CahillV Urban Aid Plan Is Over Hurdte __. _ _ •' • • • • • — -- —- SEE STORY BELW Cloudy and Cold Cloudy, windy and cold, flur- ries possible today and fted Bank, Freehold FINAL tonight. Partly cloudy, cold Long Branch tomorrow. I EDITION Monmoutli County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years RED BANK, N.J., TUESDAY, MARCH 23,1971 TEN CENTS Monmouth Picks Up Legislative Seats TRENTON (AP) - In anf challenge in the courts. A New Jersey has. a 40-mem- cast by Harris Cotton, a per cent compared with a. unexpected last-minute agree- court challenge could force a ber Senate and an 00-member Democratic state com- maximum deviation oriJ:7" ment, the bipartisan New Jer- > delay in the primary if a suit Assembly. The size of the leg- mitteeman from Gloucester per cent under the current sey Apportionment Commis- attacking the plan's con- islature will not be affected County. alignment. sion approved a compromise stitutionality were upheld. by the new plan which simply One of the oddities of the Bateman said that many redislricting plan early today Believe It's Fair rearranges lines to create plan is that it may cost Cof- Assembly districts, which for the 1971 legislative elec- The two commission chair- new districts in which candi- fee his senate seat. tgenerally are patterned after tions. men said they believed the dates will run for office. Under the current align- Senate districts, approach The commission, with five plan was a fair one which All 120 seats will be at ment, Coffee's home county perfection in terms of popu- Democrats and five Republi- met the U.S. Supreme Court stake in the November elec- of Mercer stands by itself. lation size. cans, reached agreement principle of one man, one tion. Republicans now control But it is lumped with the pre- . tie noted that the com- practically at the stroke of a vote which requires districts both houses by 3-1 majorities. dominantly Republican coun- mission sought to create dis- midnight deadline and dis- of generally equal population. The commission's approval ty of Hunterdon under the tricts which met the stan- APWlreplioto closed the plan ata news con- The district lines were has the effect of law, once the new plan and Coffee, a Demo- dards of balanced population HIT BY ENEMY ARTILLERY — An American crewman looks at the re- ference shortly after. redrawn by the commission plan is certified with the New crat, if he should seek reelec- while seeking at the same mains of a U.S. helicopter hit and set afire by incominq North Vietnamese According to the plan, Mon- to conform with shifts and in- Jersey secretary of state. tion, would probably be time to avoid crossing county artillery at Khe Sanh. North Vietnamese today broke into the base, used as mouth County will be a dis- creases in New Jersey popu- Only a successful court suit forced to run in a pre- lines wherever possible. a support point for the Laotian operation/behind heavy artillery barrage trict within itself with five as- lation under the 1970 census. could delay implementation. dominantly GQP district. Both Bateman and Coffee .but were driven out with heavy losses. semblymen and three sena- The state new has a popu- The commission voted 9-1 The maximum deviation agreed that neither Demo- tors. lation of more than 7.1 mil- in favor of the compromise. from the population norm un- crats or Republicans gained a The agreement very likely lion. / The only dissenting vote was der the new plan is about 15.5 great deal. means that the primary elec- Conservationist Hits tion will be held in June, avoiding a postponement until September. Some sources said that Democrats accepted the plan to head off possible River Houseboaters postponement in the primary. By BEN VAN VLIET mandie Ave. It is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Don- Senate President Raymond FAIR HAVEN - Having failed at local at- aid Lehrbaum who live aboard with their five H. Bateman, R-Somerset, and tempts to rid itself of an "objectionable" children - four of whom attend local schools. Sen. Richard J. Coffee, D- houseboat - complete with father, mother", Their mailing address is 75-A deNor- Mercer, said they expected and five children - the borough is considering mandie Ave., and they pay rent to the Fair the plan would withstand any appealing its case to the U.S. Attorney Gener- Haven Yacht Works. al.- Slightly moere than two years ago, the The suggestion for federal intervention Lehrbaums got tired of living in a Ked Bank into this long-standing sore point came last apartment, so they bought a brand new house- Urban Aid night from Derrickson W. Bennett, chairman boat, moored it at its present location and set- of the borough's Conservation Commission. tied in. In a two-page letter to the Borough Coun- All went well, until the borough dis- Is Over cfl, Mr. Bennett said that the houseboat was covered their happiness and ruled that their violating the provisions of the federal Refuse plumbing system didn't meet the standards Act of 1899 and that it was therefore up to the 'for a single family home. A Hurdle U.S. Attorney General to prosecute. Realizing that there are noticeable differ- TRENTON (AP) - Some 24 He suggested that the" borough urge the ences between the plumbing facilities for a municipalities appear assured New Jersey office of U.S. Atty. Gen. John Mit- floating house and one securely, anchored to of getting $25 million in urban chellto recognize the violation and take the ground, the Lehrbaums went into court. aid under a program Gov. prompt action. ' , And, they won their case-not on the mer- William T. Cahill says is The council, however, merely referred, its-but on the fact that the Lehrbaums' house- needed to keep them from the the letter to its Public Affairs and Planning boat happens to lie outside the territorial wa- brink of financial disaster. Committee with a copy to William R. Blair, ters of the borough of Fair Haven. A bill appropriating the borofl^h attorney. Educators React funds cleared its toughest ob- It was made perfectly clear by one This satisfied the borough, but it aroused stacle yesterday when it borough, official why the council hesitated to the interest of the Fair Haven Board of Edu- passed the assembly by a sur- take direct action on the suggestion by Mr. cation, which soon sent a letter to the family prising 61-4 vote. The mea- AP Wlrephoto Bennett. saying that since they really weren't residents sure had been expected to GERMAN PRESIDENT VISITS CARACAS - Venezuelan President Rafael Colder/ right, escorts West "It would seem likely," he said, "that the of the borough their children would have to draw much greater opposition Germany's President Gustav Heinemann, second from right, past honor guard at Caracas Maiquetia Refuse Act of 1899 has probably been amended pay tuition to attend local schools. although its passage was ex- Airport yesterday.Heinemann had just arrived for a three-day visit to Caracas. by now." The Lehrbaums appealed this case too, pected. The object of all this maneuvering is a 36- and Earl B. Garrison, county superintendent The bill now goes to the foot houseboat moored at the foot of deNor- (See Conservationist pgz) senate, where passage is ex- pected Thursday. One of the New Shrewsbury Firemen Cahill administration's prior- ity items, the measure would give $7.4 million to Newark,' 2nd Autopsy Is Set the state's largest city. No Strings May Get Lesser Charges The money would go to the cities with no strings at- By LONIA EFTHYVOULOU ing a company bearing of the ' common thieves and bur- Carton said, Mr. and Mrs. On Victim's Body tached. Critics of the mea- NEW SHREWSBURY - matter. glars. Gans had indicated they were sure said it would encourage Charges of arson, breaking Following consultation and Judge Carton explained not so much concerned with By HALLIE SCHRAEGER in the club parking lot after a dural and epidural hemorr- municipal governments to be and entering and larceny, agreement between counsel that-the arson classification punishment of the individuals FREEHOLD - The body of hage (hemorrhage on the in- inefficient in order to qualify arising from three separate representing the accused implied threat to human life, but wanted some fair-r%c- dance. men, the borough police and 1 Samuel Rinaldi of Lincroft Disputes Findings side and outside ef the mem- for aid. incidents, and involving sev- "in the case on hand," he knowledgment of the wrong was to be exhumed this brane surrounding the brain) The program is an ex- en area men - three of them Mr. and Mrs. Gans, Judge said, "the two dwellings were committed. Assistant Prosecutor Carton stated he would rec- morning for a "complete au- Thomas J. Smith Jr. moved caused by "an external series pansion of a state urban aid members of a borough fire unoccupied, in fact one had Judge Carton said that al- topsy" by state Medical Ex- of blows or any kind of ex- program now in effect which company - may be reduced ommend to the prosecutor's been condemned and was due though this was a serious for exhumation of the body office; reduction of the arson aminer Edwin H. Albano. after Dr. John F. Devlin, dep- ternal applications of a provided $12 million for the following preliminary hear- for demolition, and therefore matter in which articles val- Yesterday's order from Su- force." state's six largest cities. ing, yesterday. charge to that of malicious this could be considered as a ued at approximately $456 uty chief medical examiner 1 burning and the breaking and perior Court Judge Walter H. for New York City, dis- Dr. Devlin testified that his Much of the money bis been Appearing before Judge mitigating circumstance." were taken, it was the court's Conklin came in the fifth day used to increase the salaries Lawrence A. Carton, 3rd, in entering charge and larceny In the breaking and enter- understanding that prompt agreed with autopsy findings examination of autopsy pic- to that of intending to be of the trial of two men ac- of Monmouth County Medical tures and records had dis-of police, firemen and teach- Municipal Court, were: . ing and larceny case, Judge restitution would, be made. cused of murdering Mr. Ri- Examiner C. Malcolm B. Gil- closed no evidence of either ers. ' Incident one-John Gable, naldi last July 4 at the Mid- man. subdural or epidural hemorr- 19, of Old Mill Road and Lar- dletown Swim and Tennis Neither of the defense at- hage and that the 109 cubic ry Lehtonen, 18, of 109 Water Club. torneys - Robert I. Ansell for centimeters (three to four St., both New Shrewsbury, Data Due charged with arson in con- 48 Signal School The defense is disputing Vena and Charles Frankel for ounces) of blood found by Dr. the declared cause of death. Burlew - opposed the motion, Oilman in the back of the nection with the burning of an The session was also high- Under questioning by Mr. skull had probably been On Issues unoccupied dwelling at 1146 lighted by testimony from the Ansell, Dr. Devlin said that caused by autopsy proce- Pinebrook Road on July 10, defendants, Anthony G. Bur- all of the botly. organs should dures. 1970. Jobs Will Be Cut lew, 28, of 808 Shore Con- have been examined to deter- If bleeding had occurred Of Schools Incident two - John Van course, Cliffwood Beach, and before death, the blood would Amersfoort, 18, of 16 Apple By DORIS KULMAN of federal workers unions Command (CONARC) in mine the cause of death. FT. MONMOUTH - Forty- here yesterday said they ex- Joseph J. Vena Jr., 39, of 26 have clotted, he testified. x ByALHORAY Orchard Drive, here, and Hampton, Va., which has au- Dr. Gilman, whose autopsy eight of the 791 civilian jobs pect further cutbacks. Orchard Ave., Holmdel, both had been confined to the head Dr. Devlin, who. said he LONG BRANCH-A full re- Robert'Hoyer, of Rt. 537, thority over the school and accused of causing Mr. Ri- port of varied school issues Robert Scott Jr., 20, Bobar at the Army Signal Center To Trim Costs ordered the RIP last week, its and neck, attributed Mr. Ri- performs or supervises some and School here will be abo- A Signal School spokesman naldi's death by striking him naldi's death to massive sub- 3,000 autopsies a year, said will be made Friday to the Ranch, Hockhockson Road, "mission-funds" for fiscal tJiere arc raro occasions when • Long Branch Division of the and Douglas Smith of Rt 537, lished by July 1 in what the said the RIF would trim 1972 will be $10,844,900, com- a complete autopsy is not United Civic and Taxpayers all Colts Neck; charged with commanding general, Brig. about $200,000 a year from its pared to $12,655,000 fbr.the necessary, but most of the Organization by a study com- arson in the burning of an Gen. Richard C. Home 3rd, civilian payroll here. current fiscal year. The time the body organs must all mittee of that unit's mem- unoccupied dwelling on Drift described as a "minor cut- There wasn't any indication spokesman said the school be examined to rule out other bers. Road, Wayside, on Dec. 1, back in the civilian work, how the projected decrease in will train 12,683 students in The panel, appointed by 1970. force" due to a decrease in the student population would fiscal 1972. Fashions at the tip of her scissors Page 14 medical causes than the one the number of soldiers ex- Engagements announced Page 15 first suspected. Edgar N. Dinkelspiel, presi- Incident three-Scott Jr., affect the military payroll. Hawaii, North Carolina, Duke win Page 16 He said Dr. Gilman's find- dent of the group, met last Lehtonen and Smith, on pected here for training in fis- Reportedly, there will be a The CONARC spokesman Monmouth nine trains in Florida Page 16 ings were not "medically con-' night in conference with the charges of breaking and en- cal 1972 as the Army contin- cut of approximately 13 per said the 1972 "mission funds" ues the Vietnam pull-out and cent in the total student body of the Fl. Gordon school Will Mets' prospects for 71 Page 17 sjstcnt" because there was no city Board of Education. tering and larceny at the Mr. Dintelspiel, who also home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J.reduces its overall strength. — a 25 per cent reduction in be $8,526,100 in fiscal 1972 BrldgeAdvice 20 DAILY REGISTER attended the session, said last Cans, 210 Rivcrdale East, There were conflicting re- 'the number of officers to be compared to $8,798,600 in the £SS£2 ports yesterday as to whether trained hero in the fiscal year current year. The Ft. Gordon The Chuck Wagon 16 PHONE NUMBERS aUoublde the dura) hemorr- night that "several issues here. : Classified 18,19 MataWBce 741-0010 were discussed." He declined A fourth man charged with or not there will be any job beginning July 1, a 13 per school, which offers less ad Comics M . ClassIHedAds 741-6900 ^^^"wal noT- cutback at the Southeastern cent reduction in the number vanccd - anil shorter - train- f com iono f the to outline the talks until the the above offense, Robert Ju- ing courses than the school Crossword Puzzle 20 J;egalAdv. 741-00 0 committee makes its formal liano of Water St., Colts Signal School at Ft. Gordon, of warrant officers and a six which would accom- per cent reduction in the here, will have 27,605 students Edltorials.... 6 Display Adv. 741-0010 ' . ilemorrllaee report Friday. Neck, did not appear at the Ga., which has 780 civilian employes. number of enlisted men. in fiscal 1JI72, the spokesman Entertainment...:... 21 a™™"** «"«• Tr.SnS to medical Seymour Greenspan, presi- hearing. said. • • findings were not consistent dent of the school board, said Trio Suspended . The last reductioh-in-forcc Last March, the school had with facts given to him by last night that the session was Lehtonen, Van Amersfoort (RIF) here was just a year a civilian work force of illlH The CONARC spokesman f. XSl5 Payable M\$U "very amicable." He said, he and Gable, were all members ago, when the Army Elec- and a civilian payroll of ap- .said that there aren't any job Mr, Ansell about the blows proximately $10 million. It's cutbacks scheduled or antici- (!>ee 2nd Autopsy page 2), recognizes the taxpayers' nnit of the Tlnton Falls Fire Co., tronics Command (ECOM), ps is",? MIddletown Bureau 671-2250 as a group of concerned citi- and were all suspended pend- headquartered here abolished military payroll at that lime pated at the Ft. Gordo.n' school, which now empWys Teicvision::::.::.:;.:.:.::.::...:.2i f)*^?»«" ,u *™ sale vp zens who seek answers to le- ' 5lil civilian jobs, and the was about. $17.5 million. school abolished 34 career 7(10 civilians. '•"'" Women's News 14,15 I-ong Branch Bureau 222-0010 pants suits. Shirley Shop, gitlmato questions. Tuesday is Mama's night at. According to a spokesman Broad St., Red Bank. (Adv.) (See Group page 2) Longo's. Sea Bright. (Adv.) conditional positions. Leaders for the Continental Armv (See IS Signal page 2) % "• TJ« Dtfly , R«i Rank-Mi
SPRING LAEK - Proposed guidelines for reporting of criminal proceedings were made public today by a special Rap Voted Down committee from the courts and news media in New Jersey. A draft submitted to the State Supreme Court urged the BED BANK - The Board to meet the serious needs of Judiciary, the bar and law enforcement agencies to "cooper- of Education's conservative the children in the public ate with the press in reporting of matters dealing with admin- majority defeated a resolu- schools of Red Bank," it said, istration of justice." tion condemning the Borough adding: It contends the news media should be permitted to report Council as "racist" for cut- "The Red Bank Board of tacts about arrests, indictments and convictions as long as ting program for "four-year- Education," the defeated res- speculation about guilt or innocence is deleted, and devel- olds" from the school budget. olution said, "condemns the opments are not reported until they happen. The resolution, introduced action of the Borough Council At the same time, the committee called for free access to by Curtis Murphy, would as reprehensible, malicious every public record not specifically cloaked by statute. have sent the budget to state and a callous disregard for "A free and responsible press enhances toe adminis- Commissioner of Education the needs of our children ... tration of justice," the committee said. Carl L. Marburger on ap- .Noting that the majority of The Supreme Court will review the recommendations and peal. the school population is black determine whether to promulgate them as regulations. "• Board President William and Puerto Rican, (the SENIOR COMMONS ROOM —. The proposed senior wing at Rumson Fair Haven Regional High School, Sotaro, leader of the con- board) considers the action: of which according to plan, will be ready for occupancy in September 1972, will include this proposed com- servative faction, that broke the Borough Council to be es- Marijuana Bill Is Rejected mons room — a unique Idea Incorporating a cafeteria end lounge principle with sunken "conversation an imminent tie said, after sentially racist." TRENTON - The State Assembly rejected yesterday a pits," lounging areas with Indirect lighting, and study areas with more direct illumination. Plans for the meeting: "I don't think this Members Shaken bill that would have further liberalized the state's marijuana proposal were drawn up by Robert C. Mlcklewright, architect, responsible for the new wing's design. board will appeal the budg- Several board members law et." were visually shaken by the The bill, voted down 38-10, would have allowed persons 25 However, he said the final word "racist" and silence years old or younger to seek to have the record of a con- decision on the appeal prob- filled the room for several viction for marijuana possession removed from the books af- ably wont be made until the minutes after the resolution ter five years. A bill needs 41 votes to pass in the 80-member R-FHHS Students Promote was read. , April board meeting. Assembly. During an emotionally Board member John J. .Assemblywoman Millicent Fenwick, R-Somerset said charged discussion before the Goldin, the first to speak, qui- .present law permits the removal of marijuana possession con- resolution came up for a vote, etly said the resolution was viction records after 10 years only for persons given a sus- Memorial to Crash Victim Mr. Murphy said if the pro- "too strong. Every child in pended sentence or a $1,000 or less fine gram for the small children Red Bank is pretty well taken RUMSON - Rumson Fair Haven Regional High School commons room different from the average high school cafe- isn't adopted, "We will pro- care of." students last night asked the Board of Education for dedica- teria or commons. mote a large number of chil- Vice President Ronald Ga- Tax Board Pay Hikes Favored tion of a Robert A. Abramoff memorial in the school's pro- "The idea," Mr. Middewright told the board, "is unique dren to the welfare rolls - briel said the board hadn't TRENTON A bill raising salaries of county tax board posed senior wing Commons Boom. taAthat it incorporates a lounge with the cafeteria concept. from the schools to the wel- had enough time to discuss members was approved by the Assembly yesterday and sent Margo Eahn, spokesman for the student's "Robert Abra- The completely carpeted room will incorporate sunken 'con- fare rolls." the resolution and suggested to the Senate moff Memorial Fund," told the board students had already versation pits' couches and dining room tables. Automatic The resolution charged that it be tabled but it came up for The bill would cost $124,000. The sponsor was Assem- raised $1,400 through collections, a sale and a community car food vending machines will be situated along one side of the the schools are "60 per cent a vote. Mr. Gabriel, Mr. So- blyman Richard W. De Korte, R-Bergen. who said the mem- wash, and wanted the money to go towards such a memorial room. The ceiling will be beamed with incorporated direct black and Puerto Rican; 30 taro, Mr. Goldin, Mrs. Char- bers bad their last raises in 1961 in the new wing. lighting for study purposes and indirect lighting stressing in- per cent of the public school lotte Madusky and John S. "the work loads have increased substantially since Bobert A. Abramoff, 16, son of Milton and Pearl Abra- formality." population comes from fami- Davis teamed up for its de- then,' DeKorte said. He noted that the work had increased by moff, 23 Circle Ave., Eumson, a junior at R-FHBHS, died as a Mr. MicMewrieht told the board he hoped that bids for lies on welfare; 70 per cent of feat. result of injuries received in a one car accident Saturday, the senior wing would be advertised by March 30, and that the eighth grade class in For the resolution were Mr. 400 per cent in Sussex County, 500 per cent in Hudson, and by March 13. He was a passenger in a car driven by 17-yeaMld similar amounts in other counties. bids would be received by April 29. \M / June, 1970, was behind nation- Murphy, Dr. Ivan Polonsky, Thomas Lougalin of 8 Pine Tree Lane, Fair Haven. He added that this summer work wouldije carried out on al norms in achievement; Mrs. Margaret Parker and Board president James Green, referred the rand com- the school's library mezzanine, and that the new wing would many children come to school Mrs. Josephine Lee. Rail Subsidies Spur Probe mittee to Dr. John Kinney, superintendent, with whom details be ready for occupation by the beginning of the 1972 school with health, emotional and • The council had cut $173,125 of the proposal could be worked out year. academic problems." from's $1,273 mil- TRENTON The State Senate voted 22-0 yesterday to Proposal Presented • The board awarded a contract for the transportation of Efforts'Deleted' lion budget. In "comparison, it have the Commuter Operating Agency investigate changes in Bobert C Micklewright, architect, who prepared the cut $70,640 from the Red Bank operating procedures of railroads subsidized by the state. the basketball and track teams to E. Helfrich and Son of It further declared that thB plans for the proposed senior wing, last night also presented a Keansburg, for the sum of $1,750. Only other bidder for the board's budget was "a con- Regional High School budget. State Sen: James Wallwork. R-Essex, said toe state has proposal prepared at the board's request, for tiie decoration contract was Hie New York, Keansburg and Long Branch Bus scientious effort by the board In its first unanimous vote given millions of dollars in recent years to the railroads and of the senior commons room. ' Co,, for the stun of ?2,280. The contract involves 35 trips. and professional staff to meet on a major issue since "should make sure we