily j for two minutes. It refreshed him so

much that at the next stopping place j he did It again. By the time Charing !

Cross was reached it had become a | habit with him. Whenever the buses j stopped there would be a brisk setto. the intervals between the halts being tilled with an exchange of prophecies as to what would happen at the next.

—Sydney Brooks in Harper’s Maga- zine.

The Gardener In Old Home. He literally grew colonnades: he fash-

ioned obelisks of lx>x. cypress or Hex. He not only Pattered his lord and mas-

ter by Inscribing Ids name in odorifer- ous herbs or gorgeous flowers that star- tled the garden with occasional tours de force, but he actually trimmed trees into family portraits or even those of historical characters. He transformed bushes and thick foraged shrubs Into the fantastic likeness of ships, lions, bears and birds. And these rather de- generate "conceits” and extravagances met with profound appreciation and were rewarded with Increase of wages by the same individual who, having tired of mere gladiatorial fights with wild beasts In the Coliseum, only de- rived real thrills from such uncanny performances as fights between women

and dwarfs or women with each other. Pliny says the gardeners were the best paid of all workers.—Ct. Clair Badde- ley In Nineteenth Century.

It Went L'apnnlahed. This story is told of the late Dr. Hol-

land, better known as “Timothy Tit- comb.” During the service of one of the large churches in Springfield, Mass., a heavy electric storm came up, and one of the gentlemen of the choir set out to secure an omnibus to take the ladies home. Among the fair sing- ers was a certain Miss Etta S., and as

Dr. Holland was gallantly helping her into the vehicle a terrific clap of thun- der startled them, upon which he re-

marked, ‘Ett’ in terror packs home in a bus” (Et in terra pax hominibus). To close this strange tale it may he well to add that the doctor was not

immediately struck by lightning, but died years afterward peacefully in his bed.

Odd Thing*. The origin of the sentiment, “Old

wood to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, old authors to read,” is

somewhat obscured. Bacon found that Alonso of Aragon was wont to say in commendation of age that age ap- peared to be best in these four things. John Webster (1038) went further in

declaring, “Old wine wliolesomest. old pippins toothsomest,” and that “old wood burns brightest, old linen washes whitest.” Goldsmith in “She Stoops to

Conquer” says. “Old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wine.” There are many variant.quotations.

Made tin* Cannon Dull* Fit. The first battle of the war of 1812

was fought at Socket's Harbor, July 9, 1812, and consisted of an attack made upon the village. The inhabitants bad but one gun of sufficient size and strength to inflict damage, a 32 pound- er, for which they had no shot. This difficulty w-s overcome by the patriot- ism of the housewives, who tore up carpets from the floors and with strips wound the small balls to fit the can-


Shooting Crocodile* liy Lamplight. In the West Indies crocodiles are of-

ten shot at night. The hunter, with a

lantern, sits in a canoe In one of the creeks which the crocodiles infest. The crocodiles n-,<» attracted by the light and swim toward the canoe. Their eyes shine out in the darkness and form good targets for the hunter’s bullets. Sometimes a dozen crocodiles ure shot in a night.

Poetry. “Are you foml of poetry?” asked the

young man with curly hair. “Yes,” answered Mias Cayenne; “po-

etry has done a great deal to make life easier. It gives people an opportunity to use quotations instead of being orig- inal and tiresome.”—Exchange.

An Economical Wife. He—I can't send my clothes to the

tailor’s every time they need a button. We must economize. Can’t you sew

on these suspender buttons yourself? She—Here, my clear; fasten them up

with a hairpin. That will save thread, you know.

Formal Indeed.

She—The government’s legislators seem to be formal men.

He—How’s that? She—Why. they will never notice a

bill until it has been introduced.—New York Times.

Itching piles? Never mind If physicians have failed to cure you. Try Doan’s Ointment. No failure there. 50 cents, at any drug store.—Advt.

Lumbermen should supply themselves when going Info the woods with a liberal amount of

j iirown’s Instant Uelief.

I Captain tJak-ilctu'* Cheer*.

A series of B. volution ry scenes

| were given in a London theat t some ! months after the close < f that memor-

able war. On the on kale w * the English army In full ral eoui.d uni- form, with every button in its exact place. Opposite them was the Ameri- can army, composed, as the tin ater bill slated* of “artisans, cobblers and tinkers,” arrayed in their working dress, with buttons of every size and hue.

When the curtain dropped. Captain Bartlett of Plymouth, Mass the cap- tuin of a ship then in port, stood up in his seat in the pit and in a voice as if given from a quarter deck in a squall culled,. “Three cheers for the artisans, cobblers and tinkers who were too much for King George and his red- coats.” and with n wave of Ids hat lie gave these with a will. For a short time there was silence in the theater, followed by an enthusiastic, John Bull, appreciative cheer for the pluck and assurance of the Yankee captain, who became the lion of the city, receiving invitations to clubs and to theatrical and other entertainments while lie remained in port.—Boston Transcript.

A Legend off Kantacket. About Vineyard sound there are nu-

merous legends of a famous Indian giant. It is said that the rocks at Sea- connet are the remains of his wife, whom he threw into the sea there. He turned his children into fishes and emp- tying out his pipe one day formed Nan- tucket out of its ashes. This latter story of Nantucket’s source must ac-

count likewise for the well know rv story of that-old Nantucket captain who was

accustomed to make his reckonings by tasting the earth brought up on sound- ing. One day the lead was dipped in some earth brought on board ship from the island, and the captain, after tast- ing, leaped from his berth in great excitement, exclaiming, “Nantucket’s sunk, and here we are right over old Marm Hackett’s garden!” Naturally he w’ould recognize the taste of tobacco ashes.


T i rac^sl ttiefes t. The Testimony of Ellsworth People

Stands the Test. The test of time is what tells the tale. “A new broom sweeps clean,” but will

it wear well is what interests most. The public 80011 find out when misrepresenta- tions are made, and merit alone will stand the test of time. Ellsworth people appre- ciate merit and many months ago local citizens publicly endorsed Doan’s Kidney Pills; they do so still. Would a citizen make the statement which follows unless convinced that the article was just as rep- resented? A cure that lasts is the kind tha* every sufferer from kidney ills is looking for.

John Drake, retired, residence Grant St., says: ‘‘I have had slight attacks of backache since the winter of 1897, when Dorn’s Kidney Pills procured at Wiggin & Moore’s drug store stopped a very aggra vated spell. Kidney complaint came on me

slowly until the aching became very severe

and each successive attack of much loDger duration. When Doan’s Kidney Pills

stopped that particular attack in the win- ter of 1897, 1 publicly recommended them

through our Ellsworth papers, and I have had no reason to alter my opinion since, because when 1 have noticed tt»e slightest symptom of a recurrence I always appealed to the remedy and on each and every oc

caHion the appeal has never been in vain- I have recommended Doan’s Kidney Pills to more than one resident, one in particu- lar, Mr. William Laffin, who u«ed them and told me afterwards that they had cer-

tainly done him a great deal of goud. I never lose an opportunity to recommend this remedy to those I hear complaining about their back or kidneys.”

For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cent*. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for tbe United States.

Remember the name, Doan’s, and take no substitute.

2i.cs::; Settees. SHERIFF’S SALK.

State of Maine, Hancock as.:

rjlAKEN on execution wherein A. E. Law- X rence, of Eden, county of Hancock, and

State of Maine, is plaintiff, aud George Mon- t«gue Wheeler, of Washington, District of Columbia, is defendant, and will be sold by public auction on Monday, the twenty-eighth day of December, a. d. 1903, at ten o’clock in the forenoon at Che office of John Suminsoy, Rodick block, in Bar Harbor, town of Eden, Hancock county, State of Maine, all the right, title aud interest that the said George Mon- tague Wheeler has, aud all the right, title and in-*-rest which the said George Montague Wheeler had on the fifteenth day of April, a. d. 1901, at twenty-five minutes past nine o’clock in the forenoon, being the time of at- tachment made on the original writ, in and to the following described real estate, situated in said town of Eden, county of Haucock, and State of Maine, to wit:

A certain lot or parcel of land situate4 in that portion of the town of Eden, county of Haucock, State of Maiue, known as Bar Har- bor, bo nded and described as follows, to wit:

Beginning at a point in the west side of "Highbrook Roan” so-called, three feet west from a cedar post aud at tbe southeast corner of land of Sarah J. Howard; thence following tbe west si eof said "Highbrook Road”, south 7 deg. 45 min. west, seventy-five aud one-half (75h_>) feet to a cedar post; thence west one hundred and ninety-seven feet to a cedar post; thence north 7 deg. 45 min. east, sevenj ty-five and one-half (75^) feet to the south west corner ot said Sarah J. Howard's laud; thence following the south line of said S rah J. Howard’s land east, one hundred and nine- ty-seven (197) feet to the point of beginning, containing fourteen thousand seven hundred and seventy five square feet (14.776 sq. ft.)

Together with, and as appurtenant to every part of the premises above described, a right of way for all purposes of a way. in common with others entitled to similar rights of way, over tbe private way called "Highbrook Road,’ above mentioned extending from Eden street to Eden street, which right of way shall not be less than twenty-five feet in width.

Being the same premises described in a certain warranty deed from Charles T. How to James B. Eads and Lucy J. Wheeler, dated October 8, 1886. and recorded December 10, 1886, in book 209, page 214, of the registry of deeds for said county of-Hancock.

Dated at Eden this twelfth day of Novem- ber, a. d. 1903. John Suminsby,

Deputy SherifT.

TpHE subscriber hereby pives notice that X he has been duly appointed administra- tor of the estate of John K. Whittaker, late of L%moine, in the county of Hancock, de-

t ceased, and given bonds as the law directs. All persons having demands against the es- tate of said deceased are desired lo present the same for settlement, aud all indebted thereto are requested to make payment im-

mediately. Newell B. Coolidge. November 3,1903.

Ergal Ncttrre.


I YORK, nmplaimmt, okalast WASHINGTON COCA Y ItAlLRxAD « VI' Defendant; Count* of U. ■■■ V L. rvt jora. —Under and by virtue of a decree rendered in tble cause on ihv i.ili d.»v ol July. 1 and filed In tb* Office of tbi' Clerk of this Court. I, the undersigned, Sneulxi .Mum uppou,.c by io said decree, wilt tell at public a to tb higher', -Rider. in ao- cordon-c with 11.- tom and condit. .« oi Said de- cree, it the ftati r the Washington County Kall- roau Company at Uaia in the t .,<;uty of Washing- ton. in the Stale of 'lam. mi Die property to be Bold, on the 17th day of December. 1908, at. tea o'clock in the forenoon of >a.d day, the following property, to wit