get the most economical use out of our Mr. Micklewright presented an architect's rendering of The board's organization meeting was scheduled for April the serious needs of all of the reorganizing in February, the money" the proposal, stressing his proposal was aimed at making the 7 following the March 30 election. public school cnjldren." Coun- board voted to sell $2.5 mil- • Among the railroads now subsidized by the state are the cil deleted frpm the budget lion in bonds to finance the Penn Central and Jersey Central. The Commuter Operating • "every positive effort of the Farr Tract School to Halsey- Agency is a division oi the State Department qf Trans- TfP9.ltIt I JTIlt Red Bank Board of Education Stewart & Co.," New York at 4.625 per cent annual Interest. The new school, passed' by Cites Pierce voters three years ago, is Caucus Votes Publicity Asked Man's Body scheduled for operation begin- TRENTON The League, of Women Voters of New Jer- ning In September. sey said Monday ft flunks votes in the majority caucus of the In Hazlet Still Sought State Senate should be made public. HAZLET - John J. Pierce, In a telegram to Senate Majority Leader Harry Sears, R- a member of the Board of MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Welfare Fraud Morris. the League said votes in the caucus should be dis- Health since its initiation in N. J. Marine Police are con- closed publicly. March 1968, was given a tinuing their search for a lo- Fine Is $20 The assembly recently eliminated the caucus system but plaque last night by fellow cal man who fell overboard FKEEHOLD - Peer Khan, it is still used in the Senate. Under the caucus rule the major- board members for his three early Sunday morning, but 16 Willow Ave., Howell, was ity party members of the Senate meet periodically to vote on ' years of service. held out little hope for finding him alive. assessed $20 in court costs kev measures before the upper house. Mr. Pierce's term of office and given a suspended six- expires this month and he is Peter Szewezyfc, 42, of 114 month jail term yesterday for not expected to be reap- 'Middlesex Koad, fell from Ms pointed to the board. He also obtaining $264 under false Mrs. A W. Schumacher Charles M. Neighbors 31-foot cabin cruiser about 2 pretenses from the Monmouth ROBINSWOOD .Mrs. A. serves as township treasurer a.m. Sunday, a half mile off KEYPORT - Charles M. and is custodian of funds for County Welfare Board. Marie Schumacher 79 oi 4th Cliffwood Beach. Khan pleaded guilty.yes- Ave4 died yesterday in Riv- Neighbors, 64, of 10A Bethany the Board of Education. Patrolman George.Baistey ManrJr, died yesterday in The board introduced its of the Marine Police at Mon- terday to obtaining payments erview Hospital Red Bank Monmouth Medical Center, of $132 each last June 1 and She was born in Oarlstadt, 1971 salary ordinance. A pub- mouth Beach said his men Long Branch. He was em- lic hearing will be held April searched from 9 a.m. to 4 •July 1 in Howell by making daughter of the late Frank ployed as advertising man- false statements to the wel- and Mary Glock Waldmann 26. pjn. yesterday and will con- ager by Babcock and Wilcox The new ordinance pro- tinue to search for the rest of fare board indicating he bad Sr. She was formerly of Mata- of New York City. ' • ' no income. wan and came here five vears vides salaries of $9,125 for the the week. Mr. Neighbors was born in sanitary inspector, an in- His plea was accepted by ago. He said the water tempera- Monmouth County District Mrs Schumacher was a Gretna, La. and was the son crease of $590, and $4,055 for ture is 42 degrees and- antici- of the late William B. and the board clerk, up $270. Both pated that the body would Court Judge Thomas L. membai of the First United Yaccartno, who sentenced Methodist Church ot Mata- Maude Morehead Neighbors. increases represent up- float to the surface within He had also resided in Hoi- him. wan. She was a member of grading on the township sa- Register staff Photo three days. the Sirius Chapter Order of mdel and Jersey City prior to lary scale and are automatic The Coast Guard out of moving here eight months HONORED — Brig. Walter Murdoch. Salvation Army, and his wife, right, LEGAL NOTICE the Eastern Stai Matawan. increments. were honored by a retirement dinner at Tower Hill Presbyterian Church, Sandy Hook searched ago. ADVERTISEMENT and of the Rainbow Council. The plumbing officer re- Red Bank. At their left are William Fluhr, chairman of the army's advisory throughout Sunday and has Seoltd proposals will be received In the He was a memher of St. mains at the same $2,000 sa- Office eftria Engineering Division, De- Daughters of America, Key- board, and Commissioner Samuel Hepburn, national commander of the discontinued its patrols of raiment of Defense, p j.. Notional Guard John's United Methodist lary as does the health offi- that portion of Raritan Bay. armory, Armory Drive, Trenton, N.J. port She was the widow of Salvation Army > •Has, until 2:00 P.M., Eastern Standard Milo E Schumacher Church of Hazlet; a past mas- cer, who will receive $500. Tlm« on Thursday, 25 Mora 1971, and then publldy opened and read, for Demolition ter of Publicity Lodge F&AM The board announced the — Building No. 1, National Guard Training '• Surviving are two sons of New York; past patron of Center. Sea Girt, Hew Jersey. litter slogan campaign has be- Bidden will be required to quality In ac- Milo E Schumacher Jr. of the Esther Chapter Order of cordance with Chapter 52:35:8 Revised gun, with the deadline for all {Statutes prior to the opening or bids Plan? Huntington. N.Y. and Frank the Eastern Star of Jersey submissions by parochial and Retired Salvation Army Democratic iond specifications will be furnished (upcr G Schumacher of Franklin City; a member of the An- a deposit of S1O.00) on application to the 1 .public elementary school stu- Department of Defense, N.J., Armor* Park three daughters. Mrs. cient Accepted Scottish Rite; Drive. Trenton, Newilersey. dents on May 14. ENGINEERING DIVISION Charles Emley Sr of Los An- Valley of Jersey City, and a A savings bond prize will Unit Formed DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, N.J Chief Describes Career March 8. ua S15.0Q geles. Calif., Mrs. Charles F. member of the Crescent be presented to the winner at FREEHOLD — Richard T. Mason of tincroft and Mrs. Temple of Trenton. chine shop for several years O'Connor, chairman of the BIDS WANTED the board's May 24 meeting. By MABYBETH ALLEN someone asked him what Sealed bids will be received hy Dominic Donald Fraipont of Princeton. > before going to Asbury Col- MonmoutH County Democrat- J. AST".. Board Secretary of th« school Surviving are his widow, RED BANK - Brig. Walter members of the Salvation district of Shrewsbury, New Jersey until Junction' two sisters, Misi • Murdoch felt a call to the Sal- Army did for fun. His answer lege. Of those years he com- ic Committee' has announced »:0O [Tin.,jprevalllno time, Monday! April Mrs. Ruth Wood'Neighbors; a 12, 1971, of which time proposals will be Margaret Waldmann and son, U.S. Army Capt. Robert Hazlet Pool vation Army... but objected was "We enjoy our work." ments, "Faithwise, I wasn't the formation of a six-man opened and publicly read af a meeting to ready, I didn't particularly be held In the schoolhouse on the above Mrs August Maltz. both of W. Neighbors, stationed in to the idea of having to wear And he notes that it is a good grievance committee to dale and time, for the. 1971/1972 school Keansburg' a brother, Frank Complex Wins believe in things spiritual. I "serve as a problem solving thing they do - because the VM Vietnam; a daughter, Mrs. a uniform. .' - TEVVCHING SUPPLIES Waldmann Jr. of Middletown; Arthur Richardson of Birm- '1 didn't think people had work is almost a full-time was materialistic in my think- group to better the relation- a) General 14 grandchildren and two HAZLET - The Swim and ing and ignorant of spiritual ship between the county orga- b) Paper ingham, Mich, and four . Tennis Club, open last sum- to wear uniforms or stand on proposition. great-grandchildren. street comers to indicate to truth." ...... nization and the 53 municipal JANITORIAL SUPPLIES grandchildren. mer, has won a,bronze medal Compensation Slight R|(PMNTINO-EXTERIOR AND INTE 1 'Not to Attract* organizations." The Bedle Funeral Home, Arrangements are under for design and workmanship others that they were Chris- When he became an army MILK — per half pint cartons — pas Matawan is in charge of ar- tians," he comments. "This is lieutenant, his salary was $9 a He was inspired to join the The members, all chairmen tevrlzed. Homogenized^ vitamin D. the direction of the Bedle Fu- in a 1970 Swimming Pool De- subject to the regulations of the Ol rangements. neral Home of Keyport. logical, because if everyone week - and $3 were given as army, he says, by one of its of their municipal Democrat- lice or Milk Industry. sign Competition held in Flor- Specldcotloiw, etc, con be secured ot Ihc ida in January. did, the corners would be board to the commanding of- international leaders who- ic organizations, are Stephen oflFce of the Board Secretory, 20 Obri full." spoke at his college. His mes- Bogen, Holmdel, named Place, on school days between the hours, o The four-pool complex, in ficer. He recalls that when he 9:00 am. -4:00 p.m. was put in charge of his first sage was simple: "I am not chairman; Leonard Bellezza, The Board reserves the rlpht to reje; Veteran's Park off Union He has, however, been pny or all bids to waive Immaterial formo wearing the uniform for 40 corps, his salary was up to here to attract any young per- Keansburg; Webb Boodey, lilies, and the rlaht to select any or oil o Ave., was judged with thou- the Items submitted by bidders. All bin- years; and although he has $11. The work, however, ne- son away from his church. Manasquan; Ed Davis, must be subm tied In sealed envelopes one Moln OHIca: sands of other entries by nine narked to Indicate the type of bid. Chestnut St., Red Bonk, N. J. 07701 retired, it is his hope' that op- cessitated a car. And when he But if God has called anyone Shrewsbury; Norman Dor- Branch Office*: affiliated industry leaders and BOARD OF EDUCATION •M Rt. J5, Mlddlttowi. N. J. portunities to serve will con- spoke to the colonel about here to the Salvation Army, fman, Ocean Township, and BOROUGH OF SHREWSBURY JO Eait Main St., Freehold, N. J. 12 non-industry judges in- - DOMINIC J. ACE (\RA, tinue. About 150 attended the getting one, he was told that obey God." Brig. Murdoch Richard. Van Wart, Spring Board Secretary 37t Broadway, Long Bronctv N. J. cluding architects, landscape JOObre Place I he would have to purchase it notes that he has no patience Lake Heights. designers and planners. dinner sponsored in his honor March l?,J}.n iU.ii Ellobllihad In uTTby Jonn*H7coolc and Hinry Cloy last night at the Tower Hill • on his own. For this, he says with those who try to draw • ' . Published by The Red Bank Register Committeeman Nicholas he personally paid $17.95 a people from one faith to an- , Member ol the Associated Press — The Associated Press Is entitled exclusively to Setteducato, pool chairman, Presbyterian Church. William iht use tor ^publication ot all the local news printed In this newspoper as well as all AP Fluhr, who has been on the month. other. "God," he says, "has news dispatches.-. - • . presented the award to Bo- local army's advisory board given us all minds to think Dig they must... ';» "Second class postagg paid al Red Sank, N. J. 07701 and at additional nulling of- sico Construction Inc. of Lan- Brig Murdoch \vas married Bees. Published dally. Monday through Friday. for 30 years and served as its in Pittsburgh in 1938. As mar- and souls to interpret the I month—$2.75 • ©months—$14.00 sdale, Pa., builders of the lo- truth." iKontni-W.SO ' 12mDnths-»27.O0 cal pool. chairman for about 20 years, ried officers, he and his wife Subscription Prices In Advance was emcee. Brig. W. Eldred were getting $18 a week - Pay we will! ' Home Dellveryby-Corrler — The complex will open its ChurctrS, commandeWor the The Murdochs are parents .SIn8lecopyolcoi»iter,ll>centstbr'Carrler50CentsPerWeek . second season on June 26, with which they had to pay of two children, who have state of New Jersey was an.for housing, buy a refrig- with a membership of 1,500 honored guest. also received degrees from families and individuals. erator, and meet utility ex- Asbury College. Norman now There are 187 openings re- Brig Murdoch cites the penses. He notes, though, that lives in Cincinnati, where he maining for the coming sea- sense of camaraderie and because of careful budgeting, is a university professor. As a son, .the pool committee an- notes that he and his wife are they "never particularly felt layman, he works with young nounced. grateful for the privilege of a pinch." people in efforts to help the^ having completed their duty He and his wife met in Ken- Salvation Army reach those here. He describes the army tucky, where they were at- in ghettos. Sentencing Is as being "disciplinary, but tending Asbury College. He beneficial to the individual notes that sometimes it's fun- "The pioneer spirit still ex- Set for Man who desires to improve him- ny how things work out. He is ists," Brig. ' .FREEHOLD-Israel Maf- self and serve the best and a native of Pennsylvania and ments. He explains that his dali of New York City will bo highest interests of humanity had intended to study land- son leads the band into poor sentenced May 14 for posses- . . . spiritually and mate- scape gardening at Penn areas and invites children to sion of a stolen credit card in rially. State. But when his high come to headquarters for p6 WIS6... Finance your sewer system Hazlet June 30,1969. "Despite tho heavy de- school principal filled out the breakfast... which increases Mafdall pleaded guilty to mands of the Salvation college application for him, Sunday school enrollment. hookup costs through us the charge, involving a credit Army," he says, "I tave nev- he put down "architecture" "Children," ho says, "are on our special low terms - card stolen from C. A. Neely er felt restricted and I ' instead of "agriculture." being reached and rehabili- of Sewlckley, "Pa., before wouldn't have it any other Confusion Encountered tated, in the Christian senso Can we help you? Monmouth County Court way." Confusion resulted and be by a program that begins WBAL JERSEY BUI •Judge Patrick J. McGann Jr. Yoars ago, he recalls, wound up working in a ma- with breakfast together." MEIUEROFF.D.I.C. AND TRuarr two/ brothers. Donald 4 The Dail» R<-g^rr. R«1 BjnkMirMMoMri.N. J.. Tue-lay Mardi 23.1971 William J. Brennan Kindergarten Malcolm McPhearson in North Arlington prior to McPhpr&on of North Arliiig- moving here 13 years ago. ton arid John A. McPherson of MIDDLETOWN - Malcolm He was a communicant of fnur TUSCON, Ariz. - WUJlajJi Registration Set Ic«jZgt Think of it. Now, with a stroke of Cross for hospital bills and Blue Shield elusions and special benefits are spelled 2 Basic Programs your pen, you may apply for Blue Cross for doctor bills. And think of this: you out in the easy-to-read folder we'll send 1 Extended Benefits Rider and Blue Shield benefits for hospital can choose the benefit package that you if you mail the coupon on this page and doctor bills. You don't have to join best fits your individual needs by se- right away. Choice of Benefits Packdg* or belong to any group, business or or- lecting one of these programs. 4 Types of Enrollment ganization. And there are many com- This is the "rad" ,. There's bound to be a combination binations of benefits available, so you 1. Maximum protection from Compre- just right for you. don't have to pay for more protection hensive Blue Cross with Blue Shield, Blue Cross and Blue Shield than you'need. If you're one of those plus Extended Benefits Rider "J". And remember, this is the real Blue Comprehensive Blue Crosi with people who can't get Blue Cross and Rider "J" adds diagnostic and thera- Cross and Blue Shield—the same fa- Blue Shield plus Rider "j"—individ- Blue Shield where they work, send the peutic services-in doctor's office or mous health protection plan that ual, husband-wife, one parent and coupon below this week and get free hospital outpatient department. answered the great needs of the De- children, and full family coverage. information and an application for our Available in individual, husband- pression years and ever since has been Here's maximum coverage for you and non-group plans. wife, one parent and children, and protecting Americans from the finan- for your family of any size. 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Blub Cron with new medical techniques and miracle And this very same protection is avail- Blue Shield — individual, husband- drugs have made it so much easier— 3. Low-cost Modified Blue Cross with able on a non-group basis to you. wife, one parent and children, and but so much costlier—to get well. As Blue Shield—individual, husband- full family coverage. government statistics show, and as over wife, one parent and children, and Why you should eel now This set of benefits gives you the same Small Change Tarns Into 3 million subscribers know. Blue Cross full family coverage. Rates start at and Blue Shield do the Best job of pro- Within a few days of the time your coverage, as above, for in-hospital serv- - just $9X7 per month, payable quar- ices. tecting you in spite of mounting health terly. application is approved, you can be Big Money at••• care costs. enjoying tlte security of having your Modified Bine Cron with Bloc NOTE: Like the regulargrou p policies Blue Cross and Blue Shield benefits in Choose the program Shield — individual, husband-wife, of Blue Cross and Blue Shield, all of force. one parent and children, and full that suits you best these programs offer maternity benefits To get all the information you'll need family coverage. Yes, now you can protect yourself and after a standard waiting period (if you MIDDLETOWN BANKING CO. to choose the program coverage that is Modified Blue Cross with Blue Shield your family with a program of Blue take the full family coverage). Other ex- right for you, simply complete the cou- lets you save on premiums by taking Steady saving makes small sums mount up to big mon- pon below and mail it. Please do hot some of the risk yourself. Deduclibles ey. Thanks to our higher rates ... 5 per cent on pass- send any money now. There's no obli- for the first 14 days of your hospital Book savings, compounded regularly . .. your money YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED ABOUT NON-GftOUP gation, and no agent will call, so mail stay up to a maximum of $99 are paid earns even more. BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD PROTECTION your filled-in coupon today to the ad- by you. From there, Blue Cross and dress shown. Blue Shield provide usual benefits up 1. Is this'the real Blue Cross and Blue one parent and children coverage. Remember, sickness and accident can to the ninxinuuns of this program. PROFITABLE WAYS TO SAVE AT Shield? If you have a spouse and children un- strike without warning, and you may MIDDLETOWN BANKING COMPANY Yes. These benefits are offered to you der 19, choose full family coverage. need your Blue Cross and Blue Shield No Obligation- 4 by the same non-profit organizations benefits very soon. That's why we're No Agent Will Call on You ; that protect so many of your friends 5. Are there limitations and exclu- urging residents of New Jersey to send and neighbors in group Blue Cross and sions? for details and an application this week. MORE HEALTH CARE FOR 2-Year Gold«n Yield Premium 0/ Golden Yield Blue Shield Plans. Please send your coupon right away. /0 Limitations and exclusions, plus a num- YOUR HEALTH DOLLAR. /4/o Passbook Accounts Passbook Accounts ber of special benefits, are clearly stated Day of deposit, compounded and. 2. Must I work where they have a (Iwoyear) Minimum $5,000 5 payable quarterly. Withdrawals 1st group policy in order to qualify? in the folder Blue Cross and Blue Shield 5 Mail coupon today, to: Blut Cron and Blue Shield tan days of quartar. Minimum 4500. No. So many people want Blue Cross will send you. A statement of health Box 420, Newark, New Jtrtty 07101 and Blue Shield protection—but don't must be completed as part of the appli- cation, including an acknowledgement 1-Yaar Golden Yield Premium have an opportunity to join a group— _. Regular Savings that Blue Cross and Blue Shield offer of pre-existing conditions. 72/0 Passbook Accounts % Passbook Accounts protection to individuals on a non- (one-yeorMinimum $5,000 Day of Deposit—Day of withdrawal group basis. 6. Why should I act right now? 4 Compounded andpayabla quortoriy| Because sickness and accident can Please send me details and an application for i 3. Isn't individual coverage terribly ex- strike without warning and you'll want pensive? your Blue Cross and Blue Shield bene- non-group Blue Cross and Blue Shield protection. -T* fits in force as soon as you qualify. We Your premiums are a little higher than NAME those of most groups, but you'll still can't cover you if your protection is find them your best investment in not in force, so send the coupon for de- MIDDLETOWN BANKING COMPANY health care protection. And if you com- tails and an application today. pare your premium cost to the cost of being hospitalized, you'll agree that 7. How do I apply? Blue Cross and Blue Shield are still the bargains they have always been. Simply use the easy-to-read folder that Blue Cross and Blue Shield will send 4. What members of my family are you to choose the right program of cov- TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS IN MIDDLETOWN eligible for coverage? erage. You'll find it easy to do. Then If you're living alone, choose the indi- complete the application you'll get with MAIL TO: BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD 5 Main Office 1250 Highway 35 Navosink River Office Hwy. 36 at Naveiink vidual coverage. your folder and mail it in the reply en- BOX 420, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07101 ppan Friday Evenings 6:30 lo 8 P.M. River Rd.-Open Saturday 9:30 A.M. to' noon velope provided. Send the coupon on 671-5800 If you are the only parent in your home this page and get your folder aid appli- and have children under 19, choose the cation right away! i Member Federal Deposit tniurance Corporation, Each Depositor Insured to $20,000 I Five Are Arrested The DaSy Regbter, E«d Baok-MMfietonm^. J, Tuesday Mtrah 23,1971 5 a " '* |Mfl9ftED On Narcotics Raps R>f? OW NEW SHREWSBURY - A police said. Three of the occu- DeVeaux of 89 Throckmqrton routine car check by borough pants, on being searched, St., Freehold; and William A. police early yesterday re- were found to be in posses- Theiss of 12 Cottage Place, sulted in the arraignment of sion of drug paraphernalia. Freehold were all charged live men on drug charges and Arraigned before Judge with the unlawful and willfull the recovery of 48 decks of- Lawrence A. Carton 3rd in possession of hypodermic syr- heroin with an estimated val- Municipal Court yesterday inges commonly used in the ue of $250. were Philip A. Eeevey of 6625 injection of drugs. Police said four of the men Westeria St., Merchantville, A.fifth man,.