All end singula} the railroad of the Washington County Railroad oinpany, extending from a point In the ily of Calais, t ounty of Washington aud State of Marne, through the Counties of Wa^hingtou and Hancock, to a point on the Maine Central Rail- road in Hancock County, including a branch t* Eastport, In said Washington County, as the saJ4 railroad and branch are now located, and ulso all the railioad and franchises and property formerly of the Calais & Daring Railroad Company describe* in a certain deed executed by George A. Curran, James Murciite and George A Lowell to Frank E. Randall, bearing date August 1. 1896, anti also all the property, privilege?:, benefits, profits, emolu- ments and leasehold Interests conveyed to Washington County Railroad Company by a certain deed exe-

cuted by Frank E Randall and recorded in tb* Register's office of Washington County. In book 224, page 47ti; and also all the railroad formerly belong- ing to tlm Pi roi>. (V Penobscot Railroad Company running from Calais to Princeton, through the town* of baring and Bailey villa, Washington County, and the pari.ii of St. Stephen, in the Province of N«W Brunswick, together with ali the other property'de- scribed In a cert* n deed given by the St. Croix ffi Penobscot Railioad Company to the city of Calais, dated March 2J. J870, and recorded lu the Washing- ton County Registry «.t Deeds book 12G, page 888; and also all and singular the lands, tenements and hereditaments, rights of way and casements, and *11 interests in lands held on March 10, 1398, or theia- after acquired by the Washington County Railroad Company for the uses and purposes of the afore- said railroad or branch, also all letter* patent, grants of land and of land under water and water rights, and all leasehold* leases, terms and parts of terms, rights under leases or contracts, covenants or agreements, right* of trackage, terminal, bridge, dock and ferry right* licenses, permits aud privileges from the Unltbd States or from the State of Maine or from any gov- ernmental or municipal authority, and all other rights, privileges and franchises, general or special, held by the Washington County Railroad Compah* on March 10,1898, or thereafter acquired for the uae* and purposes of said railroad or branch; and alio *1| railways, tracks, sidings, spurs, turnouts, bridge* station bouses, depots, freight houses, warehouse* elevators, roundhouses, car houses, storehouse* turntables, water tanks, machine shops, repair shops, docks, wharves, ferry-houses, and other structures, buildings, erections and fixtures of *▼*?* kind, held on March 10, 1898, or thereafter acquired by the Washington County Railroad Company for tb* uses and purposes of the said railroad or branch; and also all locomotives, engines, cars and other rolling stock and railway equipment, and ali ferryboat* steamboats, tugboats, floats, barges and other float- ing equipment, and all tools, rails, ties, machinar*. Implements, fuel and materials held on March 10, IMfl^ or thereafter acquired by the Washington County Rails road Company for the uses and purposes of th* MU4 railroad or branch: and also all other property, real, personal or mixed, held by the Washington Count* Railroad Company on March 10. 1398. or thereafter acquired for the purposesof said railroad or branch, or for the construction, operation or maintenance, repara- tion or replacement of the said railroad or brasefc or any part thereof; and also all rights, power* privileges and franchises, and franchises relating to or useful for the said railroad or branch, including the right to operate and maintain the same, held o* March 10, 1898, or thereafter acquired by tbe Wash- ington County Railroad Company; and also all the toils, rents, issues, earnings and profits of the rail- road or branch, and other property, rights and fnu»> chlses mortgaged or conveyed by said railroad 'Com- pany in and by Its first consolidated mortgage ta the Central Trust Company or New York, Trust** bearing date March 10, 1898. Excepting and reserv- ing theretrom certain parcels of property heretofore released by the Central Trust Company of New Yoilt from the lien of a certain mortgage made by tha Washington County Railroad Company to tb' Cen- tral Trust Company of New York, as Trustee, bear- ing date March 10. 1898, as more particularly de- scribed In said decree on file in the office of tha clerk cf said United States Circuit Court at Port- land. Maine.

The aforesaid premises, property and franchlaea will be sold subject to the lien of any and all taxe* assessments and water rates levied or assessed against the same or any part or portion thereof, and subject to all claims for operating expenses, in- cluding supplies and materials furnished and traAe balances, which have accrued during the pendency of this cause, and which the available cash in th# treasury of the Washington County Railroad Com- pany at the date of said sale may not be sufficient to satisfy.

No bid will be received uy tnc special Master from any pers >n v. ho shall not first deposit with him as a pledge that he will make good his bid in case

of its acceptance the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars 025.000) in cash or by certified check on

si me national bank or trust company of the City of New York or the City of Boston, made or endorsed payable to the order of the said Special Master. The deposit received from any unsuccessful bidder will be returned to him when the property shall be struck off. The Special Master will accept no bid for the said mortgaged premises, prop- erty and franchises less than the sum of two million three hundred thousand dollars ($2,300,000! On th* acceptance of any bid the purchaser sl»«.ll forthwith pay to the Special Master in addition to the amount of the deposit qualifying him to bid at said sal* the sum of $25,000 in cash or by certified check on any national bank or trust company in tlM City of New York or in the City of Boston, made or endorsed payable to the order of the Special’ Master. In case any bidder Bhnll fail to make good his bid upon Its acceptance try the said Special Master, or shall fail after such ac-

ceptance to comply with any order of the court re-

lating to the payment thereof and the consummation of the purchase, then the sums deposited by such purchaser, whether paid in cash or represented by check, shall be forfeited as a penalty for such failure, and shall be applied to the payment of the expenses of the sale or of a re-sale and toward making good any deficiency or loss In case the property shall be sold at a less prire at such re-

sale. If the court shall not confirm the sale for which a deposit shall have been made, such deposit shall be returned to the bidder. The purchaser shall on confirmation of the sate by the court make such further payment or

payments in cash on account of the purchase price as the court may from time to time direct. So much of the purchase price as may not be required by the court to be paid in cash can cither be paid In cash or the purchaser may satisfy and make good such residue of his bid in whole or in part by turning in to be cancelled or credited the mortgage bonds and coupons of the defendant Washington County Railroad Company in and by said decree adjudged to bo secured by its mortgage or deed of trust dated March 10. 1898. and entitled to share in the distribu- tion of the proceeds of sale as provided in and by said decree entered in this caii3e, and the purchaser will be credited on account of such bonds and cou-

pons with such sums as would be payable in cash in exchange therefor out of the proceeds of sale if the whole amount of the purchase pricp were paid In cash.

The court reserves the right to re-sell the prop- erty upon such notice as the court may direct in case the purchaser shall fail or omit to make any payment on account of the unpaid balance of tha purchase price within thirty days after the entry of the order requiring such puyment.

The aforesaid property, premises and franchises will be sold in one lot or parcel without valuation, appraisement, redemption or extension.

For a more particular description of the property, premises and franchises to be sold, and the terms and conditions of the said sale, reference is hereby made to the said decree of foreclosure and sal*- entered in this cause and filed In the office of ths Clerk of the United States Circuit Court for th*- District of Maine, at Portland. Maine.

Dated November 18, 1903. CHARLES F LIBBY,


Solicitors for Complainant.

——— I ll I II II —

The Only





For It.

«OUM\ NfcW> Jb uMMonoi Count* .V’fc* » c cilJ*e p>>.


Mbs Angle HiuekKy arrived Lome Sat-

urday from Franklin where she has been

teaching. She expects to attend the Ca*- tine normal school this winter.

Mrs. Katie Melio is very ill with pneu- monia.

Capt. H. P. Johnson has been in town a

few days. E. W. Mayo has completed his carpenter

Job on Bartlett’s Isiand, and return d

with his men last week.

Frank and Will Mason, David Curtis, Sprague Sweet, Leon Chapman, Dor*

Curtis, James and Thomas Gray are bom*

from Bartlett’s Island.

Miss Delia V’eazie went to Portland la*i

week in company with her grandfather, Mr. Tupper, of Macnias.

L. T. Lufkin and wife, of EHswortt

Isaac Treworgy and Arthur Trevvorg were in town last Friday to attend tb

funeral service of Mrs. R. P. Grindle.

The members of the J. O. of A. M. at

tended the Congregational church Su >

day morning in a body, where they wer

addressed by Rev. E Bean in an excelfe*

sermon on the principles of their order.

Dec. 1. M.


The school m district No. 4 gave a

entertainment Thanksgiving night to

the purpose of buying a dictionary fo

the school. The following took part iu the exercises

Thelma, Margaret, Isabel, Grace and Luc. Deliver, Alton Souiis, Meda and Lu

Newman, John, Alec and Agnes Ward

Mabel, Elisha and Hazel Melauson. At balance Hearin, Miss Homer, of Frank lin. The programme c oeed by all slug ing“America”. Cake and coffee were serve

by tbe school after the entertainment. Much credit is due tbe teacher, M-s

Newman, for tbe drilling of the chiidrei for the entertainment, as each carriec out the part assigned with credit. Abou

ff> was taken. School will close uex

Friday for a short vacation before th> winter term.

Nov. 30. Dolly.

SEDGWICK. W. H. Stanley bas returned to Bar Har-


Mrs. Evie Hall bas moved into C. Hooper’s house near tbe village.

Sheldon F. Torrey, who bas been mate with his father, Capt. F. A. Torrey, in “Carrie A. Bucknam”, is home for tbe winter.

Winnewaukon chapter of R. A. will confer tbe R. A. degree on T. A. Smith, J. H. Hooper and Ed. Kane next Wednesday evening.

Nov. 29. _



Cards are out announcing tbe marriace at Albany, N. Y., of Mariba Elizabet Ralph to Alexander McKenzie Mattock*-

Tbe ceremony was performed on Thankc-

giviog Day. Mr. and Mrs. Mattocks w.

be t4at home” alter Dec. 15, at 259 Lar street, Albany.

WEST TRENTON. The Sbepley Haynes place is closed fo

tbe winter, as Mrs. Haynes has gene t* Ballard Vale, Mass., where she will liv with her son Elmer, who is in busines there.


There will be a masque ball and supp* at the new hail Thursday evening, Dec. 10

Music by Monaghan, of Ellsworth.

TRENTON. There will be a dance and sapper a

Evergreen hall Tuesday evening, Dec. 8.

“We all love to think of the time that’

past and hope it will come again.” “No always. There’s rag tiflie; we’re all gla^ that’s past and we hope we’ve seen tLt last of it.”




Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.

Almost everybody who reads the news-

papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,

I the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.

It is the great medi- al cal triumph of the nine-

Jji teenth century; dis- |!t covered after years of jH scientific research by

Dr. Kilmer, the emi- nent kidney and blad- aer specialist, and is

wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou- bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble.

Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec- ommended for everything but if you have kid- ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. 11 has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur- chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a

sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address tog Dr. Kilmer&.Co.,Eing;-l hamton. N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Hom« of Swamp-Root, dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.

Don't make any mistake, bat remember tbe name. Swamp-Hoot, Dr. Kilmer’s 8wamp-Root, *n<l tbe address, 31ngbamton. N. Y.t on every bottle.