-identified as were stopped on a routine car on a charge of unlawful pos- Ronald Morris of 29 Peach check on Shrewsbury Ave. by session of the heroin. St., here, also was arrested Patrolmen Kermit Brown and The three other car occu- and charged with possession Ladean White. pants, identified by police as of a hypodermic syringe, af- Heroin was discovered in Randolph L. Jones of 102 Cen- ter a search conducted by the the', rear seabarea of the car, ter St., Freehold; Gregory T. county, prosecutor's office, represented by Detectives William Seufert of the A« UIMS "Gee, I wish I could ! borough police and Charles O'Connor and Thomas Mion TOO. JIW ft? DEST paw § . dance like Jack" of the county. (P.S.He could-with Reevey, who is wanted on a NA JLKRIOELf warrant by the Hudson Coun« MODERN MACHINE — Operating the multi-pur- I just a few lessons.) ty authorities on charges of Sharp Work pose new cosh register in the office of County Want Jack to look, to his laurel ? possession of narcotics, was Clerk Benjamin H. Danskin, Mrs. Wilma Thomp- Want her to look to you? Just put released on $5,000 bail. He son provides the public with recording and cost in- Advertise in The Register yourself in the hands of an under faces a maximum penalty of Turned Out formation stamped on each document, and a standing Arthur Murray dance in receipt if requested. itructor. The fun and good'timcs 15 years in^jajl or $5,000 in :hat go with dancing belong to ev fines if convicted. By Machine sryone! Jones, DeVeaux, Theiss •YOUTH CENTER. and Morris were all released FREEHOLD - The newest on their own recognizance. addition to the office of Coun- PARTY TIME CLUB All five pleaded not guilty to ty Clerk Benjamin H. Dan- ' ARTHUR MURRAY FRANCHISED STUDIO the charges.' skin can accept and record A preliminary hearing was cash, validate documents and High Flying Spring Fashions 741-5858 Mon. thru Fri. 1 P.M. fo 10 P.M. set by Judge Carton for Mon- issue receipts. day, March 29, at 9:30 a.m. In It is, in fact, a custom-de- Municipal Court. signed cash register, a multi- DAfi-rV-vuieriMB Arthur Murray Franchised Studios I PARTY TIME CWB ,2 Droadst,|ReclBonk, N.J. 07701 keyed giant that processes I Pleoieiefid wilhout obligator) your Parly Time brochure. South Afi-ica Grows papers with impressive I Narrte „ CAPE TOWN (AP) - noises, and can do everything 1 Address „ Planning Minister Jan. J. but smile and hand you tie Loots said 41,569 persons emi- document. . I City .....i „ , _Tol. grated to South Africa last year while 9,178 left the coun- This last service is done by try. Mrs. Wilma Thompson; a principal index clerk anil one of three people trained to op- erate the machine, handling 150 to-300 papers a day. Revenue for the office an- nually reaches $650,000 to $700,000, based on a statutory fee schedule. The ne$r regis- ter, combined with a pre- viously installed electric bookkeeping machine, pro- vides an internal control sys- tem for all daily receipts. Spring Fashions Services Performed Beaching a new degree of sophistocation in county cleric ALL THE GREAT NEW LOOKS AT LOW, LOW PRICES operations, the machine will record on a deed an in- strument number, the price, revenue stamps and the date. It will also print a receipt, if requested. A It's a dress, it's a sleeveless c»at, Similar services are per- it s 1 pant dress ihstncd to becon c MATCH MATES - Woven acrylic plaid double formed for the discharge or Ilie most versatile oullit in your breasted coat, notch collar, pgtch pockets, with release of mortgage, certifi- warJrobe' S ncvless button Iroit matching flare pants. Color is Americana-Red, :oa! llared pants in acrylic White & Blue. Sizes 4-6X $29.00, Sizes 7-14 $33.00 cate of incorporation, power •nslcl strip'1-, lo to »orr Aith or of attorney, military dis- g ili'c.-e bultor, Iron! poiy . ond many other sfyfes lo choose from. charge or waiver, all sym- ter d c>s Pm< or htue 4 6x. $31 bolized on a column of keys set; 7-14, $35 set Rainbow Girls defined as "extra recorded papers." Operation of the machine Teas tafught by its maker, Na- tional Cash Begister, to the other members of the book- keeping staff, Robert Arm- strong of Ocean Grove and Mrs. Francis Sculley 0! How- ell, but' the principal operator is Mrs. Thompson, who lives The look ofbouclm inEatontown.. A 10-year employe of the office, Mrs. Thompson was hired by the previous county TEXTURED clerk, the late J. Kussell Woolley. She spent six years NYLON SHELLS in the comparing room, and was then brought to the front Cotton and polyester-cotton office and taught book- keeping. $O99 A widow with four children and grandchildren, Mrs. DENIM JEANS, PANTS 2 Thompson showed a natural reluctance to launch a new Western styles, novel- • $coo Jewel or rock stilcfc neck-, career in the automated age. ties in solids, stripes. line styles with back zip-* But she did, early this year Assorted colors. pcrs. Machine wash. Basic when the. register was in- and fashion colors. 34-40. stalled. Misses' 8-18. $700 Since then, she has become proud of its versatility and her skill And the machine is 1 even beginning to look a little 3-A Formal lace pantdiess tiith deli 3-B Dainty flowers on a flocked trel- Pretty pnnnt pair cotton knit Jac- Western style stripes in a washable Colorful trims cate voile rullling the neckline and lis stripe ... the bodice, empire, the quart blouse, matching dirndl skirt ribbed polyester knit. Zip closing, smaller. armhole. Embroidered front trim. skirt a billowing double tier. Pink or in solid cotton double knit Lilac, solid yoke. To be worn with or with- Pretty alone or with matching lace blue Dacron-- cotton voile. Sizes 4- tangerine. 4 A Blouse. 4 E>, }4 714, out matching solid Jlare pants. Blue pants.White lace over whits or white 6x, (13:7-14, $14. R. A. A. Moppets. $5. 4-B Skirt, 46x, $1; 7-14, }4.50. or poppy. 4-D Dress, sizes 46x. $10; WHITE PEASANT over pink. Siies 4 6x, $18; 7-14. $20. 3-C Crinkle patent box bit fold trim. Not shown: 4-C Solid pints, 4-6x, 7-14, $11. 4-E Pants, 4-6x, $6JO; 7- Legion Post. f ein Children. Black, white. $3.50. Pyramid Luther. $4.50; 7-14, ft. Little Topsy. 14, $7. Stietchini. LOOK HOUSES Celebrates $O99 Anniversary KEYPORT - Members of 2 Raritan Post 23, American Prelty cottons with color- Legion, oldest Legion post in < ful embroidery, lie' rac the county, celebrated the ' or lace, trim's. Perfect 52nd anniversary of the Le- gion's founding in Paris ' with airnrHslc'irts. 32-40. with a program in the Legion home, 81 W. Front SL, March 18. Honored guests were Wal- Solids and prints ter Kuhner, commander of Colorful cottons the American Legion's De- partment of New Jersey, and ROIL SLEEVE Mrs. Kuhner. Other depart- PEASANT LOOK ment oificers attending were 5-B Edward Ryan of New Egypt, 5-A Floppy croehetKatipaslels.J3.5O. delightfully 6-B Popcorn crochtt biret,'while, vice commander; Kenneth breczctveight! DIRNDL SKIRTS CASUAL BLOUSES assld/colors. $3.5-Ciultctti.croclwt Drake of Westmont, master dcliciously cip, white -wittt .streamers. WO, at arms; and Joseph Heinlein caindy-.colorcd! AllbyCtecnspjn-Fis,ch. • of Eatontown, Monmouth $O29 $499 County executive com- mitteeman. YOU CAN ALWAYS CHARGE IT! 3 Post Commander George. Allen welcomed the guests" The newest look (in llie Bermuda or long point col- and introduced Homer Matte- lars. Solids of Blue Cpoly- son, anniversary chairman. casual scene. Charming ester-cotton. Avril* ray- YOUTH J prints With wide shirred A certificate of com- on-colton prints. 32 to 38. 2A Southern belle party dress, 2-D Little sister'i dim in novelty. elastic waists, S,- M - L. mendation was awarded Mid- sleeveless, with embtoideied bodice, stitch polyester ftnit that's com- .CENTER, land Glass Co. of Matawan, wide sash and its own sheer be- pletely washable. Party-pretty with milled shawl. Green/while Dmon" its high yoke, lace-trimmed neckline for its program for recycling polyesler/collon voile. Siies 4-6x, and sleeve, ribbon sash, In pink or of glass containers. Accepting $11; 7-14, JI3. Shutletbug. blue. Siies 2-4, $12. the award for the company Ulered ludemnk 20 Broad St. Red Bank «V SATISFACTION 6UARANTEED-REPLACEMENT OR MONEV REFUNDED was William Ware. Muskie Mailing Woos Youth Established in 1878 - Published by The Ked Bank Register by ROBERT S. ALLEN than "old-guard, Daley-Hum- and JOHN A. GOLDSMITH phrey types." M. HAROLD KELLY, Publisher Consequeirtly,vtKe inclusion Republican strategists note INSIDE of influential young people on with interest that the recent that Muskie, mass maUing list Arthur Z. Kamin, Editor mass mailing of a speech by WASHINGTON Jits neatly into the Davis con- Sen. Edmund G. Muskie, D- ception of a youth coalition Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor Maine, included campus edi- for Muskie. It is also being tors and officers of student viewed as a step-up-wholly groups among some 9,000 «xpected-in Muskie's drive Tuesday March 23,1971 very important politicians. called "clump LBJ" move- ment in 1967-6H, who later re- to interest youth in his cam- ALLEN GOLDSMITH fused to support Hubert Hum- paign for tlie White House. The Muskie speech, deliv- be a major part of the MUBICU ered in Philadelphia, was one phrey in the presidential cam- The paid Muskie-for-Presi- been active in this work, no- paign. He is a June 1970 grad- dent staff, which is quartered tably in meetings with college youth activity, and the Mus> in which the winter-book fa- kic organization is reported vorite for the Democratic uate of the Yale University in a downtown office building students in California. Law School. separate from the senator's Not Only Colleges ready and willing to join in all presidential nomination put such efforts-including non- himsdf on record in favor of office, now numbers more However, the Muskie youth Views on War than 40. Two of them ai;e in- effort is not to be aimed partisan drives-to get young a complete Vietnam with- people on the voter, rolls by drawal by the end of next Davis has said lie joined volved mostly in youth activi- wholly at college youth. ties. election day. year. GOP politicos were not the Muskie campaign to Voungfactory workers, office spread his views on tjie war Eventually, the Mjn$t}e surprised that Muskie's cam- At this early stage of the workers and non-students of as much as to help defeat youth group is'expecledtjjiset paign organization wanted to campaign, the youth empha- all sorts are to be contacted, President Nixon. He plans to up a steering 'cojnmitfee, get the message across to sis is on organization. August and, where possible, regis- recruit young Muskie-cam- made up of its state' officials, youth groups. is said to be the deadline for tered at once under the appli- paigners, who come, for the setting up a Muskie youth cable local regulations. to prepare position papers on Muskie's youth coalition is most part, from the 1968 cam- group in each state to work With millions of young issues of intetesUo youth for headed by 25-year-old Lanny paign of former Sen: Eugene toward formation of local af- people newly eligible to vote "use by MiiskU's speech ! Davis, a veteran of the so- J. McCarthy, D-Minn., rather filiates. Davis himself has in 1972, voter registration will writers. - "' -«-,•• How to Save on Tires By SYLVIA PORTER periences with tire dealers in level," "premium." Such la- If yours is a typical subur- your neighborhood. bels are strictly subjective ban or exurban family, with YOUR MONEY'S (2) Shop for tires on the claims of quality by tire two or three cars in the drive- basis of their cost per mile, makers and dealers. way, your automobile tire bill using this rough guide to Ask First is now running into hundreds WORTH make your own price com- (4) Do not, once you have of dollars a year. If our na- parisons: a radial ply tire will decided which tires to buy, tional tire bill accumulates as last about 40,000 miles; a bel- automatically permit the W expected, we will spend in the conscientious dealer who will ted bias ply tire, about 25,000 dealer from whom you are range of 75 billion in 1971' make an honest effort to sell miles; a good bias ply tire, buying to put them on your alone for ordinary replace- you the type of tires best suit- 15,000 to 20,000 miles. You car-until you know what he PORTER ment tires, new tires on new ed to your driving needs. This may be surprised to discover will charge lor this service, If cars, snow tires, a whole dealer also will honor his tire that "premium" radial ply the charge is more than a (6) Buy retreaded tires range of new premium vari- warranty, a money-saver in tires are the least expensive, couple of dollars, take the job only for moderate speeds and etie* the long run. particularly, when you add in to another service station. loads, and buy them only What's more, as today's Go to Dealers real gasoline savings over a (5) Steer clear of vague, from a reputable dealer who trend toward automobile sa- In general, the most re- distance of 40,000 miles-but if extravagant performance gets his retreads from a shop fety accelerates, our tire bills liable are the franchised deal- you do not intend to drive claims which some tire sales- which inspects used tires will mount too. ers of nationally advertised your car this much, you may men make. For instance: carefully before retreading How, then, can you cut brands, large mail order not want so large a long-term "Stop 25 Per Cent Quicker." them. Retreads., usually cost your tire bill without sacri- retailers and established au- investment in expensive tires. (Quickerthan what: a train?) only about one-half the price ficing any vital safety aspect? tomobile service stations. (3) Don't pay much atten- or "50 Per Cent More Trac- of comparable new tires, but (1) The number one Bile is Query your car-owning tion to such tire designations tion." (Than what: ice you must obey the safety deal only with a reputable friends about their ex- as "first line," "one hundred skates?) rules. Hard Times for Mr. Nixon By JAMES J.KILPVTRICK suaded to negotiate a peace. "abandons any support of a These are bard times for These were the realities at Nixon Vietnamization policy Richard Nixon. Two years CONSERVATIVE home-that public opinion which is not designed to de- ago, a reliable poll found that would not accept defeat, but feat Communist aggression." The SST and the People 61 per cent of the people gave neither would it tolerate vic- Teague was so angry that he him a rating of "good to ex- VIEW tory. tossed his speech, page by The U.S. Senate is expected to vote He said he thought the House had re- cellent" on the confidence he He has had to bear with the page, to the floor. inspires. One year ago, the tomorrow on the fate of the controversial sponded to the will of the majority of doves, flapping their wings Can Rally Support figure was 41 per cent. This President inherited a sick supersonic transport (SST) plane after Americans. "I am not convinced," he for instant withdrawal; and I happened to be speaking month, the Harris Survey war and a sick economy; he he has had to fend off the oh the same YAF program, many hectic hours of maneuvering and said, "that the environmental questions puts it at 28 per cent. The took his oath of office before hawks, demanding in effect and sought to present a more lobbying by organized labor, government have been resolved. I believe our nation President, who survived six a hostile Congress on the Hill. that he level Hanoi. In be- favorable view of Nixon's KILPATRICK officials and the aerospace industry. must direct its financial resources into do- crises before he made it to He has not had a single easy tween these 20 per cent fac- conduct of the war. In the the White House, is facing ride in his 26 months along The House last week voted a stunning mestic channels to help the hungry, to im- tions, perhaps 60 per cent o£ questions and conversations No. 7. the presidential road. If his the people were quietly quiet, that followed, it became clear rejection of the plan to spend another $290 prove education, to improve mass trans- • As a measure of public atti- earnest efforts have failed to but they were poised for that a substantial body of taxes.down, taxes up; no con- million to help the nation's aviation in- portation and to save our environment." tudes, the Harris Survey is inspire confidence, his prob- alarm if he moved either these conservative young trols'and maybe,,controls. dustry to build two SST prototypes. Lobbyists for the SST argue that if statistically valid. A reporter lems might have earned sym- way. Now they are sullenly Americans are not as hawky Nothing has seemed to wbjrjt^ has to depend mainly on his Yet there are signs, all the Last year, House members voted, 102- the Senate ends the federal subsidy it will pathy. For a President, sym- quiet, beset by indecision and as their hawky director. If own sense of touch. For what- pathy may be the next best frustration. The silent support Nixon can accelerate his same, that the economy is'rfc' mean a loss of 13,000 jobs and of the $1 bil- 86, against killing the appropriation. On ever they may be worth, my thing. Nixon hasn't won even they once provided has stead- troop withdrawal plan-as De- covering willy-nilly. Nixon's' the most recent vote, the tally was 215-204 lion the government has already invested own impressions since No- that. ily seeped away. fense Secretary Laird has relations with the press, if not against continuing the appropriation. in developing the monster. vember, gleaned from 60,000 Political Realities Nixon suffered one more hinted- he will-President more friendly, are suddenly miles of travel, exactly con- The Senate now is faced with a deci- Given the political realities blow a few days ago in At- may yet rally public support. more frenetic. Spiro Agnew is A parliamentary maneuver, made firm the Harris findings. of these past two years, it is playing pianissimo, soft-' sion it thought it had made last Dec. 3, lanta, in a bitter attack from Nixon has done less well in possible by procedural reforms instituted Thinking of Nixon, I wet a hard to imagine, how any Randal Teague, executive di- his gropings to revive the peddling good like a Vice when it voted, 52-41, to halt federal spend- by the 92nd Congress, is credited with get- finger to the wind; and'a cold President could have coped rector of Young Americans sluggish economy. His eco- President should. Dr. Sve- wind blows upon it. ngali is lunching with Eugene ting the House to reverse itself. Simply ing on the SST. After the House voted to more skillfully with the war. lor Freedom. Teague charged nomic steps have suggested provide the funds, however, the Senate The wind, I believe, is These were the realities in the President with favoring a no game plan at all. It has McCarthy. Tricia and Ed are told, the House this time had its members cruelly unjust; but who can absorbed in goofly glances. compromised by permitting a continuance Paris-that a contemptuous policy of "gradual surren- been hands off and bands on; recorded, name by name. Previously, the ask a wind to be just? The enemy could not be per- der," and he said that YAF jawboning out, jawboning in; Pretty soon, spring. vote was by head count, and a representa- of the -funding until March 30. tive's action - or lack of action - would If the Senate follows the House by not be known to his constituents. . voting in line with its constituents' views, it may mean that the U.S. will leave de- Broad Street to the River The opposition to spending more tax velopment of the SST to other world pow- 5 Broad St. dollars on a questionable venture has been ers. Since it has not been demonstrated Red Bank, N.J. 07701 SST Gamble thing that already works than same machines from sending to face our problems. We are letters to people who have al- widespread, principally based on ecologic- that the SST ever will be financially fea- To the Editor: 39 McCampbell Road having trouble with our , ready answered their Christ- al considerations and the state of the sible, perhaps that would be just as well. On behalf of the Red Bank FROM OUR ' Holmdel, NJ. 07733 Community Chamber of Com- trains, roads, cars, buses, fer- mas Seal appeal. economy. Rep. Edward B. Forsythe, R- More important, it will mean that the To the Editor: merce, I wish to commend ries, and places to walk. All We should like to assure Ocean County, was among the Republi- voice of the. people still has some weight READERS I!d like to say a few things, these troubles might be you for your March 17 edito- as a systems engineer, about our supporters that we have cans who voted against the Administration in our nation and that realistic priorities rial concerning the "Broad helped if the engineers and received their Christmas Seal supersonic transports. The ar- the tax money being released bill. will be established. Street to the River" proposal. guments about pollution and donations and that they have Your objectivity in bringing benefit the greatest majority from the space program were been put to work fighting em- by far. cost per passenger mile are used as a vital resource in- the subject to the attention of really marginal: there is not physema, TB, and other res- your readers is an out- It is hoped that The Regis- stead of being dumped as sur- piratory diseases. ter will continue to support much to lose or gain either Thomas E. Dewey standing example of commu- plus into the nearest boon- We are trying to eliminate this project and that the re- way compared with subsonic nity service. The Chamber of doggle. the "bugs" from the comput- The sudden death of Thomas E. tion as governor of New York at the age sponse to the referendum will jets. The best arguments for Commerce has long been in Very truly yours, er, and we hope that our con- be as thoughtM as your edi- the SST are creating jobs, na- Dewey last Tuesday in Miami Beach at of 40. favor of this project and al- Martin B. Brilliant tributors will bear with us torial. tional prestige, and political the age of 68 removed from the scene-one As governor, he established a series though growth and progress during a most difficult period. - Sincerely, expediency. The arguments of the nation's real Mr. Republicans. of governmental reforms and Jhe charted often impose an inconven- against it are the real prob- Sincerely yours, ience, it is felt that this is a W. Alex McClendon It is perhaps unfortunate that -Mr. an enlightened liberalism for his party lems of our transportation Computer Bugs Mrs. John W. Putman necessary step which will President Chairman, Dewey was most publicized for twice that is being followed in New York by system. Monmouth County Campaign Gov. Rockefeller and elsewhere in the na- "What 111 Effects?" You can create jobs by TB-Respiratory Disease Asso- being his party's unsuccessful presidential ciation 46 Navesink Avenue tion. spending money on anything. candidate in 1944, when he had little Money spent on a prototype of Central New Jersey Rumson, N. J. chance of defeating the incumbent, Presi- Columnist Walter Lippmann wrote SST that will never be used 12 Baldwin Ave. dent Franklin D. Roosevelt, and in 1948 that it's strongly probable that the history creates jobs for engineers. If Jersey City, N. J. 07304 To the Editor: when he was supposed to have won handi- of the Republican Party would be much the SST is produced and oper- Representation This association has re- ly over Harry S. Truman. different today if he had been elected to ated, half the operating jobs will be in other countries be- ceived numerous telephone A'tili Daily Register has re- the presidency in 1948. Because he would calls and letters from area Because of the stunning, upset victory cause the SST is to run only Cdwel a copy^lfthe following . have followed a more progressive path, across the ocean. If the same residents regarding a recent letter for publlciSen: that Mr. Truman scored, Mr. Dewey's the nation would have been spared the fol- engineers were given the mailing of follow-up cam- •Mfatum DrM^ brilliance was somehow clouded in the lies of McCarthyism and the reactionary same money to design better paign letters. We should like MKPfM>#.%te to take this opportunity to KPfM>#»%te public mind. The mustache and his serious period which led to the Goldwater Re- railroads, all the jobs "Middletown Township Cm;;; demeanor gave people the impression that •created to run the trains apologize to those citizens mittee "•[: •;. 'J'v publican disaster of 1964. would be in this country. who received letters and to he was a cold, demanding person when 1 "Dear Sirs: »••••' -. Mr. Dewey was the single most pow- Breaking the sound barrier briefly explain the reason for "When will you appreciate just the opposite was true. erful figure in securing the presidential with a commercial aircraft this oversight. as our elected representatives In private, he was affable, but in pub- would bring national prestige. For the first time in the nomination of Dwight D. Eisenhower in .that our election to rejectthe lic he behaved in a manner he thought But we keep losing prestige more than 60-year history of. school budget several years 1952, and although Mr. Eisenhower gener- the Christmas Seal Cam- was consistent with being governor of a whenever a foreigner looks at in a row is a mandate on you, ally stood for progressive policies, he did our railroads. Most of the paign, we are part of a com- our elected officials, to do great state. not refashion the Republican Party itself trains in Western Europe are puterized program developed •something similar on our be- better than ours. Improving by our parent group, the Na- half. For students of government, how- as Mr. Dewey quite likely would have. our railroads would be a sure tional Tuberculosis and Res- "Mr. Makely's comment ever, Mr. Dewey will be remembered not Mr. Dewey may have lacked the "com- gain in prestige. The SST is a piratory Disease Association. that we don't intend to dis- for his defeats, but for his successes, mon touch," nowadays called charisma, technical gamble because As with all new ventures, turb or harm education seems Which began at the age of 32 when he was but, to his credit, he never whined about even if it flics it might not be we have experienced some to fly directly in the face of an improvement, but there is technical problems and we the will of the people who put one of the nation's most successful prose- the turn of fate which denied him the high no doubt that our railroads are making every effort to him in office as they ex- office for which he seemed so superbly cutors. could be better. correct them pressed it in several con- Winning 71 convictions out of 72 in- suited. , Then why propose to devel- In an era when most Amer- secutive education budget re- dictments, Mr. Dewey got national recog- We concur with President Nixon's de- op a supersonic transport in- icans marvel that computers jections. nition for his war on racketeers and the scription of Mr. Dewey as "a great patri- stead of a better railroad? can safely direct men to the "Whatever happened "to Maybe' because it's easier to moon and back to earth, we representative government?. politicians who protected them, and the ot, a distinguished statesman and a fine think of building a "bigger are bewildered by the fact "Sincerely, public's confidence in him led to his elecr human being." '• <• and better" version of some- that we cannot prevent these "Joseph P. Bums" ,1971 Air R-FH Paper Mde's Dismissal By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI Assistant Superintendent cernng his dismissal last discussed the article with Mr. 27,1970, with Dr. John P. Kin- FREEHOLD - An assistant Newton Beron was the second summer as adviser of the Dignan because he did not ney Jr., school superinten- superintendent of the Rum- witness to testify in a hearing school's newspaper. Mr. Dig- feel that it was fuly accu- dent. son-Fair Haven Regional before Hearing Examiner Jo- nan maintains that be was rate. Mrs. Brandt was The fact that people were DAYS High School' testified yes- seph F. Zach of the Division never given specific reasons allowed to write a letter to complaining about in- Rt. 35 at Patterson Ave., Shrewsbury (1OO Ft. North of Shop-Rite) terday that Joseph J. Dignan, of Controversies and Disputes for his removal by the school the editor to express her accuracies in the paper pre- (741-5019) WED.,-THURS.-FRI. 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. - SAT. 10 A.M. an English teacher, was in the, office of the commis- board. views, he said. cipitated my concern," he TO 6 P.M. dropped as faculty adviser of sioner of education. The hear- Case of Rights Harm Is Seen said. the school's newspaper be- ing Is expected to conclude William G. Bassler of Red Concerting another con- All three school assistant cause the school's assistant today and the matter referred Bank, representing Mr. Dig- troversy involving the paper, superintendents agreed it "Where The Manufacturers Cut Out The Labels superintendents felt the Rum- to the division for decision. nan, said the highlights of the Mr. Beron said he was con- would be best to have another sonian needed "new blood, The hearing had been re- case are the constitutional cerned about a quotation in adviser for the paper, he said, and MR. LIQUIDATOR CUTS THE PRICES!" new impetus." quested by Mr. Dignan con- rights of Mr. Dignan, alleging the paper by George Bernard adding: "We felt there was a that the school board deliber- Shaw, "He. who can, does; he need for a change from one SALE STARTS ately dismissed Mr. Dignan who can't, teaches." "I was person to another." Pressed as adviser as a punitive act concerned," said Mr. Beron. by, Mr. Bassler, he added that since he was president of the "The paper should not be a "we felt the Rumsonian could device to hurt pecple. It is use new blood, new impetus." WEDNESDAY 10 A.M. teachers' association, and be- cause he had refused any supposed to publish news wor- TUrl Dignan testified he kind of censorship of the pa- thy articles." He felt this was joined the Rumson-Fair OVER 350 ALL NEW JUST BROUGHT M FRESH per. critical of teachers. Haven regional school system "THE HOTSIES ARE HERE" "I question the sound ad- Mr. Dignan said he was in 1961 and became the ministrative policy which al- unaware of the quotation in school's newspaper adviser. WE'VE GOT'EM lows a school to retain a the. paper, continued the as- He noted that that year he re- UOIES - JUNIORS IAMOUS MAKER 3-pc. salad set teacher for nine years as an sistant superintendent, that it ceived a letter of com- adviser, increases his pay and had slipped by him and be mendation from the assistant suddenly then terminates his was sorry for it. The paper's superintendent in charge of position without giving any editor also was sorry that it curriculum who said be felt reasons," charged Mr. Bas- was printed, he said, adding an issue of the paper was the sler, that it was generally agreed finest be had seen in his 13 School Board attorney that more care was needed years at the school. 2IHOTPANT Abraham J. Zager of Bed about what got into the paper. The English teacher testi- Bank sought to dismiss the Mr. Beron said he met with fied he did not receive any petition for a hearing without the paper's editors last spring adverse criticism concerning the taking of testimony. He to discuss an invitation by the paper from the school ad- cited several decisions from The Daily Register for the pa- ministration. He added that the commissioner of educa- per's editors to visit the Reg- over the years, the paper bad SETS-RIOT! tion and the courts which gen- ister to discuss newspapers in won several awards. THE MOST DYNAMITE LOOKING erally hold that a school general. At that meeting, In March, 1967, he contin- board bas the right ty employ however, the students wanted ued, he went to Dr. Kinney STYLES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE and dismiss teachers without to discuss an editorial stand asking to be relieved as advi- Sizes 3-15 tenure without explanation. the school paper took on Pub- ser after an assistant superin- One decision held that a lic Law 303. Mr. Dignan was tendent made a derogatory school board has the right to not present at that meeting, remark about the paper but assign and transfer teachers be said. that Dr. Kinney would not re- in Us employ as it sees fit. "I discussed the article lieve him and assured him Hearing Continued 'with them," be continued, ex- that it was a result of a mis- In continuing the bearing, plaining that he felt that it understanding. Mr. Zach said the beart of the was not fully accurate. "I ex- Mr. Dignan said he obtain- NONE Large crystal salad bowl dispute was whether the pressed to the editors the im- ed tenure as a teacher in 1964. school board acted in good portance of.accurate report- He continued as adviser al- HIGHER on handsome silverplated base faith under statutory'author- ing," he added. though he never received offi- —it's 5%" tall, 10" diameter. Includes ity or if it was arbitrary, Poetry an Issue cial letters informing him- NA T. ADV. UP TO $42.00 IF PERFECT matching silverplated serving capricious and unreasonable. Under cross examination that he beld the post, he said. spoon and salad serving fork. Mr. Beron testified he had by Mr. Bassler, Mr. Beron Until 1966, he received no OVER 300 ALL NEW JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH met with the editorial staff of said he also had taken issue compensation for the job, he LADIES - JR'S - MISSY BETTER BRANDED Citn a the Rumsonian after Mr. Dig- with an issue of the paper said, but that year he re- Hftcta nan went to Assistant Super- which was devoted to poetry. ceived $250 and similar 1971 SPRING intendent Albert J. Loux "I felt the paper should stay amounts from then until 1969 Littmaifs about comments made by with newsworthy articles, he when he received $500. Mrs. Richard Brandt, presi- said, adding he had no objec- He added that he felt he PANT-SUITS AND dent of the Home-School As- tions to the poet, Lawrence was entitled to summer em- Ferlinghetti. 65 Broad Strart Monmouth sociation, concerning an ar- ployment at tbe school but SZES Red Bank Shopping Canttr ticle in the paper on Public Mr.. Reran insisted he did was told that seniority was Op«n Wednesday OpmMondiyTtini Law'303 which gives public not discuss a Eegister edito- based on time served in sum- DRESSES 5To15 6To 16 and Friday Fnlay Till 9:30 P.M. employes the right to collec- rial, Scholastic Press Under mer employment, not Tears Til 3:00 P.M. SaMay 10-6 tive bargaining. He said be Attack which appealed Feb. as a teacher. 00 $AA 00 NONE 5 TO ZU HIGHER NAT. ADV. UP TO 50.00 IF PERFECT Free OVER 700 all new just brought in fresh "JUST IN TIME FOR EASTER" LADIES FAMOUS MAKER All THE NEWEST HOST WANTED Color Film SHOE STYLES... and never pay for color film again" $^00 RIOT NONE SIZES 5 To 11 HIGHER NATIONALLY ADVERTISED5 UP TO 18.00 Over 300 All New In Fresh OVER 300 JUSTIN FRESH LADIES-JUNIORS FAMOUS NAME BRAND LADIES-JR'S 1 Pcand 2 Pc. STYLES BETTER BRANDED SPRING 1971 SWIM FLARE-BOTTOM Get your Ford Freebie SUITS SLACK SIZES 30 To 40 LOADS OF STYLES AND COLORS RIOT at your Fotd Dealer SIZES 5 To IS 00 $T00 To #«'NONEHIGH. U NONE HIGHER today. Nat. Adv. Up To 30.00 IfPerf. NAT. ADV. UP TO 16.00 IFPERF. 1. Visit your Ford Dealer. If you are a licensed driver he'll give you OVER 300 ALL NEW JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH a freebie film certificate to send for your freebie film. Offerends March 31. BOY'S AND YOUNQ MEN'S BETTER BRANDED - - 2.You'llbeinailedarolloffamou3-makecolorfilm(worth$1^5)foryourcamera. • KNITS $ •COTTONS (Choice of 620,127, or 126 Cartridge which fits Kodak Instamatic*Cameras.) •BLENDS *3. Send it for processing and prints at special reduced rates. Each and every tune- • ETC. • ETC. 2,00 PANTSFLARE BOTTOM along with yourprints, you'll receive anot/ier roll of color film. Plus extra prints of each photograph, wallet size! • SOLIDS $ • STRIPES 4.YourFordDealercolorfilmofFercansaveyouhundredsofdollarsover \ . > • PLAIDS NONE a lifetime. It's our way of say ing... whether you buy a Ford or not- RIOT • DESIGNS HtGHflt SIZES3 To 18 - NAT. ADV. UP TO 18.00 IF PERFECT5.00 . t«ni4»w^ 4. "t~> we don't love you and leave you. We don't bve you and leave you. MARK-DOWN THIS T SPRING & SUMMER WEEK MEN'S-LADIES-CHILDREN'S DOREMUSFORD • PANTS - TOPS - SHIRTS - BLOUSES - SHIFTS • DRESSES - SETS - SHELLS • PAJAMAS .• BATHING SUITS - SHORTS - ETC. - ETC. 90 MONMOUTH STREET CASHIER WILL DEDUCT SPECIAL GROUP . EXCEPT BLUETAGS RED BANK NO LAYAWAYS OR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED FOR THIS SALE.... OBVIOUSLY - ALL SALES ARE FINAL 8 Ute-fiftlr HejtUUT, fW Hantt-JMflrtwnJS. J.. Tufsky Ha/rh ^3,1971 Doctor of Divinity Degree Given St. Paul's Pastor of Ordained Ministers for the BANK - Marcus Ar- his bachelor of divinity de- He is pastor of St. Paul gree from New Brunswick Baptist Church, here, along Sea Coast Missionary Associ- kite Pierce of New Shrews- ation of N.J., and area coor- • bury, an employe of The Sig- Theological Seminary. with his fort duties. He is .president of the Westside dinator for the Southern nal School, Department of He served in the armed . Leadership Conference. Specialist Training, Commu- Ministerium and Layman forces in both the Korean Council of Red Bank; presi- Dr. Pierce has assigned nications Security Division, Conflict and in Vietnam. Due himself the task of bringing lias received the doctor of dent of the NAACP for the to combat injuries, he was Greater Red Bank and Long about church unity under one divinity degree from More- medically retired from the ministerium administration bous3 College, Atlanta, Ga. Branch areas; chairman of U.S. Army in the grade of the King Observance Com- for the Missionary Baptist It was conferred in recogni- major. His military awards Denomination of Churches on tion of Mr. Pierce's achieve- mittee of Ked Bank and adja- and decorations consist of the cent areas; director of Afro- the Westside of Red Bank. He ments in the fi«ld of civil Silver Star; Bronze Star for lives with his wife, Cordelia, rights and because 6f his ac- American Holding Corpo- Valor with Oak Leaf Cluster;' ration of Asbury Park, and is one son, Andre, and three complishments in the gospel Purple Heart with two Oak daughters, Wanda, Corbi and ministry, to include contribu- a member of Red Bank's Leaf Clusters; Army Com- Project Harmony, Advisory Marcia, in New Shrewsbury. tions in the field of education mendation and war and peace as a general professional Committee on Narcotics and time campaign and occupa- the board of directors for the member of NJEA and NEA tion ribbons. organizations. Interfaith Youth House of And Blue Marches Into Spring Greater Red Bank. Mr. Pierce completed high He has spoken and preach- Red, White and Blue. The classic color combination designed school training at Central ed in more than a dozen col- Academy High School, Pa- leges and seminaries and in He is assistant,,chaplain of to bedazzle. Bursting into spring on a new-shape heel, this latka, Fla. He received the many pulpits. He is the au- the Monmouth County Correc- 11 ..slim silhouette is voted most likely to succeed. A crispy bachelor of arts degree from thor of a published volume, tional Institution and a mem- Kansas State University and "The Young Preacher." ber of the Permanent Council Jook that marches so easily for any occasion. Think ^independently this season ... hail Selby's newest Awards Given E es : in Red, White and Blue! J. S. W£r At County Medical Home Shoe Company ALLENWOOD - Three 20 years receiving pins were Peter Lilfke, Farmingdale, 18 Broad Si. Ked Bank hundred and seventy-seven Mrs. Marie Daniel, food ser- and Eugene Peace, Freehold. years of service were repre- vice supervisor, and Charles The Rev. J.E. McFarland sented by 25 people who re- Feeney, senior cook, both of of the Allenwood Church gave ceived awards here at the Wall Township, and'Eunice the invocation. Geraldine L. Thompson Me- Waters, Farmingdale, senior Instructor for in-service dical Home. food service worker. ' education was Mrs. Lorna Marcus A. Fierce . The awards ceremony was Citations were presented to Zimbicki, who will conduct coupled with an in-service the administrator, Mrs. Edith conrses at both the Thompson education graduation at Anderson, a registered nurse, Home and the John L. Mont- which 17 employes received of Point Pleasant, for 15 gomery Home, Freehold, pins and certificates. years of service, and to which is also operated by the The employe awards and Stanley Hildebrandt and Sum- board. pins were presented by mis Turner of Wall Township, Graduates include Mrs. Charles W. Stephens, chair- 19 years. Mattie Jenkins, Asbury Park; In our hurry to stock up after man of the county Welfare Recognition was given for Mrs. Ellen Allaire, Mrs. Mary Board. The home, licensed .for 1$ years of seivice to Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Inell Jennings the strike, we Chevy dealers the chronically ill, is operated Bernice Finney and Mrs. Ollie and Mrs. Ida Belle McQueen, grabbed every model, every by the board. Admission pref- Moore of Lakewood. Also, Farmingdale; Mrs. Dorothy erence is given to individuals Gordon Gifford of Brick Youngblood, Freehold; Mrs. color we could get. : of low income county resi- Township; George Huestis of Leona €holminski, Jackson; Now the piper must be paid. dents. Wall Township; Mrs. Elaine Mrs. Glennie Overton, La- Dr. George J. McDonnell of Trocchio of Neptune, and kehurst; Mrs. Bernice Fin- We must balance out our off-balance • Freehold, medical director of Mrs. Dorothy Waters of ney, and Mrs. Verda Mae inventory. the home, was honored for 31 Farmingdale. Gill, Lakewood; Mrs. Dou- years'*service. A pin was Others receiving citations kissa Montis and Mrs. Dora In the next 30 days we Chevy dealers of presented to Peter Daniel of were Edward Carrol], Mrs. Tee, Neptune; Mrs. Jeanne this area will sell off every off-balance * Wall Township, head cook, for Martha E. Derres, Mrs. La Penn, Point Pleasant; Mrs. 33 years. Frank Matthews of Verne Kennedy, Thurman Charlotte Wolley, Spring listing in bur stock of over 10,000 cars. , Wall Township, hospital Smith and John Mosher, all of Lake, and Edward Carroll, You could save a fortune. ' maintenance superintendent, Wall Township; Miss Marga- Mrs. Edith Chapman, Mrs, received a pin for 31 years' ret Mantlick, Belford; Allan Marie Daniel, Jerry Griffin, service. Thomson Howell; Mrs. Ver- and Mrs. Alice Van Arsdale, Wall Township. v Employes with more than neda Ippolito, Englishtown; 1/2 price sale! misses' and junior's lingerie Off-balance 5.00-6.00 misses' slips and half-slips 2.50 & 3.00 Your favorite brand name nylon tricot slips and half-slips, all trimmed with lavish lace touch- es. White, fresh pastels. 32-38 short, average. Slips, 3.00. Half slips, 2.50 2.50-6.00 lovely undies for juniors at your ,o3.00 6.00 slips now 3.00 4.00 half-slips ... now 2.00 2.50 bikini panties now 1.25 Chevy dealer Sizes 5 to 13. White and BELMAR MOTORS, 800 FStreet, Belmar • CIRCLE CHEVROLET, 325 Maple Av» , Red6a*' pastels.. G EQRGE CHEVROLET, Roma U.S. No. 9, Freehold • KITSON CHEVROLET Eatontown , MATTHEWS CHEVROLET, South Main St., Farmingdale Lingerie, all stores. TOWNE CHEVROLET, 158 First Ave., Atlantic Highlands MULLER CHEVROLET, Route 34, Matawan • PARK CHEVROLET, ICOt Main St., Asb.Ty Park SURF CHEVROLET, 1506 Richmond Ave , Point Pleasant Beach Steinbach TRENERY BROTHERS, 12 Church St. Koansburg & i WOP • Ubury p»rk • red bmk 10.5:30, wed., 9 • brick town plaza, 10-9, ait. 6:30, lim. noon 10 5:50. County Welfare Rights Group Prepares would cut back large fami- ershlp Conference, and Dr. pay rent. In the Freehold ty welfare rights organization obtained by calling Mrs, Nor- IRS lies," Mrs. Eandolphsald, ad- George A. Wiley, executive area, "some very poor tamt> ana about Die march may be ma Randolph, 48 Avenue A. FREEHOLD - If state leg- ding that the rent allowance director of the National Wel- lies pay $135 for rent," not toe islators' decide to base wel- of |97 falls far below the ac-fare Bights Organization. $97 being proposed, Mrs. Ran- fare payments on flat grants tual rents that welfare clients The coalition group sub- dolph said. instead tf budgeted needs as are forced to pay, which scribes to the1 non-violent ac- The welfare rights group, at present, "A toto f people could run around 5100-120 or tion methods credited to the as part of a coalition of orga- VINCENT'S are going to go hungry," said as high as f 150-175 in Mon- leadership of the late Rev. nizations, win rally April 3 at Mrs. Norma Randolph, Moo- moutb County. Dr. Martin Lother King. 10 a.m. at the Battle Monu- COAT SHOPPE mouth County chairman of Face Eviction Besides opposing the flat ment in Trenton, and then 134 Monmouth Si., Red Bank the National Welfare Bights In recent talks, a group of proceed on a 10-mile inarch Some oars Organization. grant proposal, the county look great at the landlords told welfare lights group is organized to ac- up Rt 205 to the governor's 741-7518 ideeler1*. But gat them out on >d The cpunty group will par- representatives that they quaint welfare recipients of mansion in Princeton. th» street and it's a different story. "* , . . _ , Mr- ticipate April 3 in a Trenton would not reduce the rent, but their rights and to work for The coalition opposes wel- Fortunately for us (and you) the MGB isn't like that. Ths Inklings rally and March on the gover-. would evict welfare clients such benefits as school lunch fare cuts and the governor's -NOWONSAIE- you get about It In the showroom are more than reslized oh tha nor's mansion sponsored by who failed to pay. programs in all schools. rosd proposed flat grant, and is Fringe Suede Jackets And the reason's aren't Hard to find: a1798 cctwln-carb engine, several; organizations to pro- This means welfare Mrs. Randolph said that in committed to "fight igatngt test the.proposed flat grant. raok-and-plnlon steering, raclng-typa suspension, front disc recipients on flat grants Monmouth County, as of hunger, war, and repression leather Jackets & Vests brakes, end a fully-synchronized 4-epaed gearbox. "The flat grant Is in- would have a choice between March 1, there are 11,293 fam- in this state and in this coun- So come on In and take a look at the MGB: You'll like It. And adequate," said Mrs. Ran- hunger and homelessness, ilies on welfare, "of which try." you'll still like It after you take a no-obllgaiion test-drive. And Isn't dolph.. "If it becomes law, Mrs. Randolph said. , 7,223 are receiving aid to de- The coalition includes the Suede Skirts that what buying a sports car Is sll about? there tyill be more malnon- The welfare rights grojip Is pendent children. welfare rights organization, rishmeiit and a greater health Plain Suede Jackets a participant in the national County Conditions N.J. Sane, the United Farm- IATONT0WN—Meniriauth Motors, Rt. 35 crisis than ever existed in this "war, Against Bepresslon", State welfare rights figures workers Organizing Com- state," she added., . declared recently in a joint Indicate that if the flat grant mittee, Friends of Welfare* Specialist in ASIURY PARK—A* O Motors, tt/lain Stn* The|propbi(ld flat grant, statement by Dr. Ralph Da- becomes law, 70 per cent of Rights'and community peace HAZUT—Buhlir fc litter, 1290 Hljhw.y 3S which-would' allow a max- vid Abernathy, president of the ADC families in Essex centers in the state. iMthtr&Suede Cleaning & Repairs imum jnonthly grant of |320, the Southern Christian Lead- Comity would be unable to Information about the coun-