Ellsworth, Maine

&>e EX-HERO “CcutUnien," s.iul tie general—he

ts« chatting familiarly with his staff during- a cessation of hostilities—"what we call bravery is purely physical. Real bravery consists not in lighting *n enemy, bnt ourselves. Cowardice or

bravery is purely a matter of tempo- rary nerves.”

•'Nevertheless, general." saiil young Captain Fitz Hugh, “we honor the brave and despise the coward. When my nerves go back on me I trust

enough vigor will be left to enable me

to remove myself from the world of my disgrace.”

A puff of smoke appeared at one of j the embrasures of a bastion fort on | tbe crest cf a hill, followed by a Ikkiiu, j and a shell came plowing up the ! ground, burying itself in a tree not a

dozen feet from tbe party. A fuse hiss- j ed and sputtered, burning rapidly to j the vent. Most of the officers present j either fell on their faces or ran as fast ! as thetr legs could carry them. Fitz Hugh coolly walked np to the shell, pulled out the fuse and throw it away.

"Well done, captain,” said the gen- eral. "The battle bas reopened.”

There was a hard struggle. When the fighting was over, there was as much wonder that the young captain came

out alive as at his conspicuous bravery. One of bis exploits, tbe leading of a

few men against an ogle of breast- [ works wherein tbe guns were creating havoc, was so conspicuous and so far reaching in its results that he was

decorated wits a gold medal. The war ended and Fit* Hugh was !

a hero to the world for all time. Oe- | casionally he would overhear some

one say: “That's he; the man over

there. They say he doesn't know what fear is.” At army reunions, when he arose to say a few words, he was so

violently cheered that he often gave np I the attempt. He was the pet of the petticoats and the admiration of men. The world of adulation in which he lived became the only world he knew, that which he had inhabited before his honors being forgotten. Yet his mod- esty never suffered. He would only wear his medal at social gatherings with the little baud who had helped him earn it and to whom ho always in- sisted it belonged.

Thirty years passed. Fitz Hugh mot with reverses that brought on nervous

prostration. He was obliged to break away and go on a trip. When he re-

turned be was still weak, melancholy j and inclined to study his symptoms j minutely, consulting doctors, besides j doctoring himself, no recovered, bnt was not the man he had been a few years before.

One day while be was at the seashore with a party of friends, among whom was a lady who had consented to be a

comfort to the old hero for the rest of j Ills days, he was walking with her i through the town when a rough fellow i passed them. purposely brushing against the lady. Fitz Hugh reuion- j strated. whereupon the man took him | by the collar and shoved him up | against a wall, where he held him for some time, then released him with the remark that next time he'd better mind his own business. Fitz Hugh, mortified beyond measure at such treat-

ment, tried to muster up courage to strike the man. but his enemy looked so ugly, so strong, so brutal, so unmer-

ciful, that the ex-hero did not dare j touch him.

That night, when all were asleep, ! Fit* Hugh, clutching something tightly i in his hand, emerged from his room I and went to an ocean pier. There he stood for awhile, looking out on the | black expanse of water, vainly endeav- oring to muster strength of will to ! plunge. He could not. The waves fill- 1 ed him with terror. Then he threw what he held in his hand out Into the water and, turning, went to his room.

The next day he did not appear. His fiancee sent for him to go down with her to th“ beach. He went down looking pale and haggard. She guess- ed his trouble, but said nothing. They were sitting on the beach, lower than they were accustomed to do. for the tide was out, looking at the bathers, the gulls, the waves glittering in the sunshine, the ships far out at sea. The lady was thrusting her hand into the sand, grasping it and letting it slip through her fingers. Suddenly they closed on something round and flat and heavy.

It was the hero's medal. He confessed to her that he had

thrown it into the water the night be- fore, and she knew why. "It is better to have been brave,” she

said, “and lost one's bravery than never to have been brave at all.”

When the ex-hero returned to the city he married his fiancee and settled himself in a home, which he resolutely declined to leave, eschewing especially army reunions. One reunion night his comrades came and took him away bodily, his xvife before he left pinning his medal to his coat without Ills knowing it. Arriving at the room

where a dinner was in progress, he was placed amid cheers in the seat of the commander-president.

"Comrades.” he said when the tu- mult had ceased, “my general once

told me that bravery Is purely phys- ical. I have learned he was right. I have been weak enough to think my- self wbat you think me—a hero. 1 apt ! — hero and never have beep one.” 1

»»e words, attributed to modesty, drew forth a burst of applause. ’The captain dropped his eyes and for the first time discovered the medal on his breast. Again lie glanced at his com-

rades with a morti fil'd expression that told the story of its having been placed there surreptitiously.

Then there was a tumult that rivaled the din of battle. t



Anna Go^gins, who has b«en employed at Ellsworth, bus returned home.

Mrs. Toe* Sm'tb and children, of In-

| aisn lltver, are v^slti^g Mr®. Smith's mother, Mrs. Webster H ggins.

Charles King and family, of Eden, spent Thanksgiving here with Mr. King's aiotliii, .«i~ i'iMt.C.a AkiU -An.

Watson MrQ iffn ai d wife, of Hull | Cove spent a few day* with Mr. M<

! Gown’s parents, Melvin MiGown an

wife. ^ About sixty-five gathered at Bprjaro

.M i- '* Thanksgiving night at »•

opening of John lliggir s’ e»or*». H fresbm ntn were served. The store wll* be a gr»at benefit to the people here.

Nov 30. _



Irving Siackpole and A. M. Barron vintecl at Franklin Friday and Saturday.