TWJ •• I ' • - ..11 . i\ ' . : j .!.•.•?')• W|ants 18 Mad* SPRING SPORTCOATS Age of Majority For Boys,land Young men WASHINGTON - Rep. would require ratification by James J. Howard, D-N.J., is the states. By Botany expected to offer an amend- A bill giving 18-year-olds ment to the 18-year-old voting the right to vote in national Boys'! Size 8 to 20 bill today that would make 18 elections already has been the age of majority. enacted by Congress. Young Men 36 to 42 The amendment will be to Congressman Howard said the measure sponsored by ho will offer the amendment Doublebreasted or Flap Pocket Single Rep. Emanuel Celler, D-N.Y., Belted Backs chairman of the House Judi- lege of voting should be ac- ciary Committee, that would companied by equal responsi- amend the-Constitution to bility. give 18-year-olds the right to If 18 is made tho age of ma- vote in all elections. That jority, persons that age not measure is expected to come only will be able to sign ale* before the House today. If ap- gal contract, but will be legal- proved by the Congress, it ly responsible for fulfilling it. Auxiliary Formed For Camperships A Completely Male RED BANK - "Give a Kid agencies to take children they a Break - Carapership Needs could not otherwise serve Oriented Your Support." without the program's refer- That's the theme of theral and financial assistance. newly formed auxiliary to Referrals are made by school Clothing Store Community Services Coun- and public health nurses, cil's Campership Program, school and agency social now entering its fifth year of workers and clergymen. \AH operation. funds contributed go into-a The auxiliary will launch a special campership account publicity campaign, hold with Community Services fund-raising events Bvtry year at Ihli time, homeowners nnd winsed inseds tnot suddenlHJJ..IHy flyiiu /ouUiitt anmnad thethann dro ttranp their wlnBS and CTOWI all around. Those little Inseets ere T Intro are still thousands of other termites still »»....» ••• Coordinate heww. causing further destruction to the wood of th» house. Your Sportcoat ARROW THE COST OF REPAIRS FAR EXCEEDS THE With The Right COST OF TREATMENT AND GOES HIGHER CAREER CLUB WITH DELAY! Pants HONORMAN Shirt CALL US FOR A FREE INSPECTION OF YOUR HOME. Tie W. afffalin mhatrtfy U umtf marAOv $pnbll** tvlp—1 — •Uuw l« *>«tutu- and men mmfUuJob. All Right TERMITE CONTROL SYSTEM Fashion Here Colors in RED BANK MAUVJAN Stripes 842-3528 566-0028, Geometries ASBURYPARK fREEHOlD Solids 775-7109 431-0379 IAKEWOOD POINT PLEASANT 364-7440 892-0460 MANASQUAN HOMDEl 223-6161 671^666 ML WORK GUARANTIED FOR 10 YEARS HOLES IN FLOOR. DENTS mi BOY? OUTPmWSSIHCB ISM CRACKEDPAINTANDHOLLOWWOOD AT GARAGE POSTS. DIRTSPOTS APPEARING ON WAUS. BASEBOARD CRUMBLES WHEN TOUCHED. 19 BROAD STREET RED BANK JO tli.l.ll. I..-M.VJ.. lu. -IJ> VlJr.ti ii. l'KI Kircmen PJan (Jiffwood Dance 2 Doctors Named Middletown Lions CUFFWOfJD - Charted Van Claim has been installed To Riverview Staff Giving to Blind as chief o£ Cliff wood Fire Co. BED BANK - The board surgical residency at the Al- tober, directed by Peter Ko- 1. LEONARDO - A check for of governors of Riverview bert Einstein College of Medi- pasz, was the club's most suc- Other line officers are Fred Hospital has appointed Drs. $1,500 will be presented to- cine. Njw York. In his final cessful drive. Stegner, deputy chief; Ken- Aldo Giordano and Donald year, he was chief surgical day to Camp Happiness, neth Wicklund, captain; Rolhman to the associate resident. He has done pulmo- rehabilitation facility for Other Contributions James Burlew Jr., first lieu- staff in the Department of nary and cardiovascular re- blind men, by W. Irwin Besides the Camp Happi- tenant; James Kube, second Surgery. - search as a fellow of the New Hendricks, president of the ness gift, the drive enabled lieutenant; Andrew Decker, Dr. Giordano received his York Tuberculosis and Health Middletown Township Lions the Lions to purchase many chief engineer; John Kenner, medical degree from the Uni- Association. Club. pairs of eye glasses for the in- captain of the Fire Police, versity of Modena in Italy. He Dr. Rothman served as a The check will be presented digent of the township, to con- and Joseph Emm, Fire Police interned and served a four- Marine Corps base surgeon in at the Lions regular meeting tribute to the Delaware Val- lieutenant. year surgical residency at Vietnam, a Navy surgeon at 7 p.m. in The Cobble- ley Eye Bank, to share in the The unit will sponsor a Knickerbocker Hospital, New aboard the USS Sanctuary in stones, Rt. 35. The club has cost of an electronic micro- square dance Saturday from 9 York City. During his final the South China Sea, and as contributed regularly to scope for eye research pur- p.m. to 1 a.m. in the fire- year of residency, he was attending staff surgeon at the • Camp Happiness many years. chased by the Lions Clubs of house. Harold Buttermark is chief surgical resident. Addi- Portsmouth Naval Hospital in The $1,500 gift is being made New Jersey, and to conduct chairman. Tickets are avail- tional residencies in urology Virginia. at this time to assist the eye screening programs for camp's current program of able from any fireman and at and in pathology were served Dr. Rothman is associated pre-schoolers in the township. improvement and expansion. Burlew's store, South Con- at Toronto East General Hos- with Dr. Allen B. Kendall in During 1970 two blind per- course, Cliffwood Beach. pital, Toronto, Canada. o. his offices at 135 Maple Ave. The contribution is one of A dinner marking the com- He has held fellowships in many made possible by the sons regained their vision pany's 43rd anniversary is thorasic surgery at Queens Lion's annual White Cane through the eyes pledged by a ARCHITECT'S RENDERING of the new four-story headquarters office planned lor Saturday, March Hospital Center, New York, Complete Drug drive. Mr. Hendricks said the past president of the Middle- building which First Merchants National Bank will construct soon on a 27. and served as director of the 1970 White Cane Week in Oc- town Club who died last year. four-acre tract at 60 Springdale Ave., Neptune. The new building will con- Peter Vena, one of the com- nurses' training program at Law Program tain more than 30,000 square feet of office space. It has been designed so pany's original members, has Knickerbocker Hospital. SEA GIRT - The 27th class the bank can consolidate its operations in one building. First Merchants, been elected to his seventh He is a member of the at- in a special Drug Law En- which now has its main office at 601 Matrison Ave., Asbury Park, also plans term as fire commissioner for tending staff in the Depart- forcement Training Program to construct three new branch facilities in 1971. District 1. Chaplain Al Gi- ment of Surgery at Kni- for municipal officers, con- lanyi has been named chap- ckerbocker Hospital, Polyclin- ducted at the State Police lain for the Monmouth County ic Hospital, New'York, and Training Center here has Firemen's Organization. French Hospital, New York. been completed, according to FUEL OIL He is a member of the Ameri- Col. David B. Kelly, State Po- can Medical Association, the lice Superintendent. CALLED OFF medical societies of New Jer- Among those successfully TRING, England (AP) •- sey and New York, and the completing the course are This town isn't quite as old as it New York State Society of Belmar Patrolman Dennis figured. Hertfordshire officials Surgeons. Ryan, Middletown Patrolman Fred D. Wikof f Co. whooped up a big celebration for He maintains offices at 4 William Thorne, Spring Lake this-year on the supposition that Breezy Point, Little Silver. Sgt. Kenneth Bailey and Tring was founded in 571. His practice is limited to gen- Capt. Tommy Lowman and 236 MAPLE AVENUE After a look through the eral surgery by referral. Capt. Leonard Sarver, both of books, blushing officials decided Dr. Ronald Rothman was Ft. Monmouth. they may have been a few cen- graduated from the Univer- turies off and called off the sity of Chicago School of Drug Addiction Problem? RED BANK 741-0554 festivities until they can figure Medicine and spent his inter- Call 888-3333-For Help Day or out a new year. nship and a five-year general •Night. ANOTHER MART FURNITURE GALLERIES (Register Staff Photo) 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL - 20% OFF NEW SALON — The American Beauty Salon has opened at 651 Laurel Ave., Hazlet. Co-owners are A/lrs. Carmella Lenzo, left, and Mrs. Arlene Herman. • The look for the 70 s and beyond. Y Schedules Swim Classes Unusual in its sophisticat- Club Plans ed design-with its import- RED BANK - Aquatic di-' girls may also enroll in the ed Arowood veneer fronts rector Sally Stewart an- synchronized swimming Horse Show classes held Thursday eve- and the contrast of wal- nounced that a new series of nut veneer tops and sides. YMCA swim programs will nings, COLTS NECK - Plans begin at the Y on March 29 were finalized by the Mon- Note the rich chrome A. course in skin and scuba hardware and. side trim. and run for 10 weeks. Regis- diving is open to all over 15 mouth. County Trail Riders trations are being accepted who fulfill medical require- for the Open Combination Its very modest price is now at the Y on Maple Ave. ments. Equipment other than English and Western Horse here. masks, snorkels, and fins will Show to be held April 25 at The full program of YMCA be provided. Upon completion Colts Neck Fire House, Kt. youth swim instructions from of the course a participant 537. tadpole to porpoise will again will receive a National YMCA Mrs. Jeanette Seaman, be offered as well as junior certification. Hunterbrook Farm, here, in- Includes 61" lighted and senior lifesaving, begin- For those who are inter- coming president for 1971, China, rectangular table ners and advanced diving, ested in slimming rather than conducted the meeting with and 6 chairs - (4 side - 2 and competitive swimming. swimming, Miss Stewart of- her slate of new officers. arm) and server For adults, co-ed swim fers a class of informal water classed will be held on Mon- exercises on Wednesday New officers of the organi- day and Tuesday evenings. mornings from 10:45 to 11:15. zation are Edward Mundelly Women's swim classes are Oceanport, vice president; scheduled for Monday, Mrs. Vivian Cooke, Rumson, Wednesday, and Friday morn- Lake Erie's eastern basin is secretary, and Harold Ely, ings. Women and teen-age 210 feet deep. ' New Shrewsbury, treasurer. DISCOUNT Records & Tapes , -_ WA BROAD ST.,RED BANK introducing ...a new concept ' $J4 (NEXT TO RED BANK MALL) 0PlfimD &n in contemporary living... 741.4910 - CCNCEOT an elegance that is surprisingly inexpensive CAPITOL SUPER EASTER SPECIAL © 2 RECORD SETS FOR THE CM PRICE OF ONLY 1 RECORD ONLY $2.99 Let It Be/Me For EichTwo Record Sat Mfg. Sugg. Pries *4.98 ONLY FRANK SINATRA FRANK SINATRA $ 3.77 For Each Two Record Sat Mfg. Sugg. Price U.98 Sentimental Journey My One And Only Love An elegant concept for the bedroom TrE8TEVEMHl£RG\Na TttSmTMIIFRfAMl A striking grouping that shows off the vertical ONLY dimensional Arowood veneer fronts, the wal- nut veneer sides and tops plus the chrome lo perfection. This is a room you'll be proud to dream in for all the years to come. $ Includes 72" door triple dresser, 2 mirrors, $599 spacious door chest, paneled headboard 3.77 and 2 night tables For Each Two Racord Sat 1/viicliIV.l.SA 3*\oi[nir;li'li»-. Mfg. Sugg. Price »4.98 411 AVAILABIE IN 81 & CASSETTE AT FANTASTICALLY LOW PRICES ALSO RECORDS BY THE BEACH BOYS, FURNITURE GALEERIES CANNONBALL ADDERLY QUINTET, LOU RAWLS, NANCY WILSON and ALMARTINO ROUTE 35, MlDDLErOWM, N.J. 671 -0400 ROUTE 22, UNION, NJLM-SSM ARE AVAILABLE AT THIS SPECIAL PRICE OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9:30 - SAT. 'TIL 6 USE OUR CONVENIENT CHARGE PLANS- Off Goad 3-23 Thru 3-31 The Drily ftt#rt^B«lWl 11 United Fund to Honor County Firms Next Tuesday dletown National Baal, Kerr RED BANK - The Mon- Glass Manufacturing Corp, 3 nity leaders will be recog- corporate contribution and a said. "Whether it be scooting, Its projected goal for the sec- developing the Loaned Execn-: mdel, and IBM, Shrewsbury. M Company, Merck k Co., mouth County Unled Fund nized for their efforts on be- N.J. Bell Telephone, N.J. will honor 29 firms at its an- pledge for payroll deductions nursing services, Bed Cross, ond consecutive year, Mr. ifives Committee, a group' The other firms are Air half of the Fund. Election of from the employes. USO, or one of the other fine Ambler said. which organized employe Cruisers Co., Bamberger's Natural Gas Company, Pru- nual meeting Tuesday in a new board of directors is dential-Deal, Prudential- Rod's Shadowbrook, Shrews- Twenty-seven voluntary, organizations, in some way Mr. Ploeger and four other . campaigns in the county. ftew Jersey Bell Telephone also on the agenda. agencies in the fields of we are all affected." area chairmen will receive Ed Moran, community rela- Labs, Bennett Industries, Matawan, The Daily Regis- bury. This year's total of more ter, Sears Roebuck-Neptune, Awards will be presented health, recreation and char- The annual meeting-dinner awards. They are Vincent T. tions director of Bel Tele- Brockway GlassCo,,Buck En- than $300,000 is an all-time acter building are the benefi- has as chairman Harry Ploe- Hirsch, Asbury Park; E.A. phone laboratories, will be gineering Co., Central Jersey Sears Roebuck-Middletown. {or employes' fund -raising ef- high, according to Edwin M. ciaries. Standard Keil Hardware, forts. ger, manager of Sears, Mid- Hannah, Freehold; Emil 01- master of ceremonies. Bank, Combined Federal Ambler, Fund president. The "These agencies touch ev- dletown, who was campaign sen, Wall Township and Rob- Two newcomers to the Campaign, Electronic Associ- Steinbach-Asbury Park, Stein- In addition, 53 firms will be campaign cmcentrates on bach-Red Bank, United Way; commended for their corpo- ery citizen of Moomonth chairman for the Bayshore ert Tttrney, Bed Bank. Fund are among the firms ates, First Merchants Nation- larger business and industry, County, regardless of age or Area. Under bis leadership, of America and Western Elec-i rate gifts and many commu- John Holcombe of New Jer- being honored. These are al Bank, Jersey Central Pow- trie. Mr. Ambler said, seeking a income level," Mr. Ambler this area more than doubled sey Bell will be honored for Lily-Tulip Corporation, Hol- er and Light, Keansburg-Mid- AAVWSchedules Discussion On Legalization of Marijuana COLLECTS RAVE RED BANK - "Should the Tower Hill Presbyterian Northern Monmouth County Marijuana Be Legalized?" is Church, Harding Road. Branch of the American Asso- the topic of a panel discussion The program, sponsored by ciation of University Women, OF REDBANK scheduled Monday, April 6, in the Drug Study Group of the will follow a brief business 24 BROAD ST. NOTICES with f'f. ': St fa. '• •'"' •'••" meeting beginning at 8 p.m. The meeting is open to the public. The panel members, each of whom has had direct con- tact with drug users, are Dr. smartness Charles Ruhrs, New York's a. INDIAN POW Odyssey House; Robert An- Stage "T interprets fash- sell, Asbury Park attorney ion's new favorites — the and newly elected chairman Indian look. Flamestrtched begins here of the Monmouth County Nar- vest is long "29" over cotics Council; the Rev Alan matching solid pants and Brett, founder of Teen Out- solid turtleneck 50. reacb rehabilitation center in Long Branch, and Jack No- lan, principal of the Holmdel Intermediate School. The participants present brief opening state- ments, to be followed by di& Robert Ansell cussion. Written questions shesaidNv..! from the audience will be ac- The drag study was began cepted before and during the by AAUW in 1969 with its first program. goal the education of group Although the program will members through devel- begin with a discussion oi opment of a comprehensive marijuana, "it is anticipated reading list. Now under way. that the discussion will go on is a survey of the methods of to include other drugs," ac- instruction about drugs in the cording to Dr. Sandra Wol- Monmouth County schools. man, chairman of the Drug Dr. Wolman, chairman of Study Group. tie group and a resident of "We definitely urge high Kumson, teaches genetics at .school students and their par- New York University Medical .ents to attend this meeting," School. PetitionersOppose Override of Veto MARLBORO - More than ordinance from all parts of 1,000 residents have signed the township.. petitions protesting the con- "I hope that the council demnation of the Traphagen will listen to the voice of the property for use as a munici- people who want to have the pal-civic center. mayor's veto sustained," he According to Robert E. said. .French, chairman of the ad Mr. French expressed his get the hoc committee collecting the fear that Judge.Elrin B. Sim- petitions, the results came af- mill will "get mad" because ter a weekend of door ringing • the property, which is cur- total look through the community. rently under litigation in Su- The aim of the petitions is perior Court, could be con- for spring to pressure the Township demned before the suit is set- Council not to override Mayor tled. Morton SaHtind's veto of an "This is another reason ordinance the council adopted why council should not take, c RIGHT ON THE BUTTON last week allowing it to con- this hastily, fll-conceivedac - tion," Mr. French empha- Classic -jacket up-dated ABBEY demn 20 acres at toe south- with double row, button MEN'S SHOP west corner of Rt. 520 and sized. Wyncrest Road for use as the The chairman saifl that the trim and belted back, plus 62 Broad St., Red Bank solid-color pants w,ith a tur- municipal center. petitions would be presented b. VERSATILE TRIO Open Wed. and Fri. Mr. French said that "tre- to council at its meeting. tleneck-^-it's Stage "7" 's Nights 'til 9 P.M. great tailored trio. 50. Dress it up as three pieces .or for mendous anger has been ex- Thursday at 8 p.m., in the casual wearing — the belted jewel neck hibited at the condemnation Central School. shell and matching skirt - 40. 5 RESIDENTIAL HOME SITES to display Our New Advanced 1971
Giant 36'xl9' Outside Dimemions Knits 3O'xI5' Swim Area make the fashion scene»• Fashion right, color bright knits in a brand new collection for Springtime! Knits arc an important addition to your wardrobe... featuring body moving comfort easy care and go anywhere practicality. See our array of new textures and patterns in«pring pastels and fashion colors. All are style-right and priced right, lo take you New designs and innovations help you enjoy your from Easter into Summer. all aluminum pool. >r • 2 Massive Storage Area*, • Automatic Filtration and In-Wall Hydro-Skimmer System • Aluminum Safety Fence and Lock-Up Safely Ladder • Large Patio WHY WE MAKE THIS LIMITED OFFER • Heavy Duty Registered W. tiira Jmt knit appoints in ..tltlilw dutir In this mi lor Iht n.» Vinyl Liner •dvincid ixlmmlni (Ml Hid U acquaint nton pupil wilh Ibi •icillmu «f Ihli product, m off.r Willie mlnn In • Hmilid numbir ol homiow.iui lor CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE tru pu'poM ol ntlt[UM«| utlltlri cuitamin. Call or mill coupon for Frt« Shop. Atllome MIVIM.
SflKUN* A»U(.I»IC3 RBRJ/11 r master charge i 747 No. Broad St.. Elizabeth, N.J. 07708 PleoMt have your representative call I understand Ihere li no obligation Fashion Knitwear for Discriminating Women 353-3939 44 Apple St., New ShrewsLury (Next to Red Bank Airport) 12 HwDwl* , H«l Bank• V|i.MJ,-Ujwn,.N. J., Tuesday March 23,1971 Hall Promotion For Korchin as executive training direc- Temple Schedules NEW YPR.K - Howard P. tor, as well as heading the Korchin, executive training new division encompassing all director of Robert Hall Clothes, has been appointed phases of home office, factory vice president in charge of a and store personnel. New Big Free Festival of Arts new Department for Person- Mr. Korchin joined the clothing chain 20 years ago, NEW SHREWSBURY - and Monroe Edelstein, Don- ship of Mrs. Robert Luehman. nel and Organizational Plan- Monmouth Festival of The ning1. and has served in various ex- ald M. Keith. This is scheduled for each ecutive capacities. Arts, sponsored by Monmouth Several artists and crafts- day of the show. Mr. Korchin will continue The Europe Book Reform Temple, 332 Hance men will be seen at work and Ave., will open May 15 with a a children's workshop is in addition to the art exhib- RONALD E. GRUBER From American Express, preview for sponsors and pa- planned for the Sunday after- it, special evening events will trons, artists and guests at noon, May 16. be Sunday, May 16, Mon- The World's Biggest Travel Company the Temple. An exhibit, the Art of Flo- mouth "Pops," Tuesday, May It will be open to the public wer Arranging, will be coordi- 18, Monmouth "Classics" and from May 16 to May 20. nated by the Shrewsbury Gar- Wednesday, May 19, "The Art Among the participating den Club under the chairman- of Film Making." artists are Sally Asa, Yvonne Aubert, Helen Bachner, Step- hen Bagnell, Fonanda Biemil- Named as Bell Executive Aide ler, Lois Blonder, Edwina HOLMDEL - James M. held various positions in fi- Brown, Ruth Campell, Anne Irvine F. Dowd Caffrey, of 157 Skyline Drivet nance, personnel, and service Cantor, Ruth Caruso, Bar- Millington, formerly of Den- operations. In June, 1969, he bara Cocker, Norman Colson, was transferred to Denver as Ida Libby Dengrove, John ver, Colo., has been promoted Name Dowd to executive assistant at Bell a supervisor in the service op- Ebner, Virginia Hammond, : Laboratories, here. In his erations department. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANNING* OpTION 65 Diane Harad, Betty Hart, Jo- BUSINESS LIFE INSURANCE • ESTAT&PLANNING Manager seph Hindly, Susan Kahn, Sig- new position, Mr. Caffrey will mund Koslo, Pat Lafferty, coordinate administrative ac- He is a native of New Jer- Of Division Rondi J. Layne, Evelyn Lea- tivities for the network plan- sey and received his B.S. de- 250 Broadway MS vens, Frances Mcllvaine, ning division. gree in business from Fair- New York; N.Y. 10007 HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, 1 Kenneth Nutchell, Frances Mr. Caffrey joined Bell leigh Dickinson University in . 212-732-866161? Ohio — Irvine F. Dowd has Laboratories in 1965 and has 1967. been named sales manager- Nagle, Jean Watson Parmly, Sent) me the 212 page full color Europe New York territory, by the Marder Reed, Marjorie Reid, book, with travel tipt and featuring 71 itin- Numerical Control Division of Emily Richardson, Alice eraries with 3,000 departures Allen-Bradley Company. Sand, Warren Salter, Susan Sensemann, George Shelly, He will be in charge of Leona Sliva, Winni Smart, sales in New York City, Long Durell E. Smith, Kay Turner, Island, New Jersey and west- 3 Ruth Van Syckle, Dorothy I—BYRNE TRAVEL SERVICE— ern Connecticut. Warden, Donald' Willet, Mrs. I 144 BROAD ST.; RED BANK 741-508O Mr. Dowd has been with Al- Addy Bogdonoff, Charles C. len Bradley since 1943 and Burke, Nick Carvino, Thos. IIIMSB tend me your free book on Europe had served as assistant dis- Carlock, Roselle Coven, Edith trict manager. He is a gradu- Kroll, Dorothy Olson, Sandra lNam» _ ate of the University of To- Scully, Jan Voytko, Ellen ledo and is active in the PRAIRIE PANTASTICS! I Address . Demko, Christel Engelbrecht, Aid fantastic, loo, In the Shrewsbury Yacht Club. He is Sheila Haskins Soebel, Clara oovy ways she Ilkps best. City State .Zip also a member of the Numer- ants with Jackets, tunics, 1 Gee Stamaty, Merri Vetrano, DRESSES sleeveless vests % and Inevita- Phone _ bly... overalls. _ RPR 3/23 ical Control Society and the Donald Voorhees, Peg Boots, Essex Electrical League. Jim Gary, Herman Holzman, I His division produces nu- Robert C. LaMarche, Douglas merical control systems for Mcllvaine, Jack Rindner, the machine tool, electronics, Joan Rindner, Hay Suchman- REPRESENTATIVE plastics, textiles and wood- working markets. Mr. Dowd and his wife, who have five children, live on Phalanx Road, Colts Neck, VFW Cites N.J. Fireman ASBURY PARK - Carmen Residence J. Cappezzeli of Harold Daley Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, announced that fire- In Kennel man Alfred Slinger; 1218 Fifth Ave., has been selected as the Gets Okay fourth person in the country' •to receive the Veterans of NEW SHREWSBURY - Foreign Wars' new Fire Subject to County approval Fighter Certificate of Appre- the Planning Board has au- ciation. thorized an application by K. The award is based on out- Granderson, to build an ani- standing performance of duty mal boarding and grooming and contributions to the com- kennel containing living quar- munity. ters for himself. Mr. Slinger is being cited A permit has been sought for what Fire Chief Michael since June 15, 1970. Borough DeSarno calls, "consistently Council has favored the vari- exceptional work while fight- ance recommended by the ing fires. He always has ris- Board of Adjustment last Sep- ked his life to save another tember. Awaited is the coun- life." ty's site plan approval. Mr. Slinger, assisted by two The planners here ap- other firemen, rescued three Fresh from the prairie proved the installation of an small children from their and the country-side, anhydrous ammonia storage smoke:filled apartment just these day-or-night tank, adjacent to the building before flames swept through blooming beauties are of Metallurgical International their bedroom during a blaze Inc., of Mid-Monmouth Indus- flounced, printed, ready Unl*Card and , • in February, 1967. for fun. «»«» Click Plaza trial Park, carried forward One goal of tiie.VFW pro- pin9C since the board's February gram is to obtain public sup- ^ r r; meeting, pending submission port for firemen and police- of drawings showing the change in the site plan. Also approved was an ap- plication by Dr. Thomas V., - Sollas Jr., of Gilbert St. for construction of a pet boarding facility. Action on this was delayed in February pending submission of drawings com- plying with ordinance require- ments, and the board's.rec- GUM'S GOING TO MAKE A ommendations on traffic flow and parking. • " • Seaport Museum BEAUTIFUL BRIDE IN B80. Talk Scheduled BELMAR - Peter Stan- ford, president of the South Gimr/s only eight now and strictly "anti- Street Seaport Museum on the East River in lower Manhat- "boy." But it won't be all that long "before some Bachelor's Holiday: Take it easy tan, will speak next Monday special boy steals her heart and she'll want (oh, at the annual kickoff dinner in HS&M's lighthearted of the Deserted Village at Al- so very much!) the perfect wedding of her laire Corp. Racquet Club The meeting is scheduled dreams. ' for 6 p.m. at the Barclay Ho-' She'll have it, too-thanks to a regular Viracle Suit tel, 112 Fifth Ave. Four years ago, South . savings program her parents started today. Street Seaport was but an This seasoned traveler keeps a bachelor- idea that caught Mr.,Stan- Saving for something special-a child's or any man-looking his best whether he's ford's fancy. As a sailing en- thusiast, he became so inter- future, your dream home-isn't easy these days. off to the office or a vacation at a luxury re- ested in the project that he sort such as Nassau's famed Emerald Beach now devotes full time to it. But it can be done.