Myra and Vira Brant) are visiting thef£ grander*ntH. Mr. and Mra. O. B. Floyd.

John Jettison and Hiram Blodgett, of

Burry, have bought Iht? atumpageou the lot of L A. Doiiard hordering on Patten’a pond, and ►■re t u tiding a camp and getting ready for a winter’s work.

Sourer* of Color. An interesting enumeration has been

given of the sources of color. From this it appears that the cochineal in- sects furnish the gorgeous carmine, crimson, scarlet carmine and purple lakes; the octopus gives sepia- that is. the inky Uuid which the creature dis- charges in order to render the water opaque when attacked; the Indian yel- low comes from the camel; ivory chips produce the ivory black and bone black;' the exquisite Prussian blue comes from fusing horses’ hoofs anil pigs’ blood; blue black comes from the charcoal of, the vine stock; Turkey red is made from the madder plant, which grows In Hindoostan; the yellow sap of a Sia- mese tree produces gamboge; raw sien- na is the natural earth from the neigh-* borhood of Siena, Italy; raw umber Is an earth found near Umbria; Indian ink is made from burned camphor; mastic is made from the gum of the mastic tree, which grows in the Gre- cian archipelago; bistre is the soot of wood ashes; very little ultramarine, ob- tained from the precious lapis lazuli, is found in the market.

Getting Rid of the Acid. An exploring expedition in a remote

part of China had a queer experience, which one of the party thus relates: "A large bottle of carbolic acid had been broken inside its wooden case. We ex- hausted our ingenuity in hopeless ef-. fort to unscrew the cover. We feared to carry it farther, as the burning tears distilled by It destroyed everything they touched. We dared not throw it aside lest the unsophisticated heathen should drink it as a cheering or me-

dicinal beverage. We had no time to wait and empty it, as the fatal fluid would only trickle drop by drop through a chink which had been cautiously and laboriously excavated with a blunt hunting knife. What wen- we to do? Degrading as the confession must ap- pear, we had to deposit the torpedo in the middle of Jhe yard and throw bricks at it until it was smashed.”

Opal* of Varloom Deicreea. There are several varieties of opals

and therefore several degrees of merit. The precious or noble or oriental opal is the supreme. This has all the col- ors, and when these colors are broken into spangles it is then called the harlequin opal. Then comes the tire opal, or girasole, with hyacinth red and yellow’ reflection. The former comes from Hungary and the latter from Mexico. The common, or semi- opals, are nonopalescent. The hydro- phone, or oculus mundi, is nontrans-

parent, but liecomes so by immersion in water or any transparent fluid. The cachalong is nearly opaque and of a

bluish white color. The hyalite is colorless, pellucid and white. The opal jasper, or wood opal, is the petrifaction of wood, opalescent, but without the coloring which makes the "noble” gem so precious.

Japanese Pastime*. In Japan to get up parties to behold

the freshly fallen snow or the cherry blossoms or the maple trees In their autumnal glory or to go to the flower shows Is as de rigueur as are our din- ners. cotillons and theater parties. Mushroom hunting is a fashionable pastime, while in the house harp play- ing, verse writing, embroidering and tea drinking nre the most absorbing occupations. The most pretentious en-

tertainment is the tea ceremony. It is

very formal, and there is much elab- orate performance connected with it difficult for a foreigner to comprehend. —Good Housekeeping.

Gum Chevriug. “To obew gum for five or ten min-

utes after a meal is absolutely bene- ficial,” said a physician, “especially for hasty eaters, who do not half masti- cate their food, because the action of the jaws causes the gastric juices to flow, and that is good. But so few people can use and not abuse it. They get the gum in their mouths and keep at it till they fairly dry up the saliva supply, bring on a headache and get generally nervous. This will cause in- digestion.”

Wonderful Ulrd Plfarht. The most wonderful bird flight noted

is the migratory achievement of the Virginia plover, which leaves the north- ern haunts in North America and. tak- ing a course down the Atlantic, usually from 400 to 500 miles east of the Ber- mudas. reaches the coast of Brazil in one unbroken flight of fifteen hours, covering a distance of 3,200 miles at the rate of four miles a minute.

The only place to get bargains is at the store that advertises for your trade.


1 [Copyright. 1903 by c. B. Lewl*.J I The brig Foam, bound from Liver- i yool to tbe West Indies and having on

i Hoard 2fK) English emigrants, had been

j 'or four days a drifting wreck when

j sighted by tbe Dolphin of Bremen. It 10 happened that an American man-

if-war to which I belonged as an cn-

! istod man put into that port for some

j slight repairs, and twelve of us desert- ed to go aboard of the Dolphin. It

; rloes not excuse our action to say that the captain brought this desertion

j idiout by tbe promise of high wages. He wanted a crew ami did not care

I bow the men came to bim. We bad been twelve days out when

we sighted the Foam as she lay wal-

j lowing in the trough of the sea, a com-

plete wreck aloft. After a brief look at her through the glass the captqjn hi-gan cursing his III luck. As a mai-

ler of fact, we had neither room, water

i nor provisions to spare, and the ship [was loaded down to the murk with

j cargo, but when we beard our officers pro[>ose to pass the wreck without no-

tice every man of the twelve was

ready for mutiny. We demanded that communication tie opened with the un-

fortunate people, ami after a good deal of growling the Dolphin ran down to

the wreck and sent a boat to ber. Tbe report of tbe mate when he re-

turned was tty llie effect that the peo- ple were on quarter allowance, with much sickness among the women and children, ami that they desired to aban- don the wreck ami be taken aboard of the ship. We had spare spars alioard. Slid the captain offered to sell three or

four sticks for about three times their vatne. the payment to lie made in gold on delivery. The tirig declined this •■generous" offer, as the crew was sat-

isfied that the shattered hulk could never be worked Into port, even If fully provisioned besides.