In 1967, a five-block area J Hotel. Hart Schaffrier & Marx tailors the We make it a little easier by offering " Vi !r"r •• around South and Fulton Sts. Racquet Club suit to dress you up to any was officially designated by a variety of savings plans for everyone's special occasion and the Viracle blend of 55% Da- the state legislature as the New York State Maritime needs. cron® polyester and 45% wool keeps you Museum. coolly "in press." Soft-shoulder two-button Restoration of early build- ings in the section, once the styling with shaped waist and deep center key port area of the city, is A FULL , vent. In your choice of spring being carried out as an urban SERVICE! MONMOUTH COUNTY NATIONAL RANK colors and patterns. $125.00 renewal project. At the same BANK time, sailing- ships and other The bank that looks out (or you historic vessels are being ac- MEMBER F.D.I.C. quired to serve as floating museums tied at the port's piers. Members of the dinner committee are Mrs. Alvin Beck, Brick Township, and MEN'S SHOP John G. Haulcnbeek Jr., Spring Lake. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Beck, 420 Laurel Brook Drive, Brick Town. BROAD & MECHANIC STREETS, RED BANK Thermal wells in New Zealand provide steam to make pulp at a paper mill, heat greenhouses on SHOP WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. farms, kiln-dry lumber, mold plastics and steam-clean cars. Middletown Model ShipBuilder Is Cautious By MAKliOr SMITH who suggested that to coil the lines (linen thread) In a partitioned three-dozen egg box, he sepa- MIDDLETOWN - When Joe and Gladys Baart on the deck. I first wind them on the sticky side of rates according to size and shape, the 800 blocks he tune in a late, late rerun of Capt. Horatio Horn- masking tape. Then, by applying glue to the exposed has carved fp,r the.rigging. He finished that part of blower's adventures, it's not to watch the plot un- side, I could turn it dowr- upon the deck, let it dry, the project in Middletown. Some are so miniscule fold. and remove the tape. It saved hours of time." The that dropping them on the floor means they're- gone They're running critical eyes over the planking resulting flat coil measures about "4 inch in diame- forever Gladys has a constant fear of sweeping of the ship's hull and the angle of her booms, and ter them up in the vacuum taking some satisfaction in finding authenticity lack- Library Combined The minute detail of the Sutherland and the ing Blueprints for Joe's model came from England, perfection with which it is accomplished are diffi- The Baarts have their own man o' war derived from the draughts of the British Admiralty cult to comprehend, even after taking a long, care- The H.M.S. /Sutherland lies at anchor in the but they weren't sufficiently detailed or complete. ful look In order to thread the rope stanchions that basement of 30 Tyndall Road, her 80 brass guns glis- While constructing the Sutherland, he has compiled rim the top deck. Joe used a jeweler's torch, solder- tening in the reflected light of a glassy sea. She a library of texts on shipbuilding and allied arts. He ing with silver to make needle-sized eyes to accom- churns a wooden wake and casts a graceful shadow has become an expert on nautical history and the fi- modate the linen 'rope The brass cannon were upon the nearby workbench from whence she ner points of full-scale shipbuilding. sprang turned to perfection on a 30-year-old lathe and the After he returns to Canada this month, Joe vvil) deck-top cooking stove nas tiny clamps to hold down Three-Foot Model tackle the rigging As an aid, he has acquired a its pot lids, if the ship should roll The rhree-foot-iong model will make ship- manual printed in 1794 for the instruction of mates Wood Is Natural ouilding history in the small dedicated world of ship of the British Navy Joe's "copy" of the book is a Joe nas machined the bell of brass and carved model connoisseurs v 300-page pile ol material he fteroxed from a reprint She is scaled to one-sixtieth of net early i80(t's of the original work borrowed from the Defense De- the figurehead of wood. It is the only place where counterpart and nas Deen built with $32 worth of partment library of Ottawa paint was used. Everywhere else, contrasting vari- materials,mfl ioe Baart's Dutch determination She eties or wood provide the color Plans called for the Eleven square-rigged sails plus two jibs and top rim of the deck to be painted black Knowing is insured for the price ol a nousa with the ngging mizzen sail will be mounted on the Sutherland's and sheets yet to be hoisted thai sooner or later it would chip or crack Joe three masts Most ol them will lie furled on the carved his of ebony /OK is a perfectionist He nas insisted on con spars to allow a good mevi of the deck detail strutting every one oi the ship s 23,000 (so (ar) Ideally Joa says, the sail material should be about Serifed lettering for the ebony name-plate parts Dy hand from scratch That nas meant cut 1,500 threads to the inch to maintain scale, and the mounted on the stern is cut from brass without ting and inserting more than 4,000 rivets of tele- stitching will have to be some 240 to the inch He magnifying aids phone wire into individually handcarved null and tiasn't figured out how to achieve that yet. and is Was he ever tempted to cm corners and make deck planks It has meant building gun, mounts and open to suggestions 'It mustn't be silk or cotton, shift? No, Joe Baart's ship holds no compromises furniture for lowei decks that later became per foi they will rot in aooui id to ai years, so it will 'When things were going too well, I quit for a tnanently built upon so that most of that loving la probably be fine linen or a synthetic cloth,' ne says, while," he says, "for working fast leads to mistak- Dor is shielded (and always will be) from human with no intention ol compromising on quality or es ' '"' •• view -That's where I perfected my techniques,' scale Has No Doubt the craftsman says. ltopt Emulated There are no mistakes So realistic is the Suth- View Illuminated To emulate the rope lines to scale, Joe will erland that when the Baarts toured Admiral Nel- Vou can get an inkling of what's inside bj put- build his own miniature rope walk and create one son's 'Victory'' m Portsmouth, England, in 1969, ting your eyeball up close to the window panes Gladys exclaimed, 'Joe, it's just like walking on sixtieth replicas of lines that would have diameters 1 made of microscope cover glass, shellacked to a yel- of from five inches to three-tenths of an inch in real your boat ' That's when he started to know that the lowish tint Tha new is illuminated belowdecks by a life, tha latter for the signal flag line realistic perfection he's seeking was taking shape. system of tiny electric bulbs The only item on tht Sutherland not built by He has no doubt that in water the Sutherland would Joe nas put in more than 6,000 nours on (us ship loes hands is the chain. "They're very difficult, float over the, past eight years, sometimes taking breaks you know and no stronger than the weakest link.' When sne > finished the .Sutherland will be 4s long as a /ear for othei projects like building There aro 9,300 pieces of wood in the ship so far mounted in a glas> showcase designed and built by most of the furniture in m& nouse* The Mallard proj 12,000 at metal and 1,700 of other materials such as Joe and illuminated indirectly from top and bttom. eci engmeei who will soon return to Canada calls glass, paper and rubber Joe has kept meticulous He nas no intention of parting with her, but will •vorKirig with fine things a different art front ordi records probably agree to let tier be displayed in museums, nar> woodworking He Borrowed sonw techniques ffitn » loving understanding ot wood, Joe na& under propei circumstances from nis professional field of electronics out in otli employed oak, cherry walnut, mahogany, butternut, Somehow as. you view the intricacies ot the 4egisfet stor* «noio» er cases he had co invent ways to achieve the ends sycamore holly and ebony, all seasoned old' pieces Sutherland and start to comprehend the time and CLOSEUP - Ste'" aetan ot trie Sutherland. Joseph Baart s modei square ne *an^ea dedication that went into tier making, you know her i that will never warp, including part of a 70-year-old rigger shows miaia insignia of ii separate pieces of wood oveo"«r" jvmdow•"""'"••'s One ot ttie oesi ideas came from mv sister reeo organ he rebuilt himself builder always wanted to to to sea handcarved fanc'wofit ana window panes of cut-down
MODEL FRIEND — Mrs. George L. Flem- ing, in whose River Hadassah Plaza home Miss Young is staying, models a Donor skirt designed by her longtime friend. Dinners SOMERVTLLE - The Far Hills Inn, here, win be the CUTUP- Miss Mary Young of Nantucket, Mass, at workTnVhe" Tea setting for two consecutive Taster's, Fair Haven. spring donor dinners given by the Southern New Jersey Re- gion of Hadassah Wednesday and Thursday at 6:30 p.m., AAUW Slates Dance preceded by a cocktail hour. MIDDLETOWN - Mem- Jack Mazzaroppi and his Mrs. Gary Kaplan, Red Bank, Kasruth will be under the su- bers and friends of the North- band. Proceeding the dinner and Mr. and Mrs. James Oos- pervision of Rabbi Isaac Was- ern Monmouth County Branch dance, champagne cocktail terhous, Belford. serman of SomervDle. of the American Association parties will be held in the The dance committee in- The choir of Congregation- of University Women will at- homes of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- cludes Mrs. Walter W. Smith, B'nai Israel; Rumson, under tend the annual 'dinner dance uel Abate, Atlantic High- Middletown, chairman;.Mrs. the direction of Leonard to be held Saturday at 9 p.m. lands; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robert Patton, reservations Schlosberg, New Shrewsbury here in the Mirror Boom of Atwood, Lincroft; Mr. and and Mrs. Robert Bruno, deco- will entertain both nights. the Cobblestones, Kt. 35. Mrs. Larry GDboy, Holmdel; rations; both of Middletown; William Shoppell, Spring Mr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Hon- The event, titled "Spring Mrs. Edmund Gaunt Jr., Red Lake Heights, will be guest nold, Middletown; Mr. and Reflections," will feature Bank, cocktail parties; Mrs. soloist. Janette Lapin and R. Allen Bruce, Middletown; Shirley Simels will also be' Mrs. Francis Enlncr, River featured. Plaza, and Mrs. Kent Mina, FITTING — AAFss Mary Speakers for both evenings Colts Neck. Young ad|usts hemline are past presidents of Nation- Information and reserva- of design created for al Hadassah. Mrs. Samuel It's A Date tions may be obtained from Mrs. George L. Flem- Halprin, New York, will Mrs. Robert Patton, 86 ing. speak Wednesday and Mrs. Cherry Tree Farm Road. Charlotte Jacobson, also of MUSIC PROGRAM TRASH AND TREASURE New York is the Thursday SHREWSBURY - Murray LEONARDO - A Trash * U?3*-~. 1 * * * night speaker. Mrs. Jacobson Glass, director of the Lake- and Treasure sale of the is now national chairman of wood Symphony Orchestra Leonardo First Aid Squad ' the Hadassah Medical Organi- and of the Conservatory of Ladies Auxiliary is set for zation Committee. Performing Arts, Lakewood, Thursday and Friday from 10 Chapters attending the will conduct the fourth a.m. to 4 p.m. here in the Mother of Eight Steers PTA Thursday dinner include Eng- through eighth grade orches- First Aid Building, Viola Ave. By FLORENCE BRUDER lishtown, Freehold, Long Msgr. Emmett A Monahan. "But her home and family They also are grandparents tra of the Shrewsbury School, Refreshments win be served. RED BANK - With a deft Thrnngh the years, she's Branch, Madison Township, pastor of St. James Church- always come first," says hus- twice over. . Broad St, Wednesday at 8:15 PROGRAM SPEAKER touch. Florence (Mrs. Adam been active in the Holy Cross Matawan, Red Bank and the which administers the high- band Adam, owner of Adams But it's not a Juggling act p.m. in the school's Fern RED BANK - Mrs. Judy A.) Kretowicz of Rumson, is PTA, Brownies and Cubs, tie Shore Area.. Ross Auditorium. school, recently publicy con- Real Estate, New Shrewsbury for Florence Kretowicz. She's Dispensiere, supervisor of the steering the Red Bank Catho- heart and cancer drives. Theme for this 12th' annual gratulated Mrs. Kretowicz on and Rumson. "Eight children organized and clear in her Electroencepholography De- lic High School PTA into vast spring donor is "Hadassah her achievements as presi- keep you hopping.especially , thinking, direct 'in her line of A native of Essex Falls, partment at Riverview Hospi- new channels of accom- Opens Doors." Mrs. Arthur Secretaries dent. our seven-year-old twins." action. Vt, she's a convert to Cathol- tal, will discuss her hospital plishment. icism.' She received her reli- Mazur, Woodbridge, is gener- Plan Show work at a meeting of the Eve- Now in her second .year as gious education at the Mission al chairman, Mrs. Delbert POINT PLEASANT - The ning Auxiliary to Riverview president, Mrs. Kretowicz, of Capistrano, Calif. Mammen, Fair Haven, is re- Kings Grant Inn will be the Hospital Thursday at 8:30 armed with vigor and person- gion president setting here Saturday at noon p.m. in the board room of the ality, leads the organization The combination of Yankee For information or reserva- for the annual luncheon and hospital. here while mothering a brood know-how, human compassion tions members are asked to fashion show given by the DEMONSTRATION of eight at home. and innate charm produces a contact their local chapter's Monmouth-Ocean County LEONARDO - Mrs. Flor- "No one should undertake unique lady. donor chairman or president. Chapter of the National Sec- ence Redondo, a member of an office or chairmanship un- less he has the time.and retaries Association (Inter- the Ladies Auxiliary of Bre- 1 national). , vent Park Fire Company, will energy to do the job.right,' present a products demon- Mrs. Kretowicz theorizes. A collection from the Sea She's an example of her own STItETCH-YOUR- stration at its meeting Air Shop, Spring Lake philosophy. Heights, will be" shown and Thursday at 8 p.m. in the fire- Mrs. Allison Fisher will be house, Brevent Park and Cen- Regarding the PTA, volun- the commentator. ter Ave. teer members, during her DOLLARS-SALE term, have produced the in- Mrs. Helen Quinn, Brick CARD PARTY novative book, "Program of Township, is chairman of the LINCROFT - The Ladies Courses." event, proceeds of which will Auxiliary of the Lincroft Fire It's a delineation of work AT SINGER! go to the NSA scholarship Company will have a card fund. part Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. offered at the school and de- Models will include profes- in the firehouse. signed as a liaison instrument sionals and club members. TAYSACHS EVENT between family and. school. Secretaries modeling will in- FREEHOLD - The New Another completed effort js clude Miss Sharon Walsh, Jersey Chapter of Tay-Sachs the organization of Teachers' Keyport, Miss Cathy Peck, and Allied Diseases will hold Aides, which Mrs. Kretowicz chaired. Wanamassa, and Mrs. Ann its 'annual card party tomor- Class Aides Cokelet, Lincroft. Also mod- row at 8:30 p.m. in the Trot- eling will be Miss Linda G. ters and Pacers Diner, Rt. 9. She's gotten 70 mothers to Larkin, winner of the NSA Mrs. Jerry Freilich and Mrs. function in the classrooms as scholarship. Bernard Isaacson are in aides and the program is re- garded as one of the most charge of tickets. Refresh- successful in the state. Bene- ments will be served. Register Staff Ptiola Fashion Show , ficiaries are three-fold: the WORKING WOMEN — Set by Club ' student, the teacher, the Mrs. Adam A. Kretow- Auxiliary mother. SHREWSBURY - The 13th Slates Events . icr, left, of Rumson, annual luncheon and fashion "It's her example," says president of the Red show given by the Woman's UNION BEACH. - The one. "She works so tirelessly Bank Catholic High Club of Raritan will take •American Legion Post Ladies and pleasantly that you just School PTA, admires place Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Auxiliary will meet Thursday naturally follow." new book, "Program of in Rod's Shadowbrook. A col- at 8 p.m. in the post home, Another noted her knack Courses," put out by for Special Occasions lection from the Belmar Front St. for picking the right person members at a saving of Fashion Corner will be Donations of food are being. for the right job: chairmen of $2,000. Mrs. Albert Ko- shown. sought for Saturday's benefit the annual luncheon-fashion larsick of Shrewsbury, show, the formal fall Committee chairmen in- dance for fire victims here center, was chairman of and in Hazlet, dance-all the sundry fun- project and Mrs. Martin clude Mrs. James Blaney and draising and morale-building A card party is planned for Carroll of Red Bank, whan that very spaded occasion Is Mrs. George Theiss, tickets, activities of a FTA-heap suc- table reservations, Mrs. Jack Thursday, April 1, at 8 p.m. in was artist who designed due... do what smart shoppers the post home. Chairmen are cess upon success under her Wood, Mrs. George Coburn, guidance. cover. have been doing for years... luncheon and Mrs. Theodore Mrs. Doris Cameron, Mrs. Koller, prizes. Betty Dierks and Mrs. Vola see our huge collection of floor Also on the committee are Dorr. length gowns or our very special Mrs. James Keating, Mrs. short cocktail dresses and coat WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ensembles... SINGER EXCLUSIVE James Hewitt, Mrs. Andrew LITTLE SILVER - Mr. Smith, Mrs. Erik Rosengren and Mrs. Harry Nielsen, 406 (Wo will go to any length to put '] STEREO ALBUM Sr., Mrs Erik Rosengren Jr., Prospect Ave., celebrated your best foot forward.) Mrs. Harold Rosengren and their 27th wedding anniver- BURT BACHARACH Mrs. Robert Tremaine. sary March 8. RANNEY SCHOOL K Grades K-l-Rumson TheSrogerltpJ^CreditPlanhelpsyouhave TOWNSEND this vacuum now-withtn your budget. MINIATURE POODLES Red Bank^Hga Brtad Street Grades 2-12-New Shrewsbury Eatontoyfrn -/Wonrnoilth Shopping Center STUD SERVICE - Silver Miniature Poodle Pic- 35 Broad SL, Rod Bonk tured here. Proven reliable and outgoing. Others Daily 10.00-5 JO available. Fees and Pedigree upon request. New Jersey Slate amedited INGER GROOMING* PUPPIES New Shrewsbury 542-2554 TlicDaUy ttrpUlrr.Rfd Baak-MiikUrtuwruN. J.Turidav March 23, 1971 15
Engagements Are Announced COLORS! STRIPES! FLORALS! Kinney-Roberts •3- NUTLEY - Mr. and Mrs. gree in elementary education from Trenton State College, WINDOW SHADES Raymond A. Roberts of this place and Normandy Beach., where he was a member of announced the engagement of Theta Nu Sigma fraternity. their daughter, Miss Gail Les- He served three years in the ley Roberts, to Richard Bauer Navy and teaches sixth grade Kinney, at a party in their in the Village School, Middle- Nutley home. town. Mr. Kinney is the son of The couple plan to be mar- William Kinney Jr., 2 West- ried next year. wood Road, Little Silver, and Miss Taylor Miss Lynch Miss Roberts of Mantoloking. His mother MIssGuarino Miss Rogers was the late Mrs. Catherine Fletcher-Taylor Bauer Kinney. Myers-Guarino Miss Roberts was gradu- RED BANK - Announce- pital School of Practical ARMONK, N. Y. - The. en- Doric Cotillion in the Metro- ated from Nutley High School ment is made by Mr. and Nursing, Summit. She is at- gagement of Miss E. Gaye politan Club, New York. She and is a junior at Trenton Mns. Thomas Guarino, 34 St. tending the County College of Taylor to Thomas David Flet- was graduated from the State College, majoring in Nicholas Place, of the ,en- Morris-and is employed in the cher, son of Dr. and Mrs. Emma Willard School for special education for men- . gagement of their daughter, Extended Care Unit of Over- John E. Fletcher, Carlisle, Girls in Troy, and from Mt tally retarded. She is a mem- Miss Susan Ellen Guarino, to look Hospital. Pa. is announced by her par- Vernon Junior College, Wash- ber of Gamma Sigma sorori- Countenay F Myers, son of ents, Mr. and Mrs. William ington, D. C, where she is ty. -\ Drab windows? liven up your windows, and your rooms, with bright, lively James Taylor of Armonk and TEENAGE GIRLS: window shades. Coordinate them with your drapes or curtains. Come, see Mr. and Mrs. Richard W Mr. Myers is an alumnus or. employed by Bliss Travel Her fiance was awarded a Paget, formerly of Little Sil- the many interesting patterns and colors that we have in stock for your ap- Myers of Chatham. Chatham High School and is Agency. BA degree and master's de- WIN A TRIP* The bride-elect was gradu- employed as a lineman for ver, N. J. Thp couple plan to Mr. Fletcher is an alumnus proval. Up to 72" wide with or without fringe. ated from Red Bank High Jersey Central Power and be married Sept. 11. of Carlisle High School, Wes- TO NEW YORK! School and the Overlook Hos- Light Company, Chatham. ley Junior College in Dover, Lyons-Benkert ENTER WARDS 49 ON YOUR Del., and American Univer- The bride-elect, grand- BASKING RIDGE - Mr. SPRING SEWING ROLLERS daughter of the late Mrs. sity, Washington, D. C. He from 1 and Mrs. Richard Benkert, of Humphries-Penas Myrtle Clapp of Little Silver, was a member of Phi Sigma BONANZA this place, announce the en- CHARM ITI LINCROFT - The engage- Hopkinsvile, Ky. A May 15 » and niece of Mr. and Mrs. Kappa fraternity. He is em-' gagement of their daughter, CONTEST! ment of Miss Emily Alice wedding is planned. Eichard Clapp of that town, ployed by Elliot Business Ma* Miss Judy Benkert, to 32 IROAD ST. Penas to John Allison Hum- Miss Penas, a graduate of made her debut in 1963 at the chines, Bethesda, Md, Francis Ealph Lyons! son of phries is announced by her Middletown Township High Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lyons, High* vfo American RED BANK parents, Lt. Col. (USA-ret.) School, is a junior at the Uni- 135 First Ave.,Atlantic High- AMInei. Get details firw Dclhrary and Mrs. Frank D. Penas, 6 versity of Kentucky, Lexing- Whitson-Rogers lands. from Wards Fabric or Roger Ave, Lincroft. Mr. ton, where her finance is a ju- LINCROFT - The engage- 104 South St., Eatontown, is Miss Benkert, a graduate of Sewing Mochine Humphries is the son of Mr. nior in the University's Col* Montclair State College, is a ment of Miss Linda Lea Ro- announced by her parents, Departments between 741-7500 and Mrs. E. B. Humphries of lege of Engineering. French teacher at Neptune gers to James H. Whitson Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ro- March II, Wl.cnd son of Mr. and Mrs. Whitson, Senior High School. Her gers, 7 Roma Court, here. fiance was graduated from Minchin-Lynch The bride-elect is a senior the University of Bridgeport ether prized too I RED BANK-Mrs. William The bride-elect is the Koeniger-Lilly at Middletown Township High in Connecticut. He served two J. Lynch, 34 Irving Place, an- granddaughter of Mrs. Joseph School. Her fiance is a ju- years in the Navy and is a so- roum's DENVER, Colo. - The en- Doily mi Sohfday 8-5:30 Frf. *d W«L "HI 9 »!