Our captain was holding on. not

wishing to take the unfortunates and yet afraid of us, when a squall came

on. and he attempted to sail away. Tlie whole crew, including the second mate, at once refused duty. The rap- tain and first mate then declared their authority at end and went below, but we were not to be bin (fed. Tlie second mate was installed as captain, and two

hours later all the people on the wreck had been transferred. It was in good time, too, as a gale came ou that lasted for three days and must have sent the brig to the bottom.

We had mutinied and taken posses- sion of the ship, but we felt that cir- cumstances Justified it. Neither insult nor harm was offered the two officers. They made many threats as to the punishment we should receive when tlie ship arrived in port, but we stood firm and kept clear of any further quar- rels. Our craft had no accommodation whatever for passengers, and you ran

imagine the mess we were in when that crowd was taken aboard. Tlie captain not only flatly refused to take charge of the navigation, but would have nothing whatever to do with tlie unfortunates. He could have sheltered many women and children in the cabin, but not even the slek ones were invited to make use of It. Everybody aboard had to be put on short allowance at

once, and a shift was made whereby the women and children were at least sheltered.

After a general consultation it was

decided to make for the Bermudas, and ou the fourth day after taking the peo- j pie off the wreck we sighted an Amer- j lean ship and secured from her a fair j supply of water and a quantity of flour i

and biscuits. It was a run of seven j days more to the Islands, and during !

the last three days no adult had food 1

enough to keep down the pangs of hun- ger. None of us believed that we could be punished for taking the ship out of the captain's hands to save human life, and I am sure we would not have been meddled with but for the presence of a

British man-of-war in port. As soon

ss our captain could board the craft and report all of us were arrested and flung into prison to await the action of the law. I never found out Just where they Intended to send us for trial, but presume it was Bremen,

For some reason or other there was

n long delay, and at length matters were complicated by our being claimed ns deserters from an American man-of- war. Tbe people whom we bad saved were grateful enough, to be sure, but all others looked u|ion us as a lot of pirates who ought to have bit’ll liung as soon as captured. When we bed been in jail five months we got word from an American who was pretty thoroughly posted on tbe ease that we

should soon be sent away for trial and that we might expect at least five years' imprisonment apiece.

This news decided uh to make an at-

tempt to break jail, and one night a

week later, using tools which a guard had lieen bribed to pass in to ns. we

sawed away the bars of a window and gained our liberty. Proceeding to the harbor, we found an American vessel ready to sail, and la-fore our escape was discovered we were miles at sea.

Five of us afterward surrendered to tbe naval authorities us deserters and took our punishment, but what be—ime of tbe others I do not know.

To save the lives of almost 300 fel- low lieings we were driven to rmi-

finy on the high seas, and while it would seem to have Ik-cd both a noble and heroic action, and one that we

should have received credit for. noth- ing but misfortune and disgrace grew out of it. The contemptible action of our captain even found exensers.

though it was plain that bad he bad Ids way tbe wreck would have taken every soul to the bottom with her.




It grows through our knowledge of your needs. It grows by catering to those needs in an intelligent and careful manner. It grows by giv- I

ing you the honest worth of your money. It grows through itfe energy, 1

activity and push. These qualities are always in evidence. We want to give you just the service that you’ll appreciate. We want this

) store to be first in your mind when you’ve dry goods to buy. The new season opens with broader, bet tar buying possibilities under this roof than ever before.


Stylish Autumn and Winter Costumes. They're all here and ready for you to admire and choose' from. Let 1

this handsome outfit of new suits assist you In making up your mind as to the wanted style and weave. Prices we know will impress you favorably. We announce special suit prices as follows:

$8.75, $ 10, $ 12.50, $ 15, $ I 7.50, $ 18.50, $20, $25. ,-—-

The newest shapes for

Autumn and, Winter Coats.

Many of'our customers like to

get the first selection from the exclusive things in Coats. We’ve got these exclusive styles here;

1 they are ready to be shown to

you. You know that you are

welcome to come and inspect them.

FURS. This (will be the biggest fur

season in the history of Maine. We have fully prepared our-

selves to meet the increased de- mand. Our long connection with leading fur manufacturers enables us to offer some magnifi- cent values in Fur Coats, Scarfs and Muffs. Prices to fit every purse.

SPECIAL—Some Fur Driv-

ing Coats (ladies’), at $25 and


The introductory sale of NEW'

Autumn Waists. Nearly as many shirt waists sold in winter as in summer. Highest perfection has been reached in waist making. These waists are

very dressy and they’re very modestly priced.

Silk and Satin Waists at $5 and $0.

I Heavy Cotton Waists, Cbevl- 1

ots. Vestings from $1 up to $5. Woolen Waists from $1.50

to $5. The lowness of the prices will

astonish you.

Domestic and Housekeeping (Goods.

We offer unusual inducements in bleached and half bleached Damask Napkins and Towels, Bedspreads and Blankets.

We carry the newest Wait- ings, Mercerized goods, Flannel- ettes. The largest stock of Out- ing Flannels at 5c, 8c and 10c per yard.

Our Dress Goods I

is complete in all the new anti desirable fabrics. Heather and Scotch Mixtures, Tweeds, Zibil- ines. Covert Cloths, Cheviots. Of thin goods, for house and evening wear, our lino is very extensive, both in all wool aiul silk and wool fabrics. All wool and silk and wool Crepes, Voiles, Batistes, Albatross and fancy weaves. All prices from the lowest to the best.

PETTICOATS. New Petticoats in Silk. Mo-

reen and Mercerized. SPECIAL -Beautiful Petti-

coats from #1 up to #10

Jersey Knit Underwear.

We are ready to show the best line of Underwear for ladies, misses and children we have ever carried. We carry a full line in each of heavy, medium and light weights in vests, pants and union suits. Our leaders in 2Bc and BOc grades.

HOSIERY Our 25c hose for ladies, misses

and children, in either cashmere, fleeced or cotton, are the best any store offers.

We have .the

Corsets and Gloves Come to us when in want of

Corsets or Gloves, and, we will I tit you to whatever you require.

Dress Trimmings and Dress Linings.

are the most important depart- | ments in our store. Every ( dressmaker knows our lines and patronizes them. There are no

( two departments better stocked than these anywhere.

Carpetiugs, Mattings, Lino- leums and Oil Cloths, Hugs and Curtains. A full and complete assortment.

It has not been our intention to quote a lot of prices, or even try to

convey to you that low figures are the only attraction. We have

simply tried to give you an outline of our new fall stuck. ̂ Your intelli- gence, to which we appeal, will tell you that they are low-priced goods and high-cost goods. Our aim has been and is to give the very best values possible for the money you have to invest, be it much or little.


Cest of all Spring Medicines— More Acceptable to the Stomach ar.d

Gentler in its Action

“With my own and my family’s expe- rience we consider 'L. F.‘ Atwood's Elttersthe best medicine In the market. For a spring medicine It is certainly the boct. It is better than pills, oils.

11“ salts cr other dicarreeabie medicines STE 2nd is mere easily taken, more accept- mb

able to the stomach, mere gentle in its I8™ action, ar.d more bane field In Its ef- fects. I would prefer one bottle cf ‘L. !

F.* Atwood's Bitters to two doctors.”— j P.. li. Zzarlzx \7. Fcrmingtcn, l*o.

Tho True “L. F." is a Time- | Tested Remedy of Reliable Eflcicy

HOflE BANKING SYSTEil Savings Dept., First National Bank.


y'~ ,.**■

s»vingn Depl lr|«Nal/ona(Bank

\ our deposit with us cams three per ceut. in- terest. Open your account with $1 or more, get one of these Home Deposit Banks free, and watch your savings grow.

Notice—II you cannot call at the hank, noti* tv us and our representative will call upon you-

I^^j^KEuTj Daiertato and Water I

Graduate or Egyptian Chemical Co. J Mass. Embalming College, Boston. I FHAVKI.IN, MAINE. E

Six Dining Chairs Free with tIO order of Soaps, Tens Collet s, spire*. Extracts, Toile Articles and Standard Groceries Send at once for our big catalogue of 300 Other Premium* given with assortment* of $5 anti up- ward*. l>ept. A. Home Supply Co Augusta, He.

The more eyes an advertisement catches the more dollars it is worth.

County Savings Bank, - [PDF Document] (2024)


How do I contact Bristol County Savings Bank? ›

Please call the Customer Service Center at (508) 828-5420 or send a secure email to in order to obtain a payoff. You can log in to your online banking account to view your loan balance.

What is the swift code for Bristol County Savings Bank? ›


How do I access my savings account? ›

You'll go to a teller, provide your account information, and tell them you want to take out money from your savings account. Transfer money to a checking account: If you use online banking, you can transfer money to your checking account. That way, you can use your account's debit card to access to your money.

Who owns Bristol County Savings Bank? ›

As a state-chartered mutual bank and the wholly-owned subsidiary of Beacon Bancorp, Bristol County Savings Bank is a full-service banking institution with approximately $3.1* billion in assets.

Is the SWIFT code same for all branches? ›

Is a SWIFT code the same for all branches? This varies by bank. Some banks use the same SWIFT code for all their branches while other banks designate a unique SWIFT code for each branch. If you are unsure of which code to use, you can typically use the bank's head office SWIFT code to send money.

Does Bristol County Savings Bank have a notary? ›

We offer notary services at some branch locations. Need to guarantee a signature on a security transaction or certify legal documents for the sale or transfer of securities ownership? Visit a branch to locate a certified member of the Securities Transfer Agents Medallion Program, Inc (STAMP).

How do I find my branch SWIFT code? ›

How do you find your SWIFT/BIC code? To locate your SWIFT/BIC code, check any paper or digital banking statements, or look at your account details on your online banking profile. You can also search for your BIC code using a digital SWIFT/BIC search tool by providing your country and bank location data.

What is the new name for Ohio Savings Bank? ›

It sent out a news release Wednesday morning announcing the change. Customers of NYCB, Flagstar and Ohio Savings Bank are now united on one platform, according to NYCB. Customers can now do online banking at or on a new Flagstar mobile app.

What bank took over home savings? ›

After World War II, the American housing market expanded tremendously, especially in California. In 1947, Ahmanson purchased the Home Building and Loan Association, a savings and loan association with assets of less than $1 million, for $162,000. Home Savings then became the cornerstone of H.F. Ahmanson & Company.

Who owns savings banks? ›

A mutual savings bank is owned by its depositors while a public bank is owned by shareholders.

How do I email Clinton Savings Bank? ›

Email. Email us at or fill out the form below and receive a response within 24 hours, Monday through Friday.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.