*.. nounces the engagement of J. Lynch, Red Bank, and the nior at Monmouth College, cial studies teacher in Key- gagement of Miss Debra Lee port Central School. her daughter, Miss Nance' late Mr. Lynch, and of the Lilly to Edward Russell West Long Branch. ' Rosaire Lynch, to Henry Ren- late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Koeniger 3rd, son of Mr. and wick Minchin of Greenwich, McCormick, New York. Mrs. Edward H. Koenjger Jr., Conn., son of'Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Minchin attended the 52 Navesinlc Ave., Rumson, is Edward Howard Minchin Sr. University of Miami in Flor- announced by her parents, of Greenwich and Delray ida. He is president of Min- Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy L. Lilly Beach, Fla. A May wedding is chin Buick, Stamford, Conn., of Denver. The wedding is planned. a family company founded in planned for June 5. Miss Lynch, daughter also 1916 by his grandfather, Hen- The bride-elect is a gradu- of the late William J. Lynch, ry C. Minchin of Greenwich ate of Denver North. High . •, / was graduated from Mary- and Palm Beach, Fla. School and Mr. Koeniger is an mount College, Arlington, The prospective bride- alumnus of Arapahoe High V Va., and is a member of the groom is the grandson also of School in Littleton, Colo. Junior League of Monmouth the late Mrs. Minchin and of They expect to be graduated' County. She is employed in Mrs. Eenwick J. Moffatt of ' in'May from the University of the personnel Department of Greenwich and the late Mr. Northern Colorado ia Lord and Taylor, New York. Moffatt. Greeley. A Gift of Life Dear Ann Landers: I hope died of nephritis and now two on this practice. The Church, you won't consider this prob- of the children have tbis ill- in fact, considers it an act of lem too macabre to print. I ness. One boy is alive today generosity. The person who do need help. For the last few only because of a kidney ma- makes this decision gives the years we have been living chine. greatest gift of all - the gift next door to a family with a As a result of my friendship of life. I hope you and mil- Mobil bad history of kidney disease. with this family I have dei- lions of others will send for The father and two uncles cided to leave my vial or- your donor card today.. Dear Ann Landers: Per- NURSING HOME taining to the man who wrote to say his wife was such a • 24-Hour Clra ••RNondutyilltlmei miserable witch that he had • Madicara Approved Ann lost all interest in sex and he NAVESINK HOUSE was eating himself to death: 44 RIVERSIDE AVE. RED BANK That guy sounds like my Wishes You 842-3400 Landers brother-in-law. My darling sister was a happy, laughing girl when she DIAMONDS gans to an organ bank, with married this Pillar of Society the understanding that they - this self-annointed Paragon and can have any part of me they of Virtue. Three years after Estate Jewelry deem useable to save the life they married he wasn't inter- of another person. ested in sex either. The poor BOUGHT My father who is now 69 girl changed her hair-do, lost heard of my commitment and 10 pounds, bought a black silk Individual gems and es- announced that if he should nightie - all the crazy things tate jewelry can be dis- outlive me he would not allow women do to "rekindle the creetly turned into cash my remains to be disturbed. flame of romance." (Of at Reussilles'. He said he would not be able course they never work.) To to sleep at night thinking make a long story short, she Our reputation and pro- about it. He also insists this Is fessional integrity is your caught him with a barber. against the Catholic religion. Then there was a scandal assurance of a proper Is it? over a 10-year-old neighbor and true evaluation. My mind is made up, Ann, girl. Next it was the man who ' but I'd like to know how I can ran the gym. I hope you get Schmeckfest prevent a relative from inter- the idea. Reussilles' fering with my wishes. E.L. I'm not saying every man On this solemn occasion, Mobil dealers wish to present you with a free bag. 36 Blip41) AT TUB Worcester, Mass. who is too tired for his wife CLOCK , Dear E.L.: A Uniform has something weird going, , Anatomical Gift Act has been but it's a possibility that passed in 48 states. This law" should not be discounted. makes it possible for,individ- Since you print all shades of High Interest uals to donate their organs or opinions I thought I'd throw their bodies after death. The this in for whatever it's It has no end of uses. commitment is legal and worth. Covering All Bases For instance, a trash barrel is a and Flexibility binding and cannot be Dear Cov: Here's your let- good thing to use it for. Carrying changed by relatives. All that ter - for whatever it's worth laundry in it is also nice. Orstoring is require^ is that the donor — and in my opinion it is your winter woolens in it is not at all obtain and carry a Uniform worth printing. Thanks for bad, either. (Or use it to store any Donor card. If a donor should writing. other Schmeckfest presents you change his mind at some time Unsure of yourself on may happen to get.). during his life, he need only dates? What's right? What's It's a very good bag, indeed. And destroy the card. Donor cards wrong? Should you? Shouldn't you don't have to do anything to get can be obtained by writing to you? Send for Ann Landers' it. Just come and get it. At any the National Kidney Founda- booklet "Dating Do's and tion, Box 800, New York, New participating Mobil dealer. Don'ts," enclosing with your • York 10010. Happy Schmeckfest! • request 35 cents in coin and a. Your father is wrong about long, self-addressed stamped the Catholic religion frowning envelope. Schmeckfest begins March 25. It's all over by midnight, March 26. The '" whole thing takes place each year in SUPPER AND SALE Ftishion Show . KNSITSimCDWTO Freeman, South Dakota, and is a SUMtlf MU. EATONTOWN - A covered Is Thursday mammoth German food celebra- dish supper and auction sale tion.(From schmecken.totaste. will be held tonight at 6 HAZLET - "Rainbow of And fest, a festival.) p.m. in the United Methodist Fashions" is the theme for Diets begin March 27. Church, Wyckoff Road. It is1 Middle Road School's annual sponsored by the Woman's So- fashion show-card party set Member Federal Rtierif. Federal ciety of Christian Service. for Thursday at 8 p.m. in Dtpoitl iDimince Corp. Buck Smith's, East Keans- burg. Spring styles will be presented by Francinc's Bou-' YF7T? d HP FURNITURE CO. I tique Shoppe, Hazlet, and will, }/y £j jj J. Keyport 264-0181 £ be modeled by parents and teachers, including, Mrs. Hob- Feature!... ,j, ert Gardner, Mrs. Joseph Lej- da, Mrs. John Fleming, Mi6S Mobil. We believe everydayisa day to give a present. Thomasville * Karen McCarth, Mrs. Julie Ackerman and Miss Marguer- ite Sarik. Door prizes will be EST. 1869 • awarded, and refreshments served. Tickets may be pur- — Open Mt>n>tand Fri. Evenings 'til 9 * chased at the door, or call NMrs. Arthur Calhoun, ticket Z^,*****.^****^ff ****** chairman. 36 Tie Drily Register, . J., Tuesday March 23,1971 Hawaiian Rainbows Upset Sooners; Friars Smothered •SEW YORK (AP) - A team that came some brilliant ball-hawking - including a steal and lay-in slowdown to Keep it that way. seven thousand miles to play basketball will stay to on a Providence in-bounds pass that seemed to def- Tennessee got 24 points from forward Don play again - but there are no tomorrows foe Provi- late the scrappy Friars. Johnson. But with a running game ttat.rarely got dence, an Eastern independent, in the National in- Chamberlain's heroics overshadowed the su- out of first gear, Coach Bay Meats got desperate - vitational Tournament. perb play of Dave Chadwick. The 6-8 senior, subbing so he deliberately riled the referees and drew a pabr Hawaii, this year's Cinderella team in the for deadeye shooter Dennis Waycik - out of the of technical fouls. tonraey at Madison Square Garden, completed fiist- tourney with strained knee ligaments - wound up "We thought it might get us some mare action nnmd play Monday with a thrilling 88-87 come-frqm leading the Tar Heels with 22 points. EraSe De.Gre- on our end," he said. It didn't. All it got was more behind double-overtime squeaker over Oklahoma'. gorio, the Friars' flashy 6-foot guard, led everyone points for Duke. J Then, in the night's opening of quarter-finals with23. -" Hawaii's Rainbows, drawing the crowds' affec- play, North Carolina outhustled and outmuscled North Carolina, brutal under both backboards, tion with their hula-girl cheerleaders and '-'hot Providence 86-79 to gain a-shot at Atlantic Coast wrenched open a 65-55 lead with nine minutes to pants" uniforms with bright leaf-green patterns, Conference rival Dnke, an easy 78-64 victor over play after holding a meager 37-34 halfttae margin. seemed to have made the long trip for nothing in the Tennessee before 12,437 fans. Then He Tar Heels began to deliberately'drag their firsthalf. feet. The loss by Providence meant that for the Erst They trailed Oklahoma by 14 at one point and' time in the 34-year history of the NIT, an Eastern Six times the Tar Heels scored, were fouled in were still down by an unsettling 46-35 at the break. team failed to make it into the semifinals. the process and made the free throw. And four But after just four minutes of the second half they times they sank rebounds of their own •shots. "Oh, Quarters End Tomorrow those three-point plays and rebounds," Gavitt sigh- were within a basket of a tie-and it stayed pretty The,,quarter-flnals conclude tomorrow night ed. much that way until Tom Newell's 25-footer dead- locked it at 71-71. Witt Hawaii facing St. Bonaventure and Michigan Duke, which like North Carolina, left immediat- going against Georgia Tech. The winners of those ely after the game to return to classes today before One more field goal apiece sent it into the first two games will oppose each other in the semis. bouncing bade to New York tomorrow night, 'also overtime, with Al Davis and Newell putting Hawaii "It wasn't one of our better games," North drew away from a close half-time score to coast on top 77-73 before John Yule and Bobby Jack Carolina Coach Dean Smith said, "but then it wasn't home. brought the Sooners back. one of Providence's, either. Our defense finally* The Blue Devils were ahead by 10 with less But there was no stopping the Bainbows in the second overtime. Within a minute they led 84-77 with brought us through - that and Chamberlain's • than three minutes to play in the opening half, then . AP WlreptioM steals." watched all but one point of it disappear. John Penebacker - their high-point man with 20 - NO HULA HOOP — Hawaii's John Pennebdcker (21) Is thwarted by Okia- Bill Chamberlain, the Tar Heels 6-foot-6 junior But Tennessee never got that close again. With- getting five of the seven points. The lead dwindled to a point before Newell's free throws with 10 sec- homa's Bobby Jack (21) and Clifford Ray (14) In last night's first round NIT, forward, was electrifying in the closing minutes. He in about six minutes the margin was 10 again and, game. Hawaii won in double overtime, 88-87. scored 10 of his 19 in the final six and added some also like the Tar Heels, Duke resorted to an early. onds to play sealed it Jack had 32 for Oklahoma. Hawk Nine Training in Florida WEST LONG McConville of Monmouth backstop job are freshman ing and was named to the other Monmouth grad and BBANCH-Tho Monmouth Beach. Steve Dzubaty and junior Jim first team N.J. All-State Col- former Hawk infielder Vtoffiy College varsity baseball Fighting for the other out- Castagnoli. lege Division basketball team. Giordano and Sports Informa- team, for the first time in the field positions are freshman The Hawk pitching staff The other returning pitch- tion Director E. J. "Mim" history of the school, has Earl Jordan of Middletown, seems to be the team's ers are five sophomores. The Truppa, who also will assist joined the countless number and sophomores Joe Del- strongest point. The eight- experienced hurlers who saw the coaches with the teams of colleges and universities Grasso and Chuck Miller of man mound corps has six re- considerable duty last season organizational and adminis- that make the trek to Flor- Atlantic Highlands. turnees led by junior Ed Ha- are: Jeff Bouton, Anthony trative duties. ida's warm climate for spring The catching position is licki. HalicM was a first team Aquila, Bob Herbig, John No- training. also up for grabs, but basket- selection on the New Jersey vak and Brian McCollough. Commenting on the trip to The Hawks 20-man squad is ball ace Pete Cusick has the AU-State College Division Newcomers to the pitching Florida, Sprague said "We based in Fort Lauderdale and inside track. Cusick, a soph- team last season. The 6-7 fire- staff are Joe Winegart, ju- are very pleased to be able to will have daily morning work- omore, was one of the out- baller posted a 3-2 record nior, and Bill Hiltz, freshman. take our squad south this outs and games in the after- standing catchers in the state with two saves and had 49 Monmouth again will be spring. The hot weather noon. The competition will in- while at Demarest High. He strikeouts for 37 innings. As a coached by former Hawk should help round our players clude teams from other parts is an cxceUent defenseman member of the Hawk basket- catcher Bob Sprague. into shape much sooner and of the country as well as the and a power hitter. Other ball squad, Halicki led the Sprague, who is in his second cut down on our early Season Florida-based colleges. players in contention for the team in scoring and rebound- season, will be assisted by an* arm injuries. Upon return from Florida this weekend, Monmouth will play a 17-game schedule with 11 at home and six on the road. The season opener will be away at the University of Sailors Compete at Navy Pennsylvania on Friday, April 2. The next three games will WEST LONG BRANCH - of varsity sailing, is consid- division,, alternating, with Coach O'Connell, who is in be at home on April 3,6 and 7 The Monmouth College sail- ered to be one of the finest fe- Dittmar and Lehnes. his fifth year as head mentor against Newark College of ing team, after enjoying a male sailors in the metropoli- Newcomers out to bolster of the Seahawks,'will again Engineering, University of successful season this past tan area. the Seahawk chances are ju- be assisted by Bill Feist, an Hartford and Adelphi Univer- fall, will be in action this , Other returnees include niors .Tony DeMarco of Long assistant professor in the De- SWING'S THE THING IN SPRING — Monmouth coach Bob Sprague, left, sity, respectively. weekend. _ sophomore Gary Lehnes, who Branch, Nancy Bahr of Little partment of Business Admin- The Seahawks, who again skipperediin the "B" Division Silver and Bill Glendinnijig of istration. Instructs Hawk players in the proper use of the batting machine. Carle Jor- The Hawks, who havo been den of Middletown takes a cut as Ed Halicki, center, and Jim McConville of will be coached by Vincent last fall. Lehnes hails from. Middletown, .freshmen. Mark working out indoors for the O'Connell, will compete in the Colts Neck. Cuoro of Oakhurst and Bob Monmouth Beach observe his technique. past month, have 11 returning Mid-Atlantic Sailing In- Bichard Budryk, a junior, Nemore, sophomore. Alan An- _ _ • ._ Iettermen from last year's 13- vitational at Navy. 1Q-1 squad. has had considerable ex- torn of New Shrewsbury and H alinlri 1 Art Captain Kurt Dittmar will perience crewing in Shield senior Lou Politan of Long UalRA! AJpU > "- The returning Iettermen o skipper in the "A" Division. Sloop competition and crewed Branch. The Hawks will have TT__,Tl^r\;,£„•*»•' are led by senior Tony Tu- Dittmar, a senir, won the for Monmouth last fall. their home opener on April 3- HRWK U" "* tCi. Monmouth Park Slates molo who batted .277 last sea- - high point skipper award in Another experienced re- 4 with a Minor Regatta on the _ _ , son. Tumolo, who will be at g 1969. turnee for Monmouth is Beth shortstop again, led the Hawk Shrewsbury River out of the Returning to crew to Ditt-: Wardell, a freshman from squad in runs scored with 19 Long Branch Ic.e Boat and In statistics >-, 21 Stakes in 60-DayMeet mar will be co-captain Janet. Point Pleasant. Last fall she and stolen bases with 20. Yacht Club, the team's home WEST LONG BRANCH - Garoniak,*in her fourth year skippered in the "A" and "B" base. The Monmouth final basket- OCEANPORT - Monmouth The.Sorority, when it day before each fixture' is Senior Charlie Moore will closed on January 15, had 622 run. be back in centerfield, with ball statistics show that Ed Park, which opens June 1 and Halicki, 6-7 junior forward, runs through Aug. 9, will offer nominations while the Sapling Two new 1-1/16 miles turf juniors Tony Cervasio and. on closing day drew 705 nomi- races have been added to the Greg Kostowicz at left field led the Hawks in scoring and 21 stakes fixtures with total Phils, Mets, Cubs, Tigers rebounding.this season. purse monies of $855,000 dur- nees. To remain eligible for schedule, the $25,000 Little and first base., Halicki, who excelled in ing its 60-day summer meet- the Sorority and Sapling, a Silver Handicap for 3-year-old Contenders for the other in- ing, it was announced today second payment of $50 be- fillies and the $25,000 Eaton- field positions arc senior football, basketball, and base-, by Philip H. Iselin, president comes due April 15. Final town Handicap for fillies and Charlie Hopkins who was a ball at Kearny High School,. Win Exhibitions in Ninth paced the Hawks with a scor-' and chairman of the board of payments of $125 each fall mares, 3-years old and older. back-up catcher last season, By The Associated Press bat yesterday to win exhibi- ninth taring and edged the The Little Silver will be run ing average of 19.6 points and the Monmouth Park Jockey due on Jun 15." Supplementary and newcomers, sophomore The Philadelphia Phillies, tion baseball games. Reds 8-7. Don Money, Oscar Club. payments of $5,000 each' will on July 28 and the Eatontown Fred McGill and freshmen Gamble and Larry Hisle con- 15.7 rebounds per game. He on closing day, Monday, Aug. New York Mets, Chicago The Phils hammered Cin- was voted to the New Jersey In releasing the schedule of be accepted at the regular Steve Chanako of Middle- tributed home runs to the 9. Cubs and Detroit Tigers cinnati reliever Clay Carroll All-State College division first' stakes events, Mr. Iselin closing time for entries the town, Ben Greerstein and Jim scored in their last turn at for .four runs in the last of the winners' attack. A throwing error by St. team which will be honored ', stated that he expected the at a dinner tendered by the top contenders in all age divi- Louis pitcher Fred Norman N.J. Basketball Writers Asso- sions to be named for the fea- on Tanmie Agee's topped tured races. The schedule is roller enabled Ken Boswell to ciation on March 29 in highlighted by the $100,000 score from first base in the Springfield. Amory L. Haskell, open to 3- top of the 10th as the Mets Junior Charlie West of Rough Road for Tourney Minden, La., was second to year-olds and up, at 114 miles. nipped the Cardinals 2-1. The richly-endowed handicap Hal Breeden doubled home Halicki with 18.4 points and will run on July 17. By CHUCK TKIBLEHORN pinch runner Jose Ortiz with 13.8 rebounds per game. West Register Sports Editor two out in the top of the ninth had- single game high of 46 The ?100,000 Monmouth, for This V that from here 'n' there... 3-year-olds, will be contested and the Cubs shaded the Oak- points against Pace College. The 53rd annual N. J. State Inter- The Chuck Wagon Other Hawks scoring in , at 1-% miles on the final Sat- scholastic Athletic Association Basketball land A's 54. urday of the meeting, Aug. 7. double figures were Henry Tournament, sub-titled "Know Your State," is Earlier, Garry Jestadt Moore\ of Neptune with an In this event, which held its socked a three-run homer and in the books. Needless to say, Atlantic City's Springfield (Mass.) College . . . Harold Ca- of Manasquan. Erskine, defending NAIA Dis- 11.7 average, Pete Cusick of initial running in 1968, eligible 'Convention Hall was sorely missed for the Johnny Calllson a solo shot 3-year-old contenders will be hoon Jr., former head pro at the Navesink trict 6 champions, is coached by Harry C. Demarest at 12.6 and Mark semi-finals and finals. The boss will find out Country Club, has been named coach of the StiHo Jr., a native of West Long Branch . . . for the Cubs. Kelly of Deal at 10.6. Kelly weighted on July 22 and in- it's cheaper to put up a reporter for two week- vitations to compete will be Eider College golf team. Cahoon's new bead Senior Martin Elmes of Colts,Neck, has re- The Tigers came from be- also averaged 13.7 rebounds, ends in a hotel on the famed boradwalk than it pro job is at the Sharon Country Club in Rob- ceived his varsity gymnastics letter as a floor hind three times - a run in per game. extended by Monmouth Park, is to pick up the mileage tab for last week's with no fee obligation. binsvQle . . . Brendon Boyle is the new head exercise and vaulting specialist at Ithaca Col- the last of the ninth, another As a team the Hawks led' day trips to several South Jersey sites. professional at the Forsgate Country Club... lege ... Stan "Tuffy" Baker, Keyport athletic in the 10th and Kevin Collins' The Sorority for 2-year-old the nation for the entire sea- Christian Brothers Academy's champion- Trenton State boasts senior Joe Fragale of director and inactive coach, and Larry D'Zio, pinch two-run homer in the son in team rebounding ac- fillies and the Sapling for 2- ship in Parochial "A" prevented North Jer- Neptune and sophomore Tom Lewandowski on Lakewood baseball coach and mayor, will be 11th - and knocked off the year-olds, each with a guar- cording to N.J.I.A. statistics. sey from gaining a clean sweep of state titles. Its golf and tennis teams, respectively. among 24 high school coaches who will be hon- New York Yankees 5-4. Fritz They ended the season with , anteed value of ? 100,000, will Bloomfleld (Group IV), South Side (III), Cliff- Bcane Rider Southpaw ored for long service and dedication at the an- Peterson worked six scoreless be run on July 24 and July 31, 1,666 caroms for a 69.4 per side Park (II) and East Eutherford (I) put a nual dinner of the N. J. Interscholastic innings for the losers.' respectively. Both of these Junior Mike JBeane of Toms River, who game average, a new Mon- northern stranglehold on public school honors, doDS his twirling for Red Bank Tire during the Coaches Association Friday night at the Rut- mouth record. The old record events will be decided at 6 while St. Joseph's of West New York (Paro- gers Commons in New Brunswick. Gaylord Perry hurled seven furlongs. summer, will handle' the southpaw pitching strong innings, Willie Mays was 65.9 in the 1867-68 season. " chial "B") and St. Patrick's of Elizabeth chores at Rider College this spring. Beane Coleman Closes Career (Parochial "C") completed the winning'cast. homered and the San Fran- Two of Wa^Mschler's.all--, was the strikeout leader for the Broncs a year Ray Coleman, Hazlet's 5-11 gift to the Jer- cisco , Giants scored three time Monmoutii recoi Based on tournament performances an . ago and fanned 19 in a single game ... Junior sey City State basketball team wound up his * times in the last of the eighth broken this season,, AU-State team would have to include Les Ca- Russia Belts Mark Herman of Hazlet has earned his foot- four years of ball in splendid style as he engi- to beat Cleveland 53. < • - • i bested MiscHlers' ii _„ son of East Rutherford, Gary Brokaw of New ball letter at Yankton (S.D.) College. Herman neered the Gothics to season-ending victories game rebound mark' with l*>11' Brunswick, Mark Hlatky of Ocean Township, was moved to strong safety and made a over favored Bloomfield and Montclair State. The Montreal Expos against Southeastern'Univer- U.S. Icemen •Lou Grimsley of South Side and Sylvester strong bid for AU-Conference honors ... Off Also instrumental in the 12-11 campaign snapped a tie on Mary sity, . and West eclipsed Mis BERN, Switzerland (AP) - Cuylerof Ewing. his freshman performance, Tony Rediger of was Woot-5 junior Jim Kelly of Keyport, a lad Staehle's squeeze bunt in the chler's most field go&l£ The Soviet Union exploded for Parker Picks Purdue Fair Haven, a Daily Register All-Monmoutb. who appeared in 20 games and is now being seventh, added an insurance record for one game of 22 and seven goals in the second pe- Smoothing out the dents on a desk left County first team choice out of Red Bank groomed for a starting spot next season. run in the eighth and downed 23 against Pace' in the N:J ' riod and crushed the United idle daring the basketball road show, we find Catholic last year, should be considered in the Coleman, one of the most unheralded Washington 5-3. penny Kiwanis Classic1.. States, 10-2, yesterday in the that Asbury Park's big tackle Stan Parker is varsity starting lineup at King's College netf guards in the area, appeared oh the court for He Lain of the Senators season. Rediger averaged 17,6 points a game The Hawks also tied a one- - World Ice Hockey Champion- headed for Purdue University... Howard De- Jersey City more than any other player. He allowed three runs in six in- g'ame-team rebounding record ' ships. Monte, former district mat champion from for a frosh club which finished with a 16-1 led the team in."assists with a 6.1 per-game av- nings. record. with 89 against Southeastern. It was the third consecutive Raritan, captured the 178-pound crown in the erage, with high games of 12 assists against victory for the unbeaten Rus- New England Freshman Wrestling Conference Allen Bids For Job Western Connecticut and 14 versus Lowell sians. The Americans lost Tournament, the only victory for the Univer- Steve 1 Allen • OF Fair Haven, a Rumson- Tech; both victories. their second game after a sity of Connecticut in the 26-team field . . . Fair Haven Regional grad last June, is a In addition, the ace ballhandler was dead- HARD-TO-GET startling opening upset of Eric Bertelson of Elberon, former Ocean freshman infielder on the varsity baseball ly on defense, with a high of six stea&in the Czechoslovakia. Township eager, has been elected senior co- team at Franklin and Marshall College... No win over Ycshlva. Ray was 61 for 181 from the 2nd The Soviets broke away captain of next season's varsity basketball less than eight Monmouth County products are floor, whilo his foul shooting norm came to 71 from a mere 1-0 lead after the team at Bates College . . . Second baseman on tho varsity at Ersktae,(S.C.) College: out- per cent on 45 for 63 marksmanship. Cole- MORTGAGES first period and quickly made Don Beekman of Ocean Grove, second in the Gelder Barry Snyder and pitcher Dave Faz- man's scoring average was 7.9, due mainly to for it 3-0. After Tim Sheeny nation in triples and seventh in slugging per- zone of Red Bank, shortstop Gary Boetsch of the fact that the unselfish senior spent more Homw and Bmlnwi •. Approwa ww scored for the U.S., five more centage, has decided not to play for the Get- Bclford, catcher Miko Eowett of Eatontown, time setting up his teammates. tysburg Collego diamonders this spring. goals by the Soviets put the shortstop Bill Marcclla of MuMetown, first As for Kelly, he displayed a variety of Monmouth County Investment Corp game out of reach. Evgsni Junior Walter Woods' of Leonardo is a baseman Glen Daley of Koansburg and tMrd shots. Jim's best move was Ms hook shot up p AM lUsehakow scored two of the candidate for the varsity lacrosse team at baseman Bick Morton and pitcher Chip Hirst the middle and his baseline drive. ';z 741-5061 ;,;rr:-;:,'. *rv eecond-period goals. • di hi Hi Wt Vi trt fctf H Mi HHkiHKi 1,4 k J H U ili k* k'f on Mets Seek Old Magic Rose's 639
ST. PETERSBURG (AP) - "The ineffectiveness of our one month with a sore arm Singleton has the inside track, The New York Mets were relief pitching, early and late, last year, bounced back to Hodges' alignment is set, but subject to platooning. Tops Juniors somewhat short of amazing hurt us," Hqdges says. "We finish with a 12-7 mark behind last year, but Gil Hodges did not hit well early in the Seaver's 18-12 windup. Gen- The loss of third baseman MIDDLETOWN - Harmo- better than Shore's Ronnie tropes they'.ll 'put together that year and we made too many try, however, had chronic Wayne Garrett to military ny Bowl, behind Marc Rose's Suvey. old magic ip the run for the mistakes defensively. arm troubles and could do no . service may hurt. He is ex- 639 series, took the unofficial Mike Hutting of Elm 1971 National League flag. "Yet, with all those things better than 9-9 after winning pected to be unavailable for first-week lead in tho "A" Di- Lanes, leads the "B" Division ...."Inconsistency was our big happening we had a good four of his first five decisions. most of the season. vision standings in the sev- field with 659. problem last season," said shot. In fact, we had a couple Ryan, one of the league's Donn Clendenon, the 35- enth annual Monmouth Coun- The "C" Division singles is the Mets' manager, whose of shots at Pittsburgh. But we hardest throwers, was 7-11 year-old slugger who had 22 ty Junior Handicap Bowling led by Strathmore Lanes' Jeff 1989 miracle workers slipped just didn't do it." and a victim of wild streaks. homers, 97 runs batted in and tournament at Middletown Weiner (567), while Frank to third place in the NL East, A young pitching staff Also back are Jim a .288 average, is back at first » Lanes. Lane, rolling for Neptune paying the price for a slow which carried the Mets to McAndrew, 10-14, Ray Sa- base, along with Art The event, sponsored by Lanes, is ahead in "D" at 521. start and staggering finish. their stunning World Seres decki, 8-4, and Dean Chance, Shamsky, 293,11 homers, and the Monmouth County Bowl- Keansburg Bowl is the "B" With Tom Seaver, who won triumph over Baltimore two 9-8 with Cleveland and 0-1 in Ed Kranepool, .170, ing Association, concludes the Division leader; Middletown 25 games and the Cy Young years ago but was hit hard by three brief relief stints with Ken Boswel, who batted weekend of April 3. Lanes' Bantams Number six, Award the previous year, injuries in 1970, again will be the Mets. .254 and set a single-season Harmony totaled 3,005 to is tops in "C," and Asbury able to post just two of his 18 Hodges' strongest suit. BiH Denehy and rookie mark for second basemen of hold an edge over Shore Lanes' Number three is tops victories through the stretch, "We're looking for im- John Matlack also are battl- 85 consecutive ,games without Lanes. Rose's 639 is one point in "D" the Mets finished six games provement from Jerry Koos- ing for jobs. Tug McGraw, 4- an error, and Bud Harrelson, behind the division-winning man, Gary Gentry and Nolan 6, Danny FriseHa, 8-3, and who hit .243 and match Don Pittsburgh Pirates and one Ryan," says the manager. Ron .Taylor, 5-4, once again Kessinger's shortstop record behind the Chicago Cubs. "Koosman has been throwing will man the bullpen. of 54 straight errorless St. Mary's Grabs Seaver, who led the league the ball a lot better than last Except for third base, games, form a solid double with 283 strikeouts and a 2.81 year and Gentry looks strong where either veteran Bob As- play tandem. earned run average despite again. Ryan just hasn't been promonte, picked up from Left field belongs to Cleon bis late slump, was only one able to put two good games Houston, or rookie Tim Foil Jones, who dipped from .340 Invitational of the principals in the Sep- together." , will open the season, and in 1969 to .277 but finished tember swoon. Koosman, out of action for right field, where voung Ken strong and center field to BED BANK - Defending Bob Roma was high for golden glove winner Toramie Champ St. Mary's of New New Monmouth with 19 Agee, who batted .286 and led Monmouth won the Casey In- points, while teammate Tim the club with 24 homers and vitational here Sunday by de- Dolaghan chipped in with 11. 31 stolen bases. feating St. Mary's (CCD) of Rich Milmoe and Darius The 6-fooM, switch-hitting Deal, 38-37. Preiksta's canned 14 and 13 Singleton, .263 in half a sea- Register Staff Photo The winners led all the points, respectively, for the Haywood Probe son after a .388 getaway with LITTLE PIN BENDER — Louis Dughf, age six, way, but had to turn it on in losers. Tidewater in the Inter- Neptune City, is representing Bradley Lanes in the the final seconds when the Roma was named as the national League, might share seventh annual Monmouth County Junior Bowling losers started a rally. .tourney's Most Valuable Play- right field with Ron Swoboda, Handicap tournament sponsored by the Monmouth St. Mary's of New Mon- er, along with a spot on the .233, and Shamsky. County Junior Bowling Association. Looking on mouth was up, 38-33, with 45 All-Tournament team. are Wendy and Amy Schwartz, Deal, both repre- seconds remaining, but the , Other cagers making the Concerns Rozelle Jerry Grote, .255 despite a senting Asbury Lanes. The event will run for three Seal five scored four straight elite team are Dolaghan, Mil- PAL'H BEACH, (AP) - "In yesterday's climate, lines as the opinion expressed strength-sapping early season kidney infection, is the No. 1 consecutive weekends. before the clock stopped moe, Preikstas, and Kevin Commissioner Pete Rozelle any adverse litigation in any in the temporary injunction. Conley of Holy Cross. said yesterday as the Nation- phase of sports could have a "We're going to continue th them. al Football League meetings ruboff on any other sport," with our present rule, which opened that pro football could Rozelle acknowledged. was started with Bed Grange be faced with a problem by "It could be a problem for in 1926," Rozele said. "I the ultimate legal ruling in us. We'd have to find a way can't feel something like that the controversial Spencer out." would hold up. I can't believe Haywood basketball case. ' The Haywood case is being a practice for the protection watched closely by all sports, of the colleges would be legal- involving as it does the ques- ly ruled invalid. . tion of whether it is illegal to "It would destroy college Sidliano prevent a college athlete football - all sports in the col- from turning pro before his leges." Takes Post college class graduates. Asked pointedly what he Haywood, who did just that would do if a contract were At Pimlico by signiig before his class submitted to him of a player graduated, currently is in- whose class was not gradu- volved in a court trial testing ated, Rozelle said frankly that principle. He has sued "The contract would not be the National Basketball Asso- approved." ciation for voiding his con- Rozelle made his comments tract with the Seattle Super- about the Haywood case at an Sonics. afternoon news conference, The court, issuing a tempo- during which he disclosed he rary injunction that permits had recommended to the own- Haywood to continue playing ers that they hang less of while the issue is decided, ex- theirdirty wash in public. pressed the opinion that the March Tire Values at He said he had asked that rule prohibiting Haywood's "more discipline be handled playing in the NBA violated at the club level" and admit- his rights. ted that he had been forced to Should that be upheld, it is talk to Los Angeles owner considered likely the NFL, as Dan Reeves and former Ram well as the NBA, would have coach George Allen, now with to do away with that provi- Washington, about curtailing Esso VahieCenters. sion of its rules, creating a their public feud. situation that might cause "I told them it was un- chaos in the battle among healthy for the sport and told teams to sign college stars. them to cease their com- Rozelle, however, said he ments," Rozelle said. Asked if Sam Sidliano did not think the ultimate rul- he had fined either, Rozelle ing would be along the same answered, "Not yet." AHas 4-pfy Nykm Cord Tires. AHas Plycron Tires. Oil Change and Lube. BALTIMORE - Sam P. Sidliano of Shrewsbury was named yesterday as public re- lations and publicity director of Pimlico Race Course. I with t a Siciliano, a newsman for Ali Says/Silly' ptujJ1.78 F.E.T. for 6 more than 25 years, was lubalesa blackwall.Wh o o • Lubricate to manu- with trade-In. • W.35 mora each. facturers' specifi- named to replace Kelso Stur- Plus SI 76 F.E.T. for 650 x 13 tubalaia tlnckwall Atlaa Mlla-Pak tire. cations ;flttings extra geon, who resigned at the end • Molded to within if needed. To Doctor's Claim 3/1000 of an Inch of of Pimlico's winter meeting • Drain and add up to last month to join Turf and CHERRY HILL (AP) - spring water and my own • Fourfull piles of sturdy perfect round for an four quarts of Esso Sport magainze. nylon cord. exceptionally smoo h Extra motor oil; Muhammad Ali labeled "sil- cooks fixed the food," he • Modem wrap-around ' quiet ride.. Uniflo*, our best, General manager Charles ly" and "ridiculous" yes- said. tread for good control. • Husky wrap-around tread. slightly higher. "Chick" Lang said Siciliano terday a report by a British Blonstein, who also is Note other sizes and Check the values on all started at the track yesterday doctor that the former heavy- chairman and senior medical prices below. our^tlas Plycron tires.' to prepare for' the spring weight champion may have officer of the British Amateur meeting which opens April 19. been doped during his losing Boxing Association, wrote SIZE BUCKWAU WHITEWAU. F.EX Siciliano covered horse rac- title fight with Joe Frazier. about his suspicions in a me- (w/trada-ln). (w/trada-ln) , Ing at New Jersey tracks for dical journal, "The General Dr. Joseph Blonstein, presi- 735'X 14 .26.55 30.28 2.01 15 years for the New York dent of the Medical Commis- Practitioner." 775 X 14 2.14 Spring Tune-Up. Herald Tribune, Newark Star- sion of the World Amateur "I am not saying Clay 776x15 28.09 .32.02 2.16 Ledger and the Asbury Park Boxing Association, said he doped himself. He could have 825X14 2.32 Evening Press. In addition, saw the fight "on closed cir- been doped without knowing 625x13 30.77 34.95 2.37 he was a copy editor and rew- cuit television and again in anything about it... In all •55 x 14 33.72 38.53 2.50 rite man for the Morning slow motion and to me Ali's the major fights I have seen 855/845x15 2.54 $1095 Telegraph, a racing publica- actions were mysterious. His Clay and I have never seen ^B ^^B e-eyl.etr». tion. eyes looked glazed." him move so slowly," the doc- «2.95for»-cyl.ctn. Prlcai for atsndard Forda, He also has worked for a Ali, formerly known as Cas- tor said. Chevyi, Plymouth! and matt magazine and a public rela- sius Clay, laughed when AH, responding, said "I American compjeu. Alr- Atlas Belted Tires. eondltlonad cara slightly tions firm and was campaign reached at his posh suburban don't think he was watching tirghar. and publicity director for Wil-, Cherry Hill home. the fight I was in. I was mov- liam F. Dowd in a losing con- • "It sounds silly to me," Ali ing pretty quick. I was hitting Replace points, plugs, condenser gressional race in New Jersey said. "How could he see so Frazier two shots for every and rotor. . last fall. good on television when the one." 4J44 Adjust Idle speed, set fuel mixture. judges were so blind at ring- Verify timing, set centrifugal' nlua $2.64 F.E.T. tor F70 4 side and said I didn't win. If tubolosa Atlaa H-P tire advance, and much more. Caseys Set my eyes were glazed every- body else would have noticed TwofiberglassbBlts that right away. Trout Stocking polyester cord body Cage Camp Upto29%wldorthan "Maybe the doctor had Now Underway conventional tires. RED,BANK ~ Red Bank. tears in his eyes because he Whitewall on one side, lOPiasttcUtilityBags. Catholic High Schqol will con-. had bet money on me and TRENTON - Pre-season red stripe on tho other. duct a basketball camp for that was the glaze he saw." stocking of 160,000 trout for boys seven to 18 years of age Ali said any charge of his . the official opening on Satur- Similar values on all at the Casey Gym beginning being doped was "ridiculous." day, April 10 got underway our Atlas H-P tires. June21 at 9 a.m., here. "I only drank crystal clear this week, according to the BUCKWAU. WHITEWALL while supply laitt. •OS F.E.T. SIZE > WMIa/red aldawatl F.E.T. Camp instructions are bro- state .Division of Fish, Game (w/tradg-ln) (w/lrada-ln) < (w/trada-ln) ken into three periods. The and Shell/isheries. «0O X 13 1.60 G70-U 2.84 • Heavy-duty,26- 850X13 12.95 14.95 1.76 gallon capacity. Yacht Club Offers • Trucks from the Charles 0. Q70-15 45.20 ' 2.60 first-is June 21 to 25, from 9 775X14 2.14 a.m. to 1 p.m.; the second Eight-Week Program Hayford State Fish Hatchery 775x16 15.95 17.95 2.16 Great for garbage, leaves, clothes, etc. from June 28 to July 2, and in Hackettstown began rolling H70-18 49.86 3.11 the third from July 5 to 9. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - to various points throughout The alms of the clinic are. The Atlantic Highlands Yacht the state to launch the pro- to develop offensive and de- Club will offer a training pro- gram. Over 150 rivers and Why Esso ValueCenters? Look for these signs. fensive skills of the individ- gram to both members and streams and 65 lakes and ual, team offense rounded out non members beginning June ponds will be stocked. Because It doesnt make sense for you to have to drive all the way across The above prices on tires and services by game competition. 28 and ending August 20. More than half a million town to get a bargain on a lire or a battery or something else for your car. are available nationally at stations Enrollment is limited and The training will consist of trout are expected to be made Not when the Esso station In your neighborhood can sell you what you operated by Humble Oil & Refining three-hour sessions per week available to sportsmen in WaiueCantof will be on a first-come-flrst- need at a price that*s right And let you chargB it all on your Esso credit Company located in many metropolitan seryed basis. and will be conducted by a New Jersey this year with ad- card, with months to pay. areas and Communities. Thlaalgnldanllllaaatttlona TMialgnldantlllaa Registration forms and rt professional instructor. ditional in-season stockings 1 01 b l |1 All equipment required, extending through Memorial EssoValueCentera are Esso stations wlthacontinulng program of real Prices and offers may vary at particl- "P^*, , ) »iJ™ i« on * IndtpendantEwo deposit must be mailed to Rallnlni) Company. Red Bank Catholic Basketball with the exception of life Day. About 400,000 trout will values for your car.Stop In and see what we mean. pating Independent Esso dealers. """"' Carhp, c/o Joseph Kristofik, jackets, will be supplied by be produced by the Hacketts- Red Bank Catholic High the club. town hatchery, including School, Red Bank. Since the number of stu- 200,000 two-year-old fish. An- Esso men are doing more. . For further information dents that can be accom- other 100,000 will come from eoncorning fees contact Mr. modated is limited, early reg- the several federal hatcheries, Kristofik. istration is urged. in neighboring states. HELV WANTED f EMA1E_ II) I he IJai! j RpjrUltr. HrA B . ALTOS FOKhALK AI/TOS fOK SALE TWCfcS FOR BUSINESS NOTICES Fit T SM iP t/MCS — I!M. g«. t»T£PJJ*TIOW«l- WJOC WLfS IJ6MT H».IJ U WO — f-imn '-ellwi, yordfc Arrrv/Wlyes Housewives ANNOUNCEMENTS i AUTOS FOB SALE ALTOS YW SALE l7;5//!l (talldn Corog* InC Gals LOST AND FOUND power 5'eerir.g, rdti. £/ci*!'.cnt coriditiin. S. Main SI- K«»pwt *t3 SEE A "RUSSELL MAN — For the oest OATSUN One owner. (USD. Coo otter 5 p.m. 787- FORO FALCON FUTURA M65 -Air coiv 19WF0RD — Truck, rocK body, W longT MOVING-HAULING . * Temporary Work LOST — Loro*? oil black o'tci ed mole rot cor buys. RU55ELL Otdsmobilc-CADIL- WASHINGTON'S AUTO SERVICE 1268. dllloner, snow tires. Recently overhauled. duol wheels rear, helper springs* very GENERAL HANDYMAN SERVICE LAC Co., 100 Newman Springs Rd.r Red 370 Brood SI. 264-1321 Keyport with Siamese type of lace. Please call 291 MUSTANG — 1965. Six-cylinder, automat. Asking J595. Call 5«-76
You're not far from Full tint*, FACTORY JOBS •ndpnttlim. We Need Women I a better deal! Applyto: An both our flnttnd HKOnd »lii(ij, No rot*- 8tor*M«n«g*r von of Koun, Vou miy TOWNE »"* B •m. H4 P-ITI, or 4 pm, to 12 midnight 10' tn dour ihift jjf». STOP & SHOP, INC. mlum for itcend HWft Rout. 36 »ft"k Som olourgltrt • vifB0aa, high M ttt Poisli Av*tiu* CHEVROLET • 2,70 pir hourin ihi / 156 Isl Avi< oil Rl .16 DOWNES PONTIAC , opMngi Mlit. Wi ilia ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS (Between Hwy. 35 & 34 on the Parkway overpass) ••• •• 291 • 1-101 62 LOWER MAIN ST. 566-2299 MATAWAN Hwy 35 244-B000 Keyport HELP WANTED MAI.E mtv w AMTM»M«.» HELP WAT.VED FOR SALE FOE SALE The D&uJj Begfcter, Bed BtBkMJAdldjawnJi. J^/uesrJuy March 23, J971 ]Q MALE OR FEMALE HOUSES FOE SALE BOUSES FOE SALE HOUSES FOR SALE rHD — TAt*yit fm'/'ifir.fnit. HAPPINESS IS .„ .. _'OPERATORS HAMMOND ,g wJ-flt y>j wartf rj) Pronn's in P.s v.n. The Pijb- , l«Tn«' / 25•, frjf 4$ vtvri, the ilwe tfrjf "hvs tr, Like the Mias, fi.n bulldtri 'ire |«it hrM>.- Punch Press Brake Shear THE BERG AGENCY Inj throua»thl ground to bull
THAT'S AU-CORA WHAT PIP YOU SAY ALL I SAID WAS, raise partner's major suit TALkS ABOUT- THAT MADE HER INSTEAD. OF CALLING ir ByAlFHEDSHEINWOLD uneasiness. This discard mond toward dummy. than to show a suit of your WHAT WAS THE WOMEN'S LIB TAKE A PUNCH THE'WOMEN'S LIB" Don't take it as a personal made it possible for South to This will produce a dia- own. ' ' ' • SUABREL ABOUT WOMEN'S LIB AT YOU THEY SHOULP CALL IT insult if a long suit fails to take the ace of hearts and mond trick if the suit breaks LAST NIGHT; WOMEN'S LIB 'WOMEN'S LIP" South dealer MR. break favorably. The odds then lead a low heart to set 3-3 or if East has two un- North-South vulnerable DITHERS are only 2 to 1 that five miss- up the rest of the suit, guarded diamonds honors, in NORTH ing cards will be divided as Not suspecting his good for- the actual hand, dummy's • K evenly as possible (three with tune, declarer led a heart nine of diamonds would be- V- 5 4 , one opponent and the other from dummy and tried a fi- come declarer's ninth trick. If O 94 3 2 ,v , two with the other opponent), nesse with the queen. This the diamonds don't break + A Q 6532 S; These are good odds, but you lost to the king, and West con- well, South can later try the WEST EAST ' should expect the bad break tinued with a low spade, clubs. Playing for two suits is 4 J 109 6 2 + Q873 about once in three starts. If Sad Story better than playing for only C K87 Stem. ;'.; Declarer cahsed dummy's should guard against a bad 9 Zones of • 89 Wandering queen of clubs, and West dis- club break by taking the top action. workman; si carded, a heart, masking his diamonds and leading a dia- Puzzle 10 Cheap cigar 40 Fellow ;: By Henry V. Straka colloq. member ol ACROSS 41 Handy II Chestnut, a fjroup. 1 Coal scuttle; abbrevia- spripklcrl i'l Ancient 5 Sweet tion'. with white. Egyptian • potatoes. 42 Puerto llicn 12 Matured. ruler. 9 Junipcro —. seaport. 43 British 13 Replied: machine gun 14 Appellation 43 Wait on. abbr. of Athena. 44"—anil a 45 Black Sea 15 Indonesian. bottle..." 19 Impact. port. 21 Unctuous. •47 Evades. island 4(i Chemical 24 Friend of 49 Eat away. group. esters. Pythias. 51 Wild sheep ir COSTS 10 Convey to a 48 Woman: si. 26 Breechcloth of India. TO? MUCH AN1 IT PAIP distance: 50 Bill—: colloq. 52 Church par! •""•• baseball IT'S 100 0IS FOR J'UU HAV£ , l 27 Muse of 53 Biographer TWO SSOWN INTO IT/ 17Appt ar. umpire. poetry. Ludwig. K6A.60H6! 18 Goodies for 51 Scorncrs. 28 Verify. 54 Fit. FidoA 55 Expose. 29 State flower sg Retired " 20Antiaircrafcannon: t 59 Clowns: colloq. 57 iim WWII. 01 Conntcrpart ( UnaM«"c to rS ' 22 Fastened, 3 of Powers. move 58 Paul.—:]" as a con I. 62 Dispatch 32 Flock or Swiss 23 Prevari- boiit.. herd. painter, cated. 63 Eat. 25 Support. 33 Lets up. CO Direction: «4Hcad:Fr. abbr. 2G Mania. 65 Biblical .30 Alloy of word. Solution to Yesterday's Putttle ' copper, zinc 6G Summers: ;iml tin. ],r 34 Type of 67 Feminine ridicule. nickname. ' I CON'rWJW IF HE'S STAYIMG FOR tUNCH OR NOT. 3;> Type of soil I'LL SUBSTITUTE 37BlueEngIc ANOTHER HABIT CAIUUG HlSMCfTHERTO S£B WHAT X*5f'$ HAVING}" ' 1 Metal FOR IT fastener. Children's Letters to God offspring: 2 Butter sub. BREAK MY5ELF OF THIS •vav. abbr. STUPID THUMB-SUCKINS : 39 French term HABIT . for German soldier; 5 Whine. WWII. B Measure. 7 Biblical 40 Ionian city. kingdom.
Andy Capp
The Wizard of J<1 Snuffy Smilli TH'SflMEWAVSHE THUNDER ATIOM!! BROKE IN HER SKITTISH OL' HOWOMfllRTH DID HlUSBflMD BREAK JW THflT SKITTISH OL WflLL-EVED MULE OF HERW? llierMyB^taer,IledBanl»Ml(Uletown^. J,Tuesday March23, J971 21 At the Movies Nixon Airs Views ^ektfisiim RED BANK TOMSKIVEH '•'•;' By CYNTHIA LOWRY was an Italian opera version CAKLTON- DOVER- :.; NEW YORK (AP) - Presi- of "Cinderella," with Eileen S«ldlerB!ue2:oo; 7:10; 9:15 Cf «aJ While Hop»MG;»;J0 'dent Nixon, in his first prune* Farrell and Marilyn Home, EATONTOHN time interview with a single Television classical singers, clowning; COMMUNITY- NORTH OF RED BANK broadcaster since taking of- and hamming it up as the two lkKu8:30 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS wicked stepsisters. Carol, of DBIVEIN- ;iite, defended and explained DAYTIME MOVIES tso O HEE MAW (a Th« Brain Tliah Woul*'tDle7:M? WgM ATLANTIC his decisions and viewpoints Comment course, was the heroine. 9:39 O"e Visitor 9:00; Horror Chamber of Or. Joe7.OO;9:M) 11:00 Oitiii Woman m Foustus 10:« '"for an hour of live television In another amusing sketch, 1 8 THE DAVID HOST SHOW (O FREEHOLD MIDDLETOWN Carol and Harvey Korman 1:00 8 "Bid from BmHy * Q MOVIE OF THE WEEK (C> last night on ABC. on subjects that ranged from 0-IhDdUU "to eorcb or ijnaiar Mantes CM Eetq Vea MALL 1- TOWN- ;,, Howard JC Smith, holding a the credibility gap to conflict played a pail of new rich 430 O "No Mu7\i u> UmS" loia*. m>o itory > rtrotess Btdnrn l At. CINEMA- •iUootow Wilson and Franklin O WHAT'S rvff UNE (C) A th OTtoOTtomcnn . TTlucl o yrauff peopl> MALLCINEMY- D.Roosevelt. nery once in a while Is good reason, she decided to pick tjon$iertiM!4M;lcUU*M!WD her teeth. If she wanted to di- Host: Wanv urnner D CHANNEL II HIM FESTIVAL LSto'lS«20 Billed by ABC as a "can- for television shows as well as ID I DREAJid OF JEANMB (O vert attention from the basic •nraor Mr. Proton*» 11351) .itm*s Dtr* Bogarda, versation," it was really a .people. CecO Fucker. An tmder«ccretaz7 at the Veasiuy material, she did. O» CAPITOL REPORT taoerts a rigid umtro] of the public) nBcaa question ana answer session Highlight of the program A iniy^ipg of stata ofQctalB ind thB nras 19 MASTERPIECE THEATER (C) 730 O THE BEVERLY HHUQIIES (C) •Btwadne tlia Orclo* lianker Drysa»le devfwa an ami nteot for Eily Maya gol&dlgger I HdO B THE MERV GRIFHN SHOW (C) Brookdale Band O THE TONIGHT SHOW
Cos Cob stripes up a brand new collection of pant suits — all in machine washable, comfortably light 100% polyester. Striped tops, solid pants in navy, green, red, It. blue. We show 3 from the group. Sizes 8 to 18. Sportswear. Each, a thrifty little 24.00
Select your "Puff from a wide range of colors in spring-perfect crinkle patent: blacK, wfbite, bone or navy, phepktbe
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1 •'. '.I ' STEINBACH Asbury Park, NJi 077*2 WIDTH 714 1 414 5 6 6J4 7 8 8'/? 9 9Vi 10 10 /j •ii" 1 ... , R»dBank.NJ.O7701 AAAA X X X X X X ',. Brick Town. NJ. 0(723 - ' . Elizabeth. NJ. 07207 AAA X X X X X X X X x' Plalnlleld, N.J. 07061 Pleaso nono" mac AA X X X X X X X X X X X X >ha langih color . 2nd color A X X X X, X X X X X X B X X X X X X X X X X X X X X C X X X X X X X X X X D X X X X X X X DChorgii Accounl| _„., • Check
Send to; Name wm Addross Stelnbach State. . Of. sat. s , Shop •asbuty park,775-40()O • rod bank 741-4000 10-5:30, wed., fri. to D • brick town plaza, 477-400010-0, sat. to 5:30,sun., noon to&30 to :30i 530